CH 9

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I love you...

Was it so easy for him? Was it so easy telling me that, when I am going to leave? It's becoming hard for me every day as I am with him, and he tells me his feelings. Why is it so easy for him to tell me that? Why?

It looked like Jungkook didn't want to acknowledge the fact that he helped me for some reason. I knew he was the one who did help me, cause if he didn't, then why didn't he ask me about my leg when I was leaning against the wall as I walked. He knew since he was the one.

I kept my hand on the window's glass while gazing outside with empty eyes at the people walking around on the crowded streets.

"I brought new Sirdi clothes for you." Jungkook entered the room with a content smile as he kept a bag on the bed. He was taking care of me for the past few days. He wasn't ready to go back unless I am alright. I didn't tell him about my leg. He was bizarre, but for some reason, I still trusted him. There was a trust in my heart for him, that I didn't know why.

"These are so pretty. I chose them with my own hands." He took all of them out keeping them on the bed and exclaimed, "Tada!"

I approached the bed and I leisurely sat on it with a blank expression.

I can't wear them, because....I have to go back.

"You don't like them?" He asked as he sat beside me with worried eyes and took a lock of my hair playing with it.

"Pretty. They're pretty." I looked up at him tilting my head in his caress and closing my eyes as he looked down at me.

The close distance slowly pulled us more together as his breath started hitting my face. Jungkook hesitated for a few moments as he decided to back away after, but was stopped when I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me.

"Do it already." I said and a hint of surprise was seen in his eyes as he slowly moved closer.

"You can't back away after." Jungkook murmured near my lips and I nodded as he slowly took my lower lip in his. His gaze locked with mine while having the intense kiss. I took his piercing in my teeth as I love it on his handsome face. His lips curved up in a smirk after seeing me nibbling on it. He pushed me on the bed as he hovered over and kissed me.

"Kissing you feels great, sweetheart."


Jungkook cuddled me on the bed as he had his chin on my chest while looking up at me with doe eyes. A few days had passed by after the kiss.

"What?" I asked in bewilderment.

"I have so many dreams with you." He muttered low and a small frown crashed on my brows.

"Hm?" I hummed waiting for him to say it.

"I want to run away with you to Molvania." He replied in a soft tone as his doe eyes gazed at me.

"Molvania?" I asked with a confused frown and he nodded.

"I got the hint that you're from there. You're someone from there from the way we had our second conversation and I had doubts, but I seriously think you're a Molvanian."

"Hmm." I hummed back not hiding it now. He doesn't know it in detail, right? That's okay, then.

"I want to get married with you there, have kids, and-" A chuckle left my mouth as I kept my hand against it and laughter grew in the air. He's a Sirdi, so he's overthinking. I can understand him. Sirdis think about marriage first before dating.

Jungkook squinted his eyes and threw out a small pout as he rolled back to the other end of the bed taking my duvet with him and hiding himself in it.

"What?" I asked with an amused smile while seeing a bundle of blanket on my bed.

"I won't tell you the rest. You laugh at me. I hate you!" Jungkook yelled in the blanket and I really started laughing, punching my hand on the bed.

"Ok. Ok. I won't." I said and he peeked from the blanket while trying to read my expression and guess if there's a lie in it.

"I won't trust you. You're a liar." He replied and hid again.

"What are you? A bunny?" I slowly approached him without making any noise as he didn't answer me, and slowly moved my hand to his bum as I used all my strength to slap it.

"What the fuck?" He removed the blanket throwing it somewhere, and a laugh escaped my mouth as I fell to the bed while laughing loudly.

"Fuck this. You're getting spanked too." He stood on his knees and pulled his sleeves up as he approached me and I tried to move away from him while laughing which made me fall from the bed.

"Holy shi-! Are you alright?" He hurriedly peeked and I looked up at him with a straight face while massaging my head feeling agony.

Jungkook climbed down and started massaging my head while looking at me with a frown, "You gotta take care of yourself." I slowly nodded relaxing in his head massage.

"My massage ain't free." He gave me a weird gaze making me raise my brows high up.

"Gimme ten thousand sird." Jungkook opened his hand wide with a mischievous smile.

"Can I change the deal, sir? I can give you slaps instead." I rolled my eyes and he replied back with a smirk.

"On the ass? I am up for it." He joked and I pushed him away standing up and climbing back on the bed.

"I am sorry." I apologized with a smile and he laid back pulling me to him and I fell on his chest as he hugged me wearing a happy smile.

"Make me sad or depressed or angry however you want. I will take it all, but...don't, ever leave me."

"Why do you do drugs, Jungkook?" I looked up at him as he stared at the ceiling while caressing my head.

"Just. I just do them."



Jungkook stood while looking at the gun in his hands near my closet. His eyes were blank as he observed it thoroughly.

"Jungkook?! Food is ready!" Dae yelled as he kept it immediately right where it was and ran down without letting anyone know what he was doing.

"What delicious thing is it today?" He asked as he was behind Dae and kept his chin on her shoulder.

"Take this!" Dae made her hands in the form of a gun pointing towards the plates as he started laughing.



Jungkook was literally living in my house nowadays. We're having so much fun together, like doing exercises, playing games, making food together, but I also had many doubts about him, and oh yeah. The man in my basement was dead. May he do not rest in peace. I had secretly buried his body.

Jungkook was going to go to his house as he went outside the door, but I ran after him as I saw he left his wallet on the coffee table.

"Jungkook?!" I yelled and he turned around near his bike as it was night right now. No soul around us, and people were sleeping inside their houses.

"Yeah?" He asked with a small smile and I grabbed his hand dumping the wallet in it with a straight face and got ready to turn around and run into my house, but the gaze he gave me stopped me in my tracks.

"You forgot this." I said weirdly pointing at the wallet trying to figure out what to say with a confused expression and he rolled his eyes.

"What?" I asked as a frown took over me.

"I was excited for two minutes there, thinking I would get a goodnight kiss." Jungkook grabbed my wrist pulling me to him and my mind got blank. I gazed into his eyes as he carried me with one arm. My hands rest on his shoulders as I looked at him with surprise written on my face.

He made me sit on his bike as he grabbed my legs spreading them and smashed his lips on mine. It happened so fast that I paused, though he still moved his lips as I wrapped my arms around his neck and continued kissing him in the dark night as it was just the two of us, with our minds filled with each other.


I stood with the suitcase in my hand as I looked back at Jungkook who was sleeping peacefully on my bed while cuddling a pillow.

I have to go back to Molvania as fast as I can. I can't save the people in Jung Hoon's hold because going to Molvania is more important right now. Just because in this childish love, I can't give up on my country. I have to tell my dad and the leader what's exactly happening. The suspicion of Jung Hoon that there's a Molvanian soldier in this country would've been confirmed after what happened that night. That means if I don't go fast, I'll be caught, and it'll be rather hard for my country.

I took the suitcase as I slowly closed the door behind and went out going to the port. I had been told that I should go to the port and meet the man again if I want to go back.

I silently walked on the empty roads with void eyes. A tear fell down my cheek as I wiped it away with my palm. I shouldn't be vulnerable. That man even looks dangerous from the way he does drugs, and his father being someone working for Jung hoon. It'll be harder for me if the news goes out there. I didn't do anything wrong, right? We just kissed and nothing more than that happened, so it shouldn't be a big deal.

I saw the ship resting against the darkening skies. The ship had time to take off. I knew the exact time which was told to me and made me memorize.

I walked to the ship slowly accompanied by my suitcase which made creaking noises because of the ground. I was so in thought I couldn't hear my surroundings. Suddenly, my arm was grabbed by someone as the person turned me around.

Jungkook looked at me with a small frown on his face as he cupped my cheeks.

"Where are you going? Molvania?"

"You followed me here?" I asked as I raised my brows high up creasing my forehead.

"That doesn't matter right now. You behaved like you wouldn't leave me, so WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING?!" He suddenly yelled making me flinch as he then sighed with his hand on his face. I was confused too. I gave in to him when I didn't want to. It could be that I wanted to spend the last moments I have in Erasird with him happily without any problems.

"Listen, I know I am not perfect like other men. I have my flaws, and you promised me you won't leave me, so why are you?"

"I am sorry." I could only stutter these words out as his frown deepened.

"What are you even sorry for?" Jungkook paused as he pulled me towards him, "For leaving me? Are you really going to leave me?"

"Yes." I lowly said under my breath as I couldn't look up at him in the eye the whole time.

"And it's so easy for you to say that?" A tear fell down Jungkook's cheek as he backed away releasing my arm.

"I am sorry."

"Stop fucking saying a sorry to me again and again!!" Jungkook yelled not caring about the people around, which caused the man who owns the ship to walk out in surprise and check what's happening.

"I must go back." I murmured....or thousands of lives will be in danger.

"And you didn't think about me twice? Just because it's your duty." Jungkook gave a mocking chuckle striding towards me and grabbed my arm harshly, "I would've fucking chose you over my duty."

He walked away as I stood there with my eyes glued to the ground.

"Jungkook..." I muttered as this man was the one who took my heart for the first time and turned out to be a Sirdi. I wouldn't have even in my dreams thought a Sirdi man would've this effect on me.

He stopped in his tracks at my silent call while looking down and I slowly approached him as I turned him around. He didn't look up at me or in my eyes as I got on my tiptoes and grabbed his cheeks giving him a short kiss.

"I know I don't deserve any kind of forgiveness, but just know, I love you too." I confessed for the first time as I was going to walk away, but he grabbed my arm and wrapped his hands around my waist, grabbing the back of my neck and pulling me in a passionate kiss. A tear fell on my cheek as it was his. More tears fell as I could taste them in the intense kiss.

"Go with me to Molvania." I muttered in the kiss. He shook his head as he answered back, "I can't."

"Why?" I asked looking up at him as he cupped my cheeks.

"A war will take place." I frowned at that as I opened my mouth to speak, but Jungkook intertwined his left hand with mine as he pulled it towards him and kissed the back of my hand while gazing into my eyes.

He said his last words and backed away while breathing in, as he finally walked away going to his bike that was near the wall behind far away. He grabbed his helmet, wore it, and sat on the bike, not even sparing me a last glance, before he kicked off then drove away.

"I don't think he's a normal guy." The ship's owner muttered with a frown on his face making me turn around while wiping my cheeks with the back of my hands.

"Normal guy?"

"A Sirdi man can't have a leather jacket even if he dies for it. Let's keep the leather jacket aside. How does he even have a fucking bike?"


[ A/N: happy new year to my precious and lovely readers! I hope your year goes wonderful. ]

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