Chapter 26 : Small Things

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I woke up early on a Saturday (WFH has messed up my sleep cycle big time!) Anyways, so I thought why not work on taking this story ahead to the part where.....! ;)

Anika silently walked out of the room, towards the dining area. The furniture of the farmhouse had been tastefully designed and placed. During the wedding all the furniture had been moved to the out house but now it was all in place and it looked perfect. The farmhouse was different from the Oberoi Mansion. It had more of a modern taste in it's interiors. 

She reached the table to find Shivaay there, seated with his laptop before him. A servant had come to summon her for dinner. She had walked into the dining area quietly, however he looked up at her as though he had heard the silence, loud and clear. Just like always, he knew when she was around.

The dinner was a silent affair. Anika simply looked on how he busily watched the screen while eating. It was a first again. She had never seen him work at dinner table as such. He had clear boundaries between personal life and work life. 

Shivaay had never had such a messy thought process in his head. There were way too many emotions for him to keep track of. He didn't like Anika's childhood friend or the rapport they shared. He was cross at Anika for seeing him like a law flouting criminal. Fine, he did have power  and he did influence the local police. Yes, he did have a gun. But everything aside, how could she not see he did everything for her, for her well being. 

He wouldn't take a life. No way. But he surely believed in making people's life hell if they deserved it. That Shwetlana deserved to rot in hell. 

It was when Anika was retiring to the room to rest, that his voice stopped her. 


She slowly turned around to find him approaching her. Once he was close enough his hand reached out to pull up hers. He placed a tiny moon, the tiny hanging from her bracelet, on her palm. "Your moon!"

Anika simply stared awestruck into his eyes. He had found it? In that moment of panic, when she was being forced inside the cat, she had done the most ridiculous thing. Tugged at her bracelet and dropped the tiny piece of it in hope that he would find it. In retrospect, she had found it a very silly thing to do. After all, who would spot a tiny little piece of a bracelet?

"I found it," he said softly. "It was a very good idea but a very futile execution."

"But you found it, anyway!" She replied gazing down at her palm. How did her moon always end up with him?

"Actually, on the CCTV I had caught your action."

Anika nodded, her gaze falling on his bandaged palm. "You changed the dressing," she said pointing to it.

Shivaay followed he graze and looked at his plam. He was suddenly reminded of the dull pain and burn. "It's okay," 

"No, it's not. I will help you with. Where's the first aid?"

Shivaay looked at her. 

"First aid box?" She repeated staring at him adamantly. He pointed behind her to the side table. She turned around and followed his direction. Shivaay smiled. He had changed his dressing two hours back. But he wasn't going to tell her that. 

Shivaay sat on the chair while Anika stood before him, the first aid box laid open on the table. Anika gently unwrapped the old dressing. She scrunched up he rinse at the smell of the ointment. She was about to dip the cotton into the antiseptic liquid to clean his wound when he held her wrist.

"Don't, just apply the cream. That burns!"

Anika nodded understandably. 

Shivaay looked on amazed as she used her fingers to apply the antiseptic cream and then blew over it. It was a sight to behold. He was absolutely basking under her attention and affection. He needed so much more of that. 

As she began to dress his wound, Shivaay stared at her with an ache in his heart. When were they going to tend to the wounds of their...relationship? No, Connection? He didn't know what he should call it. But whatever was between them had been damaged and needed to be healed and rectified.

"Sorry," he said softly. He was surprised  that without thinking he had said that.

She immediately raised her gaze to meet his. A silent question in her eyes.

"I've fucked up, Anika. I have hurt you. I can't undo things. But, I really care for you. I was scared when you...disappeared."

Anika had resumed wrapping up the piece of dressing. Was she so weak that a few flattering words for him and her guard was melting away. 

"Done!" She said stepping back. She didn't want to hear more.she was scared she'd forgive him. Shivaay Singh Oberoi still had the power over her heart and she was scared. She didn't was tired of everything and everybody hurting her. 

Oh, but,she was tired of defending herself too.

Before she could turn around and walk away. Shivaay held her hand and stepped closer to her. Their faces aligning. "I don't know what you think of me. But I guess it's not something I can be proud of. Anika, we had an inexplicable understanding between us, a solid trust in each other."

"Both of which were illusionary." Anika said before her heart could rule and fall for him again. "I need to sleep. Good night!" She said and freed her hand.

He closed his eyes. Only he knew how badly he had to fight that urge to pull her back and make her listen to him. Anika was stubborn. She needed to be forced to listen. But right now forcing her, by holding her back wasn't the best option. 

Maybe she didn't want this. 

What did she want from him? They couldn't be stick in this rough patch forever.

"Khanna!" Shivaay called, deciding to focus on work instead of her.

Khanna appeared before him. 

"Did you--" Shivaay's question was halted by the round ring of Khanna's phone. 

"Sorry, Sir!" He muttered, his fumbling fingers reaching out to mute the phone.

Shivaay narrowed his eyes at Khanna. Something was odd. He always had his phone on silent around him. He also didn't attend calls whilst he was talking to Shivaay. But something was clearly bothering the man.

"What is it Khanna?"

"Nothing sir. You were saying-"

Shivaay decided to let it pass, but before he could continue the phone rang again. Annoyed, Shivaay snatched the ringing device from Khanna's hands and his face showed evident curiosity.

He shot a questioning gaze at Khanna. The man simply looked at the floor with sweat beads on his forehead. 

"Why is he calling you?" Shivaay asked after the phone went silent and he read the text on screen.

"I- I- there must be some work." 

Shivaay didn't have to guess to know Khanna was lying to him. "Khanna," he placed a hand on his arm. "Why is dad calling you?"

Khanna gulped. 

"Actually, he asked me not to tell anybody about it."

"You're telling me, now. I am his son and you don't lie to me."

"Sir is in hospital!"

"What!" Shivaay looked on shocked. Soon the shock contoured into worry. 

Shivaay listened on carefully as Khanna narrated how four days back his father had passe dout in office. His BP and sugar had dropped low. He had injured his arm due to the sudden fall. 

"Take me to him, now!" Shivaay ordered.

"I am coming too!" 

Shivaay didn't have to turn to know whose voice it was but he did turn to see her. One look at her face and he knew that she had heard everything. It surprised him that her face reflected the same worry as on his. 

"Anika you do have to. You can--"

She wasted no time and grabbed his hand. "I am coming!"

"Ow," he muttered looking down at his hurt palm.

"Sorry!" She uttered, looking at him apologetically, taking back ber hand.

Shivaay simply nodded and briskly walked ahead.

* * *

"Dad, you should have told us!"


"No. I am not listening to anything. You haven't told anyone at home. What is this? At least, should have called me. And why wa syour sugar and BP low? Did you not take your medicines at time."

"Shivaay, you know I always take my medicines on time. O don't know how--"

"Stress. You're taking way too much stress due to the recent contracts. So much that you have stopped staking care of yourself." Shivaay went on.

Anika simply stood aside, alongside Khanna Ji, watching the father-son duo go about debating. Shivaay was being the typical Shivaay and scolding his father. 

It was then that it struck Anika. He had scolded her also the same way. It made her uneasy suddenly, because it challenged her assumptions.

She had always found Shivaay's relationship with his father odd. They barely spoke to each other. But now as she watched them, she started understanding. Shivaay was somewhere a reflection of his father. The I will manage it all by myself attitude of his came from the father. Just that he was no where subtle in his words or actions like his father, in those departments he took after the mother.

Shivaay used polished words and tone but he was as loud and attention seeking as his mother was. At the same time, he had a subtle side like his father, the cute soft Billu Ji.

"Khaana, why did you bring this man here!" His father humored looking at Khanna.

"Dad!" Shivaay rebuked. 

"Shivaay, it's just a fracture one cracked bone. And look at you, you look worried like I am counting my last days!"

"Dad, please. I am going to tell mom you were talking this nonsense!"

The old man chuckled softly, "Please, Spare me. One of the major reasons I didn't tell anybody was her. She's going to make sure I need hearing aid for the rest of my life. I told you so, but no one listens to me."

Shivaay smiled. "She cares for you, dad!"

"I know. And when she is caring and worried both, she rambles non stop and she's going to find all the more reason to make me drink those bitter juices."

Shivaay chuckled. It was when Shivaay held his hand that he noticed the bandage around his plam. 

"What happen?"

Shivaay stared at the dressing his mind going back to Anika wrapping it. Now that he looked at it closely he realized that she had covered more of his plam then necessary making his wound look like  a big deal.

"What else! He got angry, broke something and hurt himself." Anika replied and smiled at the man. "That's normal, but what about you uncle, you really proved he's the son and you're the father!" She stepped forward towards the bed where Shakti and Shivaay sat.

Shivaay caught her words and reflected on them. She was right, he broke something but always hurt himself in the deal. Like he broke her and hurt himself. He stared at her as she smiled and talked to his father. His gaze drifted towards his father.

"This is not fair Anika. You are talking to me like my daughter and still calling me uncle."

Anika's smile wavered momentarily but she revived quickly. "Okay, Dad!"

Shivaay's heart warmed up to that small scene. Anika calling his after Dad. Shakti had held her hand and hinted her to sit. She sat before him. He had never felt this way before. It was really heartwarming to have Anika talk to her father. He knew his father always wanted a daughter. Prinku was his favorite. And the way he saw things, Anika too had a soft spot in his father's heart. 

"Shivaay, now that you're here anyway, can we revied the Rajlakshmi Traders proposal. Let's get done with that. Next week I need to be in Dlehi."

"Aren't you already in Delhi as per what you've told at home." Shivaay muttered only to receive a subtle glare from his father. "You should rest, we can go over the proposal later."

"Shivaay, it's going to barely take half an hour. Besides I have been resting all day."

"No way, no work right now. You should rest," Anika spoke up.

"I am tired of resting, Anika." The older man protested.

"Okay, then, you and I are going to play ludo." She declared. "Khanna Ji, we saw the toys shop at the corner of the street right, can you buy ludo board game for us?"

Shakti smiled, "I am a ludo champion, Anika!"

"I know, I have seen you win against Daadi. But I am a ludo champion too!"

Shivaay looked on appalled. He knew his dad and Daadi played ludo. Something that his Bade Papa loved to taunt his father about. But the fact that Anika knew too, made his heart stir. 

"You and Khanna, want to join?" 

"Not my cup of tea!"

"Coffee!" Anika muttered softly to herself. Shivaay heard it anyway and a small smile played at the corner of his lips. 

"I will get the room prepared at the farmhouse and take Cate of discharge formalities. You don't have to stay at a hospital when you have your own home. We are going home tomorrow morning."

"But Shivaay-"

"Dad," Shivaay uttered looking at him strictly.

"Fine! But you are going tell Pinky to tone it down with her lectures and juices."

Shivaay rolled his eyes, shook his head and walked out of the room.

* * * 

Shivaay had decided to set everything straight. And he did exactly that in the first hour after they reached home. The family was obviously surprised at their sudden return but also shocked at witnessing Shkati enter along with them witha  broken arm. 

After Pinky had finished bringing her husband's plastered arms and son's bandaged plam to everyone's attention, she proceeded to give each an earful. 

"Anika, you tell me. What's happening here!"

Anika had blankly looked at Shivaay, who had quickly taken the opportunity to lead everyone inside and had narrated all the events to the family, from Anika's kidnap to Shakti's fracture, everything including Shwetlana's arrest.

Anika was surprised that Tej took it so easily. Only when she noticed the exchange of knowing looks between Shivaay and Tej she knew, that Mr. Calculative Singh Oberoi had already taken care of diverting a possible problem. 

"Anyways, now that bigger problems in life have been sorted," Rudra said aloud, "fill us on your honeymoon Bhaiya Bhabhi!" He grinned widely waggling his eyebrows.

Shivaay immediately glanced at Anika, only to find her look at him. 

"Rudra, after going to Patiala their..." Shakti paused abruptly noticing his wife's narrowed eyes at him. "Their honeymoon would definitely have some DDLJ kinda pictures." He completed with a nervous smile and a few chuckles erupted around the room.

"Yes, come on show us some pictures!" Rudra said excitedly.

"Uh, this was a work trip!" Shivaay said wearing a straight face.

"Hmm, so you're saying you didn't get time to click pictures together huh?" Rudra teased.

"Yeah, that!" Shivaay answered, unbothered by Rudra's teasing. "I need to freshen up." With that he had quickly walked away from the living hall to his room. 

Again, the comments on last chapter surprised me. Wondering what would be the the views after this chapter. 

I understand from the comments on last chapter that many of you all (at least from those who comment) are irritated with Anika. Well, I don't know what to say to that. I mean, I understand she's stuck, but I feel her. When someone who you count upon hurts you or wrongs you, trust me, it's not easy to forget and forgive. Nope. For a long time you can't stop replying the flashback in your head and can't stop pondering on their acts of the past and those of present. Dissecting every little thing and gesture and determining what motive they held. Maybe I am being biased, and using my personal experiences to mould Anika's opinion.

 Anyways, coming back to this chapter, let me know what you think of it.


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