How Gilly and Jax started dating (backstory)

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(Mara and Jocelyn)

Mara: I'm bored

Jocelyn: and why are u telling me this

Mara: because I wanna spill some tea

Jocelyn: ??

Mara: do u ship Kayla and Ollie

Jocelyn: who doesn't- 

Jocelyn: ur not saying...

Mara: they may or may not be secretly dating 

Mara: but u didn't hear it from me ;)

Jocelyn: I'm telling them

Mara: if I help u get Gilly and Jax together will u not tell?

Jocelyn: ... But how

Mara: leave that to me!

(Mara and Jax)

Mara: Jax I've heard u like Gilly

Jax: like as a friend? yeah of course!

Mara: no as in u have a crush on her

Jax: ... I don't know what ur talking about

Mara: Yes u do, u have a crush on her I've been told by a very reliable source

Jax: who told you?!

Jax: was it ollie? I swear I'm going to murder him

Mara: nope! I just guessed! But u have proven my theory correct

Jax: ...

Jax: please don't tell anyone 

Mara: ofc I won't!!

Jax: thanks Mara 

(Mara and Jocelyn)

Mara: *screenshot of what Jax said*

Jocelyn: ok now what?

Mara: now we have to bring Anna into it!

Jocelyn: why

Mara: because Anna is most likely to be able to get Gilly to admit it

Jocelyn: I mean she wouldn't for me but she probably would for u why bring Anna into it?

Mara: mostly because I don't feel like asking her

Jocelyn: that's what I though

(Mara and Anna)

Mara: Hey Anna can u help me with smt

Anna: sure what is it!

Mara: me and Jocelyn are trying to get Gilly and Jax together so I need u to get Gilly to admit that she has a crush on Jax

Anna: what do I get out of it

Mara: it'll be a secret relationship so we'll get a lot of laughs because the others won't know

Anna: that's a terrible reason but ill do it

Mara: YAY thanks!!

(Anna and Gilly)

Anna: Gilly do you have a crush on anyone

Gilly: no

Anna: u sure abt that

Gilly:   ... Maybe

Anna: who!

Anna: someone in the friend group?

Gilly: ... Yes

Anna: its Jax isn't it

Gilly: is it that obvious?

Anna: omg wait really!! You do??

Gilly: yes Anna I have a crush on Jax


Anna: ok ok! I won't!!

(Mara and anna) 

Anna: *screenshot of conversation*

Mara: yay!!

Mara: we have all the pieces now!!

Anna: lol ok

Anna: now what?

Mara: now we need Elise

Anna: why no hate but why do we need to include her?

Mara: bc she's the only one that has a group chat with Jax and Gilly in it

Anna: fair enough

(Mara and Elise)

Mara: *explains everything*

Mara: *sends both screenshots*

Elise : uh-huh so what do u want me to do?

Mara: here's what you have to do 

Mara: _____________________________

Elise: ok

(Elise, Jax, and Gilly)

Elise: I'm just going to say it

Jax: say what

Gilly: wdym 

Elise: when I say this keep in mind that I had nothing to go with this blame it on Mara

Jax: what about mara?

Gilly: are u going to tell us what the heck ur talking abt?

Elise: I have been given proof that both of you have crushes on the other now y'all can talk in ur dm my job here is done

Gilly: what are u talking abt

Jax: Yeah what Gilly said

Elise: y'all are making this harder than it has to be

Jax: no response

Gilly: same

Elise: fine here's the proof *sends screenshots* 

Elise: y'all can talk abt that, imma leave

(Jax and Gilly)

Jax: ...

Jax: this is awkward

Gilly: no kidding

Jax: so we both like each other?

Gilly: uhh I guess so

Jax: well in that case well u be my girlfriend

Gilly: u better not be joking

Jax: why would I joke around about that?

Gilly: I'm

Jax: so? What's your answer

Gilly: are u stupid! Ofc ill be ur girlfriend you idiot!!

Jax: oh boy

Jax: what are we going to tell the others?

Gilly: well Mara, Anna and Elise already know

Jax: wait how is Anna related to this

Gilly: she was the one who asked me

Jax: oh Mara was the one who asked me

Gilly: that makes sense

Jax: but still what about Ollie, Kayla, Maxine, Jocelyn, and the others

Gilly: who ever said we had to tell them?

Jax: true they'll figure it out at so point

Gilly: true lol

Gilly: well uh I have to go cya later

Jax: bye see u in history <3

Gilly: lol bye <3

Now to tell y'all how Mara Elise Anna and Jocelyn knew for a fact they where dating after that.

Nvm I don't feel like writing it :)

Ugh FINE u can see how now

Mara had made a invisible potion and was agreeing to sneak into Gilly's room. 

Everyone else was in the library studying for the test so she could sneak into the room. 

She had just made the potion so no one would see her go into the room. 

She teleported into the room and then grabbed Gilly's phone from under her pillow. Mara waved a hand over the phone and it unlocked. 

(how I wish I had powers like people in books do *sniff*)

She quickly found her messages app and opened it. She clicked on 'Jax' and scrolled until she found what she was looking for.

(Which is the conversation you just read between Jax and Gilly)

Mara took out her phone a took a picture of the conversation before closing out of the app and putting the phone back under the pillow.

Then she teleported back to the library and pertained like she didn't know what they where doing. 

Her last though before she started studying with her friends was 'Mission accomplished'.

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