Chapter 11- Vengeful One

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Excuse me but I'll be decreasing the romance for now. Enjoy some of the fight scenes. Thanks for voting and commenting here y'all. :)

"Port! Oobleck! I'll leaving the rest to you!", you shout out while leading the group of griffons back to the two professors. You head outside for the airships and saw many people running and panicking. One airships lands and released Grimm instead of people. There was one beowulf but Ironwood took care of it by himself.

"What's going on?!" Ruby asks him.

"Grimm are crawling all over the city."

"Yeah, I can definitely see that." (You)

"The White Fang has invaded Beacon and to make matters worse some- Vagabond has seized some of my ships. Until we regain command, the skies are out of our control." (Ironwood)

"What should we do?" Jaune asks Ironwood while he's heading back inside an airship.

"You have two choices: Defend your kingdom and your school, or save yourselves." (Ironwood)

Ironwood goes inside the airships and left all of the students. You decide to take a ship to Beacon along with your friends. You see one airship beside where you're riding on explode and crash. Muffled gunshots can be heard from inside.. Ruby got out of the airship and left. You decide to head to where Blake is and teleport to it. You close your eyes and focus. A random voice echoes inside your head as you close your eyes.

Some say he's the Hand of God, The Dark Messiah, Binge Eater or even Vengeful one. He has so many aliases because nobody really knows whose side he's on. I hear rumors that if you fail to pass the deal with him, he'll eat you alive. Scary huh?

The Dark Messiah is back bitches...

Blake: Why are you doing this?

Adam: You and I were going to change to world remember? We were destined to light the fires of revolution! Consider this the spark.

Blake's POV

As Adam is about to stab the student on his feet I quickly charge at him with my weapon and he blocks it with his sword. 
Blake: I'm not running!

Adam: You will.

??: You wish.

A black hooded figure appeared out of nowhere and attempted to slash Adam on his back but he dodged it and took a few steps backwards.

Blake: Y/N?!

Y/N: ... Hey Blake. (While smiling at me)

Adam quickly stabbed his stomach..

Blake: NO!

But he just laughs and casually removed the blade and slowly takes off his mask.
Adam: Damn it, what will it take to kill you?!

Y/N: ... (While taking off mask) You think after all I've been through something like that would hurt?
Adam: Grr..! What are you really?!

Y/N: I already told you...

I am the Dark Messiah.

He suddenly appears behind Adam and grabs his neck which annoyed him so he kicks y/n away and readies his sword.

Y/N: Someone else needs help.. Blake, keep my mask and don't let Adam destroy it, got that?!
Blake: R-Right!

Y/N puts crosses his arms together in an X-like position and slowly fades away with black mist..

Your pov

You help other students on the battlefield dealing together with Grimm and malfunctioned Atlas technology. You notice something else, Ruby was hanging on the side of an airship run by Torchwick so you head there instead.

Roman: I may be a gambling man, but even I know there's some bets you just don't take.

You: And this is one of those!

You surprise attack him from behind by dashing in front of him and spinning around in a circular manner mixed with your black mist semblance. Then slash him mid air and slam him back to the ground. He coughs out blood. Neo approaches Ruby but her umbrella was opened by Ruby and thus she's sent flying off..

Ruby: I don't care what you say! We will stop them! And I will stop you!

She dashes at him, but he dodges and strikes Ruby.

Ruby's pov

I'm down.. Roman kept hitting me with his cane. I tried not to look at him but suddenly I heard some chomping sounds.


It was y/n.. He lunges at Roman and bit his shoulder. He kept biting him until he falls down. 

Ruby: y/n! Be careful!

I ran for my scythe and took a last glimpse of the two, y/n kept biting him until one time Roman's body wasn't moving anymore. He ate Roman's internal organs and flesh. An echo of y/n's voice can be heard all throughout the place.

That meal... left me satisfied....

Weiss's POV

We just finished to take down a giant Atlas robot with a huge help from Velvet mimicking everyone's weapons. Suddenly an echo of a familiar voice is heard all throughout the place.

That meal... left me satisfied....
Jaune: W-Who was that?!
Weiss: It's definitely y/n. I know that voice..

Nora: Let's talk about that later! There's another one heading this way!

Another giant robot runs towards us, for some reason it had some sort of malfunction and fell down while running.

Sun: Hmm.. That went better than expected.

Yang: Weiss! You're okay! Have you heard from Ruby? What about Blake?

Weiss: She went after an alpha and some members of the White Fang.

Neptune: Did you guys hear that voice too?

Ren: Definitely. It seems he has been given a decent meal that left him satisfied once again.

Pyrrha: I wonder who it is he ate...
Yang told me to look for Ruby while she meets up with Blake. I raise my thumb up at her.

Adam's pov

Adam: This could have been our day! Can't you see that?!

Blake: I never wanted this! I wanted equality! I wanted peace!

Adam: What you want is impossible!

The slap I gave her made her fall down again.

Adam: But I understand. Because all I want.. is you, Blake. And as I set out upon this world to deliver the justice mankind so greatly deserves... I will make it my mission to destroy everything you love.

Y/N: Start that on me Adam!
Y/N strikes me from behind once again, but this time I dodged his attack then he shoots me with his shotgun but my blade absorbed it.

Yang: Blake! Where are you?!

I stab Blake, making both Yang and Y/N scream in anger. Y/N's energy is black mist while the other one is yellow fire.


Y/N lunges at my back and strangles me with chains that appeared on his wrists.
You: Release control restriction set to 25%. Proceeding to execute order 66..
The chains become tighter on my neck..

Adam: GET OFF ME!!

You: Fuck you.

His voice suddenly became emotionless and blank, making my body chill and be filled with fear

You: Why won't you kill me first? I deserve to die more than them. I've killed thousands of innocents. Justice is what you want right? So shove that justice you keep reasoning about right up into my ass.

I throw him away. I try to go for Blake again who was with Yang but a pain on my shoulder interrupted me from doing it.

Adam: What the? You.. You bit me!
Y/N did not respond and jumps, I caught his foot but he spins up and kicks my face. I see his leg in disgust because it spins again back to normal before he kicked me. He kept dodging and dodging my attacks casually with a straight face, no effort and no emotion. I successfully stab him with my blade and launch him away to a wall. Still no groans of pain or anything..

Yang: NO!

You: Not too shabby... I can do better.
He starts to draw his weapons and jump towards me. I block two of his blades and slash each other a couple of times. Thrust, parry, thrust, parry, parry, thrust. Until my one attack launch him upwards but soon he regains balance and jumps downwards with black mist surrounding him, causing an explosion as he lands. I was knocked face down. He slams my head to the ground multiple times then stabs my left arm with his blade, then my right leg. Another meal served to the Dark Messiah he says without emotions but with a maniac-like smile on his face. He takes off his hood and wipes his mouth.

You: You tried to kill my friends and chop someone's arm off. So I guess I'll do the same for you.

He sliced off my left arm by shooting me with his blade which was attached with a shotgun as well. I scream in pain while the girls watch me suffer.

You: And now for the main course of the evening.. As I told you, the things you wanted to do with my friends.. *BITE* Are the same things I will do to you.

Your pov

You finished eating Adam...

You: Blake.. Mask...?

Blake: I-I'm sorry.. Adam destroyed it.

You: So it was his fault, not yours.

Their aura changed dramatically. It was full of fear, fear that you caused.

You: I thought I told you girls already.. I am a merciless killer in the past?
Yang: We know but..

You: Then go with it.


Yay nobody's arm was cut off and two bad guys were eaten woohoo!! You are one overpowered protagonist aren't ya? You should be thankful, my hands hurt after writing this one..

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