Chapter 1

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Havenbrook, Skelton Residence

3rd POV

Morning sunlight streamed through the window, casting a warm glow across Tyler's room. For a few moments, everything was peaceful, something he rarely got when he lived in Union City, always loud and annoying . The town was quiet, the air was crisp, and Tyler was blissfully asleep, his body sprawled across the bed, completely unaware of the storm about to wake him.

Then, without warning, the door to his room flew open with a bang, as a blur went in and in the air.

"RISE AND SHINE, TYLER," Heather's voice echoed through the house

It soon followed by the unmistakable sound of her launching herself straight at him. Before Tyler could react, he felt a heavy force slam into him, sending him flying out of bed and crashing into the floor in a heap of blankets and limbs.

"Ugh, MOM," Tyler groaned, his face buried in the carpet as he tried to gather his bearings,"what the fuck?!"

Heather grinned down at him, her hands on her hips as she stood triumphantly over her son, just like she did every morning. In another part of the world, a boy with orange hair sneezed, feeling like someone else where knew his pain of his psycho parts awaking them in similar ways.

"What's the matter, you used to dodge that so easily," she said with a smile,"or has all that training with Hitsugaya's powers made you lazy?"

"I didn't dodge it because," Tyler said as he sat up, rubbing his head with a scowl,"normal people don't expect to be body-slammed first thing in the morning!"

"You're not normal, kid, besides, I had to make sure you were ready for the day," Heather laughed, reaching down to ruffle his already-messy white hair,"can't have you slacking off when you've got those fancy ice powers, right?"

"Yeah, yeah... ready for what, exactly?"

"Training, of course. You didn't think you'd get a day off just because you saved the city, did you?"

Tyler muttered something under his breath but knew better than to argue. His mom could be just as relentless as the monsters he fought—and probably more terrifying when she was mad. So he got dressed, making a small breakfast, saying hello to his dad, who was getting ready to head out for work. He was a gunsmith in the town, fixed and repaired all the guns in town

"Good luck son, see ya when I get back," he said

"Later dad," Tyler said as he ate toast with jelly

"She woke you up by kicking you huh?"

"Yep, I swear she has a screw loose or two."

"Yeah but hey, she does it cause she wants you to strong," Justin said as he rubbed his head,"sometimes parents do extreme things caused we just want to make our kids can handle things without us, so don't take it personally son."

Tyler nodded as soon later that morning, he stood in a clearing outside the city, surrounded by the crisp chill of the early hours. His breath was visible in the cold air, and the ground beneath him was coated with frost, remnants of his earlier training sessions. He had grown resist to the cold, he didn't feel or did it effect him in anyway, well it didn't matter, the cold never bothered him anyway

(Alice:...Did...did you make a Frozen reference!)


(Alice:...*smiled seductively*, Oh I am gonna enjoy this~)

He swung Hyōrinmaru with precision, the blade slicing through the air as he practiced the forms and techniques he had inherited from Hitsugaya. The ice dragons swirled around him, coiling and roaring with every movement. He was getting better, more in control, last time he accidentally froze half a cattle farm, luckily none of the cows were hurt, just a little cold.

The power felt more like his own with each passing day, though the memory of Hitsugaya's presence still lingered in the back of his mind. Tyler focused, summoning a wave of ice that shot forward, freezing the ground in a jagged line. He took a deep breath, steadying himself.

"Not bad," he muttered,"but it could be better."

Just as he was about to go again, a shift in the air caught his attention. His senses sharpened, and the familiar pressure of spiritual energy—massive and unmistakable, washed over him. Someone was here, watching him train. He turned, eyes narrowing as a figure appeared at the edge of the clearing, stepping out from behind the trees.

It was Shunsui Kyōraku, the Captain-Commander of the Gotei 13.

Shunsui Kyōraku:

Kyōraku's laid-back demeanor was apparent even now as he approached Tyler, his usual straw hat tilted over his eyes and a calm smile on his face. But Tyler wasn't fooled, he could feel the immense reiatsu radiating from the man, the power behind that casual exterior. He kept clam and kept a tight grip on Hyōrinmaru just in case, if he had to fight, he go down swinging

"Well, well," Kyōraku said with a chuckle, stopping a few feet away from Tyler,"so it's true. Tōshirō Hitsugaya's reiatsu really is back in the world of the living."

"Who are you," Tyler asked, narrowing his eyes

Kyōraku tipped his hat slightly, his eyes peeking out from beneath the brim.

"Shunsui Kyōraku, Captain-Commander of the Gotei 13," he introduced himself,"nd you must be Tyler Skelton, the one who's been causing quite a stir in the Soul Society."

"You're here because of Hitsugaya, aren't you," Tyler asked, mind racing with possibilities

"I am, when we felt his reiatsu, we couldn't believe it. Tōshirō's been gone for a long time, but now, it seems his power has found its way to you."

Tyler didn't respond immediately, not wanting to spoil everything to someone he just met and didn't trust. He could feel Hitsugaya's presence stirring within him, cold and insistent. The former captain's reiatsu still pulsed through his veins, like a second heartbeat.

"I didn't ask for this," Tyler finally said, his voice steady,"I didn't ask to be connected to him. But now that I am...I'm not going to waste it."

Kyōraku studied him for a moment, his smile returning.

"Good answer, you remind me of him, you know," he said,"Hitsugaya was always serious, even when he didn't need to be, man should have learned to kick back and enjoy the highlife."

He paused, glancing at the sword in Tyler's hand.

"That's Hyōrinmaru, isn't it," Kyōraku asked,"the same Zanpakutō Tōshirō used."

"It's his," Tyler said as he nodded,"but I've made it mine too."

. "I like that," Kyōraku chuckled,"the thing about being a Soul Reaper is that the power you inherit is only part of the story. It's what you do with it that matters."

Tyler looked down at the blade in his hand, the frost shimmering in the light. He knew that already, Hitsugaya's legacy wasn't just about power, it was about responsibility, about protecting the people who couldn't protect themselves.

"He's right, why do you think I make you fight battles you don't want to fight? It's cause this power, you can help and save so many people with it.'

'But I ain't a Hero, I'm just trying to get through life.'

'So are they Tyler.'

"I didn't come here to fight you, kid," Kyōraku said, sensing Tyler's tension,"I just wanted to see for myself if Tōshirō's power really was in the hands of someone worthy."

"And, do you think I'm worthy," Tyler asked as he met Kyōraku's gaze, his expression firm.

"That's for you to prove. But from what I've seen, you're off to a good start."

With that, Kyōraku turned to leave, his movements slow and casual, as if he hadn't just dropped in on one of the most important moments of Tyler's life.

"Oh, one more thing," Kyōraku said over his shoulder, his tone more serious,"the Soul Society isn't the only place that felt Hitsugaya's reiatsu. You might want to be careful. You're going to attract some...unwanted attention."

"From who," Tyler asked, as Kyōraku gave him a cryptic smile.

"You'll find out soon enough. Just be ready."

"...Dose he do that a lot?"

'Ooohhh yeah, its \

And with that, the Captain-Commander vanished, leaving Tyler standing alone in the frosted clearing, the weight of his words hanging heavily in the air. Tyler exhaled, feeling the cold pulse of Hitsugaya's reiatsu within him. He didn't know what was coming next, but he knew one thing for sure: his connection to the former captain wasn't just a coincidence.

As the frost slowly melted away from the clearing, Tyler sheathed Hyōrinmaru with a soft sigh. Kyōraku's words echoed in his mind, a warning that made his chest tighten.

"Unwanted attention, huh," he muttered to himself, running a hand through his snowy white hair,"great, just what I needed. As if Union won't be a problem when they get their act together."

He turned back toward the city, intending to head home, but something felt... off. The temperature in the air shifted again—not because of his powers, but something else. Something unnatural, it cause Tyler to frown, his senses immediately on high alert. It wasn't the Gotei 13 this time, no, this reiatsu felt completely different, ancient, unsettling, and hungry.

Before Tyler could react, a sharp gust of wind swept through the clearing, and out of the shadows, a figure materialized, moving so quickly that Tyler barely had time to draw Hyōrinmaru.

The figure stopped a few feet in front of him, and as the dust settled, Tyler could see the man standing there—tall, dressed in a long black coat with a high collar. His pale skin and slicked-back hair gave him an almost vampiric appearance, and his piercing red eyes were locked directly on Tyler, filled with cold amusement.

"Who the hell are you," Tyler asked as he tightened his grip on his Zanpakutō.

'Tyler, be careful, this man...or whatever he very dangerous.'

"You must be the one the Soul Society is so interested in...Tyler Skelton, was it," he said, his voice was smooth and unsettling, like someone who always had the upper hand,"I can sense Hitsugaya's reiatsu all over you. Fascinating."

"You didn't answer my question," Tyler stated, causing the man chuckled softly, taking a step forward.

"My name is Kariya Jin, I'm one of the Bounts," he said the word as if it explained everything, as if Tyler should have known exactly what that meant.

Kariya Jin:

But Tyler didn't.

"Never heard of you," Tyler stated coldly to the man, or whatever he was

"Ah, that's right, the Soul Society probably doesn't talk much about us these days," Karina said, amused by Tylers ignorance,"we're what you might call a...forgotten race. Created by Soul Reapers, discarded when they decided we were too dangerous."

Tyler's mind raced as he tried to piece it together. He'd never heard of the Bounts before, but if what Kariya was saying was true, they were enemies of the Soul Society, and now they were here, targeting him. For what reason, he didn't know, but what he did know was that it was bad and he can't let him wind

"And what do you want from me," Tyler asked, his voice cold, matching the ice swirling around him.

"It's not what I want from you, it's what I want to take from you," Kariya said as his smile widened,"Hitsugaya's reiatsu is powerful, exactly what I need to complete my plans. And since you're the one who inherited it...and I'll be taking it from you."

Tyler's grip on Hyōrinmaru tightened, his reiatsu flaring as the frost on the ground thickened, Kariya's grin never faltered. This was gonna be a difficult battle for Tyler, he didn't know the man's abilities or skills, he had to play it safe.

"You're welcome to try," Tyler said

"Oh, I intend to," Kariya said as his smile was thin and dangerous

Without another word, Kariya disappeared in a flash of speed, reappearing directly in front of Tyler with his fist already moving to strike. Tyler barely had time to react, raising Hyōrinmaru to block the attack. The impact sent a shockwave through the clearing, the force of it nearly knocking Tyler off his feet. Kariya's strength was unreal, shows that he isn't human, something abnormal

Tyler gritted his teeth, using Hyōrinmaru to push Kariya back, but the Bount barely seemed fazed. He vanished again, reappearing behind Tyler this time, moving with inhuman speed. Tyler spun around just in time, slashing his Zanpakutō at Kariya, but the Bount dodged with ease, laughing as he danced around Tyler's attacks.

"You're fast," Kariya said, almost sounding impressed,"but you're not as fast as Hitsugaya was."

"I'm not Hitsugaya," Tyler said as he scowled, his eyes flashing with anger.


Tyler raised Hyōrinmaru high, summoning a blast of icy wind that spiraled out from the blade, forming an ice dragon that roared toward Kariya. The Bount's eyes widened slightly in surprise, but he quickly dodged to the side, the dragon's icy breath freezing the ground where he had stood.

"Impressive," Kariya said, his tone still casual,"but it's not enough."

Kariya raised his hand, and from his palm, a strange, swirling energy began to form. It crackled with dark power, and Tyler could feel the malevolent energy radiating from it.

'Tyler, don't let him touch you with that!'

"You see, Tyler, I don't need to beat you in a battle of strength," Kariya said,"I just need to drain your spiritual energy. Once I have Hitsugaya's power, you'll be nothing more than an empty shell."

"You're not taking anything from me," Tyler declared, eyes roaring with an icy determination

"We'll see about that."

The energy in Kariya's hand surged forward, spiraling toward Tyler like a black vortex. Tyler's instincts kicked in, and he leapt into the air, narrowly avoiding the attack. As he did, he pointed Hyōrinmaru toward the sky, his reiatsu flaring with icy power.

"This ends now," Tyler muttered, his eyes cold and determined,"Sennen Hyōrō."

In an instant, massive ice pillars shot up from the ground, surrounding Kariya and trapping him within a frozen cage. The temperature in the clearing plummeted, and the air filled with the sound of cracking ice as the pillars began to close in on Kariya, freezing him in place. For a moment, Kariya's smirk faltered, his eyes widening as the ice closed in.

"What—?!," he yelled

Tyler didn't give him a chance to react. With a final swing of Hyōrinmaru, the ice pillars converged, completely encasing Kariya in a solid block of ice. The clearing went silent, the only sound the soft crackle of the ice settling around Kariya's frozen form. Tyler landed softly on the ground, his breath visible in the cold air. He kept his eyes on the frozen pillar, waiting, watching.

And then—CRACK!

The ice began to fracture, small fissures forming across the surface.

"Of course," Tyler said as he narrowed his eyes

With a burst of energy, the ice shattered, and Kariya stepped out of the wreckage, his smirk returning.

"Not bad, Tyler, not bad at all," Kariya said, brushing the frost from his coat,"but it's going to take more than that to stop me."

"Good, I've got more," Tyler spokes as he raised Hyōrinmaru, his expression cold and unwavering

Both stood ready, Hyōrinmaru raised and frost swirling around Tyler, prepared to face Kariya again. But before he could make another move, Kariya chuckled softly, his form shimmering as he stepped back into the shadows.

"Not bad, Tyler, you've got the strength, but this isn't over," Kariya said, his smirk never leaving his face,"I'll be back, and next time, I'll take what I came for."

Before Tyler could react, Kariya's body dissolved into the shadows, disappearing into thin air. The reiatsu that filled the clearing suddenly vanished, leaving Tyler standing alone amidst the ice and destruction. Tyler growled, spinning around and searching for any trace of Kariya. His instincts screamed at him to follow, to chase Kariya down before he could escape for good.

"Dammit," Tyler growled,"don't run from me bastard!

But just as Tyler prepared to dash after him, a cold, familiar voice rang out in his mind, stopping him in his tracks.

'Don't. Let him go.'

Tyler froze, the voice of Hitsugaya echoing clearly through his thoughts. His grip tightened on Hyōrinmaru, his breath coming out in visible puffs as he fought the urge to argue.

"Why," Tyler muttered aloud, his voice laced with frustration,"I can stop him now before he causes any more damage. He's a threat, and he'll come back."

Hitsugaya's then spoke, his voice was calm but firm, almost like ice settling in the cracks of Tyler's resolve.

'If you follow him now, you'll be walking into a trap. He's trying to draw you out, to make you chase him on his terms. You don't know enough about the Bounts or their abilities to face him without preparation.'

Tyler clenched his teeth, his muscles tensing as the logic hit him, cause Hitsugaya was right. Kariya had already shown how dangerous and unpredictable he could be, his skill and power was something else. Charging in recklessly would only give Kariya the advantage, and he ends up dead and their plans will unfold.

'You're strong, Tyler, but you're not invincible. Kariya has been planning this, and he'll be ready for you if you follow him now. You need to think like a captain, not a reckless fighter. That's what I would have done.'

Tyler's grip on Hyōrinmaru loosened, his shoulders relaxing slightly as Hitsugaya's words sank in. There was no point in rushing after Kariya and falling into whatever trap he had laid, he had to plan ahead and use his brain.

"So what do I do," Tyler asked, his voice quieter now.

'You warn someone. Kariya isn't working alone, and if the Bounts are involved, you'll need more information. There's only one person in this world who has the knowledge you need.'

Tyler's eyes narrowed slightly, already knowing the answer before Hitsugaya spoke again.

'Find Kisuke Urahara.'

Urahara, the name alone made Tyler hesitate. He'd heard of Urahara, a former captain of the Gotei 13 and one of the most cunning minds in both the Soul Society and the world of the living. If anyone had the answers, it was him. Tyler sighed, finally sheathing Hyōrinmaru, the cold aura around him dissipating.

"Fine, I'll go to Urahara," he said, declaring his mission

Hitsugaya's presence faded slightly, but his voice remained steady in Tyler's mind.

'Good. And don't let your guard down. If Kariya's here, there's no telling what else is coming.'

Tyler nodded to himself, mentally preparing for the next step. As much as he hated letting Kariya escape, Hitsugaya was right, as always. He couldn't afford to fight blindly. He needed to understand what he was dealing with, and Urahara was the only one who could help.With one last glance at the icy ruins of the clearing, Tyler turned and headed back toward the city, his thoughts now focused on his next destination:

Kisuke Urahara's shop.

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