Chapter three

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Chapter three

Neah woke slowly, groaning. "Where the hell am I?" She sat up and looked around. A weird sort of town stood before her. Funny, She thought as she stood and brushed herself off. This looks an awful lot like Sindria from the textbooks. She looked around her once more before deciding to look around some. Neah didn't get very far before she was stopped and surrounded by guards.


Neah raised an eyebrow. They looked nothing like the MWS guards, and their spears looked rather useless. "What are you going to do, poke me?"

"Who are you? How did you get into my country?" A deep voice demanded.

Neah, surprised, turned her attention towards the voice. A tall man with purple hair and lots of jewelry stood cross-armed a few yards away. She noticed eight other people standing with him, all dressed strangely. "What is this? Cosplay?" Neah scoffed, then thought for a moment, "Wait...This is some history reenactment, isn't it? Good job, I suppose... You really do look like that idiot king!"

The purple haired man only grew more serious, "Who are you?"

"Neah Andson." She looked around at all the angry faces, "What? I haven't done anything! Sorry to trample on your stupid reenactment, geez." She raised her hands in defence.

"How did you get past the magic barriers?"

My god, he doesn't get out of character, does he?? "Are you serious?"


"Ok." Neah looked around again. "This doesn't make any sense. Like hell MWS would let you guys do this." She noticed a tall -freakishly tall- man with blue hair, "Imuchakk?! That's impossible..." They were all killed as well!

The man only looked confused now, "What are you talking about? Why are you in Sindria? There should be no reason someone like you could pass through the barrier."

"Someone like me?" Neah furrowed her brow. She sighed in frustration, "Tell me, are you King Sinbad?"

"Yes, I am."

"The real King Sinbad?"


"What the fuck..." Neah looked to the people behind him, "And those are your generals? Like, actual household members and a magician?"

Sinbad gave her a strange look, yet answered, "Yes..."

Neah began laughing in disbelief, "I time traveled...I'm actually in the Old Days!" She laughed more at Sinbad and his generals confused looks. "This is sick!" She began sobering and said, "I have no idea how I got here, or why I got past the barriers...Hell, I don't even know why I'd set the 'alarms' off anyway."

"Any potential threat to Sindria won't be ignored."

"I'm probably not a threat, really." Neah spoke nonchalantly, "I mean sure, I'm fallen or whatever, and I'm a magi, but I liked learning about Sindria...The first time around anyway."

"You're a magi?" One of the generals questioned.

"Yep. Would you like me to prove it?" Neah smirked, raising her hand. All of the soldiers and generals grew more tense. Neah rolled her eyes. "Ok, whatever. I don't know why I'm here, and it's not cause I'm trying to destroy Sindria or anything stupid like that, so lay off." No one seemed convinced, "What? For fucks sake, I'm not doing anything! You want me to explain what I know, or not?"

Sinbad raised his hand, and all the soldiers lowered their spears. Neah sighed dramatically, "Thank you! Now..." She began explaining that she was from the future where Al-Thamen was defeated and everything about MWS and what they did. She ended by explaining how she snuck into MWS and how they caught her, before she suddenly arrived in Sindria.

Everyone surrounding her gave her astonished looks. They all looked to each other, still trying to make sense of the abundance of information. "So you're from the future?" A general asked.

"Yes, that was the first thing I said." Neah crossed her arms. Neah noticed he was a man from Heliohapt. So this is legit...sick... It wasn't popular to see people from Heliohapt in her time. Nor Parthevians, which she realized Sinbad was.

"How could they do all that to the magicians? That's horrible!" A blue haired woman, the magician, exclaimed.

"And the djinn, household users, metal vessels, Fanalis, Imuchakk, any other race that had power..." Neah listed with a bored tone. Although she did like the fact that someone besides her thought how people of her time were living was wrong.

"Well, how are you going to get back to your time?" The Imuchakk man asked.

"No idea. The MWS is probably still after my ass anyway." Neah shrugged. "Apparently, they've been tracking me for a while now," She continued. "I guess I'm related to Judar or whatever."

"Judar?" Sinbad echoed. "How would you be related to him?"

"I'm his great, great, add a few hundred more greats, granddaughter, according to MWS." Neah explained, then added, "The resemblance is really obvious. Red eyes, black hair, bitchy personality..."

"Hmm...I suppose..." Sinbad agreed. "That might explain why you set off the barrier as well." He pointed out, then added a bit hatefully, "Or because you're fallen."

Neah raised an eyebrow, "You're one to talk about falling, Hotshot." Sinbad gave her a confused look at the nickname. "So, are you going to let me stay in Sindria, or what?" Neah looked at Sinbad, he didn't look like he'd say yes. "C'mon! Just cause I'm related to that asshole, doesn't mean I'm like him!"

Sinbad was unamused now, "You're behavior isn't very convincing."

Neah sighed dramatically and rolled her eyes, "Where else am I supposed to go?"

"You'll figure it out."

Neah pursed her lips in frustration. She breathed deeply and tried again, "I need training in magic... I'm not very good at controlling spells cause I don't use a staff..." She knew saying she did magic staffless caught the female magician's attention.

"Your Majesty, I can keep an eye on her." The magician offered, stepping forward.

Sinbad turned back to her, "Are you sure?"

"Yes. I'm interested in how she can do magic without a staff." The female nodded.

Neah smirked as Sinbad turned back to her. "Alright. You can stay."


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