CH 22

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[ A/N: I had a writer's block from here and I still tried to write. So if something looks out of place, I am sorry for that. It is unintentional. I always give these types of warnings if something like this happens. so you all won't feel like your time was wasted or something. ]

[ start the music when I tell you too. not now. And vote! ]


"Anti-social personality disorder. It can't be cured...." Jin's brows crashed together as he clenched his hand feeling indignation towards himself. He closed his eyes taking deep breaths trying not to kill someone because he wanted to, at the moment. He used to take pills for his aggressiveness in Molvania. But now, he felt like his anger will burst out. He felt blood rush through his veins and irritation in every part of his body.

"There are two reasons for this disorder. You're born like this, or your environment was the wrong one in your childhood. We studied about this, Jin!" I yelled turning towards him. If he knew what he had then why didn't he tell anyone or try to get even a little of his treatment? Treatment can be kept aside, but he could've still controlled his anger by taking pills. He was in the wrong. His emotions could've been controlled if he tried.

"SHUT UP." He marched towards me grabbing my neck and squeezing it as he lifted me just like that, to kill me. I groaned and shook my legs around staring at him in pain and grabbing his wrist trying to move his hand away.

"YOU'RE NO ONE TO GIVE ME ANY INSTRUCTIONS ON LIFE!!!" Jin's eyes were red from anger as he tried loosening his grip slowly. But the very moment, he was samurai kicked in the face by someone as he fell to the ground. I gasped with my hand over my mouth after witnessing that.

"DAE, RUN!!" Taehyung yelled and I looked at him in surprise as he shoved me towards the door.

"HOW DID YOU-" I tried to speak. How was he even here? He ran away? Did he use the tricks that he learned in Molvania, so he can run from a prison? He could've. He should've waited for me to come back. Why did he do this?

"THE PRISONER HAS RAN AWAY!!! SEARCH FOR HIM!!!" Voices of several men echoed in the mansion as Taehyung pushed me towards the door.

"Run, please run!" He was crying. Tears suddenly rushed down his cheeks as he pressed his lips together knowing what would happen if he stayed here. He will die....

"NO! I WON'T!" I swiveled towards Jin going to beat him up. Jin was looking at us and observing us as he tilted his head like he was enjoying whatever occurred in front of his eyes.

"DAE!!!!! PLEASE!!!" Taehyung propelled me more and I looked at him in a contemplating way.

"GO AND SAVE JUNGKOOK! WE CAN'T DO THIS IF YOU DON'T! HE'LL DIE!" I bit my lip as I turned to look at Jin, who watched me laying on the ground like he was comfortable there.

"Two can save Jungkook. This isn't a dramatic movie where K.I.A ( killed in action ) happens. So, shut the fuck up. And I will kill this 'bastard' with my own hands." I strode towards Jin and kept my foot on his abdomen crushing it. He didn't yell but pressed his lips together looking away in suffering. If he thought we couldn't do anything much, then he was so wrong....

I sat down to close his mouth then keep him in control though he had already grabbed my wrist, I pressed my lips together gritting my mouth and taking my hand out of his with all my strength, turning him around and gesturing Taehyung to sit on him, so Jin can't fight me by the weight. Taehyung was utterly confused at first, but when he understood, he plopped down without a second thought on Jin's legs from behind and grabbed them.

He struggled cause he couldn't fight us two. He could be how much stronger he is, but not more than two agents of Molvania together.

"Ahhhh, you're smart." Taehyung formed a fist and moved it towards me for a fist bump. I did it and giggled a little. Even if we're near death, this was thrilling. Especially having Erasird's leader under you struggling to get out.

"Dae, give up on Jungkook and marry me." He joked as he sat on Jin's legs crushing them and taking his revenge out on him.

"Never. I won't give up on my man." I humorously glared at him and he chuckled diverting his gaze. A knock interrupted us as we moved our heads to the main door.

"Leader, the prisoner has ran away! What do we do now? Can we enter the room? The prisoner isn't anywhere in the mansion. He could've entered yours. We presume you aren't safe." Taehyung started checking Jin's pockets for a weapon but frowned when he found nothing. His eyes lit up when his hands caught a gun.

He threw it to me and I caught it as I flicked the hammer and pointed the apex on Jin's temple. I crushed his cheeks with the other hand waiting for him to talk and tell them to go. I was still in chains, but the chains weren't so tight or small that I can't fight with them on. I can't run and kick him in the face or punch him, but I can still do this.

Jin looked at me as I pressed the gun more.

"S-SAFE! I AM SAFE! GO AWAY!" He yelled and I bopped my head towards Taehyung as the footsteps started lessening.

I threw the gun to Taehyung in a matter of milliseconds, he smacked it on Jin's head. He knew what was the right point to make a person faint. He had experienced after doing tons of missions. And learning about it.

He stood up and gestured me to go with him. I paused as I looked at the chains. I can't accompany him....not with these on. We both will get caught.

"You go alone..." I muttered and he sighed with his hands on his face as he took his gun out and shot both of my chains wearing a blank expression. I looked at him in shock as he then grabbed my wrist.

"Let's go. They'll be here soon." He was talking about the guards. They would be. After hearing the gunshots, the whole mansion would be on alert now. I nodded as I turned to glare at Jin who was laying on the ground and then whirled my head towards Taehyung dashing with him to the window.

"We can do this, Dae. We can save Jungkook and our nations." I smiled when he said 'our nations'. Of course, Erasird would be in our hearts now. After all, we're doing so much for it.

Taehyung passed me his hand so that I can grab it and I gave my hand to him as he climbed down the window and I did the same.

"God, I didn't think I will have to ever do this in my life. Even visit Erasird." Taehyung muttered climbing down with me and I nodded at him when I realized we were near the ground. I jumped with him to reach it and we both looked at each other one last time and knew what we had to do. Get separated..

We both turned around and ran in different directions. This would be a good trap for the guards since they'll think I am with Taehyung and Taehyung is with me when it is the opposite. It'll be hard to find us both at the same time because of this. We both can try to find Jungkook. Whoever finds Jungkook first will have eighty percent of being safe while the other one will have the probability of getting caught and dying by the guards.

I have to find him.


I punched a guy in the face as I used my elbow to strike him in the neck. He screamed in pain and fell to the ground. I kicked him again and again as I crouched down slapping his cheek and checking if he's awake.

"Hey!" No answer. I stood up seeing a bunch of men running towards me. I was behind the mansion in the garden. I don't even know how I came up to here, trying to find Jungkook. I couldn't. It was so hard to find him.

I turned and sprinted trying to avoid the guards. Taking a turn around the mansion, I ran more as I found a window closed there. I took a rock hastily slamming it towards the window again and again to break it.

It suddenly broke and I climbed into it as I was finally in the mansion and in its corridors. I ran and ran as I turned one last time to look at the ample amount of guards after me.

Dae, you can do this. You can. You don't have to give up. I know it's hard. But no. You're Dae. You're your father's daughter. The nation's top agent. You can do this. Taehyung will be safe. Jungkook will be safe....and...and...we can all go back to Molvania together and live lives like nothing misfortune ever happened to us.

I tried to reassure myself as I turned the ways and ran into the mansion's corridors. I turned one more time to distract the guards and make them think that I went in a different direction. I breathed in and breathed out leaning towards the wall seeing now there was no one.

You can do this, Dae.


[ A/N: start the song now! ]

I had worn the worker's clothes as I walked around the mansion hiding my face in a cloth. I was in the corridors and had just made a woman faint. I am sorry to her, however, it was my last resort. After seeing a large door, I paused as I stood there staring at it.

Oh god, let this be it. Please. Please. I beg you. He couldn't have been in the prison because I was there and I saw all the people there when I was going to get out at Jin's orders. So this could be it. Please...I wish.

I grabbed the doorknob and slowly opened it.

My eyes widened and fear penetrated my body as I felt my heart thump in my chest after seeing the sight before me.

Jungkook hanging on ropes and without his shirt as he was all beaten up and blood dripping down his lips. He had his jeans all dirtied and ripped. His skin was covered in dirt as he had marks of being thrashed by a rope on his skin. He was treated worse than an animal. The scene in front of me said everything. I couldn't breathe. My hands shook. He didn't even look alive from the way his head was hanging near his shoulder. He was covered in his own blood.

When I got to my senses, I hurriedly closed the door behind me and ran to him as I rapidly took out all the ropes and tried to take his weight by carrying his legs which was so hard. He fell to the ground because I seriously couldn't do that.

I crouched down and slapped his cheek again and again.

"Jungkook! Hey!" I stood up and grabbed a jug of water that was on a table as I dipped my fingers in it and started sprinkling it on his face.

I kept my fingers on his pulse to the side of his Adam's apple. It was beating. His carotid artery was beating. I took deep breathes in relief as I fell to the ground.

I didn't have time. I took the whole jug splashing the water to his face.

He groaned as he clenched his eyelids together with his arm over his face. Slowly unlatching his eyes, he looked around as he leisurely sat up.

"Dae..." He muttered staring at me and I stood up pulling his arm as his gaze followed me.

"Let's go. I don't have time much time. We'll get caught if we don't go fast." I demanded and his brows crashed together.

"I can't do this, Dae. I can't. It's so hard. Every time I try, it's a fail." Jungkook looked down as a tear slipped down his cheek.

"Why did it have to happen with me?" I crouched back down.

"I don't exactly know what you're going through because I haven't felt it, but I have an ample amount of feeling of how it would be. I know it's hard, but...." I grabbed his cheeks making him look up to me.

"For now...just for now. Be strong. For me and Taehyung." I knew if I said for him too, it would be no use. Because from the days I have lived with him, I have got to know he didn't think of himself as special in any way.

"He's fighting for you outside..." I slapped my palm on his chest as I grabbed his hand. "Now you have to fight for him."

He looked down as he took deep breaths.

"We are with you. I didn't think I would be able to save you, however, here I am, Jungkook. Your thoughts and your actions will decide your destiny. Never give up. Don't. Let's go." I reassuringly said standing up and holding out my hand to him as I swiveled towards him.

Tears clouded my eyes when he looked up with his doe eyes and his body covered in scars.

"We have to get married right?" I was on the verge of breaking down. I tried to keep it all in as I pressed my lips together.

His gaze averted to my hand that I had held out as he slowly moved his hand in mine and took it in his grasp, standing up while gazing at me and knowing how I had the tears in my eyes, having his hand still in mine as he intertwined his fingers. My voice cracked as I spoke up...

"We must do this. For our countries and ourselves."


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