Chapter twelve

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Chapter twelve

After several more hours of searching, Neah realized no one would come near her. She'd tried asking for directions once or twice, but no one would talk to her, never mind look at her. Do they know I'm a magi...or is it because of my rukh? The magi stopped walking, finally losing her temper, "Ok, look you idiot magicians! I just need to talk to Matal Mogamett, then I'll leave this stupid country! If you want me gone, you could fucking help me find him, and I'll be gone before you know it!"


Neah whipped around to see the young blue haired pervert cautiously approaching her. She scoffed, "I forgot you were here, Chibi."

"Why are you here?" Aladdin asked, still a bit worried to be near the angry magi, especially after their last encounter.

"I need to talk to Mogamett." Neah crossed her arms. "You know where he is?"

"Well, maybe. But I'm not sure he'd want to talk to you." Aladdin looked around at the magicians that were surrounding them, "No one here seems to like you much."

"I don't care, where is he?"

"I don't know exactly, but," Aladdin lowered his voice, "Didn't Yam warn you about coming here and being a magi?"

"Yeah, well, I just need his help." Neah sighed, the magicians around them were listening closely. "Can we talk in private?"

"Ah, ok. We can go to my room?" Aladdin offered. "But I have a roommate."

"Whatever, let's go." Neah grabbed the younger magi's arm and dragged him away. The magicians backed away so she could pass. They're acting like I have the plague or something, geez. Neah noticed Aladdin's kordor necklace as they walked. She laughed, "You're in the sixth kordor? You're weak as hell!"

"Yam gave me a magic tool that stops the rukh from helping me," Aladdin explained, "That way no one finds out I'm a magi. What kordor are you in?" He looked over at her.

"First." Neah smirked.

"That's probably why everyone's afraid of you. Plus your rukh. You really shouldn't have come here without a magic tool like I have." Aladdin slowed his pace and stopped at a door. He opened it and led Neah inside. Luckily his roommate wasn't around, "What do you want to talk about?"

Neah inhaled deeply, tired of telling her story over and over. "Long ass story, but, I'm from a future Al-Thamen is defeated and all magicians, djinns and their users, Fanalis, and every other strong being, were locked away. These douchebags called MWS did a bunch of stuff to prevent magicians from being born, and created weapons and shit that are really bad, I've seen them." She sighed, "And yet, I survived and learned things about magic and that I'm a magi before somehow getting sent to this time."

The younger magi looked at her in awe, still processing the information she carelessly threw at him. He didn't look like he knew where to start, but after a few moments his shocked expression faded, "Oh. So why do you need Mogamett's help? To get you back to your time?"

"No," Neah shook her head. "I want him to lend me some magicians so that I can get a bunch of people together to stop MWS. I'm going to Reim and Kou next."

"I see. That might work." Aladdin nodded. "I didn't think you were the type of person that cared about others like that, Neah-san."

"The hell does that mean, Chibi?" Neah growled. "You know, unlike you, I still have unlimited magoi!"

"I know, I know," Aladdin raised his hands in defence. "A-Anyway, I'm not sure Mogamett will help you. There's something weird in this country..."

"Yeah, I know all about it." Neah waved him off, "I don't care about that, I know what happens, what the outcome is, all that jazz. I'm not here to change shit, cause I'm way too far back in time to stop the MWS from being created. Besides, I still don't care much for the Butterfly Effect."

Aladdin furrowed his brow a bit, several things she'd just said he'd never heard before, "What's the Butterfly Effect?"

Neah rolled her eyes and quoted from her school textbooks, "'The phenomenon whereby a minute localized change in a complex system can have large effects elsewhere.'" This didn't clear anything up for the younger magi. "Oh my god, it's just some theory that if I change something, no matter how small, now, that tons of things about my time could be drastically changed."

"Haven't you already changed a lot from being here, and talking to me? And talking to everyone else?" Aladdin asked.

The black haired girl grew annoyed, "Stop overthinking things, alright?! That's besides the point. You know, Ugo asked me to get you to help too, but I think I hate you more than that King Idiot, Sinbad!"

"You talked to Ugo-kun?"

"Yeah, he wanted to ask who I was cause he noticed another magi popped up." Neah explained. "He is the biggest nerd, by the way," Neah almost laughed. "They made him so serious in the textbooks."

"So you want me to help you fight the...MWS?" Aladdin asked, putting the conversation back on track.

"No, Ugo did. I can't stand to work with you." Neah huffed, then muttered, "Not like I want anyone's help in general, but..."

"Well, I have to figure out what's going on here, first..." Aladdin spoke.

"Yeah, I figured." Neah sighed again, "I'm beginning to realize no one here is going to help me. Mogamett's probably long gone by now." Too absorbed in his own hatred to see straight. Sure, Neah was vengeful, but she wasn't suicidal over it. Not really, at least.

Aladdin was confused again. Neah stood and messed up the magi's blue hair before walking towards the door while saying, "See ya later, Chibi. I'd probably say be careful or some other stupid heartfelt shit but you're Solomon's kid, you're fine." Now the boy was surprised, but Neah was gone before he could question her.


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