Chapter 1: The New Villain Alliance

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In an unknown place, there is a room that seems to be furnished; a bright light appeared in the center of the room as Y/N appeared in the room. The Kryptonian had a look of confusion as he saw the room.

"Where the hell am I?" Y/N looked around the room to see it looked like a normal bedroom. "A bedroom? I swear if that voice doesn't tell me where I am! I will destroy everything in this room!"

He looks over to the door, this piqued his interest, and floats over towards the door. Prime opens the door to see it was like a headquarters, Y/N's right brow rose slightly. "What the hell?!"

He sees a bunch of villains in the room, however, Prime just scoffs seeing all these villains in one area. "Seriously, some supervillain headquarters. How pathetic."

He floats around seeing various villains doing different activities around the place, they were too busy to notice him. "It seems I wasn't the first person it recruited." Y/N observed the place more until he saw a crack in the dimension right in front of him.

"So... What do you think about your new headquarters?" The same voice told him.

"I don't care for it, what I care for is making those heroes suffer! I want to see Superman dead! If your planning on enlisting me in your group then..."

Before he could finish his sentence, the voice cuts him off. "I know you want to kill Superman, but right now some of the villains here aren't exactly willing to join our cause. Before you act on your goal of killing the Man of Steel and taking his place, we need to convince the other villains to work with us. Some of the villains here were killed off in their worlds, so I resurrected them but they still weren't too keen on helping. So if you can gather the group together, we can initiate our revenge scheme."

"Our?" Y/N questioned the voice.

"You're not the only one who wants someone to suffer, after all, how do you think I was banished to this realm?!" The voice stated to Y/N.

"So how come you can use your powers if you're trapped? Because it seems like you could use it to escape." Y/N said blatantly.

"I've already tried! But there are forces mighty than I that are keeping me here, I was only able to interact with the outside realm because there is a dimension disturbance here. But I can only interact with the outside realm, not escape from my prison. The villains here doubt my power, most of them just want to get revenge and take over the world or kill the people they hate the most."

"What do you expect from villains, I've read plenty of comics and manga to know this. It's how I learned about the superheroes I used to admire before they attacked me. But now every time I think of any of them. I think of many different scenarios where I brutally kill and torture them!"

"That's why we need to get reset of them in check, we need them to fully complete our goals, Prime." The voice told Y/N.

"Alright, I got this then." Y/N said as his eyes lit up with a red glow.

Prime extends his arms like he was t-posing, then with enough force, he brought both of his arms together as his hand collided with each other causing a shockwave that went throughout the room. This knocks some villains on the ground while some of them still had their balance. They all look in Y/N's direction, agitated by his sudden action.

"What does this idiot want?" One of the villains asked.

"Call me an idiot one more time, I'll show you who'll be the idiot real soon." He puts his arms behind his back. "The floor is yours, whoever you are."

Y/N floats away while the crack in the dimension began to disappear and in its place was a shadowy silhouette of a person appears.

"Explain to us why you've brought here you ghostly fool!" One of the villains said.

"I've spent the last few centuries finding people who can aid me in my plan to once again be free from this accursed place." The figure spoke. "Some of you I manage to resurrect you at the time of your demise, some I've got you straight out of whatever confinement you were in. I have a business proposition, you help me escape from this prison, I'll give you what you truly desire. I can give you power, wealth, or whatever you truly want to gain."

Y/N began to think about this while the shadow figure spoke. "Hopefully it isn't lying."

"I brought some of the greatest villains of their respective universes, but if you choose to walk then go ahead. Return to your life, but the ones who I brought back from death will instantly go back to whatever afterlife you came from." The phantom gave them an ultimatum.

Prime just found a place to sit, he sat there listening to the phantom while the other villains were all busy focused on the phantom.

"I will return when you've made a decision, until then enjoy the food and drinks while you make up your minds." The phantom said while fading away.

Once the phantom faded away all the villains all went to their seats and began chatting while the anti-social villains all sat alone. Prime was one of the anti-social people there sitting alone, he began drinking a bit of beer that he grabbed from the bar.

"I'm here with all these scum and I'm supposed to be a hero, I must swallow my pride for now. These pieces of shit are my ticket to gaining what I truly want. But, weirdly, that thing could take a form." Y/N took one sip from the beer bottle until a villain that looked familiar sat down in front of him.

"You look like a certain blue boy scout!" The villain Parasite said.

"That's Prime you're talking to there!" Toyman said.

"Prime?!" Parasite backed off scared of Prime. "I didn't mean any trouble!" He ran away.

Some of the villains in the room noticed Prime sitting there by himself. Most of them didn't know him while some of the villains from the DC comic universe knew about Superboy-Prime. The villains that he knew about there were from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Marvel Comics, DC Comics, and many more universes.

The phantom reappears moments later acquiring the interest of the villains, the whole place got quiet once more. "Those who want to join me stand up from your seats, and those who want to head back to their measly lives stay seated."

Prime along with the villains who wished to join stood up while the ones who didn't trust the phantom stayed in their seats.

"That's all I needed to know." Unexpectedly the villains who were sitting all vanished in a blink of an eye. "Those of you who are still here, welcome to my alliance." He bursts out laughing maniacally.

"Now that we joined your alliance, phantom when am I going to kill Superman?!" Prime flew towards the phantom with tremendous speed.

"Patience Prime, you'll get your revenge first we are to assign squads. Since you got their attention for me you can be a squad leader."

"I don't want to lead a bunch of fools who will most likely betray me." Prime told the figure.

"Don't worry they won't, as long you don't betray me you'll be fine." The figure vanished.

Prime looks at the villains who were waiting for him to say something. "Attention! We were brought here for a reason, we all have been close to victory and have it stolen by us because of PIS. NO LONGER!!! I've taken on heroes from Earth and space, all at once. I ripped through some of them and have been imprisoned by the Green Lantern Corps, but I've found ways to get stronger!" Prime puts his hands behind his back. "We stand here as an alliance, we will take what is rightfully ours and no one will stand in our way of true victory! NO HERO WILL EVER STOP US THIS TIME OR EVER AGAIN, NOW WHO'S WITH ME?!"

Some villains cheered and some clapped Prime had a smile on his face seeing that he might get what he truly desires. This was the creation of a new alliance, an Ultimate Alliance.

To Be Continued...

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