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Juvia awoke with a skip in her step. She went down the large glassy stairs and entered the kitchen.

"Ah, it's nice out today." She said looking out a small window.

"Indeed it is." Water Gray-sama spoke as he came in the door.

"Good morning Gray." She announced looking for pans.

"Need any help Juvia?" He asked smiling at her.

"No, I'll be fine." She lightly blushed.

After five minutes of searching, she found the pans and made some breakfast, but she made extra for Gray.

"Breakfast?" Juvia asked reaching to the plate cabinet.

"Sure. Thanks Juvia." He smiled and took a seat at her blue table.

After breakfast, Gray left to do some ice sculptures. Juvia wondered a little ways away from her small 'village' and decided it was now time to practice. She put her hands out in front of her and slowly rose water out of a puddle she made. Not knowing she was being watched. She slowly twirled the water around. Once she looked at her 'perfection' she froze looking at it.

"I wish I could keep it this way." She sighed sadly.

"I could help you." Gray said touching the water and freezing it.

"Gray?" Juvia asked softly.

"I'm an Ice make mage. From the looks of it you're a water mage." He smirked and took her hands in his.

"It's okay. Learn to control it." He whispered.

"I will." Once she acknowledged she could practice and se her magic the right way, her 'village' disappeared.

One thing was yet to disappear. Gray. He stood there slowly fading away.

"Find me Juvia. I may not remember you at first, but I will soon." He smiled.

"What do you mean? I made you!" She let a tear slip from her eye.

"What you didn't know about you making us, well part of our actual soul comes here. Juvia, before I'm fully taken away...I-" That was the last of his words as he was swept into the cold summer air.

"But I made them. How can this be fair?" She asked falling to her knees.

"I made them so I wouldn't be lonely...So I wouldn't have to find somewhere else t torture with my magic.

'It's okay. Learn to control it.'

Gray's voice rang in her head. Juvia slowly lifted from her knees and pulled at her dress. She stood nice and tall. He hair in a nice braided bun. She lifted her hands and made a beautiful design in the air. The water floated then sprinkled the earth gently. She then raised her hand and a bunch of water shot toward the sky and kept reaching until she shot her right arm to the right. All of the water raced to the right and kept going for miles.

That is...until it reached Atlantis...

Her mother and father saw the water as fast as it came and it splattered the town, causing a flood. However, two people who would normally be interested in it...well, they were on the mountain. They were following Juvia. Who might these two be? Jamie and Gray.

"Why did your mother and father wave her off as missing when they know where she is?" Gray asked slightly annoyed.

"You think I know?" Jamie hissed and turned her gaze to the tracks. The tracks were gone.

"What now?" Gray asked looking around.

"Your supposed to know. You're the one with a husky!" Jamie yelled sharply.

"Don't yell at Storm." Gray protested.

"Ugh. You and her are alike." She boasted.

"W-What?" Gray stopped and looked at her confused.

"You have bad things in common! You're both stubborn to the bone. You both ignore me for reasons unknown, and you both have some sort of secret or something!" Jamie was now stomping up the mountain in an angry manner.

"However, you're both alike in good ways too." She stopped stomping and looked to the ground sadly, "She's beautiful. She has blue hair that she wears in numerous different stylings. You have navy bluish blackish hair that falls perfectly. She wears the most beautiful clothing in the world. You have some nice clothes. But, she's kind to people. She never intends to hurt someone. If she does she doesn't hesitate to apologize. She's delicate with things that aren't that beautiful. She says everything has beauty, but only the determined beholder can recognize what the beauty truly is. I never understood what she meant until now. You can only see what is beautiful in something that doesn't appear to be on the outside by looking on the inside or getting closer details. But you can also see it, even if it isn't there to begin with." She sighed and looked up the mountain.

"We need to find her then. Not a lot of people come this sacred. It would be a bummer to lose someone that sacred too. Plus, she is our Queen, and I want to meet her." Gray said with determination and a smile.

"Let's go then." Jamie said running.

"Wait! How do you know where to go?" Gray asked.

"Because, I just do." She turned and gave him a smile then continued to run up the mountain.

Juvia was now sitting on her front steps in her dress looking at the water that surrounded her castle. She made a moat. This moat didn't have a bridge. This moat was also as deep as a canyon. She drank water and looked to the o'so clear sky.

"I want company again. Even if it was for a day. Even if they are imaginary. I want them back. I want to meet Gray." She sighed knowing she would never receive the chance.

"Magic, it can be cruel or wonderful if you choose to look at it that way. Remember what you said to Jamie? 'Everything has beauty, but only the determined beholder can recognize what the beauty truly is'." Her horse started to talk.

"I remember that." Juvia smiled sadly and walked over to him, "Magic has beauty, but I'm not the determined beholder to see it clearly. Everything has a beholder. While I may be the beholder of most things, Magic isn't one of them." Juvia said.

"But you are. It all comes in time your highness." Jackie smiled.

"Jackie..." Juvia started.

"Yes?" The horse asked.

"Are they coming for me?" Juvia asked shakily.

"We have to see what the future holds." Jackie trotted into her stall and went to sleep.

"Time for bed huh?" She looked to see the sun setting on the mountain top and watched until the sun reached the peak of the mountain.

Juvia walked into her home and went to sleep. As for Jamie and Gray...Well, let me just show you.

"Gray that's my sleeping bag!" Jamie boomed angrily.

"No it's actually mine but I'm too tired to fight with you." Gray threw the sleeping bag over to Jamie resulting in Jamie falling backwards.

"Agh!" Jamie yelped when she fell.

"Serves you right." Gray grumbled.

"Whatever." Jamie turned her head to the mountain, "I promise, I'll bring you back..Juvia."


The next morning, all three...two? Yeah two rose and started to face the day head strong, some a little stronger than they should. *Cough* Jamie *Cough*

"Ughhh." Jamie growled, "WAKE UP PEST!" She yelled at a sleeping Gray.

"Ughh...Fi- more mints." He mumbled sleepily.

"Another thing you and Juvia have in common." Jamie sweatdropped then licked her hand, "You asked for it." She slapped him as hard as she could leaving a burning red five-star on Gray's left side.

"DAMN!" He yelled loud enough to reach Jackie (The horse's) ears.

"THAT'S WHAT YOU GET LAZY ASS NOW GET MOVIN'!" Jamie yelled laughing in between.

"I'll show you movin'." Gray mumbled into her ear as he started running up the vast cliff.

"Oh, so were making it a completion eh?" Jamie smirked cockily, "I'll beat you there." She said running full speed ahead.

"Good luck!" Gray smirked until running into a cliff. It now had a gray imprint...

"BAHHAH." Jamie cried rolling on the floor.

"Oi, shut up will ya?" Gray hissed and started to leave.

"Okay fine! Fine! I'm coming. Jeez. Bipolar much." she muttered the last part under her breath.

"Whatever." Gray said walking faster.


Juvia was staring at the castle. Where? On the top...now, you're all probably asking, 'Why? What's even there to look at?'

A giant water serpent.

That's what to look at.

The giant serpent bent down to her level.

"Why did you make me?" He asked grumpily.

"I'm practicing my magic. Watch your tone, I can summon you as fast as I can wisp you away." She hissed.

"Fine, what do you want me to do ____?" He asked. (He doesn't know Juvia's name)

"You will address me as 'Your highness' 'Queen Juvia' or 'Juvia'. And, I want you to live in this canyon." Juvia pointed to the canyon with a strong finger and looked at the serpent.

"I see." He said while going into the canyon, "My Queen, I will protect you...I guess." He went back down ignoring the insults that were being thrown from Juvia.

"Stupid serpent." She muttered.

"What was that?" The serpent yelled from below.

"Nothing you big water spraying ass." She went back into her castle and flipped to the news.

"Hello, this is Queen Jessa. I wanted to inform you all that we are missing two important people from the kingdom." Juvia's eyes widened, "Jamie...Gray?!" She yelled asking before it was announced.

"We are missing Jamie Lockser and Gray Fullbuster. If you see them around please give us some information to where it is they went, how long ago, and an estimated return." Queen Jessa sighed, "That is all thank you."

Juvia clicked off the TV slowly and looked out her window. The serpent was hissing. Had this meant someone arrived? She walked to the front door and opened it a crack to see Jamie and Gray standing there with smirks facing each other. Juvia's eyes widened more. She opened the door wider and walked to her side of the canyon.

"What are you two doing here?" She coldy asked them.

"We're here to bring you back." Jamie said smiling.

"I can't do that. You don't know why I was sent here in the first place." Juvia hissed.

"You wanna play that game?" Gray smirked.

"Try." Juvia looked at him.

"Will do." He smirked then started, "You have water powers. You ran away worrying it would endanger your kingdom. Your mother and father mad this for you. They sent you away. They told you to not return. They wanted you to be Queen. You refused, why? Because, you were worried people wouldn't understand you." Gray said looking at her.

"H-How did yo-?" Juvia was cut short by Jamie.

"Why didn't you tell me this!?" Jamie asked with tears falling.


"Gray." Juvia said sadly, "I've learned to control most of it. Just like you told me to." That's when Gray remembered.

"You did?" Gray asked smiling.

"Yeah. That doesn't mean I can go back though." Juvia frowned and turned away.

"Go home to Atlantis and never return." She walked to the steps. Before going up she said, "Jamie, you will make a fine Queen." Juvia opened her door and slammed it shut.

"You heard the lady. Move it!" The serpent hissed.

"Not until she comes with us." Gray stood his ground.

"JUVIA!" The serpent yelled.

"What?" Juvia sweat dropped, "I just did my dramatic exit!" She complained

"Go with them." The serpent hissed.

"Why should I?" Juvia asked.

"Because, you have learned all you need to. You can also control it. It poses no threat to Atlantis." The serpent said.

"He's right." Storm (Gray's husky) piped.

"He's right." Jackie smiled and opened her stall.

"Juvia, let's go home...together." Gray said holding out his hand.

"I don't want to hurt you." Juvia cried.

"And you won't. If your water gets out of control...I'll use my ice." Gray took her hand and pulled her over the canyon. The serpent helped Jackie cross too.

"Let's go home."

After several years, Atlantis was lively again. The king and queen died after a few months of Juvia's arrival. Now Juvia and Gray were married with one little girl name... Pickle..Just kidding. Her name is Gracie.

"Here little snowflake. Eat up." Juvia said giving two year old Gracie soup.

"Gray honey, I need you for a second." Juvia said knowing he had kingly duties.

"Be there in a second." He replied.

After a few minute he came out.

"Now that all four kingdoms have found their princess' they are making a party. This party will have the four kingdoms come together living under the same roof for a month. We are allowed to bring Storm." Juvia smiled.

"What about Gracie?" Gray asked glancing at Gracie.

"She's coming too. All four kingdoms have children now. We want them to get along and we want all of us to become allies." Juvia answered.

"What kingdoms specifically?" He asked.

"Sumerian Kingdom, they found Lucy who married Natsu Dragneel. Redfox, Prince Gajeel married Levy McGarden. Kingdom of Heaven, Erza has won her own hand and married Jellal Fernandez. And Atlantis, Gray found Juvia and they got married." Juvia laughed at the last part.

"I love you Juvia." Gray smirked and pulled her into a kiss.

"I love you too Gray." Juvia smiled.

And so the missing Queen was found...

They Lived Happily Ever After...

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