Chapter fourteen

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Jake quickly pulled Walker to the side to their conversation, it wasn't easy since the dark skinned man was in a wheelchair. But there wasn't any time to waste, Jake had to show the ranger what he found.
"I'm sorry about the chaos ranger," Jake said. "My sister can be very lovely dovey when it comes to Felicia."

"Jessy is your sister?" Walker asked in surprise, he wasn't expecting that considering Jessy was more outgoing while Jake was antisocial. Plus while they shared the same mixed skin tone, Jessy had her hair in braids and Jake left his hair a complete mess.
"Yeah we've only ever had each other," Jake answered. "Our parents died when we were little so we grew up in foster care," he explained. "Some of them were really nice, our first one there was an old couple who took care of us," he continued. "But we got moved when we were thirteen to the Davidson house, its how we met Felicia."

"I've heard about what happened there," Walker responded. "I promise you she won't get away with that."
"You don't need to say that to me ranger, " Jake answered. "I don't wish to seek vengeance, when I know she can be brought to justice," he continued. "But the reason I brought you back here, is there something you need to see." Jake rolled over to his computer which consisted of a bunch of large ones, the drive was still plugged in and while the file was still locked tight, Jake had managed to find a list of names. Walker looked through it and the list seemed to never end, but that wasn't what unsettled him about it. No it was the fact there people crossed out on the list, and one of them was his late wife.

In fact his whole family was on the list, along with people he knew, some of which were dead but others that were very much alive. Felicia was also on the list along with her companions, and a few other names he didn't recognize.
"Jake what is this?" Walker finally asked.
"As far as I can tell this a tracking list of some kind," Jake explained. "Every person who has their name crossed out is either dead or has been sexually assaulted," he continued. "I think Avis has been planning something for a long time, this is much worse than him stealing those paintings or running others out of business with his own."

Walker was about to answer and say that he thought that Avis might be part of the north side nation, but before he could his phone went off. He apologized to Jake before checking his phone to see that it was his brother.
"Hey Liam now really isn't the best time." Walker said.
"Cordell you have to come down to HQ right now, Miles Warren is here and I have a feeling it can't be good." Liam told him.
"Oh shit, I'll be right there just don't let him do anything!" Walker exclaimed. He hung up and figured that Avis was pulling his last strings. "I'm sorry about all this, I'll be back."

Jake didn't answer since he was busy decrypting another large file he had come across. Walker snuck out while he was distracted but did apologize for having to leave early.
"Um Ranger Walker?" Jake asked. He had stumbled across something else he knew the ranger should see. "I think..." He stopped once he realized that Walker had left. "How did he move that fast?" Jake asked. He looked through the another piece of information he had managed to crack in the file.

Avis had been placed under horse arrest after he and his girlfriend had been accused of kidnapping. But the charges were cut since the child didn't have a given name, but Jake knew that the article was important. So he continued to look through, and saw that the article had been released twenty years ago from today. And as yesterday Felicia was almost twenty one, which lined up with the article release date. A sudden thought occurred to him and he called for his sister, he had to tell her what he found.


Felicia was a little disappointed when she found out that Walker was leaving, while she knew it was most likely for his jump. He kept giving her these weird looks that concerned her, had something happened to one of his kids or his brother?
"Walker are you sure you're alright?" Felicia asked.
"Yeah I'm fine," Walker responded. In all honestly he wasn't really, but he couldn't share his suspicions with her when they were so close to figuring this all out.

"Are you sure? Because it seems like its not," Felicia answered. "Please you're scaring me." He gave her that tearful look again and it made her heart clench. Jessy left to let them work it out plus she knew Jake wouldn't stop calling for her, unless she showed up.
"I'm sorry kiddo things are just crazy down at the station, and I just need to fix things." Walker answered. He felt bad leaving her in the dark but this was his chance to finally expose Avis and lock him up.
"Cordell," she said suddenly taking them both by surprise. It wasn't often she used his first name, and it sounded wrong to both of them.

Felicia wasn't sure why she stopped him maybe she wanted to apologize for making him feel lonely by having Jessy around. Or maybe she wasn't wanted to ask him if she could come with him. "Just be careful." She finally said after a long time of silence.
"You too kid." Walker responded. Knowing that he couldn't wait any longer he left after that hoping that he wasn't too late. Felicia was left standing there as she waited for the world to make sense again. Asher hugged her legs and asked why Walker had left.
I don't know, I just hope he comes back. She signed as she picked up and took him to one of the tables and finally gave him breakfast. It wasn't much just a stale English muffin, some juice and a few apple slices.

"Thank you." Asher said. He happily ate his breakfast while Felicia ate her's, a few slices of bread with blueberries and nuts inside. Geri had decied to give her a loaf of it, and even though she protested a bit. It was nice to have something besides a piece of fruit if she was lucky or just nothing. Someone knocked on the door and Felicia was confused as to who could be knocking now. She signed for Asher to stay put while she went to go check the door and sure enough Cleo was standing there.

"Cleo?" She asked.
"Felicia I...what did you do to yourself?" Cleo asked once she noticed that Felicia had a new look. Her hair was longer dyed it was just her natural brunette color, her eye contacts were gone showing her multi color eyes, and even her clothes were pretty different.
"I decided to give myself a make over," Felicia responded. "Where did you go? You've been gone for hours," Cleo looked pink in the face but explained that she had finally gotten her father's painting. "Really that's great, but how?" Something was off, like really off. Felicia could feel it in her stomach and she had the urge to close the door in Cleo's face. Avis had made it clear that he had no intention of giving them back to her.

"I did what I had to," Cleo answered. Her words only made Felicia feel unsafe around her own best friend, she had this horrible thought that Cleo might have done something bad. "Avis won't be bothering us anymore, once he deals with Walker he will leave us alone." She explained.
"What!?" Felicia exclaimed had Cleo lost her mind. "Cleo what did you do?" She stood up beginning to panic and franticly looked for her cellphone.
"I told you I did what I had to do," Cleo responded. "If someone in law has to die I can live with that, no one who let us suffer is innocent."

"With that kind of thinking you can kill whoever you want," Felicia answered harshly. She couldn't believe her best friend had set a trap for her father figure, Cleo had always been foreign to showing as much compassion as her, but it was this action that made her realize that Cleo was capable of murder. "You could be like Avis and get powerful by hurting others!"
"This is real life Felicia, and sometimes killing isn't personal, I would think you of all people would understand that." Cleo said unfazed on her words.
"I of all people know that its always personal," Felicia responded harshly. "And it's Fulcrum." She told Cleo to leave her alone and when the girl refused, Felicia threatened to cut off all of her blonde hair.

Cleo ran off to her room crying like a snot nosed kid who had just gotten in trouble. Felicia finally managed to find her cellphone and dialed Walker's number, come on pick up please Felicia thought each time she heard a ring. Eventually his voicemail went off and Felicia decided to go after him herself, she couldn't sit here while he walked to his possible death. She picked up her son and told Jessy and Jake that they needed to take him somewhere safe.
"Licia what's going on?" Jessy asked.
"Cleo is what happened, but what's important now is that you three find some place," Felicia answered. "Take as many people from the shelter as you can, we have to save as many as we can."

The two siblings weren't surprised to see her taking charge since she had always had leadership skills. But to see her do it while who knows what was going on, was shocking for them.
"What are you going to do?" Jake asked.
"And where are we supposed to go? No body would let us all come." Jessy added on. Felicia said she knew one place where they would be safe and Avis wouldn't think to find them. It was risky but she didn't have many other options, so she had to take them. She gave them the address to Walker ranch along with strict instructions.

"I know they will ask so tell them that Felicia sent you," Felicia said. "And if you see Stella and August tell them I'm sorry that I lied about my name," she continued. "Most importantly don't tell anyone where you're going and trust them like you would me." Jake and Jessy both nodded. Felicia smiled and patted her son fondly on the head before going out to lock pick a car. Once she was successful, she started it and once again called Walker. "Walker its me you're walking into a trap! Answer the phone please!" She begged when he didn't pick. She called him a third time and this time he finally picked up.
"Felicia something is not right!" He exclaimed. It sounded like he was running but she couldn't tell what he was running from.

"Cordell where are you?" Felicia asked. She had to know what was going on.
"Look Avis took over and he has no interest in you, its all been about me!" Walker exclaimed. Felicia was getting scared and asked what he was talking about, but her response was hearing someone hit him on the back of the head.
"Walker what does that mean?!" Felicia asked practically screaming. Tears ran down her face when she didn't get a response. "Dad please," she said without thinking. She didn't know why she said that it but it felt natural. "I need to know what happened."

"Oh I'm afraid he can't come to the phone right now," a voice responded and Felicia realized that it was Avis. Angry she asked what he had done to Walker but he only laughed. "Oh he's in the back of the truck right now, good luck finding him Fulcrum." He hung up and Felicia screamed as she realized that Walker had been taken to who knows where.

A/n what thats the end? Yeah I wanted this story to go directly into season three so I decided to do a cliff hanger and once Walker season three comes out I will release the sequel titled Ashyla. It will serve as follow up to this story along with flashbacks to explain more about all the characters. Btw let me guys know what you notice about what Walker said to Felicia on the phone call, sound familiar? And how fitting is it that I finished up on Jared's birthday. Bye you guys and I'll see you in the next fanfic. -Clato3

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