⌜ twelve ⌟

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the boy was silent, not uttering a word ever since he had woken up from his sleep. heck, he didn't even have a nice sleep. his eyes were still puffy from crying the whole night. this was what he was afraid of, a heartbreak. he knew loving jeno would hurt him this much yet he was stupid enough to actually love him.

he didn't want to see him, he was afraid that he might not be able to control his feelings. is he selfish to think of himself this time?

oh, morning.❞ his mother greeted once he step foot inside the kitchen. ❝going to school already?

she can guess what had happened to him but didn't want to ask him about it since it looked like he wasn't ready to open up to her. renjun arrived last night, crying. she was worried and hearing his sobs inside his room hurt her so much. yet, she didn't want to interfere as she was doubting that what she guessed was wrong.

although, she was saving her punch to a specific someone just in case.

your father had already went first, would you want me to bring you to school today?❞ she softly questioned, placing her son's breakfast down the table.

eating quietly, renjun shook his head as a no and started to eat his meal as his thoughts were preoccupied with a lot of things. events last night suddenly came to mind and almost made renjun cry like a hell like he did last night. although, he couldn't help but let out sniffles.

the mother gazed at him with worried eyes. ❝renjun?

i'm going.❞ he excused himself, not finishing his food.

oh,❞ she pressed his lips into a thin line. she didn't know what to do, neither if she can even do something. renjun might just push her away if she tries to force him to open up. ❝take care on your way.

the boy nodded his head, wearing his shoes and grabbing his bag by the sofa.

not looking back, renjun opened the door and saw what had made his heart break into pieces. gathering the courage to look away, renjun made sure he didn't forget to close the front door and started to walk away.

leaving the person who waited for him outside.


closing his eyes, renjun tried to block that voice from his ears. he didn't want to meet him yet he was the first one he had to see the moment he got out of the house.

hey, listen..

he wanted to but he was not yet ready for it yet. he needed space to breathe, he needed time to think. renjun continued to walk forward and didn't even bother sparing him a glance.

heaving out a huff, he took long strides to catch up to the shorter male and took hold of his wrist. he startled the chinese and he could see how scared he is from his eyes. jeno could see those glossy eyes with tears threatening to fall. he could see how tired he was from dealing with him. jeno could see how tired he was from crying.

but is renjun the only one tired?

let go of me..❞ that came out as a whisper from renjun. his breathing hitched and he could feel his throat hurting.

just listen

a hand holding jeno's wrist made the two look up at who just arrived. renjun felt relieved when he saw jaemin appearing like a knight a shining armor to him. meanwhile, jeno felt annoyed that someone had to ruin his chance to talking to renjun.

he told you to let go.❞ jaemin said, tightening his grip on jeno's wrist causing for the male to let go of renjun's.

what are you doing here?

right, what is jaemin doing there? even if he lived the same neighborhood as renjun, he would just simply drag his feet to school knowing that someone else was already there waiting for renjun. but after that night, he felt like renjun needed him to be there.

this is the least he could do for him.

i asked him to be here.❞ renjun got in between the two before they start to throw punches at each other. ❝i should be the one to ask you that question.

jeno stood there in disbelief that renjun was siding with jaemin rather than with him. ❝i'm here to talk to you.

looking away, renjun had already dragged jaemin along with him as he started to walk away from jeno. ❝there's nothing to talk about.

quickly catching up to them, jeno made sure to stop in front of the chinese to prevent them from continuing. ❝last night.

if jeno wants to talk then renjun is going to give him that talk.

what happened last night?❞ he stared at him, not acknowledging that he had saw jeno kissing someone.

ruffling his hair in frustration, jeno groaned at renjun who's acting clueless. ❝it was a misunderstanding, renjun.

renjun last night was to shocked to even get mad at jeno. his mind was clouded and thoughts clashed that night that he didn't get to form words that he wanted to say to jeno. right now, jeno was pissing him off. he wanted to distance himself from him. he didn't want to feel this way but he was mad. mad at jeno, but he was mostly mad at himself for being stupid to believe that he can love jeno and be the one for him.

he thought wrong. he is just one of them. one of the people that jeno had hurt. why did he even bother thinking that he is someone important to jeno? he should have known better that jeno fucks at anyone and cares for no one.

renjun i love you.

if you loved me then you wouldn't have hurt me this bad!❞ he started to raise his voice, catching the two by surprise. ❝you shouldn't have went to that bar.

jeno's jaw dropped as he heard that from renjun. ❝are you blaming me for it?

what does it look like?

jeno let out a scoff, ❝if you didn't want me to go then you should have said it!

i didn't want to stop you from enjoying, okay!?❞ by now, renjun was already crying. he wasn't strong enough to hold back the tears. he didn't want to look weak in front of jeno. he wanted to show him that he's better of without him. well, he failed to do it. ❝i wanted you to be happy..

this isn't making me happy.❞ he stated, internally panicking when he had started to see tears falling from renjun's eyes.

is it my fault then!?❞ renjun brought his hands up and wiped his tears. ❝maybe this is the worst decision i have made. who was i thinking of loving a fuck boy like you? playing with everyone's hearts like they are toys. and to think you have changed!

jeno was caught off guard when renjun had snapped.

you should have taken consideration that i was once your friend. you didn't have to me this bad. if you don't like me then you could have said so instead of telling me lies and letting me fall deeper for you.

meanwhile, jaemin stood there witnessing it all. sometimes he just wish that he could just turn invisible so he wouldn't have to get involved in things like this. it was too complicated for him to handle. in the midst of processing the situation, jaemin's hand was already grabbed by renjun and he was then pulled away by the chinese that he didn't get the chance to hear what jeno was about to say next.

but he definitely saw a glimpse of the male looking hurt at what renjun had said to him.

maybe renjun went too far.

as far as what jaemin had seen, jeno was also surprised when that woman kissed him. he even saw how jeno pushed her away and immediately ran towards renjun. maybe this time, it's not jeno's fault.

everything was just a misunderstanding.


jaemin stared outside of the window, not hearing the bell ringing indicating that the class had already ended. not like he had plans on going out. he needed time to think on what he can do for the both of them. he didn't even know why he is trying so hard to get them back together when in the end, he's just going to get hurt.

but he'll do it for their sake, and for renjun's happiness.

you know what they say if you're sad?❞ a certain tanned male had taken the seat in front of jaemin's and turned it to face him. ❝don't be, because sad backwards is das and das not good.

glancing at the ball of sunshine, jaemin only gave him a small smile to reassure him that it's nothing that serious. ❝aren't you going to the cafeteria?

i'm not in the mood to deal with crowds.❞ the other shrugged as he laid his head down to jaemin's desk. ❝by the way, mark told me that he had met you last night with renjun.

remembering the events with renjun and jeno hurt jaemin's head. ❝yeah. tell him thanks because he paid for our dinner.

donghyuck gasped at that information. ❝you didn't even ask me out!?

i thought that you might be busy.❞ jaemin explained, looking out from the window again and staring up from the sky.

the tanned male whined but didn't push through to the topic. he also didn't tease jaemin about going out with renjun, the person he likes. he could see that his friend wasn't in the mood to take in with his jokes. the two just then sat there in silence as they stared out of the window, as if the birds are more interesting than going out and take their snacks.

not dealing the silence very well, donghyuck gave up and decided to ask jaemin himself. ❝what's bothering you?


and don't even give me that shit, jaemin, because i know very well that your nothing is something.❞ donghyuck immediately said.

heaving out a sigh, jaemin knew he couldn't fool his way out of donghyuck. ❝it's about renjun and jeno.

donghyuck gave his friend a worried frown. ❝still heartbroken about them being together?

that, but also another thing. ❝they are fighting.

oh,❞ eyes widening, donghyuck went back to putting his head down to jaemin's desk. ❝that's surprising.

donghyuck didn't want to say it but he probably had already expected it. jeno was known inside the campus so there is no way he wouldn't know how that boy always acts in a relationship. what surprised donghyuck is that, renjun and jeno are good friends. he didn't expect for jeno to be that heartless to the point of hurting his friend.

but this time, i think it's not jeno's fault.❞ jaemin sprouted that caught donghyuck's attention.

how can you say that?

come on, you can see how the two are inseparable.❞ or maybe it's just him who can see that. ❝jeno even stopped flirting when he and renjun started. he stopped bringing girls over.❞ he then realized, ❝and when he went to the bar last night, he wasn't drunk. it was all a misunderstanding.

raising a brow with his head tilted, donghyuck was confused. ❝what happened last night?


just before jaemin could start explaining everything to donghyuck hoping that he can help him, a voice caught the two's attention that made then snap their heads towards the entrance of the classroom. donghyuck could feel the awkward air around them and jaemin could only gulp upon seeing a specific someone.

what is jeno doing here?❞ the tanned male whispered, shocked to see jeno.

i don't know but he's probably mad that i went to pick renjun up this morning.❞ that made donghyuck's jaw drop.

you went to pick renjun up?❞ pouting that jaemin doesn't even do that to him.

probably because he lives at the other side of the town.

not knowing that their voices were heard loud and clear by jeno who's not that quite far from them. what jaemin was thinking was so far from the favor jeno wants to ask for him.

gathering the courage to do so, jeno spoke. ❝can i talk to you?

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