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Hey dearies,

Are you ready for the face-off between Arshi?

Here is the update,
Go ahead...........

Care hospital

Raizada's and Gupta's are waiting outside the operation theatre unaware of the storm that is on their way to hit sometime ard, is unaware of the fact that they are going to repent even more.

On the other Kushi reached the hospital by taxi and paid the taxi for the distance she travelled. There is a Reception to the right Side while Entering.............

(To the Receptionist)
Mr.Shashi Gupta.........?


5th floor,508 Operation theatre


Mumbling a thank you gasping for air as she ran to the reception area as soon as she got down the taxi.
Entering the lift, pressing the 5th-floor button and after few minutes which is like an eternity for Kushi, she straightly ran away to operation theatre without caring that she would fall down as she is wearing high heels in desperate need to see her father fit and fine.
And there , the Operation theatre is visible to her in the green signal which turned into a red signal now indicating that Operation is done.

Raizada's and Gupta's still didn't notice Kushi but certain someone felt that Kushi is present here as his heartbeat suddenly got on marathon indicating that his soul is here.

At the same time, doctors came outside. So, Raizada's and Gupta's reached doctor and before they can ask him anything they heard a familiar voice which is so soothing to their 'burning-with-regret' hearts, the same voice to which both the families are desperate to hear along these years where arnav stood numb after hearing her voice after 3 long years which is quite unbelievable to him but he has to believe due to his heartbeats which are on railway track and that happened only when his Kushi is near to him.


Doctor, my father..........?
How is he..........?
(Controlling her feelings even after looking at Gupta's and Raizada 's, particularly someone whom she doesn't want to face but felt him through her heartbeat which only quickens when HE is near her even after all the pain he given her, all the hurt he threw at her, even after trying to hate him with all her heart but was not able to, hating herself for not able to hate HIM after what all he did, whatever she went through)




His Daughter!


Operation is Successful. But as of now, he is unconscious and under observation. We are shifting him to ICU where you can meet him but only two people at a time without disturbing the patient. Hope you understood?

To which Kushi can only nod her head after which doctor excuses himself and went away.
Raizada's and Gupta's stood there numb unable to grasp the fact that their Kushi is here and after grasping the fact that their Kushi is here, only to get even more shock looking at her attire,  so unlike their Kushi who is traditional and the person standing in front of them is so unlike to their Kushi but have to believe that this changed Kushi is their Kushi.

Kushi's attire-

Before anyone can open their mouth

(Stern expression masking her emotions)
I don't want any drama here........
All your queries can be answered later.  Let's just concentrate on babuji.....plzzz...

Listening to her request or rather say order they remained quiet as at least now they don't want to hurt their Kushi as if they didn't hurt her before...

After Sometime

Shashi Gupta is still unconscious lying on the bed surrounding by the number of tubes attached, a monitor showing his heart rate, with a bandaged head and fractured hand as he got hit by a racing car while he was crossing the road. Shashi Gupta Can walk with the help of walking stick after he got treated from Ayurvedic Camp.  Now, when he went to walk he got hit by a racing car, due to which he got injured by his head and hand.

Kushi alone entered the ICU to look at her father.  He is the one who loved or rather say still love her unconditionally without any boundaries maybe even more than his real daughter Payal.  She doesn't mean her mother Garima and her aunt didn't love her but there is limited which can't or rather say didn't apply to their real daughter Payal it's not that she is Complaining but it hurts when Somebody whom you call AMMA loves you only to limits. A Mother's love should be limitless, Unconditional which she lost at the age of 8 and didn't even find that unconditional,  limitless love in Garima's eyes which got proven at the time of her sudden or rather contract marriage when she didn't understand her silent plight she didn't understand that her daughter's pain, when she believed that he can go against her instilled morals.
But Only if at that time her babuji was fine, he would have seen her pain; he would have given a chance to explain herself which she didn't get from her family and started accusing her, reminding her that she is an orphan;  he would have stood with her against his own family or rather say world as his love is limitless, unconditional.  Shashi Gupta is a father and even a mother to her.
She doesn't want to lose her father and his love at any cost.

Looking at his pale face

(With tears glistening her eyes and quivering lips, shivering hands)

I'm Sorry babuji. I m so Sorr.....Sor...orry......!babuji!I shouldn't have left you. I thought I lost you when I got a phone call.
You are the only one here who loves as a father does, a mother does and I like a fool left you here.  That's it, I don't want to stay away from you anymore.
I'll take Care of you.  I left you here as I don't want to be accused again with the tag 'to-separate-a-father-from-his-daughter'/to-separate-a-husband-from-his-wife'/to-separate-a-brother-from-his-sister'!Not anymore,  they didn't take any care of you.
(With furious eyes,  clenching fists and rigid jaws)who would leave an old man on their own to walk who just got better or started to walk from the paralyzed state?
I'll take care of you babuji, from now on........!

Whereas Shashi Gupta after his treatment when he got fine, was and still is furious on Gupta's and Raizada's for the pain they caused her Kushi and even more furious on certain Raizada to hurl accusations at her even after claiming to love her. But he's seeing that certain Raizada is regretting badly but he can't help and forgive but he can try to forgive him if his daughter wants him, forgive him.

Next day

Shashi Gupta got conscious early morning and greeted by the sight of her daughter Kushi and he's so happy, relieved to look at his daughter after 3 long years and Scolded her for leaving him but understood her point of view.

After discharging of Shashi Gupta, he's taken to Kushi's flat along with Raizada's and Gupta's which was bought by Kushi.

Kushi's flat in Delhi

Full day nobody got any chance to talk with Kushi as she is busy in taking care of her father's needs, his medicines and his hospital bills as she denied taking money from Raizada's which is of a huge sum of money.

Next day

Shashi Gupta is better now and is been ordered by his dear daughter to take rest unaware of the chaos that is going to happen in a few more minutes as his room is soundproof.

In the main hall

Raizada's and Gupta's are seated on the sofa when Kushi entered from the main door. Looking at her, Gupta's and Raizada's stood up to talk to her where even Kushi is willing to talk with them and just the matter whatever it may result as in a situation like 'do-or-die'.

Devyani Raizada-

Bitiya, we know that whatever had happened in past, the victim was you even more than our Anjali bitiya (cut-off-by Manorama)


And we just concentrated on Anjali neglecting you which is our fault. I always accused of being a middle-class girl and gold dig......I am regretting my behaviour towards you and can't even lift my face after knowing what you have gone through which is told by arnav bitwa.


And it's my fault and I am a coward who doesn't want to accept that her husband could be a cheater and, with my actions hurt you a lot which I realised very late,only after getting proofs which I am regretting badly.

All the while Kushi stood silent.


Kushi, Even after I being your sister can't able to look at your suffering concentrating on my own marriage neglecting you. I Failed as a sister to you Kushi where you proved to be my sister by agreeing to the contract marriage.

Garima and madhumathi-

We are sorry for accusing to be a bad omen and not understanding your pain at the time of your sudden marriage where you just proved yourself as the best daughter, the best sister no one can get Kushi.

But please, forgive us Kushi bitiya(all women's bent their heads, joining their hands)
We are regretting it badly. please forgive us.

( with Sarcasm)

Thank God, I don't have to lecture now to make you realize your mistakes.
(Turning serious with little moist eyes)
But, it's not easy to forget everything and forgive you, people, easily. I want some time. I hope you understand. (to which they nod their heads)

At Night

Kushi is in her room balcony looking at the stars thinking about Raizada's and Gupta's. She is content that Shyam is now in his rightful place,'his-in-laws'.She's trying really hard to forget everything and forgive them easily but alas as she has a good memory, she can't able to forget everything that easily, they realised their mistakes and asked her forgiveness that doesn't mean they would choose her in future if any chaos arises,  even if they would choose her she couldn't forget their behaviour and hurls that was thrown at her.No woman can able to take the blame of a 'gold digger',  'homewrecker','bad omen'.She isn't able to forget these words at all; when she sensed that someone is beside her and turned only to gape at the scene.

Arnav Singh Raizada on his knees with his head bent down


Kushi,  Remember when you left me you said that if destiny wants us to be together then we'll meet someday, but look Kushi,  destiny wants us to be together,(desperately trying to make her believe)that's what's the reason we met Kushi.
Kushi, you said me to pray for our togetherness and look Kushi, now my prayers got answered.  we met Kushi.
I am repenting badly,  I am regretting badly to cause you pain, to hurl insults at you,  for calling you names which you didn't deserve, for calling you The BIGGEST MISTAKE IN MY LIFE Which isn't true taking YOU for GRANTED, taking your LOVE for GRANTED,  taking your SELFLESSNESS for GRANTED. I AM SORRY KUSHI. FORGIVE ME.
(Joining his hands)


Looking at him masking her emotions

Why? why I have to give you a chance?


Kyunki, main one Joh GAUV tumhe Diya hai, usko sirf main hi week kar sakta hu aur main tumhari gauv Nutana Chahta hu kyunki mein tumhe ghayal nahi dekh sakta)

(Because the WOUND I gave you, can only be healed by me which I want to as I can't see you wounded)


I always proved my love for you(to which arnav nods his head) and I want the proof of your love too.....!


Haa,  Kushi. What should I do to prove my love to you? What should I do so that you can forgive me?


You have to leave your mansion shantivan and should get married to me in a proper way, should stay with me in my house away from shantivan,  away from the memories that hurt me, away from the place that held bad memories where you made me your contracted wife, where you called me a mistake, where you called me names..............!
At last,  it meant you have to stay away from your Family, Your lovely sister. Can you do that?

(Without any thoughts)


Kushi, you are the only and one priority that I have and will be having my lifetime.


Priorities can change, Mr.Raizada
You changed your priority from your sister to me. What's the guaranteetthinuture, you wouldn't change your priority from me to anyone?


I, myself and me is now only you Kushi. I already submitted my heart, soul and life to you and only you have the rights to change your priorities which meant you have the right over my priorities, my life, soul and heart and you wouldn't prefer me going away from your life Kushi! You wouldn't change your priorities regarding me!


If I'll change my priorities and don't want you in my life anymore?


That would be my last breath!
To which Kushi couldn't control her feelings anymore and stopped him before he could utter anymore which is the green signal for arnav who hugged her with all his strength, crushing her in his arms without any air gap between them.
Promising each other that there will be love, trust and understanding between them all their life.
Let's just hope that one-day Kushi would forgive Raizada's and Gupta's as well which will happen for sure but will take time.

The End

How was the ending?

Hope I had done justice!

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Waiting for your comments!



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