Chapter thirty two

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Chapter thirty two

Unlike the last time they fought, they weren't in an open field. They were in the middle of a normal road, cars and trucks abandoned everywhere. Tall buildings surrounded them on either side, and there wasn't much room to cast destructive spells safely. The two Elites, Alok and Melor, were jumping around, easily dodging the all of the magis' attacks.

Although they still had the Elites outnumbered, Yuki and Adna weren't able to fight. Every time Alok or Melor countered an attack, the two magi would be in a fit of pain, unable to move or fight back. To top it off, none of the magi had seen Nadiya yet, who was the leader of this whole event. Killing her was top priority, but she was nowhere to be found.

"Harl-Harl Infigar!" Aladdin and Neah cast the fire spell at the same time.

"A simple spell like that won't work on us!" Mellor laughed as he swiftly avoided the flames.

"All of us need to cast a spell at the same time!" Aladdin spoke, looking back at the other magi.

"It's worth a try," Scheherazade agreed.

"We'll help too," Adna said weakly, her and Yuki trying to get to their feet.

"No, you two stay back," Neah decided, looking over her shoulder at the pair. "It's too dangerous for you to use magic. Save your magoi."

Anda looked back at Yuki, who sighed, "She's right."

Satisfied with their agreement to stay put, Neah turned to the other magi, "Ready? Everyone cast some sort of heat magic."

The five magi all casted either the same spell, or something similar. Mostly 'Harl-Harl Infigar' was cast, all the flames combining and attacking the two Elites at once. Surely the attack would cause damage, maybe even cripple the persistent males.

Just as Neah cast her spell, out of the corner of her eye she saw a figure jumping across the rooftops of the nearby buildings. The person jumped from the roof of the closest building, landing just a few feet away. Merely seconds before the flames hit the unprepared Elites, the person jumped in between them shouting, "Deflect!" Using both hands, the first Elite redirected the magic fire, sending it right back at the now-stunned magis.

Neah reacted quickly, raising her hands and casting, "Sharrar Baraq!" The flames and water crashed together, creating burning-hot steam. The dragon shaped water was quickly evaporated, and the last of the fire magic directly hit Neah's outstretched hands, her borg unable to react in time.

"Damn!" The fallen magi swore and clutched her hands to her chest. Her palms and forearms stung badly. Neah didn't dare look at the damage.

"Why didn't you use your crystal, Mellor?!" Nadiya, who had come to the Elites' rescue, scolded.

"Oh, uh," Mellor panicked as he and Alok stood and brushed themselves off, having fallen from all the commotion. "It broke during our last fight...I haven't had the time to repair it."

"It broke?!" Nadiya exclaimed angrily.

"Hey, don't worry about it, Nadiya," Alok soothed. "We'll fix it later, right now..." The blond Elite raised his hands, a golden glow already surrounding them, "Golden Thorns."

The glow around Alok's hands grew, and from his palms sprouted thorn covered vines coated in a golden light. The Elite pulled his hands back, then pushed them forward, sending the growing vines at the magicians before him.

Several borgs activated, only to be easily crushed by the seeming indestructible vines. The magis tried to run, but the plants were still coming at them, gaining speed as it moved.

"Sharrar!" Yuki painfully pulled himself up and ran in front of the others to cast the defencive water spell.

"Yuki?!" Neah gasped, her arms still burning against her chest. "What are you doing?! That only works on light magic!" Nevermind the fact that the magi shouldn't be casting spells in the first place.

"It is light magic!" Yuki yelled as the vines crashed into the steam wall, surprisingly unable to pass through. This didn't last long, though.

Yuki cringed and his stance faltered as Alok pressed harder, taunting the magi, "You can't be me, kid!"

Yuki was able to hold up the steam wall for a few more moments before it dissolved and he fell to his knees. The vines engulfed him and attacked the other magi, wrapping around them.

"Yuki!" Neah called as the vines snaked around her waist, the thorns digging into the exposed flesh. She struggled against them, but they only dug deeper. The others were in the same state, all suspended in the air by the snake-like plants.

"What kind of magic is this?!" Aladdin squirmed in pain, trying to break himself free.

"Don't move!" Neah warned, "It just makes it worse!"

By now the ground below them was covered in the thorny plants. Even the Elites had to back up, the magic had spread so far. Alok grew the vines out a bit more, then lowered his hands, the glow fading from his hands but not from the vines holding the magicians.

"It's composite magic-" Yuki explained, also struggling against the vines. His arms were pinned against his sides, making it even more impossible to break free. "It's both life magic and light magic, that's why I thought 'Sharrar' would work."

"Composite magic?" Neah echoed. "They can do that too?!"

"Of course we can!" Mellor smirked from below them. "We're not weaklings like you guys are!"

"Mellor, quiet," Nadiya commanded. "We must get rid of these magi now before reinforcements arrive." She directed her gaze to Neah, "You were clever breaking out of the prison with everyone from this time period. But your reign of terror on this planet is over. You are not a part of the world Solomon desired to create."

"What are you talking about, Miss?" Aladdin frowned. He had stopped struggling and was lightly resting his arms on the vines holding him in place.

Nadiya turned to him and narrowed her eyes, "A magi from the Old Days?"

"Yeah! Nadiya, he's Solomon's kid!" Alok informed excitedly. "Isn't that amazing?"

"Solomon's child...hmm?" Nadiya thought out loud.

"I'm not sure what you are talking about, Miss," Aladdin continued. "Solomon wanted magicians and everyone in this world. He wanted a world where everyone could live in peace with one another. He didn't want...this... All this fighting. Locking up everyone who uses magic... Solomon wouldn't want this. I know he wouldn't."

Nadiya stiffened and glared at Aladdin, "And how would you know? You're just a kid! 'Solomon's Proxy', ha! You know nothing! You will be destroyed by my magic!" She raised her hands, wind swirling around her. The female Elite began chanting a strange spell, "Sinur nal akula pveathr ith..." The wind picked up it's speed until it was flipping nearby cars and trucks, tossing them aside like they were toys.

"She has this much power..." Adna marveled, eyes wide.

"I didn't think Ugo could handle all this..." Yuki said. Aladdin looked at the blond in confusion, then sadness once he realized what he meant.

Neah inhaled deeply. This was it. There was no way they were getting out of this. The vines around them were only getting tighter, and even Alok and Mellor had backed off a few feet, scared of Nadiya's power. Her guilt returned, there was nothing she could do. She had freed everyone, they had gotten so far, only to fail against the Elites for a second time. I shouldn't have done this... I'm so stupid... Neah closed her eyes as the wind picked up more, and a bright light surrounded them. The sound of electricity cracking came from behind her, almost louder than the wind.

"Extreme Magic:..."

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