Chapter twenty

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Chapter twenty

Neah had finished explaining everything over again to the Seven Seas Alliance and Reim, who had just arrived not more than a few hours after the Alliance. The magi was standing on a wall much higher than the several countries gathered below her. The normal armies, and Kou's dungeon monsters, were still on the ships, but that didn't change the fact that there were tons of people Neah was talking to.

She was now having a few soldiers pass out maps she'd made to everyone. Maps of Rakuen she'd created from memory. Neah figured it'd be helpful if everyone knew their way around if they got separated.

Behind Neah, was Sinbad, who was only there because it was his country everyone was gathered in. A Sindiran soldier approached him and spoke urgently before being sent away. The king walked to the magi, "Neah, I've gotten word of another ship docking. I thought this was everyone?"

"It is...Besides Yunan, but who knows when he'll show up." Neah stopped talking to the crowd and turned to him, "I have no idea who it is..." She sighed, and followed the king to the docks. Yay, more surprises!


At the docks, Sinbad and Neah watched as a familiar face happily ran off the ship. "Aladdin...?" They both spoke at the same time.

"Neah-san!" Aladdin ran over. "We're not late, are we? There are a lot of ships around here!" The young magi looked at the other ships in the area. Most were from Kou and Reim.

"No, you're right on time, actually," Sinbad answered.

"Good!" Aladdin smiled. "I convinced a bunch of magicians to help when I explained to them what was going on, Neah-san."

"Seriously?! Mogamett agreed to help?" Neah exclaimed.

"Not exactly..." Aladdin shook his head. "Just a few magicians."

"That's better than nothing," Sinbad spoke, crossing his arms.

"Yeah..." Neah nodded. "Well, I was just telling everyone about how to get around Rakuen...It's really not hard, I'm sure Alibaba can explain later..." She began looking around. She was nervous as hell, things were about to get serious. "We just need Yunan to show up..."

"Don't be surprised if he doesn't," Sinbad huffed.

Neah rolled her eyes, "He'll show up. Why do you hate him so much anyway?"

"Wait, Neah-san, did you say Alibaba-kun was here?!" Aladdin interrupted. It didn't seem like he heard anything past the words 'Alibaba'.

Neah turned back to him, "Ah, yeah. He came with Scheherazade and the Fanalis Corps. You could probably find him with them," She pointed behind her to where the countries are gathered. "It won't be hard to find him. They all refuse to mingle together and are sticking with their countries."

"Alright! I'm going to go see him, then!" Aladdin said excitedly, then ran off.

"Have him explain everything as well! I'm not repeating myself!" Neah called after him. She sighed when he didn't stop, "Stupid brat."

"Wow, you did a good job getting everyone together, Neah," A new voice spoke behind the magi.

She turned to see Yunan, and a pink haired girl beside him, "Finally, you're here!" Neah was too tired to care about respect or anything of the sort, "You took your time, didn't you?! You're even worse than Sinbad!" She thought for a minute, "Actually, it'd make sense if he got it from you..."

"I'm sorry," The older magi apologized. "We're not too late, are we?"

Neah sighed deeply, "No. Go find everyone else, I need to talk to all of you." She waved them off. Once they were gone, Neah relaxed and groaned, "I don't want to explain again..."

"Would you like me to do it?" Sinbad offered.

"No..." Neah shook her head. "I just need to tell them about MWS' weapons, and talk to Dantalion."


Once Neah finished explaining to everyone how MWS' soul-charged weapons worked, and how low-ranking soldiers used magoi powered weapons, everyone looked more than prepared, and bored. She was sure most of them weren't listening anymore, and she had to hide her annoyance as she said, "Alright, I think I'm done, we can talk about where everyone will be in a bit." Relieved faces filled the crowd. "I just need to speak with Prince Koumei alone, now."

"Wait, why alone?!" A Fanalis yelled up to her. "Shouldn't we all hear? What's so important you only need to talk to him?!"

Neah closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose, "Fine, whatever. Koumei, can you come here?"

The prince came up and stood beside her, "Are you going to speak to my djinn?"

"Yeah," Neah looked him over for his metal vessel. He outstretched his fan to her. Neah wasn't sure what she was doing, but she touched the djinn symbol and hoped something would happen.

It began glowing, and a large blue woman came from the metal fan. Everyone gasped, and Neah and Koumei took a few steps back. The djinn had long blue hair and horns coming from her head. "What is it, Magi?"

"I need to talk to you about your magic," Neah started. She was surprised the djinn was female, the prince hadn't corrected her before when she assumed she was male.

Dantalion lowered herself to be level with Koumei, smiling at him proudly. "What about my magic?"

"I know there's a secret power you have," Neah looked at the djinn with a serious expression. "A power that allows you to teleport one person to any time period."

"I don't have such powers," The djinn denied. "I only have the Big Dipper Transfer Circles."

"You were told by Ugo not to let your master use it," Neah pressed, "because it's way too strong for any human to use."

"Why are you asking me about this, Magi?" Dantalion narrowed her eyes. "Even if I have this power you speak of, I am not allowed to use it."

"I know, but I need to know more about it." Neah tried, "I'm sure Ugo wouldn't mind if you casted it once. We're ready now. If we can get the jump on MWS, then we'll have an even greater chance at winning!"

"I cannot teleport several humans at once," Dantalion explained. "I can only-"

She was cut off as strong gust of wind passed by. The wind nearly knocked everyone over, it was so strong. Now on the ground, Neah looked to see the wind was being sucked into a large galaxy-looking hole that had opened up in the sky. The magi's eyes widened, It looks like like the portal I was sent here in! It's Dantalion's power!

Neah quickly got to her feet and grabbed her staff that was lying nearby. "Sinbad!" She called to the king over the sound of the wind. "It's them! MWS is here!"

Hearing this caught everyone's attention. Several gasped and panicked, while others readied their weapons. "We need to get going!" Neah yelled at the gathered countries. "We can't let them get here and destroy Sindria!"

All the country leaders, Sinbad, Scheherazade, and Kouen began commanding their armies on what to do. They got everyone, including the normal armies, onto magic carpets from Kou and set off to the portal. Neah flew on her staff along with most of the magicians, completely terrified.

I'm coming, Yuki, everyone! Just hang on!


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