Ch 5: The hand that rocks Mabel.

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Gravity Falls.

Inside a place called Tent of Telepathy is Li'l Gideon who is in his room about getting ready for his act when suddenly Devour appear causing him to yelp and get frighten.

Gideon: "Why are you here!" He said.

Devour: "Simple. I want you to give this to a girl called Mabel" he said giving Gideon a necklace which he look confused.

Gideon: "Um why?" He said which Devour chuckle.

Devour: "It will allow me to spy on the pines and I'll help you search for that journal which can find in the Mystery Shack" he said which Gideon smirk and shake his hand.

Unity Academy.

Inside the academy is Harry Potter who is having a great time teaching the ex magical younglings about the muggle life.

Ever since the merge his life became chaotic but then came Will Ekta who manages to save him from his abused uncle and Aunt plus he got them sent to jail.

Also the wizarding world no longer exists as Unity have captured everyone involved in the attempt murder of babies for a dumb ritual.

Thus both himself and many others abandoned the wizarding British and join the muggles.

Harry: "Oh great" he said seeing Dumbledore who is trying to enter the academy but the guards are blocking him.

So without hesitation he contacted Will and the two walk to face Dumbledore.

Dumbledore: "Harry! Please you must come and help restore order to what remain of the British Wizarding world" he said only for Will to punch him surprising the old man.

Will: "You had that chance but blew it when you failed to get order to the adult wizards and witches. Plus you only want access to what remain of your riches once the Goblins are given equal rights" he said.

Dumbledore: "You have no idea the chaos that is happening! Grindelwald have escape and took the elder wand!" He said which Will look at him with confusion.

Will: "You mean the wand that I broke once I arrive at Unity?" He said shocking Dumbledore.

Dumbledore: "Are you mad! That wand was the most powerful relic in the wizarding world!" He said.

Will: "Key word was. Ever since the merge all wands and magic became useless. Plus death from your world actually glad I snap the wand" he said shocking Dumbledore.

Dumbledore: "What about Grindelwald and many Death Eaters from Azkaban have join forces with Devour!" He said which Will glare and punch him in the face again.

Harry: "Well it ain't my problem anymore since you adults were supposed to keep the order but now you're just like the muggles you fear" he said.

Will: "Besides what remain of your wizarding world have join the rest of the world like France as they're doing better then what you British wizards are doing especially since you kept secrets from the rest of the world" he said then the two turn to leave.

Dumbledore: "Harry!" He said trying to grab him only to get grab by police and dragged off.

At Camp Lake bottom.

Currently Dib and a few of his friends are in his cabin looking at the magical objects he bought.

For example the Shen Gong Wu items that are deem safe are able to be charged thanks to gravity falls.

Dib: "I can't believe that the magical girls of japan thought they could recharge their magic" he said.

Ronnie: "I'm just glad some of them change but the sailor scouts sure need a reality check" she said.

Lincoln: "Agree. However most of the ladies like the Winx, Witch, and Lolirock are doing fine except for some that miss magic" he said.

Rose: "You know that even their enemies lost their magic and was immediately arrested once they attempt to cause trouble" she said.

Jake: "I'm just glad we can finally get to be ourselves without dealing with magical threats" he said.

Jupiter: "Same" she said and both teenagers fist bump.

At Devour island.

Currently Devour is looking at the assemble villains he have save, bring, or even found.

The Trix.
The Gorgon Sisters.
Vlad Master.
The Core.
Dark Princess.
Kordoth the conqueror.
Eli Excelsior Pandarus.
Bananas B.
Auntie Roon.
Dr. Von Reichter.

Devour: "Ah so glad you all could arrive" he said which some villains shiver.

Rizevim: "Some of us didn't have a choice since we are force to lived here" he said.

Medusa: "And some of us are in debt to you for freeing us" she said remembering how he free them from stone.

Salem: "Saving us" she said as she look human.

AFO: "Or giving us powers that we lost" he said as he look human.

Devour: "Doesn't matter. Anyway today we'll discuss about the alliance we are in" he said then out of nowhere Bill appear but he look spiritual.

Bill: "I managed to recruit some new villains to our cause" he said and appearing beside him is Spinal who look around in amazement.

Devour: "Good work Cipher. Now Spinal I want you to recruit these villains to our cause" he said giving her a list which she look then salute.

Icy: "Why do we need so many villains? We can destroy our enemies for good!" She said only to scream when Devour shot lightning from his hand.

Devour: "Have you forgotten about Unity?! They still a threat to us!" He said with such power that it forces the many villains to cower before him.

Von: "Speaking of Unity. I'm afraid we need more help as they have more allies like the Diamond Authority, Utrom, The Guardians, The Republic etc" he said.

Devour: "Oh we got that cover" he said which Bill snap his fingers and a mirror appear which show many allies waiting to join them.


Currently Danny and Dani are in an apartment that Unity manage to bought and gave to them enjoying a break from heroing work.

Danny: "Anything from Amity Park?" He said which Dani look at her phone then show him what happened.

Dani: "Apparently the new mayor have been busy repairing the city reputation and the budget once it reveal that it barely standing" she said.

Danny: "At least this mayor isn't begging for us like what happened to dimmsdale and Retroville" he said remembering how the two mayors of those cities beg to get back the money.

Dani: "I'm just glad kids like Timmy Turner's doesn't had dumb parents that barely care about him" she said remembering the court involving many parents losing their jobs, houses and children.

Suddenly a knock on the door caught their attention which Danny open then smile seeing Will there holding some food.

Will: "Hey you two. I'm visiting some of Unity heroes and thought I would treat you to some food" he said.

Dani: "Thanks Headmaster!" She said grabbing a bag and begin to eat some of the food.

Danny: "So how is everything?" He ask grabbing a bag then eat some food.

Will: "Going smoothly especially since most heroes that didn't lost their powers have join Unity. Sadly some heroes that did lose their powers are demanding that they are given equipment which I denied" he said.

Dani: "What about those like Atlas, Beacon, Devils, Fallen angel, and angels?" She ask which Will sigh.

Will: "most of the supernatural and many others accept the change as they now get to spend time with their family however what remain of Atlas is demanding some resources for the damage that Russia cause during their war which last for a week" he said.

Danny: "The Russia was defending themselves since Atlas did crashed into their land" he said.

Will: "Thus the UIC have disband the Atlas council and replace them with proper leaders sadly these new leaders are begging for help which I admit is annoying but it how business work" he said which Danny and Dani agree.

Talos 2.

Currently Jenny is in her new home talking to her friends Vega and Misty about other worlds.

Jenny: "I'm glad Steven managed to convince many species to be apart of your alliance" she said.

Vega: "Yeah but we still have trouble like the Kraang, Irken's, and the CIS. Thankfully we got allies like the Diamond Authority, Utrom, Galactic Republic, and many more" she said.

Misty: "Don't forget about the refugees from a destroy galaxy that Lord Dominator destroy" she said.

Jenny: "What exactly happened to that Lord Dominator?" She ask which Misty shrugged.

Misty: "Last I heard she escape when the merge happened" she said.

Entering the room is Sheldon and Kenny, a creation of Dr Mogg.

Sheldon: "Here you go Jenny! Some bio fueled that Will sent for you!" He said giving her the fueled which she accepted and drink it.

Misty: "How is things at Unity Kenny?" She ask.

Kenny: "Everyone is so nice and kind but when it involves threats they are serious which I don't blame them" he said.

Vega: "what about Tremorton?" She said which Jenny glare.

Jenny: "They are broke and nearly destroyed. And don't get me started on Tuck as he's a brat that think I'm his friend when in reality I'm his older brother friend" she said.

Sheldon: "It the truth and he got grounded for years after trying to cause a uprising against Unity" he said.

Vega: "Geez. I feel bad for you" she said.

Jenny: "Meh it alright as Tremorton is considered a blacklist territory for Unity and UIC" she said.

Kenny: "Btw Will informed us that the UIC have transferred some money to turn Talos 2 into a defense station" he said which Jenny sigh.

Jenny: "I understand that Earth doesn't have space defenses but they could informed us first" she said only for a monitor to turn on which reveal Will on the screen.

Will: "Actually I ask Gaia who agree but thankfully I managed to convince the UIC to only add defenses that only a selection of Unity staff can use since Talos 2 is considered your home" he said which Jenny smile.

Jenny: "Thanks" she said which Will smile then turn the monitor off.

At Canterlot.

Currently Korra and her girlfriend Asami are enjoying themselves to some food at a restaurant.

Things are better for the both of them as they ain't needed all the time. And Asami company is now better as she made deals with Unity and the UIC.

Sadly Korra life became difficult as many spirits try to force her to fix everything but Raava have stop all that nonsense.

Thus the two are here at Canterlot to get away from the spirits while Raava deal with the spirits.

Korra: "So what the plan?" She ask.

Asami: "Well I'm thinking about making a investment with Sunset" she said which Korra chuckle.

Korra: "Always the business woman even on breaks" she said which Asami giggle.

Asami: "Well you can't argue that me being a business woman is attractive~" she said which Korra smirk then see a newspaper about Thor.

Korra: "Huh look like Thor is doing a great job" she said.

Asami: "And to think so many gods lost their powers but those that were _ssholes lost so much more" she said.

Korra: "Don't forget about some monsters that were cursed are now free and spread how some gods are evil" she said remembering Medusa And Arachne told how Athena curse them all because they were victims.

Asami: "True and I still can't believe that the Roman version is doing better than their Greek versions" she said.

Korra: "Well don't forget about the Disney version" she said remembering how many mortals felt bad for that Hades.

Asami: "True. Plus the Greek version of Zeus die as a homeless guy" she said.

Korra: "Isn't he the r_pist?" She ask which Asami nod.

Asami: "Yes and no one care about him" she said which Korra agree.

Membrane Lab.

Inside the lab is Membrane himself who finished giving a unicorn called Tempest a new horn.

Membrane: "How does it feel?" He ask which Tempest check and smile seeing she have some magic back.

Tempest: "Perfect and thank you for listening to my tale" she said which Membrane chuckle.

Membrane: "You should thank Will as he the one who convinced me to change" he said.

Tempest: "So I still keep my horn and get payment?" She said which Membrane chuckle.

Membrane: "Yes but remember not to overdo yourself as it would harm you" he said which Tempest nod.

At Mystery Shack.

It been a rough day for the Dipper as he managed to convince the police to save his sister from Gideon who is arrested for trying to force himself onto Mabel.

However what surprised him is that Gideon got away by giving away that he was forced by Devour thus charges were drop but the police is keeping an eye on him.

Entering the house is Stan who look happy until he saw the twins which he frown.

Stan: "What happened?" He said.

Both: "Gideon" both Dipper and Mabel said which Stan chuckle.

Stan: "Figure. Well don't stay up too late" he said walking away.

Dipper: "Why didn't you listen to me?" He said looking at Mabel.

Mabel: "How was I supposed to know he turn out like that!" She said.

Dipper: "What about the time with Jeff? You didn't listen and nearly got yourself killed by Devour!" He said which Mabel flinch.

Mabel: "I didn't know" she said.

Dipper: "Course you don't. After all you don't care what I say but when you try to convince me you get mad when I ignore you. So explain why you won't listen to me" he said.

Mabel: "I" she said but stop when she got nothing to say.

Dipper: "That what I thought" he said then leave.

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