59 - I Wont Give Up

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With school officially finished, I have so much spare time on my hands. I was slowly starting to properly eat food again, so at least now everyone can get off my back about not eating. I can now go out with more with Jaxon without him having to remind me that there was no need to look over my shoulders. I still had my guard up, I just got better at hiding it. I didn't want to relax just yet because every time I do, something happens.

After Isaac dropped the biggest bomb on me, I wasn't too surprised when I started to think back at all our encounters from when we first met to when I met Noah. The signs were there however I was indeed too blind to see them. I wasn't going to dwell on what could have been. I was completely and utterly in love with Jaxon and even though I went down the wrong road, it still led me to be right here where I needed to be. With my family. I also know that Isaac was no longer hung up on me, he had indeed moved on also.

It's weird how everything was falling back into place for me, my life was finally at peace once again. I got my enter score the other day, managed to get 80% overall which was good but I know I could have done better. Whether I managed to get enough for University of Melbourne, I have no idea. To be honest, I have the envelope in my bag but I've been too scared to open it. I wish my mum was here with me when I open it. I let out a sigh as I debated whether to tell the others about it. I was so scared that I was either going to get in and they got rejected or the other way around.

'Please God, let all four of us get in to UOM.' I prayed in my mind.

The squeals from Alena and Michael reminded me now was not the time to be selfish. My dad wanted to have a family barbecue to celebrate "life and love" as he called it. No one argued because, well, it was a barbecue. The boys were all in agreeance as soon as they found out there was food. When we initially found out about this Drew decided that we should all bring our letters with us to open them all together. I had zero intentions of reminding them or asking if everyone had their letters because I was too scared to see my fate.

"Hey, nugget." Dad whispered.

I turned my head to see him standing at the door to his office.

"Can we have a chat for a minute?" He asked.

I looked at Drew, Jaxon and Isaac who were all sitting with me watching the television. They were so glued to the show that they didn't even register me getting up and walking into his office.

"Close the door behind you." He said as he opened the draw at his desk.

"What's up?" I asked, a little worried about what was going to happen.

"I need to give you something." He said as he handed me a slip of paper.

My heart sank down to my feet as I saw the cheque.

"Why is there a cheque for $750,000 in my name?" I asked.

"This was the clinics hush money to make us go away." He responded calmly.

"The clinic?" I asked, confused.

"Remember? I told you I was going to press charges and that I'd look after it? Well we went to mediation and this was their offer, so I accepted it because I knew we wouldn't be able to get that deal in court." He said as he smiled at me.

I shook my head in denial as I tried to give him the cheque back, "You have it. I can't take that."

"You can and you will." He firmly pointed out.

"Also, you are not to pay for your education or Alena's education with any of the money you now have. I will pay for your education as your father. You use that money to look after yourself and after Alena. For starters, buy a new car please."


"Don't argue with me. Just once, just accept it. Say thank you and give your old man a hug." He said as he smiled at me.

I shook my head as the smile tugged on my lips, I quickly got up and hugged him, "Thank you, for everything." I whispered.

"I love you dad."

"I love you too."

I reluctantly placed the cheque in my back pocket as I walked around to sit back on the chair.

"Oh, before I forget, I need to give you your card back." I said as I smiled at him.

"You mean the card you only spent $500 on, in how long have you had it now for?" He asked sarcastically.

Clearly I missed the sarcasm as I responded, "Yeah, I'll pay you back the-" I said before stopping when I saw he was staring at me with one eyebrow raised.

"Buy your school books with it when you get into UOM." He said as he leaned back in his chair.

I let out a laugh, "Yeah. That's a big fat IF."

"You will get in but seriously, I need you to keep that card." He responded sternly.

I let out a sigh as I slowly nodded in agreement.

"There's something else I've been meaning to ask you, I just don't know how to go about it." He said as he pulled out a few pieces of paper to place on the desk.

I read over the form before confusion set in place.

"What's this?"

"I would like to officially make you and Alena a part of this family. How would you girls feel about taking the Hunter surname?" He asked nervously.

I shook my head slightly as I read over the form before looking up at him. The look in his eyes immediately brought tears to my eyes. I was dumb founded, never in a million years would I have thought this would happen.

"I think Alena would love to be a part of this family." I said.

"And you?" He asked.

I smiled as I nodded, "I'd love to as well, as long as it's hyphened with mums surname. I need it as a tribute to her."

He smiled as he nodded in agreement, "I can live with that." He said as he got up from his chair.

"You can tell Alena the news." I said, smiling as I saw the twinkle in my dads eyes as he grabbed my hand, quickly walking out his office and straight to where Alena was sitting.

"Alena, we have some news we would like to share with you." He said.

"Alena, Avery and I were just talking about the future. Avery is going off to University soon and you still have school here." He said calmly.

Alena looked at Michael who was still playing his video game before she looked back at me, "We're moving again?" She asked disappointedly.

"How would you like to change your surname to Hunter? Officially be Michaels sister?" He asked.

I smiled as her eyes widened in excitement before the squeal followed. She jumped up and down before running up to dad and hugging him.

"Wait. Where will I stay though?" She asked.

My smile dropped from my face as I looked between Ashley and my dad who were both staring at me.

"The adults will need to discuss that when the time comes." Dad said as he pulled us both into a bear hug.

How the hell did I not even think about the living situation? It was one thing to have his surname again but to seperate us? I promised Alena we were forever a packaged deal, I couldn't break that promise and risk hurting her if I changed it now. This was definitely a conversation we needed to have. At least, University wasn't until two months so we had time, if of course I get in. If I didn't get in to any of the Universities I applied for, then this conversation would be a completely moot point.

"Lunch is ready!" Ashley called out. Just in time too in my opinion.

I smiled as I looked around the table, my family. For the first time, I had no burdens. I had no grudges, I had no fear. I was no longer living full speed ahead, I was finally taking my time and enjoying my time on this planet. After lunch we all cleaned up before sitting in the sitting room. Remembering the cheque I grabbed my wallet from my bag, tugging at it as it got stuck. As I forced it out my envelope fell out and onto the floor. I quickly went to grab it but I was too late, Isaac grabbed it first.

He was about to give it to me until he saw the stamp on it, "University of Melbourne." He said as he handed it to me.

"Yes! I completely forgot! grab your letters so that we can open them!" Drew called out as he got up from his chair.

I let out a sigh as I shook my head in disappointment. I really didn't want to get rejected by this school in front of everyone. Jaxon squeezed my hand in reassurance as he and Isaac walked past me to go get their letters from their cars, I assume. I sat there staring at my sealed letter before looking up when I saw my dad sit on the edge of my seat.

"Don't be worried." He whispered.

"I'm freaking out." I whispered back.

My leg began to shake in its spot as I waited for the boys, one by one watching them return to their seats. We all looked at each other before slowly opening our letters. I looked at the boys as they all read their letters quietly, I tried to read their facial expressions but they all had their poker face on. I looked over to Ashley and my dad who were all waiting patiently to hear the news.

"Who wants to go first?" Dad asked.

"Drew? What does your one say?" Ashley asked as she smiled at us all.

Drew sniffed before smiling at us all, "I got in."

Everyone cheered in excitement for him as we found out the news.

"Isaac?" I asked.

Isaac looked at Drew before looking at me smiling before quietly nodding his head. My eyes began to water, I was truly happy for him. I got up and hugged him as everyone else congratulated him.

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I looked at Jaxon. Jaxon winked at me before clearing his throat, "Drew, guess you're stuck with me brother."

Drew let out a laugh before pulling him and Isaac into a bear hug. I smiled at the three as they celebrated together.

Jaxon laughed as he pulled away from the boys to walk over to me, to sit next to me. He knew I was freaking out, truth be told I hadn't even read the letter yet when everyone else was reading it. I couldn't bring myself to read the words.

"You can do it." He whispered.

I let out a sigh as I read the first and most important sentence before looking up, "I didn't get in." I whispered.

Jason's face dropped in shock as well as everyone else.

"What the fuck?!" Drew called out in anger.

I let out a laugh before waving my hand in the air, "I'm kidding! I got in bitches!" I yelled out.

Ashley was the first one to squeal in excitement before running to me and hugging me.

"Group hug!" Drew called out.

Before I could escape I was sandwiched in the middle of everyone, I was too busy laughing and crying from happiness to care about the fact that I could barely breath from the bear hug I was trapped in. After a few minutes of excited chatter about University and dad opening a bottle of champagne to celebrate, we managed to confirm what everyone's courses were.

Drew was in for his business degree, Isaac got into architecture and Jaxon got into engineering.

"What course did you end up deciding on, Avery?" Drew asked.

"Creative writing, publishing and editing." I said as I smiled.

"Oh, seems as though we may have a writer on our hands." Isaac said, smiling as I rolled my eyes at him.

After our celebrations and explaining to Alena and Michael what all the noise was about we made our way home. After putting my pjs on the three of us decided to watch a movie together before going to bed.

"Avery." Alena said my name quietly.

"What's up?" I asked.

She cleared her throat as she got off from the floor where she was laying to face me, "I don't want to upset you." She whispered.

"You could never upset me. What's wrong?" I asked, trying not to panic.

"You spent your whole life looking after me but it's time you look after yourself." She said.

"Okay?" I questioned in confusion.

"When you go to University, I want to stay with dad." She said.

"Is that what you really want though?" I asked.

She bit onto her lip before nodding nervously, "Please don't be mad." She whispered.

I smiled as I grabbed her hand to pull her up and into my lap, "I could never be mad at Aly-Cat. I love you." I said as I kissed her temple.

She smiled with joy as she hugged me, "I love you too, Avery." She whispered.

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A/N: "Goodbye my lover, good my friend." Nothing like a true happy ending for Avery. I'm kind of sad that it's all over. What to write about now?!

Next Chapter: The Epilogue is finally here. The final chapter before we say goodbye to Avery and the gang.

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