Chapter nine

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Felicia wasn't at all pleased to see Denise again, not when she had spent years running away from her.
"That isn't a very nice to treat your former guardian," Denise said in a cold tone. "You need to explain yourself young lady." Felicia scoffed and stood up.
"You're not my mother," Felicia reminded her. "And I have no desire to talk with you, do you have any idea how much you have hurt me?"

Denise said that it wasn't her fault that she got arrested multiple times, and that she should stop this cat burglar act and come home. "And live in your house? No thanks I'd rather keep living on the streets." Felicia responded standing up and looking Denise dead in the eye.
"You're playing a dangerous game," Denise said. "All this crime is only going to get you arrested again."
"Why because you're the DA?" Felicia asked laughing. "Fine go ahead Davidson arrest me  and I'll give out all your shady info to the prisoners," she continued. "Some of them really want to tear your face off, but its not like you started a war right?" Felicia asked. "Or have caused a bunch of young kids to get sick."

Denise snarled and told Felicia to keep her voice down.
"I've already told you I didn't know that would happen." Denise said. That incident had not only caused her to lose what little things she had left but child services had almost taken her son away. It was only now she was getting everything back, but her former foster daughter could take it all away with one little word to the Walkers.
"Then you should have been less careless and I feel sorry that someone as sweet as Geri has to put up with you," Felicia answered. "Now go away I don't want to see you."

"Well too bad you have to see me, even after everything you still take Walker's side." Denise pointed out.
"Cordell was more of a parent to me than you ever were, " Felicia responded instantly. "Now I'm not going to ask again leave me alone." "You can't just..." Denise began but stopped when she heard someone clearing his throat. Sure enough it turned out to be Liam and her face went white. "Oh Liam I didn't see you there."
"That would because you had your back turned boss, now what is this accident you two were discussing?" Liam asked. Denise firmly said it was nothing and gave Felicia a warning glare so she would keep quiet.
"You Walkers are always getting in others business, ever hear of privacy?" Denise asked.

"Of course I have," Liam answered. "But it sounds like you have something you need to get off your chest." Denise didn't answer him she just bumped him purposely as she left. Felicia looked at Liam trying to take in his appearance, she hardly recognized him and wasn't sure if she should say anything.
"Thanks," Felicia said unsure what else to say. "You didn't have to do that." Liam said that no one else would have stepped in if he didn't.
"I didn't know that you knew the Davidsons."  Liam commented. He wasn't really sure what to say either, he was expecting Felicia to look like someone on the street. With dirty clothes, messy hair and not a healthy complexion, but she looked pretty healthy.

"Denise and my mother were best friends so she became my foster mother after she died," Felicia answered. "Its not something I like to share," she continued. "Please don't tell your brother he can't know." Knowing that Liam now knew her history with the Davidsons, fear crippled up her spine. The last thing she wanted for was Walker to think that she was on there side. Especially after what the Davidsons had put his family through in the past few days.
"I won't but eventually you'll have to tell him," Liam answered. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"Liam I know you don't trust me because of what I've done," Felicia answered. "But I'm going to tell you the same thing I told Cordell, I'm not a criminal."
"If that's the case then why do you keep stealing?" Liam asked. While he didn't think she was a bad person, stealing was still breaking the law.
"I have a son," Felicia answered. Liam's mouth dropped in shock considering that she was so young. "Yeah I get that a lot, but its not just that," she continued. "I went through so much Liam and I can't let anyone else go through it," she explained. "Especially when others thrive off their suffering."

Liam could agree with that but breaking the law wasn't the way to fix those problems. He tried telling her that but stopped himself when he noticed that she was wearing a wig.
"Felicia..." She shushed him so that he wouldn't say her name in public. "Sorry Fulcrum why are you dressed like that?" He asked. "I'm guessing you're wondering why I look so healthy," Felicia answered and she sighed heavily. "Well here's the cruel truth I'm actually not," she admitted. "I suffered from a tumor a few years back, it took a real tole on me so I dyed my hair to hide the fact that it was falling out," she explained. "And after that I started wearing wigs and got my hands on different looks, I'm actually kinda pale under this."

Liam took all this information and was wondering what in the world he could say. First Felicia has a son which he would have to confirm with his brother, then she's basically a robin hood even though she is recovering from cancer. Finally her look was a cover up to hide her sickness and trauma she experienced.
"I'm sorry I had no idea," Liam finally said. If he had any idea that she was sick, he would have tried to help her. "I wish you had told someone sooner and gotten help."

"I have people that look after me Liam," She answered. "And as much as I wanted a family, I was denied the one that wanted me, so I made my own." Felicia took a bite of her food. It wasn't much just a bowl of pasta with some olives, a slice of bread, and fruit on the side. Geri had given it to her free of charge once she came in looking exhausted. Felicia had said that she could pay it but Geri refused to let her spend any money.
"Its not really my place to say this," Liam responded. "But my brother never stopped caring about you, he actually talked about adopting you." He wasn't sure if he should say that since Cordell made it clear he wanted to tell her himself. But he felt that she deserved to know with everything going on.

Felicia felt like crying after hearing that and wondered if Liam was telling the truth.
"If that's true I wish he had," she answered holding back tears. "It's kinda too late now, I'm an adult now," she continued. Liam wanted to tell her it was still possible but she changed the subject. "Now I know you didn't come here to play a game of twenty questions, what can I do for you Liam?" She asked. Liam figured that she had some knowledge of the drive since she was one who found it.
"That drive you gave us, I saw all the info on it except for one thing I couldn't open," Liam explained. "But when I tried to look at a second time all the information was just gone."

Felicia knew what he meant, since other drives she had taken had seemingly erased all the info as well. Luckily her friend Jake was an excellent hacker and he managed to figure out that Avis had all of his files, become hidden after one viewing. It was his way of covering his tracks so that he never got arrested but Jake discovered that the hidden files, were still there just locked under an encrypted file.
"Avis knows you saw it so he's keeping others from seeing it," Felicia told him. "But I know someone who can find them, I know an excellent hacker."
"Who?" Liam asked.
"Jake is his name, I've known him for a long time," Felicia responded. "He may be in a wheelchair but there is nothing he can't hack."

"Hold up did you and this Jake ever?" Liam asked. She blinked at him not sure what he meant but everything figured it out.
"Oh no we've been through a lot together but he's just a very good friend," she answered laughing a bit. "Besides he's not my type I'm more into girls." Liam had no reaction to her words since he understood what dealing with that was like. For years he had men and women calling him horrible names, due to his sexuality. But this made him believe that he had to give Felicia a chance. Whether she was guilty of something or not she needed help.
"Can you take this drive back and bring it back to me?" Liam asked.

She nodded and took the drive back from him.
"You can trust me Liam," Felicia answered. "I don't want to harm you or your family in anyway," she continued. "Speaking of which is that Stella and August?" Not too far away Stella and August were playing against each other in a game of pool.

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