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Yup!!! That's right guys! For the first time in forever ~ I'm hosting the giveaway ~ for the first time in forever ~

Anna: hey!! Stop stealing my catchphrase!

LolXD sorry Anna. Btw... This giveaway is because to celebrate my 1.30K followers (wow..I'm surprised too with that huge number 0.0)And because "Blackthorn " already gets 6K readers. Omg... I'm so happy right now! Yeahhhh... I know it's too late but mehhh... Who care right?!

Well, if you want to enter this giveaway, there some rules that you must follow or you will disqualified and didn't get the prizes.

▷you Must be one of my followers. That's mean... You have to follow me but... If you win and unfollow me later (which is not good), I will not give it to you.

▷put Blackthorn in one of your reading list.

▷Don't cheat or being rude please do be nice to everyone.

▷comment "I love panda" if you want to join in and tag at least 3 people that might be interested.(if you tag more people,your chance to win is higher!)

*Note: I'll check if you follow all the rules or not.

Q/A about the giveaway ✌

How to know if you're winner??

Well it's simple... I'll tell you're winner through pm.

How many winner I'll choose??

Hurmm.. If the giveaway doesn't seems to get many participants, then it will be only 1 winner. But if many people entering, then maybe I'll make it 2?or 3?it's depends in my mood and how many people entering XD

When will you choose the winner??

The due date is 6 December and the winner I'll announced it after 6 December at "Cassiopeia " book.

How many number you will give to us???

The number I'll choose is from 1-100.(if many people enter this giveaway... Then, I'll make it until 200)

Any questions?? Comments if you want to ask me anything about the giveaway.

The prizes that you will get from me...

▷Cover set (which means... I'll make all your cover book)

▷gets premade icon and banner from me.

▷A Follow from my backup account

Again... Due date is 6 December!!! I'll not give any number to you guys after 6 December.

I'll give you the random number and after the due date I'll choose a random number using random generator(?) The lucky one who get the same number that I pick is the winner.

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro