Chapter fourteen

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Chapter fourteen

"Woohoo! Score one for Neah!" Neah cheered as she skipped out of the palace. She didn't even care that people were looking at her strangely. And I didn't even swear! Not once! As if on cue, her Eye of the Rukh began humming. "Wow, King Idiot, you're always really late when you're needed, but when no one cares if you call- Bam! You're there!"

"Have you spoken with Scheherazade yet?" Sinbad asked, ignoring her remark.

"Why do you care anyway? This isn't your problem." Neah stopped walking and looked at the magic tool.

"Just curious."

"Oh, sure." Neah rolled her eyes, yet continued to speak, "She agreed to help. But I'm not running off to Kou just yet."

"What do you plan to do in Reim?"

"Probably train a bit," Neah shrugged. "Learning martial arts from the Fanalis Corps would be great. Although, Muu probably doesn't like me." She began walking again, heading towards the coliseum.

"It doesn't seem many people like you." Sinbad pointed out.

"Ah, shut up."

Having been reminded by her rudeness, Sinbad asked, "I assume you were polite to Scheherazade?"

"'Course I was!" Neah said. She then thought up another snarky remark for the king, "Do you check up and obsess over what your other pawns do as well? Or am I special?" She smiled snidely at the magic tool. When the -clearly unamused- king didn't respond, Neah spoke again, "Well, I'm going to go watch a few rounds of gladiator matches at the coliseum. Later~" She hung up before Sinbad could respond.


After watching a few gladiator matches, Neah grew bored and left, wandering around the capital again. She gasped and fell to the ground as she tripped over something. "Hey!" She snapped and looked to find what she had tripped over, "...the hell?" A malnourished blob of a person laid on the ground, groaning softly. A small curved sword laid in it's sheath beside the person. "Wait a minute.... Are you Alibaba?"

The person lifted his head, "Eh?"

Neah moved to a cross-legged position, "Hah! You are Alibaba! What the hell happened to you?"

"I'm so hungry..." He moaned.

The female magi sighed. A woman was walking by holding a basket full of bread. She reached in and grabbed one, the woman not noticing. "Here," Neah tossed the bread at the former prince.

He gasped and instantly sat up, devouring the bread in a few bites. Once he was finished, he looked at Neah, "Hey...Haven't I seen you before?"

"Yeah, I met your perverted magi, Aladdin, but I don't think we've ever talked." Neah said. "I'm Neah."

"Yeah...Aladdin mentioned you before..."

"How'd you end up like this?" Neah asked.

"Pirates..." Alibaba growled.

"Ah," Neah nodded. "Well, Why don't I save you the trouble of getting your ass kicked by a girl and help you out?" She offered, her old history lessons coming to mind.

"What do you mean?"

"C'mon, get up." Neah stood, offering the dungeon capturer a hand. "There's a inn nearby, I'm sure they'll take you."

"I don't have any money..." Alibaba spoke. "I even lost my letter from King Sinbad..."

"Well that makes two of us who have zero authority without the help of that idiot." Neah helped Alibaba to the inn. She didn't step more than two feet in the door before a trio ran up to them.

"Hey, Brother, could this be...?"

"Boss Alibaba!"

"Huh?" Alibaba looked at the trio. "Hey, you guys are..."

"That's right! I'm S Nando!"

"I'm L Nando!"

"I'm M Nando!"

"Yes, a very happy reunion," Neah rolled her eyes, "Get him some food before he passes out."

"Ah, right!" S Nando exclaimed and ran off.

Neah handed Alibaba over to L Nando and M Nando."Well, see ya later, Prince Dumbass," She waved, pleased with her new nickname for the metal vessel user.

"You're not staying?" One of the Nando brothers asked.

"Ah..." Neah thought for a while. She knew she'd be messing up more history than she already was, but she still said, "Actually, I'd like to talk with you for a bit, Alibaba."

"Okay." Alibaba agreed, still light headed and dizzy from lack of food.


After telling her story one more time than she thought she'd have to, Neah waited for Alibaba's reaction. The prince was still stuffing his face with food, "So you got Lady Scheherazade to help you? Well that's good. Is King Sinbad helping too?"

"I haven't asked him yet," Neah shook her head. "But would you be willing to help as well? I figure by the time I'll need you, you'll already have a stable position with the Magoi Manipulation Tribe."

"Ah, sure. When will you need me? And, you said you talked to Aladdin, is he helping too?"

"Not sure yet, I'm contacting Scheherazade when I'm ready. Aladdin said he can't, he's too busy figuring out everything about Magnostadt...I think he might show up anyway, depends."

"Alright, that works. I-" Alibaba was cut off as several girls screamed and two guards talked to a completely naked man. The prince got up and walked over to the man, who had been pushed down by the guards.

The man stood, several more people screaming. Neah twisted her face into a disgusted expression and shielded her eyes, "Aw, gross... 'Ey, Prince Dumbass! I'm gonna go! I'll contact you whenever!" She stood and left the inn, not looking back at the poor prince who was inches away from the naked man.


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