Chapter 6~ Stuck in Spain

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I haven't updated my books in ages...

*le gasp* I actually updated today...hmmm...I think I'll update this book every Friday or Saturday since it's summer break, if I miss one Friday or Saturday, don't ask but it may be cuz I've got no ideas, I'm too lazy, or I'm just busy but yeah...

Enjoy this I guess, I'll make it at least 1,000 words to make it up to you guys.

Y/N= your name
N/N= nickname

Scene: The next day.

"Hmmm..........", Y/N groaned tiredly, yesterday had been such a long day.

She woke up from the feeling of Shuki licking her cheek repeatedly, as if the cute puppy wanted to tell her something....

"What is it Shuki?......", she groaned, still feeling very sleepy.

Y/N put her head up a bit, as she looked a bit out the window. She then heard the sound of a helicopter, which later flew up the sky to her sight.

She looked out the window boringly, as she heard shouting noises outside, which lead her to a huge realization.

Her eyes widened and then she remembered something...Today was Fubuki's battle!!!

"OH MY GOSH!! WHAT TIME IS IT?!", She yelled out loud

Y/N looked at the nearby clock, which read:
/12:00 PM/

"Twelve o'clock?! Oh no...I-I missed the battle..."

Y/N buried her face on a pillow and started crying, Shuki only whined a bit since he felt bad for not being able to wake her owner up, earlier.

"Sis...are you ok?"

Y/N looked up, her cheeks were a bit red and puffed, and her eyes were a bit swollen.

"I-I missed your battle...", She whispered.

"N/'s ok, the great thing is that I've won. Cheer up, Suoh won't be here to terrify you anymore."

Y/N nodded and smiled a bit, and Fubuki embraced her younger sister into a hug.

However, the moment was interrupted when Aiga made his way into the bedroom.

"Hey Fubuki! You ready to battle me and Achilles!", Aiga shouted.

Fubuki pulled away from the hug and stood up.

"I can't waste my time right now with you, I have to train by myself and—

Fubuki was interrupted when a loud noise boomed through the ship.


The noise was so loud, it caused one of the picture frames to rush to the ground.

-{C R A C K}-

The picture frame left lots of broken glass on the ground, which nearly landed on Shuki's paws.

"This ship is crazy", Fubuki said, as he quickly picked up a broom and began sweeping quickly.

"Let's go now!", Aiga exclaimed.

He grabbed Y/N's hand and quickly ran downstairs.

"Aiga?!? Why are you dragging me downstairs??"

"We can't waste time, we've got to be there to hear whatever Kris wants to talk to us about!", Aiga exclaimed.

They quickly got to her office and opened the door, only to find everyone standing there, waiting patiently for them and Fubuki to be there.

"Where is Fubuki?", Kris asked.

"Oh...he'll be back, he's just caught up cleaning something.", Aiga said.

Kris nodded, and waited patiently for one more minute.

Fubuki later walked into the room, as he was panting heavily. He probably ran down the stairs to get here in time.

"Okay, now that all of you guys are here...I'm here to talk about something...

We are running on fuel for this cruise-ship. I know our final stop was going to be Japan, but our only choice in order to go on is to stop by Spain. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but I hope you guys understand.", Kris said.

The bladers all nodded, as they were then dismissed. They slowly, one-by-one, walked out the room.

30 minutes later:
The ship made its way to decking board as it came to a stop.

Aiga being the un-still person he was, ran downstairs and quickly jumped out of the ship into the wooden ground.

"Aiga wait for me!", Naru exclaimed.

Fubuki seemed a bit busy getting some clothes and bags out so Y/N decided to run out as well and follow Naru and Aiga.

"Where are you guys going?", Y/N asked both Naru and Aiga.

"I'm following him to make sure he doesn't go too far", Naru said, sweat dropping a bit.

Y/N was running into the forest and nearly followed Naru and Aiga, when something caught her eye.

-{boom!}- -{BOOM BOOM!}-


Y/N turned around and saw something she'd never had imagined she'd see before.

"Wonder Whip!!"

"Super Spriggan Slash!"

Shu Vs Valt...?

What was Shu doing in Spain?????

*simultaneous ring-out finish*


Shu immediately turned around to his surprise...


"Who is this Shu?", Valt asked.

"Oh...she's Fubuki's younger sister, her name's Y/N.", Shu said.

"Oh...Y/N...Y/N...Wait a own Empress Forneus! Aw man, I didn't remember you...nice to meet you!", Valt said, extending out his arm.

"Nice to meet you too Valt!", Y/N said in a cheerful tone, shaking hands with the World Beyblade Champion—

Wait a sec...Valt was the Champion...

-/OMG IM SHAKING HANDS WITH THE #1 BLADER IN THE WORLD! ...he even knows my name!", Y/N's mind yelled.

She lightly blushed, not being able to easily cover it away, as she lightly glanced over at Valt only to see him blush a bit himself.

"Y-Yeah...gotta go, bye!", Valt said nervously, as he waved and ran out.

Shu and Y/N waved back. Shu picked up Spryzen and day on a nearby log.

Y/N say down next to him, as she was pretty tired from how much she had ran that day.

"Hey Y/N..."


"I...L..n-never mind..."

Shu wrapped his arms around Y/N's neck, and nuzzled around her.

Not much after he fell asleep. Y/N was too distracted from his warmth, she hadn't noticed.


Nothing. He was already fast asleep.

It was already getting dark, and her eyes couldn't stay open any longer, she soon after fell asleep.

Shu began mumbling a couple of things in his sleep.

"Y../N...I think I...

To be continued

Major cliffhanger...I guess...

Sorry I haven't updated again...

But least I finally did


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