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Grammar Review 1

1. Danh từ đếm được và không đếm được (Count noun/ Non - count noun) 1

Quán từ không xác định "a" và "an" 2

Quán từ xác định "The" 3

Cách sử dụng another và other. 7

Cách sử dụng little, a little, few, a few 8

Sở hữu cách 9

Verb 10

1. Present 10

1) Simple Present 10

2) Present Progressive (be + V-ing) 10

3) Present Perfect : Have + PII 11

4) Present Perfect Progressive : Have been V-ing 11

2. Past 12

1) Simple Past: V-ed 12

2) Past Progresseive: Was/Were + V-ing 12

3) Past Perfect: Had + PII 13

4) Past Perfect Progressive: Had + Been + V-ing 13

3. Future 13

1) Simple Future: Will/Shall/Can/May + Verb in simple form 13

2) Near Future 14

3) Future Progressive: will/shall + be + verbing 14

4) Future Perfect: Whill/ Shall + Have + PII 15

Sự hòa hợp giữa chủ ngữ và động từ 16

1. Các trường hợp Chủ ngữ đứng tách khỏi động từ 16

2. Các danh từ luôn đòi hỏi các động từ và đại từ đi theo chúng ở ngôi thứ 3 số ít 16

3. Cách sử dụng None và No 17

4. Cách sử dụng cấu trúc either...or (hoặc...hoặc) và neither...nor (không...mà cũng không) 17

5. V-ing làm chủ ngữ 18

6. Các danh từ tập thể 18

7. Cách sử dụng a number of, the number of: 19

8. Các danh từ luôn dùng ở số nhiều 20

9. Thành ngữ there is, there are 20

Đại từ 22

1. Đại từ nhân xưng (Chủ ngữ) 22

2. Đại từ nhân xưng tân ngữ 23

3. Tính từ sở hữu 23

4. Đại từ sở hữu 23

5. Đại từ phản thân 24

Tân ngữ 25

1. Động từ nguyên thể là tân ngữ 25

2. Verb -ing dùng làm tân ngữ 25

3. Bốn động từ đặc biệt 26

4. Các động từ đứng sau giới từ 26

5. Vấn đề các đại từ đứng trước động từ nguyên thể hoặc V-ing dùng làm tân ngữ. 27

Cách sử dụng các động từ bán khiếm khuyết 29

1. Need 29

1) Dùng như một động từ thường: được sử dụng ra sao còn tùy vào chủ ngữ của nó 29

2) Need được sử dụng như một động từ khiếm khuyết 29

2. Dare 30

1) Khi dùng với nghĩa là "dám" 30

2) Dare dùng như một ngoại động từ 30

Cách sử dụng to be trong một số trường hợp 31

Cách sử dụng to get trong một số trường hợp đặc biệt 33

1. To get + P2 33

2. Get + V-ing = Start + V-ing: Bắt đầu làm gì 33

3. Get sb/smt +V-ing: Làm ai/ cái gì bắt đầu. 33

4. Get + to + verb 33

5. Get + to + Verb (chỉ vấn đề hành động) = Come + to + Verb (chỉ vấn đề nhận thức) = Gradually = dần dần 33

Câu hỏi 34

1. Câu hỏi Yes/ No 34

2. Câu hỏi thông báo 34

a) Who/ what làm chủ ngữ 34

b) Whom/ what làm tân ngữ 34

c) Câu hỏi nhắm vào các bổ ngữ: When, Where, How và Why 35

3. Câu hỏi gián tiếp 35

4. Câu hỏi có đuôi 35

Lối nói phụ họa khẳng định và phủ định 36

1. Khẳng định 36

2. Phủ định 36

Câu phủ định 38

Mệnh lệnh thức 40

Động từ khiếm khuyết 41

Câu điều kiện 42

1. Điều kiện có thể thực hiện được ở hiện tại 42

2. Điều kiện không thể thực hiện được ở hiện tại 42

3. Điều kiện không thể thực hiện được ở quá khứ 42

Cách sử dụng các động từ will, would, could, should sau if 43

Một số cách dùng thêm của if 44

1. If... then: Nếu... thì 44

2. If dùng trong dạng câu không phải câu điều kiện: Động từ ở các mệnh đề diễn biến bình thường theo thời gian của chính nó. 44

3. If... should = If... happen to... = If... should happen to... diễn đạt sự không chắc chắn (Xem thêm phần sử dụng should trong một số trường hợp cụ thể) 44

4. If.. was/were to... 44

5. If it + to be + not + for: Nếu không vì, nếu không nhờ vào. 44

6. Not đôi khi được thêm vào những động từ sau if để bày tỏ sự nghi ngờ, không chắc chắn. 45

7. It would... if + subject + would... (sẽ là... nếu - không được dùng trong văn viết) 45

8. If... 'd have... 'have: Dùng trong văn nói, không dùng trong văn viết, diễn đạt điều kiện không thể xảy ra ở quá khứ 45

9. If + preposition + noun/verb... (subject + be bị lược bỏ) 45

10. If dùng khá phổ biến với một số từ như any/anything/ever/not diễn đạt phủ định 45

11. If + Adjective = although (cho dù là) 46

Cách sử dụng to Hope, to Wish. 47

1. Điều kiện không có thật ở tương lai 47

2. Điều kiện không thể thực hiện được ở hiện tại 47

3. Điều kiện không thể thực hiện được ở quá khứ 47

Cách sử dụng thành ngữ as if, as though (gần như là, như thể là) 49

Used to, to be/get used to 50

Cách sử dụng thành ngữ would rather 51

1. Loại câu có một chủ ngữ 51

2. Loại câu có hai chủ ngữ 51

a) Loại câu giả định ở hiện tại 51

b) Loại câu không thể thực hiện được ở hiện tại 52

c) Loại câu không thể thực hiện được ở quá khứ 52

Cách sử dụng thành ngữ Would like 53

Cách sử dụng các động từ khiếm khuyết để diễn đạt các trạng thái ở hiện tại 54

1. Could, May, Might + Verb in simple form = Có lẽ, có thể. 54

2. Should + Verb in simple form 54

3. Must + Verb in simple form 54

Cách sử dụng các động từ khiếm khuyết để diễn đạt các trạng thái ở quá khứ 56

1. Could, may, might + have + P2 = có lẽ đã 56

2. Could have + P2 = Lẽ ra đã có thể (trên thực tế là không) 56

3. Might have been + V-ing = Có lẽ lúc ấy đang 56

4. Should have + P2 = Lẽ ra phải, lẽ ra nên 56

5. Must have + P2 = hẳn là đã 56

6. Must have been V-ing = hẳn lúc ấy đang 56

Các vấn đề sử dụng should trong một số trường hợp cụ thể 57

Tính từ và phó từ 59

Động từ nối 61

Các dạng so sánh của tính từ và phó từ 63

1. So sánh bằng 63

2. So sánh hơn kém 63

3. So sánh hợp lý 65

4. So sánh đặc biệt 65

5. So sánh đa bội 66

6. So sánh kép 66

7. Cấu trúc No sooner... than = Vừa mới ... thì đã... 67

8. So sánh giữa 2 người hoặc 2 vật 67

9. So sánh bậc nhất 68

Danh từ dùng làm tính từ 69

Enough 70

Một số trường hợp cụ thể dùng Much & Many 71

Phân biệt thêm về cách dùng alot/ lots of/ plenty/ a great deal/ so với many/ much. 73

Một số cách dùng cụ thể của more & most 74

Cách dùng long & (for) a long time 75

Từ nối 76

1. Because, Because of 76

Because of = on account of = due to 76

2. Từ nối chỉ mục đích và kết quả 76

3. Từ nối chỉ nguyên nhân và kết quả. 76

4. Một số các từ nối mang tính điều kiện khác. 77

Câu bị động 79

Động từ gây nguyên nhân 82

1. To have sb do sth = to get sb to do sth = Sai ai, khiến ai, bảo ai làm gì 82

2. To have/to get sth done = Đưa cái gì đi làm 82

3. To make sb do sth = to force sb to do sth 82

4. To make sb + P2 = làm cho ai bị làm sao 82

5. To cause sth + P2 = làm cho cái gì bị làm sao 82

6. To let sb do sth = to permit/allow sb to do sth = để ai, cho phép ai làm gì 83

7. To help sb to do sth/do sth = Giúp ai làm gì 83

8. 3 động từ đặc biệt 83

Câu phức hợp và đại từ quan hệ thay thế 84

1. That và which làm chủ ngữ của câu phụ 84

2. That và which làm tân ngữ của câu phụ 84

3. Who làm chủ ngữ của câu phụ 84

4. Whom làm tân ngữ của câu phụ 84

5. Mệnh đề phụ bắt buộc và không bắt buô.c. 85

1) Mệnh đề phụ bắt buô.c. 85

2) Mệnh đề phụ không bắt buộc 85

6. Tầm quan trọng của việc sử dụng dấu phẩy đối với mệnh đề phụ 85

7. Cách sử dụng All, Both, Some, Several, Most, Few + Of + Whom/ Which 86

8. Whose = của người mà, của con mà. 86

9. Cách loại bỏ mệnh đề phụ 86

Cách sử dụng P1 trong một số trường hợp 88

10. Dùng với một số các cấu trúc động từ. 88

11. P1 được sử dụng để rút ngắn những câu dài 89

Cách sử dụng nguyên mẫu hoàn thành (To have + P2) 90

Những cách sử dụng khác của that 91

1. That dùng với tư cách là một liên từ (rằng) 91

2. Mệnh đề that 91

Câu giả định 93

1. Dùng với would rather that 93

2. Dùng với động từ. 93

3. Dùng với tính từ. 93

4. Câu giả định dùng với một số trường hợp khác 94

5. Câu giả định dùng với it + to be + time 95

Lối nói bao hàm 96

1. Not only ..... but also 96

2. As well as: Cũng như 96

3. Both ..... and 97

Cách sử dụng to know, to know how. 98

Mệnh đề nhượng bộ 99

1. Despite/Inspite of = bất chấp 99

2. Although/Even though/Though = Mặc dầu 99

3. However + adj + S + linkverb = dù có .... đi chăng nữa thì .... 99

4. Although/ Albeit (more formal) + Adjective/ Adverb/ Averbial Modifier 99

Những động từ dễ gây nhầm lẫn 100

Một số các động từ đặc biệt khác 102

Sự phù hợp về thời động từ 103

Cách sử dụng to say, to tell 104

Đại từ nhân xưng one và you 105

Từ đi trước để giới thiệu 106

Cách sử dụng các phân từ ở đầu mệnh đề phụ 107

Phân từ dùng làm tính từ 109

1. Phân từ 1(V-ing) được dùng làm tính từ khi nó đáp ứng đầy đủ các điều kiện sau: 109

2. Phân từ 2 (V-ed) được dùng làm tính từ khi nó đáp ứng đầy đủ các điều kiện sau: 109

Câu thừa 110

Cấu trúc câu song song 111

Thông tin trực tiếp và gián tiếp 112

1. Câu trực tiếp và câu gián tiếp 112

Động từ với hai tân ngữ trực tiếp và gián tiếp 114

Sự đảo ngược phó từ 115

1. Một số các dạng phó từ đặc biệt đứng ở đầu câu 115

Cách loại bỏ những câu trả lời không đúng trong bài ngữ pháp 118

1. Kiểm tra các lỗi ngữ pháp cơ bản bao gồm 118

2. Loại bỏ những câu trả lời mang tính rườm rà: 118

3. Phải chắc chắn rằng tất cả các từ trong câu được chọn đều phải phúc vụ cho nghĩa của bài, đặc biệt là các ngữ động từ. 119

4. Phải loại bỏ những câu trả lời bao hàm tiếng lóng, không được phép dùng trong văn viết qui chuẩn 119

Những từ dễ gây nhầm lẫn 120

Phụ lục: một số những từ dễ gây nhầm lẫn khác: 122

Giới từ 125

Ngữ động từ 128

Một số nguyên tắc thực hiện bài đọc 130

Grammar Review

Một câu trong tiếng Anh bao gồm các thành phần sau đây




SUBJECT có thể là một động từ nguyên thể, một VERB_ING, một đại từ, song nhiều nhất vẫn là một danh từ. Chúng bao giờ cũng đứng ở đầu câu, làm chủ ngữ và quyết định việc chia động từ. Vì là động từ nên chúng liên quan đến những vấn đề sau:

Danh từ đếm được và không đếm được (Count noun/ Non - count noun)

Danh từ đếm được: Dùng được với số đếm, do đó nó có hình thái số ít, số nhiều. Nó có thể dùng được với "a" và "the".

Danh từ không đếm được: Không dùng được với số đếm, do đó nó không có hình thái số ít, số nhiều. Nó không thể dùng được với "a", còn "the" chỉ trong một số trường hợp đặc biê.t.

Một số danh từ đếm được có hình thái số nhiều đặc biê.t.

Một số danh từ đếm được có dạng số ít/ số nhiều như nhau chỉ phân biệt bằng có "a" và không có "a"

Ex: an aircraft/ aircraft; a sheep/ sheep; a fish/ fish.

Một số các danh từ không đếm được như food, meat, money, sand, water ... đối khi được dùng như các danh từ số nhiều để chỉ các dạng, loại khác nhau của danh từ đó.

Ex: water -> waters (Nước -> những vũng nước)

Danh từ "time" nếu dùng với nghĩa là "thời gian" là không đếm được nhưng khi dùng với nghĩa là "thời đại" hay "số lần" là danh từ đếm đươ.c.

Ex: Ancient times (Những thời cổ đại) - Modern times (những thời hiện đại)

Bảng số 1 trang 45 là các định ngữ dùng được với các danh từ đếm được và không đếm đươ.c.

Việc xác định danh từ đếm được và không đếm được là hết sức quan trọng và thường là bước cơ bản mở đầu cho các bài nghe/ ngữ pháp của TOEFL.

Quán từ không xác định "a" và "an"

Dùng "an" trước một danh từ bắt đầu bằng:

4 nguyên âm A, E, I, O.

2 bán nguyên âm U, Y.

Những danh từ bắt đầu bằng "h" câm (an heir/ an hour)

Những từ mở đầu bằng một chữ viết tắt (an S.O.S/ an M.P)

Lưu ý: Đứng trước một danh từ mở đầu bằng "uni..." phải dùng "a" (a university/ a uniform)

Dùng "a" trước danh từ bắt đầu bằng một phụ âm.

Được dùng trước một danh từ không xác định về mặt vị trí/ tính chất/ đặc điểm hoặc được nhắc đến lần đầu tiên trong câu.

Dùng trong các thành ngữ chỉ số lượng nhất định như: a lot of/ a great deal of/ a couple/ a dozen.

Dùng trước những số đếm nhất định thường là hàng ngàn, hàng trăm như a/ one hundred - a/one thousand.

Dùng trước "half" (một nửa) khi nó theo sau một đơn vị nguyên vẹn: a kilo and a half, hay khi nó đi ghép với một danh từ khác để chỉ nửa phần (khi viết có dấu gạch nối): a half - share, a half - holiday (ngày lễ chỉ nghỉ nửa ngày).

Dùng với các đơn vị phân số như 1/3 a/one third - 1/5 a /one fifth.

Dùng trong các thành ngữ chỉ giá cả, tốc độ, tỉ lệ: $5 a kilo, 60 kilometers an hour, 4 times a day.

Dùng trước các danh từ số ít đếm đươ.c. trong các thán từ what a nice day/ such a long life.

A + Mr/ Mrs/ Ms + family name = một ông/ bà/ cô nào đó (không quen biết)

Quán từ xác định "The"

Dùng trước một danh từ đã được xác định cụ thể về mặt tính chất, đặc điểm, vị trí hoặc được nhắc đến lần thứ hai trong câu.

The + danh từ + giới từ + danh từ

Ex: The girl in blue, the Gulf of Mexico.

Dùng trước những tính từ so sánh bậc nhất hoặc only.

Ex: The only way, the best day.

Dùng cho những khoảng thời gian xác định (thập niên): In the 1990s

The + danh từ + đại từ quan hệ + mệnh đề phụ

Ex: The man /to whom you have just spoken /is the chairman

Trước một danh từ ngụ ý chỉ một vật riêng biệt

Ex: She is in the (= her) garden

The + danh từ số ít tượng trưng cho một nhóm thú vật hoặc đồ vật

Ex: The whale = whales (loài cá voi), the deep-freeze (thức ăn đông lạnh)

Lưu ý: Nhưng đối với man khi mang nghĩa "loài người" tuyệt đối không được dùng "the".

Ex: Since man lived on the earth (kể từ khi loài người sinh sống trên trái đất này)

Dùng trước một danh từ số ít để chỉ một nhóm, một hạng người nhất định trong xã hô.i.

Ex: The small shopkeeper: Giới chủ tiệm nhỏ/ The top offcial: Giới quan chức cao cấp

The + adj: Tượng trưng cho một nhóm người, chúng không bao giờ được phép ở số nhiều nhưng được xem là các danh từ số nhiều. Do vậy động từ và đại từ đi cùng với chúng phải ở ngôi thứ 3 số nhiều.

Ex: The old = The old people/ The unemployed/ The disabled are often very hard in their moving

The + tên các vùng/ khu vực đã nổi tiếng về mặt địa lý hoặc lịch sử

Ex: The Sahara (desert)/ The Siberia (tundra)/ The Normandic

The + East/ West/ South/ North + Danh từ

used as adjective

Ex: The North/ South Pole

(Bắc/ Nam Cực)

Ex: The East End of London

(Khu đông Lôn Đôn)

*Nhưng không được dùng THE trước các từ này nếu nó đi liền với tên châu lục hoặc quốc gia: West Germany, North America...

The + tên gọi các đội hợp xướng/ dàn nhạc cổ điển/ ban nhạc phổ thông

Ex: The Back Choir/ The Philharmonique Philadelphia Orchestra/ The Beatles.

The + tên gọi các tờ báo (không tạp chí)/ tàu biển/ các khinh khí cầu.

Ex: The Times/ The Titanic/ The Hindenberg

The + họ một gia đình ở số nhiều = gia đình nhà

Ex: The Smiths = Mr/ Mrs Smith and children

Dùng trước tên họ của một người để xác định người đó trong số những người trùng tên.

Không được dùng "the" trước các danh từ chỉ bữa ăn trong ngày trừ các trường hợp đặc biê.t.

Ex: We ate breakfast at 8 am this morning

Ex: The dinner that you invited me last week were delecious.

Không được dùng "the" trước một số danh từ như home, bed, church, court, jail, prison, hospital, school, class, college, university v.v... khi nó đi với các động từ và giới từ chỉ chuyển động chỉ đi đến đó vì mục đích chính hoặc ra khỏi đó cũng vì mục đích chính.

Ex: Students go to school everyday.

Ex: The patient was released from hospital.

Nhưng nếu đến đó hoặc ra khỏi đó không vì mục đích chính bắt buộc phải dùng "the".

Ex: Students go to the school for a class party.

Ex: The doctor left the hospital afterwork

*Lưu ý: trong American English hospital và university phải dùng với THE:

He was in the hospital (in hospital as a patient).

She was unhappy at the university (at the university as a student).

Một số trường hợp đặc biệt

Go to work = Go to the office.

To be at work

To be hard at work (làm việc chăm chỉ)

To be in office (đương nhiệm) <> To be out of office (Đã mãn nhiệm)

Go to sea = đi biển (như những thủy thủ)

Go to the sea = ra biển, thường để nghỉ

To be at the sea: ở gần biển

To be at sea (ở trên biển) trong một chuyến hải hành.

go to town: Đi vào trung tâm/ Đi phố - To be in town (ở trung tâm) khi town là của người nói.

Bảng sử dụng "the" và không sử dụng "the" trong một số trường hợp điển hình

Có "The"

Không "The"

Dùng trước tên các đại dương, sông ngòi, biển, vịnh và các hồ (ở số nhiều)

Ex: The Red Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, the Persian Gufl, the Great Lakes

Trước tên các dãy núi

Ex: The Rocky Mountains

Trước tên những vật thể duy nhất trong vũ trụ hoặc trên thế giới

Ex: The earth, the moon

The schools, colleges, universities + of + danh từ riêng

Ex: The University of Florida

the + số thứ tự + danh từ

Ex: The third chapter.

Trước tên các cuộc chiến tranh khu vực với điều kiện tên khu vực đó phải được tính từ hoá

Ex: The Korean War (=> The Vietnamese economy)

Trước tên các nước có hai từ trở lên (ngoại trừ Great Britain)

Ex: The United States

Trước tên các nước được coi là một quần đảo hoặc một quần đảo

Ex: The Philipines

Trước tên các tài liệu hoặc sự kiện lịch sử

Ex: The Constitution, The Magna Carta

Trước tên các nhóm dân tộc thiểu số

Ex: the Indians

Trước tên các môn học cụ thể

Ex: The Solid matter Physics

Trước tên một hồ

Ex: Lake Geneva

Trước tên một ngọn núi

Ex: Mount Vesuvius

Trước tên các hành tinh hoặc các chòm sao

Ex: Venus, Mars

Trước tên các trường này nếu trước nó là một tên riêng

Ex: Stetson University

Trước các danh từ đi cùng với một số đếm

Ex: Chapter three

Trước tên các nước mở đầu bằng New, một tính từ chỉ hướng hoặc chỉ có một từ

Ex: New Zealand, North Korean, France

Trước tên các lục địa, tỉnh, tiểu bang, thành phố, quận, huyện

Ex: Europe, Florida

Trước tên bất kì môn thể thao nào

Ex: baseball, basketball

Trước các danh từ trừu tượng (trừ một số trường hợp đặc biệt)

Ex: freedom, happiness

Trước tên các môn học nói chung

Ex: mathematics

Trước tên các ngày lễ, tết

Ex: Christmas, Thanksgiving

Cách sử dụng another và other.

Hai từ này tuy giống nhau về mặt nghĩa nhưng khác nhau về mặt ngữ pháp.

Dùng với danh từ đếm được

Dùng với danh từ không đếm được

another + danh từ đếm được số ít = một cái nữa, một cái khác, một người nữa, một người khác.

the other + danh từ đếm được số ít = cái còn lại (của một bộ), người còn lại (của một nhóm).

Other + danh từ đếm được số nhiều = mấy cái nữa, mấy cái khác, mấy người nữa, mấy người khác.

The other + danh từ đếm được số nhiều = những cái còn lại (của một bộ), những người còn lại (của một nhóm).

Other + danh từ không đếm được = một chút nữa.

The other + danh từ không đếm được = chỗ còn sót la.i.

Ex: I don't want this book. Please give me another.

(another = any other book - not specific)

I don't want this book. Please give me the other.

(the other = the other book, specific)

Another và other là không xác định trong khi The other là xác định, nếu chủ ngữ hoặc danh từ đã được nhắc đến ở trên thì ở dưới chỉ cần dùng Another hoặc other như một đại từ là đủ.

Nếu danh từ được thay thế là số nhiều: Other -> Others. Không bao giờ được dùng Others + danh từ số nhiều. Chỉ được dùng một trong hai.

Trong một số trường hợp người ta dùng đại từ thay thế one hoặc ones đằng sau another hoặc other.

Lưu ý: This hoặc That có thể dùng với one nhưng These và Those không được dùng với ones.

Cách sử dụng little, a little, few, a few

Little + danh từ không đếm được = rất ít, không đủ để (có khuynh hướng phủ định)

Ex: I have little money, not enough to buy groceries.

A little + danh từ không đếm được = có một chút, đủ để

Ex: I have a little money, enough to buy groceries

Few + danh từ đếm được số nhiều = có rất ít, không đủ để (có khuynh hướng phủ định)

Ex: I have few books, not enough for reference reading

A few + danh từ đếm được số nhiều: có một chút, đủ để

Ex: I have a few records, enough for listening.

Trong một số trường hợp khi danh từ ở trên đã được nhắc đến thì ở phía dưới chỉ cần dùng little hoặc few như một đại từ là đủ.

Ex: Are you ready in money. Yes, a little.

Quite a few (đếm được) = Quite a bit (không đếm được) = Quite a lot (cả hai) = rất nhiều.

Sở hữu cách

The noun's + noun: Chỉ được dùng cho những danh từ chỉ người hoặc động vật, không dùng cho các đồ vâ.t.

Ex: The student's book The cat's legs.

Đối với danh từ số nhiều đã có sẵn "s" ở đuôi chỉ cần dùng dấu phẩy

Ex: The students' book.

Nhưng đối với những danh từ đổi số nhiều đặc biệt không "s" ở đuôi vẫn phải dùng đầy đủ dấu sở hữu cách.

Ex: The children's toys. The peoplés willing

Nếu có hai danh từ cùng đứng ở sở hữu cách thì danh từ nào đứng gần danh từ bị sở hữu nhất sẽ mang dấu sở hữu.

Ex: Paul and Peter's room.

Đối với những tên riêng hoặc danh từ đã có sẵn "s" ở đuôi có thể chỉ cần dùng dấu phẩy và nhấn mạnh đuôi khi đọc hoặc dùng sở hữu cách và phải thay đổi cách đo.c. Tên riêng không dùng "the" đằng trước.

Ex: The boss' car = The boss's car [bosiz]

Agnes' house = Agnes's [siz] house.

Nó được dùng cho thời gian (năm, tháng, thập niên, thế kỉ)

Ex: The 1990s' events: những sự kiện của thập niên 90

The 21st centurýs prospects.

Có thể dùng cho các mùa trong năm trừ mùa xuân và mùa thu. Nếu dùng sở hữu cách cho hai mùa này thì người viết đã nhân cách hoá chúng. Ngày nay người ta dùng các mùa trong năm như một tính từ cho các danh từ đằng sau, ít dùng sở hữu cách.

Ex: The Autumn's leaf: chiếc lá của nàng thu.

Dùng cho tên các công ty lớn, các quốc gia

Ex: The Rockerfeller's oil products. Chinás food.

Đối với các cửa hiệu có nghề nghiệp đặc trưng chỉ cần dùng danh từ với dấu sở hữu.

Ex: In a florist's At a hairdresser's

Đặc biệt là các tiệm ăn: Antoniós

Dùng trước một số danh từ bất động vật chỉ trong một số thành ngữ

Ex: a stonés throw from ...(Cách nơi đâu một tầm đá ném).


Động từ trong tiếng Anh Chia làm 3 thời chính:

Quá khứ (Past)

Hiện tại (Present)

Tương lai (Future)

Mỗi thời chính lại chia thành nhiều thời nhỏ để diễn đạt tính chính xác của hành đô.ng.


1) Simple Present

Khi chia động từ thời này ở ngôi thứ 3 số ít, phải có "s" ở tận cùng và âm dó phải được đọc lên

Ex: He walks.

Ex: She watches TV

Nó dùng để diễn đạt một hành động thường xuyên xảy ra ở hiện tại, không xác định cụ thể về thời gian, hành động lặp đi lặp lại có tính qui luâ.t.

Thường dùng với một số các phó từ chỉ thời gian như today, present day, nowadays.

Đặc biệt nó dùng với một số phó từ chỉ tần suất như: always, sometimes, often, every + thời gian...

2) Present Progressive (be + V-ing)

Dùng để diễn đạt một hành động xảy ra ở vào một thời điểm nhất định của hiện ta.i. Thời điểm này được xác định cụ thể bằng một số phó từ như : now, rightnow, at this moment.

Dùng thay thế cho thời tương lai gần, đặc biệt là trong văn nói.

Đặc biệt lưu ý những động từ ở bảng sau không được chia ở thể tiếp diễn dù bất cứ thời nào khi chúng là những động từ tĩnh diễn đạt trạng thái cảm giác của hoạt động tinh thần hoặc tính chất của sự vật , sự viê.c. Nhưng khi chúng quay sang hướng dộng từ hành động thì chúng lại được phép dùng ở thể tiếp diễn.

know believe hear see smell wish

understand hate love like want sound

have need appear seem taste own

Ex: He has a lot of books.

He is having dinner now. (Động từ hành động: ăn tối)

I think they will come in time

Ím thinking of my test tomorrow. (Động từ hành động: Đang nghĩ về)

3) Present Perfect : Have + PII

Dùng để diễn đạt một hành động xảy ra từ trong quá khứ kéo dài đến hiện tại và chấm dứt ở hiện tại, thời diểm hành động hoàn toàn không được xác định trong câu.

Chỉ một hành động xảy ra nhiều lần trong quá khứ kéo dài đến hiện tại

Ex: George has seen this movie three time.

Dùng với 2 giới từ SINCE/FOR+time

Dùng với already trong câu khẳng định, lưu ý rằng already có thể đứng ngay sau have và cũng có thể đứng ở cuối câu.

Dùng với yet trong câu phủ định, yet thường xuyên đứng ở cuối câu.

Dùng với yet trong câu nghi vấn

Ex: Have you written your reports yet?

Trong một số trường hợp ở phủ định, yet có thể đứng ngay sau have nhưng phải thay đổi về mặt ngữ pháp: not mất đi và PII trở về dạng nguyên thể có to.

Ex: John has yet to learn the material = John hasn't learnt the material yet.

Dùng với now that... (giờ đây khi mà...)

Ex: Now that you have passed the TOEFL test successfully, you can apply...

Dùng với một số phó từ như till now, untill now, so far (cho đến giờ). Những thành ngữ này có thể đứng đầu câu hoặc cuối câu.

Ex: So far the problem has not been resolved.

Dùng với recently, lately (gần đây) những thành ngữ này có thể đứng đầu hoặc cuối câu.

Ex: I have not seen him recently.

Dùng với before đứng ở cuối câu.

Ex: I have seen him before.

4) Present Perfect Progressive : Have been V-ing

Dùng giống hệt như Present Perfect nhưng hành động không chấn dứt ở hiện tại mà vẫn tiếp tục tiếp diễn, thường xuyên dùng với since, for + time

Phân biệt cách dùng giữa hai thời:

Present Perfect

Hành động đã chấm dứt ở hiện tại do đó đã có kết quả rõ rê.t.

Ex: Íve waited you for half an hour (and now I stop working because you didn't come).

Present Perfect Progressive

Hành động vẫn tiếp diễn ở hiện tại, có khả năng lan tới tương lai do đó không có kết quả rõ rê.t.

Ex: Íve been waiting for you for half an hour (and now Ím still waiting, hoping that yoúll come)


1) Simple Past: V-ed

Một số động từ trong tiếng Anh có cả dạng Simple Past và Past Perfect bình thường cũng như đặc biê.t. Người Anh ưa dùng Simple past chia bình thường và P2 đặc biệt làm adj hoặc trong dạng bị động

Ex: To light

lighted/lighted: He lighted the candles in his birthday cake.

lit/ lit: From a distance we can see the lit restaurant.

Nó diễn đạt một hành động đã xảy ra đứt điểm trong quá khứ, không liên quan gì tới hiện tại, thời diểm trong câu được xác định rõ rệt bằng một số các phó từ chỉ thời gian như yesterday, at that moment, last + time

2) Past Progresseive: Was/Were + V-ing

Nó dùng để diễn đạt một hành động đang xảy ra ở vào một thời điểm nhất định của quá khứ. Thời diểm đó được diễn đạt cụ thể = ngày, giờ.

Nó dụng kết hợp với một simple past thông qua 2 phó từ chỉ thời gian là when và while, để chỉ một hành động đang tiếp diễn trong quá khứ thì một hành động khác chen ngang vào (khi đang... thì bỗng...).

Ex: Smb hit him on the head while he was walking to his car

Ex: He was walking to his car when Smb hit him on the head

Mệnh đề có when & while có thể đứng bất kì nơi nào trong câu nhưng sau when phải là simple past và sau while phải là Past Progressive.

Nó diễn đạt 2 hành động đang cùng lúc xảy ra trong quá khứ.

Ex: Her husband was reading newspaper while she was preparing dinner.

Mệnh đề hành động không có while có thể ở simple past nhưng ít khi vì dễ bị nhầm lẫn.

3) Past Perfect: Had + PII

Dùng để diễn đạt một hành động xảy ra trước một hành động khác trong quá khứ, trong câu bao giờ cũng có 2 hành động

Dùng kết hợp với một simple past thông qua 2 phó từ chỉ thời gian after và before.

Lưu ý

Mệnh đề có after & before có thể đứng ở đầu hoặc cuối câu nhưng sau after phải là past perfect còn sau before phải là simple past.

Before & After có thể được thay bằng when mà không sợ bị nhầm lẫn vì trong câu bao giờ cũng có 2 hành động, 1 trước, 1 sau.

Ex: The police came when the robber had gone away.

4) Past Perfect Progressive: Had + Been + V-ing

Dùng giống hệt như Past Perfect duy có điều hoạt động diễn ra liên tục cho đến tận Simple Past. Nó thường kết hợp với Simple Past thông qua phó từ Before. Trong câu thường xuyên có since, for + time

Lưu ý: Thời này ngày nay ít dùng, người ta thay thế nó bằng Past Perfect và chỉ dùng khi nào cần điễn đạt tính chính xác của hành đô.ng.


1) Simple Future: Will/Shall/Can/May + Verb in simple form

Ngày nay ngữ pháp hiện đại, đặc biệt là ngữ pháp Mĩ chấp nhận việc dùng will cho tất cả các ngôi, còn shall chỉ dùng với các ngôi I, we trong một số trường hợp như sau:

Đưa ra đề nghị một cách lịch sự

Ex: Shall I take you coat?

Dùng để mời người khác một cách lịch sự:

Ex: Shall we go out for lunch?

Dùng để ngã giá trong khi mặc cả, mua bán:

Ex: Shall we say : $ 50

Thường được dùng với 1 văn bản mang tính pháp qui buộc các bên phải thi hành điều khoản trong văn bản:

Ex: All the students shall be responsible for proper execution of the dorm rule

Trong tiếng Anh bình dân , người ta thay shall = must ở dạng câu này.

Nó dùng để diễn đạt một hành động sẽ xảy ra ở một thời điểm nhất định trong tương lai nhưng không xác định cụ thể. Thường dùng với một số phó từ chỉ thời gian như tomorrow, next + time, in the future, in future = from now on.

2) Near Future

Diễn đạt một hành động sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai gần, thường dùng với các phó từ dưới dạng: In a moment (lát nữa), At 2 óclock this afternoon....

Ex: We are going to have a reception in a moment

Nó chỉ 1 việc chắc chắn sẽ phải xảy ra theo như dự tính cho dù thời gian là tương lai xa.

Ex: We are going to take a TOEFL test next year.

Ngày nay người ta thường dùng present progressive.

3) Future Progressive: will/shall + be + verbing

Diễn đạt một điều sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai ở vào một thời điểm nhất định

At 8:00 am tomorrow morning we will be attending the lecture.

Good luck with the exam! We will be thinking of you.

Dùng kết hợp với present progressive khác để diễn đạt hai hành động đang song song xảy ra. Một ở hiện tại, còn một ở tương lai.

Now we are learning English here, but by the time tomorrow we will be attending the meeting at the office.

Được dùng để đề cập đến các sự kiện tương lai đã được xác định hoặc quyết định (không mang ý nghĩa tiếp diễn).

Professor Baxter will be giving another lecture on Roman glass - making at the same time next week.

Hoặc những sự kiện được mong đợi là sẽ xảy ra theo một tiến trình thường lệ (nhưng không diễn đạt ý định của cá nhân người nói).

You will be hearing from my solicitor.

I will be seeing you one of these days, I expect.

Dự đoán cho tương lai:

Don't phone now, they will be having dinner.

Diễn đạt lời đề nghị nhã nhặn muốn biết về kế hoạch của người khác

You will be staying in this evening.

(ông có dự định ở lại đây tối nay chứ ạ)

4) Future Perfect: Whill/ Shall + Have + PII

Chỉ một hành động sẽ phải được hoàn tất ở vào một thời điểm nhất định trong tương lai. Nó thường được dùng với phó tử chỉ thời gian dưới dạng

By the end of....., By the time + sentence

Ex: We will have accomplished the TOEFL test taking skills by the end of next year.

Ex: By the time Halleýs Comet comes racing across the night sky again, most of the people alive today will have passed away.

Sự hòa hợp giữa chủ ngữ và động từ

Trong một câu tiếng Anh, thông thường thì chủ ngữ đứng liền ngay với động từ và quyết định việc chia động từ nhưng không phải luôn luôn như vâ.y.

Các trường hợp Chủ ngữ đứng tách khỏi động từ

Xen vào giữa là một ngữ giới từ (một giới từ mở đầu cộng các danh từ theo sau). Các ngữ giới từ này không hề có quyết định gì tới việc chia động từ, động từ phải chia theo chủ ngữ chính.

Các thành ngữ ở bảng sau cùng với các danh từ đi theo sau nó tạo nên hiện tường đồng chủ ngữ. Nó sẽ đứng xen vào giữa chủ ngữ và động từ, tách ra khỏi giữa 2 thành phần đó = 2 dấu phảy và không có ảnh hưởng gì đến việc chia động từ.

The actrees, along with her manager and some friends, is going to a party tonight.

Together with along with accompanied by as well as

Nếu 2 danh từ làm chủ ngữ nối với nhau bằng and thì động từ phải chia ngôi thứ 3 số nhiều (they)

Nhưng nếu 2 đồng Chủ ngữ nối với nhau bằng or thì động từ phải chia theo danh từ đứng sau or. Nếu danh từ đó là số ít thì động từ phải chia ngôi thứ 3 số ít và ngược la.i.

The actress or her manager is going to answer the interview.

Các danh từ luôn đòi hỏi các động từ và đại từ đi theo chúng ở ngôi thứ 3 số ít

Đó là các danh từ ở bảng sau (còn gọi là các đại từ phiếm chỉ).

any + no + some +

singular noun singular noun singular noun

anybody nobody somebody

anyone no one someone

anything nothing something

every + singular noun each + singular noun


everyone either *

everything neither*

*Either and neither are singular if thay are not used with or and nor

either (1 trong 2) chỉ dùng cho 2 người hoặc 2 vâ.t. Nếu 3 người (vật) trở lên phải dùng any.

neither (không một trong hai) chỉ dùng cho 2 người, 2 vâ.t. Nếu 3 người trở lên dùng not any.

Neither of his chutes opens as he plummets to the ground

Not any of his pens is able to be used.

Cách sử dụng None và No

Nếu sau None of the là một danh từ không đếm được thì động từ phải ở ngôi thứ 3 số ít. Nhưng nếu sau nó là một danh từ số nhiều thì động từ phải chia ở ngôi thứ 3 số nhiều.

None of the counterfeit money has been found.

None of the students have finished the exam yet.

Nếu sau No là một danh từ đếm được số ít hoặc không đếm được thì động từ phải ở ngôi thứ 3 số ít nhưng nếu sau nó là một danh từ số nhiều thì động từ phải ở ngôi thứ 3 số nhiều

No example is relevant to this case.

Cách sử dụng cấu trúc either...or (hoặc...hoặc) và neither...nor (không...mà cũng không)

Điều cần lưu ý nhất khi sử dụng cấu trúc này là động từ phải chia theo danh từ đi sau or hoặc nor. Nếu danh từ đó là số ít thì dộng từ đó chia ở ngôi thứ 3 số ít và ngược la.i.

Neither John nor his friends are going to the beach today.

Either John or his friends are going to the beach today.

Neither the boys nor Carmen has seen this movie before.

Either John or Bill is going to the beach today.

V-ing làm chủ ngữ

Khi V-ing dùng làm chủ ngữ thì động từ phải chia ở ngôi thứ 3 số ít

Người ta sẽ dùng V-ing khi muốn diễn đạt 1 hành động cụ thể xảy ra nhất thời nhưng khi muốn diễn đạt bản chất của sự vật, sự việc thì phải dùng danh từ

Dieting is very popular today.

Diet is for those who suffer from a cerain disease.

Động từ nguyên thể cũng có thể dùng làm chủ ngữ và động từ sau nó sẽ chia ở ngôi thứ 3 số ít. Nhưng người ta thường dùng chủ ngữ giả it để mở đầu câu.

To find the book is necessary for him = It is necessary for him to find the book.

Các danh từ tập thể

Đó là các danh từ ở bảng sau dùng để chỉ 1 nhóm người hoặc 1 tổ chức nhưng trên thực tế chúng là những danh từ số ít, do vậy các dại từ và động từ theo sau chúng cũng ở ngôi thứ 3 số ít.

Congress family group committee class

Organization team army club crowd

Government jury majority* minority public

The committee has met, and it has rejected the proposal.

Tuy nhiên nếu động từ sau những danh từ này chia ở ngôi thứ 3 số nhiều thì câu đó ám chỉ các thành viên trong nhóm đang hoạt động riêng rẽ:

Congress votes for the bill.

*(Congress are discussing about the bill. (some agree, some disagree)).(TOEFL không bắt lỗi này).

Danh từ the majority được dùng tuỳ theo thành phần sau nó để chia động từ

The majority believes that we are in no danger.

The majority of the students believe him to be innocent.

the police/sheep/fish + plural verb

The sheep are breaking away

The police come only to see the dead bodies and a ruin in the bank

a couple + singular verb

A couple is walking on the path

The couple + plural verb

The couple are racing their horses through the meadow.

Các cụm từ ở bảng sau chỉ một nhóm động vật hoặc gia súc. cho dù sau giới từ of là danh từ số nhiều thì động từ vẫn chia theo ngôi chủ ngữ chính - ngôi thứ 3 số ít.

flock of birds, sheep school of fish

herd of cattle pride of lions

pack of dogs

The flock of birds is circling overhead.

Tất cả các danh từ tập thể chỉ thời gian, tiền bạc, số đo đều được xem là 1 danh từ số ít. Do đó các động từ và đại từ theo sau chúng phải ở ngôi thứ 3 số ít.

25 dollars is too much....

*Note: He has contributed $50, and now he wants to contribute another 50.

Cách sử dụng a number of, the number of:

A number of = một số lớn những... nếu đi với danh từ số nhiều thì động từ chia ở ngôi thứ ba số nhiều.

A number of students are going to the class picnic (a number of = many).

Nhưng the number of = một số... được coi là một tổng thể số ít, do đó cho dù sau nó là một danh từ số nhiều thì động từ vẫn phải chia ở ngôi thứ 3 số ít.

The number of days in a week is seven.

Các danh từ luôn dùng ở số nhiều

Bảng sau là những danh từ bao giờ cũng ở hình thái số nhiều vì chúng bao gôm 2 thực thể nên các đại từ và động từ đi cùng với chúng cũng phải ở số nhiều.









Nếu muốn chúng thành ngôi số ít phải dùng a pair of...

The pants are in the drawer.

A pair of pants is in the drawer.

Thành ngữ there is, there are

Thành ngữ này chỉ sự tồn tại của người hoặc vật tại một nơi nào đó. Chủ ngữ thật của thành ngữ này là danh từ đi sau. Nếu nó là danh từ số ít thì động từ to be chia ở ngôi thứ 3 số ít và ngược la.i.

Mọi biến đổi về thời và thể đều nằm ở to be còn there giữ nguyên.

There has been an increase in the importation of foreign cars.

There have been a number of telephone calls today.

Lưu ý các cấu trúc: there is certain/ sure/ likely/ bound to be: Chắc chắn là sẽ có

There is sure to be trouble when she gets his letter

(Chắc chắn là sẽ có rắc rối khi cô ấy nhận được thư anh ta)

Do you think there is likely to be snow

(Anh cho rằng chắc chắn sẽ có tuyết chứ)

Trong dạng tiếng Anh quy chuẩn hoặc văn chương một số các động từ khác ngoài to be cũng được sử dụng với there.

Động từ trạng thái: Stand/ lie/ remain/ exist/ live

Động từ chỉ sự đến: enter/ go/ come/ follow

In a small town in Germany there once lived a poor shoemaker

(Tại một thị trấn xép ở Đức đã từng có một ông thợ giày nghèo sống ở đó)

There remains nothing more to be done

(Chả còn có gì ở đó nữa mà làm)

Suđenly there entered a strange figure dressed all in black

(Bỗng có một hình bóng kì lạ đi vào mặc toàn đồ đen)

There followed an uncomfortable silence

(Một sự im lặng đến bất tiện tiếp theo sau đó)

There + subject pronoun + go/ come/ be: kìa/ thế là/ rồi thì

There he comes

(Anh ta đã đến rồi kia kìa)

There you are, I have been waiting for you for over an hour

(Anh đây rồi, tôi đang chờ anh đến hơn một tiếng rồi đấy)

There + be + name of people : Thì có .. .. đấy thôi .. Nhằm để gợi ta sự chú ý đến

There + be + always + noun: Thì lúc nào chả có .. một giải pháp khả dĩ cho 1 vấn đề

Whom could we ask ? Well, there is James, or Miranda, or Ann, or Sue...

Where can he sleep/_ Well, there is always the attic

There was this + noun: Chính là cái ... này đấy (để mở đầu cho một câu chuyện)

There was this man, see, and he could not get up in the morning. So he ...

(Này, chính là cái anh chàng này đấy, anh ta không dậy được buổi sáng. Thế là anh ta...

There (làm tính từ) chính cái/ con/ người ấy

Give that book there, please

Làm ơn đưa cho tôi chính cuốn sách ấy

That there dog: Chính con chó ấy đấy

That there girl, she broke two records of speed (Chính cô gái ấy đấy, cô ta đã phá hai kỉ lục về tốc độ)

Đại từ

Chia làm 5 loại với các chức năng sử dụng khác nhau.

Đại từ nhân xưng (Chủ ngữ)

Đứng đầu câu, làm chủ ngữ, quyết định việc chia động từ

Đứng sau động từ to be

Ex: The teachers who were invited to the party were George, Bill and I.

Ex: It was she who called you.

Đứng đằng sau các phó từ so sánh như than, as (Lỗi cơ bản)

Đằng sau các ngôi số nhiều như we, you có quyền dùng một danh từ số nhiều trực tiếp đằng sau.

Ex: We students are going to have a party (Sinh viên chúng tôi .....)

You guys (Bọn mày)

We/ You/ They + all/ both

Ex: We all go to school now

They both bought the ensurance

You all come shopping.

Nhưng nếu all hoặc both đi với các đại từ này ở dạng câu có động từ kép thì all hoặc both sẽ đứng sau trợ động từ (Future, progressive, perfect)

Ex: We will all go to school next week.

They have both bought the insurance.

All và Both cùng phải đứng sau động từ to be trên tính từ

Ex: We are all ready to go swimming.

Dùng he/she thay thế cho các vật nuôi nếu chúng được xem là có tính cách, thông minh hoặc tình cảm (chó, mèo, ngựa...)

Go and find a cat if where she stays in.

How's your new car? Terrrific, she is running beutifully.

Tên nước được thay thế trang trọng bằng she (ngày nay it dùng).

England is an island country and she is governed by a mornach.

Đại từ nhân xưng tân ngữ

Đứng đằng sau các đại từ và các giới từ làm tân ngữ : us/ you/ them + all/ both

Ex: They invited us all (all of us) to the party last night.

Đằng sau us có thể dùng một danh từ số nhiều trực tiếp

Ex: The teacher has made a lot of questions for us students.

Tính từ sở hữu

Đứng trước một danh từ và chỉ sự sở hữu của người hoặc vật đối với danh từ đó.

Đại từ sở hữu

Người ta dùng đại từ sở hữu để tránh khỏi phải nhắc lại tính từ sở hữu + danh từ đã nói ở trên.

Đứng đầu câu làm chủ ngữ và quyết định việc chia động từ.

Đứng sau các phó từ so sánh như than hoặc as

Ex: Your teacher is the same as his teacher. Yours is the same as his.

Đứng sau động từ to be

Đứng đằng sau một động từ hành động làm tân ngữ.

Ex: I forgot my homework. I forgot mine

Đại từ phản thân

Dùng để diễn đạt chủ ngữ làm một việc gì cho chính mình. Trong trường hợp này nó đứng ngay đằng sau động từ hoặc giới từ for ở cuối câu.

Ex: I washed myself

He sent the letter to himself.

Dùng để nhấn mạnh vào việc chủ ngữ tự làm lấy việc gì, trong trường hợp này nó đứng ngay sau chủ ngữ. Trong một số trường hợp nó có thể đứng ở cuối câu, khi nói hơi ngưng lại một chút.

Ex: I myself believe that the proposal is good.

She prepared the nine-course meal herself.

By + oneself = một mình.

Ex: John washed the dishes by himself (alone)

Tân ngữ

Động từ dùng làm tân ngữ

Không phải bất cứ động từ nào trong tiếng Anh cũng đều đòi hỏi tân ngữ đứng sau nó là một danh từ. Một số các động từ lại đòi hỏi tân ngữ sau nó phải là một động từ khác. Chúng chia làm hai loa.i.

Động từ nguyên thể là tân ngữ

Bảng dưới đây là những động từ đòi hỏi tân ngữ sau nó là một động từ nguyên thể khác.
























Ex: John expects to begin studying law next semester.

Verb -ing dùng làm tân ngữ

Bảng dưới đây là những động từ đòi hỏi tân ngữ theo sau nó phải là một Verb - ing




can't help














Ex: John admitted stealing the jewels.

Lưu ý rằng trong bảng này có mẫu động từ can't help doing/ but do smt: không thể đừng được phải làm gì

Ex: With such good oranges, we can't help buying (but buy) two kilos at a time.

Nếu muốn thành lập thể phủ định cho các động từ trên đây dùng làm tân ngữ phải đặt not trước nguyên thể hoặc verb - ing.

Bảng dưới đây là những động từ mà tân ngữ sau nó có thể là một động từ nguyên thể hoặc một verb - ing mà ngữ nghĩa không thay đổi.

can't stand









Lưu ý rằng trong bảng này có một động từ can't stand to do/doing smt: không thể chịu đựng được khi phải làm gì.

Ex: He can't stand to wait/ waiting such a long time.

Bốn động từ đặc biệt

Đó là những động từ mà ngữ nghĩa của chúng sẽ đổi khác hoàn toàn khi tân ngữ sau nó là một động từ nguyên thể hoặc verb - ing.

1) Stop to do smt: dừng lại để làm gì

2) Stop doing smt: dừng làm việc gì

3) Remember to do smt: Nhớ sẽ phải làm gì

Ex: I remember to send a letter at the post office tomorow morning.

4) Remember doing smt: Nhớ là đã làm gì

Ex: I remember locking the door before leaving, but now I can't find the key.

Đặc biệt nó thường được dùng với mẫu câu: S + still remember + V-ing : Vẫn còn nhớ là đã...

Ex: I still remember buying the first motorbike

5) Forget to do smt: quên sẽ phải làm gì

Ex: I forgot to pickup my child after school

6) Forget doing smt: (Chỉ được dùng trong các mẫu câu phủ đi.nh.

Đặc biệt nó thường được dùng với mẫu câu S + will never forget + V-ing: sẽ không bao giờ quên được là đã ...

Ex: She will never forget meeting the Queen.

7) Regret to do smt: Lấy làm tiếc vì phải (thường báo tin xấu)

Ex: We regret to inform the passengers that the flight for Washington DC was canceled because of the bad weather.

8) Regret doing smt: Lấy làm tiếc vì đã

Ex: He regrets leaving school early. It's a big mistake.

Các động từ đứng sau giới từ

Tất cả các động từ đứng sau giới từ đều phải ở dạng V-ing

Một số các động từ thường đi kèm với giới từ to. Không được nhầm lẫn giới từ này với to của động từ nguyên thể.

Verb + prepositions + V-ing

approve of

be better of

count on

depend on

give up

keep on

put off

rely on

succeed in

think abount

think of

worry abount

object to

look forward to

confess to

Ex: Fred confessed to stealing the jewels

Adjective + prepositions + V-ing

accustomed to

afraid of

capable of

fond of

interested in

successful in

tired of

Ex: Mitch is afraid of getting married now.

Noun + prepositions + V-ing

choice of

excuse for

intention of

method for

possibility of

reason for

(method of)

Ex: There is no reason for leaving this early.

Không phải bất cứ tính từ nào cũng đều đòi hỏi sau nó là một giới từ + V-ing. Những tính từ ở bảng sau lại đòi hỏi sau nó là một động từ nguyên thể.















Ex: It is dangerous to drive in this weather.

able/ unable to do smt = capable/ incapable of doing smt.

Vấn đề các đại từ đứng trước động từ nguyên thể hoặc V-ing dùng làm tân ngữ.

Đứng trước một động từ nguyên thể làm tân ngữ thì dạng của đại từ và danh từ sẽ là tân ngữ.













Ex: Joe asked Mary to call him when she woke up.

Ex: We ordered him to appear in court.

Tuy nhiên đứng trước một V- ing làm tân ngữ thì dạng của đại từ và danh từ sẽ là sở hữu.

Ex: We understand your not being able to stay longer.

Ex: We object to their calling at this hour.

Cách sử dụng các động từ bán khiếm khuyết


1) Dùng như một động từ thường: được sử dụng ra sao còn tùy vào chủ ngữ của nó

a) Khi chủ ngữ là một động vật + need + to + verb

Ex: My friend needs to learn Spanish.

b) Khi chủ ngữ là một bất động vật + need + to be + P2/ V-ing

Ex: The grass needs cutting OR The grass needs to be cut

Ex: Jill is in need of money (Jill needs money).

Want và Require cũng được dùng theo mẫu câu này

Ex: Your hair wants cutting

Ex: All ears require servicing regularly

2) Need được sử dụng như một động từ khiếm khuyết

Luôn ở dạng hiện ta.i.

Ngôi thứ ba số ít không có "s" tận cùng

Chỉ dùng ở thể nghi vấn và phủ định

Không dùng với trợ động từ to do.

Sau need phải là một động từ bỏ "to"

Ex: We needn't reserve seats - there will be plenty of rooms.

Ex: Need I fill out the form ?

Dùng sau các từ như if/ whether/ only/ scarcely/ hardly/ no one

Ex: I wonder if I need fill out the form

This is the only form you need fill out.

Needn't + have + P2 : Lẽ ra không cần phải

Ex: You needn't have came so early - only waste your time.

Lưu ý: Needn't = không cần phải trong khi mustn't = không được phép.


1) Khi dùng với nghĩa là "dám"

Không dùng ở thể khẳng định, chỉ dùng ở thể nghi vấn và phủ đi.nh. Nó có thể dùng với trợ động từ to do hoặc với chính bản thân nó. Động từ sau nó về mặt lý thuyết là có to nhưng trên thực tế thường bỏ.

Ex: Did they dare (to) do such a thing = Dared they do such a thing

Ex: He didn't dare (to) say anything = He dared not say anything.

Dare không được dùng ở thể khẳng định ngoại trừ thành ngữ I dare say/ I daresay với 2 nghĩa sau:

Tôi cho rằng: I dare say there will be a restaurant car at the end of the train

Tôi thừa nhận là: I daresay you are right.

How dare/ dared + S + Verb in simple form: Sao ... dám (tỏ sự giận giữ)

Ex: How dared you open my letter: Sao mày dám mở thư của tao.

2) Dare dùng như một ngoại động từ

Mang nghĩa "thách thức":

Dare sb to do smt: Thách ai làm gì

Ex: They dare the boy to swim across the river in such a cold weather.

Cách sử dụng to be trong một số trường hợp

To be of + noun = to have: có (dùng để chỉ tính chất hoặc tình cảm)

Ex: Mary is of a gentle nature: Mary có một bản chất tử tế.

To be of + noun: Nhấn mạnh cho danh từ đứng đằng sau

Ex: The newly-opened restaurant is of (ở ngay) the Leceister Square

To be + to + verb: là dạng cấu tạo đặc biệt được sử dụng trong những trường hợp sau:

Để truyền đạt các mệnh lệnh hoặc các chỉ dẫn từ ngôi thứ nhất qua ngôi thứ hai đến ngôi thứ ba.

Ex: No one is to leave this building without the permission of the police.

Dùng với mệnh đề if khi mệnh đề chính diễn đạt một câu tiền điều kiện: Một điều phải xảy ra trước nhất nếu một điều khác sẽ xảy ra.

Ex1: If we are to get there by lunch time we had better hurry.

Ex2: Smt must be done quickly if the endangered birds are to be save.

Ex3: He knew he would have to work hard if he was to pass his exam

Được dùng để thông báo những yêu cầu xin chỉ dẫn

Ex: He asked the air traffic control where he was to land.

Được dùng rất phổ biến để truyền đạt một dự định, một sự sắp đặt, đặc biệt khi nó là chính thức.

Ex1: She is to get married next month.

Ex2: The expedition is to start in a week.

Ex3: We are to get a ten percent wage rise in June.

Cấu trúc này rất thông dụng trên báo chí, khi là tựa đề báo thì to be được bỏ đi để tiết kiệm chỗ.

Ex: The Primer Minister (is) to make a statement tomorrow.

were + S + to + verb = if + S + were + to + verb = thế nếu (diễn đạt một giả thuyết)

Ex: Were I to tell you that he passed his exams, would you believe me.

was/ were + to + verb: Để diễn đạt ý tưởng về một số mệnh đã định sẵn

Ex1: They said goodbye without knowing that they were never to meet again.

Ex2: Since 1840, American Presidents elected in years ending zero were to be died (have been destined to die)in office.

to be about to + verb = near future (sắp sửa)

Ex: They are about to leave.

Trong một số dạng câu đặc biệt

Be + adj ... mở đầu cho một ngữ = tỏ ra...

Ex: Be careless (Tỏ ra bất cẩn...) in a national park where there are bears around and the result are likely to be tragical indeed

Be + subject + noun/ noun phrase/ adjective = cho dù là

Ex: Societies have found various methods to support and train their artists, be it (cho dù là...) the Renaissance system of royal support of the sculptors and painters of the period or the Japanese tradition of passing artistic knowledge from father to son.

Ex: To have technique is to possess the physical expertise to perform whatever steps a given work may contain, be they simple or complex:

(Có được kỹ thuật là sẽ có được sự điêu luyện về mặt cơ thể để thực hiện bất kỳ những bước vũ nào mà một điệu vũ đã định sẵn có thể bao gồm, cho dù là chúng đơn giản hay phức tạp)

Cách sử dụng to get trong một số trường hợp đặc biệt

To get + P2

get washed/ dressed/ prepared/ lost/ drowned/ engaged/ married/ divorced.

Chỉ việc chủ ngữ tự làm lấy hoặc trạng thái mà chủ ngữ đang ở trong đó.

Ex: You will have 5 minutes to get dressed (... tự mặc quần áo)

Ex: He got lost in old Market Street yesterday. (trạng thái lạc)

Tuyệt nhiên không được lẫn trường hợp này với động từ bị đô.ng.

Động từ to be có thể dùng thay thế cho get trong loại câu này.

Get + V-ing = Start + V-ing: Bắt đầu làm gì

Ex: Wéd better got moving, it's late.

Get sb/smt +V-ing: Làm ai/ cái gì bắt đầu.

Ex: Please get him talking about the main task. (Làm ơn bảo anh ta bắt đầu nói về nhiệm vụ chính đi)

Ex: When we get the heater running, the whole car will start to warm up. (Khi chúng ta cho máy sưởi bắt đầu chạy)

Get + to + verb

Tìm được cách.

Ex: We could get to enter the stadiums without tickets.(Chúng tôi đã tìm được cách lọt vào...)

Có cơ may.

Ex: When do I get to have a promotion.(Khi nào tôi có cơ may được tăng lương đây)

Được phép

Ex: At last we got to meet the general director. (Cuối cùng thì rồi chúng tôi cũng được phép gặp)

Get + to + Verb (chỉ vấn đề hành động) = Come + to + Verb (chỉ vấn đề nhận thức) = Gradually = dần dần

Ex: We will get to speak English more easily as time goes by.

Ex: He comes to understand that learning English is not much difficult

Câu hỏi

Tiếng Anh có nhiều loại câu hỏi bao gồm những chức năng và mục đích khác nhau

Câu hỏi Yes/ No

Sở dĩ gọi là như vậy vì khi trả lời được dùng Yes/ No ở đầu câu. Nên nhớ rằng :

Yes + Positive verb

No + Negative verb.

tuyệt đối không được trả lời theo kiểu câu tiếng Viê.t.

Câu hỏi thông báo

Là loại câu dùng với một loạt các đại từ nghi vấn

a) Who/ what làm chủ ngữ

Đứng đầu câu làm chủ ngữ và quyết định việc chia động từ. Động từ sau nó nếu ở thời hiện tại phải chia ở ngôi thứ 3 số ít.

Ex: What happened last night ?

b) Whom/ what làm tân ngữ

Chúng vẫn đứng đầu câu nhưng làm tân ngữ cho câu hỏi. Nên nhớ rằng trong tiếng Anh qui chuẩn bắt buộc phải dùng whom mặc dù trong văn nói có thể dùng who thay cho whom (Lỗi cơ bản).

Ex: What did George buy at the store.

c) Câu hỏi nhắm vào các bổ ngữ: When, Where, How và Why

Ex: How did Maria get to school today ?

Câu hỏi gián tiếp

Là loại câu mang những đặc tính như sau:

Câu có hai thành phần nối với nhau bằng một đại từ nghi vấn.

Động từ ở mệnh đề hai phải đặt xuôi theo chủ ngữ, không được cấu tạo câu hỏi.

Đại từ nghi vấn không chỉ là 1 từ mà còn bao gồm 2 hoặc 3 từ.

Ex: The authorities can't figure out why the plane landed at the wrong airport.

Ex: Do you know where he went ?.

Question word có thể là một phrase: whose + noun, how many, how much, how long, how often, what time, what kind.

Ex: I have no idea how long the interview will take.

Câu hỏi có đuôi

Câu chia làm hai thành phần tách biệt nhau bởi dấu phẩy.

Nếu động từ ở thành phần chính chia ở thể khẳng định thì động từ ở phần đuôi chia ở thể phủ định và ngược la.i.

Thời của động từ ở đuôi phải theo thời của động từ ở mệnh đề chính.

Động từ thường dùng với trợ động từ to do. Các động từ ở thời kép dùng với chính trợ động từ của nó. Động từ to be được phép dùng trực tiếp.

Các thành ngữ there is, there are và it is được dùng lại ở phần đuôi.

Trong tiếng Anh của người Mỹ, to have là động từ thường, do vậy nó phải dùng với trợ động từ to do.

Ex1: You have two children, don't you ?

Ex2: He should stay in bed, shouldn't he ?

Ex3: She has been studying English for two years, hasn't she ?

*Lưu ý: khi sử dụng loại câu hỏi này nên nhớ rằng người hỏi chỉ nhằm để khẳng định ý kiến của mình đã biết chứ không nhằm để hỏi. Do đó khi chấm câu hiểu trong TOEFL, phải dựa vào thể động từ của mệnh đề chính chứ không dựa vào thể động từ ở phần đuôi.

John can get Mary to play this, can't he?

Correct answer: John believes that Mary will play this for us.

Lối nói phụ họa khẳng định và phủ định

Khẳng định

Là lối nói phụ họa lại ý khẳng định của người khác tương đương với cấu trúc tiếng Việt cũng thế.

Cấu trúc được dùng sẽ là so, too.

Động từ to be được phép dùng trực tiếp, động từ thường dùng với trợ động từ to do. Các động từ ở thời kép (Future, perfect, progressive) dùng với chính trợ động từ của nó.

Ex: I am happy, and you are too

I am happy, and so are you.

Ex: They will work in the lab tomorrow, and you will too.

They will work in the lab tomorrow, and so will you.

Ex: Jane goes to that school, and my sister does too.

Jane goes to that school, and so does my sister.

Phủ định

Để phụ họa lại ý phủ định của người khác, tương đương với cấu trúc tiếng Việt cũng không.

Thành ngữ được sử dụng sẽ là either và neither. Nên nhớ rằng:

Either + negative verb

Neither + positive verb

Sử dụng giống lối nói phụ họa khẳng định với 3 loại: to be, động từ thường và các động từ ở thời kép.

Ex: I didn't see Mary this morning, and John didn't either

I didn't see Mary this morning, and neither did John.

Lưu ý: Các lối nói me too và me neither chỉ được dùng trong văn nói, tuyệt đối không được dùng trong văn viết.

Câu phủ định

Để cấu tạo câu phủ định đặt not sau:

Động từ to be - Trợ động từ to do của động từ thường - các trợ động từ ở thời kép.

Đặt any đằng trước danh từ để nhấn mạnh trong phủ đi.nh. Nên nhớ rằng trong tiếng Anh của người Mỹ thì not any + noun = not .... a single noun.

Ex: He didn't sell a single magazine yesterday.

Trong một số trường hợp để nhấn mạnh vào phủ định của danh từ. Người ta để động từ ở dạng khẳng định và đặt no trước danh từ. Lúc đó no = not ... at all.

Một số các câu hỏi ở dạng phủ định sẽ mang hai nghĩa:

Nhấn mạnh cho sự khẳng định của người nói.

Ex: Shouldn't you put on your hat, too! : Thế thì anh cũng đội luôn mũ vào đi.

Ex: Didn't you say that you would come to the party tonight: Thế anh đã chẳng nói là anh đi dự tiệc tối nay hay sao.

Dùng để tán dương

Ex: Wasn't the weather wonderful yesterday: Thời tiết hôm qua đẹp tuyệt vời.

Ex: Wouldn't it be nice that we didn't have to work on Friday: Thật là tuyệt vời khi chúng ta không phải làm việc ngày thứ 6.

Negative + Negative = Positivẹ(emphasizing - Nhấn mạnh)

Ex: It's unbelieveable he is not rich.

Negative + comparative (more/ less) = superlative

Ex: I couldn't agree with you less = absolutely disagree.

Ex: You couldn't have gone to the beach on a better day = the best day to go to the beach.

Nhưng phải hết sức cẩn thận vì :

Ex: He couldn't have been more unfriendly (the most unfriendly) when I met him first.

Ex: The surgery couldn't have been more unnecessary (absolutely unnecessary).

Negative... even/still less/much less + noun/ verb in simple form: không ... mà lại càng không.

Ex: These students don't like reading novel, much less textbook.

Ex: It's unbelieveable how he could have survived such a freefall, much less live to tell about it on television

Một số các phó từ trong tiếng Anh mang nghĩa phủ định, khi đã dùng nó trong câu không được cấu tạo thể phủ định của động từ nữa.

hardly, barely, scarcely = almost no = hầu như không.

hardlyever, seldom, rarely = almost never = hầu như không bao giờ.

*Lưu ý rằng các phó từ này không mang nghĩa phủ định hoàn toàn mà mang nghĩa gần như phủ đi.nh. Đặc biệt là những từ như barely và scarcely khi đi với những từ như enough và only hoặc những thành ngữ chỉ sự chính xác.

Ex: She barely make it to class on time: Cô ta đến lớp vừa vặn đúng giờ.

Ex: Do you have enough money for the tution fee? Only barely (Scarcely enough):Vừa đủ.

Đối với những động từ như to think, to believe, to suppose, to imagine + that + sentense. Phải cấu tạo phủ định ở các động từ đó, không được cấu tạo phủ định ở mệnh đề thứ hai.

Ex: I don't think you came to class yesterday.

Ex: I don't believe she stays at home now.

Trong dạng informal standard English (tiếng Anh qui chuẩn dùng thường ngày) một cấu trúc phủ định ngưng không mang nghĩa phủ định đôi khi được sử dụng sau những ý chỉ sự nghi ngờ hoặc không chắc chắn, đặc biệt là phủ định kép.

I shouldn't be suprised if they didn't get married soon (if they got married soon).

Tôi sẽ không lấy làm ngạc nhiên nếu họ lấy nhau sớm.

I wonder whether I oughtn't to go and see a doctor. I'm feeling a bit funny.

Tôi tự hỏi xem là liệu tôi có nên đi khám bác sỹ không. Tôi...

No matter + who/what/which/where/when/how + Subject + verb in present: Dù có... đi chăng nữa... thì

No matter who telephones, say I'm out.

Cho dù là ai gọi đến thì hãy bảo là tôi đi vắng.

No matter where you go, you will find Coca-Cola

Cho dù anh có đi đến đâu, anh cũng sẽ tìm thấy nước Coca-Cola

*Lưu ý 1: No matter who = whoever/ No matter what = whatever

No matter what (whatever) you say, I won't believe you.

Cho dù là mày có nói gì đi chăng nữa, tao cũng không tin.

*Lưu ý 2: Các cấu trúc này có thể đứng cuối câu mà không cần có mệnh đề theo sau:

I will always love you, no matter what.

Mệnh lệnh thức

Chia làm 2 loại: Trực tiếp và gián tiếp.

Mệnh lệnh thức trực tiếp

Ex: Close the door

Ex: Please don't turn off the light.

Mệnh lệnh thức gián tiếp dùng với một số động từ to order/ ask/ say/ tell sb/ do/ not to do smt.

Ex: John asked Jill to turn off the light.

Ex: Please tell Jaime not to leave the room.

Chú ý: let's khác let us

Ex: let's go: mình đi nào

Ex: let us go: để chúng tôi đi đi

Câu hỏi có đuôi của let's là shall we

Ex: Let's go out for dinner, shall we

Động từ khiếm khuyết

Đó là những động từ ở bảng sau và mang những đặc điểm

past tense





must (have to)

would (used to)



should (ought to) (had better)

(had to)

Không có tiểu từ "to" đằng trước.

Động từ nào đi sau nó phải bỏ "to".

Không cần dùng với trợ động từ mà dùng với chính bản thân nó trong các dạng câu nghi vấn và câu phủ đi.nh.

Không bao giờ hai động từ khiếm khuyết đi cùng nhau, nếu có thì động từ thứ hai phải biến sang một dạng khác.

will have to (must), will be able to (can), will be allowed to (may)

Câu điều kiện

Điều kiện có thể thực hiện được ở hiện tại

If + S + simple present - S + will (can, shall, may) + Verb in simple form.

Ex: If he tries much more, he will improve his English.

Điều kiện không thể thực hiện được ở hiện tại

If + S + simple past - S + would (could, should, might) + Verb in simple form

Ex: If I had enough money now, I would buy this house .

Động từ to be phải chia là were ở tất cả các ngôi.

Ex: If I were you, I wouldn't do such a thing.

Trong một số trường hợp, người ta bỏ if đi và đảo were lên trên chủ ngữ (were I you ... lỗi cơ bản).

Điều kiện không thể thực hiện được ở quá khứ

If + S + had + P2 - S + would(could, shoult,might) + have + P2

Ex: If he had studied harder for that test, he would have passed it.

Trong một số trường hợp người ta bỏ if đi và đảo had lên phía trước.

Lưu ý: Câu điều kiện không phải lúc nào cũng tuân theo qui luật trên. Trong một số trường hợp một vế của điều kiện sẽ là quá khứ nhưng vế còn lại ở hiện tại do thời gian qui đi.nh.

Ex: If she had caught the train, she would be here by now.

Cách sử dụng các động từ will, would, could, should sau if

Thông thường các động từ này không được sử dụng với if trong câu điều kiện, tuy nhiên vẫn có ngoại lệ.

If you will/would : Nếu ..... vui lòng. Thường được dùng trong các yêu cầu lịch sự. Would lịch sự hơn will.

Ex: If you will/would wait for a moment, I will go and see if Mr Conner is here.

If + Subject + Will/Would : Nếu ..... chi.u. Để diễn đạt ý tự nguyê.n.

Ex: If he will listent to me, I can help him.

Will còn được dùng theo mẫu câu này để diễn đạt sự ngoan cố: Nếu ..... nhất định, Nếu ..... cứ.

Ex: If you will turn on the music loudly late the night, no wonder why your neighbour complain.

If you could: Xin vui lòng. Diễn đạt lịch sự 1 yêu cầu mà người nói cho rằng người kia sẽ đồng ý như là một lẽ đương nhiên.

Ex: If you could open your book, please.

If + Subject + should + ..... + imperative (mệnh lệnh thức): Ví phỏng như. Diễn đạt một tình huống dù có thể xảy ra được song rất khó.

Ex: If you should find any dificulty in using that TV, please call me this number.

Trong một số trường hợp người ta bỏ if đi và đảo should lên trên chủ ngữ (Should you find)

Một số cách dùng thêm của if

If... then: Nếu... thì

If she can't come to us, then we will have to go and see her.

If dùng trong dạng câu không phải câu điều kiện: Động từ ở các mệnh đề diễn biến bình thường theo thời gian của chính nó.

If you want to learn a musical instrument, you have to practice.

If you did not do much maths at school, you will find economics difficult to understand.

If that was Marry, why didn't she stop and say hello.

If... should = If... happen to... = If... should happen to... diễn đạt sự không chắc chắn (Xem thêm phần sử dụng should trong một số trường hợp cụ thể)

Ex: If you should happen to pass a supermarket, perhaps you could get some eggs. (Ngộ nhỡ mà anh có tình cờ ghé qua chợ có lẽ mua cho em ít trứng)

If.. was/were to...

Diễn đạt điều kiện không có thật hoặc tưởng tượng ở tương lai.

If the boss was/were to come in now (= if the boss came in now), we would be in real trouble.

What would we do if I was/were to lose my job.

Hoặc có thể diễn đạt một ý lịch sự khi đưa ra đề nghị

If you were to to move your chair a bit, we could all sit down.

(Nếu anh vui lòng dịch ghế của anh ra một chút thì chúng ta có thể cùng ngồi được)

Note: Cấu trúc này tuyệt đối không được dùng với các động từ tĩnh hoặc chỉ trạng thái tư duy

Correct: If I knew her name, I would tell you.

Incorrect: If I was/were to know...

If it + to be + not + for: Nếu không vì, nếu không nhờ vào.

Thời hiện tại:

Ex: If it wasn't/weren't for the children, that couple wouldn't have any thing to talk about.

(Nếu không vì những đứa con thì vợ chồng nhà ấy chả có chuyện gì mà nói)

Thời quá khứ:

Ex: If it hadn't been for your help, I don't know what we would have done.

(Nếu không nhờ vào sự giúp đỡ của anh thì tôi cũng không biết là chúng tôi sẽ làm gì đây)

Not đôi khi được thêm vào những động từ sau if để bày tỏ sự nghi ngờ, không chắc chắn.

Ex: I wonder if we shouldn't ask the doctor to look at Mary.

It would... if + subject + would... (sẽ là... nếu - không được dùng trong văn viết)

Ex: It would be better if they would tell every body in advance.

(Sẽ là tốt hơn nếu họ kể cho mọi người từ trước)

Ex: How would we feel if this would happen to our family.

(Ta sẽ cảm thấy thế nào nếu điều này xảy ra đối với gia đình chúng tạ)

If... 'd have... 'have: Dùng trong văn nói, không dùng trong văn viết, diễn đạt điều kiện không thể xảy ra ở quá khứ

Ex: If I'd have known, I'd have told you.

Ex: If she'd have recognized him it would have been funny.

If + preposition + noun/verb... (subject + be bị lược bỏ)

Ex: If in doubt, ask for help (=If you are in doubt)

Ex: If about to go on a long journey, try to have a good nights sleep

(= If you are about to go on... )

If dùng khá phổ biến với một số từ như any/anything/ever/not diễn đạt phủ định

There is little if any good evidence for flying saucers.

(=There is little evidence if ther is any at all, for flying saucers)

(Có rất ít bằng chứng về đĩa bay, nếu quả là có một chút)

I'm not angry. If anything, I feel a little surprised.

(Tôi không giận dữ gì đâu. Mà trái lại tôi cảm thấy hơi ngạc nhiên)

Thành ngữ này còn diễn đạt ý kiến ướm thử: Nếu có...

I'd say he was more like a father, if anything

(Tôi xin nói rằng ông ấy còn hơn cả một người cha, nếu có thể nói thế.)

He seldom if ever travel abroad.

(Anh ta chả mấy khi đi ra nước ngoài)

Usually, if not always, we write "cannot" as one word

(Thông thường, nhưng không phải là luôn luôn... )

If + Adjective = although (cho dù là)

Nghĩa không mạnh bằng although - Dùng để diễn đạt quan điểm riêng hoặc vấn đề gì đó không quan tro.ng.

His style, if simple, is pleasant to read.

(Văn phong của ông ta, cho dù là đơn giản, thì đọc cũng thú)

The profits, if little lower than last year's, are still extremely wealthy

(Lợi nhuận, cho dù là có thấp hơn năm qua một chút, thì vẫn là rất lớn.)

Cấu trúc này có thể thay bằng may..., but

His style may be simple, but it is pleasant to read.

Cách sử dụng to Hope, to Wish.

Hai động từ này tuy cùng nghĩa nhưng khác nhau về cách sử dụng và bản chất ngữ pháp.

Động từ của mệnh đề sau hope (hi vọng rằng) sẽ diễn biến bình thường theo thời gian của chính mệnh đề đó.

Động từ ở mệnh đề sau wish bắt buộc phải ở dạng điều kiện không thể thực hiện đươ.c. Điều kiện đó chia làm 3 thời:

Điều kiện không có thật ở tương lai

Động từ ở mệnh đề sau wish sẽ có dạng would/could + Verb hoặc were + [verb + ing].

Ex: We wish that you could come to the party tonight. (You can't come)

Điều kiện không thể thực hiện được ở hiện tại

Động từ ở mệnh đề sau wish sẽ chia ở Simple past, to be phải chia là were ở tất cả các ngôi.

Ex: I wish that I had enough time to finish my homework.

Điều kiện không thể thực hiện được ở quá khứ

Động từ ở mệnh đề sau wish sẽ chia ở Past perfect hoặc could have + P2.

Ex: I wish that I had washed the clothes yesterday.

She wishes that she could have been there.

*Lưu ý 1: Động từ ở mệnh đề sau wish chỉ có thể bị ảnh hưởng của wish là bắt buộc phải ở dạng điều kiện không thể thực hiện được nhưng điều kiện ấy ở thời nào lại phụ thuộc vào chính thời gian của bản thân mệnh đề chứ không vào wish.

Ex: She wishes that she could have gone earlier yesterdaỵ(Past)

Ex: He wished that he would come to visit me next week.(Future)

Ex: The photographer wished we stood clother than we are standing now. (Present).

*Lưu ý 2: Cần phân biệt wish (ước gì/ mong gì) với wish mang nghĩa "chúc"trong mẫu câu: to wish sb smt

Ex: I wish you a happy birthday.

*Lưu ý 3: và wish mang nghĩa "muốn": To wish to do smt (Muốn làm gì)

To wish smb to do smt (Muốn ai làm gì)

Why do you wish to see the manager

I wish to make a complaint.

The government does not wish Dr.Jekyll Hyde to accept a professorship at a foreign university.

Wish (lịch sự/ trang trọng nhất) = would like (lịch sự) = want (thân mật)

Cách sử dụng thành ngữ as if, as though (gần như là, như thể là)

Mệnh đề đằng sau hai thành ngữ này thường xuyên ở dạng điều kiện không thể thực hiện đươ.c. Điều kiện này chia làm 2 thời:

Thời hiện tại: nếu động từ ở mệnh đề trước chia ở thời hiện tại đơn giản thì động từ ở mệnh đề sau chia ở quá khứ đơn giản. To be phải chia là were ở tất cả các ngôi.

Ex: The old lady dresses as if it were winter even in the summer. (It is not winter)

Thời quá khứ: Nếu động từ ở mệnh đề trước chia ở quá khứ đơn giản thì động từ ở mệnh đề sau chia ở quá khứ hoàn thành.

Ex: Jeff looked as though he had seen a ghost. (He didn't see a ghost)

Lưu ý: Mệnh đề sau as if, as though không phải lúc nào cũng tuân theo qui luật trên. Nếu điều kiện trong câu là có thật hoặc theo quan niệm của người nói, người viết là có thật thì hai công thức trên không được sử du.ng. Động từ ở mệnh đề sau diễn biến bình thường theo mối quan hệ ở mệnh đề chính.

Ex: He looks as if he has finished the test.

Used to, to be/get used to

Used to + Verb: Thường hay đã từng. Chỉ một thói quen, một hành động thường xuyên xảy ra trong quá khứ.

Ex: When David was young, he used to swim once a day. (past time habit)

Nghi vấn: Did + S + used to + Verb = Used + S + to + V.

Phủ định: S + didn't + used to + Verb = S + used not to + V.

To be/ to get used to + V-ing/ Noun: Trở nên quen với.

Ex: He is used to swimming every day.

Ex: He got used to American food

*Lưu ý: Used to + V có thể thay bằng would nhưng ít khi vì dễ nhầm lẫn.

Cách sử dụng thành ngữ would rather

would rather .... than = prefer .... to = thích hơn là.

Đằng sau would rather bắt buộc phải là một động từ bỏ to nhưng sau prefer là một V-ing và có thể bỏ đi đươ.c.

Khi would rather .... than mang nghĩa thà .... còn hơn là thì prefer .... to không thể thay thế đươ.c.

Ex: They would rather die in freedom than live in slavery.

Ex: He prefers dogs to cat (Anh ta thích chó hơn mèo)

Ex: He would rather have dogs than cats (Anh ta thà nuôi chó hơn mèo)

Việc sử dụng would rather còn tùy thuộc vào số CN và nghĩa của câu.

Loại câu có một chủ ngữ

Cấu trúc sử dụng cho loại câu này là would rather ... than là loại câu điều kiện không thực hiện được và chia làm 2 thời:

Thời hiện tại: Sau would rather là nguyên thể bỏ to. Nếu muốn thành lập thể phủ định đặt not trước nguyên thể bỏ to.

Ex: Jim would rather go to class tomorrow than today.

Thời quá khứ: Động từ sau would rather phải là have + P2, nếu muốn thành lập thể phủ định đặt not trước have.

Ex: Jim would rather have gone to class yesterday than today.

Loại câu có hai chủ ngữ

Loại câu này dùng thành ngữ would rather that (ước gì, mong gì) và dùng trong một số trường hợp sau:

a) Loại câu giả định ở hiện tại

Là loại câu người thứ nhất muốn người thứ hai làm việc gì nhưng làm hay không còn phụ thuộc vào người thứ hai. Trong trường hợp này động từ ở mệng đề hai để ở dạng nguyên thể bỏ to. Nếu muốn thành lập thể phủ định đặt not trước nguyên thể bỏ to.

Ex: I would rather that you call me tomorrow.

Ngữ pháp hiện đại ngày nay đặc biệt là ngữ pháp Mĩ cho phép bỏ that trong cấu trúc này mà vẫn giữ nguyên hình thức giả đi.nh.

Ex: He would rather (that) he not take this train.

b) Loại câu không thể thực hiện được ở hiện tại

Động từ sau chủ ngữ hai sẽ chia ở simple past, to be phải chia là were ở tất cả các ngôi.

Ex: Henry would rather that his girlfriend worked in the same department as he does.

Ex: Jane would rather that it were winter now.

Nếu muốn thành lập thể phủ định dùng didn't + Verb hoặc were not sau chủ ngữ hai.

c) Loại câu không thể thực hiện được ở quá khứ

Động từ sau chủ ngữ hai sẽ chia ở dạng past perfect.

Nếu muốn thành lập thể phủ định dùng hadn't + P2.

Ex: Jim would rather that Jill had gone to class yesterday.

Lưu ý: Trong lối nói bình thường hàng ngày người ta dùng wish thay cho would rather that.

Cách sử dụng thành ngữ Would like

Diễn đạt một cách lịch sự lời mời mọc hoặc ý mình muốn gì.

Ex: Would you like to dance with me.

Không dùng do you want khi mời mọc người khác.

Trong tiếng Anh của người Anh, nếu để diễn đạt sự ưa thích của chủ ngữ thì sau like là một V-ing.

Ex: He does like reading novel. (enjoyment)

Nhưng để diễn đạt sự lựa chọn hoặc thói quen thì sau like phải là một động từ nguyên thể.

Ex: Between the soccer and tenis, I like to see the former. (choice)

Ex: When making tea, he usually likes to put some sugar and a slice of lemon in first. (habit)

Nhưng trong tiếng Anh người Mĩ không có sự phân biệt này: Tất cả sau like đều là động từ nguyên thể.

Wouldn't like = không ưa trong khi don't want = không muốn.

Ex: Would you like somemore coffee ?

Polite: No, thanks/ No, I don't want any more.

Impolite: I wouldn't like (thèm vào)

Lưu ý rằng khi like được dùng với nghĩa "cho là đúng" hoặc "cho là hay/ khôn ngoan" thì bao giờ theo sau cũng là một nguyên thể có to (infinitive)

Ex: She likes the children to play in the garden (She think they are safe playing there)

(Cô ấy muốn bọn trẻ con chơi trong vườn cho chắc/ cho an toàn)

Ex: I like to go to the dentist twice a year

(Tôi muốn đến bác sĩ nha khoa 2 lần năm cho chắc).

Would like = would care /love/ hate/ prefer + to + verb khi diễn đạt điều kiện cho một hành động cụ thể ở tương lai.

Ex: Would you like/ care to come with me? Íd love to

Would like/ would care for/ would enjoy + Verb-ing khi diễn đạt khẩu vị, ý thích nói chung của chủ ngữ.

Ex: She would like/ would enjoy riding if she could ride better.

Ex: I wonder if Tom would care for/ would enjoy hang-gliding.

Cách sử dụng các động từ khiếm khuyết để diễn đạt các trạng thái ở hiện tại

Could, May, Might + Verb in simple form = Có lẽ, có thể.

Chỉ khả năng có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại nhưng người nói không dám chắc. (Cả 3 động từ đều có giá trị như nhau).

Ex: It might rain tomorrow.

Should + Verb in simple form

Nên : diễn đạt một lời khuyên, sự gợi ý, sự bắt buộc nhưng không mạnh lắm.

Có khi, có lẽ : Diễn đạt người nói mong muốn điều đó sẽ xảy ra. (Expect)

Các thành ngữ had better, ought to, be supposed to đều mang nghĩa tương đương với should với điều kiện động từ to be trong thành ngữ be supposed to phải chia ở thời hiện ta.i.

Ex: John ought to study tonight.

Ex: John is supposed to study tonight.

Lưu ý: Thành ngữ be supposed to ngoài ra còn mang nghĩa: qui định phải, bắt buộc phải.

Ex: We are supposed to have a science test this afternoon, but it was postponed because the teacher had to attend a conference.

Must + Verb in simple form

Phải: mang nghĩa bắt buộc rất ma.nh.

Ex: George must call his insurance agent today.

Hẳn là: chỉ sự suy luận logic dựa trên những hiện tượng có thật ở hiện ta.i.

Ex: John's lights are out. He must be asleep.

Người ta dùng have to thay cho must trong các trường hợp sau

Quá khứ = had to.

Ex: Mrs.Kinsey had to pass an examination before she could practice law.

Tương lai = will have to.

Ex: We will have to take an exam next week.

Hiện tại: Have to được dùng thay cho must để hỏi xem bản thân mình bắt buộc phải làm gì hoặc để diễn đạt sự bắt buộc do khách quan đem la.i. Giảm nhẹ tính bắt buộc của must.

Ex: Guest: Do I have to leave a deposit.

Receptionist: No, you needn't. But you have to leave your ỊD card number written down in this register. Ím sorry but that's the way it is.

Lưu ý: Have got to + Verb = must

Ex: He has got to go to the office tonight. (Thường dùng nhiều trong văn nói).

và thường xuyên dùng cho những hành động đơn lẻ, tách biê.t.

Ex: I have to work everyday except Sunday. But I don't have got to work a full day on Saturday.

Cách sử dụng các động từ khiếm khuyết để diễn đạt các trạng thái ở quá khứ

Could, may, might + have + P2 = có lẽ đã

Diễn đạt một khả năng có thể ở quá khứ song người nói không dám chắc.

Ex: It may have rained last night, but Ím not sure.

Could have + P2 = Lẽ ra đã có thể (trên thực tế là không)

Ex: He could have gotten the ticket for the concert last night.

Might have been + V-ing = Có lẽ lúc ấy đang

Ex: I didn't hear the telephone ring, I might have been sleeping at that time.

Should have + P2 = Lẽ ra phải, lẽ ra nên

Chỉ một việc lẽ ra đã phải xảy ra trong quá khứ nhưng trên thực tế là không.

Should have + P2 = was/ were supposed to

Ex: Maria shouldn't have called John last night. (She did call him)

Must have + P2 = hẳn là đã

Chỉ sự suy đoán logic dựa trên những hiện tượng có thật ở quá khứ.

Ex: The grass is wet. It must have rained last night.

Must have been V-ing = hẳn lúc ấy đang

Ex: I didn't hear you knock, I must have been sleeping at that time.

Các vấn đề sử dụng should trong một số trường hợp cụ thể

Diễn đạt kết quả của một yếu tố tưởng tượng: Sẽ

Ex: If I was asked to work on Sunday I should resign.

Dùng trong mệnh đề có that sau những tính từ chỉ trạng thái như anxious/ sorry/ concerned/ happy/ delighted... : Lấy làm/ rằng/ vì...

Ex: Ím anxious that she should be well cared for

(Tôi lo lắng rằng liệu cô ấy có được săn sóc tốt không)

Ex: We are sorry that you should feel uncomfortable

(Chúng tôi lấy làm tiếc vì anh không thấy được thoải mái)

Ex: That you should speak to him like that is quite astonishing

(Cái điều mà anh ấy nói với anh như vậy quả là đáng ngạc nhiên).

Dùng với if/ in case để chỉ một điều khó có thể xảy ra/ người ta đưa ra ý kiến chỉ đề phòng ngừa.

Ex: If you should change your mind = Should you change your mind, please let me know.

Ex: In case he should have forgotten to go to the airport, nobody will be there to meet her.(Ngộ nhỡ/ nếu chẳng may ông ấy quên mất ra sân bay, thì sẽ không có ai ở đó đón cô ta mất)

Dùng sao so that/ in order that để chỉ mục đích (Thay cho would/ could)

Ex: He put the cases in the car so that he should be able to make an early start.

Ex: She repeated the instructions slowly in order that he should understand.

Dùng trong lời yêu cầu lịch sự

Ex: I should like to make a phone call, if possible (tôi xin phép gọi điện thoại nếu tôi có thể)

Dùng với imagine/ say/ think... để đưa ra lời đề nghị: Thiết tưởng, cho là

Ex: I should imagine it will take about 3 hours (Tôi thiết tưởng công việc sẽ tốn mất 3 giờ đồng hồ đấy).

Ex: I should say shés over 40 (Tôi cho là bà ta đã ngoài 40)

Dùng trong câu hỏi để diễn tả sự nghi ngờ, thiếu quan tâm

Ex: How should I know (Làm sao tôi biết được kia chứ)

Ex: Why should he thinks that (sao nó lại nghĩ như vậy chứ)

Dùng với các đại từ nghi vấn như what/ where/ who để diễn tả sự ngạc nhiên, thường dùng với "But".

Ex: I was thinking of going to see John when who should appear but John himself (Tôi đang tính là đến thăm John thì người xuất hiện lại chính là anh ấy)

Ex: What should I find but an enormous spider (Cái mà tôi nhìn thấy lại chính là một con nhện khổng lồ)

Tính từ và phó từ

Một tính từ luôn bổ nghĩa cho một danh từ và chỉ một danh từ, nó luôn đứng trước danh từ được bổ nghĩa.

Trong tiếng Anh, có duy nhất một tính từ đứng sau danh từ:

galore = nhiều, phong phú, dồi dào

Ex: There were errors galore in the final test.

Tính từ cũng đứng sau các đại từ phiếm chỉ (something, anything, anybody...)

Ex: It's something strange.

Ex: He is sb quite unknown.

Một phó từ luôn bổ nghĩa cho một động từ, một tính từ hoặc một phó từ khác.

Ex: Rita drank too much.

Ex: I don't play tenis very well.

Adj + ly = Adv. Nhưng phải cẩn thận, vì một số tính từ cũng có tận cùng là đuôi ly (lovely, friendly). Phó từ của các tính từ này được cấu tạo bằng cách như sau:

in a + Adj + way/ manner

Ex: He behaved me in a friendly way.

Một số các phó từ có cấu tạo đặc biệt: so, very, almost, soon, often, fast, rather, well, there, too. Các phó từ này trả lời cho câu hỏi how.

Ngoài ra còn một số các cụm từ cũng được coi là phó từ, nó bao gồm một giới từ mở đầu với các danh từ đi sau để chỉ: địa điểm (at home), thời gian (at 5 pm), phương tiện (by train), tình huống, hành động (in a very difficult situation). Tất cả các cụm này đều được xem là phó từ.

Vị trí của phó từ trong câu tương đối thoải mái và phức tạp, qui luật:

Nếu chưa biết đặt phó từ ở đâu thì vị trí thường xuyên của nó ở cuối câu, đặc biệt các phó từ đuôi ly.

Các phó từ và cụm phó từ làm bổ ngữ đứng cuối câu theo thứ tự như sau: chỉ phương thức hành đô.ng-chỉ địa điểm-chỉ thời gian-chỉ phương tiện hành đô.ng-chỉ tình huống hành đô.ng.

Không bao giờ một phó từ hoặc một cụm phó từ được xen vào giữa động từ và tân ngữ.

Nếu trong câu không có phó từ nào khác ngoài phó từ chỉ thời gian thì có thể đưa nó lên đầu câu.

Ex: In 1980, He graduated and found a job.

Các phó từ chỉ tần số như: always, sometimes, often... luôn đứng trước động từ hành động nhưng đứng sau động từ to be.

Ex: The president always comes in time.

Ex: The president is always in time.

Động từ nối

Đó là những động từ ở bảng sau, mang những tính chất sau









Không diễn đạt hành động mà diễn đạt trạng thái hoặc bản chất sự viê.c.

Đằng sau chúng phải là tính từ không thể là phó từ.

Không được chia ở thể tiếp diễn dù dưới bất cứ thời nào.

Lưu ý: Trong bảng có các cặp động từ:

to seem to happen

= = dường như

to appear to chance

Chúng có thể thay thế lẫn cho nhau, nhưng không thể thay thế ngang hay thay thế chéo.

Các động từ này được dùng theo mẫu câu sau:

Dùng với chủ ngữ giả it

Ex: It seems that they have passed the exam./ It happens (chances that they have passed the test)

Dùng với chủ ngữ thật

Ex: They seem to have passed the exam./ They happened/ chanced to have passed the exam.

Nghĩa "Tình cờ", "Ngẫu nhiên", "May mà".

Ex: She happened to be out/ It happened that she was out when he called (Ngẫu nhiên cô ta không có nhà khi anh ta gọi điện)

Ex: She chanced to be in/ It happened that she was in when he called. (May mà cô ta có nhà khi anh ta gọi điện đến).

Ba động từ: to be, to become, to remain trong một số trường hợp có một danh từ hoặc ngữ danh từ theo sau, khi đó chúng mất đi chức năng của một động từ nối.

Ex: Children often become bored (adj) at meeting

Christine became class president (noun phrase) after a long, hard campaign.

Bốn động từ: to feel, to look, to smell, to taste trong một số trường hợp có thể là ngoại động từ, đòi hỏi một tân ngữ đi sau nó, lúc này nó mất đi chức năng của một động từ nối, có thể có phó từ đi kèm. Chúng thay đổi về mặt ngữ nghĩa:

to feel: sờ nắn để khám.

to look at: nhìn

to smell: ngửi

to taste: nếm

Chúng được phép chia ở thì tiếp diễn.

Ex: The lady is smelling the flowers gingerly.

Các dạng so sánh của tính từ và phó từ

So sánh bằng

Cấu trúc sử dụng là as .... as

Nếu là phủ định, as thứ nhất có thể thay bằng so (chỉ để dễ đọc - informal English)

Sau as phải là một đại từ nhân xưng chủ ngữ, không được là một tân ngữ (Lỗi cơ bản)

Ex: He is not as tall as his father.

Ex: He is not so tall as his father.

Danh từ cũng có thể được dùng để so sánh trong trường hợp này, nhưng nên nhớ trước khi so sanh phải đảm bảo rằng danh từ đó phải có các tính từ tương đương.



heavy, light


wide, narrow


deep, shallow


long, short


big, small


Ex: My house is as high as his.

My house is the same height as his.

The same...as >< different from...

Chú ý, trong tiếng Anh (A-E), different than... cũng có thể được dùng nếu sau chúng là một mệnh đề hoàn chỉnh. Tuy nhiên trường hợp này không phổ biến và không đưa vào các bài thi ngữ pháp:

Ex: His appearance is different from what I have expected.

...than I have expected.(A-E)

So sánh hơn kém

Trong loại so sánh này người ta chia làm hai dạng: tính từ và phó từ ngắn (đọc lên chỉ có một vần). Tính từ và phó từ dài (2 vần trở lên).

Đối với tính từ và phó từ ngắn chỉ cần cộng đuôi er.

Đối với tính từ ngắn chỉ có một nguyên âm kẹp giữa hai phụ âm tận cùng, phải gấp đôi phụ âm cuối để tránh thay đổi cách đo.c.

Đối với tính từ tận cùng là y, dù có 2 vần vẫn bị coi là tính từ ngắn và phải đổi thành Y-IER (happyhappier; drydrier; prettyprettier).

Trường hợp đặc biệt: strongstronger; friendlyfriendlier than/ more friendly than.

Đối với tính từ và phó từ phải dùng more/less.

Sau THAN phải là đại từ nhân xưng chủ ngữ, không được là tân ngữ. Công thức:

Khi so sánh một người/ một vật với tất cả những người hoặc vật khác phải thêm else sau anything/anybody...

He is smarter than anybody else in the class.

Để nhấn mạnh so sánh, có thể thêm much/far trước so sánh, công thức:

Harry's watch is far more expensive than mine

He speaks English much more rapidly than he does Spanish.

Danh từ cũng có thể dùng để so sánh bằng hoặc hơn kém, nhưng trước khi so sánh phải xác định xem đó là danh từ đếm được hay không đếm được, vì đằng trước chúng có một số định ngữ dùng với 2 loại danh từ đó. Công thức:

He earns as much money as his father.

February has fewer day than March.

Their jobs allow them less freedom than ours does.

*Lưu ý (quan trọng): Đằng sau as và than của các mệnh đề so sánh có thể loại bỏ chủ ngữ nếu nó trùng hợp với chủ ngữ thứ nhất, đặc biệt là khi động từ sau than và as ở dạng bị đô.ng. Lúc này than và as còn có thêm chức năng của một đại từ quan hệ thay thế.

Their marriage was as stormy as had been expected (Incorrect: as it had been expected).

Anne is going to join us , as was agreed last week (Incorrect: as it was agree last week).

He worries more than was good for him (Incorrect: than it/what is good for him).

*Hoặc các tân ngữ cũng có thể bị loại bỏ sau các động từ ở mệnh đề sau THAN và AS:

Don't lose your passport, as I did last year (Incorrect: as I did it last year).

They sent more than I had ordered (Incorrect: than I had ordered it).

She gets her meet from the same butcher as I go to (Incorrect: as I go to him).

So sánh hợp lý

Khi so sánh nên nhớ: các mục dùng để so sánh phải tương đương nhau: người-người, vâ.t-vâ.t.

Bởi vậy mục so sánh hợp lý sẽ là:

Sở hữu cách

Incorrect: His drawings are as perfect as his instructor.

(Câu này so sánh các bức tranh với người chỉ dẫn)

 Correct: His drawings are as perfect as his instructor's.

(instructor's = instructor's drawings)

Dùng thêm that of cho danh từ số ít:

Incorrect: The salary of a professor is higher than a secretary.

(Câu này so sánh salary với secretary)

 Correct: The salary of a professor is higher than that of a secretary.

(that of = the salary of)

Dùng thêm those of cho các danh từ số nhiều:

Incorrect: Theduties of a policeman are more dangerous than a teacher .

(Câu này so sánh duties với teacher)

 Correct: Theduties of a policeman are more dangerous than those of a teacher

(those of = the duties of)

So sánh đặc biệt

Adjective or adverb



















Lưu ý: farther : dùng cho khoảng cách

further : dùng cho thông tin hoặc một số trường hợp trừu tượng khác

Ex: The distance from your house to school is farther than that of mine.

Ex: If you want more/further information, please call to the agent.

Ex: Next year he will come to the ỤS for his further (= more) education

So sánh đa bội

Tương đương cấu trúc tiếng Việt: gấp rưỡi, gấp hai...

Không được sử dụng so sánh hơn kém mà sử dụng so sánh bằng, khi so sánh phải xác định danh từ là đếm được hay không đếm được, vì đằng trước chúng có many/much

Ex: This encyclopedy costs twice as much as the other one.

Ex:Jerome has half as many records now as I had last year.

Ngữ pháp hiện đại ngày nay, đặc biệt là ngữ pháp Mỹ cho phép dùng so sánh hơn kém đến gấp 3 lần trở lên, nhưng đối với gấp 2 hoặc 1/2 thì tuyệt đối không.

Các lối nói: twice that many/twice that much = gấp đôi ngần ấy... chỉ được dùng trong khẩu ngữ, không được dùng để viết.

Ex: We have expected 80 people at that rally, but twice that many showned up. (twice as many as that number).

So sánh kép

Là loại so sánh với cấu trúc: Càng... càng...

Các Adj/Adv so sánh phải đứng ở đầu câu, trước chúng phải có The

Ex: The hotter it is, the more miserable I feel.

Nếu chỉ một vế có Adj/Adv so sánh thì vế còn lại có thể dùng The more

Ex: The more you study, the smarter you will become.

Sau The more ở vế thứ nhất có thể có that nhưng không nhất thiết.

Ex: The more (that) you study, the smarter you will become.

Trong trường hợp nếu cả hai vế đều có thành ngữ it is thì bỏ chúng đi

Ex: The shorter (it is), the better (it is).

Hoặc nếu cả hai vế đều là to be thì bỏ đi

Ex: The closer to one of the Earth's pole (is), the greater the gravitational force (is).

Các thành ngữ: all the better (càng tốt hơn), all the more (càng... hơn), not... any the more... (chẳng... hơn... tí nào), none the more... (chẳng chút nào) dùng để nhấn rất mạnh cho các tính từ hoặc phó từ được đem ra so sánh đằng sau. Nó chỉ được dùng với các tính từ trừu tượng:

Sunday mornings were nice. I enjoyed them all the more because Sue used to come round to breakfast.

(các sáng chủ nhật trời thật đe.p. Tôi lại càng thích những sáng chủ nhật đó hơn nữu vì Sue thường ghé qua ăn sáng.)

He didn't seem to be any the worse for his experience.

(Anh ta càng khá hơn lên vì những kinh nghiệm của mình.)

He explained it all carefully, but I was still none the wiser.

(Anh ta giải thích toàn bộ điều đó cẩn thận nhưng tôi vẫn không sáng ra chút nào cả.)

Cấu trúc này tuyệt đối không dùng cho các tính từ cụ thể:

Incorrect: Those pills have made him all the slimmer.

Cấu trúc No sooner... than = Vừa mới ... thì đã...

Chỉ dùng cho thời Quá khứ và thời Hiện tại, không dùng cho thời Tương lai.

No sooner đứng ở đầu một mệnh đề, theo sau nó là một trợ động từ đảo lên trước chủ ngữ để nhấn mạnh, than đứng ở đầu mệnh đề còn lại:

Ex: No sooner had we started out for California than it started to rain. (Past)

Một ví dụ ở thời hiện tại (will được lấy sang dùng cho hiện tại)

Ex: No sooner will he arrive than he want to leavẹ(Present)

Một cấu trúc tương đương cấu trúc này:

No sooner ... than ... = Hardly/Scarely ... when

Ex: Scarely had they felt in love each other when they got maried.

Lưu ý: No longer ... = not ... anymore = không ... nữa, dùng theo cấu trúc:

So sánh giữa 2 người hoặc 2 vật

Khi so sánh giữa 2 người hoặc 2 vật, chỉ được dùng so sánh hơn kém, không được dùng so sánh bậc nhất, mặc dù trong một số dạng văn nói và cả văn viết vẫn chấp nhận so sánh bậc nhất. (Lỗi cơ bản).

Trước adj và adv so sánh phải có the, trong câu có thành ngữ of the two + noun thành ngữ có thể đứng đầu hoặc cuối câu.

Ex: Harvey is the smarter of the two boys.

Ex: Of the two shirts, this one is the prettier.

So sánh bậc nhất

Dùng khi so sánh 3 người hoặc 3 vật trở lên:

Đối với tính từ và phó từ ngắn dùng đuôi est.

Đối với tính từ và phó từ dài dùng most hoặc least.

Đằng trước so sánh phải có the.

Dùng giới từ in với danh từ số ít.

Ex: John is the tallest boy in the family

Dùng giới từ of với danh từ số nhiều

Ex: Deana is the shortest of the three sister

Do đó sau thành ngữ One of the + so sánh bậc nhất + noun phải đảm bảo chắc chắn rằng noun phải là số nhiều, và động từ phải chia ở số ít.

Ex: One of the greatest tennis players in the world is Johnson.

Một số các tính từ hoặc phó từ mang tính tuyệt đối thì cấm dùng so sánh bậc nhất, hạn chế dùng so sánh hơn kém, nếu buộc phải dùng thì bỏ more:

unique/ extreme/ perfect/ supreme/ top/ absolute/Prime/ Primary

Ex: His drawings are perfect than mine.

preferable to Sb/Sth... = được ưa thích hơn...

superior to Sb/Sth... = siêu việt hơn...

inferior to Sb/Sth... = hạ đẳng hơn...

Danh từ dùng làm tính từ

Trong tiếng Anh có hiện tượng một danh từ đứng trước một danh từ khác làm nhiệm vụ của một tính từ. Để làm được chức năng như vậy, chùng phải bảo đảm những tính chất

Đứng ngay trước danh từ mà nó bổ nghĩa.

Không được phép có hình thái số nhiều trừ một số trường hợp đặc biê.t.

Ex: No frills store = cửa hàng không trang trí màu mè.

a sports/sport car

small-claims court = phiên toà xử những vụ nợ vă.t.

Nếu có hai danh từ cùng làm tính từ thì giữa chúng phải có dấu gạch nối "-".

Trong một số trường hợp nếu dùng danh từ làm tính từ thì mang nghĩa đen:

Ex: A gold watch  a watch made of gold.

Nhưng nếu dùng tính từ gốc mang nghĩa bóng:

Ex: A golden opportunity = a chance that it is very rare and precious (quí giá).

Không được dùng tính từ bổ trợ cho danh từ khi cho nó chỉ tính chất nghề nghiệp hoặc nội dung:

Ex: mathematics teacher/ a biology book


Enough luôn đứng đằng sau Adj/Adv nhưng lại phải đứng trước danh từ:

Ex: well enough...

Ex:enough food, enough water...

Trong một số trường hợp nếu danh từ đã được nhắc đến ở trên, thì ở dưới có quyền dùng enough như một đại từ là đủ

Ex: I forgot money. Do you have enough?

Một số trường hợp cụ thể dùng Much & Many

Many/ Much + noun/ noun phrase như một định ngữ.

Ex: She didn't eat much breakfast

(Cô ta không ăn sáng nhiều)

Ex: There aren't many large glasses left

(Không còn lại nhiều cốc lớn)

Tuy nhiên much of + personal and geographic names có thể được dùng mà không cần dịnh ngữ đi kèm theo danh từ đằng sau:

Ex: I have seen too much of Howard recently.

(Gần đây tôi không hay gặp Howard)

Ex: Not much of Denmark is hilly.

(Đan mạch không có mấy đồi núi)

Many/Much of + determiner (a, the, this, my... ) + noun.

Ex: You can't see much of a country in a week.

(Anh không thể biết nhiều về một nước trong vòng một tuần đâụ)

Ex: I won't pass the exam. I have missed many of my lessons.

(Tôi sẽ không thoát được kỳ thi này mất, tôi bỏ quá nhiều bàị)

Many và much dùng nhiều trong câu phủ định và câu nghi vấn, nhưng trong câu khẳng định nên dùng các loại từ khác như plenty of, a lot, lots of... để thay thế.

Ex: How much money have you got? I've got plenty.

Ex: He got lots of men friends, but he doesn't know many women.

Tuy nhiên trong tiếng Anh chuẩn (formal) much và many vẫn được dùng bình thường trong câu khẳng đi.nh.

Ex: Much has been written about the causes of unemployment in the opinion of many economists.

Much dùng như một phó từ:

Ex: I don't travel much these days.

Much có thể dùng trước một số động từ diễn đạt sự ưa thích và một số ý tương tự đặc biệt trong dạng tiếng Anh qui chuẩn.

Ex: I much appreciate you help.

Ex: We much prefer the country to the town.

Ex: Janet much enjoyed her stay with your family.

đối với một số động từ (như like/ dislike... ) chỉ nên dùng much sau very và trong cấu trúc phủ đi.nh.

Ex: I very much like you brother.

Ex: I don't much like your dog. It's very cruel.

Một số cách dùng đặc biệt của much và many:

Đặc ngữ: Much too much/ many so many dùng độc lập sau mệnh đề trước danh từ mà nó bổ ngữ.

Ex: The cost of a thirty-second commercial on a network television station is $300,000, much too much for most business.

Many a + singular noun + singular verb: Biết bao nhiêu.

Ex: Many a strong man has disheartened before such a challenge.

Ex: I have been to the top of the Effeil tower many a time.

Many's the (biết bao nhiêu) + singular verb

Ex: Many's the student who couldn't follow the post-graduate courses at Universities and colleges under the pressure of money.

(Biết bao nhiêu sinh viên đã không thể... )

Ex: Many's the promise that has been broken.

(Biết bao nhiêu lời hứa... )

Phân biệt thêm về cách dùng alot/ lots of/ plenty/ a great deal/ so với many/ much.

Các thành ngữ trên tương đương với much/ many (nhiều) và most (đa phần).

A lot of/ lots of (informal) = a great deal/ alarge number of/ much/ many (formal)

Không có khác nhau gì mấy giữa a lot of và lots of. Chủ ngữ chính sau hai thành ngữ này sẽ quyết định việc chia động từ.

A lot of/ lots of +

Ex: A lot of time is needed to learn a language.

Ex: Lots of us think it's time for an election.

Plenty of được dùng phổ biến trong informal English.

Ex: Don't rush, there's plenty of time.

Ex: Plenty of shops take checks.

A large a mount of = a great deal of + non-count noun (formal English)

Ex: I have thrown a large amount of ald clothing.

Ex: Mr Lucas has spent a great deal of time in the Far East.

A lot và a great deal có thể được dùng làm phó từ và vị trí của nó là ở cuối câu.

Ex: On holiday we walk and swim a lot.

Ex: The gorvernment seems to change its mind a great deal.

Một số cách dùng cụ thể của more & most

More + noun/noun phrase: dùng như một định ngữ

Ex: We need more time.

Ex: More university students are having to borrow money these day.

More + of + personal/geographic names

Ex: It would bi nice to see more of Ray and Barbara.

Rất hay khi được gặp Ray và Barbara thường xuyên hơn.

Ex: Five hundred years ago, much more of Britain was covered with trees.

500 năm trước đây, đa phần nước Anh phủ nhiều rừng hơn bây giờ nhiều.

More of + determiner/pronoun (a/ the/ my/ this/ him/ them...)

Ex: He is more of a fool than I thought.

Nó là một thằng ngu hơn tôi tưởng nhiều.

Ex: Three more of the missing climbers have been found.

Ex: Could I have some more of that smoked fish.

Ex: I don't think any more of them want to come.

One more/ two more... + noun/ noun phrase

Ex: There is just one more river to cross.

Nhưng phải dùng cardinal number (số đếm) + noun + more (Five dollars more) nếu more mang nghĩa thêm nữa.

Ex: He has contributed $50, and now he wants to contribute $50 more.

Most + noun = Đa phần, đa số

Ex: Most cheese is made from cow's milk.

Ex: Most Swiss people understand French.

Most + determiner/ pronoun (a, the, this, my, him...) = Hầu hết...

Ex: He has eaten 2 pizzas and most of a cold chicken.

Ex: Most of my friend live abroad.

Ex: She has eaten most of that cake.

Ex: Most of us though he was wrong.

Most được dùng như một danh từ, nếu ở trên, danh từ hoặc chủ ngữ đó đã được nhắc đến.

Ex: Some people had difficulty with the lecture, but most understood.

Ex: Ann and Robby found a lot of blackberries, but Susan found the most.

Most + adjective khi mang nghĩa very

Ex: That is most kind of you.

Ex: Thank you for a most interesting afternoon.

Cách dùng long & (for) a long time

Long được dùng trong câu hỏi và câu phủ đi.nh.

Ex: Have you been waiting long?

Ex: It does not take long to get her house.

Ex: She seldom stays long.

(for) a long time dùng trong câu khẳng định

Ex: I waited for a long time, but she didn't arrive.

Ex: It takes a long time to get to her house.

Long cũng được dùng trong câu khẳng định khi đi với: too, enough, as, so

Ex: The meeting went on much too long.

Ex: I have been working here long enough. Time to get a new job.

Ex: You can stay as long as you want.

Ex: Sorry! I took so long.

Long before (lâu trước khi)/ long after (mãi sau khi)/ long ago (cách đây đã lâu)

Ex: We used to live in Paris, but that was long before you were born.

Ex: Long after the accident he used to dream that he was dying.

Ex: Long ago, in a distant country, there lived a beutiful princess.

Long phải đặt sau trợ động từ: This is a problem that has long been recognized.

All day/ night/ week/ year long = suốt cả...

Ex: She sits dreaming all day long

(Cô ta ngồi mơ mộng suốt cả ngày).

Before + long = Ngay bây giờ, chẳng bao lâu nữa

Ex: I will be back before long

(Tôi sẽ quay lại ngay bây giờ).

Trong câu phủ định for a long time (đã lâu, trong một thời gian dài)  for long (ngắn, không dài, chốc lát)

Ex: She didn't speak for long. (= she only spoke for a short time)

Ex: She didn't speak for a long time. (= she was silent for a long time)

How long have you here for? = Anh sẽ ở đây lâu chứ? (bao gồm hoặc đề cập đến cả tương lai).


How long have you been here for?

Until the end of next week.


How long have you been here for? (Anh đã ở đây cho đến giờ là bao lâu rồỉ)

Since last Monday.

Từ nối

Because, Because of

Đằng sau Because phải dùng 1 câu hoàn chỉnh nhưng đằng sau Because of phải dùng 1 ngữ danh từ.

Because of = on account of = due to

Nhưng nên dùng due to sau động từ to be cho chuẩn.

Ex: The accident was due to the heavy rain.

Dùng as result of để nhấn mạnh hậu quả của hành động hoặc sự vật, sự viê.c.

Ex: He was blinded as a result of a terrible accident.

Từ nối chỉ mục đích và kết quả

Trong cấu trúc này người ta dùng thành ngữ "so that" (sao cho, để cho). Động từ ở mệnh đề sau so that phải để ở thời tương lai so với thời của động từ ở mệnh đề chính.

Ex: He studied very hard so that he could pass the test.

Phải phân biệt "so that" trong cấu trúc này với so that mang nghĩa do đó (therefore). Cách phân biệt duy nhất là động từ đằng sau so that mang nghĩa do đó diễn biến bình thường so với thời của động từ ở mệnh đề đằng trước.

Ex: We heard nothing from him so that ( = therefore) we wondered if he moved away.

Từ nối chỉ nguyên nhân và kết quả.

Trong loại từ nối này người ta dùng cấu trúc so/such .... that = quá, đến nỗi mà và chia làm nhiều loại sử du.ng.

Dùng với tính từ và phó từ : Cấu trúc là so ..... that.

Ex: Terry ran so fast that he broke the previous speed record.

Ex: Judy worked so diligently that she received an increase in salary.

Dùng với danh từ số nhiều: Cấu trúc vẫn là so ... that nhưng phải dùng many hoặc few trước danh từ đó.

Ex: I had so few job offers that it wasn't difficult to select one.

Dùng với danh từ không đếm được : Cấu trúc vẫn là so ... that nhưng phải dùng much hoặc little trước danh từ đó.

Ex: He has invested so much money in the project that he can't abandon it now.

Dùng với tính từ + danh từ số ít: such a ... that. Có thể dùng so theo cấu trúc : so + adj + a + noun ... that. (ít phổ biến hơn)

Ex: It was such a hot day that we decided to stay indoors.

Ex: It was so hot a day that we decided to stay indoors.

Dùng với tính từ + danh từ số nhiều/không đếm được: such ... that. Tuyệt đối không được dùng so.

Ex: They are such beautiful pictures that everybody will want one.

Ex: This is such difficult homework that I will never finish it.

Một số các từ nối mang tính điều kiện khác.

Even if + negative verb: cho dù.

Ex: You must go tomorrow even if you aren't ready.

Whether or not + positive verb: dù có hay không.

Ex: You must go tomorrow where or not you are ready.

Các đại từ nghi vấn đứng đầu câu cũng dùng làm từ nối và động từ theo sau chúng phải chia ở ngôi thứ 3 số ít.

Ex: Whether he goes out tonight depends on his girldfriend.

Why these pupils can not solve this problems makes the teachers confused.

Một số các từ nối có quy luật riêng của chúng nếu kết hợp với nhau

And moreover And in ađtion And thus or otherwise

And furthermore And therefore But nevertheless But ... anyway

Nếu nối giữa hai mệnh đề, đằng trước chúng phải có dấu phẩy

Ex: He was exhausted, and therefore his judgement was not very good.

Nhưng nếu nối giữa hai từ đơn thì không

Ex: The missing piece is small but significant.

Unless + positive = if ... not: Trừ phi, nếu không.

Ex: You will be late unless you start at once.

But for that + unreal condition: Nếu không thì

Hiện tại

Ex: My father pays my fee, but for that I couldn't be here(But he is here learning)

Quá khứ

Ex: My car broken down, but for that we would have been here in time (But they were late)

Otherwise + real condition: Kẻo, nếu không thì.

Ex: We must be back before midnight otherwise I will be locked out.

Otherwise + unreal condition: Kẻo, nếu không thì nhưng sau nó phải là điều kiện không thể thực hiện được

Hiện tại

Ex: Her father supports her finance otherwise she couldn't conduct these experiments (But she can with her father's).

Quá khứ:

Ex: I used a computer, otherwise I would have taken longer with these calculations (But he didn't take any longer).

*Lưu ý: Trong tiếng Anh thông tục (colloquial English) người ta dùng or else để thay thế cho otherwise.

Provided/Providing that: Với điều kiện là, miễn là = as long as

Ex: You can camp here providing that you leave no mess.

Suppose/Supposing = What ... if : Giả sử .... thì sau, Nếu ..... thì sao.

Ex: Suppose the plane is late = What (will happen) if the plane is late.

Lưu ý:

* Suppose còn có thể được dùng để đưa ra lời gợi ý.

Ex: Suppose you ask him = Why don't you ask him.

* Lưu ý thành ngữ: What if I am: Tao thế thì đã sao nào (mang tính thách thức)

If only + S + simple present/will + verb = hope that: hi vọng rằng

Ex : If only he comes in time

Ex : If only he will learn harder for the test next month.

If only + S + simple past/past perfect = wish that(Câu đ/k không thực hiện được)

Ex: If only he came in time now.

Ex: If only she had studied harder for that test

If only + S + would + V

Diễn đạt một hành động không thể xảy ra ở hiện tại

Ex: If only he would drive more slowly = we wish he drived more slowly.

Diễn đạt một ước muốn vô vọng về tương lai:

Ex: If only it would stop raining

Immediately = as soon as = the moment (that) = the instant that = directly: ngay lập tức

Tell me immediatly (=as soon as ) you have any news.

Phone me the moment that you get the results.

I love you the instant (that) I saw you.

Directly I walked in the door I smelt smoke.

Câu bị động

Người ta dùng câu bị động để nhấn mạnh vào tân ngữ của câu chủ đô.ng.

Thời của động từ ở câu bị động phải tuân theo thời của động từ ở câu chủ đô.ng.

Nếu là loại động từ có 2 tân ngữ, muốn nhấn mạnh vào tân ngữ nào người ta đưa tân ngữ đó lên làm chủ ngữ nhưng thông thường chủ ngữ hợp lý của câu bị động là tân ngữ gián tiếp.

Ex: I gave you a book = I gave a book to him = He was given a book by me.

Đặt " by + tân ngữ mới" đằng sau tất cả các tân ngữ khác.

Nếu sau by là một đại từ vô nhân xưng mang nghĩa người ta: by people, by sb thì bỏ hẳn nó đi.



are +[verb in past participle]



Active: Hurricanes destroy a great deal of property each year.

Passive: A great deal of property is destroyed by hurricanes each year.



are + being + [verb in past participle]



Active: The committee is considering several new proposals.

Passive: Several new proposals are being considered by the committee.



have + been +[verb in past participle]


Active: The company has ordered some new equipment.

Passive: Some new equipment has been ordered by the company.


modal + been +[verb in past participle]

Active: The manager should sign these contracts today.

Passive: These contracts should be signed by the manager today.

Các nội động từ (Động từ không yêu cầu 1 tân ngữ nào) không được dùng ở bị đô.ng.

Ex: My leg hurts.

Đặc biệt khi chủ ngữ chịu trách nhiệm chính của hành động cũng không được chuyển thành câu bị đô.ng.

Ex: The America takes charge: Nước Mỹ nhận lãnh trách nhiệm

Nếu là người hoặc vật trực tiếp gây ra hành động thì dùng by nhưng nếu là vật gián tiếp gây ra hành động thì dùng with.

Ex: The bird was shot with the gun - The bird was shot by the hunter.

Trong một số trường hợp to be/to get + P2 hoàn toàn không mang nghĩa bị động mà mang 2 nghĩa:

Chỉ trạng thái mà chủ ngữ đang ở trong đó

Ex: Could you please check my mailbox while I am gone.

Ex: He got lost in the maze of the town yesterday.

Chỉ việc chủ ngữ tự làm lấy

Ex: The little boy gets dressed very quickly.

Ex: Could I give you a hand with these tires.

No thanks, I will be done when I finish tightening these bolts.

Mọi sự biến đổi về thời và thể đều nhằm vào động từ to be, còn phân từ 2 giữ nguyên.

to be made of: Được làm bằng (Đề cập đến chất liệu làm nên vật)

Ex: This table is made of wood

to be made from: Được làm ra từ (đề cập đến việc nguyên vật liệu bị biến đổi hoàn toàn về trạng thái ban đầu để làm nên vật)

Ex: Paper is made from wood

to be made out of: Được làm bằng (đề cập đến quá trình làm ra vật)

Ex: This cake was made out of flour, butter, sugar, eggs and milk

to be made with: Được làm với (đề cập đến chỉ một trong số nhiều chất liệu làm nên vật)

Ex: This soup tastes good because it was made a lot of spices.

Phân biệt thêm về cách dùng marry và divorce trong 2 thể: Chủ động và bị động

Khi không có tân ngữ thì người Anh ưa dùng get maried và get divorced trong dạng informal English.

Ex: Lulu and Joe got maried last week. (informal)

Ex: Lulu and Joe married last week. (formal)

Ex: After 3 very unhappy years they got divorced. (informal)

Ex: After 3 very unhappy years they dovorced. (formal)

Sau marry và divorce là một tân ngữ trực tiếp không có giới từ: To mary / divorce smb

Ex: She married a builder.

Ex: Andrew is going to divorce Carola

To be/ get married/ to smb (giới từ "to" là bắt buộc)

Ex: She got married to her childhood sweetheart.

Ex: He has been married to Louisa for 16 years and he still doesn't understand her.

Động từ gây nguyên nhân

Đó là những động từ diễn đạt đối tượng thứ nhất gây cho đối tượng thứ hai một điều gì với một số mẫu câu như sau:

To have sb do sth = to get sb to do sth = Sai ai, khiến ai, bảo ai làm gì

To have/to get sth done = Đưa cái gì đi làm

Theo khuynh hướng này động từ to want và would like cũng có thể dùng với mẫu câu như vậy: To want/ would like sth done.

Câu hỏi dùng cho loại mẫu câu này là: What do you want done to ?

Ex: What do you want done to your car ?

I want/ would like it washed.

To make sb do sth = to force sb to do sth

Đằng sau tân ngữ của make còn có thể dùng 1 tính từ: To make sb/sth + adj

Ex: Wearing flowers made her more beautiful.

To make sb + P2 = làm cho ai bị làm sao

Ex: Working all night on Friday made me tired on Saturday.

To cause sth + P2 = làm cho cái gì bị làm sao

Ex: The big thunder storm caused many waterfront houses damaged.

Nếu tân ngữ của make là một động từ nguyên thể thì phải đặt it giữa make và tính từ, đặt động từ ra phía đằng sau: make it + adj + V as object.

Ex: The wire service made it possible to collect and distribute news faster and cheaper.

Tuy nhiên nếu tân ngữ của make là 1 danh từ hay 1 ngữ danh từ thì không được đặt it giữa make và tính từ: Make + adj + noun/ noun phrase.

Ex: The wire service made possible much speedier collection and distribution of news.

To let sb do sth = to permit/allow sb to do sth = để ai, cho phép ai làm gì

To help sb to do sth/do sth = Giúp ai làm gì

Nếu tân ngữ của help là một đại từ vô nhân xưng mang nghĩa người ta thì không cần phải nhắc đến tân ngữ đó và bỏ luôn cả to của động từ đằng saul

Ex: This wonder drug will help (people to) recover more quickly.

Nếu tân ngữ của help và tân ngữ của động từ sau nó trùng hợp với nhau, người ta sẽ bỏ tân ngữ sau help và bỏ luôn cả to của động từ đằng sau.

Ex:The body fat of the bear will help (him to) keep him alive during hibernation.

3 động từ đặc biệt

Đó là những động từ mà ngữ nghĩa của chúng sẽ thay đổi đôi chút khi động từ sau tân ngữ của chúng ở các dạng khác nhau.

To see/to watch/ to hear sb/sth do sth (hành động chứng kiến từ đầu đến cuối)

Ex: I hear the telephone ring.

To see/to watch/ to hear sb/sth doing sth (hành động không chứng kiến trọn vẹn mà chỉ nhất thời)

Câu phức hợp và đại từ quan hệ thay thế

Tiếng Anh có 2 loại câu

Câu đơn giản: là câu có 1 thành phần và chỉ cần vậy câu cũng đã đủ nghĩa.

Câu phức hợp: là loại câu có 2 thành phần chính/phụ nối với nhau bằng 1 từ gọi là đại từ quan hệ.

That và which làm chủ ngữ của câu phụ

Nó đứng đầu câu phụ, thay thế cho danh từ bất động vật đứng trước nó và làm chủ ngữ của câu phụ. Do đó nó không thể nào bỏ đi đươ.c.

Ex: We bought the stereo that had been advertised at a reduced price.

That và which làm tân ngữ của câu phụ

Nó thay thế cho danh từ bất động vật đứng trước nó, mở đầu câu phụ nhưng làm tân ngữ. Do đó nó có thể bỏ đi đươ.c.

Ex: George is going to buy the house (that) we have been thinking of buying

Người ta dùng that chứ không dùng which khi:

Đứng trước nó là một tính từ so sánh bậc nhất + danh từ

Ex: That is the best novel that has been written by this author.

Khi đằng trước nó là một số các đại từ phiếm chỉ như all, some, any, anything, everything, much, little, nothing v.v..

Ex1: I want to see all that he possesses.

Ex2: All the apples that fall are eaten by pig.

Who làm chủ ngữ của câu phụ

Nó thay thế cho danh từ chỉ người hoặc động vật ở trước nó, làm chủ ngữ của câu phụ. Do đó nó không thể bỏ đi đươ.c.

Ex: The man (who) is in this room is angry.

Whom làm tân ngữ của câu phụ

Nó thay thế cho danh từ chỉ người hoặc động vật ở trước nó và làm tân ngữ của câu phụ, nó có thể bỏ đi đươ.c.

Ex: The men (whom) I don't like are angry.

Nếu whom làm tân ngữ của một ngữ động từ bao gồm 1 Verb + 1 giới từ thì lối viết chuẩn nhất là đưa giới từ đó lên trước whom.

Ex: The man to whom you have just talked is the chairman of the company.

Tuy nhiên nếu whom là tân ngữ của một ngữ động từ bao gồm 1 động từ + 2 giới từ thì 2 giới từ đó vẫn phải đứng đằng sau động từ.

Ex: The man whom you are looking forward to is the chairman of the company.

Không được dùng who thay cho whom trong văn viết dù nó được chấp nhận trong văn nói.

Mệnh đề phụ bắt buộc và không bắt buô.c.

1) Mệnh đề phụ bắt buô.c.

Là loại mệnh đề bắt buộc phải có mặt ở trong câu, nếu bỏ đi câu sẽ mất ý nghĩa ban đầu.

Nên dùng that làm chủ ngữ cho loại câu này mặc dù which vẫn được chấp nhận

Câu phụ thường đứng xen vào giữa câu chính hoặc nối liền với câu chính và không tách rời khỏi nó bởi bất cứ dấu phảy nào.

Ex: Weeds that float to the surface should be removed before they decay.

2) Mệnh đề phụ không bắt buộc

Là loại mệnh đề mang thông tin phụ trong câu, nếu bỏ nó đi câu không mất nghĩa ban đầu.

Không được dùng that làm chủ ngữ mà phải dùng wich, cho dù wich có là tân ngữ của mệnh đề phụ cũng không được phép bỏ nó đi.

Câu phụ thường đứng chen vào giữa câu chính và bắt buộc phải tách khỏi câu chính bằng 2 dấu phẩy.

Ex1: My car, which is very large, uses too much gasoline.

Ex2: This rum, which I bought in the Virgin Islands, is very smooth.

Tầm quan trọng của việc sử dụng dấu phẩy đối với mệnh đề phụ

ở những mệnh đề phụ bắt buộc, khi không dùng dấu phẩy tức là có sự giới hạn của mệnh đề phụ đối với danh từ đằng trước (trong tiếng Việt: chỉ có)

Ex: The travelers who knew about the flood took another road.

(Chỉ có các lữ khách nào mà...)

Ex: The wine that was stored in the cellar was ruined.

(Chỉ có rượu vang để dưới hầm mới bi....)

Đối với những mệnh đề phụ không bắt buộc, khi có dấu phẩy ngăn cách thì nó không xác định hoặc giới hạn danh từ đứng trước nó. (trong tiếng Việt: tất cả).

Ex: The travelers, who knew about the flood, took another road.

(Tất cả lữ khách...)

Ex: The wine, which was stored in the cellar, was ruined.

(Tất cả rượu vang...)

Các nguyên tắc trên đây chỉ dùng trong văn viết, không dùng trong văn nói.

Cách sử dụng All, Both, Some, Several, Most, Few + Of + Whom/ Which

Tuyệt đối không được dùng đại từ nhân xưng tân ngữ: them, us trong trường hợp này.

Ex1: Their sons, both of whom (không được nói both of them) are working abroad, ring her up every week.

Ex2: The buses, most of which were full of passengers, began to pull out.

What = the thing/ the things that có thể làm tân ngữ cho mệnh đề phụ cùng lúc làm chủ ngữ cho mệnh đề chính/ hoặc làm chủ ngữ của cả 2 mệnh đề chính, phụ.

Ex1: What we have expected is the result of the test.

Ex2: What happened to him yesterday might happen to us tomorrow.

Whose = của người mà, của con mà.

Nó thay thế cho danh từ chỉ người hoặc đô.ngvật ở trước nó và chỉ sự sở hữu của người hoặc động vật đó đối với danh từ đi sau.

Ex: James, whose father is the president of the company, has received a promotion.

Trong lối văn viết quan trọng nên dùng of which để thay thế cho danh từ bất động vật mặc dù whose vẫn được chấp nhâ.n.

Ex: Saving account, of which (= whose) interest rate is quite hight, is very common now.

Hoặc dùng with + noun/ noun phrase thay cho whose

Ex: The house whose walls were made of glass = The house with the glass walls.

Cách loại bỏ mệnh đề phụ

Đối với những mệnh đề phụ bắt buộc người ta có thể loại bỏ đại từ quan hệ và động từ to be (cùng với các trợ động từ của nó) trong một số trường hợp sau:

Trước một mệnh đề phụ mà cấu trúc động từ ở thời bị đô.ng.

Ex: This is the Z value (which was) obtained from the table areas under the normal curve.

Trước một mệnh đề phụ mà sau nó là một ngữ giới từ.

Ex: The beaker (that is) on the counter contains a solution.

Trước một cấu trúc động từ ở thể tiếp diễn.

Ex: The girl (who is) running down the street might be in trouble.

Ngoài ra trong một số trường hợp khi đại từ quan hệ trong mệnh đề phụ bắt buộc gắn liền với chủ ngữ đứng trước nó và mệnh đề phụ ấy diễn đạt qui luật hoặc sự kiện diễn đạt theo tần số, người ta có thể bỏ đại từ quan hệ và động từ chính thay vào đó bằng một Verb-ing.

Ex: The travelers taking (= who take) this bus on a daily basis buy their ticket in booking.

Trong những mệnh đề phụ không bắt buộc người ta cũng có thể loại bỏ đại từ quan hệ và động từ to be khi nó đứng trước một ngữ danh từ. Tuy nhiên phần ngữ danh từ còn lại vẫn phải đứng giữa 2 dấu phẩy.

Ex: Mr Jackson, (who is) a professor, is traveling in the Mideast this year.

Loại bỏ đại từ quan hệ và động từ chính, thay vào đó bằng 1 Verb-ing khi mệnh đề phụ này đi bổ nghĩa cho một tân ngữ (lối viết này rất phổ biến).

Ex: The president made a speech for the famous man visiting (who visited) him.

Cách sử dụng P1 trong một số trường hợp

Dùng với một số các cấu trúc động từ.

Have sb/sth + doing = cause: làm cho.

Ex: He had us laughing all through the meal.

S + won't have sb + doing = S + won't allow sb to do sth: không cho phép ai làm gì

Ex: I won't have him telling me what to do.

Các cụm hiện tại phân từ: ađing, pointing out, reminding, warning, reasoning that đều có thể mở đầu cho một mệnh đề phụ gián tiếp.

Ex1: He told me to start early, reminding me that the road would be crowded.

Ex2: Reasoning that he could only get to the lake, we followed that way.

To catch sb doing sth: bắt gặp ai đang (hành động của tân ngữ làm phật lòng chủ ngữ).

Ex: If she catches you reading her diary,she will be furious.

To find sb/sth doing sth: Thấy ai/ cái gì đang

Ex: I found him standing at the doorway

Ex: He found a tree lying across the road.

To leave sb doing sth: Để ai làm gì

Ex: I left Bob talking to the director after the introduction.

Go/come doing sth (dùng cho thể thao và mua sắm)

Ex: Go skiing/ go swimming/ go shopping/ come dancing

To spend time doing sth: Bỏ thời gian làm gì

Ex: He usually spends much time preparing his lessons.

To waste time doing: hao phí thời gian làm gì

Ex: She wasted all the afternoon having small talks with her friends.

To have a hard time/trouble doing sth: Gặp khó khăn khi làm gì

Ex: He has trouble listening English.

To be worth doing sth: đáng để làm gì

Ex: This project is worth spending time and money on.

To be busy doing something: bận làm gì

She is busy packing now.

Be no/ not much/ any/ some good doing smt: Không có ích, ít khi có ích (làm gì)

Ex: It's no good my talking to him: Nói chuyện với anh ta tôi chả thấy có ích gì.

Ex: What good is it asking her: Hỏi cô ta thì có ích gì cơ chứ

P1 được sử dụng để rút ngắn những câu dài

Hai hành động xảy ra song song cùng một lúc: hành động thứ hai ở dạng V-ing, hai hành động không tách rời khỏi nhau bởi bất kì dấu phảy nào.

Ex: He drives away and whistles = He drives away whistling.

Khi hành động thứ hai hoặc các hành động tiếp sau theo nó là một phần trong quá trình diễn biến của hành động thứ nhất thì hành động thứ hai hoặc các hành động tiếp theo sau nó ở dạng V-ing. Giữa hai hành động có ngăn cách nhau bởi dấu phẩy.

Ex: She went out and slammed the door -> she went out, slamming the door.

Khi hành động thứ 2 hoặc các hành động sau nó là kết quả của hành động thứ nhất thì hành động thứ 2 và các hành động tiếp theo sẽ ở dạng V-ing. Nó sẽ ngăn cách với hành động chính bằng một dấu phẩy.

Ex: He fired two shots, killling a robber and wounding the other.

Hành động thứ 2 không cần chung chủ ngữ với hành động thứ nhất mà chỉ cần là kết quả cũng đã có thể ở dạng V-ing.

Ex: The plane crashed, its bombs exploding when it hit the ground.

Cách sử dụng nguyên mẫu hoàn thành (To have + P2)

Whould (should) like + to have + P2 : Diễn đạt một ước muốn không thành.

Ex: He would like to have seen the photos = He would have liked to see the photos (But he couldn't).

Dùng với một số động từ: to appear

to happen

to pretend

Nên nhớ rằng hành động của nguyên mẫu hoàn thành xảy ra trước hành động của mệnh đề chính.

Ex: He seems to have passed the exam -> It seems that he has passed the exam.

Ex: She pretended to have read the material -> She pretended that she had read the material.

Dùng với sorry, to be sorry + to have + P2: Hành động của nguyên mẫu hoàn thành xảy ra trước trạng thái sorry.

Ex: The girls were sorry to have missed the Rock Concert -> the girls were sorry that they had missed the Rock Concert.

Dùng với một số các động từ sau đây ở thể bị động: to ackowledge. believe, consider, find, know, report, say, suppose, think, understand. Hành động của nguyên mẫu hoàn thành xảy ra trước hành động của mệnh đề chính.

Ex: He was believed to have gone out of the country -> It was believed that he had gone out of the country.

Dùng với một số các động từ khác như to claim, expect, hope, promise. Đặc biệt lưu ý rằng hành động của nguyên mẫu hoàn thành sẽ ở future perfect so với thời của động từ ở mệnh đề chính.

Ex: He expects to have graduated by June -> He expects that he will have graduated by June.

Ex: He promised to have told me the secret by the end of this week -> He promised that he would have told me the secret by the end of this week.

Những cách sử dụng khác của that

That dùng với tư cách là một liên từ (rằng)

Đằng sau 4 động từ say, tell, think, believe thì that có thể bỏ đi đươ.c.

Ex: John said (that) he was leaving next week.

Đằng sau 4 động từ mention, declare, report, state thì that bắt buộc phải có mă.t.

Ex: George mentioned that he was going to France next year.

That vẫn bắt buộc phải dùng ở mệnh đề thứ 2 trong câu sau dấu phẩy nếu vẫn cùng chung một mệnh đề đằng sau 4 động từ trên.

Ex: The Major declared that or June the first he would announce the result of the search and that he would never over look the crime punishment.

Mệnh đề that

Là loại mệnh đề có hai thành phần và bắt buộc phải có that trong câu.

Dùng với chủ ngữ giả it và tính từ.

It + to be + adj + That + S + V = That + S + V ... to be + adj

Ex: It is well known that many residents of third world countries are dying.

That many residents of third world countries are dying is well known.

Dùng với động từ tạo thành một mệnh đề độc lâ.p.

It + verb + complement + That + S + V = That + S + V + ... +V + complement

Ex: It surprises me that John would do such a thing

That John would do such a thing surprises me.

Người ta dùng chủ ngữ giả it trong văn nói để dễ nhận biết và that làm chủ ngữ thật trong văn viết.

Trong một số trường hợp người ta đảo ngữ giới từ lên đầu câu, động từ nối hoặc động từ tĩnh đảo lên trên THAT và sau đó mới là chủ ngữ thâ.t. Công thức sử dụng như sau:

Among the surprising discoveries were THAT T.rex was a far sleeker but more powerful carnivore than previous thought, perhaps weighing less than 6.5 tons more than a bull elephant, and THAT T.rex habitat was forest, not swamp or plain as previously believed.

(Một trong số những phát hiện ngạc nhiên là ở chỗ loài khủng long bạo chúa là một loại ăn thịt có thân hình mượt mà hơn nhiều, song cũng là loài dũng mãnh hơn người ta đã từng nghĩ trước đây, có lẽ cân nặng chưa đến 6 tấn rưỡi-tức là không lớn hơn một con voi đực, và tằng môi trường sống của loài khủng long này là rừng chứ không phải là đầm lầy hay đồng bằng như người ta vẫn thường tin.)

The fact that + sentence/ the fact remains that + sentence/ the fact of the matter is that = Thực tế là.../Sự thực là...

The fact that Simon had not been home for 3 days didn't seem to worry anybody.

Câu giả định

Là loại câu đối tượng thứ nhất muốn đối tượng thứ hai làm một việc gì nhưng làm hay không còn phụ thuộc vào người thứ hai.

Trong câu bắt buộc phải có that trừ một số trường hơ.p.

Dùng với would rather that

Ngữ pháp hiện đại ngày nay đặc biệt là ngữ pháp Mỹ cho phép dùng would rather mà không cần dùng that trong loại câu này.

Ex: We would rather (that) he not take this train.

Dùng với động từ.

Bảng 1/183. Là những động từ đòi hỏi mệnh đề đằng sau nó phải ở dạng giả định và trong câu bắt buộc phải có that nếu nó diễn đạt ý trên.















Động từ sau chủ ngữ 2 ở dạng nguyên thể không chia bỏ to.

Nếu muốn thành lập thể phủ định đặt not sau chủ ngữ 2 trước nguyên thể bỏ to.

Ex: The doctor suggested that his patient stop smoking.

Nếu bỏ that đi thì chủ ngữ 2 sẽ trở về dạng tân ngữ và động từ sau nó trở về dạng nguyên thể có to, câu mất tính chất giả đi.nh. Trở thành một dạng mệnh lệnh thức gián tiếp.

Trong ngữ pháp Anh-Anh đằng trước động từ ở mệnh đề 2 thường có should, người Anh chỉ bỏ should khi nó là động từ to be nhưng ngữ pháp Anh-Mỹ không dùng should cho toàn bộ động từ đằng sau.

Dùng với tính từ.

Bảng 1/184 là một số các tính từ đòi hỏi mệnh đề sau nó phải ở dạng giả định, trong câu bắt buộc phải có that và động từ sau chủ ngữ 2 ở dạng nguyên thể bỏ to.












Lưu ý rằng trong bảng này có một số tính từ là phân từ 2 cấu tạo từ các động từ ở bảng 1/183.

Nếu muốn cấu tạo phủ định đặt not sau chủ ngữ 2 trước nguyên thể bỏ to.

It + be + adj + that + S + [verb in simple form]

Ex1: It is necessary that he find the books.

Ex2: It has been proprosed that we change the topic.

Nếu bỏ that đi thì chủ ngữ 2 sẽ biến thành tân ngữ sau giới từ for, động từ trở về dạng nguyên thể có to và câu mất tính chất giả định trở thành dạng mệnh lệnh thức gián tiếp.

Lưu ý:

Câu giả định dùng với 2 loại trên thường được dùng trong các văn bản hoặc thư giao dịch diễn đạt lời đề nghị từ phía A -> B mà không có tính bắt buô.c.

Không chỉ có động từ và tính từ mới được dùng theo dạng này, tất cả các danh từ xuất phát từ những động từ và tính từ trên đều buộc mệnh đề sau nó phải ở dạng giả định, nếu như nó diễn đạt các yếu tố trên.

Ex: There is suggestion from the doctor that the patient stop smoking.

Ex: It is recommendation that the vehicle owner be present at the court

Câu giả định dùng với một số trường hợp khác

Nó dùng để diễn đạt một ước muốn hoặc một lời nguyền rủa thường bao hàm các thế lực siêu nhiên.

God be with you = Good bye.

Curse this toad: Chết tiệt cái con cóc này.

Dùng với động từ May trong một số trường hợp đặc biệt sau:

Come what may = Dù thế nào chăng nữa, dù bất cứ truyện gì.

Ex: Come what may we will stand by you.

May as well not do sth .... if .... = Có thể đừng..... nếu không.

Ex: You may as well not come if you can't be on time: Các anh có thể đừng đến nếu không đến được đúng giờ.

May/Might (just) as well do smt = Chẳng mất gì mà lại không, mất gì của bọ.

Ex: Since nobody wants that job, we might (just) as well let him have it: Vì không ai thích việc này, mình chẳng mất gì mà lại không cho hắn ta làm nó

May diễn đạt một giả định trong lời đề nghị mà người nói cho rằng chưa chắc nó đã được thực hiện:

The sign on the lawn says clearly that people may not walk on the grass.

(không dùng should trong trường hợp này).

linkverb + adj

May + S + = Cầu chúc cho.

verb + complement

Ex: May you both very happy: Chúc các bạn bách niên giai lão.

Ex: May the conference be successful: Chúc hội nghị thành công rực rỡ.

Long may she live to enjoy her good fortune: Cầu chúc cho nàng sống lâu hưởng trọn vẹn vận may của nàng.

If need be = If necessary = Nếu cần

Ex: If need be, we can take another road.

Dùng với động từ to be, bỏ to sau if để chỉ một sự giả định chưa được phân định rõ ràng là đúng hay sai.

Ex: If that be all right, then it would be no defence for this man to say hés innocent.

Ex: If that be error and upon me proved: Nếu đó quả là lỗi và cứ nhất định gán cho tôi.

Let it be me: Giả sử đó là tôi, giá phải tay tôi.

Ex: Husband: Let it be me.

Wife (suđenly appearing) : If that be you, what would you do.

Be that as it may... = whether that is true or not... = Cho dù là phải thế hay không.

Be that as it may, you have to accept it.

Then so be it: Cứ phải vậy thôi.

If we have to pay $2,000, then so be it (thì cứ phải trả thôi)

Câu giả định dùng với it + to be + time

It's time (for sb) to do smt: đã đến lúc ai phải làm gì (Thời gian vừa vặn không mang tính giả định).

Ex: It's time for me to get to the airport: Đã đến lúc tôi phải ra sân bay.

It's time

hightime + S + simple past = đã đến lúc mà (thời gian đã trễ mang tính

about time giả định)

Ex: It's time I got to the airport

Ex: It's hightime the city government did smt to stop the traffic jam.

Lối nói bao hàm

Đó là lối nói gộp hai ý trong câu là một thông qua một số các thành ngữ.

Not only ..... but also

Các thực thể ở đằng sau hai thành ngữ này phải tương đương với nhau về mặt ngữ pháp (N - N, adj - adj).

Ex: Robert is not only talented but also handsome.

Ex: He writes not only correctly but also neatly.

Thành phần sau but also thường quyết định thành phần sau not only.

Ex: Incorrect: He is not only famous in Italy but also in Switzerland.

Correct: He is famous not only in Italy but also in Switzerland.

As well as: Cũng như

Các thành phần đằng trước và đằng sau thành ngữ này phải tương đương với nhau về mặt ngữ pháp.

Ex: Robert is talented as well as handsome.

Ex: He writes correctly as well as neatly.

Ex: Paul plays the piano as well as composes music.

Không được nhầm thành ngữ này với as well as của hiện tượng đồng chủ ngữ mang nghĩa cùng với.

Ex: The teacher, as well as her students, is going to the concert.

Ex: My cousins, as well as Tim, have a test tomorrow.

Both ..... and

Công thức dùng giống hệt như Not only .... but also.

Both chỉ được dùng với and, không được dùng với as well as.

Ex: Robert is both talented and handsome.

Ex: Paul both plays the piano and composes music.

Cách sử dụng to know, to know how.

Ex: Bill know how to play tennis well.

Ex: Jason knew the answer to the teacher's question.

Ex: I didn't know that you were going to France.

Đằng sau to know how cũng có thể dùng một câu để diễn đạt khả năng hoặc sự bắt buô.c.

Ex: At a glance, she knew how she could solve this math problem.

Mệnh đề nhượng bộ

Đó là loại mệnh đề diễn đạt hai ý trái ngược trong cùng một câu.

Despite/Inspite of = bất chấp

Đằng sau hai thành ngữ này phải dùng một ngữ danh từ, không được dùng một câu hoàn chỉnh.

Ex: Despite his physical handicap, he has become a successful businessman.

Ex: Jane will be admitted to the university in spite of her bad grades.

Although/Even though/Though = Mặc dầu

Đằng sau 3 thành ngữ này phải dùng một câu hoàn chỉnh, không được dùng một ngữ danh từ.

Ex: Although he has a physical handicap, he has become a successful businessman.

Tuy nhiên nếu though đứng cuối câu tách biệt khỏi câu chính bởi dấu phẩy. Khi nói hơi dừng lại một chút, lúc đó nó mang nghĩa tuy nhiên (= However).

Ex: He promised to call me, till now I haven't received any call from him, though.

However + adj + S + linkverb = dù có .... đi chăng nữa thì ....

Ex: However strong you are, you can't move this rock.

Although/ Albeit (more formal) + Adjective/ Adverb/ Averbial Modifier

Ex: Her appointment was a significant, althought/ albeit temporary success. (Việc bà ấy được bổ nhiệm là một thành công quan trọng đấy, nhưng dẫu sao cũng chỉ là nhất thời)

Ex: Her performed the task well, althought/ albeit slowly (Anh ta thực hiện nhiệm vụ đó tốt đấy, tuy rằng chậm).

Những động từ dễ gây nhầm lẫn

Những động từ ở bảng sau rất dễ gây nhầm lẫn về mặt ngữ nghĩa, chính tả hoặc phát âm.

Nội động từ







Ngoại động từ









To rise : Dâng lên.

Ex: The sun rises early in the summer.

To raise smt/sb: Nâng ai, cái gì lên.

Ex: The students raise their hands in class.

To lie: Nằm, ở, ta.i.

To lie in: ở tại

To lie down: nằm xuống.

To lie on: nằm trên.

Ex: The university lies in the western section of town.

Ex: Don't disturb Mary, she has laid down for a rest.

*Lưu ý: Cần phân biệt động từ này với động từ to lie (nói dối) trong mẫu câu to lie to sb about smt (nói dối ai về cái gì):

He is lying to you about the test.

To lay: đặt, để

To lay on: đặt trên

To lay in: đặt vào

To lay down: đặt xuống.

Ex: Don't lay your clothes on the bed.

*Lưu ý 1: Thời hiện tại của động từ này rất dễ ngây nhầm lẫn với quá khứ đơn giản của động từ to lie. Cần phải phân biệt bằng ngữ cảnh cụ thể.

To sit

To sit in: ngồi tại, ngồi trong.

To sit on: ngồi trên (đã ngồi sẵn).

To set = to put, to lay: đặt, để.

Lưu ý: Phát âm hiện tại đơn giản của động từ này rất dễ lẫn với Simple past của to sit.

Một số các thành ngữ dùng với động từ trên:

to set the table for: bầy bàn để.

Ex: My mother has set the table for the family dinner.

to lay off (workers. employees): cho thôi việc, giãn thợ.

Ex: The company had to lay off twenty-five employees because of a production slowdown.

to set (broken bone) in: bó những cái xương gẫy vào.

Ex: Dr.Jacobs has set many broken bones in plaster casts.

to set onés alarm for: Đặt đồng hồ báo thức vào lúc.

Ex: John set his alarm for six óclock.

to set fire to: làm cháy

Ex: While playing with matches, the children set fire to the sofa.

to raise (animals, plants) for a living: trồng cái gì, nuôi con gì bán để lấy tiền.

Ex: That farmer raises chickens for a living.

Một số các động từ đặc biệt khác

Đó là những động từ giống hệt nhau về mặt hình thức nhưng khác nhau về mặt ngữ nghĩa nếu ở trong các mẫu câu khác nhau.

agree to do smt: đồng ý làm gì

Ex: He agreed to leave early tomorrow morning.

agree to onés doing smt: đồng ý với việc ai làm gì.

Ex: He agreed to my leaving early tomorrow morning.

Mean to do smt: định làm gì.

Ex: I mean to get to the top of the hill before sunrise.

If it + mean + verb-ing: cho dù cả việc, bao hàm cả viê.c.

Ex: My neighbour was determined to get a ticket for Saturdaýs game if it meant standing in line all night.

Propose to do smt: có ý định làm gì.

Ex: I propose to start tomorrow.

Propose doing smt: Đề nghị làm gì

Ex: I propose waiting till the police came.

Go on doing smt/smt: tiếp tục làm gì, cái gì (một việc đang bị bỏ dở)

Ex: He went on writing after a break

Go on to do smt: Quay sang tiếp tục làm gì (vẫn về cùng một vấn đề nhưng chuyển sang khía cạnh khác)

Ex: He showed the island on the map then went on to tell about its climate.

Try to do smt: cố gắng làm gì

Ex: He try to solve this math problem.

Try doing smt: Thử làm gì

I try sending her flowers, writing her letter, giving her presents, but she still wouldn't speak to me.

Sự phù hợp về thời động từ

Trong một câu tiếng Anh có 2 thành phần có liên quan đến nhau về mặt thời thì thời của động từ ở hai thành phần đó phải tương đương với nhau. Thời của động từ ở mệnh đề chính sẽ quyết định thời của động từ ở mệnh đề phụ.

Main clause

Dependent clause

Simple present

Present progressive

Hành động của mệnh đề phụ xảy ra cùng lúc với hành động của mệnh đề chính

Simple present

Will/ Can/ May + Verb (hoặc Near future)

Hành động của mệnh đề phụ xảy ra sau hành động của mệnh đề chính trong một tương lai không được xác định hoặc tương lai gần.

Simple present

Simple past

Hành động của mệnh đề phụ xảy ra trước hành động của mệnh đề chính trong một quá khứ được xác định cụ thể về mặt thời gian.

Simple present

Present perfect (progressive)

Hành động của mệnh đề phụ xảy ra trước hành động của mệnh đề chính trong một quá khứ không được xác định cụ thể về mặt thời gian.

Simple past

Past progressive/ Simple past

Hành động của mệnh đề phụ xảy ra cùng lúc với hành động của mệnh đề chính trong quá khứ.

Simple past

Would/ Could/ Might + Verb

Hành động của mệnh đề phụ xảy ra sau hành động của mệnh đề chính trong một tương lai trong quá khứ.

Simple past

Past perfect

Hành động của mệnh đề phụ xảy ra trước hành động của mệnh đề chính, lùi sâu về trong quá khứ.

Lưu ý: Những nguyên tắc trên đây chỉ được áp dụng khi các mệnh đề trong câu có liên hệ với nhau về mặt thời gian nhưng nếu các mệnh đề trong câu có thời gian riêng biệt thì động từ phải tuân theo thời gian của chính mệnh đề đó.

Ex: He promised to tell me, till now I haven't received any call from him, though.

Cách sử dụng to say, to tell

Nếu sau chủ ngữ không có một tân ngữ nào mà đến liên từ that ngay thì phải dùng to say.

Nhưng nếu sau chủ ngữ có một tân ngữ gián tiếp rồi mới đến liên từ that thì phải dùng to tell.

Ex: He says that he will be busy tomorrow/ he tell me that....

Sau to tell vẫn có thể có một số tân ngữ trực tiếp dù bất kì hoàn cảnh nào.

Ex: The little boy was punished because he told his mother a lie.

Đại từ nhân xưng one và you

Cả hai đại từ này đều mang nghĩa người ta, tuy nhiên ngữ pháp sử dụng có khác nhau.

Nếu ở trên đã sử dụng đại từ one thì các đại từ tương ứng tiếp theo ở mệnh đề dưới phải là one, onés, he, his.

Ex: If one takes this exam without studying, one is likely to fail.

If one takes this exam without studying, he is likely to fail.

One should always do onés homework.

One should always do his homework.

Lưu ý một số người do cẩn thận muốn tránh phân biệt nam/ nữ đã dùng he or she, his or her nhưng điều đó là không cần thiết. Các đại từ đó chỉ được sử dụng khi nào ở phía trên có những danh từ chỉ chung chung như the side, the party.

Ex: The judge will ask the defendant party (chỉ chung chung) if he or she admits the allegations.

Nếu đại từ ở trên là you thì các đại từ tương ứng tiếp theo ở dưới sẽ là you hoặc your.

Ex: If you take this exam without studying, you are likely to fail.

You should always do your homework.

Tuyệt đối không dùng lẫn one và you trong cùng một câu hoặc dùng they thay thế cho hai đại từ này.

Từ đi trước để giới thiệu

Trong một câu tiếng Anh có 2 thành phần, nếu một trong hai thành phần đó có dùng đến đại từ nhân xưng thì ở thành phần còn lại phải có một danh từ để giới thiệu cho đại từ đó .

Danh từ đi giới thiệu phải tương đương với đại từ nhân xưng đó về mặt giống và số.

Incorrect: Henry was denied admission to graduate school because they did not believe that he could handle the work load.

Correct: The members of the admissions committee denied Henry admission to graduate school because they did not believe that he could handle the work load.

Henry was denied admission to graduate school because the members of the admissions committee did not believe that he could handle the work load.

Chỉ có một danh từ được phép giới thiệu cho đại từ, nếu có hai sẽ gây nên sự lầm lẫn do trùng lă.p.

Incorrect: Mr. Brown told Mr. Adams that he would have to work all night in order to finish the report.

Correct : According to Mr. Brown, Mr. Adams will have to work all night in order to finish the report.

Mr. Brown said that, in order to finish the report, Mr. Adams would have to work all night.

Cách sử dụng các phân từ ở đầu mệnh đề phụ

Trong một câu tiếng Anh có chung một chủ ngữ bao gồm 2 thành phần: Mệnh đề phụ có thể mở đầu bằng một V-ing (chiếm đa số) - một phân từ hai (nếu mang nghĩa bị động) - một động từ nguyên thể (nếu chỉ mục đích) và một ngữ danh từ hoặc một ngữ giới từ nếu chỉ sự tương ứng.

Khi sử dụng loại câu này cần hết sức lưu ý rằng chủ ngữ của mệnh đề chính bắt buộc phải là chủ ngữ hợp lý của mệnh đề phụ.

Thông thường có 6 giới từ đứng trước một V-ing mở đầu cho mệnh đề phụ, đó là: By (bằng cách, bởi), upon, after (sau khi), before (trước khi), while (trong khi), when (khi).

Ex: By working a ten-hour day for four days, we can have a long weekend.

Lưu ý rằng: on + động từ trạng thái hoặc in + động từ hành động thì có thể tương đương với when hoặc whilẹ:

On finding (= when finding) the door ajar, I aroused suspicion.

(Khi thấy cửa hé mở, tôi nảy sinh mối nghi ngờ)

In searching (=while searching) for underground deposits of oil, geologist often rely on magnometers.

(Trong khi tìm các mỏ dầu trong lòng đất, các nhà địa chất thường dựa vào từ kế.)

Thời của động từ ở mệnh đề phụ phải do thời của động từ ở mệnh đề chính quyết định, 2 hành động xảy ra song song cung lúc:


Practing her swing every day, Trica hopes to get a job as a golf instructor.


While reviewing for the test, Maria realized that she has forgotten to study the use of particle phrases.


After preparing the dinner, Michelle will read a book.

Nếu being và having mở đầu câu phụ thì đằng trước chúng ẩn giới từ because.

Being a good student, he can always pass his exam easily. (= Because he is...)

Having a terrible toothache, Phillip called the dentist far an appointment. (= Because he had a...).

Động từ nguyên thể chỉ mục đích ở đầu câu phụ

Incorrect: To prevent cavities, dental floss should be used daily after brushing onés teeth.

Correct: To prevent cavities, one should use dental floss daily after brushing teeth.

Ngữ danh từ hoặc ngữ giới từ mở đầu mệnh đề phụ chỉ sự tương ứng

Incorrect: A competitive sports, gymnasts must perform before a panel of judges who use their knowledge of rules and skill to determine which participant will win.

Correct: In a gymnastic competitive sports game, gymnasts must ......

Phân từ hai mở đầu mệnh đề phụ chỉ bị động:

Incorrect: Found in Tanzania by Mary Leaky, some archeologists estimated that the three - million - year - old fossils were the oldest human remains that were discovered.

Correct: Found in Tanzania by Mary Leaky, the three - million - year - old fossils were estimated by some archeologists to be the oldest human remains that had ever been discovered.

Lưu ý: Cấu trúc này còn áp dụng cho cả các mẫu câu có mệnh đề phụ mở đầu bằng: Although + Adj/ P2.

Ex: Although (he was) nervous, he gave a wonderful speech.

Ex: Although (it had been) damaged, the machine was still functioning.

Hoặc có thể dùng when + P2 mở đầu mệnh đề phụ:

When (it is) shown through a prism, a beam of white light breaks into all the colors of the rainbow.

Nếu hành động của mệnh đề chính lẫn mệnh đề phụ đều xảy ra trong quá khứ mà hành động của mệnh đề phụ lùi sâu hơn nữa vào trong quá khứ thì công thức sẽ là:

Đằng trước having còn ẩn chứa 2 giới từ là because và after, việc hiểu 2 giới từ này phụ thuộc vào ngữ cảnh của câu.

Đặc biệt lưu ý rằng: cấu trúc này còn có thể áp dụng cho cả mẫu câu mà cả 2 thời của động từ sẽ diễn biến ở present perfect-simple present. (tuy rằng rất hiếm)

Having seen the children's work, Miss Adams approves their request to go home.

(= After she has seen..., Miss Adams approves...)

Nếu hành động của mệnh đề phụ xảy ra ở thời bị động thì công thức sẽ là:

Phải hết sức lưu ý rằng: điều quan trọng nhất trong việc sử dụng 2 mẫu câu trên vẫn phải là: chủ ngữ của mệnh đề chính phải là chủ ngữ hợp lý của mệnh đề phụ.

Phân từ dùng làm tính từ

Phân từ 1(V-ing) được dùng làm tính từ khi nó đáp ứng đầy đủ các điều kiện sau:

Đứng ngay trước danh từ mà nó bổ nghĩa.

Hành động phải ở thể chủ đô.ng.

Hành động đó đang ở thể tiếp diễn.

Động từ được sử dụng làm tính từ phải không đòi hỏi một tân ngữ nào (nội động từ).

Ex: The crying baby woke Mr.Binion. ( The baby was crying)

Ex: The blooming flowers in the meadow created a rainbow of colors. (The flowers were blooming)

Phân từ 2 (V-ed) được dùng làm tính từ khi nó đáp ứng đầy đủ các điều kiện sau:

Đứng ngay trước danh từ mà nó bổ nghĩa.

Hành động phải ở thể bị đô.ng.

Hành động đó xảy ra trước hành động của mệnh đề chính.

Ex: The sorted mail was delivered to the offices before noon. (The mail had been sorted).

Lưu ý: Một số các động từ như to interest, to bore, to excite, to frighten khi sử dụng phải rất cẩn thâ.nvề việc những phân từ được dùng làm tính từ xuất phát từ những động từ này mang nghĩa chủ động hay bị đô.ng.

Ex: The boring professor put the students to sleep.

The boring lecture put the students to sleep.

The bored students went to sleep during the boring lecture.

Câu thừa

Khi thông tin trong câu bị lặp đi lặp lại dưới dạng không cần thiết thì nó bị gọi là câu thừa, cần phải loại bỏ phần thừa đó.(Page 219)

Người Anh không dùng the reason .... because mà dùng the reason ... that.

Ex: The reason I take this course that it's necessary for me.

Người Anh không dùng the time when mà chỉ dùng một trong hai.

Ex: It is the time/ when I got home.

Người Anh không dùng place where mà chỉ dùng một trong hai.

Ex: It is the place/ where I was born.

Cấu trúc câu song song

Khi thông tin trong một câu được đưa ra dưới dạng hàng loạt thì các thành phần được liệt kê phải song song với nhau về mặt ngữ pháp (Noun - noun, adj - adj).

Thông thường thì thành phần đầu tiên sau động từ sẽ quyết định các thành phần còn lại

Not parallel: Mr. Henry is a lawyer, a politician, and he teaches.

noun noun clause

Parallel: Mr. Henry is a lawyer, a politician, and a teacher.

noun noun noun

Lưu ý: Tuy nhiên nếu thời gian trong câu là khác nhau thì động từ cũng phải tuân theo qui luật thời gian. Lúc đó cấu trúc câu song song không tồn tại

Thông tin trực tiếp và gián tiếp

Câu trực tiếp và câu gián tiếp

Trong câu trực tiếp thông tin đi từ người thứ nhất đến thẳng người thứ hai.

Ex: He said "I bought a new motorbike for myself yesterday"

Trong câu gián tiếp thông tin đi từ người thứ nhất qua người thứ hai đến với người thứ ba. Khi đó câu có biến đổi về mặt ngữ pháp.

Ex: He said he had bought a new motorbike for himself the day before.

Để biến đổi một câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp cần:

Đổi chủ ngữ và các đại từ nhân xưng khác trong câu trực tiếp theo chủ ngữ của thành phần thứ nhất.

Lùi động từ ở vế thứ 2 xuống một cấp so với vế ban đầu.

Biến đổi các đại từ chỉ thị, phó từ chỉ thời gian và địa điểm theo bảng qui đi.nh.

Bảng đổi động từ

Direct speech

Indirect speech

Simple present

Present progressive

Present perfect (Progressive)

Simple past



Simple past

Past progressive

Past perfect (Progressive)

Past perfect

Would/ Should

Could/ Might

Bảng đổi các đại từ chỉ thị, phó từ chỉ địa điểm và thời gian



The day before yesterday


The day after tomorrow

Next + Time

Last + Time

Time + ago

This, these

Here, Overhere

That day

The day before

Two days before

The next/ the following day

In two days' time

The following + Time

The previous + Time

Time + before

That, those

There, Overthere

Nếu lời nói và hành động xảy ra cùng ngày thì không cần phải đổi thời gian.

Ex: At breakfast this morning he said "I will be busy today"

At breakfast this morning he said he would be busy today.

Các suy luận logic về mặt thời gian tất nhiên là cần thiết khi lời nói được thuật lại sau đó một hoặc hai ngày.

Ex: (On Monday) He said " Íll be leaving on Wednesday "

(On Tuesday) He said he would be leaving tomorrow.

(On Wednesday) He said he would be leaving today.

Động từ với hai tân ngữ trực tiếp và gián tiếp

Một số động từ trong tiếng Anh có hai loại tân ngữ : 1 trực tiếp và 1 gián tiếp đồng thời cũng có hai cách dùng:

Lối dùng gián tiếp: Đặt tân ngữ trực tiếp sau động từ rồi đến tân ngữ gián tiếp đi sau hai giới từ for và to.

Ex: The director's secretary sent the manuscript to them last night.

Lối dùng trực tiếp: Đặt tân ngữ gián tiếp sau động từ rồi đến tân ngữ trực tiếp, hai giới từ to và for bị loại bỏ.

Ex: The director's secretary sent them the manuscript last night.

Incorrect: The director's secretary sent to them the manuscript last night.

Hai động từ to introduce và to mention phải dùng công thức gián tiếp, không được dùng công thức trực tiếp.

to introduce smt/sb to sb

to mention smt to sb.

Nếu cả hai tân ngữ trực tiếp và gián tiếp đều là đại từ nhân xưng thì không được dùng công thức trực tiếp mà phải dùng công thức gián tiếp.

Correct: They gave it to us.

Incorrect: They gave us it.

Sự đảo ngược phó từ

Trong một số trường hợp các phó từ không đứng ở vị trí bình thường của nó mà đảo lên đứng ở đầu câu nhằm nhấn mạnh vào hành động của chủ ngữ.

Trong trường hợp đó ngữ pháp sẽ thay đổi, đằng sau phó từ đứng đầu câu là trợ động từ rồi mới đến chủ ngữ và động từ chính.

Ex: Never have so many people been unemployed as today.

adveb auxiliary subject verb

(So many people have never been unemployed as today)

Một số các dạng phó từ đặc biệt đứng ở đầu câu

In/ Under no circumstances: Dù trong bất cứ hoàn cảnh nào cũng không.

Ex: Under no circumstances should you lend him the money.

On no account: Dù bất cứ lý do gì cũng không

Ex: On no accout must this switch be touched.

Only in this way: Chỉ bằng cách này

Ex: Only in this way could the problem be solved

In no way: Không sao có thể

Ex: In no way could I agree with you.

By no means: Hoàn toàn không

Ex: By no means does he intend to criticize your idea.

Negative ..., nor + auxiliary + S + V

Ex: He had no money, nor did he know anybody from whom he could borrow.

Khi một mệnh đề mở đầu bằng các thành ngữ chỉ nơi chốn hoặc trật tự thì động từ chính có thể đảo lên chủ ngữ nhưng tuyệt đối không được sử dụng trợ động từ trong trường hợp này.

Ex: In front of the museum is a statue.

Ex: First came the ambulance, then came the police.

( Thoạt đầu là xe cứu thương chạy đến, tiếp sau là cảnh sát.)

Khi một ngữ giới từ làm phó từ chỉ địa điểm hoặc phương hướng đứng ở đầu câu, các nội động từ đặt lên trước chủ ngữ nhưng tuyệt đối không được sử dụng trợ động từ trong loại câu này. Nó rất phổ biến trong văn mô tả khi muốn diễn đạt một chủ ngữ không xác định:

Under the tree was lying one of the biggest man I had ever seen.

Directly in front of them stood a great castle.

On the grass sat an enormous frog.

Along the road came a strange procession.

Tính từ cũng có thể đảo lên trên đầu câu để nhấn mạnh và sau đó là động từ nối nhưng tuyệt đối không được sử dụng trợ động từ.

So determined was she to take the university course that she taught school and gave music lesson for her tuition fees.

Trong một số trường hợp người ta cũng có thể đảo toàn bộ động từ chính lên trên chủ ngữ để nhấn mạnh, những động từ được đảo lên trên trong trường hợp này phần lớn đều mang sắc thái bị động nhưng hoàn toàn không có nghĩa bị đô.ng.

Lost, however, are the secrets of the Mayan astronomers and the Inca builders as well as many medicinal practices.

(Tuy nhiên những bí mật .... đã mất đi vĩnh viễn không bao giờ trở lạị)

Các phó từ away ( = off ), down, in, off, out, over, round, up... có thể theo sau là một động từ chuyển động và sau đó là một danh từ làm chủ ngữ.

Away went the runners/ Down fell a dozen of apples...

Nhưng nếu một đại từ nhân xưng làm chủ ngữ thì động từ phải để sau chủ ngữ:

Away they went/ Round and round it flew.

Trong tiếng Anh viết (written English) các ngữ giới từ mở đầu bằng các giới từ down, from, in, on, over, out of, round, up... có thể được theo sau ngay bởi động từ chỉ vị trí (crouch, hang, lie, sit, stand...) hoặc các dạng động từ chỉ chuyển động, các động từ như be born/ die/ live và một số dạng động từ khác.

From the rafters hung strings of onions.

In the doorway stood a man with a gun.

On a perch beside him sat a blue parrot.

Over the wall came a shower of stones.

*Lưu ý: 3 ví dụ đầu của các ví dụ trên có thể diễn đạt bằng một VERB-ING mở đầu cho câu và động từ BE đảo lên trên chủ ngữ:

Hanging from the rafters were strings of onions.

Standing in the doorway was a man with a gun.

Sitting on a perch beside him was a blue parrot.

Hiện tượng này còn xảy ra khi chủ ngữ sau các phó từ so sánh as/than quá dài:

She was very religious, as were most of her friends.

City dwellers have a higher death rate than do country people.

Tân ngữ mang tính nhấn mạnh cũng có thể đảo lên đầu câu:

Not a single word did he say.

Here/There hoặc một số các phó từ đi kết hợp với động từ đứng đầu câu cũng phải đảo động từ lên trên chủ ngữ là một danh từ, nhưng nếu chủ ngữ là một đại từ thì không được đảo động từ:

Here comes Fređy.

Incorrect: Here comes he

Off we go

Incorrect: Off go we

There goes your brother

I stopped the car , and up walked a policeman .

Cách loại bỏ những câu trả lời không đúng trong bài ngữ pháp

Một trong số hai bài thi ngữ pháp của TOEFL được cho dưới dạng một câu cho sẵn, còn để trống một phần và dưới đó là 4 câu để điền vào. Trong 4 câu chỉ có một câu đúng. Để giải quyết được câu đúng phải theo lần lượt các bước sau:

Kiểm tra các lỗi ngữ pháp cơ bản bao gồm

a)Sự hoà hợp giữa chủ ngữ và vị ngữ

b)Cách sử dụng Adj và Adv

c)Vị trí của các Adv theo thứ tự lần lượt: chỉ phương thức hành động - địa điểm - thời gian - phương tiện hành động - tình huống hành đô.ng.

d)Sự phối hợp giữa các thời động từ.

e)Xem xét việc sử dụng hợp lý các đại từ trong câu.

f)Cấu trúc câu song song.

Loại bỏ những câu trả lời mang tính rườm rà:

a)Loại bỏ câu trả lời bao gồm một thành ngữ dài, tuy không sai nhưng có một từ ngắn hơn để thay thế.

*Lưu ý: Nhưng phải hết sức cẩn thận vì một số các Adj tận cùng băng đuôi ly không thể cấu tạo phó từ bằng đuôi ly. Phó từ của những Adj này là in a Adj-ly + manner/way.

He behaves me in a friendly way/ manner

Phải cẩn thận khi dùng fresh

in a fresh manner = một cách tươi.

This food is only delicious when eaten in a fresh manner

freshly + PII = vừa mới

freshly-picked fruit

= quả vừa mới hái

freshly-laid eggs

= trứng gà vừa mới đẻ

b)Phải loại bỏ những từ thừa trong câu thừa

Ex: Cause a result => thừa a result

Phải chắc chắn rằng tất cả các từ trong câu được chọn đều phải phúc vụ cho nghĩa của bài, đặc biệt là các ngữ động từ.

Phải loại bỏ những câu trả lời bao hàm tiếng lóng, không được phép dùng trong văn viết qui chuẩn

A bunch of flowers.(Không được).

Những từ dễ gây nhầm lẫn

Đó là những từ rất dễ gây nhầm lẫn về mặt ngữ nghĩa, chính tả hoặc phát âm, cần phải phân biệt rõ chúng bằng ngữ cảnh.

site (V) trích dẫn

site (N) khu đất để xây dư.ng.

sight (N) khe ngắm, tầm ngắm.

(V) quang cảnh, cảnh tươ.ng.

(V) quan sát, nhìn thấy

dessert (N) món tráng miệng

desert (N) sa mạc

desert (V) bỏ, bỏ mặc, đào ngũ

later sau đó, rồi thì (thường dùng với động từ thời tương lai)

the latter cái thứ 2, người thứ 2, cái sau, người sau. >< the former = cái trước, người trước.

principal (N) hiệu trưởng (trường phổ thông)

(Adj) chính, chủ yếu.

principle (N) nguyên tắc, luật lệ

affect (V) tác động đến

effect (N) ảnh hưởng, hiệu quả

(V) thực hiện, đem lại

already (Adv) đã

all ready tất cả đã sẵn sàng.

among (Prep) trong số (dùng cho 3 người, 3 vật trở lên)

between...and giữa...và (chỉ dùng cho 2 người/vật)

*Lưu ý: between...and cũng còn được dùng để chỉ vị trí chính xác của một quốc gia nằm giữa những quốc gia khác cho dù là > 2

Vietnam lies between China, Laos and Cambodia.

Among = one of/some of/included in (một trong số/ một số trong/ kể cả, bao gồm).

Among the first to arrive was the ambassador.

(Trong số những người đến đầu tiên có ngài đại sứ).

He has a number of criminals among his friends.

(Trong số những bạn bè của mình, anh ta có quen một số tội phạm).

Between còn được dùng cho các quãng cách giữa các vật và các giới hạn về mặt thời gian.

We need 2 meters between the windows.

I will be at the office between 9 and 11.

Dùng between khi muốn đề cập đên 2 vật hoặc 2 nhóm vật ở về 2 phía.

A little valley between high mountains.

I saw something between the wheels of the car.

Different + between (not among)

What are the differences between crows, rooks, and jackdaws.

Between each + noun (-and the next) (more formal)

We need 2 meters between each window.

There seems to be less and less time between each birthday (and the next).

(Thời gian ngày càng ngắn lại giữa 2 lần sinh nhật.)

Devide + between (not among)

He devided his money between his wife, his daughter, and his sister.

Share + between/among

He shared the food between/among all my friend.

consecutive (Adj) liên tục (không có tính đứt quãng)

successive (Adj) liên tục (có tính cách quãng)

emigrant (N) người di cư,

(V) -> emigrate from

immigrant (N) người nhập cư

(V) immigrate into

formerly (Adv) trước kia

formally (Adv) chỉnh tề (ăn mặc)

(Adv) chính thức

historic (Adj) nổi tiếng, quan trọng trong lịch sử

(Adj) mang tính lịch sử.

historic times

historical (Adj) thuộc về lịch sử

Historical reseach, historical magazine

(Adj) có thật trong lịch sử

Historical people, historical events

hepless (Adj) vô vọng, tuyệt vọng

useless (Adj) vô dụng

imaginary = (Adj) không có thật, tưởng tượng

imaginative = (Adj) phong phú, bay bổng về trí tưởng tượng

Phụ lục: một số những từ dễ gây nhầm lẫn khác:

Classic (adj)

chất lượng cao: a classic novel (một cuốn tiểu thuyết hay); a classic football match (một trận bóng đá hay).

đặc thù/đặc trưng/tiêu biểu: a classic example (một ví dụ tiêu biểu, điển hình).

Classic (noun): văn nghệ sĩ, tác phẩm lưu danh.

This novel may well become a classic

(Tác phẩm này có thể được lưu danh).

Classics: văn học và ngôn ngữ cổ Hy-La.

Classical: cổ điển, kinh điển.

Politic: nhận thức đúng/ khôn ngoan/ trang tro.ng.

I don't think it would be politic to ask for loan just now.

(Tôi cho rằng sẽ không là khôn ngoan nếu hỏi vay một khoản ngay lúc nàỵ)

Political: thuộc về chính trị.

A political career

(một sự nghiệp chính trị).

Continual: liên tục lặp đi lặp lại (hành động có tính cách quãng)

Please stop your continual questions

(Xin hãy thôi hỏi lặp đi lặp lại mãi như thế).

Continous: liên miên/suốt (hành động không có tính cách quãng)

A continous flow of traffic

(Dòng xe cộ chạy liên miên bất tận).

As (liên từ) = Như + Subject + verb.

When in Roma, do as Romans do

(Nhập gia tùy tục).

Like (tính từ dùng như một giới từ) + noun/noun phrase

He fought like a mad man

(Anh ta chiến đấu như điên như dại).

Alike (adj.): giống nhau, tương tự

Although they are brother, they don't look alike.

Alike (adverb): như nhau

The climate here is always hot, summer and winter alike.

As: như/ với tư cách là (dùng trong so sánh khi bản thân chủ ngữ có chức năng như vâ.t/người được so sánh)

Let me speak to you as a father

(Hãy để tôi nói với cậu như một người cha)

Like: như là (dùng trong so sánh khi bản thân chủ ngữ và cái/người so sánh không phải là một hoặc không có chức năng đồng nhất)

Let me speak to you like a man above

(Hãy để tôi nói với anh như một người bề trên).

Before: trước đây/trước đó (dùng khi so sánh một thứ với tất cả các thứ khác cùng loại)

She has never seen such a beautiful picture before

(Cô ta chưa bao giờ nhìn thấy một bức tranh đẹp như thế trước đây).

Before: Trước (chỉ một sự việc xảy ra trước một sự việc khác trong quá khứ, thường dùng với Past Perfect)

He lived in France in 1912, he had lived in England 4 years before.

Ago: trước (tính từ hiện tại trở ngược về quá khứ, thường dùng với Simple Past)

I went to England 3 years ago.

Certain: chắc chắn (biết sự thực)

Certainly/ I'm certain that he didn't steal it

(Tôi chắc chắn rằng hắn ta không lấy cái đó).

Sure: tin rằng (không biết chắc, nói theo cảm nhận, nghĩa là yếu hơn certain)

Surely/ I am sure that he did not steal it

(Tôi tin rằng hắn không lấy thứ đó).


Very+indeed (sau một tính từ hoặc một phó từ)

Thank you very much indeed.

I was very pleased indeed to hear from you.

Indeed dùng sau to be hoặc một trợ động từ nhằm xác nhận hoặc nhấn mạnh cho sự đồng ý (thường dùng trong câu trả lời ngắn).

It is cold / - It is indeed.

Henny made a fool of himself / - He did indeed.

Ill (British English) = Sick (American English) = ốm

George didn't come in last week because he was ill (=he was sick)

Sick + Noun = ốm yếu/ bệnh tật

He spent 20 years looking after his sick father

(Người cha bệnh tật)

Be sick = Fell sick = Nôn/ buồn nôn/ say (tàu, xe...)

I was sick 3 times in the night

(tôi nôn 3 lần trong đêm)

I feel sick. Where's the bath room?

(tôi thấy buồn nôn, phòng tắm ở đâủ)

She is never sea-sick

(Cô ấy chẳng bao giờ say sóng cả)

Welcome (adjective) = được mong đợi/ được chờ đợi từ lâu/ thú vị

A welcome guest

(Khách quí/ khách bấy lâu mong đợi)

A welcome gift

(Món quà thú vị được chờ đợi từ lâu)

Welcome to + noun = Có quyền, được phép sử du.ng.

You are welcome to any book in my library

(Anh có quyền lấy bất kỳ quyển sách nào trong thư viện của tôi)

Welcoming (phân từ 1 cấu tạo từ động từ welcome dùng làm tính từ)

Chào đón/ đón tiếp ân cần

This country have given me a welcoming feeling.

(Xứ sở này đã dành cho tôi một tình cảm chào đón ân cần)

Hoan nghênh/ Tán đồng (ý kiến)

To show a welcoming idea

(Bộc lộ một ý kiến tán đồng)

Be certain/ sure of + verb-ing: chắc chắn là (đề cập đến tình cảm của người đang được nói đến)

Before the game she feft certain of wining, but after a few minutes she realized it wasn't going to be easy.

You seem very sure of passing the exam, I hope you are right.

Be certain/ sure + to + verb: chắc chắn sẽ phải (đề cập đến tình cảm của chính người nói hoặc viết câu đó):

The repairs are certain to cost more than you think.

Elaine is sure to win-the other girl hasn't got a chance.

Be interested + to + verb: Thấy thích khi...:

I'm interested to read in the paper that scientists have found out how to talk to whales.

(Tôi thấy thích/ thú vị khi...)

Be interested in + verb-ing/ Be interested + to + verb:Muốn biết/ muốn phát hiện ra/ muốn tìm ra...:

I'm interested in finding out/ to find out what she did with all that money.

(Tôi muốn biết cô ta đã làm gì với ngần ấy tiền).

Be interested in + verb-ing: Thấy thích/ thích/ muốn...

I'm interested in learning higher education in U.S.

Giới từ

1.During = trong suốt (hoạt động diễn ra liên tục)

2.From = từ >< to = đến

From ... to ...= từ ... đến... (dùng cho thời gian và nơi chốn)

From time to time = đôi khi, thỉnh thoảng

3.Out of=ra khỏi><into=vào trong

Out of + noun = hết, không còn

Out of town = đi vắng

Out of date=cũ, lạc hậu >< up to date = mới, cập nhật

Out of work = thất nghiệp, mất việc

Out of the question = không thể

Out of order = hỏng, không hoạt động


động từ chỉ chuyển động + by = đi ngang qua (walk by the library)

động từ tĩnh + by = ở gần (your books are by the window)

by + thời gian cụ thể = trước lúc, cho đến lúc (hành động cho đến lúc đó phải xảy ra)

by + phương tiện giao thông = đi bằng

by then = cho đến lúc đó (dùng cho cả QK và TL)

by the way = theo đường... = via

by the way = một cách tình cờ, ngẫu nhiên

by the way = by the by = nhân đây, nhân tiện

by far + so sánh (thường là so sánh bậc nhất)=>dùng để nhấn mạnh

by accident = by mistake = tình cờ, ngẫu nhiên >< on purose

5.In = bên trong

In + month/year

In time for = In good time for = Đúng giờ (thường kịp làm gì, hơi sớm hơn giờ đã định một chút)

In the street = dưới lòng đường

In the morning/ afternoon/ evening

In the past/future = trước kia, trong quá khứ/ trong tương lai

In future = from now on = từ nay trở đi

In the begining/ end = at first/ last = thoạt đầu/ rốt cuộc

In the way = đỗ ngang lối, chắn lối

Once in a while = đôi khi, thỉnh thoảng

In no time at all = trong nháy mắt, một thoáng

In the mean time = meanwhile = cùng lúc

In the miđle of (địa điểm)= ở giữa

In the army/ airforce/ navy

In + the + STT + row = hàng thứ...

In the event that = trong trường hợp mà

In case = để phòng khi, ngộ nhỡ

Get/ be in touch/ contact with Sb = liên lạc, tiếp xúc với ai

6.On = trên bề mặt:

On + thứ trong tuần/ ngày trong tháng

On + a/the + phương tiện giao thông = trên chuyến/ đã lên chuyến...

On + phố = địa chỉ... (như B.E : in + phố)

On the + STT + foor = ở tầng thứ...

On time = vừa đúng giờ (bất chấp điều kiện bên ngoài, nghĩa mạnh hơn in time)

On the corner of = ở góc phố (giữa hai phố)

Chú ý:

In the corner = ở góc trong

At the corner = ở góc ngoài/ tại góc phố

On the sidewalk = pavement = trên vỉa hè

Chú ý:

On the pavement (ẠẸ)= trên mặt đường nhựa (Don't brake quickly on the pavement or you can slice into another car)

On the way to: trên đường đến >< on the way back to: trên đường trở về

On the right/left

On T.V./ on the radio

On the phone/ telephone = gọi điện thoại, nói chuyện điện thoại

On the phone = nhà có mắc điện thoại (Are you on the phonẻ)

On the whole= nói chung, về đại thể

On the other hand = tuy nhiên= however

Chú ý:

On the one hand = một mặt thì => on the other hand = mặt khác thì (On the one hand, we must learn the basic grammar, and on the other hand, we must combine it with listening comprehension)

on sale = for sale = có bán, để bán

on sale (ẠẸ)= bán hạ giá = at a discount (B.E)

on foot = đi bộ

7.At = ở tại

At + số nhà

At + thời gian cụ thể

At home/ school/ work

At night/noon (ẠE : at noon = at twelve = giữa trưa (she was invited to the party at noon, but she was 15 minutes late))

At least = chí ít, tối thiểu >< at most = tối đa

At once =ngay lập tức

At present/ the moment = now

Chú ý: 2 thành ngữ trên tương đương với presently nhưng presently se khác nhau về nghĩa nếu nó đứng ở các vị trí khác nhau trong câu:

Sentence + presently (= soon): ngay tức thì ( She will be here presently/soon)

Presently + sentence (= Afterward/ and then) : ngay sau đó (Presently, I heard her leave the room)

S + to be + presently + Ving = at present/ at the moment ( He is presently working toword his Ph.D. degree)

At times = đôi khi, thỉnh thoảng

At first = thoạt đầu >< at last = cuối cùng

At the begining of / at the end of... = ở đầu/ ở cuối (dùng cho thời gian và địa điểm).

At + tên các ngày lễ : at Christmas, at Thanks Giving...

Nhưng on + tên các ngày lễ + day = on Christmas day ...

Trong dạng informal Ẹ, on trước các thứ trong tuần đôi khi bị lược bỏ: She is going to see her boss (on) Sun. morning.

At/in/on thường được không dùng trong các thành ngữ chỉ thời gian khi có mặt: next, last, this, that, one, any, each, every, some, all

At + địa điểm : at the center of the building

At + những địa điểm lớn (khi xem nó như một nơi trung chuyển hoặc gặp gỡ): The plane stopped 1 hour at Washington D.C. before continuing on to Atlanta.

At + tên các toà nhà lớn (khi xem như 1 hành động sẽ xảy ra ở đó chứ không đề cập đến toà nhà) : There is a good movie at the Center Theater.

At + tên riêng các tổ chức: She works at Legal & General Insurence.

At + tên riêng nơi các trường sở hoặc khu vực đại học: She is studying at the London school of Economics.

At + tên các hoạt động qui tụ thành nhóm: at a party/ lecture...

8.Một số các thành ngữ dùng với giới từ

On the beach: trên bờ biển

Along the beach: dọc theo bờ biển

In place of = Instead of: thay cho, thay vì.

For the most part: chính là, chủ yếu là = mainly.

In hope of + V-ing = Hoping to + V = Hoping that + sentence = với hi vọng là.

off and on: dai dẳng, tái hồi

all of a suđen= suđenly = bỗng nhiên

for good = forever: vĩnh viễn, mãi mãi.

Ngữ động từ

Đó là những động từ kết hợp với 1, 2 hoặc đôi khi 3 giới từ, khi kết hợp ở dạng như vậy ngữ nghĩa của chúng thay đổi hẳn so với nghĩa ban đầu.

To break off: chấm dứt, cắt đứt, đoạn tuyê.t.

To bring up: nêu ra, đưa lên một vấn đề

To call on: yêu cầu

đến thăm

To care for: thích

trông nom, săn sóc (look after)

To check out (of/from) a library: mượn sách ở thư viện về

To check out: điều tra, xem xét.

To check out (of): làm thủ tục để ra (khách sạn, sân bay) <> check in.

To check (up) on: điều tra, xem xét.

To close in (on): tiến lại gần, chạy lại gần

To come along with: đi cùng với

To count on = depend on = rely on

To come down with: mắc phải một căn bệnh

Do away with = get rid of: tống khứ, loại bỏ, trừ khử

To daw up = to draft: soạn thảo (một kế hoạch, một hợp đồng)

To drop out of = to withdraw from: bỏ (đặc biệt là bỏ học giữa chừng)

To figure out: Hình dung ra được, hiểu đươ.c.

To find out: khám phá ra, phát hiện ra.

To get by: Lần hồi qua ngày, sống sót qua được

To get through with: kết thúc

To get through to: thông tin được cho ai, gọi được cho (điện thoại), tìm cách làm cho hiểu

To get up: dậy/ tổ chức.

To give up: bỏ, từ bỏ

To go along with: đồng ý với

To hold on to: vẫn giữ vững, duy trì

To hold up: cướp

vẫn giữ vững, vẫn duy trì, vẫn sống bình thường, vẫn dùng được (bất chấp sức ép bên ngoài hoặc sử dụng lâu)

To keep on doing smt: vẫn tiếp tục không ngừng làm gì

To look after: trông nom, săn sóc

To look into: điều tra, xem xét

To pass out = to faint: ngất (nội động từ, không dùng bị động)

To pick out: chọn ra, lựa ra, nhặt ra

To point out: chỉ ra, vạch ra

To put off: trì hoãn, đình hoãn

To run across: khám phá, phát hiện ra (tình cờ)

To run into sb: gặp ai bất ngờ

To see about to: lo lắng, săn sóc, chạy vạy

To take off: cất cánh <> to land

To take over for: thay thế cho

to talk over: bàn soạn, thảo luận về

to try out: thử nghiệm, dùng thử (sản phẩm)

to try out for: thử vai, thử giọng (1 vở kịch, buổi biểu diễn)

To turn in: giao nộp, đệ trình

đi ngủ

To watch out for: cảnh giác, để mắt, trông chừng (cả nghĩa đen lẫn nghĩa bóng)

Một số nguyên tắc thực hiện bài đọc

Không bao giờ được đọc vào bài đọc ngay, cần đọc và hiểu câu hỏi cặn kẽ.

Đọc và tìm chủ đề (chủ đề của các bài đọc trong TOEFL 90% nằm ở câu đầu, 5% nằm ở câu cuối, 5% còn lại rút ra từ toàn bài)

Tìm cách phân đoạn (nếu có) và tìm nội dung của từng đoạn

Trả lời câu hỏi, câu hỏi trong TOEFL được phân thành một số loại như sau:

Câu hỏi xác định lại (Restatement question) -> loại câu hỏi dễ.

Câu hỏi phủ định (Negative question) -> dùng biện pháp loại trừ

Câu hỏi suy luận (inference question) -> khó nhất

Câu hỏi đề cập (reference question)

Câu hỏi từ vựng (Vocabulary question)

Câu hỏi suy đoán chủ đề khả dĩ của đoạn đọc (trước hoặc sau đoạn đọc đã cho) -> dựa vào câu đầu hoặc câu cuối của bài đọc (Previous/ Following Topic question).

Keys to Practical Exercises

1 Articles

Exercise I (note that '-' indicates that no article is required.)

la,- 2-,-,-;a 3 a, a 4 a,-; a; a,- 5A,-,- 6-,a,an 7 A, -, a, a,-, a 8-,-;a,- 9A,- 10 a, a; a, an II a, a;-: a, -,a 12-, an, an;- 13 a, a; a; a, a 14-, an 15 A, a; a; a, a 16 an, a;-, an,-, a, a 17 a,-; a,- 18-,a 19 a; a,- 20 a, a; a; - 21 A; a, an; a 22-,a, an, a 23-,a, an 24 a,-; a 25 a: a, a 26 a, a:- 27 an, a,-,- 28-;- 29 a, a,-,- 30 an; a, a, a: a;-I 31 a, a; an, a 32 a, a, a, a 33-,a, a 34 a, a 35 a, a 36-,a

Exercise 2 (As before '-' indicates that no article is required, '(the)'

indicates that the article is optional.)

1 The,-, the,- 2 the; the, the 3-,-,-, the 4-,- 5 the; the, the;- 6-,-,-; the, the,-; the 7 the, the;-,- 8-,-,the 9-; -,- 10 the, the; the II-,-; the, the; the 12 the, the, the, the, - 13-,-,- 14-, -,-,- 15-,-, the 16-,-,-, the 17-, the, the, - 18-,- 19-,-, -,-,- 20 the, the, the 21 the, -; -,the

22 The, -; the;-,-,- 23-; the, the, the 24-;-; the 25-, the,-, the 26-, -,-,the, the; The,-,the; the, the, the, the, -, the, the 27 -, the, the; - 28 the, the; The, the, the, the 29 -, -, the, the, -,- 30-,-,-;-,- 31-,-, the, - 32 The, -;-,-,the 33-, (the), the, the, the 34 (the), (the); -,-,-,-, the

35-. - 36 the, the, the, the, the, the

Exercise 3 (Two words separated by an oblique, e.g. the/his, indicate that either is a possible answer. The first word is normally the preferred answer.)

1 a, the; a, a 2 an, the, the 3 a, the,-,- 4 the, a, the,-.-.(the) 5 a,-,the, a 6 a, a/the, an, the 7 a,-, an, the, the, the, the 8 a, the, the 9 a, a 10 the, the, the, the, an 11-.-.(the), a 12 a, the,

13 the, a, the, the, the 14-;-,-,- 15 The, the, the; the, the 16 the, the, a,-: (the), the, the,- 17 a 18 a; the; a: a 19 a, the: a, -; The, the 20-,the; the; a, an 21 The, a, a,-,- 22 the, a,

- , the, a, the, the, the, the 23 a, a, a, the, -, the; The, -, -; The, the, -; -, the,-, an 24 the, the, a 25 a, the, the 26-,the; the;-,the;-,a, - 27 a, the, the,- 28 a,-, an 29-,-, -,- 30 a, an, an, a:-, -, -, -, the 31 a; the, the, the: a, - 32 the, an, the; -, the, -: the, the, a 33-,-; the 34-; a, the, -,a 35-, the; a 36 a, a, a, the; the, the, -

Exercise 4

1 his 2 your, your 3 -, their 4 the 5 his, his 6 his, - 7 an, the 8 a 9 a, my 10 the II a,-, a, his,- 12 his 13-, her 14 his 15 the 16 our 17 the, her 18 his 19 your 20 his, the 21 the 22 your 23-, his 24-.our/the 25 his 26 the/his 27 your, the, the 28 a 29 a 30 a, a 31 your, (a) 32 her, the 33 a, his 34 your 35 your 36 my

Exercise 5

1 One, a, a 2 A, a: one; a; one, a; a: a 3 A, a 4 a, a, an 5 a, a/the, a/your 6 one; a; an 7 a, a 8 One, a 9 (a), a, a; a; One 10 a; One 11 a/the; a, a/the;- 12 a, a, one 13 one; one; a

14 a; a, a 15 a, one, a, a, a 16 a, a; one 17 One, a, a 18-, a; a; one, a; A, a 19 a; a 20 One; an, an 21 a, a/the, a; a, a, an 22 One, a. -, an 23 One, a,-, a, a 24 one; a; a; a; One, an; a

2 Auxiliary verbs

Exercise 6 Negative answers in each case: the auxiliary verb + not. not is usually contracted and added to the verb, e.g. may not/mayn't cost. will + not is contracted to won't, can + not is contracted to can't.

Interrogative answers, except for 1, 13 and 19, are in the following form: auxiliary verb + subject + infinitive, e.g. Should they eat less?

1 Is it likely to cost/Do you think it will cost? 13 Are they likely to come/Do you think they will come? 19 Is he likely to be at home/Do you think he'll be at home?

Exercise 7 Negative: I don't have 2 doesn't need 3 didn't use 4 don't have 5 doesn't do

6 doesn't need 7 didn't have 8 didn't have 9 didn't need 10 doesn't do II doesn't have

12 didn't have 13 doesn't do 14 doesn't have 15 don't have 16 didn't dare 17 didn't do

18 doesn't have 19 doesn't dare 20 didn't have 21 didn't do 22 doesn't need 23 didn't have 24 didn't have 25 didn't use 26 don't do 27 didn't have 28 didn't dare

Interrogative: I do they have 2 does he need 3 did he use 4 do they have 5 does she do

6 does he need 7 did he have 8 did she have 9 did her hair need 10 does he do 11 does she have 12 did she have 13 does he do 14 does he have 15 do the children have

16 did she dare 17 did you do 18 does he have 19 does he dare 20 did they have 21 did the drink 22 does my watch need 23 did he have 24 did you have 25 did she use 26 do you do 27 did he have 28 did he dare

Exercise8 I wasn't 2 didn't 3 couldn't 4 had to 5 wouldn't 6 could 7 wasn't 8 wasn't

9 didn't need to 10 hoped that Tom would 11 did 12 said that Ann might 13 was 14 did 15 did... could 16 could 17 had to 18 dared 19 didn't 20 had 21 were 22 Had you to/Did you have to 23 didn't need to 24 hoped, he'd 25 might 26 Did you understand . . . he was saying? I didn't 27 were 28 might 29 didn't 30 weren't, were 31 thought, might 32 wanted . . . if she could 33 couldn't 34 was, would 35 could, couldn't 36 didn't, would.

Exercise 9 (Affirmative answers all begin with Yes + the first of the answers given. Negative answers all begin with No + the second of the answers given.)

1 Yes, it is. No, it isn't. 2 I do/don't 3 I can/can't 4 he does/doesn't 5 it is/isn't 6 I am/I'm not 7 I must/needn't 8 we are/aren't 9 he did/didn't 10 it would/wouldn't II you may/mayn't 12 it is/isn't 13 she will/won't 14 I do/don't 15 you should/shouldn't 16 I can/can't 17

I am/I'm not 18 they could/couldn't 19 it is/isn't 20 they were/weren't 21 she will/won't

22 you ought/oughtn't 23 you should/shouldn't 24 he was/wasn't 25 I have/haven't 26 we must/needn't 27 he did/didn't 28 I would/wouldn't 29 it is/isn't 30 I do/don't

31 you can/can't 32 I will/won't 33 I am/I'm not 34 you are/aren't 35 you must/needn't

36 it was/wasn't

Exercise 10 Part I The answers in this section all begin with So.

I So has John. 2 . . . is she. 3 . . . can his wife. 4 . . . ought you. 5 . . . should you. 6 . . .will Tom. 7 . . . was the second. 8 . . . did my brother. 9 . . . must your son. 10 . . . does that. 11 . . . is my friend. 12 . . . did I.

Part 2 The answers in this section all begin with Neither/Nor.

13 Neither/Nor has Tom. 14 . . . should Tom. 15 . . . must I. 16 . . . can his sister.

17 . . . does Ann. 18 . . . could Andrew. 19 . . . are you. 20 . . .does that. 21 . . . will mine. 22 . . . had the taxi-driver. 23 . . . did anyone else. 24 . . . would my mother.

Part 3 The answers in this section all begin with But.

25 But Mary wasn't. 26 . . . she was. 27 . . . your brother needn't. 28 . . . I can't. 29 . . . James did. 30 . . . Stanley must. 31 . . . a dog would. 32 . . . his wife won't. 33 . . . my neighbour has. 34 . . . that beach isn't. 35 . . . you needn't. 36 . . . I do.

Exercise 11 Part 1 1 Yes, we must. 2 Yes, you were. 3 Yes, she does. 4 Yes, she may.

5 Yes, he could. 6 (Oh), so there is! 7 Yes, he does. 8 (Oh), so it is! 9 Yes, it was. 10 Yes, it might. 11 Yes, they did. 12 Yes, it is.

Part 2 All answers begin with No. 13 No, they don't. 14 . . . he didn't. 15 . . . it isn't. 16 . . . he can't. 17 . . . it wasn't. 18 . . . it wouldn't. 19 . . . it hasn't. 20 . . . they don't. 21 . . . they didn't. 22 . . . it hasn't. 23 . . . you don't. 24 . . . he mightn't.

Part 3 25 No, I'm not. 26 Yes, you did. 27 (Oh) yes, they were! 28 (Oh) yes, you were! 29 No. she wouldn't. 30 No, I didn't. 31 No, you can't. 32 No, it doesn't. 33 (Oh) yes, he did! 34 (Oh) no, they don't. 35 No, they shouldn't. 36 No, she didn't.

Exercise 12 1 are you 2 is she 3 do you 4 did he 5 is it 6 was she 7 has he 8 will you 9 did 1 10 does he II do you 12 does it 13 should they 14 are you 15 could they 16 do you

17 was there 18 need 1 19 was it 20 did you 21 will it 22 does she 23 did it 24 should he 25 could she 26 are you 27 would you 28 had he 29 were they 30 would you 31 does he 32 has he 33 could he 34 need 1 35 were there 36 was it

Exercise 13 1can't they 2 isn't he 3 didn't he 4 haven't they 5 wasn't he 6 shouldn't he

7 couldn't it 8 isn't he 9 isn't it 10 can't he 11 won't it 12 doesn't she 13 hasn't she 14 didn't

they 15 doesn't she 16 doesn't he 17 didn't he 18 don't they 19 haven't 1 20 hasn't he

21 isn't she 22 didn't they 23 mightn't he 24 mustn't we 25 hadn't you 26 wouldn't you

27 don't they 28 oughtn't she 29 wasn't it 30 don't they 31 won't you 32 didn't he 33 won't there 34 hadn't you 35 wouldn't you 36 couldn't you

Exercise 14 1 don't you 2 do you 3 is it 4 does it 5 wasn't it 6 was there 7 didn't they

8 wasn't there 9 did they 10 does she 11 doesn't she 12 wouldn't she 13 didn't he 14 did he 15 wasn't she 16 oughtn't he 17 did they 18 do they 19 can't they 20 does he 21 is it 22 did it 23 aren't they 24 hadn't we 25 wouldn't it 26 would it 27 isn't it 28 wouldn't she

29 shouldn't they 30 weren't they 31 didn't she 32 does he '33 didn't there 34 is there

35 will he 36 does it

Exercise 15 1- 2 to 3 to 4 to 5- 6 to 7 to 8- 9- 10 to 11 to 12 to 13 (to) 14- 15- 16-, to

17 to 18 to 19- 20- 21 to 22 to 23- 24 to 25- 26 to 27-.(to) 28- 29- 30 to 31 - 32 to 33 to 34 - 35 to 36-

Exercise 16 1 can/could 2 be able 3 had 4 had 5 must, needn't 6 didn't dare 7 ought/will have 8 used 9 is to be 10 could 11 shall 12 would, might 13 would 14 had 15 don't have/need 16 was to have 17 should/ought to 18 might/should 19 will have 20 used, would 21 should 22 will 23 must have 24 may 25 were 26 have 27 oughtn't 28 might

Exercise 17 (As mentioned in the note, the do/did form could be used throughout except in no. 27, and of course for the future.)

1 hasn't even (got) 2 has (got), has/has always got 3 don't have, have (got) 4 has (got)

5 haven't you (got) 6 did you have/had you. 7 has the alphabet (got) 8 do the houses have/have the houses (got) 9 have you (got), haven't (got) 10 do you ever have II he'll have 12 don't usually have 13 have you (got) 14 don't always have 15 hasn't your door (got) 16 have you (got), have 17 haven't (got) 18 has (got) 19 have you 20 has this desk (got), don't ever have/never have 21 do you ever have 22 do babies have 23 has/has

a pentagon got 24 has, does she have 25 have, won't/don't have 26 do you have 27 have you (got), have (got) 28 have you (got), I only have/have only (got), will have 29 have you (got) 30 have you (got), have, haven't (got) 31 hasn't he (got) 32 have, didn't

have/hadn't 33 didn't you have 34 do red-haired people always have/have red-haired people always got 35 hasn't (got) 36 have you (got)

Exercise 18 1 are having 2 did you have/had you 3 is having 4 are having 5 does he have, he usually has 6 do you have 7 do you have, have 8 do you have, have 9 don't you have 10 were having II did you have/had you 12 are having 13 will you have 14 are having 15 had 16 did you have 17 am having 18 are having 19 was having 20 do English people always have 21 don't have/haven't 22 are having 23 don't have 24 did you have/had you, had 25 did you have/had you 26 am having 27 does he have 28 did you have/had you 29 had

30 are having 31 didn't have/hadn't 32 are having 33 am having 34 is having 35 does he

ever have 36 had, did you have/had you

Exercise 19 lam having 2 will have 3 had 4 am having 5 have just had 6 am having 7 did you have 8 does he have 9 do you have 10 don't you have 11 do you have 12 am having 13 have it x-rayed 14 have it repaired 15 have them shortened 16 am having them typed 17 have it tuned 18 have the document photocopied 19 had them dyed 20 have it mended 21 have it set 22 have just had it re-charged 23 to have it enlarged 24 have just had them

sharpened 25 have my car serviced 26 have it seen to 27 had my watch cleaned 28 is having her portrait painted 29 they had the man arrested 30 he had the car towed 31 are having a garage built 32 have my windows cleaned 33 had my eyes tested 34 is having

his fortune told 35 had the oysters opened 36 had my ears pierced

Exercise 20 1 is being/will be ruined 2 is to make/is making 3 were 4 being, being 5 were to be/should be extinguished 6 have you been 7 is being pulled down 8 was to put 9 isn't it 10 are to stay 11 should be asked 12 were 13 I am to go 14 is being carried 15 to be

16 were 17 were to have taken 18 is being taught 19 was, will be, were 20 to be 21 was to have been 22 should be sent 23 will there be 24 had been 25 is to open/is opening 26 were being taken 27 was to have been 28 would you be 29 is to be/is being/will be 30 was to have run 31 was still being painted 32 should be printed 33 are being/have been translated 34 were 35 was to do 36 is to be

Exercise 21 (Affirmatives are not given in their contracted form but would normally be contracted in speech.)

1 It is, It is 2 is it, It is 3 It was, there were 4 It is, There will be 5 it was 6 It is, it is

7 There are, there is 8 There is; It will be, it is, it is, there will be 9 There is, it is 10 It was, it was 11 There was; There were 12 There was; There were 13 It is, it is 14 It is; There

are 15 It is; It is 16 It will be; there will 17 There is; Is it 18 There are, it is 19 It is 20 it was 21 there are: there is; It is 22 It is, it is 23 There is, there are; It is or There was, there were; It was 24 Is there; it is; there is/there will be 25 there was; there was 26 There was; It was, there was 27 There are; There is, it is, isn't it 28 It is; there is; There is, there is/will be 29 There are: It is, there is 30 It is; It is; It is 31 there is; it was, wasn't it

32 it was/would be 33 It was; it was, there was 34 Is there; there is; is it 35 There is

36 It is; There is

Exercise 22 1 can, could, can't/couldn't 2 will be able to 3 won't be able to 4 can't . . . can't or couldn't . . . couldn't 5 shall/will be able to 6 will never be able to 7 couldn't, can't 8 will you be able to 9 won't be able to 10 could, couldn't 11 can, can, can't

12 can't, can't/couldn't, can't/couldn't 13 could/was able to 14 was able to 15 could/was able to, couldn't/wasn't able to 16 were able to 17 were you able to/could you

18 couldn't/wasn't able to 19 was able to 20 were able to 21 could/was able to 22 was able to 23 was able to 24 was able to 25 could/can, could 26 could, couldn't 27 could, couldn't, can't 28 could 29 couldn't/wouldn't be able to 30 couldn't/wouldn't be able to

31 could/can, can't 32 could, could 33 could/can, couldn't/can't 34 couldn't/wouldn't be able to

35 couldn't/wasn't able to, couldn't/wasn't able to 36 could

Exercise 23 1 may 2 might 3 may/might 4 may/might 5 might 6 may 7 may 8 might 9 may 10 was allowed to 11 might 12 may 13 may/might 14 may/might, may/might 15 might

16 may 17 may 18 may 19 may/might 20 might 21 might 22 may/might 23 may/might

24 may 25 might 26 may/might 27 might/may 28 may/might 29 may 30 might 31 might

32 may/might 33 may 34 might 35 may/might 36 hasn't been allowed to

Exercise 24 1 has to 2 must 3 has to 4 have to 5 must 6 have to 7 had to 8 has to 9 had to 10 have to 11 must 12 will have to/have to 13 must 14 has to 15 must 16 have to 1.7 have to 18 must 19 must 20 have to 21 had to 22 must 23 have to 24 must 25 has to

26 must 27 will have to 28 must 29 had to 30 have to 31 will have to 32 had to 33 have to

34 must/will have to 35 must 36 have to

Exercise 25 (Add not to each of the following verbs.)

1 need 2 must 3 must 4 need 5 must 6 must 7 need 8 must 9 need 10 need l1 need 12 must 13 need 14 must 15 must 16 need 17 must 18 must 19 need 20 need 21 must 22 must

23 need 24 must 25 must 26 must 27 need 28 need 29 need 30 need 31 need 32 must

33 need 34 must 35 must 36 need

Exercise 26 (didn't have to is replaceable by didn't need to.)

1 he doesn't have/hasn't (got) to 2 did you have to 3 I don't have to 4 they will have to

5 we didn't have to 6 we didn't have to 7 you needn't come 8 I never have to 9 shan't/won't have to 10 you needn't II shall we have to 12 you don't have to 13 I didn't have to

14 we don't have to 15 have you got to/must you/need you 16 do people have to 17 shall I have to 18 don't have to 19 we didn't have to 20 you needn't 21 we didn't have to 22 do we have to/must we 23 did you have to 24 I didn't have to 25 you won't have to 26 they didn't have to 27 do you have to/have you got to 28 did you have to/had you to 29 didn't have to 30 shall I have to 31 do you have to/have you got to 32 I didn't have to 33 do French children have to 34 did you have to 35 I didn't have to 36 did you have to

Exercise 27 1 must have been 2 can't/couldn't have been 3 needn't have helped 4 must have left 5 can't/couldn't have escaped 6 needn't have given 7 can't/couldn't have seen

8 must have started 9 can't have been 10 needn't have bought 11 must have been 12 must have borrowed 13 must have stolen 14 needn't have done 15 needn't have said

16 can't/couldn't have understood 17 can't/couldn't have done 18 must have been

19 can't/couldn't have walked 20 can't have been 21 must have been 22 can't/couldn't have had 23 needn't have watered 24 must have taken 25 can't/couldn't have been

26 can't/couldn't have watered 27 must have been 28 needn't have sent 29 needn't have made 30 must have been 31 must have been 32 can't/couldn't have seen 33 can't/couldn't have come 34 needn't have lent 35 needn't have spoken 36 must have fallen

3 Present and past tenses

Exercise 28 1 wishes 2 passes 3 helps 4 changes 5 watches 6 worries 7 cashes 8 carries

9 washes 10 goes 11 lays 12 bounces 13 astonishes 14 does he like 15 costs 16 fishes m

17 forgets 18 catches 19 misses 20 mixes 21 freezes 22 flies 23 matches 24 realizes

25 uses 26 does he do, does, lies 27 hurries 28 pushes 29 kisses 30 boxes 31 dresses

32 relies 33 snatches 34 fries 35 rises 36 does

Exercise 29 Negative: 1 don't know 2 doesn't have 3 doesn't love 4 don't wear 5 doesn't trust 6 doesn't try 7 doesn't close 8 doesn't miss 9 don't like 10 doesn't finish 11 doesn't live 12 doesn't bully 13 doesn't heat 14 doesn't have 15 doesn't carry 16 doesn't believe

17 doesn't dance 18 don't remember 19 doesn't play 20 doesn't worry 21 don't work

22 doesn't leave 23 doesn't arrange 24 doesn't agree 25 don't bark 26 don't complain

27 doesn't enjoy 28 doesn't engage 29 doesn't look 30 don't sell 31 doesn't charge

32 doesn't cut 33 don't pick 34 doesn't leave 35 doesn't relax 36 doesn't refuse

Interrogative: I do you know 2 does he have 3 does he love 4 do they wear 5 does he trust 6 does he try 7 does the park close 8 does he miss 9 do the children like 10 does he finish 11 does he live 12 does he bully 13 does it heat 14 does she have 15 does she carry

16 does he believe 17 does she dance 18 do you remember 19 does she play 20 does he worry 21 do these thieves usually work 22 does he leave 23 does Ann arrange 24 does she agree 25 do their dogs bark 26 do their neighbours often complain 27 does Tom enjoy

28 does he engage 29 does Tom look 30 do they sell 31 does he charge 32 does she cut 33 do they pick 34 does the last train leave 35 does he relax 36 does she refuse

Exercise 30 1 isn't working, is swimming 2 is teaching 3 isn't Ann wearing 4 is flying 5 is Tom doing, is cleaning 6 is going, is someone bringing 7 is it raining, is raining 8 are you mending 9 aren't telling, am not telling 10 is moving, is painting 11 is sweeping 12 are you reading, am reading 13 is shining, are singing 14 is knocking, am just coming, am just washing 15 is always ringing up and asking 16 are you making, is someone coming

17 is lying 18 are you using 19 are you doing, am going 20 are having, is catching 21 am doing 22 are you typing, you are making 23 is resting 24 are digging, are they doing, are looking 25 is making, are repairing 26 are doing, are cutting 27 are you waiting, am waiting, is just getting 28 are saying, is making 29 is always losing . . . and asking 30 are you looking . . . is something happening 31 am bathing 32 are rushing, are jumping out and unrolling 33 is pouring, are stopping, is trying 34 is climbing, is helping, are

sliding 35 is waving, is going 36 is coming, is carrying, is/are cheering

Exercise 31 1 don't build, use 2 is having 3 drinks, is drinking 4 does she do, plays, watches 5 is raining, haven't 6 leaves 7 speaks, don't understand 8 is making, makes

9 wears 10 don't like 11 am wearing 12 is reading 13 am redecorating 14 is boiling 15 are you enjoying, am enjoying, want 16 do you get, go, am going 17 are you putting, am going, are you coming, do you mind 18 do you owe, I owe, do you intend 19 do you belong, do you read, do you change, I change 20 learns, doesn't seem 21 always buy/am always buying, win 22 do you like, am giving 23 promise, promise 24 do you always write 25 do you love, like, don't love 26 do you dream, dream, eat, have 27 smells, do you

keep 28 are always complaining/always complain 29 are using 30 is always saying/always says, does 31 do you know, falls 32 are you writing, write, do you want 33 are having, wonder, are talking 34 do you believe, don't believe, do you read 35 is making, do you

think, doesn't matter, makes 36 is smoking, expect, are building, does, doesn't seem, don't you put

Exercise 32 1 does Tom think, thinks, agree 2 does this one cost, it costs 3 do you hear, is blowing 4 do you see, am looking, don't see 5 listens, is always thinking 6 deserts, goes

7 do you understand, don't understand 8 do you have, eat, drink 9 rises, see, are picketing 10 are you walking, walk, am hurrying, am meeting, doesn't like II wish, keeps, think, wants 12 do you recognize, think, don't remember 13 wonder, waiting for 14 is waiting, want 15 don't you see, see, am not wearing, does it say, says 16 is always borrowing/always borrows, remembers 17 do you need, do you feel 18 does it save, take, doesn't matter 19 am saving, am going 20 think, are getting 21 are looking, is just taking 22 does, is always working 23 is he doing, think, is polishing 24 is coming, do you want 25 is Peter getting on, seems 26 is Mrs Pitt looking/does Mrs Pitt look, is smoking, and (is) dropping 27 leave, arrive, spend, set, sounds, get 28 makes, finds, goes, does not forget, returns, looks 29 finds, recognizes, coils, kills 30 does the snake feel, don't

know, ends 31 do you end, begins, put, prefers 32 does the word 'catastrophe' mean, means 33 are you waiting, am waiting, doesn't open, know, want, starts/is starting 34 are you smoking, don't smoke, am smoking, want, says, removes 35 owns, don't know, uses,

knows, owns 36 do you mind, ask, depends, concerns, refuse

Exercise 33 1 went 2 met 3 wore 4 made 5 got 6 understood 7 shut 8 spoke 9 left 10 read 11 ate 12 saw 13 sang 14 cried, was 15 knew 16 thought I knew 17 rose 18 took 19 bought 20 dreamt 21 laid 22 felt 23 knew, wanted 24 paid 25 bit 26 smelt 27 cost 28 hurt 29 lay 30 drank 31 grew 32 rode 33 fell 34 fought, met 35 put 36 slept

Exercise 34 Negative: the answer in each case is did not/didn't + infinitive, e.g. I did not/didn't see

Interrogative: the answer in each case is did + subject + infinitive, e.g. 1 did she see

The infinitives are as follows: I see 2 hear 3 sleep 4 look 5 drink 6 set 7 think 8 catch

9 hide 10 find 11 bleed 12 choose 13 lend 14 teach 15 hurt 16 break 17 come 18 lose

19 write 20 fly 21 draw 22 lay 23 fall 24 lose 25 forbid 26 send 27 keep 28 ride 29 spend 30 sell 31 ring 32 rise 33 run 34 shake 35 forgive 36 broadcast

Exercise 35 I were doing, was playing, was listening 2 was getting 3 were rushing 4 was travelling 5 was wearing 6 was redecorating 7 were working 8 was running 9 were playing, were leaning 10 was working, was shopping 11 was sailing 12 were going

13 were talking 14 was studying 15 was cooking 16 was dieting, was trying 17 were you talking, was talking 18 was climbing 19 was working 20 were bathing, were looking, were

playing 21 was he living 22 was standing, was waiting 23 was practising 24 were carrying 25 were fighting, was trying, were they fighting 26 was sitting, was reading 27 were doing, was weeding, was cutting 28 were mending 29 was/were clapping 30 was making, was saying 31 was learning 32 was repairing 33 was always trying 34 were fishing 35 were writing 36 was wandering

Exercise 36 I was burning 2 was writing 3 was making 4 left 5 was just leaving 6 was watching, turned, went 7 stood 8 was playing, insisted 9 was walking 10 was having, lunched 11 wore, carried 12 did you think, liked 13 shared, was always complaining/always complained 14 realized, was travelling 15 was playing, threw 16 was just opening, blew 17 was opening, heard, put, crawled 18 was looking, found 19 saw, were you doing 20 were playing, heard, hid, took 21 was cleaning, went, killed

22 didn't allow, was blowing 23 was crossing/crossed, stepped, fell 24 was still lying, saw 25 saw, stopped 26 did you damage, ran, were driving, were going 27 was getting/got, started, fell 28 called, was already getting up 29 was mending/mended, got 30 heard,

went, opened, didn't recognize, wasn't wearing 31 were sitting, was doing, was knitting, were reading, smiled, said 32 were dancing, broke, stole 33 knew, were looking, hid, went 34 was always buying 35 told, was spending/spent, listened 36 began, banged

Exercise 37 1 woke, was always getting/always got, went, bought 2 had to, usually grazed/was usually grazing 3 didn't normally chase, made, was crossing, went 4 annoyed, began 5 was carrying, was raining, threw, ran 6 stopped, began, was doing 7 awoke, was

sitting, was looking, called, turned, smiled 8 did you interrupt, was having 9 was carrying, heard 10 was looking, noticed 11 were walking/walked, heard, turned, held, stopped

12 arrived, was waiting, was wearing, (was) looking/looked, saw, waved, shouted, was

saying/said, was making 13 escaped, was working, was wearing 14 was travelling, began 15 didn't like, was trying 16 was making, felt, brought, was able 17 saw, was painting, did you like, was only just starting, saw 18 took, was being, were still listening, left/were

leaving 19 was, had to, was enjoying 20 were coming, stopped, said, was looking, asked 21 saw, were you using, was using, were you riding 22 was knitting 23 was, said, hoped, was enjoying 24 was watering, began, put, went 25 was just writing, remembered,

had 26 found, was digging, belonged 27 saw, was hurrying, asked, was going, said, was speaking, wasn't 28 called, was still working 29 came, was smoking, had, threw, hoped

30 noticed, was rising, were you smoking, came, asked 31 was swimming, stole, had to

32 said, were working, wanted 33 said, was building, thought 34 woke, said, thought, was trying 35 did you lend, was still reading, didn't know, were still reading 36 came, woke, started, woke, came, said, said, didn't hear, was barking, went, telephoned

Exercise 38 1 Have you been, I've been 2 have you had, have 3 has the post come, has

4 have you seen, haven't 5 has someone wound, has 6 haven't finished 7 has just gone

8 has taken 9 has stopped 10 have you heard, haven't 11 have just washed 12 has stolen 13 have you explained, have 14 have gone 15 have you had, have had 16 has Charles passed, has 17 has the milkman left, has left 18 have lived 19 have you known, have known 20 have just made 21 has Mary watered, has 22 haven't you made, haven't

23 haven't you mended, haven't had 24 have you dived, haven't 25 have you ever left, haven't 26 have asked 27 has always refused 28 have you ever ridden 29 have bought

30 has he posted 31 hasn't he finished, has had 32 have often seen, have never spoken

33 have you ever eaten, haven't 34 have just heard 35 have recaptured 36 haven't paid

Exercise 39 1 have, wound 2 haven't, ate 3 has, fed 4 haven't, have only repaired 5 have done, did 6 haven't, haven't found 7 have, made 8 haven't, have been 9 haven't, haven't seen 10 have, went 11 have driven, drove 12 hasn't, has, went 13 have, was 14 has, spoke 15 have only spent, have 16 haven't saved, have saved 17 hasn't, went 18 haven't seen, saw, didn't see 19 have, paid 20 haven't, flew 21 bit, has bitten 22 planted, haven't 23 has, wrote 24 haven't, drank, haven't drunk

Exercise 40 1 have you lived/have you been living, have lived/have been living 2 lived, went 3 did you wear, insisted 4 left, cut, have worn 5 wrote 6 has written, has just finished 7 flew, did you see 8 haven't seen 9 hasn't smoked 10 composed II did he arrive, arrived 12 did you lock 13 read, enjoyed 14 haven't finished 15 have never drunk 16 have written 17 has stopped 18 have just cleaned 19 left, got 20 did, was 21 has just gone 22 went

23 have you had, had 24 met 25 did you see 26 began, lasted, enjoyed 27 has just begun 28 has the newspaper come 29 arrived, started 30 has been 31 wrote 32 have missed

33 broke 34 has been 35 worked, retired, went 36 have you been, spent, did you have, stopped

Exercise 41 1 haven't seen, told 2 bought, did you pay, paid 3 did you find, found, didn't you leave 4 have lost, have you seen, haven't, did you last wear, wore, left 5 has just left, has been, has never bought 6 left, did he go, didn't see, went 7 served, did that war

begin, began, lasted 8 did you vote, voted, wasn't, was, lost 9 did you like, liked, quarrelled, dismissed, were, was 10 didn't know, knew, have you known, have known

11 hasn't had, have been 12 did you hear, did, did you think 13 didn't know, were, have you been, have been, have you been, went 14 have you tried, tried, found, started 15 have you seen, has anything happened, have escaped 16 has Mary fed, fed, did she give, gave 17 have you known, have known, did he do, came, was 18 have you seen, hasn't been bought 19 has the plumber been, stayed, did he do, turned, emptied 20 have you been, have been, did you enjoy, took, did you win, came 21 has that been, has been, have written, has been 22 have just been, have you seen, haven't, haven't read, read, was, did Tolstoy write, wrote, did he write 23 brought, did he do, wanted 24 have you been, have been, did he take, did, did it hurt 25 said, hasn't phoned 26 have just received, haven't paid, didn't I give, did, spent/have spent 27 have you been, have just started, did you find, answered 28 have you finished, have done 29 have cut, did it happen, slipped 30 did you get, got 31 did you meet, did, had 32 lost, has been, did he lose, was 33 has been, did you see, happened, ran 34 phoned, got 35 did not wear, have worn 36 has been, have just taken, has bought

Exercise 42 Affirmative: the answer in each case is have/has + been + present participle, e.g. I have been making

Negative: have/has + not + been + present participle, e.g.

16 haven't been eating

Interrogative: have/has + subject + been + present participle, e.g.

6 have you been doing

Present participles are as follows:

1 making 2 ringing 3 overworking 4 cutting 5 looking 6 doing, working 7 studying

8 waiting 9 raining 10 arguing 11 bathing 12 driving 13 wearing 14 saying 15 trying

16 eating 17 speaking 18 flying 19 playing 20 shopping 21 living 22 eating 23 looking

24 leaking 25 digging, helping 26 asking 27 using 28 driving 29 going 30 snowing

31 crying, peeling 32 making 33 drinking 34 smoking 35 eating 36 trying

Exercise 43 I have walked 2 have been walking/have walked 3 have been walking/have walked 4 have been making 5 have you made, have made 6 has eaten 7 hasn't stopped

8 has been drinking 9 have pulled 10 have been pulling 11 have you been doing, have been picking 12 have you picked, have picked 13 have slept 14 has been sleeping/has slept

15 has been riding 16 have ridden 17 has been making 18 have been working/have worked

19 have heard 20 have been hearing/have heard 21 have been greasing 22 have been polishing 23 have been working/have worked, has never said 24 has been teaching/has taught 25 have taught, have never met 26 have you been, have been pumping/have

pumped 27 have pumped 28 have been looking/have looked, haven't found 29 has been coughing/has coughed 30 have you heard, have known 31 have been trying, have said

32 has been sounding 33 has been raining/has rained, has been postponed 34 has been hoping, hasn't dared 35 have been whispering, have you been helping, has he been helping 36 have you been making, have lost, have been trying, have been throwing

Exercise 44 1 for 2 for 3 since 4 for 5 for 6 since 7 since 8 since 9 for 10 since 11 for

12 for 13 for 14 for 15 since 16 since 17 for 18 since 19 for 20 since 21 since 22 since

23 for 24 since 25 since 26 since 27 for 28 since 29 since 30 for 31 for 32 since 33 for 34 for 35 for 36 since

4 Future forms

Exercise 45 1 are starting 2 is making 3 am taking 4 is calling 5 is playing 6 am meeting

7 are not starting 8 are you getting, am going, is driving 9 is coming 10 are you giving, am giving Hare being 12 is coming 13 are having, are going 14 are you going, am going 15 is not giving 16 am having 17 am buying 18 are being 19 am having 20 is/are meeting 21 are celebrating 22 am lending 23 are returning 24 are opening 25 are moving 26 am not taking

27 are getting 28 are you doing, am going 29 is flying 30 is starting 31 is giving, are you going 32 is being, am meeting 33 am catching, are you leaving, am not taking 34 is sending 35 am going, is taking 36 am lending

Exercise 46 Affirmative: the answer in each case is am/is/are + going to + infinitive,

e.g. I are going to miss

Negative answers: am/is/are + not + going to + infinitive, e.g. 22 am not going to do

Interrogative answers: is/are + subject + going to + infinitive, e.g. 3 are you going to pay

Exercise 47 (be going to is possible in all these sentences, but where the present continuous tense is given in the key, that is the better one to use.)

1 am playing 2 is having 3 am going to light 4 are having 5 is being, are you putting, am putting 6 are you going, am going, am not buying/am not going to buy 7 am not going to do Sam having 9 is coming, are you putting, am putting 10 is starting II am spending

12 is going to build 13 are you going to tell, am going to tell 14 is starting 15 is opening 16 is speaking 17 is closing 18 are you having, am having 19 am collecting 20 are taking 21 am giving 22 is singing 23 is going, is he flying, is going 24 is seeing 25 is he going to wash 26 is ringing 27 is going to ask 28 are giving, are inviting 29 is playing, is playing

30 are launching, are you coming 31 are you going to do 32 am picking 33 are you going, am going, is calling 34 am competing 35 isn't coming 36 am going to read

Exercise 48 Affirmative answers: 1st person will/shall + infinitive, 2nd and 3rd person will + infinitive, e.g. I will/shall know

Negative answers: as above with not. e.g. 7 will not/won't catch

Interrogative answers: as above with will/shall + subject + infinitive,

e.g. 2 will you be

Exercise 49 (shall can be replaced by will in these answers.

Contractions may be used.)

1 shall recognize 2 will see/am seeing ('am seeing' implies a definite arrangement) 3 is playing 4 is coming 5 am going 6 shall know 7 shall owe 8 shall believe 9 am having

10 will have His being/will be 12 is coming 13 is catching 14 are you meeting, am

meeting 15 are you riding/will you ride 16 will Mrs Pitt say, won't mind 17 will it matter 18 won't forget 19 is leaving 20 shall remember 21 will break 22 will never forgive 23 will like 24 are laying 25 will see 26 will grow 27 will understand 28 will scratch 29 shall be

30 won't pass 31 is going 32 am moving 33 will soon forget 34 will wait 35 won't write

36 will be

Exercise 50 (shall can be replaced by will. Contractions may be used.)

1 will go 2 will telephone 3 will send 4 am going to learn 5 are you going to do 6 will call, will translate 7 are you going to buy, am not going to eat, am going to eat 8 are you going to redecorate 9 am going to change, will help 10 are you going to put 11 am going to put 12 are you going to do, am going to be 13 am going to shorten 14 won't lend 15 will cut 16 am going to attend 17 will ask 18 am going to open 19 is going to take 20 will ask 21 am going to get 22 am going to develop 23 will make 24 are going to tow 25 am going to give up/am giving up 26 will say 27 will lend 28 are going to raffle 29 are going to clear 30 will mend 31 will give 32 am going to make 33 am going to shorten 34 am going to buy 35 are you going to do 36 am going to give

Exercise 51 1 will you open 2 are you going to do 3 are you going to paint 4 will you read 5 are you going to eat 6 aren't you going to climb 7 will you listen 8 will you put 9 will you have 10 are you going to make 11 aren't you going to answer 12 will you come

13 are you really going to read 14 are you going to buy, will you buy 15 will you lend, are you going to fish 16 are you going to finish 17 will you give, are you going to make 18 are you going to leave 19 are you going to bath, will you help 20 will you drive 21 are you going to ride 22 are you going to eat 23 will you have 24 are you really going to call

25 are you going to paint 26 will you be ready 27 will you sit 28 will you do 29 will you be angry 30 are you going to work 31 will you call 32 are you going to walk 33 will you sign 34 are you going to give 35 are you going to explore 36 will you cook

Exercise 52 Form of affirmative answer: shall or will (11) as appropriate + be + present participle, e.g. I shall/will be sitting.

Negative answer: 19 won't be looking. Interrogative answers:

23 will the children be doing 26 will the tide be doing

Exercise 53 (shall can be replaced by will in these answers. Contractions may be used.)

1 will be walking 2 will walk 3 shall be bathing 4 will wash 5 shall be doing 6 shall be working/am working 7 will have 8 will be looking 9 shall be thinking/shall think 10 will assemble 11 will meet, shall I recognize, will be wearing 12 will leave, shall be

going/am going 13 will be debating/are debating 14 will go 15 will be working 16 will post, shall be going/am going 17 will be dancing/will dance 18 will be letting off . . . and making/will let off . . . and make 19 will remain 20 shall be sitting, won't be reading

21 will be going/will go 22 will be changing/will change 23 will come 24 will bring 25 shall all be living 26 will be going/will go 27 shall not be playing 28 will be opening/will open 29 will drive 30 shall be entering 31 will hand 32 will be arriving/will arrive

33 will be leaving 34 will be using . . . and leaving/will use. . . and leave 35 will bring, will catch 36 will put '

Exercise 54 (In these answers I/we won't can be replaced by I am not going to/we are not going to without any change in meaning. It is also grammatically possible to replace you/he/they won't by the going to form, but this would make the negative much less emphatic, shan't is replaceable by won't.)

1 won't help 2 won't be meeting 3 won't cut 4 won't be cutting 5 won't be coming/isn't coming 6 won't come 7 won't lend 8 won't be speaking/isn't speaking 9 won't work

10 shan't be working 11 won't have 12 shan't be teaching/am not teaching 13 won't

speak 14 shan't be writing 15 won't feed 16 won't go 17 won't paint 18 shan't be taking

19 won't borrow 20 won't wash 21 shan't be using 22 won't send 23 won't play 24 won't be singing/isn't singing 25 won't play 26 won't be taking part/isn't taking part 27 won't eat 28 shan't be eating 29 won't ride 30 won't be riding/isn't riding 31 won't give 32 won't be drinking 33 won't open 34 won't tell 35 won't eat 36 won't be wearing

Exercise 55 1 are you going to feed 2 are you letting/are you going to let/will you be letting 3 will you light 4 are you wearing/are you going to wear/will you be wearing 5 will you wear 6 will you come 7 will you have 8 are you having/are you going to have 9 are you going to study/will you be studying 10 will you be speaking 11 will you turn 12 Any one of the four forms is possible here: 'Will you take' implies that the matter has not yet been decided and that the speaker is offering a choice of dates. The other forms would imply that the matter has already been arranged and that the speaker is merely asking for information. 13 will you be listening/are you going to listen 14 will you help 15 will you be staying 16 will you lend 17 are you meeting/are you going to meet/will you be meeting

18 will you come 19 will you have 20 will you translate 21 will you be using/are you using/are you going to use 22 will you be going/are you going, will you get 23 will you come 24 will you be passing/are you going to pass/are you passing, shall be spending/am going to spend/am spending, will you get 25 are you going to keep 26 are you travelling/are you going to travel 27 are you going to repair 28 will you hold 29 are you going/will you be going 30 will you kindly explain 31 will you recognize 32 are you sending/are you going to send 33 will you tell 34 are you going/will you be going

35 are you going to type/will you be typing 36 will you stop

Exercise 56 (will and will not may be contracted.)

1 shall/will 2 will 3 shall 4 shall 5 shall 6 shall 7 shall 8 will 9 shall 10 shall 11 shall 12 will 13 shall 14 shall 15 will 16 will 17 will 18 shall/will 19 will, will 20 shall 21 will 22 shall

23 will 24 shall 25 will, shall/will 26 will 27 shall, will 28 will 29 shall/will 30 shall/will

31 shall 32 won't, won't 33 will 34 shall 35 will, will 36 shall/will

Exercise 57 (will and shall may be contracted.)

1 returns 2 are 3 strikes 4 hears 5 shall/will have 6 comes 7 turn 8 gets 9 won't start

10 goes 11 will see 12 will be 13 shall/will lend 14 will wake 15 will he ring 16 goes 17 is

18 shall/will give, comes 19 see 20 get 21 shall/will go 22 have 23 will fall 24 goes

25 arrives 26 lifts 27 will go on 28 will become 29 won't move 30 will goon 31 learns 32 leap 33 shall/will have 34 get 35 begins 36 arrives

Exercise 58 Answers will all be: have + past participle of the verb in brackets, shall can be used instead of will for the 1st person, e.g. I will/shall have taken, will can be contracted to 'll.

Exercise 59 (Contractions may be used.)

1 have taken 2 have finished/finish 3 have had 4 have been 5 goes/has gone 6 gets/has got 7 has done 8 have done 9 will see 10 have had 11 shall/will take 12 go 13 have seen

14 goes/has gone 15 won't let 16 shall/will let 17 sees 18 won't hear 19 has passed/passes 20 has sold 21 have swept/sweep 22 will get 23 will give 24 says 25 have returned/return 26 has been 27 have signed 28 won't know 29 have subsided/subside 30 has left

31 shall/will have 32 have had 33 shall/will stay 34 have made 35 has eaten 36 will come/come

Exercise 60 (should is replaceable by would in nos. 6, 14, 26, 27, 30.)

1 would 2 would 3 should 4 would 5 would 6 should 7 should 8 would, would 9 should 10 would 11 should 12 would 13 would 14 should 15 should 16 would 17 should

18 would, would 19 should 20 would 21 should 22 should 23 should 24 should 25 should 26 should 27 should 28 would 29 should 30 should/would, would 31 should 32 should, should 33 would 34 should 35 should 36 should

Exercise 61 1 should, should 2 would 3 should 4 should 5 would, would, would, would

6 should 7 should 8 would, would 9 should, should/would 10 should 11 would 12 would, should 13 should 14 should 15 should, would 16 should 17 should 18 would, should

19 should 20 would 21 should 22 would 23 should 24 should 25 would, would 26 would 27 should 28 would 29 should 30 should, should, would 31 should 32 should

33 should/would, would 34 would, would 35 should 36 would, would

5 Conditionals

Exercise 62 1 will give 2 stand 3 eats 4 will telephone 5 will arrest 6 reads 7 will steal

8 doesn't open 9 washes 10 needs II don't go 12 makes 13 is 14 hears 15 will make 16 will bury 17 won't be 18 doesn't start 19 won't let or don't let (habit) 20 goes 21 sells 22 will you repay 23 rises 24 works 25 turns/will turn 26 burns 27 don't like 28 will have 29 see

30 will you promise 31 don't believe 32 likes 33 will make 34 shan't/won't be able

35 knows 36 ring

Exercise 63 1 would type 2 knew 3 would look 4 played 5 wouldn't make 6 were 7 had

8 would you visit 9 gave 10 would buy 11 cleaned 12 would you be able 13 didn't belong

14 won 15 would you do 16 knew 17 gave 18 stopped 19 wouldn't come 20 saw

21 would/should be 22 would not be bitten 23 had 24 did 25 would grow 26 removed

27 would keep 28 lived 29 banned/were to ban 30 would offer 31 got 32 painted

33 changed 34 would you spend 35 had 36 wasn't

Exercise 64 (should in the following answers may be replaced by would; contractions may be used in the affirmative and negative.)

1 should have visited 2 would have won 3 had arrived 4 had been 5 should have been

6 had not seen 7 would have fallen 8 would you have accepted 9 had had 10 had known 11 should have offered 12 would not have stung 13 had realized 14 should have stopped 15 should have reached 16 should not have lent 17 had not sneezed 18 had put 19 would not have got 20 would not have tried 21 had spoken 22 would not have been 23 had known 24 had tried 25 would not have got 26 would not have put 27 had been 28 would have come 29 would not have turned 30 had looked 31 would have been captured 32 had tried 33 should have taken 34 would have saved 35 had not called 36 would not have


Exercise 65 (In the affirmative and negative shall and should can be; replaced by will and would respectively; and contractions may be used. should in sentences 1, 7, 11 however does not change.)

1 find/should find 2 shall have 3 will happen 4 had had 5 will you stay 6 would you choose 7 gets/should get 8 comes 9 will sit 10 didn't talk II shall/should I do 12 had read 13 had 14 shall go 15 would you do 16 run 17 will not be 18 comes 19 would not have 20 had worn 21 leaves 22 will fall 23 don't change 24 should not have bought 25 hung 26 would be able to/could 27 should have brought 28 would have been 29 would not have printed 30 should not buy 31 want 32 won't be 33 would jump 34 would answer 35 had made

36 had known

Exercise 66 Open-ended sentences. No answers given.

Exercise 67 1 could I speak 2 speaking 3 could you come and do 4 couldn't 5 could come 6 could you come 7 could get, would 8 wouldn't, would, leave 9 thought you said

10 could get, couldn't make 11 having, doesn't like 12 is always trying, cleaning, thinks/says 13 does she want/would she like you to do 14 would like/wants me to work

15 says/thinks it would be 16 worked, would know 17 are you really thinking 18 like, like 19 would get 20 would Wednesday suit 21 would, to come 22 will, let 23 will, won't

24 will, do

6 Infinitive

Exercise 68 1 do 2 sing 3 to swim 4 to live 5 to go, rain 6 say, understand 7 to see

8 repeat 9 use 10 ask, use 11 to get, start 12 remember 13 to do 14 to go, wait 15 leave

16 open 17 (to) argue 18 to smoke 19 (to) move 20 play 21 to accept 22 to arrive

23 know 24 wait 25 tell 26 send 27 go, to meet 28 to have 29 leave, want, to take 30 to go, make, go 31 go, to visit 32 to know, to live 33 not to inform, (to) disobey

34 come, stay 35 take, make, drink 36 to disappoint, let, have

Exercise 69 1 to be 2 wish to make 3 want, to know 4 remember, look 5 to learn,

to know 6 to be 7 not to feed 8 see, to speak 9 to travel, to arrive 10 know, to use, show 11 to sign 12 open/opening, move/moving 13 to make, believe 14 to have missed, go

15 shake/shaking 16 to try, to come 17 go, promise, not to tell 18 like to come, walk

19 to ask, to tell, to get 20 to put, (to) keep 21 to read, answer 22 show, to open 23 say,

to say 24 to be 25 want, to tell, to call, to discuss 26 to give, see/be seeing, not to forget 27 open/opening, throw/throwing 28 to carry, help 29 to pick, to handle 30 rash/crashing,

burst/bursting 31 to do, wait, to let 32 crow/crowing 33 tell, be, to check 34 come, go, be/have been 35 to learn 36 be, look

Exercise 70 No answers given.

Exercise 71 1 too young to have 2 too cold to bathe 3 so kind as to answer/kind enough to answer 4 too old to wear 5 long enough to reach 6 enough money to live on 7 too furious to speak 8 hot enough to boil 9 foolish enough to tell/so foolish as to tell 10 thin

enough to slip 11 too ill to eat 12 too wide to get through 13 strong enough to dance on 14 too terrified to move 15 big enough to harm 16 strong enough to keep 17 too deep to wade 18 too lazy to get up 19 early enough to catch 20 so good as to forward/good enough to forward 21 thick enough to walk on 22 too drunk to answer 23 too cold to have 24 rash enough to set off/so rash as to set off 25 high enough to see 26 old enough to understand 27 too snobbish to talk 28 too thick to push through 29 too mean to give

30 too impatient to listen 31 too tired to walk 32 not dark enough to see 33 hot enough to fry 34 too bitter to eat 35 so kind as to turn down/kind enough to turn down

36 too selfish to put

Exercise 72 1 to leave 2 only to find 3 You are to go 4 so kind as to lend/kind enough to lend 5 to mend/to be mended 6 to hear 7 for him to hear 8 It was stupid of me to be rude 9 to play with 10 for everyone to know 11 to sit 12 only to find 13 It was very brave of him to rush 14 to wear 15 He is expected to broadcast 16 to cook in 17 only to learn 18 to open it with 19 seems to have been committed 20 Is he likely to arrive 21 just about to leave 22 You are to be met 23 for them to have 24 He is said to have been 25 to continue the strike 26 kind enough to translate/so kind as to translate 27 for us to leave 28 It was stupid of you to sign 29 She is said to have 30 to swim 31 He is believed to be 32 He

appears to have been killed 33 to realize 34 The earth is said to have been 35 only to discover 36 The murderer is said to be hiding

Exercise 73 (should is replaceable by ought to.)

1 must have been 2 can't/couldn't have seen, must have dreamt 3 may/might have broken

4 needn't have carried 5 should have gone 6 were to have been 7 can't/couldn't have been, must have been 8 shouldn't have eaten 9 may/might not have understood 10 needn't have given 11 must have escaped 12 shouldn't have lied 13 may/might have been, can't/couldn't have been 14 must have cooked 15 needn't have brought 16 must have told 17 was to have unveiled 18 may/might have been 19 must have met 20 should have done

21 can't/couldn't have caught 22 needn't have opened 23 must have betrayed 24 shouldn't have driven 25 could have climbed 26 would have asked 27 should have been abolished

28 shouldn't/needn't have boiled 29 was to have played 30 may/might have been 31 should have taken 32 must have had 33 may/might/could have fallen 34 must have been

35 needn't have translated 36 shouldn't have looked

Exercise 74 (I'd is replaceable by I should, should (obligation) is replaceable by ought to in nos. 5, 9, 13, 17. may/might in the affirmative is normally replaceable by could.)

1 was to have married 2 needn't have repeated 3 seems to have been 4 were to have set out 5 shouldn't have eaten, may/might have been (may indicates that the danger is still present; might that it is over). 6 must have worked 7 needn't have brought 8 I'd like

to have bathed/I'd have liked to bathe/I'd have liked to have bathed 9 should have written 10 wouldn't have come 11 might/should have told, would have gone, wouldn't have liked 12 may/might have been, can't/couldn't have been 13 needn't/shouldn't have bought

14 can't/couldn't have been 15 seems to have enjoyed 16 must have been 17 should have stood 18 was to have gone 19 I'd like to have photographed/I'd have liked to photograph/I'd have liked to have photographed 20 must have been 21 may/might

have been 22 can't/couldn't have been driving 23 must have taken 24 may/might not have 25 I'd like to have gone/I'd have liked to go/I'd have liked to have gone 26 can't/couldn't have seen 27 may have been 28 may/might have been started 29 must have had

30 may/might have read, can't/couldn't have read, must have told 31 may/might have been waiting 32 must have misheard 33 might have borrowed 34 I'd like to have asked/I'd have liked to ask/I'd have liked to have asked 35 must have been 36 is said to have been

7 Gerund, infinitive and participles

Exercise 76 1 seeing 2 having 3 to meet 4 to work 5 to see 6 waiting 7 not to touch 8 to lock, going 9 not to speak 10 behaving II to explain, to listen 12 smoking 13 to know

14 to disguise, dressing 15 to wait 16 showing, to work 17 walking, catch up 18 to understand 19 exceeding 20 playing, doing 21 to inform 22 overhearing 23 smoking, to smoke 24 going, saying 25 writing, waiting 26 to avoid being 27 giving, to speak 28 to persuade, to agree 29 cleaning, to be cleaned, to do 30 shutting, sitting 31 sneezing, sitting 32 talking, to finish 33 to give up jogging 34 stopping, forgetting to wind 35 realizing,

helping 36 to make, rubbing

Exercise 77 1 answering, ring 2 letting, chase, being 3 driving, being driven 4 to start looking 5 lending, to cash 6 Lying, sitting 7 to go 8 neglecting to take 9 to show, to use 10 going, to see/seeing 11 telephoning, asking, to look 12 hearing, not to enter 13 to have, writing 14 to answer, replying 15 to explain, to listen, grumbling 16 offering, to leave, (to) work 17 making, to do 18 having to get up 19 to forget, worrying

20 remaining, to help, to stay 21 to run, to have recovered 22 listening, hearing

23 to learn, reading, listening 24 to start, to wait 25 discussing, having reached 26 having, to ride 27 (to) leave, meeting, recognize 28 paying 29 to give 30 interrupting, repeating

31 cutting, to go 32 buying, selling 33 giving, to explain 34 asking, telling, to buy 35 to tell, looking 36 to be, to erupt/erupting

Exercise 78 1 to ride, to do, coming, to come 2 spending, earning 3 being, to apologize

4 to eat 5 working, spending 6 looking, being 7 posting 8 to lock, go, do 9 to learn, saying 10 trying to interrupt, to wait, talking 11 doing, to move/moving 12 leaving, to go 13 to drink 14 being, to wait 15 trying to make, adding 16 going, stay 17 to look, (to) take, looking, to do 18 getting up, walking 19 listening, listening 20 to make/making, to see

21 doing 22 to put, to prevent, climbing 23 taking, to eat 24 ringing, asking, to do

25 waiting, to clear, to set 26 repeat, to make, to do 27 leaving, sending, to tow

28 borrowing, asking, to do 29 to offend, annoying 30 to be able to tell, gazing 31 getting,

to walk 32 to ask, to leave 33 setting, having been 34 to go 35 to go, (to) try to save, cutting 36 earn, scrubbing, make, blackmailing

Exercise 79 1 beginning to slip/begin to slip/begin slipping, to save, falling 2 falling, trying to keep 3 to lend, taking 4 to open 5 reading, to read 6 to book, to keep, to lose

7 to avoid being, being/to be, waiting 8 to get, to ask 9 making, speak/speaking

10 to win, cheating 11 firing/to fire, graze 12 strike/striking, to get 13 ringing/ring, to be coming to open 14 to go, to give 15 to put, (to) watch, change/changing 16 to see, to avoid hitting 17 to be, crackling 18 climbing, to explain, to say, to let, go 19 convincing, to get, leap 20 driving, doing, to do 21 to sit, (to) hear, howling 22 getting, climbing, to do 23 roar/roaring, to move/moving, waving 24 writing, to do, to go, see 25 walking, to

cross, thinking, to chase 26 to be having, thudding 27 getting, to pay 28 to come, standing 29 to like making and flying . . . doing 30 to arrive, rising 31 sawing, fall/falling 32 to see/seeing, crying/cry 33 jump/jumping, fall/falling 34 to wake, (to) hear, beating

35 beginning to roll/begin to roll/begin rolling, to do, to stop 36 laughing, slipping/slip

Exercise 80 1 Knowing that he was poor, I offered 2 Having barricaded the windows, we assembled 3 Becoming tired of my complaints, she turned it off 4 Finding/having found no one at home, he left 5 Hoping to find the will, she searched 6 Having removed all traces of his crime, he left 7 Realizing that he had missed the train, he began 8 Exhausted by his work, he threw 9 Having spent all his money, he decided 10 Having escaped from prison, he looked 11 Having heard the story before, she didn't want 12 Having found the money, they began 13 Entering the room suddenly, she found 14 Turning on the light, I was

15 Having visited the museum, we decided 16 Thinking we were lost, he offered

17 Having found his revolver and loaded it, he sat 18 Realizing that she couldn't move it alone, she asked 19 Having fed the dog, he sat 20 Addressing the congregation, he said

21 Thinking he had made a mistake somewhere, he went 22 Looking/having looked through the fashion magazines, I realize 23 The tree, uprooted by the gale, had fallen

24 People sleeping in the next room were 25 Knowing that the murderer was still at

large, I was 26 Having stolen the silver, he looked 27 Soaked to the skin, we reached 28 Sitting/Seated in the front row, and using . . . I saw 29 . . . sitting by the fire, you will take 30 Knowing that . . . , I didn't like 31 Believing that she could trust him, she gave

32 Slates, ripped off by the gale, fell 33 The lion, finding his cage door open and seeing no sign of his keeper, left 34 The government, trying to tax people according to the size of their houses, once put a tax 35 Having heard that the caves were dangerous, I didn't like 36 Wearing extremely fashionable clothes and surrounded by photographers and press men, she swept

Exercise 81 I When leaving a car . . . you must leave the brakes 2 As/When I was wading etc. or Wading across . . . I was swept off my feet by 3 When a tank is being filled/When you are filling a tank 4 Running into the room, she caught her foot on a rug and fell

5 When I read the letter 6 When carrying . . . you should never point it 7 When planting . . . you must take care 8 In his first race, the horse he was riding fell 9 When paying by cheque, you must show 10 Knowing me to be . . ., he was astonished to hear that II As he believed that 12 As I passed/ or As/When I was passing 13 When I am reading/When I read 14 As he left 15 I led the dog, barking furiously, out 16 After I had paid my taxes, the amount 17 As I was writing 18 The boat, tied to a post, was being tossed up and down by the sea 19 As the question had been misunderstood, the wrong answer 20 We saw the first star, shining in the sky 21 It is easy to have an accident when one is/you are driving

22 The man saw a notice pinned to the door 23 They read the words 'No Entry' written in 24 While he was cleaning his gun it went off 25 When/As I was wondering where to go, an advertisement 26 As I rushed out of the house, a lorry 27 As I sat by the fire, it all comes back 28 We thought he would never survive after falling from 29 When a fuse is being changed, the electricity . . . or When you are changing a fuse you should switch

30 I saw a trailer with a boat on it being towed behind 31 As he was sitting at the foot . . . a stone fell 32 The road was blocked by a huge tree (which had been) uprooted 33 When he drove to work the traffic jams infuriated him 34 As I sat in the dentist's chair an idea

35 I felt sure that . . . would kill him, weakened as he was by his last illness 36 A scorpion bit him as he got out of bed

8 Passive

Exercise 82 I wine should be opened . . . before it is used 2 steps had been cut 3 my shoes had been cleaned and my suit brushed 4 room is used 5 nails must not be hammered 6 pigs are used 7 a light was switched on and the door opened 8 picture had been slashed

9 theatre is being pulled down 10 wasn't the roof mended 11 All the shop windows were broken 12 system was being started because books were not being returned 13 each of us

was asked 14 refreshments will be served 15 bicycles must not be left 16 books may be kept . . . they must be returned 17 hole had been cut 18 it is being delivered 19 he has already been told 20 bells were rung 21 nothing can be done unless we are given more

22 far more is being spent on food now than was spent 23 paintings will be exhibited

24 nothing more will be said . . . if the . - . gun is returned 25 he was told 26 My dog was

stolen and brought back only when a Ј20 reward was offered. 27 he was given

two weeks 28 flowers are made

Exercise 83 I seals are fed 2 who was it written by? 3 compare clothes washed by us with clothes washed by any other 4 he expected to be offered 5 she was shown 6 oak was struck by lightning 7 it couldn't have been painted by T. because that kind of dress wasn't worn 8 she was stung by a jellyfish 9 special edition for . . . has been written 10 herbs used to be carried by judges 11 what was it written with? It was written with 12 shot was

succeeded by an uneasy silence 13 were you interested by the idea? 14 he was given details 15 dams are made by beavers 16 engines used to be started by hand, now they are started by electricity 17 this was opposed by most people 18 a lot of the work is being done by students 19 dock was to have been opened by the PM 20 They recommend that new factories should be opened 21 a lot of men will be made redundant by the closure

22 instructions could be understood by anyone 23 children . . . will not be admitted 24 ship is to be manned by boys 25 camp was flooded by a rainstorm 26 He was kept awake all night by the howling 27 They suggested that the tests should be made 28 All this damage couldn't have been done by children

Exercise 84 I why don't you get an oculist to test your eyes? 2 the authorities are to introduce this . . . limit 3 they are lengthening the runways 4 nurses are wakening patients 5 people say that B. lived 6 British fishermen must offer any sturgeon that they catch to

the Queen 7 someone has altered this notice 8 squatters have been using their houseboat

9 they were towing the . . . ship 10 get a builder to put in a lift 11 The firm made a profit . . . but a loss of . . . which they made . . . cancelled this 12 guests will wear evening dress 13 the authorities put the ship . . . and forbade passengers and crew 14 we shall have to find someone 15 They made him surrender his passport 16 our opponents must have started 17 the New Arts Gallery is to exhibit my paintings 18 experts have proved that this scientific theory is false 19 they are to salvage the car which the wind blew 20 police are guarding the house where they found the dead man to prevent anyone from entering it and

interfering with the evidence 21 why didn't you either lock the car or put it 22 people are saying that the government is spending too little money 23 you could put your money to good use instead of leaving it idle 24 people believed that the earth was flat 25 no one

has read this copy: no one has cut the pages 26 the police led away the student who threw the stones 27 people say that early Egyptian and Greek sailors used carrier pigeons 28 a strong police guard was escorting the referee

9 Indirect speech

Exercise 85 (In many of these examples other pronouns would be equally correct.)

1 told her I had . . . to show her 2 said nothing grew in her garden . . . it never got 3 told his mother he was going away the next day 4 said he had been . . . he hadn't had

5 remarked that it wasn't so foggy that day as it had been the day before 6 said that the

underpass was being opened two days later 7 said they had moved into their flat but they didn't like it . . . their last one 8 said they had . . . it didn't work 9 said that . . . windows of his flat he could see 10 said she'd no idea what the time was but she'd dial 11 his wife had just been made 12 said she'd come with me . . . she was 13 said he had . . . that afternoon ... he hadn't done his homework 14 warned her if she let . . . she would scorch her clothes

15 pointed out I hadn't given him . . . bill was . . . I'd paid him 16 Englishmen made . . . they were 17 she liked men . . . she didn't like them . . . She preferred . . . men looked silly 18 The report stated that the new Rolls Royce ran . . . all you could hear was . . .

The Managing Director replied that they'd have 19 said she didn't know . . . her plums. She supposed (said she supposed) she'd have to . . . trouble was no one in her family ate 20 explained they liked working . . . they got 21 that he was . . . and he did all his own

22 told Joan she could keep that one if she liked as he had 23 said he was going fishing with his mother that afternoon and they were just going 24 told her she had got my umbrella and that hers was in her bedroom 25 explained to his client that he knew what they had said because he had bugged 26 said he'd sit up till she came in but he hoped she wouldn't 27 told me that if I gave him . . . he'd . . . for me 28 said she had . . . it didn't seem . . . to her weight 29 said it was . . . and that he used one of them himself 30 said her new house was supposed to be . . . but that so far she hadn't seen 31 said that if we answered all the questions . . . we might win 32 said that if he pressed his ear . . . he could hear . . . were saying

Exercise 86 (See note above key to Exercise 80. Where there is no introductory verb, use '... said (that) . . .'))

1 he hadn't been able to get . . . he had lost his key, so he had had to break 2 the mirror was there . . . he could see himself when he was dancing 3 told him she had written to him two days before and wondered why he hadn't 4 if the ground was dry . . . his horse

might win 5 advised me to slow down as there was 6 said that if Tom wanted . . . he'd better apply 7 they had walked . . . the previous night . . . protest about their rent. The Minister had been . . . had promised . . . what he could for them 8 said they should

put traffic lights there, otherwise there'd be 9 told them it was time they began training for their . . . 10 said to me that if I left . . . I should be there 11 if it rained that afternoon it would be . . . the following day 12 told her guest she had meant . . . she had plugged

. . . She was always doing 13 he had been intending . . . the next day . . . didn't think he'd be 14 told Mrs Smith that Bill should do . . . he had done very well at the school 15 told her husband she didn't think his father liked her 16 told her the steak was . . . and

said/added that he was not complaining but was just pointing . . . she said she wished he'd stop 17 reported that the burglars hadn't been able . . . had carried it 18 told me that if I saw her father I'd recognize him . . . He was 19 he had found . . . the day before . . .

was going . . . that afternoon 20 he had got out . . . while he was standing . . . the gears (had) engaged . . . and the boat had gone/went 21 says he has done 22 asked if he would like me to go with him. He said he'd rather go . . . or, I offered to go with him, but

he said 23 told me I might take his car if I liked and said he wouldn't be needing it the next day or the day after that 24 that the previous day Tom and she had gone/been to look . . . he was thinking . . . It was rather . . . and had a lovely garden but Tom had decided . . . was opposite 25 his wife wanted to take . . . he'd rather she concentrated on their home

26 she didn't know what my father would say when he saw . . . my puppies had made of the Ј5 note 27 it was high time I passed my test; she was tired 28 said I wished she had seen it

Exercise 87 1 asked what had happened 2 asked which . . . (had) inherited 3 asked who was going 4 asked what would happen 5 asked which team had won 6 asked which team (had) won 7 asked who was playing the following week 8 asked who would be umpiring

9 asked who wanted 10 asked who had just dropped 11 asked where the . . . office was

12 asked what she should do with her . . . 13 asked what platform the train left 14 asked when it arrived 15 asked when the timetable had been changed 16 asked why the 2.30 had been . . . 17 asked how much a day return cost 18 asked why the price went up 19 asked how he could get 20 asked when they were coming 21 asked if a return . . . was 22 asked if puppies travelled 23 asked if she could bring her dog . . . with her 24 asked if the train stopped 25 asked if you could telephone 26 asked if the 2.40 had 27 asked if you could get 28 asked if they brought 29 asked if there were 30 asked if he had

Exercise 88 I asked what country I came from 2 asked how long I'd been here 3 asked if I was working 4 asked if I had 5 asked what I was going to study 6 asked if I had enrolled

7 asked if I wanted to buy 8 asked if I had seen 9 asked if I played 10 asked if I would have 11 asked if I had played for my . . . 12 asked if I was interested 13 asked if I would like 14 asked what I thought

Each of the following will begin: she asked/wanted to now/enquired 15 how long it had been 16 if I liked 17 if he was 18 how many . . . there were 19 how big the classes were

20 if the classes were 21 what the academic standard was like 22 if parents could visit

23 if there was 24 if they taught 25 what . . . could the children learn 26 if there was 27 if they acted 28 what . . . plays they had done 29 what games they played 30 if the fields were 31 if they were taught 32 if the children could get 33 if the food was good 34 if there was 35 how often it met 36 if our boys had been/were happy

Exercise 89 (if is interchangeable with whether except in conditional sentences.)

1 asked why he was looking 2 asked who had put . . . in his coffee 3 asked which of them knew 4 asked why he had travelled 5 inquired how she could run in high-heeled shoes 6 asked them what their new house was like 7 asked where he was supposed to go 8 asked him whose car he had borrowed the previous night 9 asked me what she was/had been wearing when I saw her last 10 asked who owned the revolver 11 asked Mr J. where he had been the previous night 12 asked the boy what else he had seen 13 asked whether he had done that sort 14 asked her if she could read 15 inquired whether they had understood what I had said to them 16 asked the customer if he was being attended to 17 asked him if he would go . . . the others did 18 asked Mary if she saw what he saw 19 inquired who had left 20 asked him if he had gone . . . and if he wanted 21 asked why his house was . . . and whether his father had been 22 asked if he was leaving that day or the following morning 23 asked how far it was and how long it would take 24 asked if he could speak to Mrs Pitt. The au pair girl answered that she was afraid she was out and asked if she could

take 25 asked the little boy if he was sorry for what he had done 26 asked her if she was going to 27 asked the woman if she would mind if he looked inside her bag 28 asked the student if he would know what to do if someone fell at his feet 29 asked her why she

thought it might be 30 asked him if he knew. . .shoes he was wearing weren't

Exercise 90 (The following are possible answers. Other introductory verbs are often possible.)

1 He told her to switch off the TV 2 She told Tom to shut 3 I asked Mary to lend me her pen 4 I warned them not to watch 5 He warned me not to believe everything I heard 6 asked me to fill up the 7 I told them not to hurry 8 warned Mary not to touch the switch

9 ordered the bank clerk to open 10 begged me to do as he said II told Peter to help his mother 12 told the children not to make 13 told us to do whatever we liked 14 warned them not to miss their train 15 advised his client to read it before he signed it 16 begged her to sing it again 17 warned us not to put our hands 18 advised him to buy 19 begged him not to drive 20 told the boys not to lean their bicycles against his windows 21 asked her to come with him 22 advised her to cook it 23 warned the lady not to touch 24 told the boys not to argue with him 25 told him to pull as hard as he could 26 ordered the porter to send 27 advised us not to lend 28 told us to make a list of what we wanted

29 told her to look 30 warned the people on the platform to stand clear 31 asked the children to see if they could 32 warned her not to go 33 asked the customer to pay 34 the notice told us to leave the space clear 35 I reminded them to write to their 36 warned her to think well before she answered

Exercise 91 (See note above key to Exercise 90.)

1 told me to get out of his 2 ordered me to climb 3 asked the customer to pay 4 asked her to open her 5 told Mrs P. not to worry but (to) leave it all to him 6 warned him not to use 7 told the taxi-driver to follow the car 8 recommended me to wash 9 urged me to have confidence in him 10 told the lift-man to take him 11 advised the passengers to read

12 told her always to cook. . . and never to use 13 told him not to argue with his

14 reminded me to prune 15 told her to wait for him 16 advised her not to eat . . . and to avoid 17 advised me not to say 18 the notice told/asked people not to ask 19 told her not to forget 20 advised/told me to cross 21 asked him to write to her as often as he could

22 told him to put his 23 asked the porter to find him 24 told me not to forget my 25 told the children not to go 26 told his men to search 27 told her not to make 28 told/warned him to put the gun down as it was loaded

Exercise 92 (See note above key to Exercise 90.)

1 advised us to make . . . our time as we wouldn't get 2 urged the public not to wait till the following day but to post . . . that day 3 warned them to be . . . and reminded me to drive 4 said he couldn't open it and told/asked Peter to have 5 told me to go and get him . . . and to come 6 said someone was coming and told/urged me to get 7 warned us to give way to . . . the/our right 8 begged us to send whatever we could spare 9 advised him to wear a wig if he didn't want to be recognized 10 warned/told them not to bathe when the red flag was flying 11 told him not to forget/reminded him to thank . . . when he was saying

12 told me to watch . . . and not to let it 13 told/advised/warned me not to shelter . . . as the tree might 14 told me to put the message . . . and throw 15 told me to read it for myself if I didn't believe what he said 16 reminded me to use my 17 told her husband not to drive . . . or the baby would 18 begged her to make . . . stronger and said that it had been . . . the previous night 19 warned us to beware 20 told me to smell it and asked if I thought it had gone bad 21 told him not to take his coat off as they were going 22 told her to stand by the window and tell him if anyone went 23 told his pupil not to move till . . . waved him on 24 told me not to touch it as I would only make 25 warned him to be careful as the steps were 26 told/asked the girl to ask her boss . . . and said that my number was . . . She asked me to repeat it 27 . . . told him to tell them not to work . . . as if they finished . . . they wouldn't get 28 The placard warned us to prepare to meet our doom as the end of the world was at hand 29 The instructor reminded me to put 30 Keiko asked him to take off his

Exercise 93 1 he invited me to have lunch with him 2 offered me/her/him a 3 asked if they'd mind not smoking/asked them not to smoke 4 told her to take the . . . and to shut the door as she went 5 asked me to help her as she couldn't 6 said it was a . . . and

advised me to ask 7 advised me to try to/and get 8 offered to wait for me/said she'd wait if I liked 9 reminded me to switch off when I'd finished 10 asked/told me to check the figures for him 11 advised me to apologize 12 asked him to check 13 told me to sit/said he wished I'd sit . . . asked how I expected him to paint me when I kept jerking my head

14 advised him to go by train as it was 15 The notice asked guests not to play 16 asked me to wait 17 strongly advised me to see 18 advised them to plant 19 asked me to sign

20 asked me to forward . . . while he was 21 The police asked anyone who has seen the . . . to get in touch with their nearest 22 warned me not to leave my . . . as our host's dogs might mistake me 23 told me to answer the letter and reminded me to keep 24 asked me to move my car as it was blocking his 25 Mrs Jones asked them to let her know when their . . . came in 26 The coach told the first team to report 27 Tom asked Ann to sew on the

button for him. Mary advised him to sew it on himself as buttons . . . usually came off

28 The girl asked me to sit down and said . . ./said that if I sat down the fortune teller would be with me

Exercise 94 1 asked if he could get 2 said she couldn't open . . . Tom offered to do it for her 3 asked the official to translate it 4 wondered if they would ever meet 5 asked if I would be there the next day. I said that I would 6 asked if she could lose . . . the doctor said (that) she couldn't 7 offered me a drink 8 urged us to install 9 asked me to read it

10 asked (me) if she should tell him what had happened 11 asked if I wouldn't like to look 12 said she was going . . . Tom said he was too and offered her a lift/asked if she'd like a lift 13 asked for a sweet/asked if he could have a sweet 14 asked if they could stay

15 asked for the weekend/asked if he could have 16 asked if he could leave 17 asked (him) why he didn't like 18 advised him to take up 19 asked where he should hang his . . . and if it would look 20 asked what I should/was to do if the car wouldn't start 21 asked if I had enough . . . and offered to lend me some 22 asked if he would be able to guide me or if I

should bring 23 reminded him to shut 24 asked (her) if she would like to see 25 asked me to peel 26 said that he'd got two tickets and invited me to come/go with him 27 asked if I could use . . . I said (that) I couldn't 28 asked if I'd mind living by myself 29 asked me to pay/asked if I'd mind paying 30 asked why she didn't trust him. She said (that) she never trusted

Exercise 95 (See note above key to Exercise 90.)

1 told me to remember to get . . . when I was or reminded me to get, etc. or said that when I was at . . . I was to get 2 told/advised me to sit down and put my head between my knees if I felt or said that if I felt faint I was to put/should put 3 asked what he was to do/should do with my purse if he found it. I told/asked him to keep it till he saw me 4 told me/asked me to give him a drink if he arrived before she got back or said that if he arrived before she got back I was to give 5 told me if anyone rang up to say or said that if anyone rang up I was to say she'd be 6 told me when I was driving always to look in my mirror or said that when I was driving I should always look 7 told me to leave the key under the mat if I went out or said that if I went out I was to leave 8 told me to shut the window if I

thought the room was cold or said that if I thought the room was cold I was to hut/should shut 9 told me to ring him up if I felt lonely any time or said that if I felt lonely I was to ring 10 said that if she didn't eat meat I was to offer her an omelette {the tell construction would be very clumsy here) 11 told me to get the car off the road if I had a puncture and not to leave or said that if I had a puncture I was to get/should get . . . and not leave

12 told me to take the letter to the police if he wasn't back by that time the next day or said that if he wasn't back by . . . I was to take 13 told her husband not to forget/reminded him to thank Mrs Pitt when he saw her 14 told me to take the meat out of the oven when the bell rang or said that when the bell rang I was to take/should take 15 told them to give their . . . if they were taken . . . but to refuse to answer or said that if they were taken . . . they were to give . . . but (to) refuse 16 told them to shut . . . and go . . . when they heard or said that when they heard . . . they were to shut . . . and go 17 told me to press . . . if the lift should stop/stopped or said that if the lift should stop/stopped ...I was to press/should press 18 told me to ask a client if he had a weak heart before I allowed him or said that before I allowed anyone ...I was to ask/should ask 19 asked what she should/was to say if the police stopped her 20 asked what she should do if he refused to let her in. I told her to write 21 asked/wondered what would happen if the strike continued

22 . . .how they would get food if it went on 23 . . . asked if they could go . . . the rain stopped 24 said that when they'd . . . they were to 25 advised her to switch . . . if she didn't like 26 asked whether/if the bank would repay . . . if I lost 27 told me I had/'d

better complain . . . if the noise got 28 said I was to ring him and give him . . . as soon as I found

Exercise 96 Part 1 (Alternative constructions are often possible.)

1-14 Ann suggested having a party on the following Saturday. Mary agreed and asked who they should invite. Ann was against making a list and suggested they should just invite everybody. Mary said they didn't want to do much cooking and proposed making it a wine and cheese party. Ann then suggested that they should ask everyone to bring

a bottle. Mary reminded her that they hadn't many glasses left and suggested hiring glasses from their local wineshop. Ann suggested having the party in the garden if it was warm and then Mary put forward the idea of a barbecue. Ann thought this was a good idea and said they could ask Paul to do the cooking. Mary remembered that last time they had had a barbecue the neighbours had complained about the noise, and she wondered if they should ask everyone to speak in whispers. Ann suggested going round to the neighbours instead and apologizing in advance. Mary, however, proposed inviting the neighbours, adding that then the noise wouldn't matter. Ann thought that was a clever idea and suggested ringing everyone up that night, but Mary prudently suggested working out how much it would cost first.

Part 2 15 Mrs Smith suggested . . . but her husband suggested renting ..., adding that it was all they could afford. 16 I suggested that Ann should complain, saying that the boss was more likely to listen to her 17 She reminded him that he used to be . . . and suggested that he should 18 He proposed walking . . . as it was not far and I agreed 19 Ann

suggested (our) joining a weaving class, adding that there was one 20 The children suggested organizing . . . the teacher proposed 21 I asked Bill where we should meet and

he suggested the hotel 22 I suggested to Ann that she should ring him and ask him what he thought 23 I pointed out I was doing . . . and suggested that he should give me/him giving me 24 He proposed leaving/that they should leave adding that he hated 25 Their father suggested that the children should go 26 I suggested his/him asking them what they would like to do 27 He suggested that we should begin training . . . I said I had . . . and suggested that he should ask Paul 28 They suggested me/my putting an advertisement in the local paper.

Exercise 97 (The following are possible answers only.)

1 warned us not to walk on the ice as it wasn't 2 introduced Miss White to Miss Brown 3 gave/handed her the keys, advising/and advised her to wait 4 begged me not to tell . . . I promised not to/promised (that) I wouldn't 5 offered him my torch but he refused

as/explaining that he had one of his own 6 Tom offered to pay. Ann protested but he insisted. 7 invited us to come in and look round, assuring us that there was no

8 threatened to kill the boy if they didn't pay 9 refused to answer any questions

10 complained that he expected . . . agreed (with her) II wished it would 12 pointed

out that I had pressed . . . He warned me not to do. ..I might have 13 exclaimed that her weight had gone up . . . she admitted/agreed that it had 14 hoped I'd have a good

journey/wished me a good journey and reminded me to send a card when I arrived

15 exclaimed with delight that he had passed . . . I congratulated him and wished him luck 16 She agreed to wait 17 wished him many happy returns of his . . . and he thanked us

18 pointed out/remarked that my door was ...I agreed (with her)/l admitted it 19 He offered me a cigarette and I accepted 20 Their mother threatened to sell . . . if they

kept . . . The children begged her not to do that, promising not to quarrel/assuring her that they wouldn't quarrel 21 offered me Ј500 to keep my 22 He promised to wait for me 23 I apologized for being late and explained that the bus had broken 24 accused him of leaking . . . He denied it. Tom called him a liar. 25 threatened to drop us from the team if we did

not train 26 complained that if the boys did . . . he called them his sons, but that if they did . . . he called them hers. 27 Tom suggested having a rest and Ann agreed. 30 He exclaimed with disgust that there was a slug in his . . . and called

Exercise 98 (Other alternatives are possible here.)

1 Tom: Would you like to come for a drive, tomorrow, Ann?

2 Ann: I'd love to. Where are you thinking of going, Tom?

3 Tom: Well, I'll leave it to you.

4 Ann: What about Stratford?

5 I haven't been there for ages.

6 Tom: Good idea!/AII right. We might go on the river if it's a fine day.

7 Ann: I wonder what's on at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre.

8 Tom: We'll find out when we get there.

9 It's usually possible to get seats on the day of the play.

10 Can you be ready by ten?

11 Ann: I'm afraid not, Tom/I'm very sorry, Tom, but I can't. I have to type a report first.

12 Tom: Working on Saturday! What a horrible idea!

13 I'd change my job if I were you.

14 Ann: Don't be ridiculous, Tom!

15 I volunteered to type the report in return for a free afternoon next week.

16 I didn't know you were going to ask me out, after all.

17 Tom: Oh well, I suppose it's all right.

18 But don't make a habit of volunteering for weekend work, will you?

19 Ann: No, I promise I won't.

20 Tom: (gloomily) I suppose you'll be busy all morning.

21 Ann: No, no! I'll be finished by 11.00.

22 Shall I meet you at the bus stop at Hyde Park Corner?

23 Tom: That isn't a very good meeting place. I'll call for you.

24 Ann: That's very good of you, Tom. I'll be waiting in the hall.

25 Tom: Let's climb to the top. The view from there is marvellous.

26 Ann: But we've been climbing for three hours already. I'm too tired to go any further.

27 Why don't you go on up? I'll go down and wait there.

28 Tom: All right. Here are the car keys. You'd better wait in the car./You could wait in the car, couldn't you?

29 I'll be as quick as I can.

30 Ann: There'11 be no lunch left if you're too long. I'll have eaten it all!

10 Purpose

Exercise 99 (so as is interchangeable with in order.)

1 to paint 2 to remind 3 to feed 4 so as not to frighten 5 to put his savings in 6 to drink out of 7 to save 8 so as not to strain 9 in order to get 10 to tell 11 so as not to get 12 to frighten 13 so as not to make 14 to protect 15 to put on the fire 16 so as not to disturb 1.7 to study 18 in order to discuss 19 so as to be able 20 to elude 21 to prevent 22 to reduce 23 (in order) to read 24 to watch 25 in order to have 26 in order to keep 27 (in order) to learn 28 to buy 29 to warn 30 to avoid 31 to protect 32 so as to be able 33 to warn 34 to avoid 35 (in order) to look 36 so as not to alarm

Exercise 100 (I/we would is replaceable by I/we should.

would/wouldn't in negative purpose clauses is usually replaceable by should/shouldn't. Where an infinitive phrase is possible the infinitive given in the key is not necessarily the only one that could be used. To save space not more than two possible answers are given for any one example. Sometimes the in case construction would also be possible, in case can be followed by should + infinitive, though an ordinary present or past tense is more usual.)

1 so that nobody should/would know or to prevent anyone knowing 2 in case somebody knocks 3 so that repair work may/can continue or to allow repair work to continue 4 so that it wouldn't get broken or to prevent it getting broken 5 so that he wouldn't be recognized or to avoid being recognized 6 so that her fruit wouldn't be stolen or to prevent her fruit being stolen 7 so that I wouldn't overhear or to prevent my overhearing

8 in case you get bitten 9 so that the crew may/can escape or to enable the crew to escape 10 so that my children may/will have 11 so that the cows won't get or to prevent the cows getting 12 so that the call wouldn't be or to prevent the call being 13 so that the birds won't eat or to prevent the birds eating 14 in case there is 15 so that nobody will/can climb or to prevent anyone climbing 16 in case you have 17 so that the snow would/could slide 18 so that everyone may/will understand or to enable everyone to understand 19 so that anyone who finds him will/may know 20 so that the birds would know or to let the birds

know 21 in case we are 22 so that the birds won't build or to prevent the birds building

23 in case he forgets 24 so that she wouldn't frighten or to prevent her frightening 25 in case the chimney catches 26 so that I couldn't/wouldn't be able to call or to prevent me calling 27 in case it is 28 so that young children won't be able to turn or to prevent young children turning 29 in case he breaks 30 so that the government may/can discuss or to let the government discuss 31 in case it is 32 so that pedestrians might/could cross or to let pedestrians cross 33 so that his secretary could/would be able to 34 in case they set 35 so that the rest of the party would know or to let the rest of the party know 36 so that the meat won't burn or to prevent the meat burning or in case the meat burns

11 some, any etc. and relatives

Exercise 101 I some 2 some, any 3 any, some 4 any 5 some, any 6 some, any 7 any, some 8 Some, some 9 any 10 any, any 11 Any 12 some/any 13 any, any 14 Some, some 15 any 16 some 17 any/some 18 any 19 any 20 Any 21 some 22 some, some 23 some 24 any

25 any, some/any 26 Any 27 any 28 some 29 some 30 some 31 any 32 some 33 any

34 some, some 35 any 36 some/any, some

Exercise 102 (In some of the answers the relative pronoun is enclosed in brackets; this means that it can be omitted. The answers given are not necessarily the only possible answers to the questions. Notice carefully the presence or absence of commas.)

I (a) The 8.10 is the train (which/that) Mr Black usually catches, (b) The 8.40 is the train (which/that) he caught today, (c) Mr White is a man who usually travels up with Mr Black, (d) Mr Brown is the man whose paper Mr White borrowed, (e) Mr Black usually catches the 8.10, which is a fast train, (f) Today he missed the 8.10, which annoyed him very much. (g) He caught the 8.40, which doesn't get in till 9.40.

2 (a) The brown umbrella was the one (which/that) Mr Penn left at home today or the one (which/that) he didn't take today, (b) The black umbrella was the one (which/that) he took or the one (which/that) he left on the bus. (c) The blue umbrella was the one (which/that) Mr Penn took by mistake, (d) Mr Count was the man whose umbrella Mr Penn took.

3 (a) Malta is the place Tom and Jack wanted to go to/went to or Malta is the place to which Tom and Jack wanted to go. (b) The Blue Skies Agency is the agency Tom went to or the agency to which Tom went. (c) The Blue Seas Agency is the agency Jack went to or the agency to which Jack went. (d) the MS Banana is the ship Jack travelled on/in or

the ship on/in which Jack travelled, (e) Julia is the girl (who(m)/that) Jack met on board. (0 Tom liked flying, so he went to the Blue Skies Agency, who booked or Tom, who liked flying, went etc. (g) Jack, who hated flying, went to the Blue Seas Agency, who booked

4 (a) George and Paul were (the) two men who were working on Mr Jones's roof. (b) Bill was a/the burglar who saw them going away or who stole the jewellery etc. (c) Tom was a student who lodged with Mr Jones, (d) Mrs Jones was the lady whose jewellery was stolen, (e) Mr and Mrs Smith were the people the Joneses were playing cards with or the

people with whom the Joneses were playing cards. (f) the ladder Bill climbed up or up which he climbed, (g) the window he climbed through or through which he climbed, (h) the screwdriver he used or the screwdriver he opened the drawer with or with which he opened etc. (i) George and Paul, who were working on the roof, left the ladder (j) Mr

and Mrs Jones, who were out playing cards, knew nothing (k) Bill, whose fingerprints were on the screwdriver, was later caught

5 (a) The Greens are the people Ann works for or for whom Ann works. (b) The 12.10 was the train (which/that) Ann caught or the train (that/which) Ann came up on. (c) The 12.30 was the train (which/that) Tom met. (d) Peter was a boy (who(m)/that) Ann met on the train. (e) Paul was the boy (who(m)/that) Mary had come to meet or the boy

(who(m)/that) Mary was waiting for. (f) The Intrepid Fox is the bar where Tom usually goes for lunch or the bar Tom usually goes to for lunch or the bar where Tom usually has his lunch, (g) Mrs Green, who thought Ann looked tired, gave her (h) Peter, who hated eating by himself, hoped (i) Tom, who had only an hour for lunch, couldn't wait (j) Mary, whose boyfriend didn't turn up, ended by (k) Tom and Ann wasted half an hour at the station, which meant (1) Tom and Ann very nearly missed one another, which shows

Exercise 103 (Relatives in brackets may be omitted.)

1 for the present (which/that) you sent. 2 She was dancing with a student who had or The student with whom she was dancing 3 I'm looking after some children who are or The children I'm looking after are 4 The bed I sleep on has 5 Romeo and Juliet were two lovers whose parents 6 There wasn't any directory in the box (which/that) I was phoning from.

7 This is Mrs Jones, whose son 8 The chair (which/that) I was sitting on collapsed or The chair on which I was sitting collapsed. 9 Mr Smith, whom I had come especially to see, was too busy 10 The man (who(m)/that) I had come to see was II I missed the train (which/that) I usually catch and had to travel on the next, which was 12 His girlfriend,

whom he trusted absolutely, turned out 13 The car (which/that) we were in had bad brakes and the man who was driving didn't know 14 This is the story of a man whose wife suddenly loses 15 the frontier, which will be 16 a small girl whose hand had been cut

17 into a queue of people, four of whom 18 refugees, many of whom 19 The man who(m)/that) I was waiting for didn't or the man for whom I was 20 in patched jeans,

which surprised the guests, most of whom were 21 The firm (which/that) I work for is sending 22 The Smiths, whose house had been destroyed, were given 23 I saw several houses, most of which were 24 at 2 a.m., which didn't suit me 25 a group of boys whose plane 26 The string (that/which) they tie the parcels up with 27 his students, most of whom were 28 for 12 eggs, four of which were 29 The people (who(m)/that) he was speaking to didn't know or The people to whom he was speaking 30 The boy (who(m)/that) Peter shared a flat with was or Peter shared a flat with a boy who 31 four very bad tyres, one of which burst 32 the wonderful view (which/that) she had been told about 33 by a man (who(m)/that) I met on a train. 34 The bar (which/that) I was telephoning from was or the bar from which I was telephoning was 35 The man who

answered the phone said 36 The horse (which/that) I was on kept stopping to eat grass, which annoyed

Exercise 104 1 Tom, who had been driving all day, was tired 2 Ann, who had been sleeping, felt 3 Paul, whose tyres were new, wanted 4 Jack, whose tyres were old, wanted 5 Mary, who didn't know about mountains, thought 6 to his manager, who passed 7 were thieves, which turned out 8 the Chief of Police, who ordered 9 dry bread, most of

which was 10 a prisoner, whose handcuffs rattled II a fire, which soon dried 12 across the Atlantic, which had never 13 a bus-load of children, six of whom were 14 refuses to use machines, which makes 15 I met Mary, who asked 16 prayed aloud all night, which kept 17 and in deep water the next, which makes it unsafe 18 Mary, whose children couldn't

swim, said 19 Ann, whose children could swim well, said 20 cleaning ten windows, most of which 21 Jack, whose injuries were very slight, is being allowed to play, which is a good thing 22 Tom, whose leg is still in bandages, will have to 23 didn't get a seat, which put him in a temper and caused him to be rude to his junior partner, who in turn 24 Tom,

who had a hangover, felt 25 His boss, who didn't drink, saw 26 The report, which should have been on his desk by 2.00, still hadn't arrived. 27 Tom, whose headache was now much worse, put down the receiver without answering, which 28 Ann, who liked Tom, came 29 the report, which should have taken an hour and a half, took 30 to Munich, which 31 The headwaiter, whose name was Tom, said . . . recognition, which

disappointed Mr Jones, who liked 32 with Lucy, whom he was particularly anxious to

Exercise 105 I what, which 2 which 3 what, what 4 which 5 which 6 what, which 7 which 8 what 9 which 10 which 11 which 12 which 13 what 14 what 15 which 16 which, what 17 which 18 what 19 what 20 which 21 which 22 what 23 which 24 which 25 which 26 which 27 what 28 which 29 what, which 30 which, which 31 which 32 which 33 what, which 34 which 35 what 36 what

Exercise 106 I whatever 2 wherever 3 whatever 4 wherever 5 whichever 6 whoever

7 whenever 8 however 9 whoever 10 whichever 11 whoever 12 however 13 whatever

14 however 15 whenever 16 whoever 17 whoever 18 however 19 whatever 20 whenever 21 whoever 22 whichever, whoever 23 whatever, whichever 24 whoever

Exercise 107 Part I 1 a river to swim in 2 someone to play with 3 a family to cook for

4 accounts for you to check 5 anything to open it with 6 letters to write 7 anyone to go with 8 a garden for him to play in 9 anything to sit on 10 a brush to sweep it with I la box to keep them in 12 anyone to send cards to

Part 2 13 the first man to leave 14 the last person to see 15 the only one to realize 16 the only man to survive 17 the first to come and the last to go 18 the largest ship to be built 19 the last person to leave 20 the only person to see 21 the second man to be killed 22 the first man to walk on 23 the first woman to take 24 the fifth man to be interviewed

12 Prepositions

Exercise 108 I to; at; in; to 2 to; at, in 3 to, at; at; at 4 to; at, in 5 in; to 6 at, in 7 in; at

8 in, at; at 9 to; at 10 to, at; to II at, to, to 12 to, to, in 13 At, in, to 14 at, at; to, in 15 In, at 16 At, to, in 17 At, at 18 to, at, at; at, in 19 at, to, in, at, at 20 in 21 at, to; in; to, to

22 in; at 23 in, at, in 24 in, at 25 at; to, in 26 in, at 27 to, in 28 to, at, to; to 29 in, at 30 in, at 31 in, at 32 at, to, in 33 in, to 34 To, in; to 35 at, to, to 36 in; in; at

Exercise 109 I on, with; with; by; in 2 in, on/into 3 to; on; On, by, in, on 4 at, out, to, of

5 at; on, off 6 to, in; on 7 to, in, on 8 on; with, of 9 of, into, in/with 10 at, on II out of, on 12 in, at, on; in 13 with, to, of 14 to; to, of, at, to/on; to, on 15 at/from, off/out 16 with, in; out of 17 into/out of, of, off; in, on 18 on; on, into 19 with, of, in 20 in; in; into, on

21 at, with, in; on 22 By, of; with, on 23 on, to, in/on; to, of 24 with, under, of 25 on, to, of 26 of, to 27 in, of; in; in, at/by, of, at, in 28 into, in, by, of 29 in/at; of, at, on; with, in 30 by, on 31 off; on, in 32 into, into, with 33 by, by, on, of 34 of, at, of 35 of, in, to

36 off; on; to

Exercise 110 I in, for 2 at, since 3 At, of, for 4 in, for; During, in 5 for, on, in; from; for/on 6 under, with: in, during/in 7 by, of, in, in 8 by, for, in, of 9 from, since; on; of, to 10 for, during II with; for; for; in 12 for; of, for 13 under, with, for 14 in, for, in, till/until, of 15 for, on/for 16 In, of, off 17 in, by, from 18 on, to, by 19 for/to, from; in 20 at, during, for 21 by; on, for 22 by, in, on, in, in, over 23 of; in, for 24 in, for, of 25 of, from, to or to, from; for, to, by, for 26 at/by; for 27 from, at, with, for 28 for, till; with, for

29 on/into, off/out of, at, at 30 from, with/at; in, in, in, of 31 of; in, with 32 for,

in 33 with, into/to, with 34 from, with, for; under/of, till 35 of, on; from 36 on; for

Exercise 111 Ion 2 in, from 3 in, in 4 of; In, of, in 5 on; on, in/at; at, at, at/on 6 to, with; on with; on 7 in; on with; of 8 in, by 9 of, at 10 to, for, of II At, to 12 about, to 13 in/by, in, up 14 for; for, for, over 15 for/about, on; about 16 of, for, from 17 for; in 18 in, with,

for 19 on; for 20 with, into, with 21 for, in, on 22 In, to, to 23 by/with, out, in, of 24 of, after, in; with 25 at, away/off 26 to, of, to, away/off 27 to; on 28 In, with, of, from 29 to; under 30 on, to 31 of, to 32 about, off, at/by 33 to, of 34 for, with 35 of, of, of 36 under,

for, for

Exercise 112 I-, for 2-.for 3-,to 4-, for 5-, of 6 for; In, for, for 7 to,- 8 in/at, -; of, for 9 for/to, in 10-; for II to, for 12-, of/in 13 for, for; of,-, for 14 for;- 15 on;- 16 to/past,-, of

17-, at/in;-, on 18-;-,-; to, for 19 for, for, in/at; for,- 20 to, in 21 to,-,- 22-, in;-.with 23-, for, at/by/on 24 to, to, in 25-; to 26-,-; with, of 27-, in, in 28 to;-, of 29-, of 30 on,-, for, for/- 31 -, in, for 32 -, till, in/- 33 -, -, to: -, -, with 34 -; to, in/with 35 -, -, in 36 to, -, in

Exercise 113 Part 1 (till is always replaceable by until.) I to 2 till 3 to/till 4 till 5 till 6 till 7 to/till 8 to 9 to/till; till 10 to, till 11 to; till 12 to; till

Part 2 I since; for 2 since 3 since 4 since 5 for 6 Since 7 for 8 since; for 9 since; for 10 for 11 for 12 Since

Part 3 I then/afterwards; after 2 after 3 After; Afterwards 4 then/afterwards 5 then, then 6 then 7 after 8 then 9 after/afterwards 10 then II then 12 then; Then 13 afterwards

14 afterwards 15 then 16 then

13 Auxiliaries + perfect infinitives

Exercise 114 (should used for obligation is replaceable by ought to.

may/might in the affirmative is replaceable by could.)

1 must have worked/been working 2 needn't have translated 3 may/might have forgotten, should have telephoned 4 may/might have got lost, should have given, may/might have had, wouldn't/couldn't have delayed 5 may/might have stopped and got, may/might have run 6 shouldn't have fed 7 must have been 8 should have gone 9 couldn't have been attacked, must have seen . . . and thought 10 must have waited/been waiting (could/may/might could replace must.)

11 may/might have fallen . . . and been eaten . . . or been kidnapped . . . or caught . . . and died 12 were to have started 13 needn't have walked, could have come 14 must have been stolen, may/might have driven 15 couldn't have got, must have drunk 16 shouldn't have been riding 17 may/might have taken, may/might have been 18 might/should have told, could have got 19 would have won 20 needn't have written 21 were to have built

22 wouldn't/shouldn't have noticed, would/might have spread 23 should/might/could have waited 24 may/might have come, couldn't/can't have come, may/might have come

25 needn't have done 26 should have been 27 needn't have cooked 28 would/should

have brought, wouldn't/shouldn't have come 29 shouldn't have thrown, might/could have killed 30 could have painted, could have painted 31 may/might have dropped, may/might have been 32 could have been started, could have been 33 must have carried, couldn't have done, would have been, must have waited 34 needn't have done

35 couldn't/can't have been, must have been walking 36 Couldn't it have been, must have been

Exercise 115 (See notes to Exercise 114 above.)

1 wouldn't/shouldn't have had 2 should have asked 3 should have been 4 may/might have gone; would have told 5 may/might have kept; wouldn't have kept 6 may/might have gone; may/might have been; would have rung; couldn't have rung 7 must have had; would have been 8 couldn't have bought 9 should have waited 10 couldn't have carried; must have helped II couldn't have been; must have been 12 must have crashed; would have reported 13 may/might have blown up; may/might have planted, may/might have had 14 may/might have tried; may/might have been 15 may/might have gone, may/might have been; couldn't have been 16 may/might have collapsed; would have taken over 17 shouldn't have done, should have said 18 must have been 19 needn't have done; should have told; shouldn't/wouldn't have wasted 20 could have passed; should/could have worked 21 couldn't possibly have opened; couldn't have got 22 must have let; must have followed . . . slipped 23 needn't have bought 24 must have drugged . . . dumped; might/would have been run; may/might have been 25 must have bribed; may/might have followed; couldn't have done; would/should have seen 26 needn't have stamped 27 couldn't have done; must have given 28 must have been 29 could have taken; may/might have been; may/might have hopped in . . . snatched 30 should have told; would/could have lent 31 needn't have

taken; could have walked 32 must have been watching/must have watched 33 needn't have rung/shouldn't have rung; could have dialled/should have dialled 34 must have had

35 could have had/might have had; couldn't have had 36 could have married; must have loved; must have been

Exercise 116 (may/might in the affirmative is replaceable by could.

In 1, 7, 10, 20, 23 should is replaceable by ought to.)

1 should have been 2 may/might have written, couldn't have written 3 must have fallen

4 may/might have liked 5 must have been 6 needn't have sent 7 might/should have left

8 may/might have been 9 can't/couldn't have been, may/might have been 10 shouldn't have

gone 11 may/might have been 12 were to have been 13 should/would have been 14 needn't have carried 15 may/might have been 16 can't/couldn't have been, must have been 17 must have been 18 was to have been 19 would have reached 20 could/should have crossed

21 should have brought 22 may/might have been 23 must have been 24 can't/couldn't have been, must have been 25 may/might not have heard 26 could have put you up 27 would have fallen 28 should have checked 29 needn't have apologized 30 may/might not have realized 31 might/should have thanked 32 was to have gone 33 should have warned

34 would have known 35 needn't have bought 36 must have been

14 Present, past and perfect tenses

Exercise 117 (Negatives are given in their contracted form, affirmatives are not given in their contracted form, but in speech present continuous tenses are normally contracted in the affirmative.)

1 are you going; am going, do you want 2 do you smoke; I don't smoke, smokes, I do; spends 3 sees; are you waiting; am waiting 4 you usually go; belongs, wants; is using 5 go; takes, passes; is working, am queueing 6 Are you coming, are you waiting; think, wait, are, looks 7 are waiting; is dialling; Do you know; phones 8 does he come; comes; speaks 9 wonder, is speaking; comes, suppose, is speaking 10 are having; are opening; writes; get; have you (got) II says, is coming, wants 12 Do you have/Have you got; don't think; don't see; does a traffic warden do 13 walks, stays, parks, sticks 14 is putting; sees; hates

15 want; are just closing; we always close, doesn't want 16 is listening, is reading, is doing, is writing 17 reads; knits, isn't knitting 18 goes, doesn't go; likes; prefers 19 are watching; are enjoying, don't understand 20 happens; Does the teacher give; gives, shows, discusses 21 gets; sits, stands, walks, runs 22 is that man standing; is trying, is waiting; doesn't he use/isn't he using; don't bother; prefer 23 are wearing; Do you like; suits, doesn't fit 24 speak, come 25 is taking, is coming 26 talk; prefer; are talking; aren't talking 27 are having; am meeting; Do you go 28 go, am going; takes, costs 29 Are you doing; am packing, am catching; are you staying 30 Are you going; I am staying; are coming; Do you invite; invite 31 am just going; is pouring; don't you wait; stops 32 gets, washes, shaves, gets, don't hear; hear, makes 33 gets; makes, wakes; sings, bangs, drops, plays

34 don't you ask; mention, doesn't do; says, doesn't make, think, believes 35 Do you see;

keeps; Do you think, is asking; expect, is making; do you make; stop, ask, write 36 starts, stays; moves; takes, does, wishes

Exercise 118 1 writes, know, is doing: Does your son write; hear; seems 2 cost; Do you think; depends 3 am seeing; am changing; are always changing; don't you leave 4 look/are looking, are you thinking, am thinking; are only just starting; know, am reading, says, starts 5 is always knocking on my door and asking; does she do; puts; don't mind, annoys, knows, needs, takes 6 does she do, runs out; borrows, takes, wants, finds 7 does she owe; don't know, don't keep; is leaving, is getting; am trying 8 don't you offer; sounds; doesn't realize, owes 9 says, owe, seem, owes, remember 10 don't think, is enjoying; keeps, is

enjoying; enjoys; know, wants, is expecting/expects II are you staying; am leaving; am going 12 are you coming, are you going; depends; agrees; expect 13 is seeing; don't you come 14 Do you see; is watching; do you know, is watching; comes, goes, makes 15 are all these people doing, are they wearing; they are making; are working 16 sounds; Do you think; don't know, see, finish, are still taking on 17 Is Ann acting; doesn't act; imagine, knows 18 lives, come, see; doesn't bother, climbs, knocks 19 are moving; are you leaving; suits; know, does, is/are pulling down; are widening; say 20 ask, likes, says, don't know, thinks, suits, is merely being 21 want; tells, says, thinks 22 Does your sister's frankness annoy; does; doesn't want; wants 23 hear; am not living; are still working, is taking

24 think, take, expects; are they doing; are putting; seem, smoke, slows 25 are always hammering; keeps, begins, hear: shakes 26 is stirring, is standing: says, are boiling; don't think, matters, cook, don't know, isn't getting; thickens 27 is being painted, isn't looking; Do they stop; are having 28 does the word 'Establishment' mean; doesn't give; means, have 29 say, belongs, imply, accepts; isn't trying/doesn't try 30 Do all rich men belong; do, are always jeering/always jeer; is used 31 is being pulled; are using; go, get 32 smell; do; think, is coming; is probably ironing; irons, watches, gets, forgets, is pressing; is thinking

33 are you looking; am looking; am always looking, puts; put; don't you try 34 are travelling; is reading, is doing, is looking out; stops, falls 35 spends; amuses; is watching, sees 36 does; checks; doesn't need; happens, makes; makes

Exercise 119 1 decided 2 chose 3 looked, were getting, was mixing, was washing

4 were, asked, was doing 5 replied, was going, went, knew, were looking 6 began, found, were 7 were waiting/waited, remembered, had 8 started, was telephoning, did, came

9 grumbled, was always telephoning 10 retorted, was always complaining 11 worked

12 started/were starting, rang 13 was, wanted, was playing 14 stayed, went 15 left

16 returned, came, wasted 17 said 18 thought 19 was just climbing, rang 20 said, was getting, went, opened 21 was, was coming, arriving

Exercise 120 1 was walking, realized, was following 2 walked, turned, stopped

3 appeared, stopped 4 went 5 stopped, stopped, looked, was 6 looked, was wearing/wore, wondered 7 decided 8 was standing 9 came, rang, moved off/was moving off, jumped

10 missed, got, was following/followed 11 crawled 12 pulled, looked, was getting/got

13 changed, got 14 left, bought 15 was standing, came 16 was carrying, got, sat, read

17 looked, was getting/got 18 was becoming/became, went, sat, asked, was following

19 said, wasn't following, threatened, admitted 20 told, was, was trying 21 told,

advised, didn't want, was being followed

Exercise 121 1 was sitting, saw; seemed 2 was snowing, woke; remembered, was coming, decided, lost 3 reached, realized, did not know; was wondering, tapped 4 was running/ran, struck 5 looked; was going; was drawing 6 were listening, were whispering, was reading;

hated, read 7 was reading, burst, rushed 8 went, didn't find; said, didn't know, was doing, thought, was probably playing 9 stopped/used to stop; closed, gave 10 promised, saw, was telling 11 picked, dialled; found; were planning 12 met; were; was studying, wasn't, spent 13 was just starting, opened, leapt 14 were you doing, said; was cleaning 15 looked,

said, was leaving the district and (was) going; said, was, was going, told, was getting/got on 16 were building, was 17 were reading, were just turning over: was knitting, was playing; opened, said 18 was; were they doing; heard, were looking; Did they find; discovered 19 told, made; was just pulling 20 was just sticking, came; tried, refused 21 took; Was she actually working 22 said, was coming, wondered 23 was wondering,

came, bought 24 was always borrowing, asked, said, hadn't, knew, wanted 25 went, had, was being; turned, saw 26 bumped, asked, said, was having 27 attacked, was putting; thrust, tore; contained; patched 28 did you break; fell, was putting, was, was, was going 29 didn't go; cancelled, spent 30 was just rising, shouted; looked 31 was raining,

played/were playing; was trying, didn't get/wasn't getting on, kept 32 were you doing, rang; was making; did you do, heard, went; opened, was 33 rang, found, said, was making 34 Was, rang; answered, was talking, saw; went 35 didn't get, were having/had; rang up, said, were making; pointed out, was, had; said, were always having 36 were you

doing/did you do, got; was working/worked; did you stay, stayed; left, were always going; became/was becoming

Exercise 122 Part 1 1 I haven't played for ten years. 2 I haven't sung since I came

3 I haven't milked one since 4 I haven't put one up since 5 I haven't made one for

6 I haven't read any since 7 I haven't bathed a baby for 8 I haven't repaired one since

9 I haven't skiied since 10 I haven't read one for II I haven't made one since 12 I haven't sewn any on since 13 I haven't driven (one) for 14 I haven't taken a temperature for

15 I haven't ridden one since 16 I haven't rowed since 171 haven't painted/done any painting for 18 I haven't typed for

Part 2 19 I haven't had a puncture for 20 He hasn't earned any money for 21 He hasn't shaved since 22 I haven't drunk champagne since 23 I haven't been in Rome for

24 I haven't seen Tom since 25 I haven't eaten raw fish since 26 Mary hasn't spoken French for years 27 I haven't had a good night's sleep for 28 He hasn't paid taxes since

29 I haven't eaten meat for 30 The windows haven't been cleaned for 31 I haven't taken any photographs for years. 32 I haven't watched TV since 33 He hasn't written to me for 34 I haven't been paid for 35 I haven't been abroad since 36 That house hasn't been lived in for

Exercise 123 1 have played/have been playing; Have you played, came; have played; joined, arrived 2 Have you played; have played; have had, have won, didn't really deserve 3 played, was, left, dropped, took 4 haven't seen; have you been; I've been; meant, hadn't/didn't have; Did you have/Had you, were; was; have only just got; enjoyed; skiied, danced 5 skiied, was, broke, haven't done 6 came, was; has been built, has become 7 hasn't started; has he been, has been, spent 8 have just heard; didn't you know; flew; Have you heard; got; told; didn't say, liked; has only been 9 didn't know, were; exploded, burnt

10 has been; used, rode, have had 11 made; has he been; we have only had; resigned, was

12 has left; left; Has anybody been appointed; have applied/applied, has been decided

13 Did you have/Have you had; was, have ever had, took; thought, was, searched, announced, was; took off 14 did you spend; took, fed, walked, bought, didn't need; passed 15 Have you booked; wrote, haven't answered 16 didn't know you were; have been; arrived 17 met, said; made, found, needed, seemed 18 Did you know, arrived; didn't

know 19 have you learnt/been learning; have been learning 20 began, did; dropped, forgot; spent, studied, have been studying/have studied 21 rang, said; spent, couldn't/wasn't able to, rang; haven't seen, said; went, haven't come; went 22 have just had; did it go; did you enjoy; didn't actually hit, made 23 sold, bought, left; arrived; wasn't, said; hasn't been taken 24 saw; thought, worked, said; worked, explained, went, told; gave: have worked

25 Have you been; went; were; Did you go; went; hired 26 have you been, came; have been 27 have seen; did you go; went; took 28 Did you see, were; saw; walked, asked, had, said, has just returned 29 Have you been; have been: haven't been 30 Have ; you seen; went, saw; Did you like; loved, didn't understand 31 has just died; knew; worked; didn't see, left, kept 32 thought, was, turned; shouted; said, didn't know, were 33 Hasn't Tom come; came; went; didn't hear 34 has just given; have just touched, didn't feel 35 came;

went; looked; coughed, spun: exclaimed, didn't see 36 you have just agreed; didn't realize, wanted

Exercise 124 1 bought, haven't sold 2 was, began; ran, made 3 caught, didn't get in, arrived 4 looked up, came: have been, growled 5 rang, said; said, haven't had; didn't you tell 6 met, said, didn't see; Did you miss: didn't miss, replied; haven't missed; gave 7 went; worked, went 8 has been; did she go; went 9 bought, asked; told, have waited/been

waiting, hasn't come 10 met, offered; said; have just had 11 arrived, landed, climbed out; recognized; exclaimed; didn't know, knew; have only just learnt, said; went 12 tried, heard, called out; have you been; has been 13 Have you been; went; Did you like; didn't see; was 14 have just bought; Have you read: haven't read; haven't even seen 15 Have you

been; was; did you get; took 16 Have you seen; rang, got; has been; flew, decided; Have you heard; got, arrived 17 have you been; have been; did you do/were you doing; worked/was working 18 did you work; worked; Did you like; didn't like; did you stay

19 was, stayed, played; did you play; played; lost 20 did you begin; began, was; went; stayed, went 21 was, started; did you get; haven't got; have only been 22 left; rang;

answered; said; has just gone, said 23 Have you been; was; Did you go; hitch-hiked

24 haven't seen; has been ill; collapsed, was taken; sent, hasn't come 25 was; Did you see; took, was, said, needed; haven't been able, haven't watched 26 Have you ever been; spent; went, met, wanted, didn't get 27 said; said; hasn't come; rang, were; said; got; didn't come

28 dictated, told; rang; Have you finished, asked; said, have done, haven't started 29 Have you found out; rang, answered, didn't seem; said; has been 30 said, Has Jack moved; said, didn't see; wasn't 31 have you been; have been; bought/have bought; found, got 32 have played, came; has been, inherited; Did you ever play; played, died, arrived 33 Have you

seen; left; put 34 Have you met; met; did you talk; talked 35 did, bought, has made; have always done, have always found 36 had; have had, got; told, were; has been, have changed

Exercise 125 I have been telephoning; Haven't you nearly finished; haven't got; have been trying, has been 2 has failed; has been practising, has got 3 have often wondered; have just found out 4 has been playing; has only just stopped 5 haven't you brought; Haven't you typed 6 Have you been sunbathing; has been raining/ has rained 7 have been building;

have been watching/have watched 8 haven't found, has been; has been helping 9 have pulled down, haven't touched 10 have searched/have been searching, haven't seen 11 have been waiting, have waited 12 has been; has been looking, hasn't found 13 have been doing, haven't finished; have done 14 have just picked; have grown/have been growing, have never had 15 have you been doing; have been using 16 has just sold; have been painting, haven't sold 17 has this happened; have had, have thrown 18 have you done: has just gone; has finished 19 has worked/has been working, has never once been; have/has just presented 20 have been mending/have mended, have only done, has broken down 21 has collected/has been collecting; has collected 22 have been looking, have completely forgotten; has happened 23 has been getting/has got, has been rising/has risen; has come 24 has eaten, has lost count, has attended; Has he put on 25 have been ringing up; has gone; has been working; has found out 26 has been using; haven't been 27 have been

standing; hasn't moved; has just shut . . . and gone off 28 has/have been considering; have just given, have decided 29 have been playing, haven't played 30 have been, haven't got

31 has been standing; has already gone 32 has happened; have been waiting/have waited; has often kept, has never been 33 has been living/has lived, has never said 34 have just

remembered, haven't paid; hasn't rung; have been; have paid; has lost 35 have been shopping/have shopped; has been losing/has lost, have made, have been told, have known 36 have you been doing; have been looking; have been building

Exercise 126 1 gave, thanked, said, had enjoyed, knew, hadn't read, were 2 had seen, returned, didn't have/hadn't 3 didn't have, had already done, was 4 didn't have, did, left

5 had, was; decided 6 picked, went, slammed 7 felt, had reminded 8 had searched and found, remembered, was 9 had left 10 remembered, were 11 arrived; had been told, was,

was 12 asked, said, hadn't been 13 wanted, had come 14 told 15 admitted, never bought/had never bought, assured, sold, wasn't 16 returned, saw, had broken in, was, was 17 were, had only just left 18 Probably they (had) heard/They (had) probably heard, had run/ran 19 had helped, was, poured 20 wondered, had found, hoped 21 had been

given, had died 22 hadn't had, hadn't liked 23 seemed, had taken 24 put, took, had forgotten/forgot, had put 25 came, said, had just swallowed 26 thought, left, was, arrived, learnt, had just left 27 found, had been using/had used 28 parked, rushed; came, was

29 wondered, had stolen, had driven 30 was, was, had been working/had worked 31 was, had had 32 brought, hadn't come 33 kept, had seen 34 looked, went, saw 35 got up, was, wondered, had stayed, had gone away and come back 36 opened, saw 37 had clearly been listening, wondered, had heard 38 asked, had been doing/was doing, said, had dropped, had been looking for/was looking for 39 didn't see, found, had probably dropped, opened 40 had been taking 41 were, turned, asked 42 pulled, ran off 43 (had) recovered, had disappeared 44 moved, found, had been standing 45 had been telling/was telling

Exercise 127 1 Where did they go? 2 How long does it take to get there? 3 What did you think of it? 4 How much does he earn? 5 How I much was Tom fined? 6 How big is your room? or What size is your room? 7 When did they leave?/How long ago did they leave?

8 How did they come? 9 How long have you been here? 10 Where did the students go?

11 How many miles to the gallon does the car do/What does it do to the gallon? 12 Where did he meet her? 13 What did the neighbours complain about? 14 What did the clerk make him do? 15 Who ate the apples? 16 How did he get in? 17 Who bought the tickets?

18 What were the roads like? 19 How many cigarettes do you smoke a day? 20 What was the hotel like? 21 How far away is the market? 22 How long have you had that cough?

23 What did Guy Fawkes try to do? 24 Who would you like to speak to? 25 Whose is this? 26 How did he stop the train? 27 How long have you been waiting? 28 Where did Mary put it? 29 Why did you throw it away? 30 How many hotels are there in the town? 31 Where did they leave the lawnmower? 32 How did you find her address? 33 What did Ann give you for lunch? 34 How deep is the lake? 35 Whose car did you borrow?

36 What did he do with it?

Exercise 128 1 What did he tell you? 2 What is the bridge built of? 3 Where are you all going to? or What are you all going to do? 4 How did he break his leg? 5 How or Why did Tom lose his job? 6 Which did you buy? 7 What is the new theatre like? or What does it look like? 8 How many would you like? 9 When did the concert begin? 10 Who did she go to the dance with? 11 Why did he buy a car? 12 When is he coming? 13 Which (one) is longer? 14 Who taught you to play poker? 15 What has she broken? 16 What are you looking for? 17 Whose typewriter has he borrowed? 18 What was she asking him for?

19 Who is he ringing up? 20 What does the word 'boss' mean? 21 How did he escape?

22 Who were you talking about? 23 Whose idea did they like best? 24 Who did he complain to? 25 How big was it? 26 What do the students intend to do? 27 Where do you come from? 28 How much does the best kind cost? 29 Why did he give it away? 30 What is his sister like? 31 What's this knife for? 32 What do you have to do in the mornings?

33 Which one do you like best? 34 How often does he come to London? 35 Who told you about it? 36 What is he like?

Exercise 129 Part 1 1 have just heard, would/should like 2 Do you think, could or would be able to 3 had, remember, said, was or had been, (had) got 4 can/could, can/could, suits/would suit 5 has, will/would bring 6 isn't, do not hesitate 7 are, will take him if I ask/would take him if I asked 8 has been/was, seemed

Part 2 9 am/was, am, are going 10 will be II will look 12 enjoyed, missed, left/had left, looked 13 will be 14 Will you/Would you/Could you bring, doesn't suit 15 Don't bother, have 16 you'll have, bring, you'll have/you'll have had

Part 3 17 Do you by any chance know 18 should/would like, have just heard, would exactly suit, doesn't apply, won't get 19 saw, was just leaving/had just left 20 said, was going, promised, (had) found 21 have heard, don't even know, went 22 know, should/would be, would phone 23 have tried, doesn't seem

Part 4 24 am, advertised, are coming/shall be coming, (shall) require 25 Would you please/Could you please tell me 26 should/would like 27 Would I be able/Could 1

28 hopes/is hoping, don't drive, won't be/wouldn't be, need/shall need/should need 29 Do the local shops still deliver; know, did 30 should/would be, would tell, calls 31 ask/are

asking, sounds; would you like/do you like 32 have been, lived, want 33 is also writing, would like, painted 34 has known, lived, am, would/will recommend 35 should/would of course be or am of course willing 36 should/would be, enclose

Exercise 130 Part 1 1 wrote, asking or to ask or and asked 2 replied, enclosing, filled up, returned 3 have heard, am beginning/begin, has gone 4 Would/Could you please check, have received 5 have received/did receive/received, haven't decided, should/would be, would tell 6 has already been, should/would like, don't get, shall/will have to, do, shall/will have or have

Part 2 7 have suffered/have been suffering, leave/are leaving 8 stand, laughing, calling

9 get, bang/banging, reverse 10 sounds, finds, has had, is still learning, don't know, (do) know, takes, roaring, shouting 11 have gone, have all been, find 12 should/would be, would ask, could

Part 3 13 Are you/Would you be 14 is coming, is bringing or is coming and bringing, or will be coming and bringing 15 haven't met, think, would/will like 16 will be able

17 receives, doesn't get, has asked 18 will probably ring, would be 19 know, don't usually eat, hope, won't be; can 20 passes, remember/will probably remember, will give

Exercise 131 Part 1 (Affirmative auxiliary verbs would usually be contracted in speech.)

1 Could 2 does 3 does, came, was, did, is, will/would do 4 do you want 5 should/would like 6 Would Thursday at 4.00 suit 7 wouldn't; is coming 8 would be able to/could do

9 would/will be 10 will/shall expect

Part 2 II Could 12 Speaking 13 have you been; have been trying; Don't you leave 14 do, went, have only just got in; is; didn't know, were 15 arrived; would have rung, have been; has only just ended; Are you doing 16 am going 17 is; am 18 am; had told, would have kept 19 didn't know, dashed, told 20 did 21 does, was driving, had, was taken; am doing; are you really going; can't/couldn't you 22 can't/couldn't; suppose, will/would be 23 will stay; will get over; would you like 24 I'd love; are you, will be, should/would hate 25 will

be: will ring, am staying: stayed, didn't seem 26 did you stay; will tell

15 Future forms

Exercise 132 1 are you going; we'll probably go 2 are having; is leaving/leaves 3 shall/will see; will probably look 4 am seeing; will refuse 5 shall/will know; will tell 6 will be; shall/will miss; will walk, will probably catch 7 shall/will probably come; will give, am coming 8 will get; are staying, will have to; will move 9 will he say; won't mind; will just buy 10 won't know; will leave 11 will never get; will meet, will I fall 12 am going; Are you coming; shall/will probably have 13 Are you walking; will get; will bring 14 am having, are starting; will make 15 Are you taking; am taking; will pass; will/shall take 16 are you meeting; are meeting; is taking 17 are you doing; will go; will probably stay 18 is Jack arriving; is he getting; will come 19 are they doing; are going; is happening; are taking; will enjoy 20 will wake, won't get 21 are spending; shall/will manage; will turn: will be able 22 is catching, will be 23 is George coming; are moving, shall/will have to 24 am

ringing; Shall I ask; shall/will be; will write 25 are having, are lunching, is standing; are giving 26 will let, shall/will find 27 are getting; Are you going; Are they having 28 Shall I wait, will take 29 will you have; will have; will have; are having, am having; will have

30 will give; am collecting 31 is getting; will happen; will ring, will sleep, will come

32 am being; is leaving, am taking; will soon be, will spend, will lose or will spend . . . and lose 33 am flying; are you taking; will spend 34 are going; are having . . . and going; will come; is coming; will ask 35 is coming; Shall we go: will get, shall/will be able; won't pay 36 are opening, are having; will look; will come; are you having; are missing; are going

Exercise 133 1 are you going; am going; are you going to do; am going to fish 2 are you going; am not going; am staying/going to stay; am going to write 3 is going to rain 4 are you staying; am going; are you going to do; am going to try Sam going to dye; Are you going to do, are you going to have it done; am going to have 6 am going to read 7 are you

doing; are coming, am going to show/am showing; are you taking; am going to take/am taking 8 are starting; are going; Are you going to climb; is going to climb; am going to sit

. . . and do 9 are going; Are you going to sail; are taking/are going to take; are going to try 10 Aren't you going to ask; am leaving; are you going to do; Are you going to have; am starting II Are you going to use; am going to live; am going to start; are you going to do/are you doing, am selling/am going to sell; is getting 12 is going, is having; is going to look; is coming 13 am going to send; am seeing 14 is arriving; Is he spending; is he catching; is spending; is giving . . . and attending 15 Is he bringing; is going to do, is giving 16 am starting; are you going to do; am going to study 17 Are you going; am going to get; am going; am going to ask; is joining/is going to join, they are all going to pick 18 am going to buy; is going to be 19 are you going to do; Are you going to sell; am going to learn; am having 20 am moving in; Are you going to have; am going to paint 21 Are you having; am going to do/am doing; am going to use; are going to help; am hiring/am going to hire 22 am going to do; am going to plant . . . and make; Are you going to give/are you giving 23 am getting; are starting, is coming 24 are meeting; Are they just going to repeat; are they going to climb; are going to offer

Exercise 134 1 am going to have 2 are going to assemble; will come 3 am going to shampoo 4 am going to make; will burn 5 am going to paint 6 am going to make 7 will look 8 will see 9 will wait 10 are going to camp . . . and cook II am going to put 12 Are you going to wear; am going to sit . . . and watch: am not going to get 13 will take

14 will have 15 will start; will get, will bake 16 is going to bake; will soon get 17 Are you going to try; am going to try; will confiscate 18 shall/will have; will come 19 am not going to take; am going to mend: is going to help 20 Are you going to paint; am going to take 21 will add; won't be able to read; am going to type; shall/will have 22 will type 23 will ring 24 am going to ring 25 Aren't you going to climb; are going to climb; are going to try; will cook, will buy 26 am going to wash; will come 27 are going to pick; will probably come, will start 28 will have to go, will be; will get; Will you let 29 will stay; will try

30 am going to start; Are you going to do; is going to help 31 is going to write; will buy;

will buy 32 is going to dig 33 is the new owner going to make; is going to concentrate

34 are going to bottle 35 will go 36 are going to buy; will stay

Exercise 135 1 will/shall both be coming 2 will meet, will forget 3 will be watching; will ring 4 will/shall be doing; will still be working 5 will get, will do 6 will be coming

7 will/shall be working 8 will/shall be taking off 9 will come 10 will be playing 11 will get; will still be; will be going, will ask 12 will be, will be wondering/will wonder 13 will/shall

never be able; will be helping; won't be helping; will/shall be helping 14 will write, will try; will type 15 will/shall be typing; will type 16 will tell 17 will just be coming 18 will be melting 19 will be talking . . . and showing, will/shall feel 20 will tell, won't believe 21 will just be getting up 22 will be wearing; will wrap . . . and go 23 will be; will be speaking, will be addressing 24 will be reading, will be ringing 25 will still be standing 26 Will you please forward; will/shall be staying 27 will be coming 28 will be leaving 29 won't start; will give 30 will be coming 31 will be looking 32 will you be arriving; will/shall be

travelling; Will there be; will send 33 Will you be using; will put 34 will/shall be having; will be hobbling 35 will enjoy; won't/shan't have; will/shall be map-reading, will/shall be

36 will write

Exercise 136 1 won't do 2 won't come; won't be driving 3 won't/shan't be coming

4 won't have; won't come 5 won't/shan't be teaching 6 will/shall be doing; won't/shan't be eating 7 won't eat 8 won't bite 9 won't be coming 10 will be fishing II won't clean

12 won't/shan't be showing 13 won't/shan't be washing; will/shall be having 14 won't/shan't be wearing; won't recognize 15 won't be, won't believe 16 won't/shan't be delivering

17 won't be wearing 18 won't tell 19 won't be using; won't do 20 will/shall have; won't/shan't be paying 21 won't pay; will have 22 won't work 23 will get on; won't be

working 24 won't even show; won't come

Exercise 137 1 will have repaired 2 will have done 3 will/shall have made 4 will have finished 5 will have planted 6 will/shall have passed 7 will/shall have done 8 will have walked 9 will have lost 10 will have spent 11 will/shall have worked 12 will have been driven 13 will/shall have sent 14 will/shall have given 15 will have died 16 will have

driven 17 will/shall have picked 18 will have sunk

Exercise 138 Part I 1 is looking; sees, rings; answers 2 am ringing 3 says; use 4 uses; eats; don't think, likes 5 would suit/suits; like; would we arrange/do we arrange, use

6 includes; doesn't include 7 see; does the room face 8 faces; looks, gets 9 sounds

10 Would 7 p.m. suit or Will 7 p.m. suit; can't/couldn't/wouldn't be able to, don't get

11 will/would be; don't think, will have; passes, stops 12 I'll find; I'll see 13 comes, asks

14 is coming 15 She'll probably come, are sitting; get; don't think, give 16 do; listens; will

be 17 rings; looks, smiles 18 says, goes

Part 2 19 am speaking; am spending; would you like 20 I'd love; do I get 21 I'll meet

22 I'll do 23 comes 24 sounds 25 see 26 are you doing 27 am spending 28 you'll freeze, doesn't kill; are you getting 29 am catching, is meeting 30 I'll lend; I'll tell 31 likes 32 I'll give, fall, goes; are having, is going, is catching 33 is always going; go 34 comes, hear, will be

16 Conditionals

Exercise 139 1 find, will give 2 smoke, will/may object 3 put, will crack 4 see 5 wins, will get, comes, will get 6 feel 7 wants, will have 8 have finished 9 stands, will capsize 10 isn't working, will have 11 doesn't go 12 hear 13 will get 14 leaves, will be 15 freezes, will be 16 don't take, will have 17 takes, will have 18 don't feel/aren't feeling 19 brakes, will/may skid 20 like, will get 21 would like 22 growls 23 isn't working 24 don't know 25 refuses 26 won't/doesn't help 27 are going 28 do you employ 29 will be 30 hate, don't you change 31 don't want 32 hear 33 will see 34 rings/should ring 35 reach/should reach 36 would care, will send

Exercise 140 Part I Drill ('What'll happen if . . .' is normally replaceable by 'What'll you do if and vice versa. These are possible answers only.) 1 What'll you do if he doesn't pay you tonight? 2 What'll you do if you don't get a permit? 3 What'll you do if you don't pass? 4 What'll you do if he refuses? 5 What'll happen if he chooses Smith? 6 What'll you do if you can't find a cheap room? 7 What'll happen if it doesn't open? 8 What'll happen if I forget it? 9 What'll happen if they don't believe me? 10 What'll you call it if it's a boy?

11 What'll happen if we don't get a lift? 12 What'll happen if it isn't clear of fog? 13 What'll happen/How long will it take if he doesn't help us? 14 What'll happen if he isn't at home?/What'll we do if...? 15 What'll we do if the ice isn't thick enough? 16 What'll happen/What happens if you walk on them when the tide is coming in? 17 What'll we do if it's wet? 18 What'll we do if we (do) have another puncture?

Part 2 1 If you like I can get 2 If you like I'll ask 3 If you like I'll bring the photographs

4 If you like I'll give 5 If you like you can watch 6 If you like I'll arrange a helicopter trip

7 If you like I'll knit you one 8 If you like you can borrow 9 If you like I'll come 10 If you like I'll ask Ann 11 If you like I'll get you an application form 12 If you like I'll go with you 13 If you like I'll paint 14 If you like you can leave 15 If you like we'll postpone 16 If you like I'll ask him 17 If you like I'll arrange for you to meet the President 18 If you like we'll go sailing

Exercise 141 (First person would is normally replaceable by should except in sentences 8, 9, 22.)

1 gave, would sell 2 woke, would have 3 went, would pine 4 went, would lose 5 said, would you do 6 worked, would finish 7 would happen, blew 8 saw, would climb; would not be, would climb 9 came, would call 10 threw, would have 11 asked, would he say

12 would be; would probably start 13 rang, would be 14 saw, would assume 15 would have, were/was 16 rushed, would get 17 bought, would lose 18 had, would bring 19 did, would not be 20 were/was, would still be 21 were/was, wouldn't be staying/wouldn't stay 22 had, would drink 23 drank, would soon get 24 were/was, would not be playing

25 would you go, did 26 kept, would not be running/would not run 27 was/were,

would not be sitting 28 heard, didn't you answer 29 typed, would be 30 had 31 had, would now be sitting 32 would be, would kindly sign 33 stopped, would all fly 34 would still be 35 was, didn't you change 36 won, would be writing/would write

Exercise 142 (The following are possible answers but not the only possible answers.)

1 If she wasn't/weren't so shy she would enjoy 2 If he took more exercise he would be healthier 3 If I had the right change we could 4 If they spoke English to her, her English would/might improve 5 If he worked overtime he would 6 If my number was/were in the directory people would ring 7 If the police were armed we would/might have gun battles

8 If the shops delivered, life would be easier/less difficult 9 If he wasn't/weren't so thin he mightn't feel/ If he was/were fatter, etc. 10 If we had matches we could light 11 If we had a steak we could cook it 12 If I wasn't/weren't so fat I could/would be able to 13 If I asked him he might help 14 If I could drive we could/would be able to take the car 15 If we had a ladder we could 16 If I were you I should/would sell it 17 If I had more time I'd read more 18 If they cleaned the windows the rooms would look brighter 19 If he polished his shoes he'd look smarter 20 If he paid his staff properly they might work better 21 If we had central heating the house would be warmer 22 If I had a dog I wouldn't mind being alone 23 If he didn't spend hours watching television he would have time 24 If I had a vacuum cleaner I'd be quicker 25 If I knew his address I could write 26 If he shaved he'd look more attractive 27 If you worked more slowly you wouldn't make 28 If I could park near my office I'd come by car 29 If I lived nearer the centre I wouldn't always be late 30 If I had a map I could direct 31 If people drove more slowly there wouldn't be 32 If English people spoke more slowly I might/might be able to understand 33 If my house

wasn't/weren't guarded by two Alsatian dogs it would be broken into 34 If the flats were clearly numbered it would be easier to find people 35 If you wiped your feet you wouldn't make muddy marks 36 If I didn't live near my office I'd spend a lot of time

Exercise 143 (Sometimes would below is replaceable by might or could.)

1 had not taken, wouldn't have got 2 had paid, wouldn't have been 3 had told, would have cooked 4 had had, would have been 5 had known, would have lent 6 hadn't had, would have fallen 7 had realized, wouldn't have accepted 8 hadn't taken 9 had been lit 10 hadn't rung 11 had waited, would have seen 12 wouldn't have been, hadn't knocked 13 had patented, would have made 14 had had, would have been 15 had told, would have agreed 16 had been, would have been able 17 had been, would have been launched 18 had known, wouldn't have thrown 19 had known, would have brought; would have enjoyed

20 would have attended 21 would have refused, had offered 22 wouldn't have known, hadn't told 23 had read, would have refused 24 had been playing, would certainly have heard 25 would you have done 26 hadn't rained, would have been 27 had been waiting

28 had used, would have lit 29 hadn't been wearing, should/would have recognized 30 had known, would have backed 31 had been, would have phoned 32 had turned 33 had played,

would have had 34 had booked, would have had 35 had been, would not have been 36 had held, would not have been

Exercise 144 (These are possible answers but not the only possible answers.)

1 If I had seen the signal I would have stopped 2 If I'd known your number I would have rung 3 If she had known you were in hospital she would have visited 4 If there had been taxis we would have taken one 5 If she hadn't been so shy she might have spoken 6 If she hadn't threatened to set fire to her flat I wouldn't have asked 7 If we'd had time we'd have visited 8 If the lift had been working I wouldn't have come up the stairs 9 If we had listened carefully we mightn't have made 10 If we hadn't got a lift we shouldn't/wouldn't have reached 11 If you hadn't washed it in boiling water it wouldn't have shrunk 12 If we hadn't been using an out-of-date timetable we shouldn't/wouldn't have missed 13 If his own men hadn't deserted him he wouldn't have failed 14 If they hadn't been driving so quickly the accident wouldn't have been 15 If it hadn't been raining I would have taken

16 If I'd known that in summer etc. I wouldn't have bought 17 If Tom's father hadn't been on the Board he wouldn't have got 18 If he'd been looking where he was going he

wouldn't have been run over 19 If I'd been brought up in the country I might like country life 20 If I'd known he was so quarrelsome I wouldn't/shouldn't have invited him 21 If it hadn't rained all the time he might have enjoyed his visit 22 If I'd worked hard at school I

would/should/might have got a good job 23 If they hadn't used closed-circuit television they wouldn't/mightn't have spotted 24 If he'd been wearing a shirt they wouldn't have asked him to leave 25 If the streets had been clearly marked it wouldn't have taken us so long 26 If we'd had enough money we would/should have gone by air 27 If you'd put your

hand up the bus would have stopped 28 If he hadn't turned up looking so disreputable they would have given him 29 If I'd known how thin the ice was I wouldn't/shouldn't have been walking 30 If he had taken the fight seriously from the beginning he might have won 31 If they hadn't paid the ransom at once they wouldn't have got 32 If he had read the passage

more slowly the candidates would have understood 33 If they'd been wearing life-jackets they mightn't have been drowned 34 If his wife had encouraged him he might have got

35 If the exit doors hadn't been blocked people would have been able to escape/could have escaped 36 They would have walked further if they hadn't been hampered by or But for the thick dust they would have walked further

Exercise 145 (First person would is normally replaceable by should.)

1 stays, will be/should be 2 didn't know, wouldn't/couldn't understand 3 hadn't got, would/might have come; wouldn't have been 4 knew, did you take 5 were not 6 had not been, would not have cheered 7 had not cheered, would not have run 8 had not run, would not have crashed, would not have been 9 returns/should return 10 why don't you sell/why not sell; had, would sell 11 didn't know, did you offer; would refuse 12 leaves, will/may steal 13 wore, would see 14 hadn't loved, would not have waited 15 had looked, would have been 16 start, will the village people resist 17 would you like 18 won't be able; can't, can't 19 would have been, had become 20 had gone, would be 21 had, would make

22 had known, would have brought 23 bathed, would be 24 stood, would all see, would be 25 were, would get 26 do, please remind/would you please remind 27 would have realized 28 had admitted, would not have been 29 had, would grow; would be 30 had known, would have stayed 31 had, would make 32 had told, would/could have gone

33 spend, won't have 34 hadn't been, mightn't have been 35 had, would get 36 would happen, had; would play, (would) miss, would fail, (would) have; would not feed, would get; would catch, (would) die, would have, would keep.

Exercise 146 Answers are not provided for these open-ended sentences, as the responses by individual students are likely to be varied.

Exercise 147

1 shall/will; will 2 will 3 Shall; will 4 will 5 Will 6 shan't/won't; shan't/won't; will; shall/will 7 will 8 shall 9 shall; won't 10 will 11 Shall; shall/will, won't 12 will 13 shan't 14 won't

15 shall, shall not 16 will; shall/will 17 Shall; will: will, won't 18 shall/will; will 19 shan't; will 20 shall; will 21 shan't/won't; will 22 Will; won't 23 shan't; will 24 shall

Exercise 148

1 should 2 should 3 would 4 Would 5 should 6 would 7 would 8 should/would 9 would 10 should 11 would 12 Would 13 should 14 should; would 15 Would; should 16 should

17 should 18 would 19 should 20 would 21 should 22 should 23 should 24 would

25 Would 26 should 27 should 28 should, should 29 should 30 would 31 would 32 would 33 should 34 would 35 should 36 should

17 Gerund, infinitive and present participle

Exercise 149 1living, to like 2 to travel; to take, to go 3 to buy; selling 4 to catch; getting, getting 5 to complain; losing 6 going, being, putting; telling, to take 7 to lock; go, do 8 to touch, being 9 house-hunting, to ask; looking 10 go; swimming; going 11 to be paid; taking, measuring; to expect, to do, to be, to die 12 spending, arguing, not to go

13 giving, going to live 14 to leave; to call 15 keep you waiting; apologizing 16 telling, to talk 17 earning, to show 18 to start; filling 19 to carry; to move, carry 20 to take; take; cutting; to get, taking; to saw, escape 21 to ask, to leave; asking Tom to do; asking, to travel 22 to cut; sharpening 23 to buy, to ask 24 cheating, buying, dealing/to deal

25 dining, have; to go; having 26 cutting/to be cut; have, to have 27 to convince, managing, helping 28 travelling, standing; queuing, waiting; to go 29 following, criticizing, to hit 30 to stay; wait; to go 31 to rebel, not to adopt 32 arriving; to wait, waiting: to be 33 to come, going; to climb, making 34 to work, getting 35 start; to risk getting

36 calling, letting, decide

Exercise 150

1 sleeping, to camp 2 to come; listening, listening, talking 3 to leave, to put 4 to park

5 smoking, to risk setting, smoke 6 writing, to receive, go 7 buying; shopping 8 to see, to find, buy; trying to travel 9 to turn; working 10 taking, dropping, pretending 11 to grow, buying; to prevent, playing 12 keeping; to fill; asking, to keep; making 13 going; to come; to go, go; travelling 14 go fishing: coming; to cut, wasting, sitting, watching, fishing

15 being, to wait; to see 16 to prevent, rushing, dashing 17 tossing, crashing 18 to eat, trying 19 walking, take; go; to get 20 to start; raining, walking 21 counting, thinking; moving, being robbed; to get, to make 22 letting, keeping, to sell 23 to lean, watching, going, coming; shouting, talking 24 to know, to learn; to greet/greeting, to talk

25 untying, climbing, crawling 26 finding; getting; to know 27 to see/seeing, sitting; relaxing, reading, produce, to be; performing, keeping 28 spending, living, to think, selling, returning 29 arguing; argue; seeing 30 to hear; seeing; to bring 31 receiving, selling; receiving, selling, to sell 32 hovering, being, climbing; run/running; coming/come, leading 33 to be passing, to give, to pick, to drop 34 having; to have; sitting, swirling, taking 35 writing, showing 36 swim; swimming; going

18 Unreal pasts and subjunctives

Exercise 151 1 left 2 had 3 had 4 had 5 had done 6 began 7 knew Shad 9 had asked

10 did 11 had nibbled/had been nibbling 12 mended 13 were addressing 14 were

15 stayed, looked 16 had tied 17 hadn't given 18 had known 19 didn't know 20 were

21 drove 22 had been 23 had not taken 24 had never been 25 had kept 26 paid

27 stopped, started 28 had not said 29 had taken 30 had been standing 31 had never set 32 took 33 had/had had 34 had not tried 35 had not had 36 got

Exercise 152 (The following are possible answers, but not the only possible answers. All the answers will begin: I'd rather you. We are therefore only giving the other half of each sentence.)

1 went by train 2 went with someone/took someone with you 3 started today 4 rang on your own phone/used your own phone 5 slept in the house 6 cooked it under the grill

7 cut it with a knife/with your own scissors 8 stayed on a bit longer 9 came in time

10 waited till morning 11 cleaned it in the garage 12 said nothing 13 wore shoes 14 didn't 15 painted it blue, and without any decorations 16 rang at 7 a.m. 17 didn't threaten him at all 18 bathed during the day/in daylight 19 parked it in the playing field 20 put them in the goldfish bowl 21 went by train 22 borrowed the other one 23 typed it 24 did it today

Exercise 153 (All the answers begin I wish; the words I wish will therefore not be given.)

1 I had a washing machine 2 I lived nearer my work 3 our garden got some sun 4 I hadn't called him a liar 5 I knew Finnish 6 I had booked a seat 7 I had a car 81 could drive 9 Tom would drive more slowly/Tom drove 10 you would keep quiet 11 we hadn't accepted

12 theatre tickets didn't cost 13 shops here didn't shut 14 he had worked 15 you had seen it 16 you weren't going 17 I had a permit 18 it would stop 19 you would wait 20 I had brought a map 21 I had never come 22 I hadn't left 23 I had stayed 24 he would cut 25 he

would stop 26 he went to bed earlier/didn't go so late 27 we knew where we were 28 we had 29 I had known 30 you hadn't told 31 I had asked 32 I could swim 33 you were coming 34 you were going to a job 35 you had asked him 36 every country would stop

19 The passive

Exercise 154

1 The milk is brought, the letters are left 2 letters won't be brought, they'll have to be collected from 3 Things are stolen from, twenty bottles were stolen 4 this street is swept, it wasn't swept 5 This box is cleared, It was last cleared 6 A light was turned on and the door (was) opened 7 This office is cleaned, the upstairs offices are cleaned 8 He was never seen, all his meals were taken up 9 This purse was left . . . it was found by the cleaner 10 1,000 new houses are built, last year 1,500 were built 11 Hot meals are served, coffee and sandwiches can be ordered 12 All sorts of things are left in buses. They are collected by the conductors and (are) sent 13 He was taken to hospital by ambulance 14 Many people are killed and injured . . - can't something be done 15 The warehouse is guarded by dogs. A thief who tried to get in was seen by a dog and chased 16 The police were called and the man (was) arrested 17 Tom, who had only a slight injury, was helped off, but Jack,

who was seriously injured, was carried off 18 This dress can't be washed, it must be dry-cleaned 19 The entire block is being demolished 20 He recommends that new tyres should be fitted 21 He suggested that council tenants should be allowed 22 These calculations used to be done by men; now they are done by a computer 23 The man was tried, found

guilty and sent to prison 24 The knockers of all the flats are polished . . . mine hasn't been polished 25 My piano is being repaired 26 Tickets shouldn't be thrown away . . . they may be checked 27 Jack was invited but Tom wasn't (invited) 28 All the sandwiches were eaten . . . and all the beer (was) drunk. Nothing was left 29 Has my parcel been posted 30 Why wasn't I informed of 31 The book was written by Tom Smith and published by Brown and Co. 32 The car will have to be towed 33 all our copies have been sold but more have been ordered 34 Trespassers will be prosecuted 35 My car was stolen and abandoned . . . The radio had been removed but no other damage had been done 36 Dogs must be kept on leads

Exercise 155

1 The letter hasn't been stamped 2 I wasn't paid for the work; I was expected to do 3 he was being moved 4 I wasn't introduced 5 I was awakened by a frightful crash 6 When this street has been widened the residents will be kept awake all night by the roar 7 The rubbish was thrown away 8 These TV sets are made by a Japanese firm 9 The town was destroyed by an earthquake 10 This could be done much more easily by (a) machine

11 Umbrellas and sticks must be left 12 Tenants are asked not to play 13 Your clock can't be repaired 14 Articles (which have been) bought during the sale cannot be exchanged

15 Fruit has to be picked very early otherwise it can't be got to the market 16 People shouldn't be allowed to park 17 My house is being watched 18 The passage will be read three times 19 Dictionaries may not be used 20 This letter need not be typed 21 '13' has been crossed out and '12A' has been written 22 This man mustn't be moved; he is too ill/he is too ill to be moved. He will have to be left 23 His house was searched and stolen articles were found 24 This room hasn't been used 25 He was taken for 26 These books should have been taken back 27 The children were brought up 28 The For Sale notice has been taken down . . . the house has been sold 29 His house was broken into . ..a lot of his things (were) stolen 30 You have been warned 31 He was knocked down by a lorry

32 My keys were returned to me; they had been picked up 33 The books had to be given back; we were not allowed to take 34 These documents shouldn't be left . . . They should be locked up 35 Coffee and biscuits were handed round 36 Other people's schemes have been tried. Why has my scheme never been tried?

Exercise 156

1 troops have been called out 2 trains were held up by fog 3 this is to be left here. It will be called for 4 police were called in 5 children were not properly looked after

6 reinforcements are being flown in 7 men of 28 were called up 8 he was looked up to by everyone 9 he will be seen off at the airport by all the ministers 10 bed hasn't been

slept in 11 more rooms can be built on 12 he was thrown out 13 different attitude will

have to be adopted 14 he ought to be locked up 15 they weren't taken in by her story

16 house was broken into 17 small plastic toys are being given away 18 notice was taken down 19 smoking is frowned on 20 after a million pounds had been spent . . . the scheme was given up 21 my car had been towed away. I asked why this had been done and was told that . . . it had been parked 22 weapons must be handed in 23 he was shouted down 24 he is often taken for his brother 25 the cork hasn't been taken out 26 pool was to have been used . . . it is being filled in 27 students are being turned away 28 sky-scraper will have to be pulled down as the town planning regulations have not been complied with

Exercise 157

1 money was added up and found to be correct 2 I am having the bathroom tiled 3 a terrible mistake seems to have been made 4 you are supposed to make tea 5 he is known to be armed 6 he was seen to pick up 7 you are known to have been 8 he is believed to have 9 this needn't have been done 10 you had better have it taken in 11 he likes to be called 'sir' 12 this switch isn't to be/mustn't be touched 13 you will have to have/get it seen to or it will have to be seen to 14 this can't be done 15 we are being followed 16 boys used to be made to climb 17 it has to be seen to be believed 18 I am tired of being ordered

about 19 he doesn't like being laughed at 20 this watch needn't be wound/doesn't need to be wound 21 he shouldn't have been told 22 they decided that the money should be divided 23 he is believed to have been killed 24 letters are to be sent 25 she is considered to have been 26 smoking is not allowed 27 the expedition is known to have reached

28 before printing was invented everything had to be written 29 the government was urged to create/they urged that more jobs should be created 30 they suggested that the sale of alcohol should be banned

20 Indirect speech

Exercise 158 (In the exercises on reported speech we often use nouns as subjects: e.g. the policeman, the children, Paul etc. In the answers, to save space, we have often used pronouns.)

1 he said he was going out but he'd be in 2 she said she was working . . . and didn't much care 3 Peter said he couldn't live on his basic salary and he'd have to 4 Mary said her young brother wanted to be . . . she couldn't think why because none of her family had ever been 5 they said they were waiting . . . and it was late 6 he said he had made . . . I said he was always making . . . and should be used to it 7 he said they made . . . and sent . . . to their wives 8 he said it was lonely being away from their . . . but they earned . . . in that/the factory as they would in their own 9 he said they had been there . . . and were going to stay 10 he said he'd got . . . I said that would be . . . he replied he knew it would be hard but he didn't mind . . . and it would be 11 he said the ice would soon be . . .

she said she would look for her skates when she got 12 she said she was living with her parents at the moment but she hoped to have a flat of her own soon 13 she said she was leaving the following day . . . we said we'd come and see her off 14 he said he'd just bought . . . but it wasn't insured yet so he couldn't take me 15 she said she would like to speak . . . but she was bathing . . . and they would drown if she left . . . she went 16 Ann says she is coming . . . next week. She hopes we will meet her 17 She said nothing ever happened . . . it was like . . . people had drifted 18 he said he had missed his train; he'd be late . . . and his boss would be 19 they said they would wait for me if I was late/for us if we were late 20 I said they were supposed . . . but if the fog got . . . the plane might be

21 she said if I lent her . . . she'd bring . . . in two days' time 22 he grumbled he hated getting up on dark mornings; his wife agreed it was horrible but said the mornings would be lighter soon and then it wouldn't be 23 she said the sales were starting the following day and as soon as they finished work the whole . . . pool was going . . . I (said I) hoped they would all get what they wanted 24 he (said he) wished he had something . . . said he had only just had lunch and she didn't know how he could be 25 my aunt said if I was short . . . she could lend me . . . and I could take my time 26 he said he usually took his dog . . . when he came 27 I said I had . . . for her brother. Ann said he wasn't at home; he

had left two days before 28 I said I had bought the bag . . . he said I shouldn't have bought . . . it didn't go with my coat 29 she said she must hurry as her father was always . . . if any of them were 30 he said if I wanted to smoke I would have to 31 he said he was building himself . .. I he wouldn't show it to me just yet but when the roof was on I could come

32 he said the lake would probably freeze that night; it was much colder than the previous night. Mary said she would go . . . and if it was frozen she would make . . . ducks could

33 He said - . . the strikers went back the following day it would be . . . things returned

34 She said someone was trying to murder her. She kept getting 35 she said she was

taking her children . . . the following day 36 she said all she could hear was . . . she wondered if it was

Exercise 159 (See the note to Exercise 158.)

1 he said there had been . . . road was blocked . . . it wouldn't be clear ... he advised us to go/he said we'd better go 2 they suggested lighting ... cooking their sausages 3 he said he was thinking . . . aunt advised him not to go... as it was a bad 4 he warned us to take . . . as we might have to 5 he said he had left some books on my table. He thought I'd find them useful and said I could keep them as long as I needed them but that he'd like . . . when I had finished with them. I thanked him and said I'd take/promised to take 6 he said that if the children could . . . were . . . should be able . . . he was teaching 7 he said the puppy could sleep on their bed . . . she said she'd rather he slept . . . would soon be . . . there wouldn't be . . . all three of them 8 she said she'd try by herself . . . and if she found that she couldn't . . . she'd ask Tom to help her 9 Mary suggested camping by the stream as, or pointing out that if they went on, it might be dark before they found 10 they wished they'd brought their . . . as then they could have offered . . . and perhaps they

(the restaurant) would have given them 11 Jones said he'd booked . . . The receptionist

said she (was afraid that they) hadn't got his letter . . . all rooms had been taken . . . but they could give him . . . Jones said that wouldn't do him 12 he said he'd had gypsies on his land and they'd given . . . Council had asked him . . . . He didn't see why . . . and was writing to his MP 13 he grumbled that the letter was .... She admitted she had done it ...

and said she supposed she'd better 14 he said if they'd like to go on any of the tours the hotel would arrange it. They said they'd like 15 he said they'd try to find my passport but it would be . . . slept . . . might have robbed me 16 she suggested going . . . and said they might make their .... She'd been given . . . . He said he had had . . . from her . . . they had

been 17 he said he didn't know why she wasted . . . the neighbours all I polished . . . she didn't want their Mini . . . . If he were any good . . . he'd help her 18 he apologized for not having a tie on. He said he didn't know it was going 19 he said he would have enjoyed . . . if the man next to him hadn't snored 20 I said I was thinking . . . he advised me to take someone with me. It was safer as one could . . . slept 21 Paul says that the plans have been changed; we're going tomorrow now not the next day. He wants us to meet him at Victoria tonight 22 He said that if he wanted . . . he had to . . . it wasn't hot. I said that was ridiculous and that it was high time he left 23 he said he knew the umbrella belonged to me but he I thought it would be all right if he borrowed it because I wasn't going out

the following day and he was 24 he suggested putting my . . . and making . . . It would be . . . what they were planning. I said/objected that my recorder made . . . and they'd be sure . . . and then they'd find . . . and ask 25 she said whenever her father was unhappy he would go out and buy . . . their rooms were full . . . they couldn't use. Tom said that he was sorry for her father; he must have been 26 he said I could leave my . . . in his garage if I liked . . . he would keep . . . while I was away 27 he told Ann that if she wanted a job she should read . . . it was no use . . . outside her door 28 he said it used to be . . . but that now it was impossible. When summer came I'd have to 29 he said I must leave a note for my . . . otherwise she'd be . . . when I wasn't in at my 30 she said . . . had just arrived . . . and he was . . . She wondered if she should ring . . . wait till he came

Exercise 160 (See note to Exercise 158.)

1 she asked who had been using her 2 he asked if I wanted 3 he asked if I minded 4 they asked if I would like to come with them/they invited me to come with them 5 she asked who I had given 6 he asked how long it took 7 he asked how much I thought it would cost 8 she asked him what he had missed most when he was/had been 9 he asked if the seat was taken 10 He asked how I got on with my 11 they asked him how he had got 12 he asked what I was/had been doing with the skeleton . . . and if I was/had been trying 13 she asked me if I had slept 14 they asked him if he had been there 15 she asked if I could tell her why Paul (had) left 16 he asked how many . . . knew 17 she asked if there were

...for her 18 he asked how long I had been 19 he asked why I wasn't 20 the customer asked if they were 21 I asked where they were going for their 22 she asked if it would be . . . if she came . . . that night 23 he asked if I had ever seen 24 she asked him where she could park her 25 she asked if I would like . . . I asked which way she was going 26 she asked who I wanted 27 he asked if anyone wanted 28 I asked what he was going to do with his 29 I asked if she grew her own 30 he asked what train I was going 31 she asked him if he could change . . . and said she was afraid she hadn't got/and apologized for not having 32 she asked how many . . . he had taken. He said he had no idea 33 they asked if they could see the manager/they asked to see the manager. The secretary asked if they had 34 he asked if I thought I could live . . . on my own . . . or if I would get 35 he asked if any of us had actually seen 36 she asked if she could see/she asked to see/she asked for Commander Smith. I said I was afraid he was in orbit and asked if she would like

Exercise 161

1 he suggested having . . . Ann agreed and suggested going . . . Jack was always 2 she said Jack's parents had asked her . . . the following night and asked what she should wear. Her mother advised her to wear . . . as it was 3 he said he was broke. Peter offered to lend him

4 the clerk said it would take . . . to look up her file. Ann asked if it was worth waiting or if she should 5 he asked if he would have to do... if he failed - . . The teacher said that he would 6 I asked where he would be the next day in case I had to ring him. He said that he would be in his . . . at his flat. He wouldn't be going 7 Mary asked what she should do with the cracked cup and her mother advised her to throw 8 she wondered if she would ever see 9 he asked me to get out . . . and he had to change . . . I offered to help 10 he said he'd run . . . and asked me to give him/asked for a lift 11 he suggested going . . . She said she liked . . . but that her only . . . shoes were being . . . She suggested going 12 he said I had a lot . . . and offered to carry some of them for me 13 he wondered if they would be 14 he asked what he should do with all the money. Mary advised him to take . . . and get/Mary suggested taking . . . and getting 15 Peter offered jack a cigarette. Jack thanked him and said he didn't smoke 16 They asked if she'd like to go/invited her to go with them, saying that there was . . . Ann said she'd love to/Ann accepted 17 she asked Mr Jones if he could do without her that day as she had . . . and thought it might . . . if she stayed. Mr Jones advised her to stay . . . and to take the next day off too if she wasn't better 18 Mary told Paul that she'd just come back to her flat . . . in her chair. He was still there . . . and she asked/wanted to know what she should do. Paul advised her to wake him and ask him who he was, adding that there was 19 he said he wasn't quite . . . and asked Jack to wait/if he could wait . . . Jack said he couldn't wait long because the train went 20 I asked her to take off her hat/if she would mind taking . . . She pointed out that the theatre was . . . and suggested my/me moving 21 he said he often saw . . . and asked if I thought he should 22 I asked what changes he would make if the house was his. He said he'd pull . . . The site was all right 23 he asked for my name 24 he offered to send it round to his hotel/asked if he should send . . . The tourist said he wasn't staying . . . and he'd take it with him 25 I asked (him) how long they would go on looking . . . He said they'd stop when it got . . . and start . . . the following day 26 I said we couldn't discuss it over the phone . . . and suggested meeting in my flat the following day. He said he'd rather I came to his . . . and asked if I could get there 27 he asked for 40p to buy an ice-cream/as he wanted to buy an ice-cream 28 he asked (us) if we would like . . . of his flat, or if we would rather 29 she asked me to help her with her luggage, and said that if I took . . . she'd take . . . I said it was ridiculous . . . and asked if she couldn't manage . . . but she said she couldn't 30 Ann said she couldn't come . . . (so) Peter suggested Tuesday . . . Ann agreed (to this)

Exercise 162 (The verb of command given below is not necessarily the

only possible one. See also the note to Exercise 158.)

1 she told him not to put . . . in his 2 she begged him not to do 3 he urged me to apply . . . as it would just suit me 4 he advised me to say nothing 5 she asked them to wait in the lounge till their flight number was called 6 I advised her not to lend . . . as he never paid 7 she asked him to ring 8 he asked me to move my case/asked if I'd mind moving my case as it was blocking 9 she reminded him to book 10 he told/warned me to get 11 he warned me to avoid Marble Arch as there was going 12 he told me to hold the ladder as it was . . . I suggested tying/advised him to tie it ...as it was much safer 13 he told them to read . . . and not to write 14 he warned me not to leave my money 15 he advised me to open 16 he invited her to lunch that day. She said she was afraid she couldn't as she couldn't leave/She refused, explaining that she couldn't leave 17 he warned me not to take more than two of them 18 I asked to speak to Albert/asked if I could speak . . . She said he was . . . I asked her to wake him as I had 19 he advised me to buy 20 they said I was being exploited and that I ought to leave my job/and advised me to leave 21 she told them to fasten their . . . as there might be 22 he warned me not to drive . . . or oncoming drivers might take me

23 he asked to see my licence 24 I advised him to sweep up 25 she said the bathroom was

empty and asked me to put . . . when I had 26 he reminded me to insure my 27 she begged him not to , . . and reminded him that they had to 28 I urged Tom to go . . . before his toothache got 29 he advised me to cut my hair, saying that I would find . . . if I looked 30 he asked for some more

Exercise 163 (See the note to Exercise 158.)

1 the clerk asked me to fill up the form 2 he asked me to read 3 she asked for a new cheque book. He asked her to show him her 4 Tom says that we are to be ready/should be ready 5 he begged me not to tell his mother 6 he ordered/warned us not to fire 7 he advised me to take 8 she asked me to help her 9 he warned me not to drive 10 he

warned/told/advised me not to smoke II she said that when I'd chosen a book I was to bring it to her and she would 12 he told me to show 13 a notice warned/ordered us to reduce speed at once 14 he asked to see my ticket 15 he warned me to keep an eye on my luggage as the place was 16 he said that when I'd read it I was to pass it on or he told me to pass it on . . . when I'd read it 17 he suggested lighting . . . and cooking 18 he told me to press the button whenever I saw . . ./he said that whenever I saw . . . I was to press

19 he told her to sit down and tell him what was worrying her 20 he told me to walk . . . and just to nod if I recognized my attacker but not to say/and said that if I recognized my attacker I was just to nod but not to say 21 he said that even if I felt hungry I wasn't to

eat/shouldn't eat . . ./he advised me not to eat... even if I felt 22 he asked Ann to ring and order a taxi for him. She suggested (his) going/advised him to go by tube as it was 23 she suggested buying some yeast and making their own bread as the bread they were getting was 24 he advised them to boil the water (first) if they had to use it, and warned them not to drink it unboiled 25 he suggested not telling anyone/that they shouldn't tell anyone till they were . . . report was 26 Tom says he's got the tickets and (that) we're to meet him

27 he urged the strikers to show that they were . . . 28 A notice advised customer to count their . . . as mistakes could not 29 he warned me not to clap yet, as she hadn't finished. He added (that) singers loathed people who clapped 30 he reminded me to put my name

Exercise 164

1 Paul wants me to get him 2 Mr White would like you to meet him 3 Ann offered to get . . . Mr Jones said he'd rather she got . . . Ann said there weren't any and (that) the shops were 4 he told me not to worry . . . as he made . . . I asked if he learnt from his ...or if he kept 5 I said I was looking for . . . who drank in that bar. The barman advised me to keep away from Albert as he didn't like strangers 6 He asked to have a look at my paper/asked if he could have . . . I said I hadn't . . . and asked him to wait . . . He said he couldn't wait long as he was getting 7 she said we had woken or woke . . . the previous night and that we must try . . . that night. I promised we would 8 he complained that the soup was cold . . . and asked why he never had . . . She explained it was because the kitchen was . . . If he insisted on . . . he must/would have to put up . . . He suggested getting . . . She said (that) she wouldn't 9 he said my licence was . . . I admitted that it was but said I had applied . . .

He warned me next time to apply . . . before my current one had expired 10 I said I'd have the money for him the following . . . and asked if I should post it to him. Tom asked me to keep it in my safe till he could come ...a lot of his mail had been going astray lately and he would hate to lose one of my 11 he asked to borrow my map/asked if he could borrow my map. I said he was always borrowing it and advised him to get/suggested his getting/asked why he didn't get one of his own 12 he said that when we heard . . . we were to shut . . . and go or he told us to shut the windows and go downstairs when we heard . . . I asked what we were to do/should do if the stairs were blazing 13 she asked if I could hear the noise and what I thought it was. I (said 1) thought it was . . . but she (said she) thought it was . . . and advised me to go/said I'd better go 14 they told Ann it was her turn . . . that night. She protested that it couldn't be as she (had) babysat the previous night and the night before that, and she was only supposed . . . They begged her to do it just that once and promised not to ask her to do any the following week 15 he said it was the best . . . problem was that they expected . . . The tourists asked why he had brought them there. He told them not to get excited as he kept ties . . . in their predicament, and he asked what colour they would like, adding that the ties were 16 I suggested starting/offered to start/asked if I should start the next day. Tom said he'd rather I started that day

17 I advised her to go and see the film as it might help her . . . Ann pointed out that the film was 18 he said he saw/had seen . . . and one of them (had) sat up and waved to him. I asked which of them (had) waved. He said he didn't know; he wasn't/hadn't been near enough 19 I asked what (had) caused . . . He said she must . . . but he couldn't understand . . . the wreck was 20 she said her car wouldn't start. The battery was flat. She asked them to give her a push just to start her . . . Bill advised her to sell the car. Peter said nobody would buy it and suggested putting 21 he said he'd been given . . . that he'd have to . . . I

suggested (his) throwing . . . and saving himself . . . or I advised him to throw . . . and save himself 22 he told me to press . . . I said that last time he (had) told me to press . . . He said that that had been 23 Tom told me not to brake if I found myself skidding as that only made . . . He advised me to try ...I said I knew what I should do but that when I

started . . . I got . . . that I did. Tom told me to stop and let him . . . as we; were just coming . . . and he didn't want 24 he said he'd run out . . . and asked if I'd got any. I said I hadn't but offered to go out and get some/but said I'd go out . . . if he liked. He told me not to bother as he'd missed 25 he said that repairs to cars rented from them must be arranged through their office. So if anything went wrong with the car I'd hired I was to ring . . . on my card. The office was open . . . I asked what I should do if something went 26 asked why he hadn't . . . He said that they had signalled but that she had come or came on in and had run or ran aground. I asked what was going . . . He said they were going . . . but that if they didn't get . . . that night . . . she would be there till she broke up, and

there'd be 27 I asked why he was spending . . . on the accounts. He said he couldn't . . . he seemed to be . . . and that meant he'd have to . . . of his own money . . . I asked if he'd like me to go through them and see if I could . . . He said he wouldn't, but he'd like me to lend him 28 I asked (Jack) why he was looking so . . . He said he'd just asked Ann to marry

him and she'd refused. I said I thought she preferred . . . and advised him to cut his hair and shave off his beard 29 she asked how he (had) got up the tree. He said he (had) used . . . but that someone went/had gone off . . . he was sawing. He told her to go . . . and not just stand 30 he asked if I was ill and I said that I wasn't. He asked if I'd slept well the previous night and I said that I had. Then he asked/wanted to know why I was sitting . . . were working, and told me to go out . . . and give 31 he asked/told passengers ...to go... Peter advised Mary to go . . . but said that he'd have to . . . He said he'd take . . . than she would and asked her to wait for him 32 Tom says that we aren't to worry about him. He

wasn't badly . . . and is being . . . He says he's coming back next Wednesday . . . and wants us to meet the plane 33 he asked what he was to do with his . . . She advised him to stuff . . . but warned him not to put . . . or they'd go hard 34 he suggested driving on . . . and trying . . . I asked what we would do if that was . . . He said we'd just . . . as it would

be 35 she said they had . . . but that he was . . . wouldn't hear me . . . I asked what I was to do/should do if he woke up. Ann told me to give him some of the biscuits if he started growling. I asked how she knew he liked those . . . She assured me that all dogs liked them. It said so 36 he warned me that if I even touched . . . alarm bells would ring . . . and I would be . . . I asked if he was . . . He told me to try it and see

Exercise 165

1 suggested going . . . and I agreed 2 urged his colleagues to show the nation that they were worthy of their 3 begged his mother to let him stay . . . that night 4 suggested eating . . . Tom objected that it was/would be . . . and suggested going to her flat . . . and having

5 suggested leaving/that they should leave the wrecked car there . . . and said it might remind 6 She said the neighbours would object and Tom said he didn't care 7 suggested going . . . Mary agreed reluctantly 8 said that Tom had made the mess and that he was to clear 9 said that the next day was . . . and suggested buying their mother 10 suggested

taking . . . and camping out. Mary suggested going . . . and being 11 suggested giving a party but her husband was against the idea/opposed the idea 12 advised them not to jump . . . and suggested waiting until they heard . . . of the rumour or suggested that they shouldn't jump . . , but wait 13 warned him that . . . would say it was . . . he said they could say what they liked/he expressed complete indifference 14 urged/exhorted the nations to forget . . . and to work 15 begged him to let her explain and asked him not to be 16 told the gardener to let the children play - . . if they wanted to adding that she was sure they wouldn't do 17 suggested staying there/that we should stay there till the storm had passed 18 grumbled that it was . . . and said that they should do

Exercise 166

1 said that if what she said was true he would have to go/must go 2 said that he had to/would have to/must be . . . the following day 3 asked if he had to make 4 told us that we mustn't come 5 told my nephew that his ticket would cost . . . he said . . . he would have to go . . . the next day 6 The park notice said that dogs must be kept 7 said that Tom must/would have to work 8 said that I needn't come in the following day and told me to take 9 said he had to/must go . . . the following day as he had 10 The notice said that passengers must not lean 11 said that there must be . . . because there was smoke 12 told

him that when he was . . . he would have to tie his 13 said that port wine must never be shaken 14 said he hadn't had . . . and that he must be 15 said that the passport photo wasn't like her and that she must have/would have to have 16 told the children that they must not 17 said that I needn't/wouldn't have to/didn't have to get up till nine the next

day 18 The railway regulations said passengers must be 19 asked (Tom) how he had got his dog . . . He/Tom said that he had carried him. I said that he must be 20 said that I mustn't/wasn't to tell anyone what she had just told me 21 asked (his mother) if he had to/need eat it all and she said that he must/had to 22 said that she had had to drive his pigs out of her garden 23 The notice said that sticks . . . must be left 24 asked her if she had to do it all that night or if she couldn't leave some for the following day 25 told me that when I went through Bayeux I must see 26 said that I must walk faster, I was far too slow

27 told me that I mustn't forget . . . or my friend would have to pay 28 said that he needn't tell me how grateful he was

Exercise 167

1 'Would he like to go to the concert?' she asked, I'm sure he would,' I said. 2 'Look where you are going,' she said to me; 'the road is full of holes and very badly lit.' 3 'While we were bathing,' they said, 'we saw someone examining our clothes.' 4 'Have you looked

everywhere?' I asked. 'Yes,' she said. 5 'Let's give her/what about giving her a bottle of wine?' he said. 6 'The new carpet has arrived. Where am I to put/shall I put it?' he asked.

7 'An enormous load of firewood was dumped at my front gate two days ago. Since then I haven't been able to get my car out,' he said. 8 'Have some more wine?' they said. 'Yes, please,' I replied. 9 If you find the front door locked, go round the back,' he said to me.

10 'Who are you?' she asked the burglars, 'And who let you in?' 'Sit down and keep quiet,' they replied, 'unless you want to get hurt.' 11 'What was the weather like during your holiday?' he asked. It was awful,' I answered. 12 'Let's go down to the harbour and see/What about going down . . . and seeing if we can hire a boat?' he suggested.

13 If you don't like escalators, you can go up the emergency staircase,' he told me. 'Thank you, I'll do that,' I said. 14 'What about Tom and you going ahead and getting the tickets?' or 'Suppose you and Tom go ahead and get the tickets?' he said to me. 15 1 think your electric iron is unsafe. I advise you to have it seen to' or 1 should have it seen to' or

'Why don't you have it seen to?' he said to me. 16 If war breaks/broke out, I shall/should have to leave the country at once,' he said. 17 'Did you enjoy house hunting?' I asked him. 'No,' he said. 18 1 am surprised to see that the grandfather clock has stopped. Has anyone been fiddling with it?' she asked. 19 1 tried to ring up my mother several times yesterday, but I didn't succeed in getting through,' she said. 20 'Would you like to borrow this book?' I asked her. 1 have read it already, thank you, and didn't like it very much.' 21 'Are you going to the dance? Let's make up a party and go together' or 'What about making up a party and going together?' he said. 22 'Stop making a fuss about nothing! You are lucky to have got a seat at all,' I told her. 23 'Do you want a single or a return ticket?' asked the clerk in the booking office, 1s a return any cheaper?' I asked. It makes no difference,' he said. 24 1 hope you won't be offended,' my employer said, 'if I tell you that in my opinion you would do better in some other kind of job.' 25 If your wheels had gone a couple of inches nearer the edge, madam,' said the AA man, 'the car would have plunged into the ravine.' 26 'You mustn't mind if the first one isn't any good,' he said to me. 27 'Do you think I am a liar?' he asked the crowd. 'Yes!' they shouted. 28 Stopping a man in the street, I asked, 'Would/could you help me with my car?' 'Would/will it take long?' asked

the man. I'm on my way to catch a train.'

21 Time clauses

Exercise 168

1 begins 2 gets 3 open 4 are 5 start 6 receive/have received 7 like 8 are 9 slows 10 stops 11 will explain, are 12 read/have read 13 have been 14 have cleaned . . . and painted or

clean . . . and paint 15 have settled/settle 16 see 17 have seen 18 have finished/finish

19 have reached/reach 20 have done 21 lifts/has lifted 22 arrives 23 know, will give 24 has cooled/cools 25 have finished/finish 26 have given 27 will tell, are 28 have been, will let

29 have flown 30 has been 31 come 32 shall/will have finished, see, finish/have finished, start 33 have seen 34 have driven 35 will give, wakes 36 arrived

Exercise 169

1 gets 2 come 3 stops 4 have done 5 saw 6 comes 7 go/are going 8 get; see 9 come, cross 10 arrive; gets 11 am sitting; am walking 12 has finished/finishes 13 starts 14 have paid/pay 15 arrives 16 have worked 17 do/are doing 18 have done 19 have finished

20 have had 21 have been 22 have read 23 reached 24 has saved 25 are queueing

26 shall/will be cruising 27 am 28 have seen 29 retires/has retired 30 has saved 31 stopped 32 arrived 33 had finished/finished 34 am waiting 35 was cleaning, or pretending

36 needed

Exercise 170

1 As 2 As 3 When 4 As 5 When 6 As 7 As 8 When 9 When/Whenever 10 when 11 As

12 As 13 When 14 as 15 When 16 When/Whenever 17 As 18 as 19 as 20 as 21 As

22 When/Whenever 23 as 24 When 25 as 26 as 27 as 28 As 29 When 30 When 31 As

32 As 33 When 34 When 35 As 36 When

22 Phrasal verbs

Exercise 171

l out, in/back 2 for 3 on with 4 out of 5 up to 6 away with 7 up 8 out/about 9 off/away

10 up to 11 out 12 on with 13 over 14 over 15 up 16 away 17 through 18 off 19 up to

20 through 21 away 22 over 23 off 24 up to 25 in 26 over 27 out 28 for 29 off/into/on

30 on 31 up to 32 back 33 on/along 34 away with 35 back/in 36 out of

Exercise 172

1 on 2 back 3 down 4 after 5 in 6 ahead 7 off/away/back 8 at/for 9 out of/away from

10 back II up 12 back 13 up with 14 round/back 15 out 16 for 17 out for 18 out 19 back

20 forward to 21 in 22 into/at 23 on 24 out on/on to 25 through/over 26 through 27 up

28 up 29 up, down 30 forward to 31 up to 32 at 33 down on 34 up 35 on 36 through

Exercise 173

1 to/round 2 ahead/on 3 round 4 for Son 6 out 7 into/over 8 off 9 up 10 out II in for

12 out 13 down 14 round 15 up to/over to 16 through 17 back on 18 through with 19 up

20 into 21 down 22 back 23 over/through 24 off 25 along/on 26 off/away 27 away/off

28 in for 29 across/upon 30 up 31 without 32 down 33 round 34 on with 35 out 36 down

Exercise 174

1 in 2 away with 3 aback 4 through Sup 6 up 7 down 8 after 9 after 10 over 11 up 12 back 13 up against 14 to 15 away with 16 up 17 down 18 off 19 over/through 20 to 21 over

22 for 23 into 24 in 25 for 26 out of 27 out 28 on 29 away 30 in 31 down 32 down

33 on/over 34 into 35 in 36 over

Exercise 175

1 down 2 away 3 at 4 into 5 down 6 in 7 down 8 off 9 out 10 on II down 12 on 13 for

14 off 15 out 16 in 17 down 18 at 19 for 20 off 21 up 22 out 23 down 24 off 25 in 26 up 27 out 28 off 29 back 30 up 31 out 32 into 33 over 34 up 35 out of 36 out/up

Exercise 176

1 away 2 back 3 up 4 off 5 for 6 back 7 off 8 out 9 off/out 10 up II down 12 up 13 away 14 out 15 up 16 away 17 on 18 in 19 up 20 off 21 down to 22 up 23 out 24 out/off

25 up with 26 up 27 on 28 up for 29 up 30 out 31 up 32 down 33 up 34 forward/on

35 out 36 down

Exercise 177

1 away 2 back 3 down 4 in 5 through 6 off 7 off 8 out of 9 off 10 in 11 away 12 up

13 down 14 out 15 out 16 on 17 in with 18 down/on 19 down 20 up/away 21 off 22 off 23 over 24 off 25 in 26 up 27 up 28 off 29 up 30 down 31 off 32 out 33 back on

34 out/on 35 round 36 out

Exercise 178

1 about 2 for 3 away with 4 for 5 out/off 6 over/about 7 for 8 up 9 away 10 off/out

11 through 12 for 13 up 14 round/to 15 out 16 up 17 up 18 over 19 up 20 up

21 round 22 in 23 about/around 24 out 25 out 26 away 27 down 28 out 29 up 30 on

31 up 32 down 33 up 34 up 35 on to 36 up

Exercise 179

l out 2 out of 3 up 4 about 5 back 6 in 7 out 8 back 9 up 10 up to 11 for 12 out 13 up

14 out 15 up 16 up 17 up to 18 in 19 up 20 up 21 in 22 out 23 back 24 on 25 for

26 away 27 into 28 out 29 out 30 on 31 by 32 up 33 off 34 up for 35 down 36 off

Exercise 180

1 over 2 out 3 for 4 off 5 up 6 out 7 to/about 8 out 9 up 10 in/out/round 11 away

12 through 13 back 14 up 15 up 16 out 17 up 18 out 19 out of 20 out 21 away 22 after

23 up with 24 up 25 to/about 26 up with 27 in/up 28 out 29 down 30 out 31 up/in 32 back 33 off 34 away 35 up 36 out

Exercise 181

1 down 2 up 3 off 4 up 5 up 6 down 7 in 8 up 9 out 10 up II in 12 at 13 up 14 up 15 up 16 with 17 out 18 on 19 off 20 up 21 out 22 out 23 on 24 up 25 down 26 for 27 out for 28 up 29 off, off 30 on 31 without 32 out 33 down 34 up 35 out 36 up to

Exercise 182

1 out of 2 out for 3 up to 4 up to 5 up with 6 up against 7 up for 8 away with 9 back on 10 out of II up for 12 away with 13 in with 14 up with/in 15 on with 16 on to 17 away with 18 up to 19 back on 20 out for 21 round to 22 over to 23 up to 24 out of 25 up with 26 up with 27 up to 28 down on 29 forward to 30 out to 31 on with 32 out of 33 out on/on to 34 up with 35 up, down 36 in for

Exercise 183

1 account for 2 blew it up 3 broke off 4 called off 5 carry out my orders/carry my orders out 6 catch up with them/catch them up 7 clear up a mystery/clear a mystery up 8 came across 9 come off 10 came round/to 11 cutting road deaths down/cutting down road

deaths 12 enter for/go in for 13 get off/out of 14 get out of it 15 gave out the names/gave the names out 16 give up smoking 17 go up, come down 18 went into/looked into 19 set off/out 20 take up 21 bring up children/bring children up 22 held up 23 turn up 24 picked Spanish up/picked up Spanish 25 up to you 26 jump at it 27 keep off 28 keep up with him 29 knocked him out 30 let you off 31 getting over it 32 leave/miss out or leave/miss . . . out 33 looking them up 34 make up for 35 mix up 36 pay me back/out

Exercise 184

1 Let me in 2 looked at her 3 rang him up 4 look after 5 made it up 6 pull through 7 look out 8 put off 9 look on him 10 put on uniform 11 look into 12 looked through me 13 look up my sister/look my sister up 14 put out 15 put up 16 put you all up 17 ring up 18 runs down his own garden 19 run down 20 running into 21 run up against 22 put in for 23 call in/send for 24 settle down 25 sat/stayed up 26 stand for 27 stood by him 28 takes after him 29 took up golf 30 taking me in 31 throw/give up a good job 32 turned down her application/turned her application down 33 turned out 34 wound up 35 work out 36 took on, worn out, give it up

Exercise 185

1 went 2 broken 3 set 4 turn 5 wore 6 called 7 wait 8 call/put 9 put 10 try 11 get 12 come 13 knock 14 leave Intake 16 sent 17 carrying 18 let 19 put 20 hand/pass 21 looks

22 go/keep 23 turning 24 move 25 put/switch/turn 26 put 27 puts 28 Come 29 put 30 see 31 got/jumped 32 get 33 taken 34 took 35 took 36 showing

Exercise 186

1 up to 2 brought up 3 break up 4 caught up with 5 been up to 6 do up 7 drew up 8 fill in 9 got up 10 gave it up 11 gave up 12 went up to 13 grow up 14 held up 15 keep up with

16 picked up 17 make up for 18 pick up 19 lock up 20 pulled up/drew up 21 put up with 22 tied up 23 mixed up 24 locked up 25 ring him up, look up 26 turned up 27 took up 28 put up 29 settle up 30 make up 31 make up 32 wash up 33 stood up for 34 wound up 35 stay up/sit up 36 sat up

Exercise 187

1 dropped out 2 carry out 3 breaks out 4 cut it out 5 find out 6 getting out 7 died out 8 cut/leave out 9 make out 10 backed out 11 throw out 12 pick out 13 keep out 14 looking out 15 Look/Watch out 16 sold out 17 ran out 18 rub it out 19 pointed out 20 see/show you out 21 turned out 22 set out 23 put out 24 moving out 25 wipe out 26 work/find out 27 find out 28 put out 29 wear them out 30 blew out 31 gone out 32 let them out 33 fall

out 34 come out 35 look out/watch out 36 stands out

Exercise 188

1 turned it down 2 running down 3 took it down 4 Put it down 5 settle down 6 took over 7 talk it over 8 ran away 9 let me down 10 went over/through 11 backed away 12 closing down 13 got over 14 look down 15 broke down 16 look it over 17 backed away 18 clear away 19 ran away 20 shouted down 21 was over 22 do away 23 die down 24 burnt down 25 broke down 26 turned away 27 boiled over 28 give it away 29 handed down 30 puts away 31 got/ran away 32 talk over 33 cut down 34 come/go down 35 went down/were over 36 turn over

Exercise 189

1 get on 2 take over 3 jump at 4 taken aback 5 make up 6 carry on 7 think it over 8 breaks up 9 look in 10 fix you up 11 turn it down 12 hanging about 13 turn up 14 taking on

15 closing down 16 settled down 17 picked up 18 handed over 19 take to 20 looking Bill up and down 21 care for 22 go on 23 put on 24 take off 25 pointed out 26 answer me back 27 fell out 28 stand up for 29 keep out 30 look up 31 looking for 32 puts customers off 33 fall off 34 make out 35 ordered about 36 put up with 37 broke out 38 put in

39 make up for 40 taken in

Exercise 190

1 got up 2 washed up 3 set out/off 4 pick up 5 get on 6 turned out 7 care for 8 took to

9 brought up 10 pointing out 11 showing off 12 turn/switch off 13 burn down 14 ring up

15 switch/turn off 16 get in 17 locked up 18 break in 19 go up 20 rang up 21 see to

22 held on 23 got in 24 turned/switched off 25 went on 26 got out 27 handing/passing round 28 pulled/drew up 29 let you off 30 get away with 31 put out 32 put up with

33 looks up to 34 grows up 35 looking toward to 36 looking for 37 fed up 38 caught up with 39 dying away 40 keep up with 41 get to 42 put us up 43 sold out 44 talking over

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