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I walk through this dreaded school, wishing I had already started and won war between humans and werewolves. Ugh, I wish my dad could just see how stupid these animals are. They shove each other in to these weird metal boxes they call 'lockers', and hang others 'under pants' on the big beam that sticks high up in the sky. It has this weird blanket-like thing on the end of it, stripes and stars decorating it. 

The only thing that keeps me from starting- and winning- a war against these human-animals is my dad. Well, and my friend, Lyall. They never liked the idea of war, but I always did. Ever since they- Never mind, that's a story for another time. 

The bell rings, a thing humans have to keep them from being late to their classes. I don't even want to be in this smelly dump, but my dad forced me to for I have been 'acting like an idiot' lately. At least, that's what he says.  

One day, when I am the alpha of the pack, we're going to war against the humans. 

I run over to my class, history, so I'm not late. I wasted enough time standing around. I walk over to my seat, making it seem like I had walked over here and wasn't in a rush. I sit down and reach for my pencil as I flip my book open.

"Alright, class. Flip to page 57 in your text book. Today were learning about the war between humans and werewolves, which I'm sure you all have heard about before?" My teacher says.

"Yeah, how could we have not? Those idiotic creatures and their stupid leader. They almost destroyed our whole city, luckily for us we had Turner Falcon." A kid says from the back of the class.

Ugh, Greg Finch. Perhaps one of the stupidest kids in this school. Although he's stupid, he acts like he's one of the smartest kids in the whole school. It irritates me to hear him say such nonsense, making me want to rip him limb from limb.

"Well, actually, they were kind of in the right. If it wasn't for the governor trying to burn their home, they wouldn't have lashed out so angrily, right? We- I mean, they- only tried to protect themselves." I say.

Greg starts to slowly sink in his seat, knowing that he had just been burned. 

"Yeah, that's what I thought. Maybe do your research next time, Gregory." I say.

The teacher looks at me, "Well, Fenris, it seems you know so much about this subject. How about you come up here and teach the class a little bit about it, hmm?" She says sarcastically. 

"Sure, gladly." I say, throwing a sarcastic comment back at her.

She turns around, a slightly angry expression on her face. I haven't really been on the greatest terms with her, or really any of the teachers. That doesn't matter to me, though, because I'll be out of this stupid school sooner then my dad thinks.

I've been planning an escape plan over the past week, and I think I've covered just about every possibility. I'm thinking sometime during lunch, I'll get my friend to cause a distraction while I escape. 

Oh yeah, I forgot to introduce you to my other friend, Rafe. His dad also forced him to take classes at this school because he's been getting in some trouble lately. Well, sort of.

I mostly dragged him into everything, but he still took the blame. I respect him for that, so when I do become alpha of the pack, I'll have to make sure to always let him have a say in things.

We've only known each other for about three years, but it seems like I've known him for a lifetime. 

"So, Fenris was slightly right, but he left out one big detail; the governor only tried to burn their home because the leader of their pack killed some of our people. Anyways," My teacher continued talking to the class.

Wait, what? Dang, now people are lying to each other. 

My grandpa did not attack them first, they attacked us. He attacked them so he could keep his people alive! He didn't threaten them at all! Man, this is crazy.

I tried to ignore the 'statement' my teacher had just made and continue listening to her. It was hard to stay focused though, Greg throwing crunched up pieces of paper at my from behind while my teacher wasn't looking and stuff. I swear, if he does it one more time, I'll make him feel sorry and wish he had never messed with me.

To show him my annoyance, I turned around and stared at him. When I got his attention, I slid my finger over my throat; a sign of threatening to kill him. Of course, though, he just ignored it and laughed slightly. 

He threw another piece of crumbled up paper at me, missing by a few inches. Without looking, or even thinking, I reached out and caught the paper. Huh, that's new.

I turn around to see his cowering face slowly shrinking under his desk once more. What an idiot. 

"Huh," I say quietly, "Picking on someone you can't even handle. Sign of weakness, in my opinion." 

Someone beside me snickered, hearing the statement I had made.

"Well then," Greg says, trying to act tough and defend himself, "I guess you won't have a problem meeting my behind the school later, hmm?"

I look at him as a smile slowly spreads across my face. I nod, excepting his offer of beating him up. If only he knew what I was capable of. Well, I guess he wouldn't have challenged me, then.

Not only am I capable of doing so much, but I'm only 16! If I was older, just imagine what I could do to him. 

The bell rings and I jump out of my seat, heading for the door. Greg follows right behind me, clenching his fist beside his waist. 

I look out of the corner of my eye to see him walking a few feet behind me, followed by his goons. What a weak person, having to have people that are stronger then him to fight his battles. 

"So, what are the ground rules?" He asks me as we made our way out side.

"There are only two; Don't kill, and no using your goons to help you win your own battle."

The 2 men walked up to him, angry. He sticks his arms out to stop them and looks at me with an evil smile spreading across his face, assuming he would win.

"That's all? are you sure you want broken bones? Maybe a person to go call for help if I hurt you too bad? 'Cause I could arrange a meeting with the school nurse really easily, I'll just have to cancel other appointments that other people I beat up have." He says.

His goons start laughing. I would let someone watch to go get the nurse, but I would rather let him suffer then let him have aid. 

"So, are we gonna start yet? Or are you going to continue to mumble to yourself?" I say.

His evil smile turns to a face of anger. Yeah, I thought that would spark some anger somewhere. They're so much more fun to fight when they have adrenaline flowing through their veins.

He runs at me, swinging his fist at me. I dodge it, returning a punch to his stomach. He falls to the ground and huffs. Well, that was fast. I thought as I saw him laying on the ground.

"Give up yet?" I ask him as I see him laying on the ground.

He looks up at me, "Only getting started." 

He kicks my legs, causing me to fall to the ground. You've got to be kidding me.

I look up at him as he tries to stomp on me, but I roll and dodge it once again. I hop up and stare at him, seeing the slight fear in his eyes. No matter how hard he tries to hide it, I'll always be able to tell when he's scared.

He runs at me again, throwing his fist at my face. I look away, then did something I didn't even know I could do. 

I look back to see his fist in my hand, struggling to break free.

"Hah!" I exclaim.

"What the-" I cut him off as I throw him to the ground by his fist, knocking the wind out of him. I knew he should've never messed with me.

"So, give up now?" I say, this time a few steps away from him, remembering my last mistake.

He taps the floor, unable to get any words out. I looked over at his goons. 

I jerk towards them, making them jump backwards. I smile and step over Greg's limp body as I head for the bus stop. What an idiot.

When I arrived, I looked behind me to see the school nurse rushing over to Greg with a man behind her. Crap, I think as I rush in to the bus. 

As I sit down, I look at my left hand, seeing the bit of blood on it from when I fell. Oh well, it should be healed by tomorrow.

"Hey, Fenris. How was today?" Rafe asks as he sits down next to me.

I motion towards my arm then at Greg out the window, being held up by the nurse and one of his friends.

"Come on, not again, Fenris. Your dad will probably find out about that, you know. The more things you do here, the more semesters he'll make you take here."

I look at Rafe, "I know, but he challenged me! I'm no coward, so of course I excepted."

He shakes his head and opens a book, flipping to the exact page he needed to flip to.

"What are you reading?" I ask him.

"The Twilight Saga. It's actually pretty accurate, to be honest. They actually say that were wolves can shapeshift, not only turn into a werewolf at a full moon."

"Huh, cool. Could I borrow it when you're done reading it? Life's been pretty boring recently."

He nods then goes back to reading. Great, now all that's left to do today is hope my dad doesn't find out about the fight.

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