Cat in the street

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Isamu finished stacking up the last of the cans on the grey shelf in front of him. His eyes drooped with sleepiness as he dragged himself through the late night shift. Finally the overhead speaker came on saying that the store was closing for the night. The chocolate brown haired teen sighed in relief and headed to the employee room to grab his bag. After taking off the apron like uniform and name tag, Isamu headed out without a word. The rain poured down outside and with no signs of it ending anytime soon, he knew he would have to walk through it.

"Great." Isamu murmured under his breath. At that moment his sort-of-friend, Juro, walked up to him.

"Need a ride dude? I would hate for you to have to walk in that." Juro said taking out his car keys. Isamu frowned at him.

"No thanks. I'm good." He responded plainly.

"You sure because I don't mind-"

"I'm sure." Isamu cut him off quickly. He walked off into the rain not even looking back at his work partner. The rain soaked his hair making it droop over his eyes. He could feel freezing water rolling down the back of his neck and drenching his shirt. He didn't mind the cold so much. The teen was used to it, but he did not like getting rained on. Isamu sighed and listen to the rain as it hit the ground.
'This is what I get for refusing any help. I'll have to do laundry again. Dang it- huh?' He was suddenly cut off from his thoughts when he heard a strange noise coming from a nearby alleyway. 'Was that a cat?' He wondered walking up to the alleyway. Suddenly he heard the noise again. It was like a young cat's cry of hopelessness. Eventually his curiosity got the best of him and he wandered into the shadowy alley. Isamu used his phone as a flashlight to find a small cat in the corner. It was a smoky grey color and shivering from the cold. As he got closer he could hear its soft whimpers as if it were crying for help. The young teen actually found himself pitying the small creature. Finally the cat noticed his presence and looked up at him with big blue eyes. 'Wait. Blue eyes? That is a little unusual for a cat.' He shook the thought off and stepped a bit closer to the animal.
"Hey little kitty. Its ok. I'm not gonna hurt you." Isamu said reaching out a hand towards the cat, but it backed away into the corner.
"Don't worry. Its alright. I just want to help." He continued speaking in a gentle voice. Finally his hand reached the cat and scratched its soaking wet head.
'This poor cat is just alone out here. Its pretty young to be on its own. I would hate for it to die...' He wondered trailing off into thought. 'Maybe I could take care of it. I have been feeling really lonely living in my apartment. But still, having a pet could be rather difficult with my budget.' He looked down at the cat who was rubbing its head up against my hand trying to get warmer. He frowned down at it. 'I can't just leave this little thing here.'
"Looks like I have no choice." Isamu murmured and picked up the little cat gently carrying it in his arms. "Looks like your gonna be living with me little guy." He said smiling down at it. It gave a little "meow" in response and snuggled into his chest to keep out of the rain. He felt happy to see the cute little thing laying in his arms. Even if it was dripping with water
*          *          *
He stepped into his apartment room and locked the door behind him. Isamu took off his coat and boots. He frowned as he looked down at his shirt to find that it was dripping wet too. He sighed and set the cat down on the floor letting it wander around, and headed off to his room. It was past midnight and Isamu still had school tomorrow. He was exhausted, but there were still things needed to be done. First he headed off to his room and changed into some dry pajamas before he headed off to bed. He was bringing his wet and dirty cloths to the laundry when he noticed that the cat had started following him.
"Hey little koneko (kitty)." He said bending down to pet it. "Is it alright if I call you that? Koneko?" He could have sworn he saw the cat nod in response, but it may have just been his eyes tricking him. "I'll dry you off in just a moment. Right after I put this stuff down." He said referring to the cloths in his hand.
After putting everything up; Isamu sat down on his bed drying Koneko off with a towel in his arms. The smoky colored cat shifted around some, but didn't seem to mind what he was doing. He smiled down at the calm animal. It was a rather tame cat. He wondered if it had an owner before, or if it was just that friendly. His watch beeped distracting him from his thoughts. It was 1 in the morning.
'Ok I have seriously got to go to bed.' Isamu though setting down the towel on his bedside table. Gently he lifted up the cat, who "meowed" in confusion, and placed it down on the floor. Without saying a word he crawled under his blankets and started drifting off into a sleep. But before he completely fell asleep he felt Koneko climb up beside him and curl up to sleep next to him. Isamu smiled and gave the cat a little pet on the head before drifting off into a dreamless sleep.

Hey guys! What do you think of my story? Its an anime idea that I came up with. I haven't had much of a chance to work on the storyline for this but oh well. I still think it is pretty good.
The pic on the top is kinda what Isamu looks like but he only wears the glasses during school.
Oh and I'm sorry if there are any typos in this. And I hope you liked it!!!^^

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