Important author's note

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Hey guys I meant to post this at the beginning but forgot all about because of planning ahead with the story and also with my job. So I'm going to say it now, the names of Felicia's friends are from the mystery game Duskwood, while these characters are not the same I'm using their names since I love the game so much and take my word for it it will blow your mind. I won't spoil anything for you guys, but I wanted to say that before someone said I was using them as original characters or Everbyte sues me. Please don't I love your content and I promise I'm not stealing the characters. The last thing I want to say, is that I'm going to give you a little hint of what's coming up. The name Ashyla is important, but the question is where did Felicia get it from? Let me know what you guys think and the next chapter is on its way.

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