⌜ nineteen ⌟

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dada, why did barbie get mad when the little moon was being close with eleven?❞ sian asked in the most innocent manner as he was being dressed by his father, because they'll be eating dinner with everyone.

buttoning the dress shirt, hansol raised a brow at the question. ❝barbie?

sian nodded his head as he waddled towards the body mirror to show how responsible he can be by fixing his hair. ❝cess, she always gives eleven that bad look. i mean, i equally despise shi yi, but he isn't doing anything aside from dami being friendly and close to him.

it took hansol a short while before letting out a chuckle, finally understanding what his son meant. ❝did cess say anything to you?

no,❞ the boy can't remember a time that the female suh had explained to him why she's like that. ❝but little moon told me that she likes eleven.

hm, she does?❞ walking up to his son, the man did the honors of being the one brushing his hair instead since it looks like all he did is messing it up.

yeah, but what does liking have to do something with it? i don't get why cess is so mad about it.❞ sian showed a pout but his face was lifted up when he saw that he, now, looks presentable for the dinner they are going to have.

it's a different like that she's referring to.❞ the man told him.

not getting it, sian tilted his head to the side. ❝what do you mean by that, dada?

having a small smile plastered on his face, hansol crouched down right in front of his son as he let the boy face him. ❝the kind of like that your dada and mama has.

oh,❞ a frown immediately made its way to the boy's face as soon as he has come to finally understand. ❝does she want to marry eleven?

a light chuckle was head coming from the mad, finding it amusing at how curious and innocent his kid is. ❝maybe it's not yet at that point, but if you guys are old enough, she might think of that happening one day in the future.

that's when it clicked to him, making sian lower his head to show disappointment. ❝i can now feel what thirty is feeling.

hansol almost let out a snort at how his son keeps on addressing the female suh with so many nicknames. though, he can't blame his kid for that since it has already been an inside joke between them. ❝what do you mean?

playing with his fingers, sian was hesitating to say it, but nonetheless, it slipped right out of his mouth. ❝dada, what if i also like eleven?

the man's face fell quickly as he heard that coming from his son, not expecting it at all. it wasn't that he was against it, it is not also because of that boy's background, it's something else that got him overprotective all of a sudden. the thought of having to let go of his son soon in the future. and maybe, just a small doubt, hansol doesn't want his son to end up with a troublemaker. he was told by his own husband not to make comments about it, so he's just going to keep it to himself.

however, before he can deepen the talk he is having with his son, the door opened from their own room and showed his husband with that perfect smile fitting beautifully with those golden spectacles. though, what bothered hansol is the fact that he wasn't given that smile, it was for their boy.

he didn't want to sound petty, nor act petty as he is old enough, but the chinese has been giving him the same treatment ever since they have arrived.

it got him to think, did he do something wrong?

sian, baby, are you ready to go down?❞ leaving the door open, kun got inside the room and immediately went to the boy, not sparing a glance at the man who's wanting to get his attention.

can mama carry me downstairs?❞ since he got really tired playing with his friends and other older kids from his parents' friends, sian made grabby hands in hopes of a piggyback ride.

but kun leaned forward to boop their noses, giving him a sad smile. ❝i still have to change my shirt. i have been helping in the kitchen, see?

squinting his eyes, hansol could tell that the chinese was purposely ignoring him. and so, he jumped to join their conversation. ❝dada can carry you instead!

but i want—❞ sian's attention was taking away when he heard laughs from outside, seeing a giant that just got back to the beach house after being out for a long while. that got him excited and made him run out of the room with a big smile. ❝uncle giant, carry!

johnny turned around and chuckle, crouching down and adding another kid to his shoulders, a total of three children he is carrying. that didn't bother him one bit, neither did he even struggle to carry all of them. it's not all the time that he gets to interact with kids, not even when he's a college professor, and his children can be either old enough or isn't a big fan of being babied.

the parents watched with a small smile on their faces until kun was the first one to look away and reminded himself of his purpose as to why he went to his shared room with his family in the first place.

he's trying his best not to be obvious that he really is mad, but his tone says it all. ❝close the door when you go out.

hansol actually planned to catch up to the kids and have a talk with the others, but it seems like his mind changed. though, he did walk up to the door and closed it just so they can have some privacy. ❝kid—

hansol, if there's nothing else you can do inside here, i suggest you to go outside.❞ kun then told him in the most dullest tone.

frankly speaking, that caught the man off guard. however, that only urged him to stay and fix whatever is wrong between them. he then approached his husband and took hold of his wrist. ❝are you okay?

which kun was quickly to slap it off gently before taking his shirt off and grabbing a new one form the closet. after wearing it over his head, he turned around to the taller and gave him a dimpled smile. it's the most fakest one he can do. ❝of course! why shouldn't i be?

clicking his tongue, hansol stood there as the chinese walked pass by him. that was going to make him stop, the man knew his rules of giving up. and so, he caught up to his lover outside the room and blocked his way. ❝what did i ever do to you?

nothing.❞ the chinese plainly answered as he gave him a look before continuing to walk. ❝i told you i'm fine, didn't i?

staying still on his spot, hansol gritted his teeth as he didn't hesitate to raise his voice and have it echo down the corridors. ❝if it's nothing then why are you treating me like this!

kun paused midway in making his way to the living room, letting out a light chuckle. ❝treating you like this? this is how i should actually be treating you.

furrowing his brows, hansol wasn't catching up with what he is meaning to say. ❝this is not—

you're a stranger to me,❞ turning around, the chinese gave the latter a bored expression, showing him how he wasn't affected, not even a slightest bit. ❝i don't think past kun should be treating someone, he just met, so sweetly. but hey, i'm still talking to you for the sake of decency.

hansol then looked puzzled, ❝what are you talking about?

a laugh was heard from the younger, much like a mocking one. ❝that's funny, because you see, you exactly sound like how you're thinking i sound like.

not getting it, the man just gave his husband a look in hopes of deciphering his true purpose of being like this towards him.

how should i treat you, then? is it like a husband, a boyfriend, the love of my life—❞ pausing abruptly, kun realized that it wasn't relevant to address him with what he is in this timeline. ❝no, because the last time i remember, in my time, i just recently broke up with my girlfriend, and you're just someone who came up to me, confessing your feelings which, apparently, is not genuine.

this is confusing him much that what he expected. they were just fine days ago, what happened that made things go down really quick like this. ❝why are you acting like this?

scoffing, kun was holding himself back from bursting. he was fuming, yet, he knew that arguing won't fix things. though, he doesn't know how long his patience would last. ❝interesting question, how about i ask you that?

shaking his head, hansol was trying to find a solution to this problem without having to worsen it. but it seems like whatever he does, it'll still lead to disaster. ❝look, let's talk it out. i don't know what i did wrong, but i believe we can fix this by just opening up to one another.

opening up? that caused for kun to mock a chuckle. ❝hansol, the last time i did that, i fell for you.

what?❞ that caught him off guard.

you know what? you are right. let's talk it out.❞ folding his arms across his chest, kun raised a brow at how clueless the man can be even when the blame is on him. ❝you don't know what you did? alright then, i'll tell you. it's the keeping of secrets from me, hansol.

denying it, hansol started to shake it head. ❝i'm not—

i have a mental condition and you didn't even tell me about it.❞ kun literally said, fuck patience.and what did you do? you made me fall deeper as if it's not one of the consequences being warned to you!

hansol's jaw dropped at how he knew all those. ❝it's not supposed to be a secret.

then what is it?❞ kun may not be raising his voice this time, but disappointment was evident in his tone.

i was about to tell you—❞ hansol was soon cut off with the younger lashing on him.

when were you going to tell me?❞ the chinese then stopped him from those overused reasons that he's going to give him. ❝i'm pretty sure you know this for quite a while now, but why didn't you tell me? if i didn't hear your conversation with ten back at the house then i wouldn't have known.

you were..❞ hansol squinted his eyes at the younger male who just admitted that he was listening to them talking. ❝eavesdropping on us?

if i didn't do it then i wouldn't have known about it, would i?❞ telling him that, kun was back in showing his bored expression. he's tired of arguing with him, but at the same time, he wants to take this burden off from his chest.

no, i planned to really tell you about this so you would cooperate.❞ he flinched when the younger started to get overwhelmed at the situation that he began to look so broken.

when!❞ he was asking for answers, and he doesn't know whether an explanation would be enough for him to be mended again. ❝after this party, once we get home, or never?

heaving out a sigh, hansol pinched the bridge of his nose. ❝look, let's not get argue. it's not that big of a deal anyways—

not for you because you can just treat me as you want and play with my feelings.❞ kun was not done fuming at him. instead, he was getting more angrier at the man's casual response. ❝how selfish can you get, ji hansol? if you know what's going to happen, why did you even bother being so sweet to me, loving me as if i'm your husband? you know for a fact that i would fall for all of those, for you.

i did not know.❞ hansol sternly replied, hoping that it would put the younger male to his place.

see?❞ but kun is stubborn, he won't stop until he gets to let out everything that has been bothering him. ❝that only proves that you don't know me at all. and here you are, having the audacity to treat me like your husband.

seeing him beginning to walk away, hansol immediately grabbed on to his wrist. ❝because you are—

i am not your husband!❞ yanking his arm away, kun went back to face him only to be shown that his eyes were brimming of tears. ❝and you are no one but a creep who played with me.

catching him crying caused for hansol to feel his chest clenching in pain and guilt, admitting that he does have a fault in this.

this is so unfair on my part. i k-know you miss y-your husband, but you're lucky e-enough to still see him even in this form.❞ bringing his hands up, kun took a step back from getting help in wiping his tears from the older and did it by himself. ❝what a-about me? i miss everyone in my timeline, but i can't see them. you should have just left me alone in the first place and let me find a solution to this problem, instead of being nice to bring me back home to where i don't even know who you guys are.

you have ten and doyoung here.❞ hansol felt like opening his mouth is something wrong to do. he wants to just shut up than worsen the situation, but he also wants to comfort the chinese.

those are not the friends i grew up with!❞ no one would get it even if he tries to explain. biting down his sobs, kun messily wiped his tears, snapping back to his senses. ❝when we g-get back home, remind me to get a check-up with ten. let's end this.

kun, please, hear me out—❞ when he approached the latter, hansol received a light push from him.

that's right, because you know very well on how to get me back. you know how to get my trust back, how to swoon me with words and make me love you more, what to say to earn my forgiveness.❞ kun took a deep breath to silence his sob as he was shaking his head to tell him that he had enough. ❝i'm not falling for it anymore.

"kun ge, taeyong hyung is looking for you!"

turning around and now having his back face the man, the chinese caught a glimpse of his cousin waiting for him by the stairs with a bright smile. ❝we're having dinner. come down when you're presentable enough.

this time, hansol was not able to stop him anymore as the younger immediately went towards his cousin and didn't waste a moment to go down to the living room. he was left there staring to the last spot was standing, spacing out and wondering where it all went wrong, and what he did to have it be ruined like this. the man had so much expectation for this occasion, he thought that they can all rest and have nothing to worry about. yet, here they are, fighting.

can this get any worse?❞ hansol let out a groan as he ruffled his hair and messed it up.

as he made his way back to their shared room, the man paused midway in the corridors as one of the doors were opened and showed a man looking tired. observing him, he was wearing a white tank top which showed the obvious marks on his skin. he could understand why he looked tired, this is a busy man and he's probably still managing his entertainment company despite of being on a vacation. however, those red dots on his neck, collarbone, and some on his arm says otherwise about being busy with work.

hansol can't help but ask out of concern, ❝doyoung, what happened to you?

it seemed like he was busy with something else, which the said man gulped and had to cover himself up from embarrassment. ❝m-mosquito bites, yeah. w-we left the window open.

finding it suspicious, hansol gave him an obvious look. ❝want me to ask for a mosquito repellent?

no!❞ doyoung can't believe he just had to walk up on this guy. he planned to sneak to the wong's room and ask for foundation from jungwoo. but instead, he just had to walk up on someone who won't let him live. ❝w-we're fine.

fucking hell, kim doyoung, i told you not to go rough because the kids downstairs might hear. but you still did and look, i'm having a hard time standing up.❞ a certain someone from behind then appeared while rubbing a hand on his back, letting out a pained groan as he limped outside the room. ❝if you won't borrow the make-up kit that jungwoo has, then—

hansol failed to voice out about how the ceo of an entertainment company stuttered his way out of this as the answer he has been looking for is finally right there, principal moon having bruised lips, disheveled hair, flushed cheeks, and the fact that he's only wearing an oversized shirt and nothing underneath it. ❝you were banned from watching dramas, so you decided to do por—

ji hansol!❞ taeil called him out while being a blushing mess, preventing him from continuing the joke he is about to make. ❝god, i'm going back inside.

with sincere worry, doyoung asked him. ❝you want me to help?

i don't need it!❞ still getting embarrassed for being caught, taeil puffed his cheeks as he gripped the hem of his shirt to be pulled down till his knees and cover what does not need to be shown.

anyone seeing him be this upset won't have the guts to joke around. but hansol being himself, he had a smirk on his face and had the courage to even tease him. ❝you sure? you're limping badly. we have two doctors here, might as well ask them to see if you can still walk.

and because of his comment, a lampshade went flying towards his way.

with fast reflexes, hansol managed to catch it while laughing, having fun in playing with this conservative and strict friend of his. but that cackle of his didn't last long when doyoung approached him and nudged him by the arm before passing by. ❝you're just jealous because you and kun are arguing. too bad, can't get in his pants.

taken aback by the sudden slander, the man's jaw dropped and as he looked back, the ceo already walked away and despite of having his back facing him, he could tell that he is snickering.

rolling his eyes, hansol placed the lamp down right next to the door and went rushing to his shared room with his family. it didn't take him long to finally compose himself down and slap his own self back to his senses before finally coming out looking dressed for the night. though they were just having their dinner at the backyard, he knew he had to dress to impress.

well, he hoped that he can impress a certain someone.

as soon as he got out, they were all in chaos around the long table. the lee's were being separated, probably because of the fight which donghyuck and mark are still having. the other lee's were talking about how the twins could have sworn that they saw aliens around the beach. the park's have major trust issues and anger issues being held back as they watch their youngest clinging to one of the triplets. and speaking of the jung's, they are the calmest of them with the parents being all sweet, but the hot bean just had to fight with the oldest kim as to who should take this seat. the xiao's are helping with preparing the food down, with hendery and eleven staying behind and dozing off on the table. the kim's are complaining of having to eat outside, but is helping prepare everything anyways. the suh's are— incomplete.

turning back around, hansol's face fell in disgust when he caught johnny and ten back at the kitchen, making out. the wong's were laying back with yukhei playing with their youngest. the osaki's were also doing the same thing but sungchan chasing his daughter who's also chasing the youngest nakamoto. and the nakamoto's are having a normal conversation. by normal, it's just sicheng scolding yuta for mistaking their girl as a human sized barbie doll, about to put it inside its box and give it to his own daughter as a gift.

meanwhile, he wasn't able to hold back a smile when he saw his own family, playing like nothing can ruin what they have.

there really is something wrong.❞ the man then flinched at the voice that was suddenly heard beside him.

clicking his tongue, hansol gave him a scowl. ❝you could have at least breathed. i didn't you are there already.

even though he badly wanted to laugh at how scared the man looked, jisung was stern enough not to be fazed by that. ❝seriously, are we just going to shrug off what sungchan told us a while back? that there are men in black on standby at the parking lot.

those must be the zhong's bodyguards.❞ hansol reassured him. despite of wanting to be alert at times, he didn't want to get distracted with the vacation they are having.

might be, but i doubled check the bodyguards that are assigned to be here and it's different from the men who are here right now.❞ jisung told him, whispering the last part.

with brows knitted, hansol scanned the area and became conscious of the bodyguards that are around the backyard. ❝it's not like you'll remember each one of them.

oh, but i have to. it's for my family's safety.❞ jisung rolled up his sleeves as he poked his tongue in his inner cheek. ❝besides, all of them has to go through me before getting the job.

well, i guess these guys have water guns as a weapon.❞ hansol lifted up the mood with that remark.

but it only annoyed jisung more. ❝shut up, being in danger with my family around is not funny.

come on, don't stress yourself. we can handle them anyways.❞ hansol threw an arm over the younger's shoulder.

hyung, they are more of them outside. some are probably staying hidden.❞ jisung told him.

then we'll have no choice but to let sungchan join us.❞ shrugging his shoulders, hansol was quick to find a solution for it.

that earned a look coming from the younger who's pretty much bothered. ❝that bigfoot doesn't even know how to hold a gun.

but he's good at fighting.❞ hansol told him, letting the park remember about how that clumsy asshole managed to join their organization. ❝but we're not here to talk about it. come on, let's join everyone.

"jisung, hansol, we're about to sing a birthday song for shiho nakamoto!"

see? let's go.❞ still having his arms over the younger's shoulders, hansol then immediately noticed something in his peripheral view, alarming himself.

these bodyguards were acting suspicious by whispering something on each other's ear. that got him to take consideration of what jisung was warning him.

and so, hansol leaned close to mumble the reassurance. ❝just to make sure, you're in the mood to kill these dipshits, right?

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