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The day was spent in shopping all things Christmas, a time of the year I love and hate. I love it cause well it's Chritmas the time of joy, love and hope, and soo much more. I hate it cause my dad loved it and he isn't here with me. Neither is my mum. She uses to love to sing carols. She told me once dad loved to do so as well. 

In Diagon Alley all day was spent going to different shops, getting clothes, and silly Christmas jumpers, along with different lights and whatnot. 

We at the Potter Manor always celebrate Christmas over the top. All lights, and colour and joy. This year we all forgot. Rather we all had lost that Christmas spirit somewhere. So one day before the day we were here dialling up the happy. 

And I smiled and for some time. I even forgot everything, I genuinely smiled, the widest bashful smiles. But then I saw Ted and it all kept rushing back to me. The Kiss, The Look, The way his lips met mine. 

Oh, Dear Lord. Help. 

The shopping was done we all went back to Potter Manor.  I was in a state of denial. I guess now I knew what Ted was feeling. This denial is what was keeping me sane. and somehow I knew it in my bones that this denial was not going to last long. 

This denial was just for thinking he could actually care. If someone would have said it was just lust I would have agreed, but affection, love, care for me. This I could not believe. So, reverting to denial was best after all it was my time of the year.

One thing that always makes Christmas so special is that was born right after it. Like the very next day. So, I was going to turn 17 this year. 

A year that was so special, a turn of every young witch and wizards life. I did not want this birthday to go so gloomy. 

Sitting in my room I looked at the star on my ceiling and thought about everything. Deciding that overthinking would be doing me no good, I decided to go to bed and just make made a wish to Santa to bring back the joy in our lives. 


Waking up to gifts is the best feeling in the world no matter who old you get. No matter who much you deny that you do not want gifts. But it is the warmest feeling in the world to see that you have people who love you and care for you.

I grabbed my gifts without opening them and went running downstairs, where Lily and James were already sitting with their gifts. It was a tradition in the family to open our gifts together by the Christmas tree every year. Harry had told us about it. 

It was not long before Ted and Al joined we all opened our gifts. From a range of books for me to a range of antique magical items of Al, new quidditch products for Jay and just all kinds of stuff for Lils. We all got the gifts we all liked. Ted got books and a few other documents, which really only Ted could enjoy. 

And after that, we all made breakfast before Ginny came in and we all had a fluffy snowy family breakfast, as we did every year. 

The next thing on the itinerary for the day was a visit to the Weasley-Granger house, then a Christmas lunch at the Malfoy manner followed by going to the Weasley Manor, ( George's house) from where all of us went to the Burrow for a good healthy Christmas dinner made by Molly. 

You could guess what it meant for us, all of us. 

Over the years this family of redheads had gone on an increased and just went on loving everyone. So now instead of it being a Weasley family dinner, it had turned into a Weasley's-Potters-Malfoys-Blacks'-Lupins-Scmanders-Longbottoms Family dinner. 

The dinner was a success as it was every year.

The day finally came to an end with all of us bidding goodbye and leaving for home around eleven. We were usually the last to leave every year but we were the first this year. 


At home, everyone went to there rooms, without a word. And I just thought that they do not remember. Can't really blam them. It has been a bad month. 

Getting a nice long hot shower I let the day's tension and excitement leave my system and just unwind a bit.  

Almost an hour later, I laid down in my bed when I heard a nice coming from downstairs, which was spooky, to say the least. 

Grabbing my wand and tiptoeing down the stairs I could my heart beat raise, my wand hand raised slightly ready for any surprise attacks. My mind running through seniors of saving Lily, while simultaneously remembering all the jins and hexes I could use in a fight. 

The living room door was slightly ajar which was strange since it was never closed or shut. My senses heightened even more, and my heart was nearly in my mouth now. But my wand states firm. 

I entered the living and the was going to call out because I could feel someone there in the room with me. But I stopped. 

A fire was lit on a candle magically, and there was Edward, all blue hair and mischievous smile. Before I could even comprehend what was happening, Jay and Al shouted Happy birthday from behind my sides, and Lily turned the lights on. I jumped out of my skin. 

Wide-eyed and my heart had definitely run a mile by now. I looked around the room. Ginny and Lilly were standing there with blinding grins on their faces, the boys had confetti bombs in their hands, and Edward had the cake in his. 

They all start singing Happy birthday for me, and I can't help but smile, and laugh at Jay and Al fighting over singing in the loudest possible voice. They all walked me towards the cake that Ted had set down now. 

"Make a wish Elle," Ted said handing the knife to me. 

And I wished with all my heart to never be parted from this family, because it was all I had . 

I blew out the candles, and the cut the cake the first piece obviously I was for Ginny, and then Lilly, Jay and Al both fought and had a mimy cake fight and last came Ted. 

"Open up," I said, and Ted smiled. He took my hand with the cake, and directed it towards me , and did eat the tiny piece of cake that was left in my hand. 

He went to the cake took a big piece, and handed that to me, I made him eat that one and Jay ofcourse had to have another bite so there he was, the git. 

Every one was busy in getting more cake when Ted grabbed my hand again.

I looked back at him and before I could ask what happened he brought my hand to his lips and licked the caked of  my finger, and that was when I went to Heaven. 

It was miracle I was standing straight. 

Leaning in to me , and down to my ears, he said, " Happy Birthday Love," a lightly pecked my check, a barely their peck but god lord was it there!. I looked at Ted and the checky idiot knew the effect he was having on me. He did that on porpouse. 

I guess my expression must have given away my plight because the fucking idiot of a man, winked at me, and proceeded to eat more Cake!

Oh, I hate the Cake!


Hello loves !! Happy Teddy Lupin to you all.

Afaf xoxo

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