CH 18

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He sat playing with his pen on a chair as he kept his feet on the table in front of him. His office was wholly dark with no one around, and a window emanating moonlight. Little specks of dirt could be seen from the window's light and in the darkroom, he had a little lamp over, giving him a view of the files in front of him. He played with the files, not interested one bit with the information in it. Standing up he went somewhere to relax himself by a hot shower.

He threw all his clothing off when he was in his bedroom and walked to the expensive bathroom that belonged to the leader of the country he was staying in. Warm water droplets dripped down his skin while taking the shower, as he pushed his wet hair back and his biceps flexed because of the movement. He pulled a towel after the shower and put it on walking outside of the bathroom and using another towel to dry his wet hair. He took his lower clothing wearing it.

"L-Leader." A voice stuttered from behind the door knocking once, and Jin threw out a chuckle looking away. These Sirdis were actually scared of him, and he liked it. Jin approached the door opening it, just like that in his jeans and wet hair and the guy in front of him widened his eyes gasping ten times. Tears were on the verge of escaping his eyes being all cloudy.

"I-I am sorry, leader. F-for disturbing you." Jin sassily rolled his eyes walking away, and sitting on the bed, with crossed legs while having his hands on the side of him resting on the cushion. His face was relaxed as he looked down biting his lip a little.

"He ran away?" He looked up and Conan silently nodded with his gaze stuck to the ground. He cracked his head as he tilted it back.

"Announce to Erasird that I am their next leader and Jung Hoon's son," Jin muttered and Conan suddenly looked up at him with wide eyes as he couldn't believe the words that came out of Jin's mouth. He couldn't do it. Jungkook was his friend, best friend.

"Y-Yes?" Jin looked at him with an irritated gaze trying to calm himself down as he enunciated every little of his words.

"ANNOUNCE TO ERASIRD ABOUT ME TOMORROW." He stood up and walked away leaving Conan just like that.


"Jungkook..." I moaned as he kissed my neck on the bed while hovering over me. He had been discharged from the hospital, and he only wanted to do this. Have sex. Oh, for God's sake, can't he stop?

"Can we stop now?" I was having enough of it as he chuckled looking away, but his smile fell the very moment his eyes met me.

"NO." He pulled my shirt up, but my phone started ringing suddenly and he blew out a sigh.

"Let the phone be. Phone can wait, but I can't." He leaned in for another kiss with pouty lips, and I pushed his cheek away.

"I am an agent, sir." I sassily tried to get away, but he still had his arms around my waist teasing me in a way to not go.

"Release me, Jungkook." I chuckled and his mischievous smile widened.

"Nope." The rings turned more and I finally pushed him away using my strength.

"You being so strong is hot, baby!" His giggles echoed in the room as he kept his elbow leaning on it with his fist under his head and looked at me going away.

I chuckled and took my phone as I answered the call and kept it near my ear.

"Dae, the world's fucked up. You gotta ready yourself for an extremely terrifying news." Taehyung said as he continued, "Your dad would've told you this, but he's busy in getting this problem to an end, which he freaking can't. I have been trying to tell him, but he doesn't listen to me."

"What happened?" My brows turned knitted and I just stood there and Jungkook observed me not being able to hear anything.

"Kim Seokjin has turned out to be the leader. And it was announced today." He said those words in one breath and I silently asked back in surprise.



"Yeah, this is the Jeon Seokjin we love." A middle-aged man looked at Jin who was shooting the birds in the sky with his riffle and earplugs in his ears. Jin grimaced when the stupid man called him a Jeon. His grimace was hidden because of him wearing glasses.

He kept his rifle on a table near him as he took out his glasses turning his gaze in his direction.

"Mister Jung, I have many times told you that I have changed my name to Kim because I don't like my father." Jin stiffly and in a fake way smiled as he turned back taking his rifle and walking away to the jungle to hunt more animals.

The man narrowed his eyes while observing him.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. You don't even look alike a little to be his son, and you tell me he was your father." He scoffs looking away.


"How can this be, dad?" I stood in front of my father with Jungkook who was behind me looking away, as he couldn't talk to him face to face. With my father, exactly. The last time he yelled had turned into a trauma and was still in his heart.

My father glanced at Jungkook once and then looked back at me.

"I don't even know, my daughter. The man pretended like he was one of us. When he looked like a Sirdi, I had thought he was from the people who had migrated from Erasird to here, before the rule of Jung Hoon. There were many people who migrated to these two nations trying to find the one which was more stable and wanted to live in a safe one. It was like a prediction that they had to do to live. But...." My father paused scratching the nape of his neck.

"This country is fucked up. Now that an agent turns out to be the leader. This was so unexpected. He knows how Molvania works and even its little secrets. I think that was the reason he was here, to know about us and be safe since we're the most advanced in the world." My father exhaled a sigh and Jungkook spoke up.

"We can still take him down." His gaze turned me and I looked at him with my brows furrowed.

"How?" I confusedly asked and he sadly smiled turning to my dad.

"If I tell the world about my existence." My eyes widened and my father frowned at him with me.

"What are you even talking about? You didn't want to reveal yourself, right?" My dad asked and I nodded.

"Thank you for helping me, Dae.....and..." Jungkook turned to my father as he looked at him.

"Dae's father. I will go back to Erasird. Because of me coming here, this country is in danger. I am really sorry for that."


Jin roamed around the forest while looking around for a prey that he could hunt today. Footsteps echoed behind him, and in a matter of seconds, he turned around pointing the gun at the person.

"It's me, leader. It's me." The old man raised his hands surrendering with a smile, and Jin breathed out a sigh trying to turn around.

Suddenly, a gunshot hit his arm as he looked in the direction. Screams and groans escaped his plump lips in pain. A man in all black clothes stood far away with his gun pointed at him.

Jin fell to his knees and turned to the old man that worked in his organization glaring at him as he understood it was his work.

"Are you all alright, my leader?" He mockingly asked in the middle of the forest, and Jin glared at him more as he immediately stood up grabbing the man's neck and then pushing him to the ground, so he can fall as he pulled his arms behind his back pointing the gun at his head.

"Gesture him to go away, or you're fucking dead," Jin warned sitting on top of his back. Even if it pained, he was once an agent. He can go through it all. He went through the worst in Molvania trying to make himself a fighter that can't be killed.

The man signed him as he went away and he started blabbering with his eyebrows raised up, and in Jin's grip.

"It was a joke, leader. I was just playing around." He turned his head with a wide smile trying to convince him, and Jin scoffed looking away.

"You seriously think I will believe you?" He pointed his gun to the man's head, and a gunshot echoed in the whole forest as the birds flew and crows cawed.

"I will make an excuse that you died by some bunch of assassins. The wound you've given me will be a much more proof for that. Rest in motherfucking pieces, Dong-Hyun."


"Jungkook, shoot!" My father yelled and Jungkook did a flip to the ground with his gun in his hands as he pointed the gun at a cardboard piece and shot it in the middle.

"Nah. You're slow." My father shook his head in denial with his gaze down and Jungkook breathed out a sigh.

"You gotta practice more so that you can kill anyone you can in Erasird. You gotta become a weapon for us." My dad looked around trying to find something. We're in the agency's room where all people learn how to fight, and never give up in their attempts. This room was like an auditorium, wide and filled with fighting equipments.

I stood far away with my arms crossed and sipped juice from its straw as I was observing them with squinted eyes.

Father yelled at him just a week ago, and now he's behaving like he's his friend.

I squinted my eyes more in a glaring way until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I instantly grabbed the hand flipping the person, and pinning their arm behind their back.

"It's me. It's me. Taehyung. Kim Taehyung. Your friend. Mercy!" Taehyung shouted and everyone's attention went to him.

I rolled my eyes releasing his arms as grabbed my drink again that I had kept on a table in the matter of a second.

"You're so focused on them, and glaring at them with a terrifying gaze, so I decided to scare you." Taehyung pushed his hand up and down trying to lessen the pain that I gave him.

"Taehyung, come here. I will make you learn too. Be his partner!" My father yelled gesturing him to go there, and Jungkook looked at us with doe eyes, as I smirked at him unconsciously. He immediately looked away blushing and running his hand through his face.


Taehyung looked at me for help, since he didn't want to learn from my father the ways. My father was too strict and Jungkook was a scary opponent.

I ignored him nonchalantly walking away still sipping the drink.




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