37 - Anywhere

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I sat on my bed motionless as I stared at my closet, hoping an outfit would walk out screaming "choose me", but that didn't happen. I didn't have the a computer that dressed me or showed me what the outfit would look like on me, clueless should have warned me about that.

'Where is my shoebox?'

I looked around as I got distracted by my own thoughts. It was on my dresser last and now it wasn't there. I let out a sigh as I shook my head, refocusing on the issue at hand.

What made it hard was the fact that I only got told to "dress nice but warm". I wasn't told where we were going. What does "dress nice but warm" even mean? Is that nice pants and a top? A dress? A skirt and a top? I was so confused and I felt hopeless as I didn't have Nikki with me this time around to help me get dressed. So I did the next best thing, I jumped on google and stole some ideas off these strangers who knew how to dress themselves. After wasting ten minutes of my time, I jumped off my bed in confidence and walked straight into my closet, hoping I can find something cute to wear.

I stood there going through each item until I finally managed to find a simple black skater dress, that had a small v neck cut just above the chest area and the sleeves were see-through lace. After trying the dress on and being satisfied with how it sat, I paired it up with black tights, my ankle boots and short leather jacket. I stared at myself in the mirror, smiling at my efforts. Doubt started to creep in my mind so I quickly walked away and into the bathroom before I changed my mind on the outfit.

I stared at myself in the mirror as I decided if I should put makeup on or keep it more natural. I let out a sigh as I stood there, I should be thrilled about my date but somethings got me in a mood. Detective Watson has me stressing out about Noah and whether I should press charges or not. The only reason I cooperated was because I knew it would help Jaxon's case, I just can't help the feeling of embarrassment. I felt so exposed and utterly vulnerable as I told them every single word that was passed between Noah and I. I let out a sigh before shaking my head, I wasn't going to let myself ruin this night. I looked up into the mirror before smiling at myself, I was going to have a good time and I wasn't going to be a downer about it. I grabbed the eyeshadow brush as I made the decision to wear a bit of makeup tonight.

* * *

I kept my eyes on our hands and how perfect they felt entwined. Jaxon had picked me up at 6:00pm sharp, luckily he had his car and not his bike because that would have been a rather interesting ride. Now, we sat with his hand on my lap as we drove to a destination only he knew. I sat blissfully in silence, completely unaware of my surroundings. When I looked out the window I had to blink twice to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

'What the hell are we doing at the pier?'

"Isn't it a bit cold to go swimming in the beach?" I asked as I looked over to Jaxon. I smiled as I saw his lips form into a smile before a chuckle escaped his lips.

"We aren't swimming, so your hair and makeup are safe."

I let out a light chuckle before playfully slapping his hand, "Thank you. You're so considerate."

"Anything for you babe." He said before looking over quickly at me to give me a playful wink, before concentrating on the road again.

I watched our surroundings in awe as he got closer to where the dock was, before parking the car. I went to open my door just as I had collected my coat and handbag, only to find that the door had already opened from the other side. Jaxon looked at me before smirking at me, opening the door wider as he mockingly bowed down, "We have arrived, Ma'Lady."

"Why, thank you." I responded back as I took his hand and got out of the car gracefully.

He looped my hand around his and began walking down the dock. I looked around and couldn't see any restaurants so I was completely and utterly confused. I wanted to ask him so bad where we were heading but I just needed to remain patient, so I held on and followed along.

"You will see soon." He mumbled softly as we kept walking. I looked at him in shock, it was like he could read my mind.

I hadn't seen anyone else around, we were the only two people silly enough to go out to the pier on a night like this. I saw two people with big square bags that were walking towards us. It made me curious as to where they were headed, my head unintentionally turned to face them as they walked towards the location to which we came from. Shaking my head at myself I turned to face the front before I fell, no doubt landing in the water. We stopped in front of a beautiful white boat that sat in the water, swaying to the rhythm of the water.

"Meet the Li Jaxathon."

"Li Jaxathon? Is this your boat?"

"Yes-well- No. It belonged to my dad who in return handed it down to me."

"It's beautiful and I love that he mashed all your names in it." I said as I squeezed his hand in encouragement.

"Yeah well, he didn't want to make the others jealous by naming it Jaxon's. Shall we?" He asked.

I let out a chuckle before nodding in agreement. He jumped onto the boat before leaning down. At first I thought he was going to take my hand but he placed both of his hands around my waist, lifting me up and placing my feet softly onto the boat. I looked around the boat before noticing that we were at the front of the boat where the points met. He grabbed onto my hand and helped me walk through to the back of the boat, behind the window shields that protected the drivers seat. As we walked around, I smiled at the fairy lights that covered the back part of the boat. The smile on my face only grew bigger when I saw the dining section that had two placemats ready.

"This is so beautiful, Jaxon." I whispered as I leaned down to smell the roses that were placed in the middle.

"Hungry?" Jaxon asked as he raised his arm to direct behind me. I turned to where the mini kitchen was and noticed a "all you can eat" like banquet set up on the bench. One section had dinner prepared and another section had several dessert options.

"Alena would have a conniption if she saw all this food." I said in between chuckles, lightly shaking my head.

"You relax and I'll get you food." He said as he let out a chuckle, before grabbing both plates and walking over to the buffet that was laid out. After filling our plates up he placed one plate in front of me and one for him. We spent a good hour just talking, laughing while enjoying the beautiful food that was laid out for us.

"You look beautiful." Jaxon stated with confidence as he looked into my eyes.

"You already said that 10 minutes ago" I said as I looked down, hiding the blush from my face.

"Just a friendly reminder." He said, winking at me before smirking. I shook my head playfully at him as he got up to walk behind me.

"Close your eyes." He stated a few seconds later. So, I did as I was told. I closed my eyes and waited patiently for what felt like centuries.

"Ok. Open them."

As my view refocused I saw him standing in front of me with a memory board of photos. It took me a minute to realise that they were my photos from my shoebox. Every one of them proudly attached by a pin.

"What is this for?" I asked as I looked over the photos, beginning to notice some new ones. There was the family photo we all took at the bowling alley and a photo of Drew, Alena and I with our Mum when we went to visit her.

"How did you get these photos?" I asked as I pointed at them.

Jaxon smiles before shrugging his shoulders, "Isaac and Drew helped out"

"I don't know what to say. Jaxon. I love it. Thank you." I said as I got up from my chair to take a closer look at the board.

"Don't be ashamed of your past or where you came from. Show it off to the world, it's made you the beautiful woman you are today." He whispered. I looked into his eyes for a few seconds before leaning up, kissing him softly on his lips.

"Thank you." I whispered against his lips. He smiled against my lips before placing his palm against my cheek and deepening our kiss. He broke away from our kiss and reached into his back pocket before placing the board on the table. I watched as he used a spare pin that was on the board to stick a new photo on there. I couldn't help but smile when I noticed it was a photo of us at the carnival, we found a photo booth right after The Fluffy Room and took photos. I let out a chuckle when I saw just how ridiculous we looked, we looked like drowned rats with body paint all over our bodies.

He placed the memory board on the side couches next to where we are before turning to face me, "You look after your sister and not once do you complain. You're selfless and deserve the world. I know I can't give that to you. So I'll give you the next best thing: my world."

"Jaxon." I whispered, tears forming at my eyes from his words.

"Avery, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. My smile widened as I nodded in agreement.

He returned the smile before taking a step forward and wrapping his arms around my waist to pull me close, "I promise I will never ever hurt you again."

"I believe you." I responded.

With his left hand he placed my hair behind my ear as he lowered his head closer to mine, "I love you, Avery." He whispered against my lips.

"I love you too, Jaxon." I responded just as he placed his lips against mine, kissing me softly. It felt right, I felt safe and protected in his arms. I had full trust in him and his words. I knew we were both ready to face whatever obstacles were waiting for us.

* * *

"This chocolate cake is everything." Jaxon moaned before eating another spoonful. I smiled as I watched him devour the piece I couldn't finish.

"Open forum?" Jaxon asked. I creased my eyebrows in confusion before nodding.

"How come you aren't pressing charges against Noah?" He asked softly.

I bit onto my lower lip nervously before shrugging my shoulders, "I'm too scared to anger him more than what he already is."

"You're safe as long as you're with us. If he's going to try something then it better be when I'm there." Jaxon said as he leant forward to hold my hand.

I let out a chuckle as I asked why him.

"I need a reason to punch him in the face. I'll break his fucking nose babe." He responded calmly.

"There will be situations where I will be alone. Someone can't always be there. If I press charges and he doesn't get locked up, I'm screwed. I've basically signed my own death wish."

"So, why are you seeing the police then?" He asked. I wanted so bad to tell him the truth about the accident but I couldn't. It wasn't my secret to tell, Isaac needed to man up and have that conversation himself with Jaxon.

"Being his girlfriend at the time, they needed my help confirming that it was him at the accident. They made me tell them everything that happened at the house in case I changed my mind about pressing charges."

I watched as his eyes moved away from mine before looking out into the water.

I squeezed his hand before leaning forward, "I'm helping them help you. I hope you understand my reasons for not adding my charges on top of yours."

He smiled sadly before leaning over the table to peck me on the lips, "I do understand babe. I promise. I'm by your side no matter the decision."

"Thank you." I whispered before pecking him once more on his lips.

He went to deepen the kiss but stopped when my phone rang, I smiled as he groaned before leaning back against his chair. As I grabbed my phone my smile dropped from my face, surprised by the call at this time of the night.

"Dad? Everything okay?" I asked.

"We need you at the station?" He responded.


"They just arrested Noah and need you to do a line up confirmation."

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A/N: Dun dun dunnnn! Lol. Hopefully you guys enjoyed the chapter! If you did, hit that star button for me xx

Next Chapter: Avery faces Noah and is let in on a secret about Brittany.

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