"funny accident"posted by toka

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My boss comes into work on Friday. He explained to us how he managed to crash his car down the side of a hill.

Hobart (the city I currently reside in) is fairly hilly. Parts of Hobart are on the side of the mountain near by. It results in some fairly steep roads. One of which my boss lives on. Anyways, the short version of the story is: "I Parked my car, walked inside, and 30 seconds later heard a crash. Walked back outside, saw my car was missing, thought someone had stolen it, walked out, looked down the street, saw people standing on the street, walked down, and someone says 'are you looking for a white ford? its down there' pointing down a gap between two houses"

Turns out the car had travelled a ways down the road, veered off, and gotten airborn over a embankment which drops off about 8 feet. It had gone straight down between two houses (With about 2 meters to spare on each side), heading straight towards a third house. Keeping in mind these houses are all pole houses (due to the steep angle of land, all the houses are supported by poles, you take out a few poles, the house would come crashing down), its heading towards a pole house, but then decides to veer way left, missing the house by a couple more meters, heading towards a fourth house and james between the trees.

George (my boss) explains to me, "There is no way to get the car out. Its too far down from the road to get a crane to it, the front end is all smashed so we can't winch it out as it will act like a giant plough, and to top it off, the guy whose property it has come to rest on, is a grumpy old bastard who is making my life hell" to which I replied "He's probably one of those old bastards whose only joy in life is to make everyone elses life hell" to which we had a laugh.

So on Sunday my wife and I gather up the kids and head off to her uncles place for a BBQ. We pull up and walk up the driveway, and what is lodged in is back yard, but a smashed up white ford falcon. Turns out the grumpy old bastard my boss was talking about, is Jennifers Uncle Bill. And yes, he really is a grumpy old bastard.

I came in to work today and said "You know you're in Hobart when....... Your boss crashes his car into your uncle-in-laws back yard".

Update on the car: Looks like they're going to have to get the SES (State Emergency Services) to come and get the car out. I should take a photo or two.

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