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    Avalanche sighed as he stood infront of the supposedly cursed pine forest that was on the edge of Icewing territory. He was joined by three other icewings, Shiver, Polar, and Lemming.
    "So are we just gonna stand here like a bunch of petrified scavengers or are we gonna go in?" Shiver asked, glancing at the others.
    "Of course we're going in! It's not like the legend is true or anything!" Polar said flapping her wings before running into the forest, followed by the other three.

      *Smol time skip*

     Avalanche glanced around as he and the group walked, they were about to leave the forest but they soon noticed that Lemming had disappeared.
    "Hey, where did-" Polar was cut off by a horrifying shriek that no doubt belonged to Lemming.
    "What in the name of the moons!?" Shiver yelled as the trio headed to where the shriek was.

    When they entered a clearing they all froze, Polar gasped quietly as they looked upon the now bloodstained snow.

     And there in the middle of the clearing lay the now mangled body of lemming. The young dragon's body was now twisted at a odd unnatural angle, his wings stiffly tucked up beside his body, his jaws opened in a everlasting scream, not to mention his head was only connected to his body by a few strands of skin. But the worst part was that his entire chest and abdomen was torn open, organ entrails hanging out in some places. This certainly wasn't the prettiest sight.

    "What in the name of Pyrrhia could have done this. . ." Avalanche muttered as Shiver ran over to a bush and well, threw up.

      "T-the legends t-they're true! H-how? Also WE'RE GONNA DIE!!" Polar screeched as the sound of a large stick snapping could be heard in the forest.

      "Oh we're dead oh so flipping dead!!" Shiver said quickly before spreading his wings. "And I'm not staying here!!!"

      Shiver quickly flapped his wings but before he could fly off another icewing with pale silver scales, light blue spines, many scars and blood shot teal colored eyes ran out of the forest and leapt onto shiver, quickly pinning him to the ground.

    Shiver screamed but it was cut sort as the new Icewing plunged her fangs into his neck and dark blue blood splattered the snow.

   Avalanche backed up and Polar hid behind him as the Icewing slowly approached them, it's eyes narrowed and ears twitching as it inhaled, preparing a blast of frost breath.

   Avalanche growled and went to take off before him and Polar were frozen alive by the other Icewing who looked at the corpses in the clearing.

   "Stupid dragonets . ." She muttered, her raspy voice making it sound like a growl, before walking away, her scales and spines clacking together as she walked, leaving blood stained claw prints in the snow.

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