Chapter two

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Walker was no stranger to catching thieves, even while he was undercover as Duke for eleven months. It was his job as a ranger to catch those who broke the law, so catching a young thief seemed easy, however, when he saw the files on this so-called Fulcrum he was shocked. 

“Witnesses none, leads none, and last known location the art museum,” He said while reading the file. “Is this really all we have on her?” He asked. James explained that since Fulcrum always changed her look and used a codename, Fulcrum was her main one but she had also used Numa, Ashyla, Emily Rose, and Nat. 

“Fulcrum's intentions aren’t clear but we do know that’s she been stealing from people off the streets for the past four years,” James said. “So she’s either very clever or very selfish.” Walker wondered why a young girl was stealing off the streets every day, her targets appeared to be mostly men but women had claimed to have been robbed by her as well. Was she selfish and just doing it for fun or was there some other reason? 

“I’ll look into it James,” Walker responded. “I’m a natural with kids.” 

“It’s captain and remember Cordell don’t let her age cause your mind to wander,” James responded. “Some of the worst criminals are teens who don’t know any better.” Walker didn’t respond but nodded. He rememberd all too well how Stella’s first boyfriend Trevor had worked with his father when Clint attempted to take over the ranch, Trevor claimed he did it out of spite since Walker’s undercover mission accidentally caused the death of Trevor’s mother. But Walker knew that the kid wasn’t bad, he was just trying to please his father, this situation could be exactly like that. 

“Captain do you know if she has any family?” Walker asked. 

“Nothing we have mentions any relatives but as you can say she makes sure to cover her tracks so we can’t follow her.” James answered. “What are you thinking?” 

“Nothing yet I have to get all the facts, I’ll start at the art museum tonight,” Walker responded. “I’d also like to request a study into her victims, there has to be a connection.” James said he would gather all the information he could and Walker left the office. Hours later he was talking with his partner Micki on the phone, she was still on her undercover mission but every so often she called to help him out. 

"So what are you thinking?" She asked over the phone. 

"Something doesn't add up here," Walker responded as he looked over the exhibit Felicia had been in that morning. The fact that it was all about an artist who had possibly been hanged disturbed him. "I think maybe she wasn't the only one hiding something." 

"What do you mean?" Micki asked. Before he could answer Walker heard shuffling from behind him and he turned to see a woman with white hair and brown eyes wearing a black stealth suit climbing out of the vent. He could only guess this was the thief he had been told to bring in but looking into those dark eyes, he recognized the little girl he had saved all those years ago. 

"Yeah I'm going to have to call you back." Walker said, hanging up on his partner while she tried to ask questions. 

"Cordell Walker." Felicia said, jumping down to take in his appearance after all these years. 

"Felicia?" Walker asked in surprise. This wasn't at all what he was expecting, Felicia had been a shy sweet kid, and now she was a thief? That didn't make any sense to him, she smiled and nodded to confirm her identity. 

"You look good," she commented. "Been working out?" She asked. 

"No, I mean you know a little…" Walker stumbled over his words unsure how to react. 

"So you swinging solo now or do you have a new partner?" Felicia asked as she approached the painting she had come for. It was behind glass so she made small talk with him to buy herself time. 

"That's a lot of questions." Walker finally said. Felicia flipped her head causing her ponytail to flip a bit, she knew that he was surprised to see her this way, but its not like she could explain things through a letter or text. 

"I'm just curious." Felicia answered using her usual charm to keep him from attacking her. 

"Yeah I hear that's bad, how about you tell me why you're really here," Walker responded. "And why you're stealing from people." Felicia dropped her cat burglar act so she could talk to him, hopefully though he wouldn't arrest her before she could explain herself. 

"This man Arthur Avis," she said. "He's not a good person, works for Northside and runs a bunch of gangs in Texas," she continued. "And this art is hiding his drives," Felicia took a painting off the wall and broke it to show him the drive. "He hides a lot of things on here, and I don't steal for myself Ranger, remember that." 

"Felicia, whatever he has on you, let me help you." Walker said thinking she was being blackmailed and was stealing from him to get out of it. 

"I've missed you," Felicia said, handing him the drive. "That caring nature I haven't gotten it from anyone else really, but some things I do better alone," she continued. "Some things." Felicia gave him one last look before leaving the scene and Walker was left standing there, unsure if he should arrest her or follow her and find out if she was in trouble. His thoughts were interrupted when his phone rang and he answered it without looking, already knowing that it was his partner. 

"Cordell is everything okay?" Micki asked. 

"Sorry Micki I just ran into an old friend," Walker answered as he looked down at the drive Felicia had left him. When Micki asked who it was all Walker could say was one word. "Felicia." 

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