Chapter 11: Hot spring time!

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~ School time~

~ Bell tolls ~
Mayuko Shiraki: "that's it. Times up. No complaining. Pass your tests to the front.

Terry Kamiyama: "finally, I need rest and I hope I didn't fail since I was all night study nonstop."

Rumi Kamiyama: "Terry-nii, how did you do?"

Terry Kamiyama: "I'm fine, sis, I am glad I did, you gave me advice on the tough question, and also how is Yumi doing?"

Yumi Kamiyama: (watching YouTube video: fascinating Horror amusement park accident story: Action Park) "I'm fine as long I didn't get boinked by Mai or My mom!" (Rumi Shake her head as really sis?)

Terry Kamiyama: "Tohru Chan, how did you do your exam?"

Tohru Honda: "I did great and hope you did yours greatly?"

Terry Kamiyama: "I did great." (Smile gently)

Alexander Kirishima: (smile at his buddy) "That's great, little bro. I am proud of you."

Henry Shizuka: (smile at Terry) "I knew you did everything you have to fill in blank and have positively minded."

Tohru Honda: (stretching from taking exams)

Yuki Sohma: "Miss Honda, How'd it go?"

Tohru Honda: "you know what? Think I did much better than I expected to. I filled in a lot more of the blanks than usual." (Stood up happy)

Arisa Uotani: (proud at Tohru, walk to Tohru) "oh, really?, I'm real proud a ya, Tohru. (Place her hand on Tohru's hand)

Tohru Honda: "Thanks!"

Saki Hanajima: "I knew it was within your power to pass this exam."

Tohru Honda: "Yuki tutored me, so he's the one who should get the credit. The way you explained things was clear. (Bow at Yuki) seriously, I couldn't have done it without you."

Yuki Sohma: "Thanks, But... it was nothing." (Princely aura surround him and smile at Tohru)

Rumi Kamiyama: "Awww. I wanna hug this cute riceball here!!!" (Hugging her nonstop, Uo-chan and Hana-chan smile at Rumi being little girl mode)

Minami Kinoshita: (froze in stone) "Why are the prince and Princess blessing them with such a cute smile?!"

Mai Iwata: (froze in stone) "Dammit, I'm too scared of wave girl and her ally, Aura boy to get a closer look!"

Hiroshi: "Hey, Hanajima. You're lucky you've got that brainwave stuff. Bet you ace every test, don't you?"

Yusuke: "how'd you feel about the midterms?"

Saki Hanajima: "Oh, Those? , Let's see, I went to special tutoring for them. After the test, the school called my house. Yes. I recall my mother weeping."

Hiroshi: "But, Uh, What about your wave powers?" (Sweatdrop at Hanajima)

Saki Hanajima: "The Logical conclusion is that I'm an Idiot. So much so that my powers can't make up for it."

Henry Shizuka: "don't ask just the same way as Hana-chan but more disturbing ways."

Arisa Uotani: " Eh, I wouldn't worry too much about that. At least you can be honest you'll never be the dumbest person in the room." (Look at Kyo)

Alexander Kirishima: "I know I won't worry a lot, yo. But I won't be a jackass in the box in the room." (Point at Yumi who in her phone, watching YouTube video)

Yumi Kamiyama: (smirk in Irritated) "what's was that? say that to my face, you ass."

Alexander Kirishima: (comedic way) "I'm saying that you are an ass and bitch when you are annoyed but in a funny way."

Yumi Kamiyama: (went hiss mode like a cat) "I don't wanna listen to mess up gangster here when I don't wanna get hit by Harisen Fan by my mom or worst Mai!!!"

Rumi, Henry, and Terry: (thought) " she's dumbass!" (Sweatdrop at Yumi)

Kyo Sohma: (heard what Arisa said) "what's that?. (Look at Arisa) for your sake, I hope you're not talking about me."

Arisa Uotani: " Uhh. Dude, Obviously I am."

Alexander Kirishima: (snicker) "he's a more dumbass than you Yumi." (Quietly laughing)

Yumi Kamiyama: (snicker) "Yes totally!" (Quietly laughing but Kyo heard)

Kyo Sohma: (stood and got mad) "I never took review lessons and no one's ever had to call my parents!"

Yusuke: "Yeah, turns out Kyon-Kyon's a surprisingly good student."

Kyo Sohma: "why's that surprising?!"

Arisa Uotani: "weird. So, he doesn't suck at everything competitive?"

Kyo Sohma: (anger mark appears with Angry cat sound) "I'm gonna end every one of you."

Yumi Kamiyama: (sneaky smirk) "sure, I like to see you try, stupid." (Stick her tongue out at Kyo)

Kyo Sohma: (look at Yumi who is laughing at him) "I'm so getting her back so badly because of all of her stunts on me last year"

Tohru Honda: "I get it. Kyo's been holed up in his room a lot lately. He must've been up there studying the entire time."

Terry Kamiyama: "I know this but Yumi's was been in her room a lot. She been studying a lot and never let anyone in her room."

Yuki Sohma: "So it would seem."

Rumi Kamiyama: "really, that's why I have seen it."

Tohru Honda: "For some reason, Imagining Two of them hunched over a book makes me smile."

Terry Kamiyama: " I'm happy to see these crazy feline going study mode."

Mayuko Shiraki: "Honda! C'mere a second.'

Tohru Honda: " 'kay!" (Walk toward Mayu Sensei)

Terry Kamiyama: (look at Tohru talking to Mayu Sensei) "Nani?"

Yumi and Rumi: "huh?" (Look at Tohru, then when everyone looks at Tohru or talking to others, Yumi Starts to make spitball on the paper, took out a red straw, blow the ball at Kyo's hair without him knowing there are like 10 of them on his head)

Kyo Sohma: "Huh?" (Look at Tohru)

Alexander Kirishima: (look at Tohru, then Kyo, see small spitball on his head which he saw Yumi with blank look with Straw on her mouth) "Pffft~" (cover his mouth from laughing aloud, elbow Arisa to look at Yumi and Kyo which she looks away which she also holding her laughter)

Terry Kamiyama: "Pffft~" (cover his mouth with his hand and look away)

Hiroshi and Yusuke: "PFFTTTT~" (look away and holding their laughter)

Kyo Sohma: (look at 8 people) "why are you guys laughing at?"

Yumi Kamiyama: (humming while blowing her spitball at Kyo who is so distracted on why is 10 people holding their laugh) "gosh, he is one of the most 내 인생을 본 가장 멍청한 소년 ( nae insaeng-eul bon gajang meongcheonghan sonyeon) Pffffttt~~"

Hiroshi: "what were you saying Yumi?" (Look at Yumi)

Yumi wrote Hiroshi and said, " Kyo is the stupidest boy I ever see my whole life. 😝 Yumi~". This made Hiroshi and Yusuke who saw what Yumi wrote, which made both of them also laughing. When Kyo looks behind but only to see Yumi smile innocently at him which he narrowly his orange eyes at her, he finds it suspicious about it. Tohru came back to the others where Rumi And Yuki is at.

Tohru Honda: (bow at the teacher as Apologizes and after the finish, the conservation with the Teacher, when back in the classroom)

Yuki Sohma: " is something wrong?"

Tohru Honda: "Oh. Uh. No, it's nothing really. I've just gotta work harder! (Went in cute mode) Swab, Swab. That's my job!" (Chuckles)

Rumi Kamiyama: (chuckles)

Yumi Kamiyama: "Hey Kyo?"

Kyo Sohma: (look at Yumi's question) "what?"

Yumi Kamiyama: (holding her laughing) "it's just snowed in the classroom? Pffft~"

Kyo Sohma: "huh?????" (Look around, until he touches a spitball on top of his head which he got disgusted and got angry) "EWWW...What the..... (squelch) what this SPIT!!!!!!" ( Look at his hand, see more than 10 spitballs on his hand from his hair)

Kyo Sohma: (angry cat sound) "WHO DID IT!!!!!" (Mad at who starts at it)

Alexander Kirishima: (broke down laughing cuz) "Pfffft~...screw this, I can't take it anymore!!!! Hahahahaha!!!!!!!"

Arisa Uotani: (broke down laughing with Alexander) ", Yumi, you did a great job to make him realize something went wrong!!!! Hahahahahaha!!!!!!"

Yusuke and Hiroshi: (crying laughing at Kyo, praises Yumi) "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Wow, Kyon-Kyon, why did you not notice there was the sneaky girl with a cat smirk like on you with red Straw"

Kyo Sohma: (find out, it was Yumi who has red straw on her sleeves hidden who pretends to be innocent, walk towards her) "You sneaky little...."

Yumi Kamiyama: (gave fake innocent look) "Hi, Kyo, how are you? Good? Yeah, you are good and healthy, I got a phone call from Akari, she told me that I need to get fuck out of here before someone wanna kick my ass....SO IT WAS YOU, KYO CHAN~" (Stood up and walk like a normal person before she dashes off) "さようなら吸盤 " ( Sayōnara kyūban)

Kyo Sohma: (stunned, angry) "OI, GET YOUR SORRY ASSES HERE, YUMI!!!!!!" (Went after Yumi)

Yumi Kamiyama: (went in cat mode) "OH SHIT, HE COMING TO GET ME!!!! KYAHHHHH~!!!!" (Ran off)

Everyone (Uo-chan, Hana-chan, Tohru, Terry, Rumi, Yuki, Hiroshi and Yusuke, Alex- chan, Henri - chan): " There they go!!" (Silent mode when saw two people chasing each other)

~ night at Music store ~

When school and day ends, After closing the store and finishing all of the fixings the CD, DVD sections, he went to clock out which he finish and close the gates for the night in which he saw Rini sitting on the rail, waiting for him to finish up work so they can pick up Tohru at her work.

Terry Kamiyama: (wipe his sweat off from his head, swiping the broom so there is no dust) "this spot needs to remove before I don't deal with these problems again. Heehee. (Finger scratching his cheeks)

~ a few minutes later ~

Terry Kamiyama: (close the gates after work) -sigh-

Rini Kamiyama: (giddy and smiley) "Terry Chan~!"

Terry Kamiyama: (jumpscare) "wahhhhhh!!!"(Turn around and see Rini sitting on Rail) Oh Rini, Jeez, you scared the crap out of me."

Rini Kamiyama: (smile) "sorry, but I wanna go and pick up Tohru Chan!!!!" (Off the rail and pull Terry to go to Tohru work)

Terry Kamiyama: (smile at Rini) "let's go and pick up Tohru Chan okay."

Rini Kamiyama: (Jump up and down in excitement) "yay!!!!!"

~ Meanwhile ~
Tohru and Momiji wipe the window with clean wipes and speaking about surprise gift to her, he also told her that He also has a surprise for Rini since she gave him Valentine's Day gift when she came to visit after the event at her family estate, she told him that she wanna go to Sohma hot spring because she already being to Kamiyama hot spot which he went once. He also invites the Kamiyama members to join since Mai has to do book due.

Momiji Sohma: "you're done with your finals! That must be good."

Tohru Honda: " Yep, and it'll be a new term after spring break! It's kind of crazy how fast time flies."

Momiji Sohma: (smile at Tohru) "I know what you mean. Oh. I almost forgot. Me and Rini going over to Shii-chan's with you today."

Tohru Honda: (excited for the news Momiji going to announce) " Really? A special occasion?"

Momiji Sohma: "you could say that. I've got a little present that I want to give you and also Rini chan there! "

Tohru Honda: (glad and happy for Momiji got her surprise) "you didn't have to do that! What is it? Does Rini knows about it since Terry told me that Rini went to your home, which she gave you her Valentine's chocolates which she made German Milk chocolate and French white chocolate?"

Momiji Sohma: "sure she did and I love it." (Giggles)

Momiji Sohma: "should I tell you? (Thinking) Uh, Nein, I think I'll keep it a secret until the perfect time, eh."

Tohru Honda: "well, I'm looking forward to it."

~ After Work~

Tohru and Momiji saw who was waiting for them at the front of the building: Terry and Rini who are watching stand-up comedy on his smartphone which they were laughing at. When they heard the door sound, they look up and smile at them.

Terry Kamiyama: (look at Tohru and Momiji) "so you finish your work and hope you guys don't stress yourself out."

Rini Kamiyama: (walk toward Momiji) "Hi!!! Momiji kun!!!! How are you, mi Cher ami!!!"

Momiji Sohma: (smile at Rini happily) "I'm good Rini and how were school and everyone in your home?"

Rini Kamiyama: "everyone is good, I was babysitting my baby brother, Louie since my Maman and Papa are going on their valentine's day date and I was watching TV, fell asleep since Louie and I are sleepy head in the house."

Momiji Sohma: "I'm glad to See you in Ordnung"

Rini Kamiyama: "same, come on, everyone we must go to Shigure inu chan home!!!!"

Terry, Tohru, and Momiji: "Hai!"

~ Shigure's House~

The sliding door open and greets everyone in the house, everyone was talking and speaking about others thing.

Rini and Momiji: (happy mode) "guten Abend"

Tohru Honda: "we're home!"

Terry Kamiyama: "made it home, everyone!"

Shigure Sohma: "Ah, there you are."

Mai Kamiyama: "Hello, there!" (Smile at 4 teenagers)

Rumi Kamiyama: "Okaeri."

Yuki Sohma: "Welcome home."

Momiji Sohma: "I've never seen Shii-chan's house before. This is so exciting."

Rini Kamiyama: (walk towards Mai) "your bestie home is calm and relaxing, this feels serene. Heehee." (Smile and giddy)

*Kyo comes in, not happy to see Momiji and Rini who are there, while Yumi come in, only to see her bunny cousin is there sitting next to Mai which Rini getting her hair brushes*

Kyo Sohma: (walk-in, see Momiji and Rini) "Uh!, what is that Noisy brats doing here?"

Momiji Sohma: "Ha! Did your bath make you grumpy, Kitty?"

Kyo Sohma: (evil smirk at Momiji, nogging on Momiji) "You're gonna have to tone down the hyper, you got that?"

Momiji Sohma: (dramatic teary eyes) "Somebody help! Kyo's picking on me again!"

Yumi Kamiyama: (walk-in after hearing commotion going on) "Kyo, what the fuck are you are complaining.....(look at 2 rabbit zodiac members) Ah, Shit, why are they here?????" (Only get hit by Rabbit backpack which belongs to Rini, who is mad at Yumi)


Yumi Kamiyama: "Oof!"

Rini Kamiyama: (pouted) "that's for stealing my strawberry milk slush!!!!"

Yumi Kamiyama: (caught for finishing Rini's slush) "SHIT! (Look away in embarrassment) I thought she doesn't know about that when I went to my fridge at home but I saw that strawberry milk slush there so I have to take it and drink it all."

Rini Kamiyama: (smile at Yumi) "now you going to buy a new one for me."

Yumi Kamiyama: "I will, but why are you here with HIM!!!!! (Pointing at Momiji)

Rini Kamiyama: "Ah, you still grumpy kitty cat, happy about getting chase by another grumpy kitty cat!!!!"

Yumi Kamiyama: (nogging Rini on her cheeks) "you wanna talk about that because that son of bitch got me when I did the spitball where he doesn't know until touch it and gross-out!" (Tick mark came out on her cheeks)

Rini Kamiyama: (dramatic teary eyes) "wahahahah!, someone Yumi Chan is being a meanie! Wahahahah!"

Terry Kamiyama: "Yumi, leave her alone, she just got here!" (Sweatdrop)

Shigure Sohma: "So, Momiji, did you tell them why you're staying over tonight?"

Momiji Sohma: "Mh-mh. Not yet! Question for Tohru and Rini. What day is it tomorrow?"

Tohru Honda: "Lemme think. The 14th?"

Rini Kamiyama: "is it white day tomorrow?"

Momiji Sohma: "Bingo! That means it's white day! As my gift to you and Rini, I'm taking you both to a Hot spring so you can relax."

Tohru Honda: (Gasp)

Momiji Sohma: "Surprise! He-he. I call this "heart of a traveler: Me and Rini, Tohru's steamy hot spring adventure"!

Shigure Sohma: "there's no need for a title."

Mai Kamiyama: "Awww, that's cute"!

Yuki Sohma:" which inn are you going to?"

Momiji Sohma: "well, there is one run by the Sohmas, so..."

Yuki Sohma: "Yeah. Makes Sense."

Rini Kamiyama: (smile gently) "I been to my family inn but I never been Sohma's inn, to be honest? I can't wait."

Tohru Honda: "Um, A hot spring is so expensive. And I'd be going without Mom. What would she have to say about this?"

Shigure Sohma: "whoa, it's not that big a deal. It's a little hot water. He isn't suggesting you take a trip to Paris or something."

Tohru Honda: "I know, But....."

Momiji Sohma: "he's right. And I'm sure your Mutti would be happy if you had a good vacation. Unless for some reason you don't want to go with me."

Rini Kamiyama: "please come, I don't wanna deal with two meanie kitties but Rumi And Yuki are cool, they don't mind, Terry will be alone without you, so please come with us!! (Grab Tohru's hands and gave her a worried look)

Tohru Honda: (wipe her tears, happily) "No, I do. I'm Excited!"

Momiji Sohma: "Yuki and Kyo will come, too. It'll be great." (Walk towards Yuki and Kyo)

Rini Kamiyama: "if it is okay, I wanna bring along my two favorite people: Yumi and Rumi!"

Yumi Kamiyama: "what?, no way, I don't wanna be in the same room as my older twin sister, you nosy brat."

Kyo Sohma: "You don't get to decide whether I'm going or not, ya brat."

Momiji Sohma: (comedic bunny ears and fluffy tail appears, along with Kyo cat ears and orange tail) "Aw, come on, why are you such a stubborn kitten, Kyo?"

Rini Kamiyama: (start her begging mode) "please, please, please, please Yumi, don't be nagging hagging like that stubborn kitten over there???? (Comedic with her bunny ears and Tail, Yumi who has her light yellow car ears and tail) What about you, Rumi Chan? You are gonna go with us right?"

Rumi Kamiyama: "sure, I don't mind at all. What about you, Yuki."

Momiji Sohma: "what about you, Yuki? , You're gonna go, right?"

Yuki Sohma: "Yeah, Sure. Why not?"

Momiji Sohma: "Yuki Knows what's up!"

Kyo Sohma: "that makes me wanna go even less!"

Yumi Kamiyama: "can I stay and watch paranormal investigation videos I watch?"

Mai Kamiyama: (reading an erotica romance novel, worn glasses) "you can get used to it, your dumb kitty cat"

Shigure Sohma: "Oh Yeah. Sorry to change the subject, but I hear you're a month behind paying your school trip deposit, Tohru."

Tohru Honda: (Gasp)

Shigure Sohma: "oh, that's right, I had a quick phone call with your grandfather last night. Apparently, your homeroom teacher contacted him about it. Grandpa said he'd be happy to pay the balance for you."

Tohru Honda: "Oh, No. Please tell me he's not gonna do that. Last month I had to- - well, a lot Happened. But I can just pay for it with the job earnings from this month, so it's fine. I've already told our teacher, too."

Terry Kamiyama: (thought) "I remember when she was having a conversation with Mayu Sensei, but I will secretly ask Mayu Sensei but I need to ask my mom but Mayumi is one but I don't have her cell number so I will ask my mom to call Mayumi to help pay Tohru school trip deposit, I will pay her back since she is adopted mother to Alex. " (look at His pocket, took out his cell, and text his mom to call His older cousin, Mayumi who will do the trick because she just graduates from her master degree for education, she starts her job as a High school teacher in my school on my next term.

Yuki Sohma: "that's what that was."

Tohru Honda: "Sorry about this. I didn't mean to get you involved."

Mai, Rumi, and Yumi: (thought) "haven't these boys realized that she spends all of her last month money on Valentine's Day Chocolates"

Shigure Sohma: "I don't understand. You work all the time, Tohru, so why was last month any-?"

(Kyo, Yuki Grunt)

Shigure, Kyo, and Yuki: (thought) " She spent her money on Valentine's Chocolate!"

Kamiyama Girls: (thought) "they figure it out!"

Terry Kamiyama: " they just found out. (Got his text from his mom with Mayumi phone number, stood up) oh, I'm going to call my family member to talk about something, so I will see ya tomorrow since I need to sleep so good night everyone."

Everyone: "good night, Terry."

Kamiyama Girls: "Hai"

*Terry walk away in the living room to go to Tohru to talk to his rooster zodiac cousin, Mayumi, and stay there until he fell asleep*

Momiji Sohma: "Where's your class going on the school trip?"

Tohru Honda: "Oh we don't know yet."

*Rage meter*

*10 turns 1*

Kyo Sohma: "YOU! IDIO-"


Tohru Honda: "Ah! What?"

Kyo Sohma: (shaking, restraint his anger) " the bath. Your turn. Go now."

Tohru Honda: "Huh? sure. Okay. I-i think I'll go and get cleaned up!"

Yumi Kamiyama: "go and have a beauty shower with lovely blossom, Tohru Chan, so you won't feel the wrath of the angry kitty cat here!!!" (Pointed at Kyo)

Mai Kamiyama: (clap at Kyo for not release his anger on Tohru) "good kitty!"

Rumi Kamiyama: (clap at Kyo for behaving as good boy) "good job, Baka Neko"

Shigure Sohma: "who's a good boy? Managing to control your anger for once."

Kyo Sohma: (sigh)

Shigure Sohma: "we shouldn't be surprised. That's our Tohru. Of course, she brought chocolate supplies with her own money."

Yuki Sohma: "how could we not have caught on earlier?"

Kyo Sohma: "Because she smiles to hide her feelings!"

Kyo Sohma: (bang his fist on the table) "How were we supposed to know? she shouldn't have felt obligated to give us chocolates. All it did was make life that much worse for her! She shoulda used it on clothes or shoes or her trip deposit!. What an Idiot! She's gonna end up drowning in debt one day! At this rate, She'll miss out on all the good stuff in life!"

Rini Kamiyama: (look at Momiji, whisper his ears) "Momiji Chan, tell them the story you told me when I visit ya on Valentine's Day"

Momiji Sohma: (nodded at Rini and told others about the story he told Rini) "Hey, You know what?"

Momiji Sohma: "we had some free time in class yesterday."

Kyo Sohma: "huh?"

Yumi Kamiyama: "really?" (Slurping milk in glass with straw)

Momiji Sohma: "Ja, so we ended up reading a book together. It was called, Let me think...Oh, Funny Stories. We read a bunch of it. One of the chapters in the middle was called "the most idiotic traveler in the world." As you can guess, the main character is someone on a journey, and she keeps getting tricked by people she comes across. That's why the author calls her an idiot. The villagers all scam something from her. They swindle her out of money and clothes- - anything she has to give. But because the traveler is dumb, she doesn't understand what's really happening. So the villagers lie and tell her she's saving them, she starts weeping. And she always tells them "I wish you peace and happiness " before she waves goodbye. Eventually, she gives away all her clothes. And embarrassed to be seen, she decides to travel through the woods alone. There, She meets many demons of the forest. They want nothing more than to gobble her up, so each one decides to deceive her with clever words and trickery. As always, the traveler is duped. She gives away her leg, and then an arm. Before long, there's nothing left of her except for a head on the ground. Her eyes are the last to go, given to the final demon. As the monster of the woods chomps on her eyes, it has one last thing to say, "thank you, here is a gift in return for your generosity." But, that, too, is a lie. The so-called gift is just a piece of paper with the word "idiot" written on it. Still, the blind traveler weeps. "Thank you so much," she says. "This is the first gift I've ever received. I'm so happy. And I'm forever grateful to you. I can never repay you for your generosity." Tears pour from her empty eye sockets, wetting the earth beneath her. And with that, the traveler passes away. Dying in a pool of her joyful tears."

Everyone is silent in the room.

Momiji Sohma: (lookup) "everyone else in our class laughed at This. They thought it was dumb. But I didn't. (Close his eyes) I just closed my eyes instead. I thought about a traveler who, even though she was swindled out of everything by her head, still crying and was grateful. And what I decided was...this girl was a lovely person. Truly. It's a waste of time to think about what you might lose in life. And so the traveler paid no mind to such things."

Kamiyama girls: (thought) "we lost someone in our life, that is Our Godfather."

Momiji Sohma: "My classmates might think that makes her an idiot, but I don't agree. She was just trying to be kind. Even if other people think it was okay to trick her, I don't believe they're right. All I wanted after hearing the story was for the traveler to be happy for real."

Momiji Sohma: "So, Yuki and Kyo, Kamiyama twins, what do you think about this character? Was she an idiot? What does your heart tell you? "

Yuki Sohma: (thought) "it says...that she..."

Rumi Kamiyama: (thought) "this story...that he..."

Rini Kamiyama: (yawn, wiping her eyes) "Ano...Momiji Chan...I'm sleepy."

Mai Kamiyama: (stood up and place her bookmark on her book, places it on the table) "come on, Rini Bunny dear, it's bedtime for you."

Rini Kamiyama: (sleepy mode, open her arms wide which she wanna lift, take her to bed) "take me to Tohru chan room please, Mai nee Chan."

Mai Kamiyama: (lift Rini and take her to Tohru's room) "okay, sweetie, off you go to bed, little bunny."

Rini Kamiyama: (grumbled sleepily) "thank you Mai inu née Chan."

Mai Kamiyama: "Shigure dearie, I will be back just taking this little bunny to her beauty sleep."

Rini Kamiyama: "good night."

Mai Kamiyama: "Momiji sweetie, can you come along so you need to sleep too since you look tired."

Momiji Sohma: (stretching his arms, walk toward Mai) "Ja, I am getting sleepy so Gute Nacht" (left with Mai which he will sleep the same spot with Rini)

Yumi Kamiyama: "Man, I'm so tired as hell." (Stretching like a cat) "Baka Kyo, we need some sleep."

Kyo Sohma: (tick mark appear on his cheeks) "I'm going...I will so strangle this girl someday."

Yumi Kamiyama: "good night, your dudes, peace" (took out peace sign out)

Rumi Kamiyama: "besides, we need some sleep so I bid you good night, Shigure, and try not to get kick like the last time (Shigure twitch about Mai kick), Yuki, we need some lovely sleep like a nezumi right?" (Wink at Yuki)

Yuki Sohma: (flushed at Rumi's winks) " let's go to bed."

Rumi Kamiyama: "have a goodnight's sleep, Shigure."

Shigure Sohma: "goodnight"

Mai Kamiyama: "let's sleep, so your puppy eyes won't go, poof, ~"

Shigure Sohma: (dramatic teary eyes) "Mai, don't be so mean to me!!!"

Mai Kamiyama: "good night"

~ Next day ~

Yumi wakes up, stretching her limbs so she got her energy boost so she looks at Kyo who is sleeping in Peaceful that she ends up caress his cheeks. She felt his cheek warm in her fingers, she stood up to take out her clothes for the day in which she got a bright idea to wake him up, so she sneaks out quietly out of Kyo's room. So she went to the kitchen, open the fridges she saw her favorite drink, Milk, as she closes the fridge, walking to the living room to watch the beautiful sunrise view. As she walks to Kyo's room to see, he still asleep which she is happy, took out her phone to read her social media which she talks to her friends in her old hometown who is nighttime in NYC. She looks at Kyo again to see if he is awake but still asleep, she smirks about her new stunt's idea. She checks on her bag took out the baby powder in the small box, so she decides to take it out, stood up to look around to see everyone doors are closed so Yumi check to see Tohru's room only to see Terry sleep in peace in which she smirks evilly at Him and see two rabbit zodiac sleeping hugging each other. Yumi stood in front of sleeping Terry, she took out powder and throw it at Terry who felt the smack sound, stood up which Tohru woke up with some powder on her PJ shirt. Terry watches as his sister left snickers her way out, as she got another plan with her stunts so she went to Kyo's room and heard Terry screams in anger for waking him up. Terry's scream woke everyone in the house up but Kyo woke up, but he got slam by a small box full of baby powder, this causes him to look at Yumi who broke down laughing so much. This causes Yumi to stop laughing only to see he is very angry so she escapes his room which he went after her only grabs her ankles, dragged her back to his room. This cause Two rat zodiac sweatdrop at both of the felines to have hiss fit.

Yumi Kamiyama: (yawn) "huh, I'm thirsty as heck, let me go to the kitchen" (stood up, stretch like a cat)

Yumi Kamiyama: (look at Kyo) "he has such cute, peaceful look when he is asleep." (Smile at him sleeping)

~ in the Kitchen~

~ went to the kitchen, took out a carton of milk~

Yumi Kamiyama: *slurps* "Yummy~"

Yumi Kamiyama: (look at morning view) "what a beautiful sunny morning"


Yumi Kamiyama: "time to head back to the room before Kyo will murder me for finishing his milk" (put the milk back in the fridge, head back to the room)

~ Kyo's Room~

Yumi sees Kyo still asleep. She went to her backpack where her new clothes are in, she saw her cellphone as she looks at her social media message to see some of her five best friends from NYC who is now living next states or countries , see they message her how was Japan, she told them it is good and beautiful here but she told them she befriends a boy who is like her and had fun but wild family members she met. She even sends the picture of Kyo which her friends blush, hearts symbol and said "holy shit, girl, he is smokin' hot.", "hold on, he is so fuckin' hot!," "Yumi, WTF, you befriend this hot stuff in your school?".

Yumi Kamiyama: (sweatdrop, flustered) "wow, some of my three of my best friends went WTF mode when they saw Kyo for the first time." -sigh-

Yumi Kamiyama: (put her phone aside, check-in her bag) "let's see what I have- (touch the small box of baby powder) ooh~" (evilly smirk)

Yumi Kamiyama: "I got the most brilliant idea." (Place chair near sleeping Kyo, put another empty box which she fills up with baby Powder so Kyo wake up to have powder landed on him when she pulls the string connect to the box to his shirt)

Yumi Kamiyama: "they're nice and ready."

~ Tohru's room~

Yumi opens the door quietly to see Terry sleeping in peace, Tohru sleeps innocence but she sweatdrops and felt like what she saying about two rabbits in rabbit holes cuddle each other.

Yumi Kamiyama: (see Terry sleeping) "I found him~ heehee." (Smirk evilly at Terry)

Rini Kamiyama: (grumbled) "I wanna lollipop." (Snore quietly)

Yumi Kamiyama: (WTF look) "what the hell are you dreaming, Rini?"

Yumi Kamiyama: (got the powder ready to hit Terry) "sorry my dear Terry nii"


Yumi Kamiyama: "oh shit! Run away!!!" (When saw Terry stood up from his sleep, left immediately)

~ Kyo's room~

Yumi closes the door so Kyo won't wake up but it didn't wake Kyo up but Terry screams.

Yumi Kamiyama: (giggles) "I can't laugh out aloud-"

Terry Kamiyama: (Scream furiously) "YUMI KAMIYAMA, I AM SO GETTING YOU BACK, YOU DAMN CAT!!!!!!

Everyone woke up stunned, panic and surprised by Terry screaming which woke Momiji, Tohru, Rini. But his scream also woke Rumi, Yuki in half-sleep mode but went back to sleep, Shigure and Mai in frighten looks, Kyo woke up only to get splat with baby powder all over him. Yumi broke down crying laughing at Kyo. She saw he is furious and looks at Yumi.

Kyo Sohma: (powder all over his PJ) "what.....ARE YOU SERIOUS, YUMI, YOU DAMN BITCH!!!!!"


Kyo Sohma: (angry at Yumi) "OH NO YOU DON'T!!!!" (Grab her ankle)

Yumi Kamiyama: "Eep" (fell on the floor and see Kyo"s hand on her ankle)

Kyo Sohma: (angry) "I GOT YOU NOW, GET OVER HERE!!!!!" (Pull Yumi back in his room)

Yumi Kamiyama: "OH NO, I BEG YOU, HAVE MERCY ON ME, TERRY BRO, HELP ME!!!!!!!" (Dramatic teary eyes)

Terry Kamiyama: "NOPE, you are on your own!" (Smirk evilly at Yumi while he still has the powder over him)


(Door slam closed)

~ after morning, laundry finished~

Tohru and Terry doing the laundry together, they finished the laundry of the Sohma and Kamiyama. They heard Kyo said he is going to Hot spring with them. This made Tohru and Terry happy, Kyo smiling at Tohru, only to get interrupted by Rini and Momiji when Yumi smirk at Kyo for being a shy kitty. This woke Rumi And Yuki up due to them woke up by Terry's scream. Both of them told two rat zodiacs about Kyo going which made Rumi And Yuki have to get used to having two cat zodiac near them.

Kyo Sohma: "I'll go with you."

Tohru Honda: "Huh?"

Terry Kamiyama: "hello, Kyo." (Grabs the sheets and place them on the rack, look at Kyo)

Tohru Honda: "Oh, hi there, Kyo. I hope you're having a good- -"

Kyo Sohma: "Y'hear me? I'll go to the hot spring. I didn't get you anything in return for the chocolate. So as my gift for you, I'll put up with that damn rodent, Kamiyama twins too. Unless you'd rather I stay back here while the rest of you go off on a trip."

Yumi Kamiyama: "Oh, so you going to stay here then, you going to deal with Me if I am not because I'm going with them since some Pervy bunny is going with her."

Kyo Sohma: "Of all people, you are the one I don't wanna stay here."

Yumi Kamiyama: (Pouted) "I didn't do anything to you?"

Kyo Sohma: "the powder this morning remember?"

Yumi Kamiyama: "Oh? you deserve that?"

Kyo Sohma: "why you little-"

Tohru Honda: (gasp)

Tohru Honda: "of course not! You have to come! It'll be so much more fun if you're there with us! This is great! Thank you for changing your mind. I'm so happy. This is gonna be the best!" (Smile at Kyo)

Kyo Sohma: "Are you being serious right now?"

Yumi Kamiyama: (Gasps)

Tohru Honda: (Gasps)

Kyo Sohma: (his kind smile) "You're really something."

Momiji Sohma: (hug Kyo) "Aww, Kyo's all heart eyes this morning!"

Kyo Sohma: (his hair spikes up, face turn red as tomato) "I am not!"

Yumi Kamiyama: "I see angry Kitty spiking up, that's cute!"

Momiji Sohma: "Heart eyes!

Rini Kamiyama: "Heart eyes Kitty!"

Rumi Kamiyama: (rubbing her right eye with her finger) "what's goin' on?"

Yuki Sohma: "what's all the noise?"

Kyo Sohma: " shut up!"

Terry Kamiyama: "good Morning, Rumi And Yuki!"

Tohru Honda: "Heh. Oh, good morning! Kyo says he's decided to come to the hot spring with us!"

Rumi Kamiyama: (blinking at Tohru) "Really? (Look at Her younger twin) I knew Sis going so I will go with ya?" (Smile)

Yuki Sohma: (blink at Tohru answer)

Momiji Sohma: "Kitty's got heart eyes! Heart eyes!"

Rini Kamiyama: "heart eyes, heart eyes, heart eyes!"

Kyo Sohma: "be quiet" (trying to remove Momiji and Rini)

Kyo Sohma: "I'm gonna smack you if you don't stop it."

Yumi Kamiyama: "Kyo, if you do that to Rini, I hope I see you next life."

Kyo Sohma: "why?"

Yumi Kamiyama: " Well, I did like you were going to do but I got a bunch of spears throwing at me, more like 20 of spears at me by an angry cow who love making my life a living hell, which is Rini's sister came in after this sneaking rabbit call her in her cellphone!"

Kyo Sohma: (shiver about weapons throwing at Him by Akari in her Dark mode) "I will spare this white bunny but Momiji never going to happened."

Yuki Sohma: "well, guess it can't be helped." (Look at Rumi, who place her hand on her forehead)

Momiji Sohma: "the trip's gonna be fun!"

Rini Kamiyama: (Hug Tohru) "I can't wait for the lovely relaxing trip! Right, Tohru Chan!"

Tohru Honda: "Yes!"

Terry Kamiyama: "let's go on our relaxing adventure!!!!" (Put his hand on Tohru's head)

Tohru Honda: "The "Steamy Hot Spring Adventure" is a go!"

Tohru Honda: "I can't wait!"

~ Hot spring ~

As the bus left, Kamiyama twins, Terry, Rini stares in awe, while Tohru is excited, Yuki, Kyo, and Momiji are happy, calm.

Tohru Honda: "wow! This is a wonderful inn!"

Kamiyama members: "cool"

Momiji Sohma: "it's really nice on the inside, too!"

Tohru Honda: "getting to go to a hot spring for a white day with Rini...this is amazing!. I almost feel like I've turned onto a princess!"

Terry Kamiyama: "I feel like the king in this royalty"

Momiji Sohma: "Majesty, you look radiant!"

Rini Kamiyama: "my king and queen, you look magnifique!"

Yumi Kamiyama: "how the hell is this feels like royalty!" (Sweatdrop about it)

Kyo Sohma: "How's something so small make her feel like royalty?"

Everyone heard someone welcome them in. To see a hostess at the hot spring in the doorway, cause Terry and Tohru to panic.

Proprietress: "You. I see you. Yes, welcome to the inn. Welcome."

Tohru and Terry: (yelps, panic out) "wahhhhhhhhh!!!"

Momiji Sohma: " properness!~"

Yuki Sohma: "Proprietress."

Proprietress: "Please! Make yourselves at Home, My dears!!!!"

Terry Kamiyama: (panic mode) "Why does this bring back my memories of my aunt Monique at my family hot spring!!!! (Dramatic Teary eyes, Hugging Tohru who is running away from proprietress too)

~ a few minutes later ~

Proprietress: "I apologize if I startled you."

Tohru Honda: "it's fine."

Terry Kamiyama: "it's alright, ma'am."

Momiji Sohma: "the properness is part of the Sohma Family, too! But her health is pretty bad, so she lives here at the hot springs to try and get better."

Rini Kamiyama: "just like la tantine Monique, she is also sickly but she is a kind lady if you guys meet her at Kamiyama Family Hot spring in the future."

Tohru Honda: "Oh. Oh, I hope you won't overexert yourself on our account.

Terry Kamiyama: "take care of yourself, ma'am, I don't wanna you stress yourself out a lot."

Rini Kamiyama: "Properness, my Tantine, Monique told me when I visit ya, she wanna give you her recipe for stress-free and good warm tea. (Take out the Tea recipe her aunt Monique wrote for her dear friend, hand it over to her) here you go properness."

Proprietress: "ah, Thank you, dearie, tell her I said thank you." (Took Monique's tea recipe)

Rini Kamiyama: (smile at Proprietress)

Proprietress: "what a nice girl you are. Same with Boy too. (Look at the group) I'm Sad. I wish young master shigure had joined you."

Yuki Sohma: "He said he had two books due on the same day."

Rumi Kamiyama: "true, Mai also said she has three books two due on the same day and the other on May 30."

Tohru Honda: (Thought) "I wonder if she knows about the zodiac, or if she's on the outside. Maybe she's even one of the animals herself!"

Proprietress: "we're here. These are the rooms I've prepared for you."

Momiji Sohma: "this one is big!"

Rini Kamiyama: "wow, this place is beautiful!"

Terry Kamiyama: "this place feels relaxed."

Momiji and Rini look around. While Proprietress told Tohru, Rumi, Yumi which room the girls are staying and Terry doesn't mind as long as Cat and Rat don't kill each other for once.

Proprietress: "and you'll be staying right next door, Tohru and twins along with Rini too."

Tohru Honda: "thank you"

Kamiyama Twins: "Thank you so much, Ma'am" (bowing at Proprietress)

Kyo Sohma: (put his bag on the ground) "wow, what a vacation. Here I thought I could get rid of Yuki."

Proprietress: "I see you two are still at odds with each other. I can always put up some screens to partition off the room if you like."

Terry Kamiyama: "I don't mind at all, also you might need that for these twins since they also have Odds with each other. Haha!" (Sweatdrop about it)

Yumi Kamiyama: (smile innocence) "oh, no ma'am, I don't wanna you stress out too much okay."

Rini Kamiyama: "this place is beautiful right Cousin Terry Chan!!!"

Terry Kamiyama: "yep"

Kyo Sohma: "that's not what the problem is! Why can't I get one day without- -?"

Momiji Sohma: "I know why you're complaining. It's because you want to sleep in Yumi's and Tohru's room, isn't it?"

Kyo Sohma: (blushed) "What?"

Yumi Kamiyama: (blushed) "wait WHAT?"

Rumi Kamiyama: (shake her head disappointment) "sick perv"

Rini Kamiyama: "pervert"

Terry Kamiyama: (left eye twitch it, overprotective brother mode) "what?"

Yuki Sohma: "Pervert"

Kyo Sohma: (blushed) "Uh! That's not what this is about! Seriously! I swear. That brat's only- Uh." (Froze in fear and shivering)

Proprietress: (went in hysteria mode) "Your fiend! How dare you say you wanna room with the girl you brought along on vacation! I always wanted to believe you were a good boy, even though you're the cat! Eee, You lascivious beast! This is a horrifying turn of events! For shame, Kyo."

Kyo Sohma: "You're the one who's horrifying here!"

Proprietress: (shaking Kyo) "If you won't apologize, I'll do so on your behalf. And not just to her, but to the entire world! Please forgive this child for his many perversions!"

Kyo Sohma: "but why? I told you that's not what I mean! I take it back, I'm happily sharing a room with Yuki!"

Tohru and Terry are in a curtain of fears, Rini, Momiji smiling at this hilarious moment, Yumi record this moment in her mobile phone, which she save it in her laptop, laughing her butt off for Kyo getting tired of the craziness. Yuki and Rumi are in quiet mode and ask themselves.

Yuki Sohma: "are we sure she's in frail health?"

Rumi Kamiyama: "I was going to ask you that about it?"

~ a few seconds later~

Kyo Sohma: (sigh) "Finally, some peace and quiet."

Yumi Kamiyama: (giggling about what happened) "true, pfffft"

Kyo Sohma: (mad at Yumi) "Stop laughing you, damn girl!"

Yumi Kamiyama: (cockily) "make me"

Kyo Sohma: (grumbled)

Momiji Sohma: "Tohru, Rini! Aren't you so excited about the spring?

Tohru Honda: "yes!"

Rini Kamiyama: "Hai!"

Momiji Sohma:" let's bathe together!"

Tohru Honda: "okay!"

Rini Kamiyama: "oui!"

Rumi and Yumi: (bangs cover their eyes)

Yuki and Kyo: (bangs cover their eyes)

Kyo Sohma: (place his hand on Momiji's head and slam it on the table) "You're the one with bad thoughts around here."

Yumi Kamiyama: "bunny boy, you got those bad thoughts!" (Place her hand on Momiji head too)

Momiji Sohma: (dramatic tears) "Kyo! Yumi!
Why're you picking on me?"

Tohru Honda: "But Momiji's so little. I don't mind if he's there."

Rini Kamiyama: (Pouted) "leave him alone you two big meanies!"

Rumi Kamiyama: "jeez, they get rowdy!" (Drinking her tea)

Kyo Sohma: "what? Don't you talk crazy, too!"

Yumi Kamiyama: "are you serious? He looks like Rini age, you klutz!"

Momiji Sohma: "Yuki, get him off me!"

Kyo Sohma: "Jeez, you little wimp. Stop crying!"

Kyo Sohma: "shut up"

Momiji Sohma: "Please!"

Kyo Sohma: "Quit wiggling!"

Momiji Sohma: "I want to bathe with Tohru and Rini."

Yuki Sohma: "Momiji, stop begging like a spoiled child. You didn't bring Miss Honda and Miss Rini here to make her feel uncomfortable."

Momiji Sohma: "Nein."

Momiji Sohma: "But we can still sleep together tonight!"

Yuki and Kyo, Yumi, Rumi: "He doesn't give up."

~open air bath~

Tohru Honda: "this is amazing. I've never been to an open-air bath!"

Rini Kamiyama: "this is so awesome!"

Yumi and Rumi: "This is amazing! (Spoke same time)

Tohru Honda: "I can just picture Momiji doing laps around here."

~ boys side of the open-air bath~
Shown, Yuki sitting down, eyes closed, Momiji hyper mode, Terry whistles his lyrics for his DJ music he is making in his mind, Kyo yelling at Momiji.

Momiji Sohma: "Motorboat!"

~ Girls side of the open-air bath~

Yumi relaxing in the warm water, this felt great for stress reliever, Rumi stares at the night sky, Rini Playing the water in happy mode. Tohru went into the water, took out a picture of her mom which Twins and Rini recognize as Godfather Leon's bestie, they are happy Tohru brought the room picture which makes them feel Leon and Tohru's mom spirit here protected them from negative spirit. The proprietress meets with the girls and talks about her son and Rumi told her that Hayami they cousin wanna visit the proprietress since she brings healthy food for them and also her son.

Tohru Honda: "first things first. (Took out a picture of her late mother in a ziplock bag) Ta-da! Mom! What do you think? Nice, right?"

Rumi Kamiyama: "is this your mom, Tohru Chan?"

Tohru Honda: "yes, she is."

Yumi Kamiyama: "she is beautiful." (Smile at the picture)

Rini Kamiyama: "what happened to Ta mere, Tohru Chan?"

Tohru Honda: "she pass away last year along with her best friend who is Terry father, Leon." (sad smile)

Rumi, Yumi, and Rini: "Godfather Leon." (sad smile)

Tohru Honda: "sorry I made you three sad about your wanna know who was your Godfather may I ask?"

Rumi Kamiyama: (sad smile appear) "it's Terry's dad, Leon who is our godfather to all zodiac members in Kamiyama Family, he knows our secret because Terry's late mom accidental hug Takeo, which he turns into boar, it made our godmother went in cute mode, saying "OMG, you are cutest godchildren in the world." That made us cry in joy for her accepting us and same with our godfather who reveal us, Terry to all of us who that time was newborn. We wanna hug him but we turn into animals. Hee hee."

Yumi Kamiyama: "me and my sister, consider Terry's dad, our dad since he was there when we need father love,support which Leon was there, he always mentions he wanna meet his sweet best friend until he has shown us your mom on his cellphone. But we miss him so much, for me is the most, he considers me his daughter with my rat sister too." (Grip on her right wrist which her juzu bead she holds on grip, remembering the pain she causes, acceptance from her family members)

Rini Kamiyama: "Yeah, he is awesome parrain. We miss him so much, he will never be forgotten in our hearts."

Tohru Honda: "I didn't know about it, but I am happy you guys got good memories of Leon, my mom and he are best friends, I'm proud of them for being there for each other. I'm happy I met Terry when we were kids."

Rumi Kamiyama: "yes ( Hug Tohru) we are sorry for your loss Tohru and we will be there if you needed us and same for you"

Yumi Kamiyama: (place her hand on Tohru's head)

Rini Kamiyama: (heartfelt hug)

Tohru Honda: "thank you so much, you guys." (Teary eyes about the support Kamiyama girls showing)

Rini Kamiyama: "okay, so I wanna play this game, it is only for girls since no boys are allowed to play."

Yumi Kamiyama: "sure, let's play, I'm bored as hell"

Rini Kamiyama: "oh right? Here goes: who has good skill of Cooking? Raise your hand?"

Rumi, Yumi, Rini, Tohru: (raise their hands up)

Rumi Kamiyama: " awesome, who has got good grades at school?"

Yumi, Rini, Rumi, Tohru: (raise their hands up)

Yumi Kamiyama: "sweet! who got a crush on someone at school?"

Rumi, Rini, Yumi, Tohru: (raise their hand)

Girls look at Tohru in surprise and yell: "WHO??????"

Tohru Honda: (waving her hands in embarrassment due to the girls are shocked) "I...I...let's away in blushed)...Terry!"

Rumi, Yumi: (smirk at Tohru) "interesting, you like our innocent brother, Terry"

Tohru Honda: " two are smiling at me and I got these funny feelings you two are up to something...yes he is kind, gentle, warm-hearted like a Phoenix!!!" (Sweatdrop)

Rumi Kamiyama: "oh don't worry, we got a nice idea for you if you ask our dear and sweet Terry out."

Yumi Kamiyama: "yep, I will help out too."

Tohru Honda: "so three of ya, who's your crush?"

Rini Kamiyama: (look around to see any boys hears only to hear Kyo yelling at Momiji) "I got a bunny Crush on Momiji." (Shy about her hidden crush)

Tohru Honda: (smile at Rini) "Aww, Rini, that is cute, I didn't know you have a secret crush on Momiji?"

Rini Kamiyama: "well, he is cute and I like him about who he is." (Smile)

Rumi Kamiyama: (shy about her secret crush) "mine is well...he goes our class...he is the prince of the school....fine...Yuki...there happy?"

Tohru Honda: "Really?" (Excited to hear Rumi crush was Her classmate, Yuki)

Rumi Kamiyama: "yeah, you see, I like him for who he is, I see him being a lonely child that needs to yearning with love." (Place her hand on her heart)

Tohru Honda: "that's so determined you have Rumi. You have good soul in it."

Rumi Kamiyama: (smile at Tohru, blushed) "Aw, thank you so much, Tohru Chan! (Look at Yumi) what's your crush?"

Yumi Kamiyama: (look away, Blushed) " in the warm bath with blushed about her secret crush, making bubbles then goes up) it's that Baka Neko himself."

Tohru, Rumi, and Rini: (surprised about Yumi crush is revealed) "KYO!!!!!!"

Yumi Kamiyama: (panic and tell them to shush) " shush shush shush!!!!!" (Placing her finger on her lip)

Kyo Sohma: (heard his name called) "who call me?????"

Yumi Kamiyama: "No one, you Jackasss!!!"

Kyo Sohma: (angry cat sound) "what did you saying, you weirdo!!!!!"

Yumi Kamiyama: (angry cat sound) "Jackass!"

Kyo Sohma: (lose his temper) "That's it!!!! You and me outside after the bath you damn cat!!!!"

Yumi Kamiyama: (lose her temper) "challenge accepted, you asshole!!!!"

Rumi, Rini, Tohru: (sweatdrop at Yumi and Kyo just challenge a battle) "they just wanna fight that is all!"

Yumi Kamiyama: "Kyo is the secret crush I got on him." (Blushed about her crush)

The girls: "Kawaii!"

Tohru Honda: "all alright? Who turns into animals?"

Rumi, Yumi, and Rini: (raise their hands)

Tohru Honda: (goes cute mode) "Kawaii~"

~ few minute pass~

Tohru Honda: (smile at her mom picture) "can you feel it, too?"

Proprietress: "Oh, Hello." (Walk toward the girls)

Girls: "Hello, Ma'am!"

Proprietress: "I hope the water temperatures okay."

Tohru Honda: "it's absolutely perfect."

Proprietress: "what's that? Who is she?"

Tohru Honda: "This...this is my mother. She died last year. But I wanted her to have the chance to enjoy the hot spring, too."

Rumi Kamiyama: "true Ma'am, me, my sister and our cousin Rini just lost our godfather and father to us last year same time as Tohru's mom who both of them are best friends, we wanna our dear loves once have chance to enjoy this beautiful hot springs."

Proprietress: "My. That's the loveliest thing I've heard in a while. Oh, I neglected to mention this when we met earlier, but my child is a member of the zodiac, like the young master and the others. The monkey. I just thought you might be interested to know."

Tohru Honda: (Gasp)

????: "Am I missing anything, my dearest friend?"

Tohru Honda: (look at Beautiful lady who has magenta eyes, medium light brown hair, her height is 5'6, she is in her late 40's, sitting down next to her dear friend) (gasp)

Rini, Rumi and Yumi: (excitedly) "Auntie Monique!!!" (Hug their aunt so much)

Monique Kamiyama: "Hi girls, and who is this sweet girl here?"

Rini Kamiyama: "Auntie, this is Tohru Honda! Terry's best friend, she is now part of our family!!!!"

Monique Kamiyama: "Nice to meet you dear! Thank you for making my sweet nephew the happy person he is now."

Tohru Honda: "No ma'am! I am happy to be in your family!"

Monique Kamiyama: "my name Monique Kamiyama, I am the mother of my dear daughter's zodiac members: one is the snake and the other is the monkey. I hope you meet my daughters soon and my dear friend's son soon. (Look at proprietress) I forgot to bring this to you since my hot springs need to be on the lookout but my younger daughter, Hayami is looking out for my hot spring while I was gone." (Give her an herbal tea box with medicine herbal in it.)

Proprietress: "thank you, Monique, you are so kind."

Proprietress: "to be honest, I was very concerned when I first heard about you. Our truth is something we must protect. I feared an outsider knowing about the zodiac would result in harm to the Sohmas. Particularly my child, who has psychological wounds already. And I worried for the other children, too. But I'd like to apologize for thinking that about you. I can tell you're a good person. And that you'll keep the Sohma family's secret to yourself. If you ever meet my child and my dear friend's daughters, I do hope friendship blossoms.

Monique Kamiyama: "I pray for you to befriend my dear daughters, they went through lots of emotional abuse from my horrible ex-husband who is their father. But I'm glad I divorced him because he was nothing but trouble. I was scared you will treat my family zodiac cruelly but I see you and Terry are great friends and pure heart to each other. So I am happy to meet you."

Tohru Honda: "Oh. Same. I hope I have a chance to meet them soon. If you don't mind, what is the monkey-like?"

Monique and Proprietress: (Grunts)

Rumi, Rini, and Yumi: (cover their ears) "Oh dear, here it goes"

Proprietress: "forgive me, I'm so sorry! I understand the world's condemnation, but my only child is precious to me, and a deeply kind person at heart, despite what you may have heard to the contrary! Please, reserve judgment...!"

Monique Kamiyama: (panic mode) "Please forgive me, I'm extremely so sorry! I understand my dear friend's words, but my youngest daughter of mine is my precious and sweetheart she is! Please reserve judgment and hallelujah to lord himself....!"

Tohru Honda: "Nevermind, you don't have to apologize!" (Frightening by two women)

Rini, Rumi, and Yumi: (sweatdrop at their aunt) "Auntie calm down!"

~ boys side of the bath~

Momiji, Terry, Yuki, and Kyo looked and overheard the conversation of two women panic mode on Tohru, the girls telling their aunt to calm down.

Momiji Sohma: "Ha! They sound like they're having fun over there."

Terry Kamiyama: (Sweatdrop) "yep they sure are."

~ Meanwhile ~

Momiji Sohma: "that's right!"

Momiji Sohma: "the properness is also Ritchan's dear Mutti!"

Rini Kamiyama: "Same with us, Auntie Monique is Hayami Chan dear Mère!

Tohru Honda: "Oh, yeah, the monkey."

Momiji Sohma: "Ritchan lives outside, like Shii-Chan, does. I'm sure you two will meet one day."

Rini Kamiyama: "same with you Tohru Chan, you will meet Hayami Chan since she lives outside of Kamiyama estate as Mai Chan does. She works at Boutique show that her sister works who you will meet soon."

Tohru Honda: "Great!"

Terry Kamiyama: "sweet I can't wait to meet your monkey zodiac members, Momiji, Auntie Monique just visit a few minutes ago but she left because she forgot to give proprietress herbal tea medicine with the medicine pills and also Hayami is lookout the hot spring while Auntie left to do some errands."

Momiji Sohma: (smile at Rini, Terry, and Tohru) "Hey, do you want to play a round of ping pong with me?"

Momiji Sohma: (look at Four zodiac members playing ping pong) "I'm good, but those meanies won't let me join in any of their games."

Kyo Sohma: (yell) (hit the ping pong ball but miss at Yuki)

Yuki Sohma: "That's out."

Rumi Kamiyama: "totally" (slurping her drinks)

Yuki Sohma: "I told you, you have to bounce it first. "

Kyo Sohma: (angry) "Shut up, Rat! Why would I do something that slows down the ball?!"

Yuki Sohma: "Because those are the rules of the game." (Hit the poling ping ball with a ping pong racket)

Kyo Sohma: (yell) (Hit it hard the ball and miss)

Yuki Sohma: "Still out"

Momiji Sohma: "Again? Really?"

Rini Kamiyama: (blinks) "wow two times miss and you lost?"

Yuki Sohma: "I thought you could compete with me for once, but you remain hopeless."

Rumi Kamiyama: "Wow, Kyo, you suck at this game, to be honest." (Shake her head disappointed)

Yumi Kamiyama: "Damn, that's an embarrassment I see!"

Terry Kamiyama: " dude, you got this!"

Tohru Honda: "Kyo! Give it your best!"

Kyo Sohma: (lose his temper, with tick mark) (Yells) (flips the ping pong table)

Yumi Kamiyama: (laughing at Kyo) "There it is!!!! Angry Pretty Kitty!!!! Hahahahaha"

Kyo Sohma: (look at Yumi) "you next after that damn rat!!"

Kyo Sohma: "We're finished. Done! This sucks! Real men battle with their fists! (Angry cat sound)

Yuki Sohma: "You're the one who suggested a ping pong war."

Tohru Honda: "Um, well, Maybe...I could play. Does someone wanna battle with me?"

Kyo Sohma: (look at Tohru) "Huh?!"

Momiji Sohma: "that sounds fun to watch!"

Yumi Kamiyama: "just make the girl play for once, you stupid!"

Kyo Sohma: (shaken in anger at Yumi) "I'm so getting this one back someday!!!!"

Kyo Sohma: "Just so you know, I'm not gonna take it easy on you 'cause you're a girl."

Tohru Honda: "Okay!"

Yumi Kamiyama: (pouted) "he wasn't taking easy on Me, I'm a girl here, you twat!!" (Throws her slipper at Kyo's head)

Kyo Sohma: (holding his head in pain, look at Yumi, holding her slipper) "after Tohru, you up, you damn weirdo!!!!"

Yumi Kamiyama: (smirk) "Game on, Motherfucker!"

Kyo Sohma: "all right. Here it comes, 'Kay?"

Tohru Honda: "Ready!"

Yuki Sohma: "Don't forget, you have to bounce the ball."

Kyo Sohma: (tick mark appears) "Ah, Shut your trap!"

Kyo Sohma: "here" (hit ping pong with the small rack)

Tohru Honda: (yells) (swung her rack only miss) "Hm?" (Look at the ball while Momiji and Rini look at it.)

Tohru Honda: "I completely missed!"

Kyo Sohma: "I can see that."

Kyo Sohma: "you're not too good at this."

Momiji Sohma: "You've got no room to talk, Kyo."

Rini Kamiyama: true, you suck at this game, Kitty Kyo!"

Kyo Sohma: "Oh yeah? If you're so good, then show us your skills, Shorty!"

Momiji Sohma: "wenn schon, denn schon!"

Kyo Sohma: "wen den what?"

Momiji Sohma: "it means I'll do it."

Kyo Sohma: "then come on!"

Rini Kamiyama: "Momiji I wanna see how Yumi and Kyo can go since I wanna play with you too."


Kyo Sohma: (grunts and holding his head in pain) "Owwww!"

Yumi Kamiyama: "yo, you ain't disrespecting my cinnamon bun there...(stood up and grab the rack of the ping pong) so I will never go easy on Boys, so let's dance kitty cat!" (Cockily smirk)

Kyo Sohma: "you on, you damn cat!!!!"

Rumi Kamiyama: (look at Yuki walk-off) "Terry, Tohru, keep playing ping pong, I will check on Yuki, coming back!" (Walk off to go to Yuki)

Terry and Tohru: "Hai!"

~ outside of the hot spring~

Rumi went to Yuki and see him on the mini bridge.

Rumi Kamiyama: "Huh?"

Rumi Kamiyama: "I found him"

Rumi Kamiyama: "Yuki? Hey, is something wrong, Buddy? If you are sick, let me know?"

Yuki Sohma: (chuckles) "Miss bad."

Rumi Kamiyama: "Huh?" (Chuckles)

Yuki Sohma: (chuckles) "it was hilarious. That face miss Honda made. She put everything she had into that horrible swing. I'm sorry, Miss Rumi."

Rumi Kamiyama: (chuckles) "I would've been perfectly nice with you laughing in front of Me, You know because I can't laugh In front of my younger twin sister, to be honest."

Yuki Sohma: (chuckles) "I figured. But I don't wanna laugh in front of Kyo. I've never even laughed in front of my parents."

Rumi Kamiyama: (thought) "just like me, I never laugh when my bastard father was around only my mom and Godfather Leon since they were there and made me laugh so much."

Yuki Sohma: "Oh. Just remembered. Here. For you. I already gave To miss Honda one, here is for you."

Rumi Kamiyama: (look at her gift, realizing it is a white's Day gift from the prince)

Yuki Sohma: "For White Day. This is my gift to you."

Rumi Kamiyama: "oh. I accept your gift, I really appreciate it."

Yuki Sohma: "I wanted to surprise you earlier in the day, but the timing just never seemed to work out. Open it."

Rumi Kamiyama: "sure thing" (open it, see lavender flower design ribbons)

Yuki Sohma: "I wasn't sure what you'd want. But I thought this ribbon would really suit you."

Rumi Kamiyama: (remove her hair scrunchie, place on the new one on her hair) 

Yuki Sohma: (place his hand on the ribbon) "Does it meet with your approval...Princess?"

Rumi Kamiyama: (blushed) (Gasp) "Uh, yeah. It's beautiful. Perfectly."

Yuki Sohma: "Pleasing you..."

Rumi Kamiyama: (Gasp)

Yuki Sohma: " a great honor, Princess." (Place ribbon on his lips)

Rumi Kamiyama: (face turn red and shyness took over, look away)

Yuki Sohma: "D'you like the act?"

Rumi Kamiyama: (shyness) "y-y-yeah!"

Rumi Kamiyama: (thought) " he really is just like a prince."

~ inside the hot spring ~

Yumi, Kyo smiling, and Rini, Momiji along the way in the game, Yuki, Rumi watches others play and Terry and Tohru laughing and giggle at them. As it is bedtime, Tohru smiling happily as she grips on Terry's White day gift to her which is a locket with a picture of her mom in it and the same goes for Terry who smiles in his sleep thanking his dad for this amazing life he is having.

Tohru Honda: (thought) "actually, it turns out there are a lot of princes and princesses in The Sohma and Kamiyama family, mom. There are cool ones. Ones that are cute. Kind ones, too. I'm so happy that I get to spend my days by their side getting to know them better. After Tonight, I'm even more grateful for what I have in my life. Thank you."

~ next day: heading home~

Others waiting for the bus to come and pick them up. Tohru tells Momiji about school that he is going to middle school but a surprise has arrived when Rini announced them the good news and also a surprise gift for all of them. Also reveal her age with her sister, Akari ages.

Proprietress: "I must apologize for not being a better host. Please come again. Sometime soon." (Her head in Kyo's shoulder)

Kyo Sohma: "why are you using me as a crutch?"

Tohru Honda: "Please take good care of yourself."

Terry Kamiyama: "same to you, Ma'am."

Proprietress: "the same to you."

Tohru and Terry: "Thanks"

Rini Kamiyama: "Momiji Chan, where is the bus?" (Sitting down)

Momiji Sohma: "I don't see the bus anywhere. It sure is late picking us up." (Sitting down next to Rini)

Rini Kamiyama: "sure it looks like"

Tohru Honda: (sit next to Momiji and Rini) "I'm sad, Momiji and Rini. I'm not gonna see you two as much since we won't be working together after the break."

Rini, Momiji: "Huh?"

Tohru Honda: "oh yeah! What grade will you both be going into once we get back? Are you starting middle school yet?"

Rini, Momiji: "Nein!"

Momiji Sohma: "I'll be starting high school! Surprise! I got special permission, so I'll be going to your school from now on! Haru's coming, too!"

Rini Kamiyama: "Momiji Chan!!! I am going to the same high school as you too. My sister, Akari going too!!!!"

Momiji Sohma: "yay!!!! Rini and I going to the same high school!!!!"

Terry Kamiyama: (frozen and panic) "Rini if you going to the same high school as I am. Then that means Akari and Haru going to the same school as those two devils!!!!!" (Froze as stone)

Tohru Honda: (her hair spikes and stunned) "Huh?????"

Kyo Sohma: "wait, you're what? Why the hell would you and Haru secretly apply to go to our school?"

Yumi Kamiyama: "wait the minute, you fucking kidding me? You and Akari have secretly applied to go to our school? (Look at Kyo) Kyo we are fucked because 1. Akari and Haru are best friends, 2. They are the nightmares one when they are Dark mode, 3. They destroyed classrooms when they are in chaotic dark mode. Think about it! They are fucking troubles makers!!!!!"

Momiji Sohma: "to see this shocked look on your face, Of course!"

Rini Kamiyama: "surprise cuz!!!"

Kyo Sohma: "Seriously?"

Yumi Kamiyama: "omg I feel the wall breaking once two devils are the same school!"

Rumi Kamiyama: "Tohru Chan sweetie, if you didn't know Rini and Akari are 15 years old and they are the same ages so yeah, we get that look from everyone a lot. Heehee."

Kyo Sohma: "I get why they gave you a pass, but I'm amazed they'd let Haru in with his hair."

Yumi Kamiyama: "I am amazed, they let you in Rini but Your sister, Akari, I'm surprised that they'd let Akari in with her white highlights."

Rini Kamiyama: "Really? What do you mean? Yumi kitty cat?"

Momiji Sohma: "Huh? What do you mean?"

Yuki Sohma: "Miss Honda, It seems you didn't realize, but Momiji is just a year younger than all of us. The same as Haru."

Tohru Honda: (shocked) "Huh???????!!!!!!!"

Terry Kamiyama: "how did you not know Rini and Akari ages because they are the same ages as Haru and Momiji!!!"

Tohru Honda: "I could've sworn he and Rini were only elementary students, but it turns out he's coming to our school in April? With Hatsuharu and Akari? I can't figure out which part of this I should be more surprised about!"

Momiji Sohma: "how about everything?"

Tohru and Terry: "it sounds like school will be even livelier this spring. And With more Sohmas and Kamiyamas!"

~ Shigure's house~

Hatsuharu and Akari reading their books. When Shigure came in with Two maid outfits which Akari and Haru look at it and they warn him not to get arrested but Mai took the first maid outfit and made it like an Army maid for Shigure to punish him with Whip on her hand in her evil dog growling mode. This sweatdrop at Akari, Haru stare at it blank look as Akari told him to Continue reading the books ignore the screams.

Shigure Sohma: "So...what do you think of the white day gift I got her? This old man will be thrilled the day she wears this around here. Ooh. Maybe she'll call me master."

Hatsuharu Sohma: (look back to his reading) "one of these days you're going to be arrested."

Akari Kamiyama: (look back at her Dracula novel) "you are going to be filed as a sexual predator in the wanted list."

Mai Kamiyama: (devil horns appear on Mai's head) "Oh Shigure!"

Shigure Sohma: (froze and felt shiver) "Eep!"

Mai Kamiyama: (devil horns appear with dog ears and tails) "I see you doing pervert shit when I'm not around Huh?"

Shigure Sohma: (scared at Mai in her anger mode) "Mai, you look lovely in your maid outfit but why is it in Army theme?"

Mai Kamiyama: (evil smirk) "because you coming with me!!!" (Use her whips and wrapped it around Shigure and drag him)

Shigure Sohma: "Mai, forgive this old man here, please, your look lovely but not in this way!!!!!" (Pleading for mercy)

Mai Kamiyama: (evil smirk) "get over here!!!!" (Pull Shigure to his room)

Shigure Sohma: (dramatic teary eyes) "HAVE MERCY MAI!!!!! "

~ sliding door slam shut~

Akari and Hatsuharu stare at what just happened and hear Shigure screaming and saying nice things to Mai.

Akari Kamiyama: (blank stare) "should we continue reading, Haru?"

Hatsuharu Sohma: (look at Akari, nodding his head) "Sure thing"

Akari Kamiyama: "yep"

Akari and Haru: (reading books, ignore Shigure's screaming with Mai being Army dominant mode)

~ Chapters ended~

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