two: the world's in flames and all i have is my snark

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Rip said "difficult to fathom", but what he probably should have said was "impossible". It was crazy, to Ramona, to think that she could be a "legend". She shook her head. "Yeah, I don't believe you," she informed him, crossing her arms.

Not everyone seemed to agree with her, though. A guy she hadn't heard yet, dressed in the weirdest metal suit she'd ever seen, said, "Legends?" in a hopeful kind of tone, one that made Ramona think he wanted to be a hero.

"Uh, I hate to nitpick," said an older man, the one called Stein. He looked sort of familiar, but Mona wasn't sure where she knew him from. "But doesn't a legend have to be dead?"

"Not necessarily," Ramona began, but the younger guy talked over her.

"Yeah, see, uh, that's a dealbreaker for me," he explained, "so I'm gonna pass." Mona rolled her eyes. If they'd listened, she would have pointed out that Rip was from the future—and they were all going to die at some point anyway.

"It's dangerous for any of you to know too much about your own futures," Rip explained, "but I am here because each of you, as individuals, is destined for greatness."

"I could get behind that," agreed the man in the metal suit. Idealist, Ramona thought.

"And," Rip continued, "because if you don't follow me, this is what is in store for your world one hundred and fifty years from now." He turned, pulling a device from his pocket and pointing it out at the skyline. In a flicker, a reddish projection shone out over the city. It showed a city, burning and half-destroyed. The apocalypse.

Ramona's jaw dropped. She knew the world would probably end in fire and death, but she didn't think it would be this soon. Not only a hundred and fifty years from now. She closed her eyes, but the image burned behind them. What could cause that much destruction? Who could cause it?

Though, the snide part of her whispered, who was this Hunter guy to place all of that on their shoulders? Even if he was right and they were legendary heroes, that didn't mean he got to dump the world's problems on top of them. That didn't mean they would drop it all just because he said so.

Ramona closed her eyes, pushing that voice aside. She didn't want its input now.

"I could have chosen any time and place," Rip said, "Of all the people who've ever lived, I chose you nine. I certainly hope that you won't let me, and the world, down." He stalked towards them, pulling a card from his pocket. "If your answer is yes, meet me at this address in thirty-six hours." Pressing the card in Stein's hands, Rip stalked towards an access door in the roof, soon disappearing from sight.

Ramona stared after him. It would be crazy to give up everything for a chance—a very slim chance, if she were being honest—to stop an immortal madman. Honestly, it was unlikely she'd live to see the end of the mission; she was only human. No special resources, no meta-powers, no super suit. Just a girl.

The guy in the metal suit looked at the eight of them, an oddly hopeful look on his face. "So, what do you think?"

"I think that's five minutes of my life I'm never getting back," her father said. Mona gritted her teeth—that voice surged back again, whispering in her ear that he's right. She did her best to ignore it.

Tin Can Man turned to Ramona, as if he sensed the confusion inside her. "What about you?"

She shook her hair out of her eyes. "I think it's crazy," she said. "I don't know about you, but all I've got going for me is a degree in literature and a cold gun," she held it up to prove her point, "which I now have to fix. I don't see how I can help out there."

Stein shook his head. "He just showed us the entire world in flames," he exclaimed. "You can't just turn your back on that."

The older Snart spread his hands, smirking. "Observe," he said, crossing his feet at the ankles and spinning around. Mick right behind him, he stalked away.

The guy in the metal suit chuckled a little. "Well, I think we can all agree that the mission will go a whole lot better without those two," he said. Ramona rolled her eyes.

The blonde shook her head. "I haven't signed on yet," she protested, crossing her arms.

"And I'm not signing on at all," said the young guy. He looked about Ramona's age, maybe a little younger.

Stein turned to him, mouth gaping open, like he hadn't thought the kid would say no. "Jefferson-" he started, but couldn't finish.

"No," the guy, Jefferson apparently, said. "I'm not going off to die in some apocalyptic future. I'm staying right here in the present." He stabbed one finger towards the ground to emphasize his point.

Ramona found herself nodding in agreement. "I'm with him," she said. "I don't really feel like dying, sorry." Jefferson gave her a nod—of agreement or approval or something, Mona couldn't tell what—and stomped off, clearly upset with his white-haired friend.

Stein looked at the group of them still standing there, then at Jefferson's retreating back. "I'll go talk to him," he said, then rushed off. Like they needed an explanation for that, Mona thought.

She crossed her arms, looking at the four others still on the roof. "So, kidnapped by a time traveler," she said. "Not exactly on my bucket list, but I'll bet no one else I know can say that."

The blonde snorted out a laugh, but the two bird-people ignored her. They were having their own conversation, and neither of them looked especially happy. Ramona sighed, shoving her hands in the pockets of her gray leather jacket. It was times like these that she wished she had a real partner, the way her dad had Mick. Someone to stand by her side and work with her. But of course, she wasn't so lucky. She may have worked with the Flash, but they were by no means partners.

"Well..." she said after a moment. "I gotta figure out where the hell I am so everyone knows I'm alive. See ya." She turned, and stalked off the roof. She had a feeling she would be seeing them again, like a tickle in the back of her brain.

"So you're telling me this Rip guy wants you to travel through time to stop some immortal called Vandal Savage from taking over and destroying the world? And you said no?"

Daria stared across the kitchen counter at her, brown eyes wide. She held a salad bowl between her hands, ready for the vegetables Ramona was chopping on the opposite side of the counter. Of course Mona had told her the whole story; Daria was her best friend and one of the people Mona trusted most. She could count on Daria to keep her secrets and understand her completely.

Ramona shook her head. "It's not that simple, Dar," she said, "I can't just go off traveling through time because some kidnapper said I was a legend."

"Buuut," Daria said with a smirk, "you'd be saving the world. Come on, Mona, it's what you were meant to do! No one would dare think badly of you if you saved the world."

"Did I mention he kidnapped us?" Ramona said, even as she laughed at her friend's dramatics. She put down her knife, sighing. "Look, I- I want to. I'm just not sure if I can." She fixed her gaze on the counter, biting her lower lip.

Daria pushed the bowl to the side, leaning across the counter to grab Ramona's hand. "Ramona," she said, "you're one of the strongest people I know. If this Rip Hunter guy says you can save the world and become a legend, I believe him. I think you should go."

Ramona lifted her head, looking into Daria's eyes. She could count on Daria, always had. If Daria thought she could do this...then maybe she actually could.

She took a deep breath, closing her eyes. The part of her that wanted to do whatever she could to bring good to the world spoke up, loud and clear. And she knew just what it was telling her. "Fine," she said, and opened her eyes, "I'll go. Maybe you're right, Dar, maybe this is what I'm supposed to do. And," she grinned, "I'd be crazy not to time travel when I have the chance."

Daria grinned back at her, letting go of Ramona's hand and whooping like a child. "I know you won't regret this," she said. "Just watch, it'll be the adventure of a lifetime!

1487 words.

Yay, another chapter! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it was a lot of fun to write. And, we got to meet Ramona's friend Daria! She was mentioned in the last chapter, and she's great. Up above I have her face claim, Jac Jagaciak.

Please let me know what you think!

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