Season 1 (EP1): Hate Crime Legislation is for Pussies

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We Open with a back window of a car rolling down to see Mikey

Mikey: Hey I'm Mikey Falcone son to the Legendary Jimmy Falcone you might know me as the man of business but now I'm Mikey MacDougal living like a idiot in Canada, see a while back The Gambini Crew ordered a hit on my Uncle Cheech he was blabbing about everything the hot tar pit thing The Kennedy thing The show hosts thing so Gambini wanted him dead during My dad's talk with the boss I was with Cheech when we were outside

We cut to Cheech and Mikey leaning outside of Don Gambini's building

Cheech: So Kid when are you going to learn how to shoot a gun?

Mikey: Sooner or later

Then a guy hits the ground which splatters blood everywhere

Mikey: Holy Sh#t!

Cheech: Marone! He's dead!

Back to Mikey in the car

Mikey: Don Gambini might have suffered but his cronies didn't they almost killed me so my father went to the Feds to make them help us out

Then we cut to Jimmy and Cookie inside a FBI building as they were talking to two FBI agents

FBI Agent White: Help us out Jimmy and we'll lock away your friends

FBI Agent Black: And we'll put you somewhere far they won't know where you are

FBI Agent White: It will be cold very cold

Jimmy: Excuse me but what's with saying cold?

FBI Agent Black: It's because we don't like you and the cold sucks

Jimmy; Fare enough

We then cut to Mikey as he was outside a house with all his family members

Mikey: And so that's what happened my father told the FBI they locked away Gambini's crew and now we're living in Regina, Saskatchewan oh and I haven't introduced my family you know my dad and mom Jimmy and Cookie, you know Uncle Cheech, here's Petey my big nerd brother

Petey: Hey!

Mikey: And there's Theresa and Gina they're great sisters to me even if sometimes they might hate me

Jimmy: But if you think you can kill a crime boss that you worked for

Jimmy/Mikey: Fugget About It!

Play Theme Song

We are then shown to Jimmy and Cookie in their car as Jimmy was driving

Jimmy: So Cookie? What do you think about Mikey?

Cookie: Well he's a great son glad that he's almost like someone that cares about us

Jimmy: Well great

The car then stops outside a school

Jimmy: Well there's our little angel

We then cut to see Theresa walking to the car as a couple boys were drooling before she enters the car

Theresa: Can you believe these guys stareing at me? Do they try to hit on me? No they don't I'm pretty I'm nice I'm many other things and they asked me something I'd do it

Cookie: You better be joking Theresa Maria Because God has given you something special- oh hey there's Mikey

Mikey walks out of the school as he was listening to music as he jumps into the car

Mikey: Hey Mom and Dad! I just had a awesome day today this school Is crazy!

Jimmy: Well I'm glad you're enjoying this school kid say where's your brother?

Mikey: He's over at the football field being bullied

Jimmy looks to see a couple of bullies talking to Petey

Gus: If I don't pass my English test I'm off the curling team so You're going to write it for me MacDougal

Petey: I'm sorry Gus but that's cheating

Gus punches Petey

Gus: How about now?

Petey: It's still cheating

Cut back to the car

Mikey: Those bullies are hurting my brother! I'm not standing around for that! Hey dad mind if I go teach those punks a lesson?

Jimmy: Go get them kid weapons are in the trunk

Mikey gets out of the car and opens the trunk as he grabs a baseball bat and walks over to where the bullies are until......

Strait McCool: *appears* I'm sorry Mikey but I can't let you do this it'll bring too much attention on your father

Mikey: Oh great McCool is here listen McCool I'd love to stay and chat but my brother is getting hurt

McCool: *grabs the baseball bat* Sorry Mikey but I got this

Mikey: *grabs the baseball bat* No I'm going to threaten those guys not hurt them Alright?

McCool: *sighs* Fine go ahead

Mikey continues walking until he approaches the bullies

Mikey: Gus...... how are you doing today?

Gus: Oh crap you again!

Mikey: That's right listen here Gus you try to beat my brother petey down cause he won't do your homework is not nice so don't do it again or else I'll cut off your tongue and mount it over my fireplace!!!!!!!!! So have fun with that!

Gus and the other bullies walk away in fear as Mikey helps Petey up

Mikey: You okay Petey?

Petey: Yeah I'm fine thanks Mike

Mikey: Hey no problem we got to look out for each other

McCool: I don't know how those kids were afraid but that was excellent perhaps I misjudged you Mikey MacDougal anyways For Canada and all of its wonderful locations!

McCool gets on his horse and does a Back to the future reference as he leaves

We cut to the home of the MacDougals as we see the family eating in their dining room

Jimmy: Nice Mikey almost sounded like me when you threatened those kids

Mikey: Thanks Dad it's the family business anyways Petey why don't you fight back against the bullies?

Petey: As Gandhi says violence is never the answer

Mikey: For F#ck Sake Petey Violence is always the answer

Petey: But it isn't for me

Theresa: I'm done! Can I go puke now?

Cookie: Where are your manners lady? You wait until the rest of us are done eating

Mikey: Mom be nice to Theresa she's my sister and she and I get along together along with me and Gina

Cookie: *sighs* Okay fine.

Theresa: Yay! Thanks Mikey! *hugs Mikey before leaving*

Cheech: *enters the room* Hey Everyone!

Mikey: Uncle Cheech! My Man!

Cheech and Mikey then fist bump followed by a handshake and finally another fist bump this time to the stomach which doesn't hurt them

Cheech: Oh it's good to see my little buddy Mikey grown how old is he?

Jimmy: He's 26

Cheech: Right I couldn't forget that *notices bruises on Petey's face* Jesus Christ What happened to Petey's face?

Jimmy: Petey is getting picked on at school luckily Mikey scared the sh#t out of them with his threatening words

Cheech: And that's why Petey needs to learn how to fight I learned Jimmy on how to fight so did Mikey *gets a idea* Hey Mikey I think you would be great teaching Petey on how to fight you can take him down to the gym tomorrow

Gina: Hey Mikey can I come along as well?

Mikey: I mean you could get yourself hurt but sure f#ck it

Cookie: Mikey just make sure Gina will be okay when she's with you

Mikey: Don't worry mom everything will be okay soon when Petey learns how to fight

We then later cut to Gina's room where she's drawing a picture of her family but most importantly she was writing flowers on Mikey's head since Gina thinks of Mikey as a Saint from Heaven that is until the door knocks and is opened by Mikey

Mikey: Hey Gina I just wanted to say you're welcome that I'm bringing you along with me to teach Petey on how to fight

Gina: *smiles* Well thank you Mikey you're the best brother I ever had

Gina hugs Mikey which causes Mikey to hug her back

Mikey: Okay it's bedtime kiddo tomorrow we'll see Petey learning how to fight in no time

Gina: Yeah! Still thank you and also one more thing if anyone f#cks with you you f#ck with them until they're dead

Mikey: Okay then....... *leaves Gina's room*

We then are shown to the Regina Gym where we see Jimmy, Cheech, Mikey, and Gina watching petey try to fight someone

Jimmy: Jesus! I'm wondering why he won't fight back

Cheech: Don't worry he's just warming up under all that tree hugging He'll be fine.

Mikey: Wait, Look!

Mikey points to A janitor who is cleaning the floor

Jimmy: That's Glen I don't know why he's here

Cheech: *pulls out a gun* Maybe we can threaten him

Mikey: No! No guns Cheech! Jesus Christ man!

The opponent that Petey was fighting then punches Petey into a wall

Jimmy: Petey you really suck at this

Petey: Yeah you wanted me to box in the first place

Mikey: No Petey it's about fighting each other

Opponent: Guess no one is going to be saving the whales, Who wants a Blubber Sandwich?

Petey: *glares at the Opponent* What did you say?

Opponent: You heard me

Petey then looks to Mikey who nods yes as Petey then f#cking kicks the opponent out of the building and into the skies!!

Cheech: Holy Damm! He's good!

Mikey: No That's his Trigger

Jimmy: The f#cks that supposed to mean?

Mikey: it means whenever you're triggered by someone who says something triggering

Gina: Well that's obvious

Mikey: Anyways I'm gonna go to sign Petey up for the next fight make sure he's taken care of and make sure he gets healed also

We then cut back to the house where we see Mikey drinking a soda

Theresa: Hey Mikey? Can I ask something?

Mikey: Sure what's up?

Theresa: I wanted to thank you yesterday for allowing me to go to the bathroom but anyways next topic there's this boy I like at school but dad doesn't want me to go out with him

Mikey: Hey cheer up love you might be pretty *to himself* considering how hot you are *normal* but you can still go talk to this boy you like what's his name?

Theresa: It's................. I can't tell you, I'll tell you later!

Theresa runs away as Mikey looks confused

Mikey: Sooner or Later I'll figure it out

Then a montage starts with Petey punching a punching bag slowly until Mikey shows a shirt with the note "Whales aren't cool!" By Gus which causes Petey to then grab the punching bag and throw it like a spear right into the atmosphere as Mikey and Petey high five before we cut to Petey running as he was listening to the music Mikey listens to every day before we then cut to Petey punching his opponent down to the ground which makes Mikey raise his arm in victory.

We then cut to the house where we see Mikey and Gina looking at newspaper

Gina: Hey Mikey I'm not sure how Petey will win against a tough guy like the one he'll be facing in the boxing match

Mikey: Well Petey can take that mothef#cker down

Then there was a knock at the door as Jimmy goes to open it and when he does he sees McCool

McCool: Jimmy I would like a word with Mikey if you please

Jimmy: Fine, Mikey! McCool has to talk to you!

Later outside

Mikey: Alright McCool what is it now?

McCool: Mikey your brother has to lose his next fight

Mikey: But why? Petey is a tough man now

McCool: That's the point Petey is fighting the top boy in all of boxing history if he wins its new his picture will be on the news your father's enemies will see it and find you to make matters worse gaining notoriety is a Drastic Violation of your Father's Witness Protection Program we'll be no longer authorized to keep your family safe

Mikey: McCool for one petey is a man now second he can take on this fighter like how you are with peaceful air and clean houses

McCool: For one Mikey during world War 2 Canada gained more land then the US, Italy, and the British SAS secondly the major metropolitan areas in Canada are polluted like the south of the US! Don't tell me on how i figured that out

Mikey: Well Petey can kick someone's ass

McCool: Look Mikey I know how you treat your family with respect but I want you to tell Petey he has to forfeit ill leave now and let your father know, Follow the rules, For Canada and Whatever she stands for!

McCool then leaves back to the future style

Mikey: This is so f#cked

Cheech: *walks outside and stands right next to Mikey* So what happened?

Mikey: Jesus! Oh it's you Cheech Jesus Christ you scared me, McCool told me to have Petey forfeit his next fight how do I tell my brother to stop doing the only thing he's good at?

Cheech: Well get him a couple of drinks and get him laid

Mikey then slaps Cheech in the face

Cheech: Ow!

Mikey: Don't say that!

We then cut to a taxi where we see Petey enter it

Mikey: Petey buddy you're starting to learn how to become a real man

Petey: Yeah but I'm a Grade A Student at boxing

Mikey: That's not what I mean But Brother you can't win tomorrow's fight

Petey: Why's that?

Mikey: McCool told Me that if you win your face will be on the news Our father's enemies will see it and find us so you can't win

Petey: Yeah but I can win this buddy we're like brothers

Mikey: Sorry Petey but I'm not letting you get pulverized into mince meat

Petey: *glares at Mikey* Driver, stop the car

The taxi stops as Petey gets out

Mikey: Petey what the hell are you doing?

Petey: I'm going to the gym to train I've sharpened my skills and I'm not letting anyone stop me!-

A truck then hits Petey which then scares Mikey

Mikey: Motherf#cker! He's dead from that I'm sure.

We then cut back to the home to see Petey cracking a egg over a glass of water before he drinks it only to then puke on the ground

Theresa: You always got to outdo me huh? You have the nerd the politically correct and the boxing thing all I got is puking and you had to take it away from me I hate you! *leaves*

We then see Mikey watching a show about boxing as he then see Petey's opponent from tomorrow as the big tough guy punching someone's head off

Mikey: Motherf#ck! That has to hurt

Cheech: Why so glum Mikey boy? Our problems are solved.

Mikey: What do you mean?

Cheech: I made our bet against Petey and it will be easy!

We then see a kiddie pool as we then see Mikey drowning Cheech only to have him come back up for air

Cheech: Mikey! I thought you said petey was going to forfeit!

Mikey: I meant that as a expression where did you get the money?

Cheech: I used the nest eggs

Mikey: You idiot!!! *starts drowning Cheech* that was my dad's money from the old life now Petey is going to die *stops drowning Cheech*

Cheech: Mikey as long as we don't have Petey pull the trigger we won't be broke

Mikey: That's my brother you're talking about!!! *starts drowning Cheech again*

Jimmy: *offscreen* Mikey! You want any pizza?

Mikey: Sure Dad! *stops drowning Cheech* Listen I'm gonna go have some dinner so finish the job

Cheech: You mean drowning myself? Why?

Mikey: You're the one who used all of my dad's money!

Cheech: Oh right....... wait what?

Mikey: Say What again! Say what again I dare you I double dog dare you motherf#cker say What one more God damm time!

Cheech: On second thought i heard what you said *proceeds to drown himself*

Mikey then heads inside the house

We then cut to a stadium where we see Mikey and Cheech

Mikey: I can't let petey do this he'll die for f#ck sake maybe right now what would Don Gambini do?

Cheech: He'd whack the kid whack the mountie and have a nice chianti with a hot shoe girl

Mikey: Motherf#cker you are right Cheech

Cookie: *Offscreen* where's Petey? I heard Gina say he was going to fight a tough guy. No way I'm not letting him die.

Mikey: Mom?! How the f#ck did you get here?

Then a door labeled "Petey MacDougal" then opens to show Petey in his boxing outfit

Petey: Et, Tu, Brute?

Mikey: He said Latin right?

Cookie: he did, Petey get your ass in the car we're going home

Petey: Sorry mom but I can do this with or without a trigger also I don't need your supports,

Petey then walks to the arena and enters it

Mikey: Oh sh#t here we go again,

Cheech: Is that a GTA San Andreas reference you made?

Mikey: Yep

Cheech: You got to be f#cking kidding me

We then cut to the arena where we see Petey and his opponent as they start fighting and Mikey was watching along with Cheech and Cookie

Mikey: Petey come on man you got this! Hit him with a right hook! Then hit him with a left hook!

Cheech: keep on fighting!

Petey then gets knocked down by his opponent

Mikey: Dammit! Mom I'm sorry that Petey is in there I should be in there not him I'm sorry

Cookie: It's okay Mikey you have us we won't leave you until the day we die

Mikey: *smiles before turning to Petey* Hate Crime Legislation is for Pussies!!

Petey hears Mikey say that as he then gets up and starts to barrage his opponent with punches

Petey then grabs his opponent and throws him towards the ground before he jumps into the air as multiple purple vines come out of his back before he then landed on the ground and kicks the opponent like a football out of the stadium

Referee: and the winner is Petey MacDougal!!!!!

Meanwhile we see McCool as he sighs before.......

Referee: Wait hold on I just heard the announcers think that Petey's special move has made him lost the winner is big stone Johnson!!!!!!!!

The crowd cheers as McCool smiles

McCool: And Justice is served! Or is it? Yeah it is.

We then cut back to the house

Mikey: Petey you might have lost but that special move was pretty f#cking amazing

Jimmy: Yeah how did you learn that?

Petey: I learned that from Waluigi when I was playing Mario Strikers Charged on the Wii

Mikey: Well life can be normal when you have a game console

Everyone starts laughing at Mikey's joke as we then see Waluigi in the sky as he was flying

Waluigi: Let this be a lesson to all kids who want to box, I'm out! T-Pose Time!

Waluigi then T-Pose spins and flies away as the screen cuts to black

The End.

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