⌜ fourteen ⌟

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pants echoing by the corridors, renjun spent no time wasted as he knocked on a specific door. he would wait for seconds before knocking again. he waited patiently but minutes passed, still, no one opened the door. he then had his ears pressed on the door and heard no noise coming from the inside. knowing where the spare key was, renjun crouched down and went to check by the welcoming mat only to see nothing.

where did he place his spare key?❞ he grumbled, having a lot of thoughts passing by his head as to why jeno won't open the door.

either jeno is in a deep sleep and is too lazy to get up and open the door, or jeno knows that renjun would be visiting and is too much of a chicken to open the door. or, that male might be sulking in a corner.

clicking his tongue, renjun went to knock once more. ❝lee jeno!

not knowing that someone was approaching to his way, specifically to that door that renjun is aggressively knocking on.

what are you shouting about?

snapping his head towards the owner of the voice, renjun like as if the time slowed down once they had locked their eyes. he felt all his emotions pouring out when he saw him, when he saw jeno. not saying a word or two, not even explaining to him first why he was there, renjun carefully walked towards the younger and gently wrapped his arms around him. he buried his head on jeno's chest and there he was, sobbing quietly.

jeno would always feel his heart shatter whenever he sees the older cry, it even hurts twice knowing that he is the cause of his tears.

stop crying,❞ he lets go of the plastic bags he is bringing with him and brought his hand up to pat the chinese on his head. ❝please.

he tightened his embrace on the younger's waist, knowing the difference of their body built. ❝i t-thought you were inside, i thought y-you didn't want to see me, i thought that i w-was too late, i—

sshh,❞ jeno gave him a comforting smile, running a hand to mess with his hair to stop the chinese from stutter. ❝breathe, renjun.

the chinese nodded, pulling away from the embrace and had composed himself down. he dried his tears away, wiping them with the uniform that he is still wearing, and gathered the courage to look up at jeno only to burst out crying. the younger panicked as renjun cried once more.

i'm sorry..❞ renjun whined, wiping his tears only to let another newly set of tears to fall down. ❝i can't stop c-crying.

taking out a handkerchief from his pocket, jeno walked closer to the shorter male and went to wipe the tears that are caused by him. ❝should i hurt the bastard who made you cry?❞ he said, obviously aware that it was him.

clutching to the younger's arms, renjun had shook his head rapidly. ❝don't hurt yourself.

can't help but chuckle at renjun who's still sobbing even though he was warning jeno not to hurt himself, jeno leaned forward and planted the softest kiss he could under the older's eye. ❝i won't. now, stop crying.

jeno..❞ but instead, he cried even louder as he once again threw himself to jeno and suffocated him with an embrace. ❝i'm sorry.

the younger almost stumbled back but managed to gain his balance with his arms snaking around the older's body. the next moment, he was also hugging him and renjun still crying makes everything so emotional for jeno. he doesn't know how jaemin convinced him to talk to him but whatever it is, he surely is thankful for that angel.

you're right.❞ renjun told him, ❝i do love you and i should understand you.

and you were wrong.❞ jeno giggled, laughing the tears away as he didn't want to look vulnerable in front of renjun who's already a crying mess. ❝i am not the jeno who loves no one but himself because this jeno,

being pulled away from the hug, renjun felt a warm hand on his cheek that he can't help but lean to the touch. jeno caressed the older's cheek softly as he had an adoring smile shown at the chinese.

this jeno you know now is a jeno that loves no one but huang renjun.

even with tears falling and nose clogging, renjun still manage to give jeno a light punch with a laugh.

jeno made a pained face, faking it as he wanted to fool renjun that it hurt a lot. ❝why? i'm just telling the truth!

smiling, renjun took this chance to place a kiss on the younger's cheeks before hiding his head on his chest. jeno froze there for a second before internally cooing at how cute renjun is.

next time i make a mistake, please don't hesitate to tell me.❞ jeno said, ❝so we can talk things out, okay?

yes, i'm sorry.❞ clearly that won't be the last they'd undergo an argument but surely, they'd know how to fix it next time. hopefully without disturbing anyone because they are quite sure they have used up too much of jaemin's time. ❝we should thank jaemin for this.

he's a good person after all.

see? i told you i have good taste.❞ the chinese then reminded him of when he had bumped jaemin for the first time.

jeno frowned, he had something to say about it, probably going to show that he got jealous when renjun said that, but a cough from the the hallways they were at stopped the two from their moment. they then turned their heads towards where the cough was at and saw a familiar looking man standing there while carrying plastic bags. the older didn't know when he had arrived but he was surely surprised to see him there. also embarrassed that the man had to witness their emotional state.

renjun gasped when he saw the man. he then pushed himself away from jeno and took a bow, greeting the man. ❝good evening mr. lee!

jeno rolled his eyes with a groan. ❝dad, you just have to ruin the moment.

what?❞ the man stood shrugged. ❝these food aren't going to wait forever.

the chinese bit his lower lip from a laugh to come out at how jeno looked like he was scolding his father. holding the younger's hand, he settled another peck to calm him down and also to excuse himself since it looked like jeno is going to be spending his night with his father. ❝i'll get going now.

the younger couldn't hide the sadness on his face when renjun had to separate himself from him. ❝already?

my mom is probably worried and i don't want dad to print out missing pictures of me.❞ he chuckled at the possibility of that happening.

i'll walk you home.❞ suggesting that, jeno turned to face his father and gave him the most sweetest smile he can ever give. ❝dad, i'll just be back.

hey, wait—❞ the man didn't even get to stop his own son. at least renjun was nice enough to personally excuse himself from him. seeing the plastic bags that jeno had left for him to carry, he groaned. ❝this kid.


carrying the shorter male from his back, piggyback ride, the two of them strolled down the silent street on renjun's neighborhood with countless of topics being said on the way. the two got even too loud, laughing so hard, that they were hushed by a bystander. what mattered to them was each other. at least they were finally back together and they had already made a mental note to thank the almighty na jaemin for being a big part in helping them.

today is probably my lucky day.❞ jeno mumbled out, earning a questionable hum from renjun who already had his sleepy head buried on jeno's neck. ❝first, was me getting along with jaemin, second is my dad finally dropping his bad habits and lastly, you.

me?❞ renjun pointed out in curiosity.

actually,❞ jeno smiled as he continued to walk while he carried renjun with him. ❝i was the luckiest the moment you felt the same way.

jeno didn't get to dodge the light slap by the shoulder given by renjun. ❝you and your cheesy lines.

you love them though.

i do but, i love you more.

finally arriving at renjun's house, jeno finally but carefully dropped him down. after that, it just hit him how his arms hurt from carrying renjun along the way. he didn't complain though, renjun looked comfortable being carried around like a baby.

placing both his hands inside his pockets, renjun walked in front of the younger and gave him one angelic smile that jeno almost concluded that he was in heaven.

get home safely.

jeno nodded his head. leaning down, he went to surprise the older with a soft kiss on the forehead. ❝see you tomorrow?

with a nod back, renjun brought his hands up to the younger's neck and pulled him close. removing his hands from his pocket, jeno wrapped them around renjun's waist and as if it was possible to get closer as ever, he pulled him close. the two could feel their hearts beating for each other, also their warms breaths that are teasing each other's lips.

leaning forward, renjun was stopped when jeno spoke.

your mother is not going to disturb us, is she?

giggling, renjun hopes not. he then continued to lean forward and the next thing he knew,

he was pulled away from jeno who looked as shocked at him.

and you still have the audacity to show up here after hurting our renjun!?

jeno widened his eyes when he saw the chinese's mother raising her fist at him. if it weren't for renjun holding his mother back then he would have met those fists. fortunately, he had his life spared. although, jeno thinks that he does deserve that punch renjun's mother badly wants to give him.

bye jeno!❞ renjun shouted, giving jeno the signal to run away before he get beaten alive.

bye little spoon!❞ he shouted along the way, also taking a bow of apology towards renjun's mother. ❝i'm very sorry mrs. huang!

the mother struggled, still having hopes on catching up to jeno and give him a punch. but renjun was doing a great job protecting the male and also holding her back.

let go of me!❞ she squirmed, finally was freed once jeno was already out of sight. ❝i almost had him.

the boy gave her a look before clicking his tongue, stomping his feet out of frustration as his mother once again disrupted their kiss. why does this always happen to him? ❝mom, we already fixed things up!

but he had his arms around you! i thought he was going to strangle you to death or—

looking at her son's face, she then slapped her forehead when she just realized what she had done.

you two were about to kiss, aren't you?


on a good note, they had already fixed this problem up and it's all thanks with the help of na jaemin.

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