Chapter eleven

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Walker wasn't exactly pleased with being tasked to spy on a friend. No scarth that he wasn't okay with spying on someone he saw as family. It made him feel physically sick especially when he would arrive to see her and she gave him a look of complete trust. Which he didn't deserve, not in his mind anyway. He kept telling himself he was doing this to prove she was innocent and if things got wild, he would tell her she would never have to see him again. But at least then he would know she wasn't stuck in a cage like an animal.
"Walker everything alright?" Felicia asked him.

He had arrived to see her early this morning, and while she loved that something was clearly eating at him. She could see it in his face, and she was worried.
"Sorry just a little jumpy," Walker  responded. "Avis has been quiet."
"Yeah I'm worried about that as well," Felicia answered. "Normally he loves boasting about his victories, he must be planning something big," she continued. "I wanted to tell you something." Felicia felt it was best to bring up what happened yesterday with Liam and his kids instead of later. It probably wouldn't end well but she could handle him being angry at her for awhile, not talking about it would cause problems later on.

"You can talk to me about anything kiddo." Walker told her.
"You know I am not a kid anymore," Felicia reminded him even though she was smiling. Walker said that was debatable since he still considering her a kid. "I saw Liam yesterday he told me about what happened with the drive," she explained. "So I'm having Jake look through it, he can hack anything."
"Can you trust him?" Walker asked.
"He's a little off but he's never given me a reason not to." Felicia responded.
"Mommy." Asher said appearing from the back room and giving her a hug.
Aww hey sweetie what are up to? Felicia sighed as she hugged him back.
"Sleepy," he answered and waved at Walker. "Hello."

Walker smiled and waved back, since Asher wouldn't be able to hear him if he said anything.
"Aww look at my two favorite guys," Felicia said. "I think he would have fun with Stella and August." She wanted her son to have more people to play besides herself, but she had to make sure that was alright with Walker. Get ready for breakfast okay, I'll be there soon. Felicia signed, Asher nodded and ran back to sit at one of the tables holding the black horse.
"Hey is that?" Walker asked recognizing the stuffed animal.
"Yep that's Blacky but I call her Emily now, Asher has declared it as his now," Felicia responded. "I've had to ask Jessy and Cleo to sew her up a few times," she continued. "But that's not what I wanted to tell you."

"I already know you saw and talked with my kids," Walker responded as if he was reading her mind. "Stella told me all about the strange girl Ashyla who beat August in pool."
"Yeah that was fun, I've missed them a lot but I can't use my real name in public it gives away my secret identity." Felicia responded.
"You don't need a secret identity kiddo you can just be yourself." Walker said. It was the truth he wished she would accept, she didn't need to act like Cat woman to have a place in the world.
"But what if people don't like me for who I am?" Felicia asked.

"Who cares what they think," Walker answered. "What matters is how you see yourself." Felicia had never heard advice like that before and with words like that, she didn't need to ask him about what Liam told her. Because she already knew that he had considering taking her in since he kept treating her like a kid.  "I never really was a kid," she admitted. "Apart from when your family came to see me," there was a moment of silence before she asked her next question. It was definitely not one Walker was expecting her to ask. "Why did you save me that night?"
"What?" Walker asked not understanding what she meant.
"The night of the fire," Felicia answered. "My mother was dead and I was alone, why did you do it?"
"Felicia it was my job..." He began but she cut him off.

"No I mean when you did you choose to save me?" Felicia asked. "I mean no hate towards your other rangers but I don't think they would have chosen to save me after that," she continued. "You came to see me and kept coming back, but never said why."
When did she become this smart? Oh yeah in the past ten years. He thought to himself, he never questioned his actions back then because she was a child that needed saving. And he had children, but she was a woman now and she was asking him the cryptic question of why. Maybe it was because of what happened before he even became a ranger, an old wound he never talked about.  The memory for him was still painful and he didn't want to think about the child he never got to know.

"If you what my honest answer back then I thought I was just doing my job," Walker finally said. "But now looking back I just couldn't relieve that pain again."
"What pain?" Felicia asked. "You didn't know then, I was a stranger to you." She thought he meant that he couldn't relive what happened with Emily. But Emily was still alive then so she didn't understand the pain he was referring to.
"Can you keep a secret?" Walker asked. Felicia nodded, whatever he was going to say she wouldn't repeat it. Walker sighed heavily not sure if he could even talk about the memory. "When I was seventeen and dating Emily something happened."

"Oh no did you break up?" Felicia asked.
"No little one it wasn't anything like that," Walker responded. "I was a kid back then and I was wild so we messed around a lot," he continued. "I guess I'll stop beating around the bush she got pregnant." Felicia's jaw dropped and thought that he must be pranking her. But given the fact that he was close to tears and his eyes were red, she believed him.
"But Stella..." Felicia trailed off. She ate her own words and stopped herself, Stella would have been her age or older if that had been her. Which meant that he had a child before Stella, but what happened? Was their a miscarriage? Did his family know it happened?

She had so many questions and couldn't bring herself to ask them all at once in fear of hurting his feelings.
"Stella and August both know, I just don't talk about it," Walker answered. "She died after she was born I never even got to hold her," he continued. Felicia felt herself tear up because she couldn't imagine being in that situation. "I couldn't save her so I couldn't repeat the same mistake and let another child die."
"But it couldn't have been your fault." Felicia said trying to make him feel better.
"I was her father and I didn't notice that she was sick, if I had maybe she would be here," Walker responded holding back tears. "She would be your age Felicia."

She couldn't take it anymore she cried after hearing that and gave him a hug, it was just too heartbreaking for her to handle. And she couldn't let him go through this alone, she loved Asher with all her heart but felt no attachment to his father or even her own father. Her only love besides for her son and Jessy was for the first man who ever showed her kindness.
"I'm so sorry Cordell, I shouldn't have asked I didn't know," Felicia cried. She felt horrible for making him relive all that pain all because she was curious and wished she could take back everything she said. "I'm such a bad friend."

"No don't say that," Walker told her. It was after hearing this that he knew he didn't need to spy on her to know she was innocent. She was more worried about how he felt then how she did, it was a very selfless thing to do. It was also now that he understood why she did what she did, she was a parent herself with a sick child. And she didn't have a home because of everything she went through as a kid. She even got sick herself, and still she tried her best to prevent it happening from anyone else. Maybe he had more in common with her than he thought and with all that strong will, she would actually make a great Texas ranger. "You're a good person Felicia, and that is why I saved you because I knew you were."

"I don't always think that," Felicia responded. She pulled away from him and wiped the tears from her eyes. "I sometimes think I'll become bad because of everything that's happening to me," she continued. He had revealed a secret to her so she was going to tell him hers. It was time he learned everything about her, even if he didn't like it. "You've been asking me a lot why I've been going after Avis and people like him," she explained. "And I only gave you vague answers and a big reason, but there is something I left out."
"Felicia..." Walker began thinking he was going to say that Avis was her father or something but she cut him off.
"You remember how I've always been terrified of men?" She asked.

"Yeah of course I do, you screamed when you first saw Liam," Walker answered. "And I always worried it was because you had been abused."
"I'm afraid it's a lot worse than that," Felicia answered tearing up once again. "My mother thought I was such a beautiful child that she allowed her 'friends' to do whatever they wanted with me."
"No you don't mean," Walker said in disbelief he didn't think anyone could be that cruel. Felicia didn't answer confirming his worries and Walker had to stop himself from screaming. "She let you get sexually assaulted?!" Felicia didn't answer she just nodded but her eyes remained glassy from all the tears she had said. "Oh my god Felicia."

Words would never describe the amount of emotions he felt at the moment, if this woman was still alive he would not be able to stop himself from killing her.
"It stopped while I was living with my foster mother," she explained. "I feel ashamed admitting this but it was Denise Davidson and I couldn't tell you before because I thought you would hate me!" She cried.
"Felicia there is nothing you could do to make me hate you." Walker said. Even though his insides were now burning at Denise for causing all those child deaths. She gave them all cancer because of her stupid radiation lights, and with this information she would be locked up for manslaughter and child endangerment.

"But Avis he..." Felicia couldn't even say what he did to her. She was too scared of how he would react, what if he thought she was a slut?
"Felicia you have to tell me what he did," Walker said taking her hand. "If you tell me I can use it to lock him up." She wanted them more than anything so she wiped the tears from her eyes again.
"He raped me," She admitted. For once Felicia was grateful that her son couldn't hear what she saying. "He's Asher's father."

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