CH 12

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Jungkook stood near the man who he had kicked him with his knee in the stomach as he had fainted to the ground on the grass that was near the borders. Fences were around everywhere of steel and metal that were made for any Sirdi to not cross it. It was afternoon right now with the sun not giving much of its rays to the earth.

"Surrender yourself!" A male voice yelled and he turned around as a bullet hit the side of his leg scratching it a little.

Jungkook grabbed his gun running fast to take a shelter and avoid the constant gunshots that were happening in the area and around him. The wound wasn't so important to him right now because of which he didn't focus on it.

"A Sirdi has crossed our borders! Let the commander know fast!" Another man yelled as several of them surrounded him.



I hid behind a couch with a gun in my hands as a gunshot hit it from behind a little. I filled my gun with bullets while covering myself as I had a scratch on my forehead and cheek with blood on it from so much fighting. I stood up suddenly shooting the man two times who had shot the couch as he fell to the ground with blood spilling from his abdomen.

"Where is the chip?" I approached him while playing with my gun and with a serious expression.

"I don't know." He replied in a breath and I pointed my gun at his leg shooting it as the bullet hit his limb and I crouched down to the ground with my hand hanging on my thigh. The man screamed in pain as he grabbed his leg.

"Now tell me." I arched my eyebrow with an amused smirk and enjoying this as I kept my palm under my chin and sang.

"I am waiting~"


Jungkook stood up with his hands high up gesturing that he was surrendering right now. All eyes were on him. All of the soldiers stood with their guns pointed at him in alert as a soldier signed another one to get him.

When the soldier was going to walk to Jungkook, Jungkook punched him from the side with his elbow as he grabbed his gun pinning his arm on the back, and knocked his knee from behind pointing the gun at his temple in a span of a second. He was completely trained. It's easy for him.

"What you do to me, I will do exactly the same to at least one of you."

All of them backed away in surprise as they knew what Jungkook was doing. Threatening them with a soldier in his hold. He was indirectly telling them he'll kill him if they don't move out of the way.

Jungkook nudged his chin with a serious expression gesturing one of the soldiers to get out of the way. He backed away, but from behind another one tried to shoot Jungkook without any instructions of the higher command.

"LUCAS, NOT NOW! IT'LL TRIGGER HIM!" A soldier shouted talking about Jungkook, knowing it'll really trigger him because he was a Sirdi. A person that he knew had gone through much just from living in that terrifying country.

Jungkook immediately took the man in front of him as the gunshots hit the man's body and he went away trying to take shelter for himself somewhere to avoid gunshots.

The man in his hold was dead. He didn't care though. The only purpose that he had right now was living. He wanted to live.

I want to live.

Jungkook released the man's clothes from his grip as he stood up and decided to run away because he didn't want to kill more people. It would be a crime in Molvania which he had done much in Erasird. He didn't know the ways of here but he still felt wrong because all of them were trying to kill him after he killed a man. They had become more alert.

"I have got him!" A man grabbed his shirt pulling it and Jungkook grabbed his wrist and used his leg to tackle his with it as the man's posture was disturbed and he pushed him from his back removing his grip from his shirt completely. The man fell to the ground, but it hit his head letting blood spill from it. The man looked at Jungkook raising his hand for help, but Jungkook backed away in fear. He tried to turn around and a bullet shot right through his stomach as he gripped it and still turned around running away as fast as he can.

I want to live......Why is my life so messed up? I didn't want to be like this.

His feet became faster and there were more men in his way as he removed his hand from his abdomen and a man pointed his gun at him, but Jungkook dodged it covering himself with his arm and kneeling a little bit to avoid the shot still dashing away.


"A Sirdi has crossed our borders!!" A man yelled in an area that was filled with computers and people working there in different places typing in their screens. A large screen in front of them showing the map of Molvania.

"What?" An old man approached him as he gestured him to move aside and that he'll check what's happening right now.

"It could be that he wanted to get out of that terrifying country and thought this one was better." The man mumbled and another one answered without any hesitation.

"Commander, he's dangerous and has already killed three soldiers to run away. He was successful in his attempt." The man said with as much professionalism as possible and a frown took over my father's face.

"Then do your best to find his whereabouts. And it should be as fast as it can." My father ordered with serious and daring eyes and everyone in the room yelled back seeing the opportunity they have for a promotion.

"Yes, we will do our best, commander!"


"Dad...." I entered my father's office as I had a chip in my hand which he had given me a mission for to bring it. My father sat on his chair near the desk where he was working.

I approached him as I kept the chip and the atmosphere turned awkward. I had burst out in front of him which was very wrong. I felt guilty because of it. My eyes were down as I decided to speak up.

"S-So, how are you doing?" I stuttered in my breath scratching the back of my head. My father took the chip and proudly smiled at me.

"Great, D4. Thank you for bringing me this chip." Oh yes. We're working acquaintances right now.

"You're welcome." I professionally bowed with a little smile on my lips and decided to walk away.

"Dae." My father silently called making me pause in my steps in the office.

"Yes?" I turned around with a smile and he gestured me with his fingers to approach his desk. I slowly walked and saw the files doubled on it which I hadn't focused on when I walked into this room. A dumbfounded expression crossed my face seeing so many files on the wooden desk. My father worked hard and I was proud of him.

"I have a task for you." My father took out a file as he kept it in front of me and continued.

"A Sirdi has crossed our borders." He looked up at me trying to read my expression as if he was hurting me in any way taking out the topic, but I had a serious expression on my face and a little frown which didn't in any way tell I was hurt. It is my job. I won't be hurt. He slowly opened the file after slightly nodding a little as he thought it was okay to give me this mission that he was going to talk about.

"Find him and kill him." I nodded without any hesitation about killing him as it was my duty. My eyes widened when I saw the picture which was in front of my eyes in the files. The face of a man which was drawn thickly with a graphite pencil and very much familiar to me. The face that I desperately wanted to see for months. The face of the man that I loved.

"His name is Jeon Jungkook. He is Erasird's leader's son. A runaway fugitive hiding in our country. A dangerous man who has killed five of our people to get out of the borders. Kill him the very moment he appears in front of your eyes."

My father saw my eyes as he sighed and continued messaging his chin a little.

"Dae, our government doesn't care if he's here to protect himself or to escape that brutal country. The people he killed were innocent. He has decided his fate. From now is your duty to search for him and kill him as fast as you can. The country's well-being depends on you because he's very vicious and murderous."

My father looked at my expression as he decided to close the file thinking I am not ready to do this.

The leader's son.....that meant...

A tear fell down my jaw. My eyes stung because I was trying to stop them from leaking out of my eyes. He was playing with me. He was deliberately sent by his father to keep an eye on me. If he didn't, then how can it be a coincidence? Jung hoon knew I entered his territory. I was a game to him all along.

"I want to be friends with you!"

The way he lied...he wanted to be friends? This was the friendship? The way he started to flirt suddenly.....The way he wore expensive clothes.....He did drugs....

"Take it slow? You had those plans from the beginning?"

Another tear fell down my jaw as I felt betrayed. No, it can't be. He was nice to me too. He took care of me. I shook my head at the negative thoughts. I had one thing roaming around in my brain....

Even if he did take care of me and was sweet towards me. Even if he didn't have those intentions. I had to kill him because it was my duty.

"It's ok if you don't want to-" My father's eyes turned worried as he took the files sliding them away but I stopped him grabbing his wrist.

"I will." I looked up into his eyes and a small frown took over his brows seeing my eyes were red and appeared painful.

"I will kill this man, dad. And that is as fast as I can. I will be the agent that Molvania needs right at this moment."


"Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!" A scream echoed in an old house which looked like it wasn't used for months. Grey and black walls were everywhere which were cracked and full of spiderwebs and dirt. The voice came from a room inside the house as the house had many of them.

Jungkook sat on a bed wrapping a bandage over his abdomen which was bloody because of being shot. He had brought the bandages and materials to take care of his wound secretly. The pharmacist died when he tried to get the bandages. He was trying to call the police after having doubts about Jungkook being a Sirdi. He had to kill him to save himself. He was used to it. Killing innocent people to save his life since he was bought up in an abusive atmosphere. He bit his lips taking it whole in his mouth and closing his eyes as he looked away. A bullet had pierced into his stomach while trying to get out of the borders. The soldiers weren't leaving him alone.

Jungkook fell to the bed after wrapping it whole. His forehead all sweaty as he was so tired. He turned around with blank eyes as his upper body was naked and he was wearing black ripped jeans. His bandage wrapped around but blood leaking from it because of not doing it correctly and because he was in so much pain.

"Dae...." He muttered as his eyes slowly started closing by time. The house empty and silent as it was only him alone for himself.



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