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Edward Remus Lupin had know Titania Aurora black all his life, well most of his life. 

The first time he had ever seen Titania was when she was fives old and come to live at the Pooters house for the summer. Edward had thirteen then and though he did not know it yet Titania had held his heart ever since she had peaked from behind her mother to look at Edward. 

It had been shocking to all when they learned that Sirius Black had a daughter that too one who was born 10 years after his death. 

You see, Titania's mother had hidden Sirius when he was on the run and as a return, he had offered her something that no would have ever thought was possible for her a child. but due to unforeseen circumstances, Astrid Edwards had on into a coma only to awake 6 years after Sirius's death. it was shocking for her and she could not bring herself to have the child that the two had planned to have together. However later on when she learned that she will not get to leave much longer she knew she will bring this child into the world neither her nor Sirius legacy was about to die with them, and so Titania Aurora black was born October of 2006.

Her mother Astrid was with her for five years of her life after which she went to live with her aunt in London. That is why she had been introduced to the pooters when she was five. The potters fell in love the moment they saw her. A mix for her mother and her father she was perfect. Harry especially had been very emotional. 

Edward had been a bit sceptical of this all he was the oldest of the children. But the moment He had seen Titania's ocean blue eyes with swirling grey specks in them. he knew he has hooked forever and there nothing in the world he would not do to protect that innocence. 

As time went on so Titania and Teddy became friends. A friendship which would rival even their fathers'. While for teddy Titania was always his best gal, for Titania Teddy had grown to be more and of course, her crush was childish but then what could she do, so when Teddy was heard to be snogging Victorie Weasly  Titania decided that she would not have any more crush. 

This was a decision made by an 11-year-old Titania and was kept all the way up to her fifth year of Hogwarts when she was sixteen. And that was also the first time the twenty-four-year-old Teddy felt as if he had been struck by lighting and that one moment had changed his whole life. For the first time since he had known Nia as he called her was more than just his best gal. She was his gal, she was a girl, she was intelligent and god was she always this gorgeous? 

This was as unexpected for Titania as it was for Teddy. She was sure it was a childish crush, she was sure she was over it, then how is it that one little thing managed to turn her whole world topsy turvy? But with the magical and mysterious disappearance and out of the blue appearances loom over then this not the time to figure out their feelings. Will they crash and burn or will collide to form a supernova?

Find out what happened to get both of them so riled up and who is it causing all the strange happenings in the magical community?

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