Chapter 4~ Cruise Of Your Fears

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Y/N= your name
B/N= last name

"So where were you two?", Fubuki asked, waiting for both Y/N and Shu's answer...

"U-Ummm...", Y/N stuttered

"We were at the mall, and that's...where I bought Y/N a new, rose gold chip.", Shu said.

Y/N looked a bit confused, but trusted Shu, so she extended out her hand to show Fubuki the new chip she got.

"It's beautiful! So when are you gonna use it?", Fubuki asked.

"Umm...maybe in my upcoming battle!", Y/N said.

The phone then rang, as Fubuki ran quickly up to it, he looked as if he'd been expecting the call.

"Hello? Yes this is Fubuki Sumiye...yes I'll be on my way!", Fubuki said.


"Who was that?", Y/N asked.

Fubuki, wordlessly ran upstairs with some bags.

"We are going on the battleship cruise!", Fubuki yelled.

He seemed...more confident that usual.

"That's a great opportunity, Fubuki!", Shu said.

Fubuki came back with all packed bags, including Y/N's own clothes.

"Fubuki...are we really leaving this instant?", Y/N asked.

"Well...yeah...the cruise ship should be over in about 30 minutes...", Fubuki said.

"I wish you two good luck.", Shu said.

Y/N then ran up to Shu and have him a surprise hug, as Shu was simply startled by this action.

"I'll miss you...", Y/N said.

"I'll miss you too.", Shu said.

Fubuki then picked up the bags, and then stood beside the door.

"We gotta go right now if we want to get to the deck in time...", Fubuki said.

Tears filled Y/N's eyes, not wanting to let go of Shu.

"W-Will...we come back?", she asked.

"Yes...I'll make sure of it.",
Fubuki said with a reassuring smile. Y/N nodded, as she waved a goodbye to Shu. "I...will go with you two to the deck at least...", Shu muttered loud enough, under his breath.

Y/N almost tumbled with Shu's response, but felt glad to have him for at least a couple more minutes.

Shu gently picked the bags off Y/N's shoulders, as he placed them on his own.

He looked like a real gentleman.

Fubuki then led the group to the deck, and there waited the cruise ship.

"Hey guys! DID YOU MISS ME?", A voice yelled.

Y/N slowly put her head up, as she saw Aiga himself, on the top of the deck with some sort of familiar dude she had seen before.

"Aiga? Ranjiro...?", she questioned.

Many other bladers were inside, including 3 of the Z4. blader grabbed her by surprise...

"Well...let's put our stuff inside the cargo place.", Fubuki said, opening a tiny latch on the ship.

He began to place the bags inside, placing them gently and carefully.

"Looks like we're done.", Fubuki said.

Y/N quickly ran up and gave Shu another hug.

"You don't know how much I'll miss you...", She said.

"It's okay...I'll make sure to call every day.", Shu said.

Y/N nodded, before waiving a goodbye, and so did Shu.

She quickly ran up the steps, and before she knew it...they took off.

She quickly walked to the hallway, it was dark...and creepy...

She felt a heavy presence surround her.

"Hey Y/N~", a familiar voice said.

Y/N quickly turned around and saw him.


"S-Suoh...what are you...d-doing here??", she stuttered.

"I'm asking you the same Y/N~", he said.

Suoh's vermillion, green eye shined brightly, as he showed off his satanic grin. Y/N shook nervously, as she honestly...never been this close to him...yes...he was his older brother's crush, but he wasn't who she said he was...she was one of the few who knew it.

"We are going to definitely win this!", 7 year-old Y/N exclaimed.

She was new to this *beyblade* sport, she had seen her older brother get she decided to do the same.

"Hmm...this Beyblade will be named...B/N!", Y/N exclaimed.

Little did she know...someone was watching from behind.

"Y/N Sumiye. Newbie I see...i don't see what's exciting about this garbage.", Suoh said.

Y/N stared at him nervously, as he had picked B/N from the table...

"This beyblade looks weak...and probably is as weak as your brother's of course. What's weak in someone, is weak in the whole family.", he smirked evilly.

"H-Hey! Say whatever you want about me, but please don't put my brother in this! He's trained hard day by day, and I've been there to see it! Don't you dare call my brother weak again or I'll...I'll...", Y/N said...

"That's what I thought...weakling. You will never be more than just an easy obstacle to me.", he said.

He then held out B/N in the palm of his hand and quickly closed it, he closed it so hard...

A faint crack noise was heard.

Suoh's diabolical grin appeared, as he opened the palm of his hand to reveal a fully cracked and destroyed B/N. He then dropped the single pieces, all of them making a sound at once.

Y/N's eyes widened as she quickly leaned down, tears prickling her eyes.

"Weak.", Suoh muttered


Suoh simply walked away, gently leaving the hallway in silence.
End of flashback.

" you miss me?", Suoh dark voice slowly mad it's way through, Suoh was slightly pulling her chin.

"S-Shut it. Leave me alone.", Y/N firmly stated.

"Oh...and what will you do about it...weakling?!", Suoh said, as his voice quickly turned diabolical.

Y/N quickly turn and ran off, this guy was just too much to handle, as she quickly heard footsteps run behind her, the diabolical laughs would not go away.

She quickly took one wrong turn and fell into a trap that led her to a cold, and freezing room.

Her head hit something hard, as she realized she was on top of some sort of suitcase.

"I-Is this...the cargo room?"

Y/N quickly tumbled off the suitcase, as her head hit the bare wooden floor.

Switching setting:
"It's been...3 hours, where's your little sister?", Aiga asked Fubuki.

"No wonder I felt like something was missing...where could she be?", Fubuki thought.

"Hmm...hey Aiga, lets ask Naru if she knows something...", Ranjiro said.

"Alright!", Aiga said.

Aiga ran up to his younger sister, nearly tripping her over.

"Hey Naru, have you seen Y/N?", Aiga asked

"Umm no, I actually saw her go straight to the hallway though...I didn't see anything else...", she said.

"What if she's lost?!?", Xhan asked.

"This is why this ship isn't suitable for kids.", Houi said.

"We are technically all kids...but what if she actually did go lost?", Laban asked, using some sort of ancient magnifying tool.


"Damn...chill man...", Ranjiro said.

Switching setting again*

A couple of moments later, Y/N felt something warm...something licking her.

She put her face up, and met face to face with some sort of canine..

"This looks...familiar. Is this a German Shepherd?"

She got up and petted it, as it simply wagged it's tail and stuck it's tongue out in a happy way.

"Poor guy...we are both lost...but don't worry, we got each other for now!", she exclaimed.

"How immature of you.", a voice said.

She knew he was back.

"S-Suoh...please leave me alone...", Y/N said shakily.

"Not until I get what I want.", he said, smirking diabolically.

"P-Please leave me alone, I'm getting scared!", she stuttered.

"Oh...sorry precious rose...but this doesn't end till Fubuki says sorry for leaving me! Not only that, your family took what's mine!", he yelled, as he gently held out a rose.

A dead one.

The petals slowly made their way to the ground, as the dry stem cracked and fell on the ground.

His smirk was getting off hand, and it was only making Y/N uncomfortable.

"'s your brother's choice.", Suoh said, getting near her.

The canine slowly made its way in between them, as he gritted his teeth out to Suoh, giving him a overprotective glare.

The stray dog barked at him, making Suoh back out a bit.

" got lucky today...but you won't get away with this Sumiye.", he said, as he then walked off.

"T-Thank you...", Y/N said, walking over the the dog and hugging it.

The battleship cruise was indeed scary...the name didn't fit it though.

Y/N nickname it...the cruise of your fears.

ScorchedThomas2922 , the plot is pretty...ok I guess, I just hope it isn't confusing...and I feel like I overdid the *scary* part...

It took me a bit longer than scheduled because...i was organizing my clothes earlier, sorry.

I hope this is long enough though ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

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