saving his snowflake

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Requested by Crazy_Ship_Lady123

Jack hummed softly as he walked around Atlantide, looking at the separate shops as he tried to find something that he could get for Braxton, unaware that he was being watched. Jack continued before he heard what sounded like crying.

He frowned and followed the noise to an alley with a dead end, a young teenage girl crying ther. Jack frowned as he walked to the girl, who looked to be about 16, making her 2 years older then he was.

''Excuse me miss, are you alright?'' The girl looked up through her tears and smirked evilly when she saw Jack, the tears instantly fading.

''I am now that you're here~'' Jack heard the evil tone in her voice and whined softly, trying to back away only to be grabbed from behind and gagged with a wet cloth.

Jack's eyes widened and he struggled, beginning to cry as he breathed in the scent of the cloth, making him dizzy and sleepy. The girl smirked at him as she spoke.

''Rest well boy~ you'll be back to your father soon enough~'' Jack whined as he slipped into unconsciousness, the two girls that had done this smirking and teleporting away, unaware that a certain animal loving woman and parrot had spotted them and knew who they should get.


Jack let out a soft groan as he woke up, dazed. He slowly came out of his daze as he became panicked, remembering what happened and trying to get up, only to realize that he was tied to a chair.

He whined before hearing a chuckle from within the room, unsure of where it came from since he was blindfolded. Jack suddenly flinched as the blindfold was ripped off of his face and his chin was tilted up, forced to look at a man who appeared to be 19 years old.

''Aww~ the cutie is awake~'' Jack flinched and whined as the man smirked, looking Jack's body up and down.

''Oh, all the torturous things I could do to a small, innocent boy like yourself!'' Jack whined and teared up before the man pouted.

''Sadly, I made a promise to your father, Eden, that I wouldn't 'play' with you a certain way...'' Jack sighed weakly in relief before the male continued.

''But, he said I could 'play' with you in the more violent and painful way~'' Jack flinched and whined as the larger male suddenly untied the ropes that were keeping Jack down, quickly grabbing him and throwing him to the ground.

''Now, let's start, shall we?~''

~~~~another timeskip~~~~

Braxton was furious as he broke down a wall of the base that the dark guild was keeping Jack in. Without any hesitation, he started to slaughter the members of the dark guild, seeing red as the only things in his mind were saving what belonged to him and his god, Galixe, cheering him on.

After slaughtering almost all of the members of the dark guild, he managed to find Jack, his heart stopping and a look of horror appearing on his face as he saw the condition that Jack was in.

Jack was tied to a chair, unconscious with numerous cuts and bruises covering his body, his head also bleeding from being hit in the head with a metal bat repeatedly. Braxton growled in anger as he stalked over to Jack, quickly untying him and gently pulling him close before leaving, visciously attacking any members of the dark guild and leaving them to slowly bleed out.

Once he made it back to the hole in the wall he had created, Braxton quickly took off to Divinus Magia, holding Jack tightly and one thought on his mind.

'Please don't leave me'

Leave your requests on the request page.
Remember to always try and have a good day/night. Bye wolf pups!!

I'm kidding, I'm not ending it there-

Jack let out a soft groan as he stirred, whining when he opened his eyes. Braxton's head shot up and he looked at Jack, tears in his eyes as he tightly yet gently hugged the smaller male, crying a bit.

''You're okay!'' Jack flinched and looked at Braxton with teary eyes.

''Br-Braxton?'' Braxton didn't respond as he nuzzled Jack, the ice mage beginning to sob as he tightly clung to Braxton.

''It's okay, y-you're safe now, I won't let them hurt you.'' Jack continued crying as Braxton continued to comfort him.

Eventually, when Jack calmed down, Braxton smiled softly and nuzzled Jack.

''I'm glad you're safe, but you should sleep...'' Jack hesitantly nodded.

''C-can you cuddle with me?'' Braxton smiled and nodded as he got into the bed, laying down next to Jack and pulling the smaller male into his chest.

Jack cuddled into Braxton's chest before passing out, Braxton smiling and kissing his forehead before falling asleep, one last thought on his mind.

'I promise that I will always do whatever I can to protect you my precious snowflake'

Leave your requests on the request page.
Remember to always try and have a good day/night. Bye wolf pups!!

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