43 - Lighthouse

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"She was a fighter and taken away from us too soon."

I sat in complete silence as my mums eulogy got read out, it's been four days since I found out about my mum. My dad was kind enough to pay for her entire funeral which I'm grateful for because I wanted my Mum buried but I wouldn't have had the money to do it. I've tried to stay strong for Alena but she can see that this has broken me, we've spent a few nights together just crying and letting the pain out in hopes that it will get better. Something just didn't add up, I refused to believe my mum did this.


"They said it was an overdose." My Dad said gently.

Here we sat at Dad dining table the morning the news broke. My dad's family, Isaac, Alena, Jaxon and me all sat here as we tried to soak in the news. I shook my head in denial as he said those words.

"I'm sorry baby but they ran tests and confirmed she had a mixture of things in her system." Dad said as he leaned over to grab a hold of my hand.

The tears fell freely from my eyes as I began to sob, "No. She promised! She promised Dad. She wouldn't break her promise!"

I managed to force the words out before I began to cry, leaning against the table for support. My cries only depended when I felt Alena's small hands wrap around my waist as she stood next to me.

"It's okay, Avi. We'll get through it together." She whispered in my ear.

I cried out louder as I turned my body to face Alena, picking her up to place her in my lap as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I looked over at Jaxon when I felt him rub his hand softly against my back.

"Dad. I'm not in denial. I know there's more to it than meets the eye. All I'm asking is you look into it please." I asked.

Dad let out a sigh before nodding his head, "I'll look into it baby. I promise. For now, I need to arrange her funeral and try and get a hold of this will."

E N D  F L A S H B A C K

"You ready to go?" Jaxon whispered.

I blinked twice as I looked around realising that the service had finished and everyone was now making their way out. I nodded as I stood up, grabbing a hold of Alena's hand who had been waiting patiently next to me. My eyes squinted as the sun began to shine directly on my face, a tear escaped my eye as it ran down my face slowly as I stared at the sun for a few seconds. I wiped my tear away before smiling down at Alena whose lower lip continued to shake.

"You fucking bitch! I'm going to kill you!"

My head turned towards the voice until Henry came into view. I took a step back quickly putting Alena behind me as he began to charge towards us. A few seconds later my dad stood in front of us pushing Henry so hard that he stumbled back. Before I knew it, Alena and I were now standing behind Drew, Isaac and Jaxon.

"Who the fuck do you think you are! You don't come for my daughters without having to go through me." Dad yelled out as he got nose to nose with Henry.

'I really hope the priest isn't out here. This would be a little awkward'

"Hey Alena, did you see that water fountain? It lets you make a wish!" Lisa whispered just as Henry had his outburst. I looked at Lisa as she winked at me.

"No!? Show me!" Alena squealed in excitement, oblivious to what was going on. Lisa grabbed a hold of Alena's hand before patting me on my shoulder.

"If you even breathe in my daughters direction or even look at them, I will make your life a living hell." My Dad added as he pushed Henry.

"Mr hotshot coming to the rescue? That's laughable." Henry said as he smirked at my dad

Dad took a step closer to Henry, "I'll fucking kill you and make it look like a suicide!"

"I can do the same. Just ask the coroner." Henry said confidently. He took one look at me before walking away.

I stood there, gobsmacked at what I just heard. He practically admitted to it openly. Knowing that we had no proof against him. My eyes remained on my dad's back as I watched his rapid breathing.

He turned around and walked towards me, leaning down to whisper in my ear, "I'm going to catch that son of a bitch. I promise."

"We need to catch him before the will is said out." He added as he looked at me and the guys.

"Why's that?" Drew asked.

"There's always a catch for wills and life insurance. If he's done anything, he won't be entitled to anything." He said.

I let out an angry sob as I thought about how helpless my mum would have been, "He can't get away with it, Dad!"

Dad immediately hugged me tighter, "He won't I promise. But tomorrow, go back to your mums house and start packing things you want."

"Why?" I asked

"Because it's better to grab your belongings before the will is read. If by any chance everything has been left to him, he won't let you near a single thing. Take one of the boys with you, don't you dare go alone. I'm going to see Oliver tomorrow about Henry."

"We'll go with her." Jaxon and Drew spoke simultaneously.

"Where will I put everything though?" I asked, panic evident in my voice.

"You leave that with me. Stay positive baby."

"I will Dad. Thank you." I said as I hugged him.

"What, no arguments? Who is this Avery and what have you done with my daughter?"

I let out a weak laugh as I playfully snapped my dad's shoulder. He laughed before bringing me into a bear hug, kissing the top of my head.

"We will get justice for your mum. I promise."

* * *

So, here we were the next day at mums. I had brought Alena with me because it would be easier for her to choose what she wanted to keep, rather than me assume. It always felt weird coming to this house but in a way, it was the house I grew up in. I still had a few good memories.

Alena ran upstairs to her room, Drew and Jaxon went into the kitchen to make coffees and I just walked around the living room taking in all the little details I missed when I lived here. It wasn't until now that I noticed Mum only had photos of us and her, not a single photo of her and Henry. She had a shelf of all the Mother's Day gifts Alena would make for her.

I grabbed a hold of the photo we took a few years ago, during the many attempts of Mum trying to get clean. For the first time, all three of us looked happy in each other's presence. My eyes began to water as I looked at my mums face. It's like my mind wouldn't allow me to believe that she was truly gone. I was waiting for someone to come out and be like 'Hey, just a cruel practical joke. She's alive and well.' But, it never happened. She's never coming back, there was so much more that I needed to tell her. I let out a cry as I held the frame closer to my chest.

A few seconds later, I felt someone snake their hands around my waist before kissing my shoulder softly, "Let it out, babe. Don't bottle it up."

I turned in Jaxon's arms and wrapped my arms around his waist, crying into his chest. He stood there patiently as he ran his hand up and down my back. I needed to calm down, I couldn't afford to let Alena see me like this. I had to stay strong, especially for her. I moved out of Jaxon's arms before walking over to the coffee talk to grab a tissue.

"You okay?" Jaxon asked.

I gave him a sad smile before nodding, "I'm okay. Thank you for being here."

"Of course babe. No where else I'd rather be." Jaxon whispered as he walked towards me to kiss my forehead.

"Coffees ready, lovers." Drew called out from the kitchen. I let out a light laugh as we both walked towards the kitchen to sit with Drew.

After ten minutes of mainly me sharing happy memories I had with my mum I realised I had left Alena alone for too long. Excusing myself, I went upstairs to see how Alena was going with her clean out. My heart sank as I saw her huddled in a corner crying.

I jogged towards her before sitting next to her, lifting her up and cradling her in my lap, "It's okay, Alena. She's in a better place now." I whispered as Alena continues to cry into my neck. My began to water as I sat there holding my sister.

"I didn't get to tell her that I loved her and was proud of her." Alena sobbed.

"Trust me. Mum knows exactly how you feel. She's watching down on you right now." I whispered as I ran my fingers through her hair.

I sat in complete silence as Alena quietly sobbed away, she needed to cry it out and I had no intentions of stopping her. She slowly began to slow down, getting emotionally tired from the cries. I lifted Alena up before placing her on her bed, telling her to have a little nap and I will help her pack her things when she's more refreshed.

I let out a sigh as I walked downstairs to explain to the guys what had happened.

"This is all your fault!" Henry called out.

I looked to my left, surprised to see Henry standing at the front door looking extremely angry.

"What was that?" Drew asked out of curiosity as him and Jaxon came into the room from the kitchen.

"What are you doing here?" Drew spat out in anger.

"How about you mind your business." Henry yelled out.

"Avery is our business! How about you pick on someone your own size!" Jaxon yelled out as he began to walk towards Henry. I quickly jumped in front of Jaxon and Drew who both looked ready to go for the kill.

"Wanna try me, boy." Henry said.

"Be careful with what you wish for." Jaxon said as he told his jacket off, throwing it on the couch. Drew cracked his nuckles as he took a step forward to stand next to Jaxon. Jaxon and Drew looked at each other before running towards Henry. What made me burst out laughing was the way Henry widened his eyes before running out the door.

"That.was.gold." I forced the words out inbetween laughs.

"Honestly, thank you guys for coming with us. I don't know what I would have done if I was alone." I said as I walked up to the guys who were now high-fiving each other.

"We've always got your back, baby sis." Drew said as he wrapped a hand around my shoulders. Jaxon nodded in agreement as we walked towards the kitchen.

"Isaacs going to be pissed that he missed out though." Jaxon added.

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A/N: Who else got a little teary with this chapter?!

Next Chapter: Avery is forced to think about College and what she wants to do after school is finished.

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