Chapter 9: Meeting the two Ox Zodiac, Sick season, Truth or Dare game story!

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~ Kamiyama Estate: Rini's house ~

~ Beep, Beep, Beep~

Akari woke up from her Alarm clock on her cellphone which she turns it off. She stretches her arms, did some flexibility with her Yoga. She stands up to her drawer next to the bedside, puts on one of her favorite music from her playlist.

~ Natalia Kills - Problems ~

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

She went to her closet with lots of her goth/Grunge outfit to took one of her outfit set with grabs her black platform boots, went to drawers take out her Black bra and panties with a skull design on them. She has what she need to wear and head to her bathroom to shower. After she finished the shower, she brushes her teeth, blow-drying her long black with white highlight hair, tied them in a Long pigtail with spikes on the tips of her hair. Got out of the bathroom, paint vampire red lipstick, and did her eyeliners, eyeshadows black color for her goth looks. She finishes her makeup and puts on her cuff bracelet, spikes bracelet, and black jelly bracelet which she knew as a sex bracelet back then when her late Godfather was a teenager. She got everything and lock her bedroom, she saw her sisters folding her blanket.

~ Song Ended ~

She grabs her water bottle and energy bar with her. Lock the doors as she walks towards the garage where her motorcycle is, took them out of the garage to the streets as she turns it on, and drove away.

Akari Kamiyama: "Hey, sis, I'm heading to Mai's house? Do you wanna anything from the stores?" (talk to Rini)

Rini Kamiyama: "Oui, Ma soeur, can you bring me chocolate chip cookies!"

Akari Kamiyama: "On it" (went downstairs to the living room where her adopted mom and her baby brother is) "bye Mom, Love you (Kiss her mom on the head) and Bye-bye, Louie (playing her baby bro hair which he gets mad at it)

Marie Koch-Antoinette: (smile) "Bye my baby girl be safe~"

Louie Kamiyama: (mad at his big sister playing his hair) "Akari nee-chan!!!!! Why my hair!!!" (Louie emotion: 😭)

Marie Koch-Antoinette: "it's okay, Louie, you have adorable hair right? (smile at her son)

Louie Kamiyama: (shy away)

~ small town ~

Akari is on her motorcycle with her GPS to see what direction is she going to Mai's home but her GPS app just crashed and now she has to use her sense of direction or ask someone but the risk of turning to her Ox form since she went to get something for herself and going to stores but she got lost, she wanna visit a store that Rini goes to before she heads home, She rode her motorcycle to find any map nearby until she sees someone which she regrets and happy to meet. She sees her classmate and also her best friend, a bad boy, split personality who likes her own and she fought him in her class and he called her "stupid slut" which hell breaks loose. She sees her classmate's hair color: White on the top and black roots, dress in gothic looks. She told herself he got lost and see two women talk about how hot he is. She decides it is time to surprise him which she did. She took off her helmet, parked her motorcycle, wore her black fur gothic black coat for the January cold weather, she went to her classmate.

Akari Kamiyama: (calm look) "Well, I see you are also got lost too?"

????: (look at Akari) "Oh you are here too and I thought fairies put you here, That's a Mystery?"

Akari Kamiyama: "No silly, I got lost too. So you using this map too because I suppose to go to My cousin's house but I got lost." (fixing her platform shoe on since the lace came out)

????: "true" (blinked)

Akari Kamiyama: "can I follow you because I will get lost again, I Don't wanna hear my older cousin, Kaida bitch fit"

????: "Hehe, sure."

(both of them watching the map, she has a helmet on her arm)

College Girl 1: "hey, check him out"

College Girl 2: "oh my gosh, he's totally hot!"

College Girl 1: "Yeah, but the way he's dressed. It looks like he's going clubbing. Kinda strange."

College Girl 1: "Yo check out the girl, she is so gorgeous but she looks familiar in somewhere poster"

College Girl 2: "oh my gosh is she..... (saw poster of the Bloody Black Rose and see a lead guitarist with white highlights standing next to vocalist) Holy is her, look at the music shop poster. (look at the poster, shocked about it) she's the lead guitarist of that famous rock band that was formed when They were announced their new member."

College Girl 1: "they could be lost. If we give them directions, maybe he'll and the guitarist takes us with them"

Akari Kamiyama: "brought your bike?"

????: "Yeah?"

Akari Kamiyama: "sweet, I follow you, so I won't lose tracks of you"

The young man put on goggles, gloves and had his bicycles ready and Akari put on her helmet, biker gloves with spikes on them and follows him in her black motorcycle. Leave behind two college Girls' blank faces with the look of WTF.

(Akari on her black motorcycle ready to ride away)

(Bike bell ringing)

(Motorcycle sound)

~ Supermarket ~

Terry and Tohru are doing groceries shopping since Terry is doing the cooking at Mai's resident and Tohru is cooking for Shigure's house. They thank the clerks and went outside only to see Twins looking at the sky, Yumi had her Skateboard on her arm. Rumi listening to her music and she Starts feeling nausea but she doesn't know why. They continue to walk home, the argument continues until Yuki and Rumi grab Leeks shove them in their mouth, and see Yumi and Kyo got leeks in their mouth, this causes them disgust. But Yuki starts coughing when he heard a groan, see Rumi places her hand on her head, she looks like she about to faint but Yuki places his hand on her and she smiles at him.

Tohru Honda (thought) "well, winter break is over, and our third school term has begun. Living with the Sohma's is still a nonstop adventure along with Kamiyama Family who they're are wildest members with crazy, wild adventure." (Grabs the bags of groceries and went out of the stores)

Cashier A: "See you again soon!"

Terry Kamiyama: "You too" (grabs his bags of groceries)

Tohru Honda: "Thanks for waiting"

Terry Kamiyama: "Huh?"

Kyo Sohma: "I'm sick of your smug face. Let's take this outside!"

Yumi Kamiyama: (thought) "he is so stupid that we are fucking outside." (Blank face, shake her in disbelief)

Yuki Sohma: "We're already outside, you idiot."

Rumi Kamiyama: "jeez...I was read the article but you guys are too loud. (Felt pain in her head) You guys need to Shut up because I got freaking Headache."

Terry Kamiyama: "these boys were the death of me and Tohru if they keep fighting like a bunch of morons" (sweatdrops)

Tohru Honda: "um, you guys."

Rumi Kamiyama: "me and my dumb twins are watching these tom and jerry from Killing each other" (smile)

Yuki Sohma: "Thank you for doing the shopping, Miss Honda." (Walk to Tohru, grabs one of the bags)

Rumi Kamiyama: "bro, let me help you out with the bags, alright?"

Yuki Sohma: "Are you ok, you look like you have headaches"

Rumi Kamiyama: "don't worry, I will be fine." (Smile)

Terry Kamiyama: "sure sis, but I'm concern about it since heavy stuff is my duty."

Rumi Kamiyama: "don't worry, you cool right?"

Yuki Sohma: "Here."

Tohru Honda: "There's a lot. Sorry. I guess I went a little overboard with the groceries."

Yuki Sohma: "It's no trouble. Why don't you try making yourself useful for once, Dumb cat?"

Rumi Kamiyama: (smirk) "hey, stupid cat sis, help out our brother groceries here or else no milk"

Kyo Sohma: (angry cat sound) "Watch who you're callin' dumb!"

Kyo Sohma: "Give me those, I'll carry both of 'em" (grabs the bags with angry looks)

Yumi Kamiyama: (hiss sound on her hair spike up) "Terry, give me both of those damn bags" (Terry hand it to Yumi, she grabs and walk-in Anger)

Yuki Sohma: "sure you can"

Kyo Sohma: "you the one who told me to carry stuff"

Tohru Honda: (thought) "A lot of things have changed lately but these two are still at each other's throats."

(Flashback from New Years)

Tohru Honda: "I Made a wish at New Year's for them to start getting along better."

Terry Kamiyama: "I made New Year's wish is for my Twin sisters to move on from the tragic past that is harming the sisterly bond they once had before their father disown them, but I wanna them to get along"

(Back to Now)

Tohru Honda: (thought) "I Don't think it worked."

Terry Kamiyama: (thought) "same with me when my sisters still argue and fighting too, not happening."

Yumi Kamiyama: " you waste my damn time to do some errand with one person I disapprove"

Rumi Kamiyama: "oh, shut up, you dumb cat, you all have to say is that you wanna stay home and be a good kitty."

Yumi Kamiyama: "how about you stay home and be a good mouse"

Kyo Sohma: "...waste my time running an errand with you of all people."

Yuki Sohma: "you could've stayed home."

Kyo Sohma: "you should've stayed home."

Yuki Sohma: (look at Kyo) "Will you do us all a favor and just shut up already?"

Rumi Kamiyama: "you know sis, you should just shut up and continue walking?" (Look at her sister)

Kyo Sohma: (smirk at Yuki) " Heh. If you want me to stop talkin'..."

Tohru Honda: "wait! Please, can we just talk this out?"

Yumi Kamiyama: " really, how about you fight me and see if you wanna..."

Yuki and Rumi place Chives on Yumi and Kyo mouth cause them to surrender and Terry, Tohru were helping them out due to them got chives in their mouth.

Kyo Sohma: (gross-out of Chives out of his mouth)

Yumi Kamiyama: "Ewwww, that is so nasty"(spitting the taste of Chives on her mouth)

Terry Kamiyama: "Oh My God, sis, are you okay?"

Tohru Honda: "Poor things! Are you two going to be okay?"

Yuki Sohma: "that should keep him quiet for a while, at least." (Yuki cough)

Rumi Kamiyama: (cough) "at least Yumi shut up for while (look at Yuki coughing) are you alright" (trip and grabs her from falling)

Yuki Sohma: "I'm fine and (shock, grabs Rumi from falling) are you sure you alright?"

Rumi Kamiyama: "should we continue to walk home" (smile at Yuki weakly)

Yuki Sohma: "sure"

~ same night at Shigure's home ~

Shigure Sohma: "All Done!"

Shigure Sohma: (Towel on his head) "Who wants the next turn? Yuki, Bath Time!"

Yuki Sohma: "I'll skip it today"

Shigure Sohma: (comedic) "Uh! No Bath? How Disgusting! You Dirty Boy!"

Yuki Sohma: (thought) "One of these days I'm going to throw him off the roof."

Yuki Sohma: "I think I have a cold, that's why."

Rumi Kamiyama: "I was suspicious about it but I think ( sit but fall due to having fever) oh dear."

Tohru Honda: "Uh! A cold? Are you running a fever?" (Walk toward Yuki when she saw Rumi laying her head on Yuki's shoulder, places her hand on his forehead)

Tohru Honda: "You do feel a little warm."

Shigure Sohma: "the quicker you can treat a cold, the sooner you'll feel better. let's see if I can find you some medicine.

Terry Kamiyama: "hey, have you guys seen Rumi...RUMI!!!! (Walk to her and place his hand on her forehead) Jeez...Sis, you do have stubbornness from Mom but you do have a fever when I told you to stay in the bed but you refused since then."

Tohru Honda: "really? I didn't know your sister left to do an errand but she was a little tired but almost fainted." (Places her hand on Rumi's forehead) "she does have a fever but why Rumi! "

Rumi Kamiyama: "I don't wanna you guys to get worried about me" (place her hand on her forehead)

Mai Kamiyama: "here sweetie, drink this medicine with food and green tea so you have sweet sleep, also be careful because you do transform into your mouse form when you are sick." (Hand Rumi medicine)

Rumi Kamiyama: "ok I won't make ya worried me again and I will be on the lookout for it."

Tohru Honda: "you should probably stay home from school tomorrow. Just to be on the safe side."

Yuki Sohma: "No, it's all right. I'm sure I'll be fine."

Terry Kamiyama: "Hey, Tohru, they are school event about a run?"

Tohru Honda: "But we're running the marathon. You'll just make Yourself worse!"

Shigure Sohma: (hold on to the medicine) "Oh. Running in this chilly weather? That sounds like torture. These old bones couldn't handle it."

Rumi Kamiyama: "I sense two kitties near in 3...2...1?"

(Door opens)

Kyo Sohma: "Hold on a second. Did you say...marathon?" (eyes glowing)

Yumi Kamiyama: "did someone say Races? As it who gets to finish line first?" (Smirking eyes twitches)

Tohru Honda: "Y-Yes."

Terry Kamiyama: "uh oh. I don't like that sign of their expression?"

Kyo Sohma: "As in a race?"

Tohru Honda: "didn't you know about it?"

Yuki Sohma: " I know that look." (cough)

Rumi Kamiyama: " oh, shoot, I know that look on my sister." (Cough)

Kyo Sohma: "A race run in groups. Which means.....It's a competition!" (Excited for upcoming endurance run)

Yuki and Rumi: "Yep, there it is."

Kyo Sohma: " - - All Right!"

Yumi Kamiyama: " Awesome, let's do this, and I will win fair and square."

Shigure Sohma: "I'm freezing just looking at you, Kyo. Put on a sweater or something."

Kyo Sohma: "...Faster I am Than you!" (Pointing at Yuki)

Tohru Honda: "No. But Sohma has a cold. He can't run tomorrow."

Kyo Sohma: "A cold? You're gonna Bail on the race 'cause you've got the sniffles?"

Tohru Honda: "He sure is... enthusiastic about this." (Thought) (sweatdrop)

Kyo Sohma: "It's on! You better not back down!" (Slam the sliding door)

Terry Kamiyama: "I don't think Rumi won't run, she has a cold but it will become flu if she doesn't take care of herself"

Yumi Kamiyama: "oh really, you going to run like a weak fool for the run, I hope you are ready for the run and I will show this loser that he just lost to a girl." (Walking to Kyo's room since she is sleeping over at Shigure's house since their home is renovation due to collapse of the roof of their home until they get notified by their family head)

Kyo Sohma: "no you don't, I will!"

Yumi Kamiyama: "aww, is it weak kitty doesn't wanna be bitch after the race, boohoo!" (Fake cry, smirk)

Kyo Sohma: "you going down! you insane cat!"

Shigure Sohma: "seriously, don't overdo it. (Gave Yuki the medicine) If your body gets too weak from this cold, you're going to transform. And I doubt you want that."

Yuki Sohma: "I know."

Tohru Honda: "I have a bad feeling about this. Sohma has no business racing tomorrow. He needs to rest. But something tells me Kyo's not gonna let that happen. Hmmm....please let everyone get through tomorrow in one piece."

Terry and Tohru are worried about Yuki and Rumi's health and they did saw Rumi walking like she wasn't walking well. She almost falls when she trips or slips. Tohru sees Terry is extremely worried about his Sister who is seen signs of her getting sick. She knows Terry and others had to stay here until their home is finished for renovation for roof fix due to the collapse of the snowstorm last weekend so they have no choice but to stay with Shigure's home when Yumi refuse to room with Kyo since she was the one that causes Kyo to know her evil pranks plan on him or her brother Terry which her brother accept to sleep over Tohru room. This cause Yumi to give up and stay with Kyo from now on.

~ Next Day, School: Endurance Run ~

Gym Teacher A: "Be sure to warm up those muscles, People!"

(Girls gasping, chattering)

Girl 1: "I just can't stop looking."

Girl 2: "Yeah."

Girl 3: "Is there any sight more beautiful than that?"

Girls: "Yuki's bare legs shining in the sun!"

Yumi Kamiyama: "I'm going to be sick?" (Annoyed look)

Kyo Sohma: "you, not the only one" (disgusted look)

Boy 1: "dude check out"

Boy 2: "Yeah, I see"

Boy 3: " Is there anything that we see?"

Boys: (hearts in their eyes) "Rumi's bare legs that pure like sunlight"

Tohru Honda: "Sohma. You, Um, you and Rumi didn't eat very much breakfast this morning. Maybe you and Rumi shouldn't run." (Worried for Terry getting stress out. And also Yuki and Rumi who are sick)

Yuki Sohma: (stand up) "No, It's Fine. I'll make it through somehow. Besides...(See Kyo and Yumi background with fire and their cat ears and tails, hissing) If I don't compete, I'll never hear the end of it." ( look at Tohru and Terry) "Oh, Hey, I don't think I've to see Uotani and Kirishima today."

Terry Kamiyama: (smile) "My adopted bro, Alex- Chan caught the Flu and he is staying at home until he gets better. But Henry is here since he will be going to Hana- Chan House to do some homework assignments he needs to do."

Tohru Honda: (smile at Yuki) "I think Uo-Chan's skipping. Hana- Chan should be here somewhere- -"

Minami Kinoshita: (grabs Tohru's left arm) "Hey, Honda! You and Yuki are looking buddy-buddy over here."

Mai Iwata: (grabs Tohru's right arm) "The girl's race is about to start. better get moving! "

Minami Kinoshita: "Let's Go! We wouldn't wanna miss out, now would we?"

Mai Iwata: (Laughing)

(Dragging Tohru away from Yuki)

Yuki Sohma: (blue shade cover his eyes) "I'll see you later, then."

Rumi Kamiyama: "Yuki Kun, let's race, that my sister won't shut up and also don't overdo it since I am also told not to overdo it too. I will see ya before your race starts" (wink at Yuki, Smile)

Yuki Sohma: (blushed) "I-I-I...I will and I can wait for it."

Yumi Kamiyama: "Yo prince, I can't wait to beat you and that damn stupid cat, my damn rat sister of mine, so be prepared!" (smirk)

Kyo Sohma: (angry cat sound) "I will be beating your sorry ass catgirl!"

Yumi Kamiyama: (smirk) "I like to see you try to beat me because I run fast then you!"

Kyo and Yumi: "grrrrrr" (glare with electricity between them)

(Kyo and Yumi glares each other in angry mode with their cat form hissing each other. 🤣 ⬇️)

Terry Kamiyama: "I can beat ya sorry butts in the race since you two look like a competition."

Kyo and Yumi: "you on!"

Yumi Kamiyama: "girls run first Bleh!" (Took her tongue out)

Rumi Kamiyama: "I see you, boys, on the finishing line."

Gym Teacher A: "All right! We'll start with the girls"

Saki Hanajima: "Hey, what happened? You don't look so good."

Tohru Honda: "it's nothing. I'm fine."

Saki Hanajima: "okay. If you say so." (Wave attacks on Minami and Mai, cause them to panic out)

Minami Kinoshita: "Does the air feel weird to you all of a sudden?!"

Tohru Honda: "Hana-chan? Let's Go and Run our best, in honor of Uo-Chan!"

Saki Hanajima: "Sounds Good. I'll not a strong runner, but I'll try my hardest."

Gym Teacher A: "on your Marks, Get set..."


Yumi and Rumi ran faster Leaving the girls shocked and the boys froze in amazement of The twins ran faster.

Yumi Kamiyama: "you going down Damn rat sis of mine!"

Rumi Kamiyama: "just shut up" (cough)

Saki Hanajima: "Alas."

Tohru Honda: "Oh, No! What happened? Are you okay?"

Saki Hanajima: "I'm so sorry, Tohru. I can't go on. Leave me. (Grabs Tohru's hand) Run well and Don't worry about me. I'll walk. Slowly."

Tohru Honda: "you're sure? Really?"

Gym Teacher A: "You can crawl the whole way for all I care, Hanajima. Just get moving."

Gym Teacher A: "The Boys are next. Everybody ready?"

Kyo Sohma: (Growling)

Terry Kamiyama: "Ready and set"

Gym Teacher A: "on your marks, get set..."


Kyo, Terry, and Yuki went faster mode which everyone is surprised to see three of them went ahead of them.

Kyo Sohma: "Hope you're hungry 'cause you're gonna eat my dust!"

Yuki and Terry: "Shut up and Run"

Kyo Sohma: "And don't even think about holding back!"

Boy 1: "it's not a sprint. Jeez. Slow down."

Boy 2: "I know, right? I can't even see them anymore."

Kyo Sohma: "I'm gonna beat You!"

~ meanwhile on the run~

Tohru Honda: "I'm worried. Are Sohma and Rumi going to be okay?" (Look at the grass to see white hair and Black with white highlight hair)

Tohru Honda: (Gasp) "White Hair and wait! Black hair with a piece of white hair too!"

Tohru Honda: "Two elderly people? Excuse me, Sir and Ma'am! Do you need help?"

Two figures sit up and look at the girl. Tohru froze to see it was not two elderly people but Two teenagers. She apologized to both of them, this causes her to find which the girl made her sit down next to her.

Tohru Honda: (Gasp) "I am sorry! I saw both of your hair, so I thought to two might be an old person who tripped and fell, and I wanted to make sure you were- (fall to the grass) (groaning)

Akari Kamiyama: "girl, you are okay, that was a nasty fall? By the way, Have you heard of the Kamiyama family, Miss?"

????: " hey, Have you ever heard of the Sohma Family?"

Tohru Honda: "uh, sorry, why do wanna know? Uh!, oh, are you a Sohma, Too, by any chance?" (Look at Akari) " oh please tell me you are Kamiyama? (Quietly talk to herself) "she looks so familiar but where?"

????: "I am. You do know them?" (Heard loud bang, see dirty blonde hairs girl in the ground) "Your cousin?"

Akari Kamiyama: "I am and do you know about the Kamiyama family?" (Loud bang, Look at her cousin, Yumi who is ground while Rumi looks at her sister) "yes she is and so she falls for it?"

Tohru Honda: "Yes! It's nice to meet you both. I'm Tohru Hon-" (loud bang, see Yumi on the ground)

Rumi Kamiyama: "yep she did!"

Tohru Honda: (shocked) "Yumi, Are you alright?"

Yumi Kamiyama: "ow, what the bloody fuck, Akari?"

Akari Kamiyama: "look like you got caught in my hidden traps"

Tohru Honda: "hidden traps?"

Akari Kamiyama: "your cousin is coming I can hear him and (smirk) I see Terry and I need to set another trap (look at her buddy) care to make something for both of them to fall?"

????: (look at the sound) "I think I hear them now. (Grabs Akari's rope and tied it to the pole)

Tohru Honda: (look at Akari and the boy team up) "uh?"

Kyo Sohma: (running) (yells) "Well, Rat, Brat is you two giving it your all?"

Yuki Sohma: (Running) "I told you to be quiet." (Cough)

Terry Kamiyama: "I will get there first you a dumb cat?"

Terry and Kyo: (yells)

(Rope tied to the pole and Akari with blank look and Yumi took out her cellphone, record the part where she going to laugh her butt off)

Tohru Honda: "huh? Um, String!"

????: (pull the string)

Kyo and Terry: (fall and slam their faces to the ground)

????: "got one."

Akari Kamiyama: (evil smirk) "sweet, another bait got caught!"

Yumi Kamiyama: (Laughing so much, record the fall partly on her cellphone) "Hahahhahahahaha"

Tohru Honda: (shocked) "Terry!!!! Oh No! Are you two okay? That was a really bad fall."

Yuki Sohma: (stop running and see what was going on) "hey. What happened?"

Kyo Sohma: (angry, a bandage on his forehead) "What in the hell was that for? And Yumi stopping laughing!!!!"

Yumi Kamiyama: (giggle And laughing quietly) "I'm trying to but you did an amazing job landed on your forehead!!!! Teehee!"

Terry Kamiyama: "my poor head, what the heck was that (look at string) strings?"

????: "Figured it was the only way Me and Akari be able to get you to stop."

Akari Kamiyama: "yep and Yumi fall for it already."

Terry Kamiyama: (shocked) " No freaking way, You of all people, why are you here, you she-devil goth girl!" (Mad at Akari for pulling that stunt on him)

Kyo Sohma: (surprised) "Uh? Haru?"

????: (look at the audience) " that was a very dangerous prank. Not everyone's skull is as thick as Kyo's here. Never, ever try this at home.

Akari Kamiyama: (look at the audience) "what I did, it is extremely dangerous, no one has a thick skull like Terry and Yumi here so please don't try this at home."

Kyo, Yumi, and Terry: (mad at Haru and Akari) " it still hurt, You Jerks!"

Yuki Sohma: "So, it's your turn now. Everyone's coming to visit. Don't you have school, though?"

Rumi Kamiyama: "so you finally wanna meet Sohma members and Tohru I believe and what happened to you? Are you suppose to be in school?"

????: "Uh? I set out from home on Sunday and wound up in a neighborhood I didn't recognize. Somehow, Three days passed. it's a mystery"

Yuki Sohma: "No, It's called getting lost.

Akari Kamiyama: "so? I was riding my motorcycle and I end up bump into my buddy here from my school and we both went together and it is very strange we went to another town together."

Rumi Kamiyama: "you just got lost, just admit it." -Sigh-

Tohru Honda: (look at some people coming out) "Uh. Uh...maybe we should find somewhere else to talk?"

Terry Kamiyama: " true let's find some spots"

Yuki Sohma: "Agreed"

~ somewhere under the bridges ~

Yuki Sohma: "Miss Honda, Mr. Kamiyama. This is Hatsuharu Sohma. He's a third-year junior student. So one year younger than us. Haru, this is Miss Tohru Honda and Mr. Terry Kamiyama."

Rumi Kamiyama: "Everyone this is Akari Kamiyama. She's a third-year junior student. She is one year younger than us. she is also the lead guitarist of the famous rock band she performed. Akari, this sweet cinnamon roll here is Tohru Honda."

Hatsuharu Sohma: "Oh, that's who you are. (Bow) nice to meet you."

Akari Kamiyama: "so this one was at our New Years eve party, nice to meet you, sweetie." (Bow)

Tohru Honda: (stuttering, bow multiples time) "Ah! No! It's my pleasure!"

Terry Kamiyama: "nice to meet you, Haru." (Bow)

Tohru Honda: (thought) "Hatsuharu's so polite and soft-spoken. He seems mature for his age. Same for Akari, she's so kind and gentle. She seems mature for her age."

Kyo Sohma: "so, you gonna tell us, what you're here for?"

Hatsuharu Sohma: (look at Kyo) "To fight you."

Kyo Sohma: "huh?"

Hatsuharu Sohma: "I was gonna challenge you at New Year's, but you skipped out, so I came to you."

Hatsuharu Sohma: (pose in fighting styles) "now let's go.

Kyo Sohma: "whoa, hold on. I'm Kinda in the middle of an important race here."

Hatsuharu Sohma: "I traveled three whole days for this."

Kyo Sohma: "No, you just got lost!"

Yumi Kamiyama: "so why are you here?"

Akari Kamiyama: "I was going to fight you but since Mai's home is in the renovation, so I wanna see ya at her friend's house, so I will fight ya over there and I wanna see Haru fight his stupid cat cousin of his."

Yumi Kamiyama: "really? (Smirk) let's have spars at Shigure's house after this. I wanna kick your Ox ass, Akari."

Akari Kamiyama: "oh really (smirk evilly) I like to see you try, little kitty cat"

Terry Kamiyama: (shiver of so many thunder and lighting) "I feel like severe thunderstorm just has arrived here"

Rumi Kamiyama: -sigh- "I can't believe this, she has to come?"

Yumi Kamiyama: (look at her sister) "of course she is the one that stole your first kiss"

Rumi Kamiyama: "never speak of it again" (vein pops out)

Tohru Honda: "are you okay, Rumi?"

Rumi Kamiyama: "it's alright" (blushed)

Akari Kamiyama: "really babe, (pull Rumi's chin to look at her) you do like the tongue kiss I gave you" (flirt her)

Rumi Kamiyama: (blushed) "this is why I will never play the truth or dare game with you again, to be honest, I do like it."

Tohru Honda: "uh?" (Red cheeks, surprised)

Terry Kamiyama: "Akari is in Dark mode right now when she sees Rumi and flirts with her, so be careful when you are alone with her, this personality is called Dark Akari, so beware of it."

Hatsuharu Sohma: "come on, let's fight."

Kyo Sohma: "it's not gonna happen, so just go home."

Hatsuharu Sohma: "No thanks."

Rumi Kamiyama: "Yuki, I got this itching feeling that Kyo is provoking him."

Terry Kamiyama: "true, that is a sign that Haru going to snap."

Yumi Kamiyama: "yo, dumbass, just let Haru fights for once because I got a nasty feeling about this."

Akari Kamiyama: (Dark Akari) "dude, if I were you, just fight him because he looks like he is getting angry if you refused, that is provoking him."

Yuki Sohma: "True, Rumi, This won't end well."

Tohru Honda: "why? (Look at Yuki)

Yuki Sohma: "hey, Kyo. It might be a good idea to go along with Haru."

Kyo Sohma: "I said no, I meant it. We're done, man. Leave." (Turn around, about to leave until he heard Akari's flirting voice to him)

Akari Kamiyama: (Dark Akari) "yo angry kitty cat, incoming~" (flirting)

Yumi Kamiyama: "have fun with the angry Ox behind you" (move away from Kyo)

(Haru went and headbutt back of Kyo's head, making him feel pain)

Hatsuharu Sohma: (angry Ox sound)

Kyo Sohma: (groan)

Tohru, Yuki: (Tohru soul got out, Yuki froze and sigh about it) "too late"

Terry Kamiyama: "he has the same dark personality as (look at Akari, when she see him, wink at him, he look away) Akari" (sweating and fear)

Yumi, Rumi: (soul got out what their witness) "what the fuck just happened?"

Akari Kamiyama: (smiling at Haru who is now Dark Haru) "heehee, well, well, well, I miss that Dark Haru so much that I remember he was the one that I punch the shit out of him at school"

Terry, Yumi, and Rumi: "Ehhhhhhhhh!" (Look at Akari)

Kyo Sohma: (groan, holding his head)

Hatsuharu Sohma: "I'm not interested in your petty excuses. (Fist pumped ready to fight, thumbs down) now get up! It's time for you to prove that you're a real man, kitty-cat. Fight me and die!" (Hatsuharu Cackling)

Tohru Honda: "Could we skip the dying part?"

Terry Kamiyama: "I don't think it will work"

Yumi Kamiyama: "let him fight Kyo because I wanna see what that dumbass cat does when he fights his cousin. Heehee!"

Akari Kamiyama: (Dark Akari) (smirk) "I love this, Haru, kick his ass"

Rumi Kmaiyama: "you both are not helping this situation" (cough)

Kyo Sohma: (vein appears on his cheek, mad) "Damn Brat!" (Kick Haru in the chin)

Tohru Honda: (screams)

Terry Kamiyama: "holy shit!"

Rumi Kamiyama: "so Yuki, your cousin has a very dangerous dark side like Akari here but she won't let go of me."

Yuki Sohma: "that's wonderful. He summoned Dark Haru."

Terry and Tohru: (look at Yuki) "who's Dark Haru?"

Yuki Sohma: "the guy's usually a space-cadet, but sometimes he'll snap. We call that version...Dark Haru."

Tohru Honda: "Huh. I see. So (saw Rumi embarrassed about Dark Akari wrap her around, flirting her) like Akari here, it's kind of like when Kagura and Takeo gets a little violent?"

Yuki Sohma: "No. (Haru was in front of Yuki) unfortunately, he's much creepier."

Rumi Kamiyama: "whoa. I felt bad for you, Yuki"

Hatsuharu Sohma: "Don't just stand over on the sidelines and watch, Yuki. Today is the day that I make you mine."

Yuki Sohma: "and do what with me?"

Hatsuharu Sohma: (look at Kyo) "- - Now, stand up, Kyo!"

Kyo Sohma: "- - I'm Already standing up!"

Rumi Kamiyama: "Terry, you and Tohru can go head since this is going take a while."

Yuki Sohma: "Miss Honda, You should go on ahead; this could take a while."

Tohru Honda: "I should stay"

Terry Kamiyama: "I'm staying because I don't like leaving you here, Rumi."

Yumi Kamiyama: "jeez, Kyo, you have to piss Haru off."

Akari Kamiyama: (Dark Akari) "totally, but hey, Haru is good-looking and handsome that I wanna fuck him so good. (Lick her lips)

Yumi Kamiyama: "this is why you should have brought your man with you."

Akari Kamiyama: (Dark Akari) "he is at home, caught the flu. So he is in bad mood, so I will visit him tomorrow afternoon. But you know Hiroto was satisfied when he was happy that me and he made love."

Rumi Kamiyama: "I kind of figure it out since you and Hiroto are bandmates and also a couple." (Surprised about Akari)

Akari Kamiyama: (Dark Akari, kiss Rumi cheeks) "you still be my cutie nezumi." (Flirting Rumi)

Rumi Kamiyama: "this is why I will never escape from you." (Embarrassed)

(Kyo and Haru have both of their hands and glares at each other, wanna fighting each other)

Hatsuharu Sohma: "Too bad. I thought you had a spine. But I guess you must've lost it at some point."

Kyo Sohma: "You are seriously messed up when you turn Dark, You know that?"

Hatsuharu Sohma: (smirk at Kyo) "ouch, that hurt. You better hurry up and fight me. I might decide to make that dirty blonde-haired girl mine, too."

Kyo Sohma: "what the hell's that supposed to mean?!"

Hatsuharu Sohma: "We'll spend some time gettin' to know each other, doing a little of this and little of that."

Kyo Sohma: "what are you even saying right now?"

Kyo Sohma: (cat ears appears on his head, angry cat sound) "This blockhead always got lost on the way to the bathroom when we were kids, so I had to walk him there. And this is how he repays me? And anyway, what's "a little of this and a little of that"? Whatever it is, girls have nothin' to do with this."

(Look at Yumi who has her eyes close, drinking her milk carton)

Kyo Sohma: (mad at Haru) "still, for some reason, I'm extra pissed off now."

Kyo Sohma: "That's it, you damn brat!"

Tohru Honda: "Stop! Please!"

Kyo and Haru kick same time and back to the ground. Everyone in the group witness Haru and Kyo fighting. The girls and two boys look at this.

Hatsuharu Sohma: "There! That's what you shoulda done from the start, you pathetic coward!"

Kyo Sohma: "come here, Bastard. I'm gonna punch your damn teeth in!"

Yuki Sohma: "No, seriously. I'd get going. This takes some time."

Tohru Honda: (scared) "I can't, 'cause Kyo......"

~ meanwhile in school ~

Saki reading summer sigh book with Henry looking at the book and heard their classmates tell them something as they refused.

Boy 1: "Hey, don't just sit there."

Boy 2: "Yeah, at least run a few meters."

~ in the bridge~

(Kyo, Hatsuharu yelling and battle each other)

Kyo Sohma: "Let's go"

Hatsuharu Sohma: "it's your funeral, kitty!"

Hatsuharu Sohma: "Try throwing a punch, loser!"

Kyo Sohma: "you can talk as much trash as you want to- -"

Kyo Sohma: "- -it isn't gonna save you."

Hatsuharu Sohma: "- -Oh, yeah?"

Terry and Tohru: "it's like we've been transported into a martial arts movie."

Tohru Honda: "um, guys?"

Yuki Sohma: "it's okay. Really. They'll wear themselves out eventually. (smile in a princely way) besides, I don't know about you, but I would greatly prefer not to get caught in the crossfire."

Tohru Honda: "Yeah, Right."

Terry Kamiyama: "sure."

(Bang sound and they see Kyo punch Haru made him fall to the ground)

Tohru Honda: "That Punch! Kyo seems strong today."

Yuki Sohma: "Yeah. I would say he'd probably the stronger of the two. They both studied Martial arts since they were kids, and they appear to enjoy it." (Cough)

Tohru Honda: (smile at Yuki) "well, of course. Didn't you study it because you enjoyed it, too?"

Yuki Sohma: " Maybe, it's hard to say" (remember his past, hands cover him) (heard the Terry and two girls calling Rumi who fainted) *GASP*

Rumi Kamiyama: (put her hand on her forehead due to headache getting severe) "I don't know what's going on but I feel like.... (Rumi look sick which she felt her asthma is taking over) (Rumi fell but Akari grab before she falls) *Gasp* (fainted)


Terry Kamiyama: "Rumi, sis, omg she has a high fever we need to get her home!" (Terry emotion: 😰)

Akari Kamiyama: "Yumi can you bring my motorcycle? I've dragged her to Shigure's house"

Yumi Kamiyama: "sure, is it parking near here?"

Akari Kamiyama: "yes, please we need to take your sister to place because she will transform if we don't take her home" (hand Yumi her motorcycle keys)

Yumi Kamiyama: "I will get it" (got the Akari motorcycle keys, ran off to get it)

Tohru Honda: "Oh my god, Rumi... what happened to her? (Heard gasp and see Yuki gasp and hold on to his chest) Huh? Is there something wrong? (Went to him, worried) What Happened, Sohma? Please say something! Sohma, please! Answer me!"

Hatsuharu Sohma: "Yuki! An attack? Man, you're burning up. I'll call the main house and- -" (Yuki hold his hand on His shoulder)

Yuki Sohma: (look at Haru weakly)

Hatsuharu Sohma: "No, you don't wanna do that? Huh." (Stand up and told Kyo)

Hatsuharu Sohma: "Kyo, is it okay if I take a rain check on our fight?"

Kyo Sohma: "Uh. Yeah, sure."

Hatsuharu Sohma: "I think our best bet is sensei's house, then. We could take a taxi there. No that's out. In this condition, Yuki might transform."

Terry Kamiyama: "we got take these two home because they will transform when they sick and my sister is going to transform into her mouse form if we don't take her home. Akari, do you any idea what to do?"

Kyo Sohma: (Look at Rumi who fainted) "what happens to her?"

Akari Kamiyama: "she's sick and Yumi is bringing my motorcycle here."

Akari Kamiyama: (Dark Akari) (look at Terry, smirk) "All alright, cousin, your handsome that I need a little magic touch?"

Terry Kamiyama: "Wait? What?"

Akari Kamiyama: (Dark Akari smirk at Terry) "I was saying that you have a handsome feature which I take that magic touch?"

Terry Kamiyama: "huh?" (Pull into hugs by Akari)

Akari Kamiyama: (smirk) "heehee"


~Proof~ (white smoke with Ox sound)

Yumi Kamiyama: "ask permission, you dumb bitch" (kick-off by motorcycle but cow kick)

Yumi Kamiyama: (angry) "you little brat, you have to kick me!"

Akari Kamiyama: (Cow Form) "Terry, can you put your sister on my back?" (Look at Yumi) "you deserve that"

Terry Kamiyama: "sure" (lift Rumi and place her on Akari's cow form with her black coat)

Tohru Honda: "is there some way I can help? Please, I'll do anything!"

Hatsuharu Sohma: "yeah, all right, I think I'll take you up on that. It's a good thing you're cute."

Tohru Honda: "huh?"

Hatsuharu Sohma: (smirk at Tohru) "I'm saying is I'm gonna hug someone, I'd prefer it be a cute girl like you."

Tohru Honda: "huh?" (Hatsuharu pull her into hugs) (GASP)

Tohru Honda: "Uh, 'scuse me, what are you doing?" (Shocked, gasp)

~ proof~ (light purple with blue)

Kyo Sohma: "Ask Permission first, you jerk."

Hatsuharu Sohma: (cow form) "it'll be easier on Yuki if I carry him this way. You'll have to keep holding onto me so I don't turn back."

Tohru Honda: ~YELP~

Terry Kamiyama: "I'm holding my cousin, Akari, so Tohru, I recommend you do to Haru like I am doing" (Holding Akari neck so she won't turn back human)

(Cow moo)

~ at school ~

Saki Hanajima: "it's here. At last. The moment I've been waiting for."

Saki Hanajima: "I have a diamond royal flush. You lose."

Hiroshi: "seriously? "

Boy 1: "Why do you always get the good cards? No fair."

Gym Teacher A: "That's it! All three of you, go home!"

~ Shigure's house ~

Shigure Sohma: (snorts, laughs)

Mai Kamiyama: "so why are there two cows in the house because I'm pretty sure that Black cow with white spots is my younger cousin, Akari." (Giggles)

Shigure Sohma: "well, you boys certainly know how to make a grand entrance."

Kyo Sohma: "keep laughing and I'll punch you next."

Yumi Kamiyama: "laugh or get ass kick"

Shigure Sohma: "I bet you attracted quite a crowd on the way here."

Kyo Sohma: "a pack of little brats!"

Yumi Kamiyama: "that will never happen again"


Boy A: "A cow!"

Boy B: "How cool!"

Girl A:" Moo"

Yumi Kamiyama: (goes her cat mode, Yellow cat ears appears) "HISS"

Kyo Sohma: (cat ears appears) "HISS"

~ Flashback ended ~

Shigure Sohma: (places Yuki on his bed)

Mai Kamiyama: (hold on to Rumi who is unconscious) "Shigure, can I places her next to Yuki, please"

Shigure Sohma: "sure (move Yuki aside to place Rumi) they fast asleep. This attack wasn't a bad one. They have a fever, but they'll be fine"

Tohru Honda: "oh, thank goodness"

Terry Kamiyama: "thank god"

Shigure Sohma: "Sorry you got dragged into this. We've got it now."

Mai Kamiyama: "You can go back to school, sweetie."

Tohru Honda: "No, I'll stay here and watch him. Going to school is important, but not at the cost of abandoning someone sick."

Tohru Honda: "and, well, cold can be dangerous. They shouldn't be taken lightly. (Yumi and Kyo look at Tohru) if my mom were here, I know that she'd agree."

Terry Kamiyama: "true but lung diseases are dangerous since my sister has Asthma and my late mom has Tuberculosis which kills her so I don't like it if it is untreated because cold can become fatal for human beings." (Concern about Rumi and Yuki)

Shigure Sohma: "All right, then. You three stay. I'll go to the school and retrieve your effects. Mai you coming along?"

Mai Kamiyama: " yeah I will and stay a few minutes to pick up your stuff at school, but first I will cook some healthy Asian-inspired zoodle flu buster soup for Yuki and Rumi, I will give ya some since you guys were outdoor running and it is bad for ya to get sick." (Went to the kitchen to cook the soup)

Tohru Honda: "Hm? You don't have to do that!"

Shigure Sohma: (look at Tohru) "don't worry about it, it's nothing. (Look at Kyo) Kyo, you let the good doctor know what's going on."

Mai Kamiyama: "Yumi, sweetie, can you call Kaida on your cellphone so she can check up on Rumi, please" (calling her from downstairs)

Yumi Kamiyama: (heard Mai) "oh come on, why do I get to do it!" (Yumi Emotion:😡)

Kyo Sohma: "What? Why should I have to call 'im?"

~ Proof ~
~ Proof ~

Hatsuharu Sohma: "I'll do it." (Walk downstairs, nude)

Akari Kamiyama: "Yumi, give me my cellphone I will call her" (walking towards her Coffin Purse, Nude)

Tohru Honda: (look at Haru, face turn tomato and shocked) "Ahhhhhhh!" (Screams, look away)

Terry Kamiyama: (look at Akari, face turn red as a tomato and stunned) "Oh, come on!!!!!" (Scream, Look away, nose bleed due to seeing his younger cousin Naked)

Hatsuharu Sohma: "Where's the phone, again?"

Akari Kamiyama: "I got my cellphone, so what's Kaida's phone number again, Yumi?"

Yumi Kamiyama: (look away, nosebleed due to naked Haru pass by her) "YOU TWO, PUT SOME DAMN CLOTHES, YOU JACKASSES!!!"

Kyo Sohma: (mad at Haru and look away from Akari due to her naked) "Don't just wander around naked, you creep! And you put on some clothes you crazy brat!!!!" (Blushed)

Shigure Sohma: "Okay, Kids, and Mai, I'm Off!"

Mai Kamiyama: "come back safe, if you ever flirt teenage girls, I will sue your sorry ass and also don't get sick or else garlic soup for you!" (Evil smirk)

Shigure Sohma: "I won't, bruuuuhhhh! (Scared of Mai evil smirk) Take good care of Yuki and Rumi."

Tohru Honda: "Don't worry, we will! Thanks for doing this!"

Terry Kamiyama: "be safe out there, Shigure san!"

Terry Kamiyama: (thought, praise) "wow, shigure is a lifesaver, and hope he gets here with our stuff"

Tohru Honda: (thought, praise) " Shigure's always so willing to sacrifice himself for others!"

Shigure Sohma: (thought) " 🎶 High school girls, High school girls.🎶"

~ Shigure's house ~

Hatsuharu Sohma: "I got it. Thank you" (on the phone with Hatori)

Kyo Sohma: "well, what did Hatori say?"

Hatsuharu Sohma: "He chewed me out for some reason. It's a mystery."

Kyo Sohma: "Maybe 'cause you disappeared for three days?"

Kyo Sohma: (look at Haru) "so, what now? Rat-boy seems to be doing better. You wanna finish the fight? "

Hatsuharu Sohma: "eh, why to bother?, there would be no point. I forgot how strong you were, Kyo." (Comedic blank face)

Kyo Sohma: (stand up, cat ears appears) "You're kidding me here! You can't put me through all that and then just randomly decide you're done! (Grab Haru and hold on to help, smirk) when the heck did you stop being Dark Haru, anyway? "

Hatsuharu Sohma: "Owie."

Tohru Honda: " Huh? You mean you changed back into being Light Haru?"

Terry Kamiyama: "true, the tone of your voice isn't cocky anymore?"

(Kyo and Haru blank face)

Hatsuharu Sohma: "Uh...Yes."

Tohru Honda: (sweating) "Sohma was right. He's a different person now."

Terry Kamiyama: "Yo, Yuki was correct, he is back to a good side." (Sweating)

Hatsuharu Sohma: " How's Yuki? "

Tohru Honda: " He's still sleeping. I was going to go get an Ice Pack for him and also Rumi since Akari and Yumi are upstairs keeping an eye out for them."

Hatsuharu Sohma: (look at Kyo) "No attacking in his sleep"

Kyo Sohma: "Yeah. I'm gonna win against Him, and I'll prove that I can do it fair and square! (Scoffs, walk to the entrance) this is lame. I'm goin' back to school."

Yumi Kamiyama: "INCOMING!!!!" (Land on Kyo back)

Kyo Sohma: (felt pain on his back by Yumi landing on him) "Oof!!!"

Tohru Honda: (shocked) "OH NO! KYO!!!!!"

Hatsuharu Sohma: (blank face) "how is she got there? It's a mystery"


Yumi Kamiyama: (look at Terry and others) "if I did, if that stupid bull won't flip me and ah shit....she has fucking weapon!"

Tohru Honda: "WEAPONS!!!!"

Yumi Kamiyama: (got off of Kyo who see lots of stars) "sorry, buddy, it is that damn bull fault!" (Dodge the wooden stick, grabs it)

Akari Kamiyama: (Dark Akari) "Here, Kitty Kitty, I got some sweet treat, I'm going to bash your fucking brain, you feline bitch!"
(holding on Wooden stick, jump down to the front door of the house)

Yumi Kamiyama: (angry and ready to fight) "come and get it, you stupid whore!"

A/N: (Imagine Akari and Yumi fighting like this scene from the movie IP Man)

Yumi and Akari using a wooden stick to fight each other with martial arts and Kung fu but got destroy and fighting without weapons, then fight it with wooden stick which they fight it next to them. Which are amazing Tohru, Haru, and even Kyo which surprise these Girls who fight Hardcore and felt like martial arts and kung fu movies. Yumi punches and kick and did some flips, cartwheel, and other techniques. But surprised them they end up broken the wooden stick and kicking same time and landed on the ground but continues to fight without the stick.

Akari Kamiyama: (Dark Akari) "did I get you boo-boo?" (Smirk)

Yumi Kamiyama: (mad) "You are so going down, you lunatic!!!!"

Akari Kamiyama: (Dark Akari) "I like to see if you wanna throw a punch at me, you pathetic skank!"

Yumi Kamiyama: "you going to see millions of stars, you mess up brat!!!!" (Angry at Akari)

Yumi and Akari continue their fight until Terry went into the kitchen with a bucket of hot water and pour it on Yumi and Akari. This cause Light Akari to come back, Yumi yelling at her brother for doing that, went to Kyo's room to change her outfit to go to her school and pick up her stuff. He told her to pick up her stuff at school which she grabs Kyo's hand, walk away along with Mai who saw everything and decide to go with them to the school in coats.

Terry Kamiyama: (blank look, holding on to a bucket of hot water) *splash*

Tohru, Haru, and Kyo: "eh!"

Yumi Kamiyama: "what the fuck, bro, I was winning!!!"

Akari Kamiyama: (Light Akari) "I feel warm and happy"

Terry Kamiyama: "good (look at Yumi) get change and go, also get your stuff, okay"

Yumi Kamiyama: (calm) "fine, I will leave" (went inside and went upstairs to get her dry clothes)

Akari Kamiyama: "I'm going inside and dry myself up, I feel refresh." (Walk inside the house, to dry herself up)

Tohru Honda: "I'm amazed to see them fight but that was too extreme."

Terry Kamiyama: "yeah, my mom taught two of them: Kung fu, Martial arts. So they get carried away but they know everyone's safety."

Tohru Honda: "so Rumi took it too?"

Terry Kamiyama: "yeah, she does but only in self-defense. Like me." (Smile at Tohru)

Tohru Honda: "wow, I didn't know you took the same Martial art class as Yumi, Akari, and Rumi."

Terry Kamiyama: "true, but I only do that in self-defense. Also, Takeo and Hiroto took the same martial arts class as me and other Kamiyama family members."

Mai Kamiyama: "Terry, take care of the house for me, I will pick up that pervert mutt and also bringing Yumi and Kyo."

Tohru Honda: "Bye"

Terry Kamiyama: "later cuz"

~ in the house~

Akari in her goth outfit, reading an adult Vampire horror novel. She pretty observed her surroundings. She also eating strawberry pocky since she has it in her Coffin purse. She heard Haru talk to Tohru when she fills up with ice and water too, which is good news since he is good side not in the dark mode which she and he has a long story about how they're met but it is hilarious ways at school. Akari put her gothic bookmark on her Vampire Novel, she went and put her arm on Haru's shoulder, tell him that he still smart and also being nice towards the girl but not her, she told Tohru how she met her cousin Rumi and others, also how she met Haru too which it is the hilarious moment that made Haru snicker about her.

Hatsuharu Sohma: "Those two, they get into fistfights every day?"

Tohru Honda: (look at Haru) "Not really. They do argue and yell all the time, though."

Hatsuharu Sohma: "oh yeah? Sounds like they're getting along a lot better lately."

Tohru Honda: " that's better ?"

Hatsuharu Sohma: "sure it is. (holding on to his necklace) their vibes have changed a little, and they're not as uptight anymore. Not sure what's different are. (Look at Tohru) Although.....Maybe it has something to do with you."

Tohru Honda: (stuttering) " Me? It's not me! I don't know what I could've done to change things between them!"

Akari Kamiyama: "you did what a good person you are" (put her arm around Haru) "but I will tell you how I met this amazing badass best friend of mine, also how I met Rumi on the game that Takeo and other zodiac members played."

Hatsuharu Sohma: (blink at Akari since she is near him) "ow, I felt that, but still you are the one who pulls your prank on me at school"

Akari Kamiyama: (pouted) "but you were the one that kicks my ass at the classroom which the principal is afraid of me due to my reputation at my old school."

Hatsuharu Sohma: "sure, you the one that made him pee his pants." (Snicker)

Tohru Honda: (thought) "wow, they met each other at the same school they go to."

Terry Kamiyama: (thought, sweatdrop) "now I know why she has freaking crazy best friends from."

(Going upstairs to Yuki's room)

Hatsuharu Sohma: "it's not like I've been watching you, so I could be wrong. But as long as things are changing for the better, that's good. Especially for Yuki."

Tohru Honda: "huh?"

Hatsuharu Sohma: "He was my first love."

Akari Kamiyama: "Huh?" (Excited)

Tohru Honda: (Grunts) (drop the Ice pack)

Terry Kamiyama: (grunts)

Hatsuharu Sohma: " I like Kyo, but Yuki's special. To me, anyway."

Tohru Honda: "He's special?"

Hatsuharu Sohma: "Yeah, although I did hate him back when we were little."

Tohru Honda: "and why was that?"

Hatsuharu Sohma: "because he's the Rat." (Grab the ice pack)

Hatsuharu Sohma: "in the folktale, remember? The Rat rode up to the banquet on the back of the Ox. I rented him so much for that. The adults all laughed and said The Rat used The Ox so he could get to the banquet first. That he was only able to because the Ox was an idiot. (put an ice pack on the back of Yuki's head) of course, it felt like they were laughing at me and calling me an idiot. So, I got down on myself, and I blamed it on the Rat. I was always on edge, losing my temper at the drop of a hat. That's when it came out. The "Dark" Personality. Put my parents through Hell. I took up martial arts hoping it would help somehow."

Hatsuharu Sohma: "But the.....the baggage I carried was still there. I enjoyed my training, but it didn't stop people from making fun of me. Then one day, I came across Yuki. We'd never actually spoken to each other before."

Hatsuharu Sohma: "I completely snapped. Unleashed all my pent-up rage on him."


Young Kyo and Young Haru in Martial Arts class, were practice, talking to each other and when he sees Young Yuki, he took out his anger at Yuki, but Yuki's words came to his mind, and stunned about it.

Hatsuharu Sohma: "I hate you so much, you sneaky Rat!"

Hatsuharu Sohma: "It's your fault people make fun of me!"

Hatsuharu Sohma: "it's your fault for being a dirty cheater!"

Hatsuharu Sohma: "it's your fault I'm stupid! That I'm an idiot!"

Hatsuharu Sohma: (Pants)

Yuki Sohma: "Really? Are you?"

Hatsuharu Sohma: (shocked) (look up at Yuki)

Yuki Sohma: "are you an idiot? Are you stupid?"

Yuki Sohma: "is that what you think?"

Hatsuharu Sohma: "No. I'm not."

Hatsuharu Sohma: " I'm not stupid. I'm......not an idiot." (Grips on his martial art uniform)

Hatsuharu Sohma: "I'm not."

Yuki Sohma: "No." (Look at Haru, sincere smile)

Yuki Sohma: "No. You're not."

~ Flashback ended ~

Hatsuharu Sohma: "After that, I didn't lose my temper as much. I'd been bottling that up for so long, but Yuki helped me to say it. And by doing that, he set my heart free. I was stunned. He was different from the Yuki I'd imagined. I was like the others. I'd decided he was the "dirty Rat" without bothering to get to know him. I'm glad I ran into him that day. Otherwise, I would probably still hate him. And that........would be stupid."

Tohru Honda: "That was a wonderful story."

Hatsuharu Sohma: "You know, I noticed something earlier. You were standing there next to Yuki and He was smiling softly."

Hatsuharu Sohma: "he never used to smile like that when he was living with the main family. But with you, he did. It's why I thought you might have something to do with the difference in him."

Tohru Honda: (Gasp) "No! As I said before, I don't think I've done anything that would change anybody!"

Hatsuharu Sohma: "okay, then. A test."

Tohru Honda: "Uh?"

Hatsuharu Sohma: (spoke to Tohru's ear in a whisper) " Try calling him by........."

Tohru Honda: "Really? Are you sure that's a good idea?"

Yuki Sohma: (began to wake up, open his eyes) "you're here, Miss Honda?"

Tohru Honda: "yes! I'm so glad you're awake!"

Yuki Sohma: (shocked, sit up almost move Rumi who is still asleep) "I transformed!"

Tohru Honda: "careful! You shouldn't push yourself. Also, be cautious on Rumi who is sleeping next to you."

Yuki Sohma: (look at Rumi, who is sleeping with a small towel on her forehead, then place his hand on his head) "Hold on. How did I get home? What Happened to Rumi?"

Terry Kamiyama: "you lucky you got home by your awesome cousin here, also Rumi has an asthma attack after she fainted, she has a high fever so she needs to bed so I put her here."

Akari Kamiyama: "Yuki, make sure don't wake her up because I got the feeling she will- ?"

~ Proof ~ *Light Purple with Rat sound* (landed on Yuki's lap)

Yuki Sohma: (silence at Rumi's rat form blushing)

Akari Kamiyama: (smile) "Transform into her Rat form."

Terry Kamiyama: "really? Sis? Of all the dreams you have, it's got to be the truth or dare game to rewind your mind."

Rumi Kamiyama: "mmmmm~" (blushed)

Tohru Honda: (stuttered) "RUMI!!!!, oh no, she turns into a rat, what did she just dream about that she just blushing so much and got so embarrassed."

Terry Kamiyama: "it's ok, Tohru, Akari is going to tell you her story."

Akari Kamiyama: "don't worry, she will be fine and she just got so embarrassed that got extreme."

Tohru Honda: (Nod)

Yuki shock to see Rumi turns into her rat form due to her sickness and also having an embarrassing dream. Akari giggles quietly about it, Terry sweatdrop at her for that and he knows the answer. Tohru sweatdrop and stunned that Rumi turns into her mouse form. Haru smiles at this and asks Akari what happened that she turns into her Rat form and also she is a zodiac member in her family. before he asks about the story and how he got home. Tohru told him and Haru tell him the story of how he met and how he Yuki which cause Yuki irritated about it and when Tohru told how was he and gave him his first name, cause him to turn into his rat form. Which he and Rumi are blushed in their animal form.

Tohru Honda: (smile) "simple. Hatsuharu Transformed so he could carry you."

Yuki Sohma: "Oh, Thanks, Haru."

Hatsuharu Sohma: "huh, I told her how much I love you. I just thought you should know."

Yuki Sohma: (vein pops out on his cheeks) "Why would you tell her something ridiculous like that? What if she takes you seriously? "

Hatsuharu Sohma: " I am serious."

Tohru Honda: "And besides, I think it's a really sweet story. Don't You..........Yuki?"

Yuki Sohma: "Come, now. You don't-" (Gasp)

~ Proof ~ *light blue with Rat sound*

Tohru Honda: "Hatsuharu, I think it's safe to say that I failed the test."

(Flashback from a moment ago)

Hatsuharu Sohma: (whisper her ears) "Try calling him by his given name. It'll make him happy."

(Flashback from a moment ago ended)

Terry Kamiyama: "hey guys, we should leave them to get them some rest until Kaida and Hatori arrives." (Stand up and walk to the door so he won't interrupt the rat zodiac members sleeping)

Akari Kamiyama: (Look at Tohru, Haru, and Terry and walking to the living room and told them the story ) "I will tell you why she was embarrassed about it and why that Terry said because it based on what happens on Kamiyama Estate where all of us, zodiac member are teen years and young adults and we were fourteen years old and Yumi, Rumi, Terry, Alex, and Henry were fifteen. which Hinami, Mina, and Kohei are in other rooms, and they were exhausted from playing too much that time so you won't know. So here is the story."

(Flashback: Kamiyama Estate - Sumiko's Manor)

Akari, Rini was 14 years old at that time and they were invited to Sumiko's birthday party at her home by their parent who respects the new family head since she wanna their parent's communicate with Leon who brought his four children so they can play. Akari who was a quiet and problem child, sees her aunts and uncles talking, laughing, and dancing, music. She sees Hinami, Kohei, and Mina sleeping in the bedroom so they won't interrupt their nap. She sees older zodiac members: Mai, Kaida, Yuriko, And Mayumi sitting down communicate with each other about schools, boys, girly stuff and also talking about which game they should playing along with fifteen years old Yumi and Rumi who playing the video game with their godfather son and his two adopted sons. She sees Hayami, Takeo, and Hiroto talking to each other and betting Yumi and Alex on the Mortal Kombat game on Sega who will win. Rini went and hug Hayami for happiness to see her.

Marie Koch-Antoinette: "you girls, behave and the same goes for you Akari."

Akari Kamiyama: (grumbled) "I won't"

Rini Kamiyama: "I won't disappoint you, mommy!!!!!!"

Marie Koch-Antoinette: "have fun with your cousins in the zodiac room."

Rini and Akari: " sure mommy"

The girls went to the zodiac room which they see lots of other zodiac members sitting down, talking and others where they see their cousins: Terry playing a fighting game with the twins who are taking chances, she blushed when she see Hiroto due to her and his secret relationship hidden from their family. Takeo and Hayami are talking about bike show stunts, Hayami dresses she loves, etc. she sees Sumiko talking to The rooster zodiac member and Dog zodiac member so she was laughing and making comedian jokes to the family. Mai, her older cousin, tells others to play Truth or Dare this triggers everyone interested in the room in which all were in circles with the wine bottle that Mai finishes the drinks place the bottle in the middle. They start playing the game.

Mai Kamiyama: (giddy) "okay everyone let's play Truth or Dare!!!!!"

Everyone in the zodiac room: "Yay!!!"

(Everyone gathers in the giant circles)

Mai Kamiyama: "ok, so let the Birthday girl starts first" (hand the bottle to Sumiko)

Sumiko Kamiyama: "Here goes (bottle spins until it stops Yuriko) Yuri - nee, Truth or Dare~"

Yuriko Kamiyama: (thinking but chose her to pick) "Dare darling"

All of the members in the room: "oooh ooh ooh oooohhhh~"

Sumiko Kamiyama: (evil smirk) "I dare you to..........hmmmmm.......Ah.....I dare you to drink that entire beer bottle on that table."

Yuriko Kamiyama: "sure, let's do this (got the bottle of beer and drink all of the bottle leaving empty.) there happy my dear goddess"

Sumiko Kamiyama: "I'm very please about it. (Hand the bottle to Her sister) your turn big sis?"

Kaida Kamiyama: "I will."

All of the members in the room: "why us, why we forgot there is a doctor here, she is scary"

Kaida Kamiyama: "do you guys wanna booster shot because I will do it."

All of the members in the room: (nod their head, no in fast movement)

Kaida Kamiyama: "good and now (spin the bottle and stop at Mai) Mai, truth or dare~" (smirk at her best friend)

Mai Kamiyama: "I will choose Dare~" (smirk at her best friend)

Kaida Kamiyama: "I dare you to remove your bra while having your shirt on."

Mai Kamiyama: (blushed) "I accept that challenge (due to her wearing her shirt on, she remove her bra and shown everyone in the room, the blue bra she worn, place it in front of the bottle) there happy, you are so evil?"

Kaida Kamiyama: "I am (hand the bottle to Hiroto) you turn, Hiroto?"

Hiroto Kamiyama: "alright everyone, let's start (spin the bottle which landed on Yumi) sweet, the stupid cat is next, haha?"

Yumi Kamiyama: (cat sound and her yellow cat ears appear on her head) "fuck you Hiroto, you know I dislike ya calling me stupid."

Hiroto Kamiyama: "Truth or Dare, you stupid cat?"

Yumi Kamiyama: (cat sound) "FINE!!!!!, I choose Dare!"

Hiroto Kamiyama: "I dare you to hug your Twin sister for 10 minutes"

Yumi Kamiyama: (look at Rumi) "urghhhhh, fine, I will do it (hug Rumi, 10 minutes pass, sister let go) there are you feeling victory huh, Hiroto?"

Hiroto Kamiyama: "I feel pleased! (Smile about his awesome ideas) here you go, baby bro! "

Takeo Kamiyama: "sweet, I'm next (spin the bottle, landed on Akari) awww, it landed on our amazing Akari, so Truth or dare"

Akari Kamiyama: "I dare you, sucker~"

Takeo Kamiyama: "I got a brilliant idea, I dare you to kiss Rumi in the mouth?"

Akari Kamiyama: (look at Rumi, who is blushed about that dare) "sure, I will do it so you guys won't pressure me too much (look at Rumi, hold Rumi hand, she move forward to Rumi's lip, which she pressed her lips on Rumi's lip but she decided to use her Tongue on Rumi)

(Think of this as Akari and Rumi kissing each other )

Rumi Kamiyama: (stunned) "GASP!!!" (Calms down, Kiss back) "Mmmn~"

Yumi Kamiyama: (shocked at her twin sister getting kissed by a girl) "wow."

Hiroto Kamiyama: "that's cool" (took out his cellphone, took pix)

Terry Kamiyama: "what?" (Blushed, covered his face, embarrassed) "Eep"

Alexander Kirishima: "Yo, Yumi, you have the luckiest sister ever." (Took out his cellphone, snap a pix)

Yumi Kamiyama: "Nani?" (Her eyes Twitching in anger)

Mai, Yuriko: "whoa, that's crazy but Kawaii~" (took a pix of their younger cousin kissing)

Kaida, Sumiko: (take pix and keep it in their memories photo)

Takeo, Hayami: (sparkles eyes with happiness) "that's awesome!!!!!!!"

Henry Shizuka: "interesting Yuri moment" (took pix)

Yumi Kamiyama: (vein pop out on her cheeks and her head in anger) "all of ya aren't Helping this out!!!!"

(Akari and Rumi finishes tongue kisses)

Akari Kamiyama: (pull away from Rumi with a string of Saliva) "there and sorry for stealing your first kiss, Rumi?"

Rumi Kamiyama: "it''s fine." (Blushed, look away)

Akari Kamiyama: "good, I don't wanna you get mad at me for it."

Rumi Kamiyama: (smile) "well, you are a good kisser, I hope you do that your future boyfriend or husband?"

Akari Kamiyama: (scratching back of her head) "well, that is not going to happen when you know, zodiac curse"

Rumi Kamiyama: "true, but hey (grab the bottle) let's continues playing should we?" (Smile at Akari)

Akari Kamiyama: "Sure, Rumi" (smirk at Rumi)

Rumi Kamiyama: "Terry, your up?"

Terry Kamiyama: "s-s-sure"

Everyone playing the truth or dare for the whole night, their parents told them they can sleepover at Sumiko's home until tomorrow so they were tired from playing the games which they all accepted and all fell asleep.

(Flashback ended)

Akari Kamiyama: "so, that's how Rumi is still embarrassed about it to the point that she always tells herself why that still in my head" (smile)

Tohru, Terry, and Haru are surprised and frozen about Akari story and how she's brave since everyone in her family is the zodiac and also Terry and his two brothers are with them since then, but it was a hilarious story when they heard Mai was embarrassed about that until now. but Tohru didn't know that Yumi hugs her sister only once but she does that when she was very protecting her when Terry told Tohru about the incident that happens to Rumi in NYC which she was heartbroken to find out but she happy that Terry gets very brotherly protective mode on Rumi and Yumi the most.

Tohru Honda: "wow, that was a hilarious story to know that Rumi was very shy in the end."

Akari Kamiyama: (blank) "she was very shy and never expected a girl to kiss her like that"

Hatsuharu Sohma: (blank look) "Your cousin got embarrassed when you kiss her ears about it?"

Akari Kamiyama: "True but she is a sweetheart when you get along with her."

Terry Kamiyama: "that is honesty true. So Tohru I got to teach you, how to make that soup my cousin, Mai did so you can make one for anyone who is sick. Let's head to the Kitchen. Akari and Haru keep an eye out for both of them and also Kaida and Hatori too." (He and Tohru walk out to the kitchen to cook, wait for Mai, Shigure, Kyo, and Yumi to come home with their stuff)

Akari Kamiyama: "sure I will be on the lookout"

Hatsuharu Sohma: "we will"

(Akari and Haru are alone and they start talking to each other about stuff, personal stuff like relationship, school, parents, hobbies)

Akari Kamiyama: "so how were you, I haven't seen you since I was freaking 13 or 14, but whatever, how was Rin been, I miss talking to my buddy since Christmas?"

Hatsuharu Sohma: "well, I'm good and she is good and she will be happy to know that you are cool and also very happy to know how she is, also how were you been, how is Hiroto been?"

Akari Kamiyama: "he's good, taking a break from his concert performance from our manager. So now he has to write two new albums before the next tour which is after this year. he will start a tour around winter next year. I'm good, just being an ass to our teacher. Heehee."

Hatsuharu Sohma: "heehee, so still troublemaker?"

Akari Kamiyama: "fuck yeah, I still destroyed Mai's car for the 60th time."

Hatsuharu Sohma: "I feel bad for her."

Akari Kamiyama: "I got to deal with rabid fans since they knew who I was so I get chase which I hide very good at it. But you and Rin know who I am when it comes to disguising."

Hatsuharu Sohma: "That I know of. You got annoyed by it. I remember we were on Double date hang out?"

Akari Kamiyama: "yes, I was so fucking mad about it because I and Hiroto wanna go on our date and hang out with you and Rin. Which it was a hilarious adventure, weird right?"

Hatsuharu Sohma: "true, it was hilarious when you were being chased by me which I grab you since you are easily off-guarded."

Akari Kamiyama: "that...we never speak of it again. Haha" (Akari's emotion: 😂)

Hatsuharu Sohma: " Hee. Still has an attitude toward me when you are Dark." (Smirk at Akari about it)

Akari Kamiyama: "totally, you were in Dark too, which was pretty badass that you knew I get off guarded once my debit card almost fell out of my pocket. Speaking of that, I heard that you made love to Rin which prove that you love her so much and that I respect that the most, you are an amazing boyfriend to her, please protect her with everything you got because she is like my man, Hiroto who suffers abuse from his dad which they are tough to catch since she and my man are horse zodiac which it's hard to catch up to him and her. "

Hatsuharu Sohma: "That I will do everything to protect her and I will do that. But Hiroto told me something and that's you and he got wild sex when you guys were stressed out so you guys did it after New Year's Day. But also Hiroto told me he is very protective towards his siblings and you too when comes to hurting like physical abuse he gets mad at himself but he calms down for a second. He also looks out for Rin if she gets into Troubles."

Akari Kamiyama: (blushed) " that is true and he was freaking horny in the morning so I got to get rid of it. So Hiroto also told me to Protect you so you won't go chaotic berserk cow mode when you get very angry about stuff but you need to relieve your stress and build-up you have ok. It's not good for your mental health, besides (place her hand on his head) you look kind and sweet when you white Haru so any fuckers trying to piss you off, beat the living shit outta them. Also, I am queen when comes to pranks, Stunts and I get it to extremes."

Hatsuharu Sohma: (smirk) "I got that in my mind so let's head downstairs since I'm hungry."

Akari Kamiyama: (smile) "sure let's go, I'm starving."

Akari and Haru walk downstairs to see Terry made dinner for everyone and see Akari and Haru talking to each other. Terry turns on his laptop and decides to put on the Vampire series, True blood which Akari favorite show, she and Haru watching the show they seem entrained about the series. Tohru and Terry saw Akari and Haru pretty much occupied to the series which Terry has an HBO app so his sisters and cousins watch their show.

Terry Kamiyama: (thought) "I'm happy to see My cousin Akari again but she is a wild goth girl but she can be sweet and kind to us but those who wanna harm us will suffer by Dark Akari wrath and also same with her best friend Haru too, happy to meet Ox zodiac of the Sohma and he is cool and calm but never mess with him too."

Tohru Honda: " and so the day of the marathon ended without anything going too wrong."

~ At School ~

Kyo Sohma: (draw out his cards) "Ha! Three of a Kind!"

Shigure Sohma: (draw out his cards) "I've got a full house."

Yumi Kamiyama: (draws out her Cards) "let's do this"

Mai Kamiyama: (draws out her cards) "one of the kind"

Saki Hanajima: "Meanwhile, I have Five of A Kind." (Show her victory cards)

Kyo Sohma: (mad at his loss) "Ah! How'd I lost again?! I wanna one more round!"

Yumi Kamiyama: (mad at her loss) "What the bloody hell!!!! I lose again?! Rematch right now!"

Yusuke: "she's too good."

Henry Shizuka: (reading novel) "congrats Hana Chan!"

That same night Mai, Shigure, Kyo, and Yumi got sick and the girls caught the flu which causes them to get lecture by Akari who is now also babysitting her two ill cousins. Kaida and Hatori are at Shigure's home and mad at this situation which their family is working them to death which they said in their thoughts even though all four of them in the same bed in the living room.

Terry Kamiyama: "oh right, that night, Rumi isn't the only one that has the flu but my sister and Mai caught the flu. Heehee!" (Look at Yumi in her Light yellow cat form and Mai in her golden retriever dog form in the bed sick with an ice pack on their heads)

Tohru Honda: "that night, Yuki wasn't the only one in the bed with a cold." (Looking at Kyo in his Orange cat form and Shigure in his black dog form in the bed sick)

Hatsuharu Sohma: (blank look) "Well, what do you expect when you play poker outside all day?"

Akari Kamiyama: (blank look) "totally, when you two jackasses suppose to come home but instead you two idiots went and play poker all day outside."

Kaida and Hatori: (mad at two dog zodiacs and others too) "Obviously, the family is trying to work me to death."

Akari coat is here:⬇️

Akari's jacket for springtime:⬇️

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