(Character) Verrick Varahir

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Name: Verrick Varahir
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Species: Dragon
Appearance: Wip
Backstory: He lost his body, legs, and wings in a battle. They were replaced with robotic parts, so now he is a cyborg. How body, legs, and wings exploded, so they were unsalvageable. His arms, tail, neck, and head were still intact, so he was able to keep them with his robotic body. He cannot eat anymore because he doesn't have a stomach, he just lives off the electricity running through his robotic parts. He still doesn't have wings but, he insisted that he didn't need them because his robotic legs allow him to jump high. He also lost his ability to breathe fire, now he can only cough smoke sometimes. He was given an assignment to go back to the past (this time period) and observe and take notes on our way of life currently. He is a high ranked soldier in his army and carries around a large gun that shoots lasers. In his spare time while he's not at war, he is a police officer. His wife was shot and killed by a raid party of the opposite side. He now takes care of his five year old son by himself. (His accident happened recently and his wife was killed two years ago.)
Family: Knack (son), Khara (wife, deceased)
Personality: Serious, doesn't like talking about his past, sometimes will think about his family and be in tears, has PTSD. He just wishes things could go back to the way they were.
Likes: His son, observing the past, being victorious.
Dislikes: Talking about his past, thinking about his wife, having to worry about Knack.
Strengths: Fighting, spirit, accuracy.
Weaknesses: Talking about his past, talking about his wife.
Other: He can't have kids anymore (for obvious reasons.) He is single, but it would be very hard to win him over after what he's been through.

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