CHAPTER 22: aloha alola!!

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Normal pov:

"Morning Lana!" Lillie said cheerily.

"*Cough* *cough* hoenn...... *Cough* ......hoenn.... *Cough* *cough*." She replied.

"Sorry what was it that you said?"

Instead of replying the bluenette simply slid a leaflet across the table to where Lillie was sitting eating her Weetabix as she always does every single morning though she likes there to be enough milk but not too much just how she likes it however every Thursday she would have toast instead that was the only exception. Lillie glanced down curiously at the paper.

"Hm? The hoenn region?" The blonde asked.

Lana nodded in response.

"I don't understand?"

The bluenette sighed unfortunately nobody was picking up on her hints. "You want to go there?" Finally she thought. "Oh that's where Serena's from..." Lana didn't reply but Lillie took her silence as an agreement. Right on cue Serena walked into the room.

"Hey guys...."

"Hi Serena, how are you?" Lillie asked.

"If I'm honest I'm really nervous!"

"Why would that be?" As Lillie replied Lana slipped out of the room realising that Lillie was useless at making plans so she would have to speak to mallow instead if she wanted any hope of going to the hoenn region.

"Oh, well you see I'm going back to hoenn tomorrow...."

Lana's ears pricked up at the word 'hoenn' so she snuck back into the room to find out what was happening.

"No! Really!" Lillie said upset. Quickly she covered her hand over her mouth realising she interupted Serena.

"...Yes..." Serena said looking down at the floor. Lillie was saddened by That news as she had grown quite close with Serena.

"So why are you worried?"

"You see I'm going back because the Fallabor Town Pokémon contest takes place in a couple of days and... Well I have participated in only one Pokémon contest so far.... And we'll I haven't won a ribbon.... I just really want to win one!!"

"Don't worry Serena... Remember what you told me and I'm sure you will be great!! Besides you have some lovely Pokémon!"

"Thank you so much Lillie, that makes me feel so much better!!"

"Sooooo...." Lana blurted into this heartfelt conservation.

The two girls, suprised, turned to look at the petit girl of whom the had no idea was still standing there....

"What is it Lana?"

"Well.... As Serena is participating in a Pokémon contest..... And well as were such good friends.... Why don't we fly out to hoenn and watch the contest!!!" Lana finished feeling a little too pleased with herself.

Lillie's pov:

"That sounds like a wonderful idea!!" I exclaimed.

"Yes that would be lovely!"

"Great - I've already booked ferry tickets we leave at noon!!" Lana said excitedly.

"Wait a second lana.... There's just one problem...."

"Oh." Lana said, immediately knowing what I was talking a out. "Ash..." She muttered with a slight tone of anger showing in her voice.

"Oh yes..." Serena remembered.

Yes ash was a problem... You see he was very set on training his Pokémon 24/7 in order to defeat the water trail and even a small holiday to hoenn would not be appreciated by him.

"Don't worry I'm sure I can persuade him!" I said confidently. So I went to find ash hi was hanging out by a river with mallow and kiawe.

"Hey guys!!" I said running over to them.

"Hi lillie!" They all said in unison. Creepy.

"So we were thinking that we would travel to hoenn for a few days to watch Serena in a contest!" I said bracing myself for ash's inevitable outrage. I looked over to kwaii and mallow they both looked pleased.

"That sounds like a plan!! I've always wanted to go to the hoenn region!" Mallow said and kwaii nodded in agreement. So I slowly turned my head to ash... He looked like he was trying to contain some anger.... His breathing quickened and his eyes beagn to turn red........

"That sounds lovely Lillie!" Ash said as kindly as he could. Well that was a suprise I thought. I guess he was getting better which was a relief. "Besides I have some old friends there anyway!!"

"Great - we leave at noon on the ferry so meet at the docks!" I said. "Oh, and we should get there in time for dinner!"

"Perfect." Ash said.

So after a few hours of packing we met at the docks to board the ferry. I was very excited!! For once I wasnt so anxious about going somewhere new - I was exhilarated!!

Aloha alola!!


A/N: ahh sorry for a filler chapter but trust me the next few chapters get really exciting!!!

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