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Remus, Rafe and I walk out the door, closing it as we exit. Rafe locked the door and sighed, turning around. He lifts his head up to face me, an unsure expression stretched across it. 

I thought he was going to say something, maybe something to try and persuade me, but he didn't. Instead, he just shook his head and started walking towards the opening of the cave.

I turn around to look at him walking towards it, not looking back. Though I couldn't see his face, I already knew what it looked like; that one disappointed look your parents give you when you do something wrong.

Remus walks by me, placing his hand on my shoulder. I sigh then run up to them, catching up. 

"Wait, where are you going, Rafe?" I ask him, forgetting I haven't told him the second part of my plan yet.

"Umm, with you, obviously. If the humans found out you were the alpha of the werewolves, they might get ideas. So, I'm coming with you to ensure that doesn't happen."

I rub the back of my neck innocently, "Well, actually, I need you here. The werewolves can't be left without a leader for weeks, so I need you to stay here and be the temporary alpha."

 He looks at me like I was joking, "Haha, you're pretty funny Fenris, I'll give you that!" He lets out a sigh to relieve himself, then looks back up at me. "Oh, you're serious." 

I nod my head, Rafe getting slightly mad at the same time. Mad because I didn't tell him, mad because he has to be left in charge, and mad because this plan is stupid. That is something I can agree on.

"Look, Fenris," He says, getting closer to me, "I don't know why this is the plan you made. To go soft and slow, to let Conri get exactly what he wants, it's just not like the old Fenris I remember. What happened to starting a war with the humans?"

I let out a sigh, "Look, I was an ignorant kid, that's for sure. I didn't know right from wrong, I felt like all humans were stupid, and I beat up know-it-all punks behind the school. But I've learned better, and I feel like this is the right approach."

"I don't see how this could be the right approach, letting Conri get his way and make a lot of our kind suffer. It's not just us that some crazy werewolves are after, Fenris," He says, making my heart beat faster, "it's everyone that's a 'human'."

I look off in the distance, staring into space. Not a thought flew through my head except for one; that maybe this isn't the right approach. Leaving Rafe here as a temporary alpha, while others are trying to kill him? It's the stupidest plan ever.

Though, maybe stupid is what could make this happen. Maybe stupid is what will save us all. Maybe stupid is what could put an end to Conri, once and for all.

I shake out of my deep stare, looking up at Rafe. No matter what he thinks, I thought about one of the worst possible outcomes of if we don't use my plan.

"Rafe, I just thought of something," I say, his face filled with anticipation," If we take the rough approach, attacking Conri with an army, he could attack the humans. The humans don't know about all of this, so they might think it was us."

He looks at me, slightly confused, "Okay, and what has that got to do with us?"

"Because if they think it was us who attacked them, they might attack us back, and what's stopping Conri to somehow blame it on us?"

"But why doesn't he just do that right now? Couldn't he just win like that?" Remus asks me.

I look at him, realizing something, "No, because he knows that he'll only do that if we attack him first." I say.

I frantically look around, feeling a pair of eyes on me. I drop my bag full of supplies on the ground, looking up in a tree. No one's there, so I just look like a complete idiot to Rafe and Remus. 

"Are you good? You seem a little... more off then usual." Rafe says, popping a slight joke at the end. 

Remus starts cracking up, practically slamming his hands on the ground and wheezing. I stop looking around and stare at Remus, along with Rafe. Even some rando just walking across the street started staring, confused. He started walking faster.

"Remus, shut up." Rafe says, slapping him on the back of the head, "It wasn't even that funny, and the last thing we need is to draw attention to us."

Remus straightens himself up and stops laughing, putting on a serious face. What a kid...

I roll my eyes and hear a rustle in the tree, my eyes shooting towards the sound. Rafe and Remus join me, also hearing the noise.

"Did you guys hear that?" I ask, sure I wasn't just going crazy.

"Yeah, in the tree," Remus says, keeping his gaze on the tree.

I take a few steps towards the tree, the noise suddenly picking up in pace. Rafe and Remus join me, walking a  few feet behind me. Surprisingly, nobody was around the area except for us. At least, that we knew of.

I look deeper into the thick green branches of the tree, seeing some slight movement. I peer my eyes, trying to get a closer look at whatever's in the tree.

I could finally see it; well, some of it. All I could see was a shadow, larger then any common human. A werewolf.

I whisper to Remus and Rafe, "It's a-" The shadowy figure jumps out of the tree, running away.

"Chase after it!" Remus yells.

We all run towards the figure. There was next to no hope in us catching up, but at the time, we weren't thinking about logic. We were thinking about who that person was, and why was he listening in on us?

"Naw, I can't run any faster. We might as well stop now." Rafe says, losing all hope.

I nod my head, gasping for breath. Hopefully that's the last we see of that mysterious figure.

"Who was that guy? Does he work for Conri, perhaps?" Remus asks, winded and out of breath.

"I don't know, and I hope not. If he does, he might tell him all about our plan." I say.

Rafe thinks for a moment, along with Remus and I. I looked at Rafe with that little smirk on his face. Ugh, that smirk. The one he would give me when we were younger and we- I- got in trouble.


I remember this one time when we were younger, probably around 13 or so, I tried to sneak a... let's just say, a 'not that harmful explosive device', into a kid's... backpack.

In my defense, that kid was an annoying jerk who had it coming. Like, come on, how else was I supposed to act when he looks at my funny after cracking a joke in class? What a teacher's pet. 

Anyways, I found his backpack just lying there on the ground next to a chair in the library. It was perfect; his backpack was right there, he was off looking for books, and I just so happened to have a stick of dyna- I mean, 'not that hurtful explosion device', in my pocket! 

I reached out for the zipper of his backpack, slowly reaching my hand into my pocket. It all would have gone just as planned, too, but Rafe just had to stop me.

"Hey, what do you-" He looked at my hand, slowly taking out the stick of dynamite, "Wow, Fenris! Come on, wishing for a war with the humans is one thing, but trying to blow up Hugho? Come on, man."

I looked at him, rolling my eyes as I pull it out more. "Dude, it's just a harmless little prank. What's the worse that could happen?" 

He turns away and sits down, glancing over at me. I slowly stick the stick into his backpack, thinking the plan would go exactly as planned. And it would have, too, but then...

"Fenris, what are you doing?!" My science teacher, Mrs. Georgia, yelled. 

I quickly hide the dynamite in his bag, spinning around to face her. "Ahh, Mrs. Georgia! How have you been?" 

She opens her mouth to respond, when suddenly, a big boom went off behind me. Mrs. Georgia gasps and jumps back, while I just stand there, shocked with my eyes closed. Hugho peers around the corner of the book shelf, using an open hard cover book as a shield.

"Hey, my backpack! What the heck did you do, Fenris?" He yells.

My teacher looks at me, a disappointed and mad look on her face. She opened her mouth to talk, when suddenly, once again, she was interrupted. The sprinklers came on.

"P-" This time, I cut her off.

"Principals office, now." I say, %101 percent sure that was what she was going to say. 

I walk out the door, taking a quick glance at Rafe. He looked at me with that face that said 'I told you so'.


"Well, Fenris, if Conri might know what our whole plan to stop this is, we should probably change it. Right?" Rafe says. I knew that was coming.

I sigh, "Well, Rafe, you actually have a point this time. We leave tomorrow, after we figure out a new plan." 

Rafe smirks, heading towards his house with a slight skip in his step.

Remus looks at me, "I- I need to get home. See you tomorrow." He runs off.

I shake my head and head home, thankful no werewolf was standing in my way. That could have been bad...

I open the door to my house, taking a deep breath before shutting it. I lay in my bed oblivious of the mysterious thing spying on me around the corner as I walked inside. The thing that smiled that evil smile, the one that could give you nightmares. 

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