Chapter nine

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Chapter nine

Neah woke slowly. As she opened her eyes, she noticed a golden glow around her. Beside her sat Yamraiha, who was aiming her staff at the magi, the source of the glow. "Yam?"

"Oh, Neah, you're awake!" Yamraiha stopped the spell she was casting.

"What spell is that?" Neah sat up and looked around. Black rukh swarmed around her, the only white rukh was surrounding Yamraiha.

"I was just helping you replenish your magoi. It looks like it worked. How do you feel?" Yamraiha asked, smiling.

"Uh, better, I guess."

"You shouldn't overwork yourself like that. You could've died."

"I'm fine." Neah insisted, getting up from the bed. She felt lightheaded and everything spun. She stumbled forward a bit, but quickly regained her footing, "I'm fine," She repeated.

Yamraiha gave her a disapproving look, "You should rest more."

"Ugo sai- I mean- I've been out for a week, right?" Neah asked, avoiding mentioning the djinn. They'd think she's crazy.

"Yes, but-"

"That's more than enough rest." Neah continued to walk away.

"Are you going to train more? You really shouldn't..."

"No," Neah stopped and turned back to Yamraiha, "I'm going to figure out when the next ship leaves... I know how I'm going to stop MWS now."

"You're leaving?!" Yamraiha exclaimed, standing and walking over to her. "Where?!"

"Not sure... What's the closest country? Balbadd? That wouldn't work... Magnostadt?" Neah talked mostly to herself as Yamraiha continued to look at her in disbelief.

"Why would you need to go to Magnostadt?" The magician asked.

"I want to ask, uh, what's his name? Matal Mogamett?" Neah asked herself. "I'm going to ask Magnostadt if they'll help me fight MWS." Yamraiha still looked confused, but Neah began leaving again anyway, "I won't leave right away, I need to pack some things."


Neah stood at the Sindrian docks, a small bag of her belongings over her shoulder and her staff in her free hand. All the generals and King Sinbad stood before her, the ship she would be boarding waiting behind her.

"I still don't understand," Sinbad spoke, "Why are you leaving all of a sudden? You just woke up."

Neah contemplated her answer for a second, "You'd do anything for Sindria, wouldn't you?" Sinbad remained quiet. Neah continued, "Well, I want to do anything I can to help everyone from my time. I can't just sit back and do nothing."

"How will going to Magnostadt help you achieve that?" Ja'far asked, standing beside Sinbad.

"I'm going to see if they'll at least lend me some magicians to help," Neah said, "Then I'll move on to Reim and see if their metal vessel users or Fanalis corps will help. I'll just keep asking around until I have enough power."

Everyone looked at her like she was insane, "That's impossible!" Yamraiha exclaimed.

"Getting all the countries to work together?" Sharrkan scoffed.

"That's suicide." Drakon spoke.

Neah shrugged, "Eh, don't worry, I'll be back. You can't get rid of me that easy." She smirked and walked up to Sinbad, placing her bag and staff down, "Here, I'll even leave you something to remember me by," She reached up on her tip-toes -which barely helped- and pressed her lips on the kings, her hands on his chest so she wouldn't fall over from reaching so far up.

Sinbad was surprised at first, -and so were the generals, who all audibly gasped-, but as Neah pulled away he placed a hand on her back and pulled her to him again. This caused the generals -mostly Ja'far- to freak out. If it was humanly possible, the white haired general's jaw would have been on the ground, and his eyes bulging out of his head, "Sinbad?! What do you think you're doing?!"

They both pulled away and Neah smirked, "Jealous?" Ja'far looked between her and the king, still stunned. "Don't worry, I'm not stealing your precious king, you can have 'em." Neah chuckled and began backing away. She picked up her bag and staff and began walking onto the boat, "See you later, King Idiot~" She waved, still smiling at the generals confused looks. Sinbad waved back.

~(A/N- Neah ships SinJa, pass it on) 

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