⌜ four ⌟

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we got to a fight because the new year couple i introduced is under his company!?

being the one in charged to drive, hansol almost swerved lanes when his husband's shout screeched inside the car. the older man rolled his eyes and went to focus his attention back on to the busy road. meanwhile, the thai male that's explaining everything to the chinese had to cover his ears as he already predicted that he would scream because of that revelation. he just knows him too well.

before that, you two had already argued about something.❞ taking it slow, ten was doing his best not to surprise his friend that much. though, that would be impossible since he did make a drastic change ever since college years. ❝it's about sicheng.

scooting close to him, kun then had his jaw dropped. ❝what about sicheng?

opening his mouth, ten was about to begin his explanation, but felt the need to glance at the man driving with a smirk plastered on his face. ❝oh, looks like someone is jealous.

hansol knew he was the one being referred to what the thai male had said, causing him to click his tongue and tighten his grip on the steering wheel. ❝just shut up and tell him the important details.

somehow, kun's attention darted from one subject to another, making him curious as what these two are talking about. ❝why would he be jealous? i'm his husband.

yeah, but ever since you got your job in being a journalist, you and sicheng have been seeing each other a lot.❞ ten told him, still having that playful smirk as he finds it amusing watching the man just suffer on his seat. ❝in award shows, in interviews, and you two would often be together out of schedule. being his biggest fan was a big help on your part, it made you get closer to sicheng a lot faster. and maybe.. you two had something going on in between those early years of your career.

it took kun a good minute before having to summarize it all up. ❝so, basically, i'm a hoe?

no, dear.❞ the thai male was quick to comfort his friend, putting the blame on the man who's holding himself back from the driver's seat. ❝your husband is just an in denial asshole.

what do you mean?❞ with brows knitted, the chinese faced the man maneuvering the car before looking back at the one sitting right beside him.

laughing like those elegant mothers out to talk about the neighbor's whereabouts, ten was enjoying this so much. ❝that confession he made back in college—

ten,❞ hansol's stern voice rang inside their ears, telling the both of them that they won't like what he'll do next if another word would be said. ❝don't make me warn you again.

the said male stiffened on his spot as that was his que, reminding him how doomed he would be if he does go beyond the boundaries. not only that, but he just realized that he might have overdone it this time. he may be the one who guessed what's happening, but that doesn't give him the right to meddle with their story. which is why, he covered it up with a nervous chuckle. ❝i'm not in the right place to tell you about it.

as much as how much kun wanted to know, hearing how serious the man's voice is also scared him to say the least. he understood at to why the latter dropped the topic. and so, he brought up the topic before this started, ❝so, about doyoung and i?

regaining back his mood to clarify things up, ten shrugged off the fact that he was being scolded by the man for being such a loudmouth. ❝you favor sicheng so much in his company that you got so mad when you found out that doyoung declined the offer in him starring at the remake of, "asteroid garden".

okay, understandable.❞ but how bad could their argument be? ❝wait, what the fuck? there's a remake of that superior series?

there is, but sicheng didn't get to be part of it.❞ sighing, the thai male hesitated to be the one to say this, but he knew it had to be said. ❝that's why you threatened doyoung, telling him that you'll release the couple because of his decision.

the couple has something to do about sicheng, right?❞ kun made a guess, trying to catch up to the situation.

what? no, his case has been dealt a long time ago.❞ ten said with a chuckle.

that made kun raise a brow, ❝so, you mean, sicheng is already dating someone?

dating?❞ a snort was heard from the thai male at how much of an understatement that term is. ❝kun, he's already married, having a son and the youngest as his daughter.

the chinese's face then fell, surprised to know that the actor he had currently just been into has already come this far already. it feels like just hours ago, the actor is still single and ready to mingle with everyone who's wrapped around his finger— which he just realized that it literally has been hours ago since he somewhat traveled to the future.

way to go in spoiling what's going to happen. ❝with who?

with nakamoto yuta.❞ letting out a dreamy sigh, ten felt proud as he has been really catching up with the two's love story ever since college days.

squinting his eyes, kun then finally asked him. it wasn't the right time to mourn about his favorite actor already having a family of his own. ❝so who did i introduce this year?

osaki shotaro,❞ the shorter male sitting right next to him said, not dallying time any further as he could see that they were nearing the building they are ought to go. ❝and you revealed that he's in a relationship with someone outside the entertainment industry, a football player, jung sungchan.

this future kun is so mean,❞ the chinese said, pertaining to himself, but the current one. ❝why would he do that?

i don't know,❞ ten shrugged his shoulders, tapping the man's arm to tell him that he can just park right around he corner. ❝but it's not like you are wrong though.

hansol, that's just listening in front, could only express a look of disbelief about how the thai was giving out wrong information at some parts. he doesn't know if the latter has no idea what exactly is going on, or he's purposely just confusing his husband more. but what he does know, he should not interfere with them because aside from him not knowing what to say and where to begin explain, he was salty at how this person they are with right now is not exactly person he married and has a kid with.

it feels like he's with a stranger.

we're here!❞ being so excited, ten was the first one to get out of the car, leaving the two inside.

they sat there for a while, staring at each other by the rearview mirror, before kun snapped back to his senses and quickly followed his friend outside. clicking his tongue, hansol switched off the engine and got out of the car a few seconds after, staring at the two of them that are still talking.

hansol, want to come with us?❞ ten then suggested, giving the man his usual bright smile.

but his attention was with the chinese who's avoiding his gaze. disappointed, hansol mentally cursed at himself for even expecting something. ❝i'll just wait here outside.

okay then,❞ he didn't want to force him, he knows how this man would act if someone tries to change his decision. heck, the only person who can convince him is this clueless guy right here who's having his eyes widened at the building they are about to enter. nudging his friend, ten then nodded his head towards the older man's direction. ❝kun, aren't you going to give your baba a kiss before we go?

e-eh?❞ god, that sounds so weird because he's still not used to using that as an endearment.

it then hit ten as to why his friend looked so out of it, ❝oh, right. you usually would never forget to give him a kiss before you leave him for work, or anything else. but seems like i'm the one who forgot that you're.. not that kind of kun.

but knowing that he shouldn't be rude, kun turned around and took a polite bow. that took hansol a back, but also did the same nonetheless. if ten wouldn't have known that they are married, he would honestly mistake them as strangers who met at the streets. this sight might be amusing for him, but he also feels kind of bad for the older man who looked devastated knowing that this is not his husband that he's facing with.

after the awkward interaction between the two, ten took hold of his friend's hand and dragged him inside the large building. it still isn't processed inside his head at how far his friends have gotten, but he sure is getting emotional at how successful these two have become. though, he didn't ask to have the beans spilled like this. though, it's probably an advantage for him to get a heads up. the problem is, he doesn't know if he'll be able to remember this once he goes back to his normal dimension.

is he even ever going back?

being pulled here and there, almost bumping people from side to side, kun was slowly getting dizzy at how the thai male is guiding him to where their other friend's office could be. if ten would feel like they are going to a different way, he would shamelessly walk up on people and ask them where the ceo could possibly be. they got different answers, making them have a hard time believing on which one is it. but then they happen to stumble upon the secretary and they were informed that their busy friend is just right inside his office right now.

to be honest, kun was excited to see him, but at the same time, he felt bad at how this future self of his treated his friend. he never did except that a day would come of them fighting.

kim dongyoung!❞ ten called out even though they were still walking down the deserted hallways.

but upon reaching the door where they were told to go, the thai male had to push it with all his might, while kun stood there with his mouth agape as he finally caught a glimpse of his bestfriend. he looked busy though, arranging the papers down his messy table, glancing from his laptop from time to time, but that didn't stop the chinese from staring. if aging like fine wine would be a person, it would be his friend right here who's having a stern expression and completing his intimidating aura with his button up shirt that hugged his body, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and dark slacks.

doie—❞ ten was even cut off by the chinese who began to cry as he got inside the room first, startling the ceo who didn't notice them the first second.

doyoung, i don't know what this future kun has against you, but i'll apologize in behalf of him!❞ kun started to ramble, being this near to getting down on his knees. ❝i shouldn't have released couple without your permission for it, i should have talked to you about it first, and i shouldn't have been this petty on you just because you didn't allow sicheng to participate in, "asteroid garden"!

not knowing he would burst like that, ten clamped his lips together and looked away with having the urge to laugh.

meanwhile, not only was doyoung surprised to see the two paying them a visit, but he's also confused as to what on earth the chinese is talking about. ❝kun, i never knew i would come across a day to ask you this, but are you high on drugs?

wait, i don't get it. ten told me—❞ when their bunny of a friend had beat him to talking, kun immediately darted his glare at the shorter male moved a distance away from him.

if you're here to ask clarifications about the article you released, i already listened to your side about it. also, i have my team to investigate and i found out that it wasn't your doing, but someone else under the agency you are in. we talked about this on your birthday, and that's yesterday.❞ he should have even get himself some time off from work, but he still has a lot of things to finish. ❝and don't worry, i asked shotaro about the issue and he told me that he was fine by it, it had gotten rid of the dating scandal he has with another artist of mine. he's also glad that at least their baby rice ball wasn't included in the article.

kun may have not understand most of what he had just said, but what he does know is that he was once again fooled by ten. all those talk they had at the car ride, he wasted it all for this.

avoiding his judgmental gaze the thai male then went straight to the point in explaining to the bunny. ❝meet, the past!

only to get a look of disgust from the ceo, ❝ten, are you also high?

groaning, ten should have come prepared as he knew it would be hard for the male to believe a word he says. ❝no, seriously, the impossible really became possible. kun, go prove it to him.

how do i do that?❞ even he had no idea. should he just mention something in that past? if that's the case, the ceo is just going to reason out that he has good memory.

his hands motioning around, ten made an exaggerated action before just ending with a shrug. ❝do a flip, or something? to test that your back is still well and not broken.

fuming eyes glaring at them, doyoung was not happy with their games. ❝if you two are just here to play, i'm not—

how is your wedding with jungwoo?

that made doyoung drop his papers down the table, glaring at the chinese who genuinely looked like he had no clue as to what's going on. ❝kun, among all people, you should know that someone objected during the ceremony. it's your friend who had done that, he cause a scenario with jungwoo running away with him.

a friend?❞ being the only person he leans on in this situation, kun turned to the side and gave the shorter male a look.

wong yukhei,❞ ten told him, ❝you got to know him through dejun, whom his boyfriend is friends with that man.

kun didn't need the full details about it as he had a question he needed to prioritize. ❝who did you marry then?


a girl then pushed the door open and got inside the office, sprinting towards her father that crouched down just to catch her and raise her up from the ground. that wasn't the only surprise greeting kun. another person came to view, and his eyes widened at the familiar face holding a little girl that seems about the same age as sian.

but isn't the child that caught him off guard, it's the person holding the little girl. ❝professor moon!?

hey, kun?❞ the said male had an unsure smile as he greeted him, wondering why he still kept the formalities on when they had decided to drop it a long time ago. and plus, he is promoted to a higher rank than being just teacher in the university.

taeil, what are you guys doing here?❞ doyoung asked as if his heart wasn't fluttering upon seeing his husband there. giving him a peck on the lips, he also went to boop his nose on to his youngest daughter. ❝hey there, little dami.

dad, papa said that you should be spending time with us not with work always.❞ the other girl on the bunny's arms then said, fixing his father's hair as it's all messed up.

really, minyoung, papa said that?❞ giving out the most sweetest (threatening) smile to his husband, doyoung then whispered out to him. ❝i told you i'm busy.

taeil returned that smile, ❝and i told you, i'm stubborn.

so, if i were to guess again, ten also got married with jaehyun?

kun's curious question that's being asked out of no where then caught the couple's attention, making them turn towards him with a puzzled expression, wondering why he had to ask that when everyone knows who the thai male married. that bike-lover man, who in this world would not know about these two's relationship?

when i said that ten is a simp for tall guys,❞ doyoung wanted to answer it in that way, still not catching up as to why his friend is acting weird, but is starting to suspect something. ❝i really mean it.

on the other hand, ten just loves to give people heart attacks. ❝kun, you don't know?

blinking his eyes in a clueless manner, kun was taking this seriously. ❝what do i not know?

jaehyun is dead.

because of that statement, doyoung just had to lose it. he then gently placed down his oldest daughter and had to ask permission from his family before taking the two. ❝i'll be dealing with them first.

tightening his grip on to his friends' arms, he didn't dare to look back and take a glimpse at how worried and concerned his husband and kids are. he dragged the two away from them and guided them inside his pantry area that's still located in his office, closing and locking the door after checking that they are the only ones there. with his friends standing in front of him, doyoung placed both his hands on it hips with his tongue poking in his inner cheek. this would look like a father scolding his kids for being troublesome.

okay, what is wrong with you and why are you acting like this?❞ he managed to ask, facing the chinese.

but kun looked like he was about to cry at the news, ❝is jaehyun really dead?

doyoung curled his fists, closing his eyes tight as he reminded himself that he didn't want any bad record at the police station, so he had to prevent himself from murdering his smaller friend here who's snickering. ❝he is not dead, kun, he was even there on your party yesterday! and no, that bastard cheated on ten by being with taeyong, why would he marry an asshole like him?

taeyong?❞ recalling that name somewhere, kun just can't stop himself from being surprised every minute. ❝he really dated our math professor!? i knew there was something off with that hickey on his neck—

okay, kindly explain why he is so behind of his time?❞ the ceo stressfully begged as he ran a hand through his hair, messing it up even after his daughter had fixed it.

well, maybe you could have at least considered what i just said a while ago.❞ clapping his hands, ten did a second take in introducing the chinese in an amusing manner. ❝time travel!

and as expected, doyoung will be a hard one to convince, especially when it's shorter one who's talking to him. ❝ten, what kind of witchcraft are you doing this time?

first of all, it is called compounding ingredients to form medications,❞ ten then began defending himself, knowing that the bunny would come after his occupation first. ❝and second, trust me on this, i have connected the dots!

you haven't and will never connect shit, ten.❞ doyoung is already overwhelmed by his workload itself, and these two are just adding it up. ❝now hurry, i don't have all the time in the world. tell me what's wrong with kun, and why does he not know anything?

i am telling you, he time traveled! maybe he didn't use any time machine, but it just clashed with this dimension!❞ ten has been going through this over and over again, and he's already getting tired. he knew he won't be able to fix this alone, that's why the last help he needs is this ceo.

just as the taller was about to talk back to him, his hand was being held softly by kun, making him face the chinese who pleaded him with his eyes. ❝doyoung, just this once, listen to him.

you're a doctor, not a scientist for god's sake, ten.❞ doyoung grumbled, rubbing his face upon burying it down on to the palm of his hand. the both of them then gave him time to think about it, and when he lifted his head back up to face them, they had wide smiles on their faces when they knew that look meant that he's giving in. ❝fine, this better be good.

trust me, you'll enjoy hearing this out.❞ cracking his knuckles, ten was doing stretches as if he was out to fight, when he'll just explain it to their friend. ❝but first off, kun, you and doyoung actually did fight last night. he got jealous and insecure because you and taeil were too close last night.

a whine was then heard coming from the thai male when he received a slap by the arm coming from doyoung. ❝that's rude of you to diagnose me of being insecure just because i was glaring at their direction last night!

what's rude here is how you slapped me when i'm just spitting facts!❞ ten fought back.

knowing that this will take a while, kun just watched them with a small smile on his face. sure, he is concerned at how the two were this near to flipping the pantry area upside down, but seeing them argue like before, it's making him feel like he didn't go to the future at all.

even with all these changes, some things just never change.

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