Well then...

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... Did anybody else had some dirty thoughts when they saw this..?


Anyway! How are you guys doing today? I'm just laying in my bed... Super bored and all...
Other then the fact that I've completed a life goal this Thursday which was; riding a hoverboard!! My choir teacher had brought her own hoverboard to class and I got to ride it twice! The first time I rode it, or well tried to at least, I was spinning around the room with the teacher holding on to me as she tried to stop me from falling, which was funny even for me. But the second time I tried to ride it, I ran into a bunch of chairs and fell off. I thought riding a hoverboard would be easy but it turned out it was almost as hard as riding... Ra damn it I forgot what those things are called! They're kind of like a skateboard but bigger and cooler and basically more easier to ride than a skateboard according to my sister.

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