Entitled "Mother" tries to steal my Daughter (100% Fake)

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I'm not supposed to give my opinion.... but this is 100% fake. I was watching videos about R/EntitledParents, and I was so inspired that I had to do this. But I swear that I am a single virgin that is a minor..... wait can boys be minors or is that a girl thing?

Anyway, it's story time *clap, clap*

So, I was shopping at Walmart with my 12 year old Daughter, she had beautiful (my hair color) hair with a silk touch like her mother (uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) Kit-Kat (I'm kidding) like her mother (Y/N) (cuz what's better than a Reader X Author). Her (my eye color) eyes were so shiny that they were perfect, she also had a wonderful body.

Anyway, we were looking at Apple watches for no reason, and a lady walks up to us (please note I just used a female because I thought it would work, I'm not trying to be sexist) and asks for help locating something

EM (Entitled Mother): excuse me, do you know where I can find the dog food?

I honestly didn't know how she didn't know where the dog food was, maybe she was new here and this Walmart had a different layout

Me: it's right over there *points to where the dog food was*

EM: thank you!

She then proceeds to where I pointed, then my daughter says "Imagain if we had a dog", this was funny because he was a pet bird, whom was fairly small, so a dog or cat wouldn't be the best idea, the idea made me laugh and we continue shopping. 

Around 15 minutes later the same woman walks up to us, no shopping cart or anything, like earlier. And looks at my daughter. "Your daughter is beautiful." This made me uncomfortable, strangers don't just walk up to you and compliment your children, kinda sad that isn't normal, but still, I grab my daughter's hand and grip is, just feeling her palm I knew she knew what was going on.

Me: thank you mam' *proceeds to walk away*

EM: how much?

Me: *turns around, along with my daughter* for?

EM: *points to my daughter* her!

Daughter: *looks at me worried*

Now, normally, I would have just went to get security, but this was my daughter, so I grab my daughter's shoulder and walk up to the woman

Me: I don't know who you think you are, but you know good and well that I'm not giving my daughter away for anything

EM: How about for $100?

Me: you obviously don't know how much rasing a child is

The EM was getting mad

EM: I am a mother! I know what it's like to have children!

Me and my daughter, who was tearing up, both knew she was lying

Me: So you'd just think that someone would be willing to SELL their child?!

EM: well of course! I am a friend of the President! So you better respect me!

Me: why don't you respect my a** *turns and walks away, keeping my daughter close*

But then she did the unthinkable

EM: HELP! HELP! THIS MAN IS STEALING MY DAUGHTER!!! *runs after my daughter*

The ayle (Sry for spelling) was full of people, so this grabbed attention, when the previous even didnt, and Let's just say.... she did an oopsie.

Daughter: *grabs something from the shelf and throws it at the woman* HELP!! SHES TRYING TO KIDNAPE ME!!!

Apparently, people are willing to trust a 12 year old girl more than a grown woman, so they try and hold her down while others go to get security

Log story short, we sued her, she's in jail for sexual harassment, I dunno the judge thought that was well fitted, and I still have my daughter

The end

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